Tips for guys. How to please the parents of your girlfriend? What to talk about with a girl's mom

Every guy sooner or later faces a situation when the moment comes to meet the girl's parents. The most important rule here is not to be afraid of this hour X. Agree, if you get nervous, then the opinion about you will not be the most correct. And in no case do not delay this moment if, say, your parents are already waiting for you to visit for a tea party. Otherwise, they will decide that new chosen one their daughters are too frivolous.

In general, in order to please the parents of a loved one, you need to be sincere when meeting with them. And for this, you first need to decide on your feelings. No, it is not at all necessary at the first meeting with the girl's parents to tell them that you want to marry her, you just need to be honest. Remember that this is a kind of ritual, due to which your status may change somewhat, so try to behave naturally.

Next, remember to look good. As you know, they are greeted by clothes, by which parents will get the first impression of you. The classic never loses here. In extreme cases, you can ask the girl for advice.

Be sure to buy something for the table. Cake - a win-win, well, or flowers for mom and cognac for dad.

Stepping on the threshold of the house, be as polite as possible. In the presence of parents, do not touch their daughter for various hard-to-reach places. Better strike up a conversation with your father. And for this, ask your friend in advance what he is interested in. If you talk to him about “his” topics, you will definitely create a favorable impression of yourself. Don't forget about the girl's mother. For example, offer to help her wash the dishes. Most likely they will refuse your services, but they will appreciate it - that's for sure.

And further important rule: try not to lie to the parents of your chosen one. First, lies tend to surface sooner or later. Secondly, experienced parents they can immediately understand that you are not honest. And then you can forget about the location on their part.

If you are asked the question: “Would you like to marry our daughter?” - then try to evade the answer in a joking manner, if you have not thought about it yet. It’s not worth saying categorically: “No”, parents should see that even if you are not ready yet (this is not so scary), you treat their daughter with tenderness and care, and value her.

Be natural and open. And never try to present yourself in best light than it actually is. Remember, if you create a favorable impression of yourself, then your parents can even help you if you, say, quarrel. In general, in situations where a guy likes a girl more than a girl likes a guy, it is very effective to create about yourself good impression. Then the parents themselves will begin to convince the girl that she cannot find a better candidate and that she must hold on to this guy. Thus, the girl's parents can become your comrades-in-arms in winning her heart. And this, believe me, is that heavy artillery, which you just can’t brush aside.

We continue the topic "Meet the Girl's Parents", started in the previous one. We discussed with you how to prepare for a meeting with them, how to behave in the first minutes of communication, what to wear to a meeting.
Now find out how psychologists advise talking to parents. What and how to talk about, what topics should be avoided.

Even if you don’t notice it, your every phrase, every word of yours during a conversation will be recorded by her parents in the most careful way! So try to be on top. Try to be confident and dignified. After all, usually, as a man says, so he acts in life. Parents should see that you are responsible for your words and actions. Don't shut up and don't be shy. Don't get overwhelmed by provocative questions if asked (your parents can test you for "fear").

Be polite

Both with parents and with their daughter. If you like to play a trick on your girlfriend, forget about it while talking to her parents! Her parents may simply not understand this. It is even possible that they completely lack a sense of humor and they will perceive your jokes as rudeness. Joke when you get to know them better.


A sincere smile (not to the ears, of course!) and your positive will be the key to a pleasant conversation. Try to make your speech as positive and optimistic as possible. Do not touch on “slippery” topics in the conversation (what you can talk about, and what you can’t, I’ll write a little later).


Observe elementary rules gestures during conversation. Do not cross your arms over your chest (this is the pose of a closed person), always keep your body turned towards the interlocutor, showing your interest in the person. But do not fall apart in a chair or in an armchair, spreading your arms and legs to the sides. When speaking, don't swing your arms around too much, risking knocking something near you.


Getting to know a girl's parents means being completely open to them. So make sure you keep eye contact with them. Look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, occasionally looking away. If you hide your eyes all the time, your parents will think that you are hiding something or being ashamed of something. Only an open and courageous man (and you are like that, right?) Can boldly look into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Be honest

This is one of the most important rules! In no case do not be cunning at the first meeting with the girl's parents! Even if you know how to lie masterfully, your deceit will eventually come out. Even petty lies will spoil the relationship for a very long time. But honesty, even if it is not too pleasant for you, will be appreciated very, very highly.

Be yourself

Surely you want to show yourself in the best possible light and embellish something to please the young lady's parents. Believe me, the best thing is not to seem like someone else, but to be yourself. In the end, their daughter chose you among many other guys, let her parents appreciate such a choice. Non-fiction and naturalness are valued by adults and people who have already lived in this world (her parents) higher than some invented stories. In the end, people without flaws do not exist, so do not be ashamed of your own.

Prepare for the conversation ahead of time

To get to know the girl's parents as smoothly as possible, try to find out as much as possible about them before meeting them. Find out what views on life dad has, what tastes mom has. Then it will be easier for you to find topics of conversation that are interesting for them and avoid topics that they do not like.

Tip: Be prepared for mandatory questions about yourself. Don't be surprised, don't be embarrassed. Stay confident and calm. Show that you have nothing to hide. There may be questions on provocative topics, asking their parents to check how stress-resistant you are and how you can get out of delicate situations. There will almost certainly be questions about the future and your plans, prepare the answers to them in advance. Don't forget to prepare a few lines about yourself.

Topics for conversation

Topics about work, career, study will be appropriate. A story about your plans for the future will also be received positively. You can also suggest some neutral topic for conversation. The girl's parents will be happy to answer your questions about their daughter, about her childhood, about her hobbies. It is very important to maintain tact and be extremely honest in a conversation. If a conversation is confusing or embarrassing for you, say so tactfully and ask to change the subject. It will be much better than starting to invent or embellish something. Remember, sometimes it's better to shut up and just listen.

Topics not to be touched

In order not to get into an awkward position, you should know which topics are better not to touch on at all. Acquaintance with the girl's parents can be spoiled if, during a conversation with them, something is heard that offends their moral principles or established views.

Any mention of sex should definitely be avoided. Politics and religion are also better left untouched. If the parents themselves start talking about these topics, be as tactful and careful as possible. Try to gently move the conversation in a different direction, say, start a conversation about vacation or the weather.
Never raise questions about nationalities, about diseases, about physical disabilities, about social inequalities in society. All this can inadvertently offend or offend the girl's parents. If suddenly the conversation nevertheless touches on these topics, express your attitude very gently and tactfully, without insisting on your own point of view, and again try to quickly turn the conversation in a different direction.

Show your attitude to the girl

Don't forget, you're on the "bride". Paying attention to the girl's parents, do not forget about her. Pay attention, care, say compliments - show that you are attentive and caring towards her. This will leave a good impression of yourself. Don't forget to open the door for her, pull the chair behind her, lend a hand when you need it, help her put on her coat. Listen carefully when she talks to you and politely answer her questions. All this will definitely raise your rating and authority in their family.

You should not demonstrate in front of your parents how intimate your relationship with their daughter is. Don't put your hands on her lap, don't kiss on the lips (on the cheek only!). Ideally, just take her hand and lightly stroke it. By this you will show that you love the girl and your parents will definitely note your actions.

And say some appropriate compliment to the girl. Sincere, without flattery and pretense. Emphasize in it what distinguishes the girl from others and thanks to which you chose her as your companion. Indeed, for any parents, their child is unique and inimitable, let them once again be convinced of this!

Follow all these simple rules and the girl's parents will be at your best!
I wish you success!

P / S How to prove your love to a girl you will know.

As usual, humor at the end of the article:

“The guy meets the parents of the future bride


- Tolya, would you like something to drink?

- I do not drink…

- Hmm ... You will be bored with our Anechka ... "

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It's time for you to learn how to meet your girlfriend's parents. This is not an easy question, because you do not know for sure who you will have to deal with: with religious fanatics, old rockers, biased intellectuals, or with fun and easy-going people - so you need to be prepared for everything.

Find out everything about the girl's parents! 5 important things to know

Before you get acquainted with the girl's parents, be sure to find out what they are. This will save you a lot of embarrassing situations. Learn all you can:

  1. Ask your girlfriend where her parents work, where they vacationed, what they like to do, etc. So you can stock up on at least some topics for conversation in case your communication reaches a dead end.
  2. Find out what their expectations are for you. No, you don't have to lie and squirm just to meet their expectations - it will be just a lie that will soon be revealed. Be yourself, but still consider this information and try to use it to your advantage.
  3. Ask about the character of her parents. Perhaps her father is too strict and does not accept any topics in the conversation. Or maybe, on the contrary, he is a cheerful, sociable man who just let him talk about football, fishing, or something else.
  4. Find out topics that should not be covered.
  5. Anticipate all the difficult questions in advance and come up with concise answers to them. You can boldly build on your parents' expectations of you. If they dream that you are about to get married, then they will definitely ask about it. If they are successful businessmen, be prepared for the question of a career, etc.

Where and when to meet the girl's parents

There are three options:

Read also:

  1. If you are still very young and just dating, most likely your acquaintance will take place at the girl's house. Such an event is most often timed to coincide with some kind of holiday, combining business with pleasure. In this case, the place of acquaintance is no longer your problem.
  2. If you live together, but you still don’t know your parents, invite them to your home. Let the girl cook dinner, and you fix the faucet in the bathroom, screw on the socket and wrap all the exposed wires with tape. Make your home feel welcoming and make you look like a good host (if you're having a little trouble with that).
  3. If you are no longer so young and stand well on your feet, invite her parents to a cozy restaurant. Choose a place where it will not be very noisy and comfortable enough for any person. Consider the lifestyle and tastes of the future mother-in-law and father-in-law. It happens that people have never gone to restaurants and they will simply be very uncomfortable and awkward in such a place.

Tuxedo, shirt and bow tie? How to dress?

Even clothes play an important role here. Your task is just to look good and neat: you don’t need classic formal suits, ties and other formalities. But do not go too far with freedom of expression - no need for T-shirts with obscene inscriptions, sweatshirts with bloody drawings, etc.

Even if you have tunnels in your ears, and you only wear sneakers, just dress more or less decently without violating your style.

I could advise you to ask your girlfriend how your parents want you to be, and try to match this image. But I won't do that - just be clean, tidy yourself. And yes, women always look at shoes, so for the joy of your mother's eyes, put on the coolest shoes and clean them well.

The right approach to parents

The mother and father of a girl are completely different things. Therefore, you will have to break through the soil twice!

How to meet a girl's mother

In order to arrange the mother of your beloved in advance, you can give her small presents in advance. It can be candy or any other trinkets. Even better, if there was some kind of holiday on the eve of your acquaintance: be sure to give your mother a symbolic gift in honor of him. Arriving at the house, also take flowers or sweets with you. Don't come empty handed.

Also, your psychological weapon will be a sincere smile with a direct look into your eyes. Most women perceive such a gesture very positively.

How to meet a girl's father

It's a little more complicated with neither. Although, to be honest, a mother is a hundred times worse than a father - you have to find out and take this into account in the future. But let's take the traditional strict father as an example. The main thing is to shake hands well. Without a handshake, just nowhere, besides, it must be strong.

After your girlfriend introduces you, call your father by his first name and patronymic. Be discreet towards your lady. In no case do not start flirting, pawing, biting, pinching and kissing with your girlfriend. You can do it at home. In the meantime, just be polite, gentle and considerate - that's enough for dad to see that you are a worthy guy.

It’s easy enough to cope with an adequate father: find out his main interest and ask him about him. You should not pretend to be a professional and speak with him on an equal footing. Even if you know absolutely nothing about the subject of his passion, ask him a question and he will gladly dedicate you to it. An enthusiastic person always talks about his hobby with pleasure.

Nightmare at the table

When you sit down at the table, don't start stuffing your mouth first. But at the same time, you do not need to completely refuse food. Eat in moderation, show that the food of the future mother-in-law is very tasty.

Watch your manners. Despite the widespread belief that all parents strictly comply with the rules of etiquette, and you will just sit and not know where which fork is, this is a lie. It may turn out that you are more educated in this regard than they are. But even in this case, try to be polite - do not ask yourself for additional devices (in case they don’t have them at all) and the like. Get into their atmosphere.

Fascinating conversation

You already got the basis for your conversation when you asked your girlfriend about the interests and hobbies of your parents, now you need to think: how to build a dialogue correctly.

  • Knowing about their travels, you can ask some Interesting Facts about the country, get an impression.
  • You can also ask to tell something interesting from the girl's life, ask to see children's photos.
  • You can joke (but only appropriately and decently).
  • If your parents ask your opinion about something, you do not have to agree - show that you are a man, that you have your own point of view. But just do not overdo it and do not provoke an argument or even more, a scandal.

The main thing is to try to maintain a lively and relaxed conversation. Do not sit silently as if you were brought to be tortured. And even if you really want to cringe and bury your face in the pillow - control yourself.

Don't limit yourself to just answering questions, but don't talk too much either.

parental interrogation

Having got to know each other better, you will have to endure the next stage of acquaintance, because you will beat off an endless stream of questions. You will have to answer everything - it is better to give short answers.

Show that you really love their daughter, that you have serious intentions and that you are quite mature and serious. Show that you have plans for the future, but don't be too naive.

When you have passed all the tests, you can go home. When leaving, thank your parents for a good evening, say that it was nice to meet you. Shake hands with your father, say goodbye to your mother and boldly leave.

Very important tips:

  1. If you are still very young and the girl has a curfew, it is better to take her home and let her go early - this way you will inspire the trust of your parents in yourself.
  2. Praise your future mother-in-law's food.
  3. Remember the rule about opening hands: in front of mother and father, it’s better to move her chair, help her take off her coat, but don’t grab her ass, don’t get your hands under her blouse, and generally behave with restraint.
  4. Do not lie about yourself: you can embellish a little or understate, but do not tell stories that are not true stories.
  5. Be affectionate and kind enough to the girl, but don't lose your masculine face either.
  6. Don't tell dirty jokes, drinking stories, or any other silly story (even if it sounds funny to you).

Now you are a little armed and can safely go to meet. Don't try to please in everything - you still won't succeed. But do everything to earn at least some trust and respect from your girlfriend's parents. After all, the most difficult is yet to come, how the boy's parents will have to get acquainted with the girl's parents. Good luck!

Of course, a few tips from Pasha, an expert in such matters:

Here is an interesting video recording of the show: Meet the Parents. Look, laugh:

In a long-term relationship for a guy, sooner or later there comes a moment
when it comes to meeting the parents of your chosen one, from
which one would like to refuse, but in any way it is impossible. Usually in such
moments the guy begins to realize the seriousness of his relationship with
girl, since she decided to show her chosen one to judgment and mercy
parents who heard about him only from the stories of his daughter. And How
usually happens, with a young man, there is some kind of transformation,
when he starts to get nervous, behave unnaturally, try to please

There are other awkward moments that happen
because of the banal desire to please the parents of his companion, so that they
did not reproach her for choosing her gentleman! The question arises: how to please the girl's parents and what needs to be done for this? Let's try to solve this dilemma!


As everyone knows from folk proverb, are always greeted by clothes!
Our case will not be an exception, when at first glance the parents take a look
young man and immediately to himself will draw some conclusions regarding
his taste and precision. That's why it's important to dress right! Optimal
an option that always works is a business style of clothing: trousers,
shirt and shoes. It is worth choosing classic colors, but not
variegated colors that catch the eye and tend to irritate and
already shattered psyche. Make sure your clothes are clean and
ironed and neatly tucked in, and to be accompanied by
matching men's accessories, whether wrist watch or a bracelet

Also, don't forget to use a mild or mild deodorant.
neutral odors, as not everyone can appreciate persistent men's
flavors that eat away at the eyes, especially if the dosage was
obviously broken!

If you do not have a business suit - do not be discouraged,
you can look good without it. The main thing is that your clothes are
fit together and looked clean and tidy. Tracksuits -
this is not the case, no matter how much the guy would like it, and no matter how he
proved that everyone walks like this and it is very convenient! It will be enough to wear
an original T-shirt or shirt under jeans and add shoes to your feet
or shoes - simple and tasteful.

When leaving for a meeting, do not forget to look at yourself in the mirror before leaving.
Think about yourself from the outside, look at your appearance, your hairstyle,
– and boldly step into the path!


Going to the first meeting empty-handed is a sign of bad taste or
extreme poverty. Here, with a choice of gifts, you can give free rein to your
fantasy, which will be limited only by their own financial

At the first meeting, you should rather not carry things hinting at more intimate communication, such as a certificate for a Thai massage in Moscow,
hinting at appearance, like a certificate for going to a stylist,
some gifts related more to specific hobbies (perhaps,
only if you are sure of the choice), or vice versa, too faceless and
formal gifts, like pens.

Of course, your choice, but a win-win option is to give mom a bouquet.
flowers, and father a bottle of either wine or good spirits. Not
it is also worth forgetting about the possibility of the presence of grandparents on
meeting, which is also desirable to make a small present!


At this stage, when the official acquaintance had already passed and the
all gifts, many young people are losing ground, starting to behave
somehow unnaturally and trying to play a role invented for himself, so that
prove to parents that her daughter's choice is not so bad!

Here you need to take a sharp breath and click on "stop"! No matter how you
worried, and you were not constrained by a sense of embarrassment, you need to take yourself
hands and start communicating with the girl's parents on the topics that they
offer, confidently and without hesitation. You need to be able to support any topic,
whether it's my mother's favorite series or a football match, which to the depths
touched the soul of the father and he is eager to discuss it with you.

There are times when, after standard questions, an uncomfortable situation reigns.
silence: it must be diluted with an easy conversation in which they can
all parties participate. The topic of conversation can be photographs,
hanging on the walls of the house: ask when this picture was taken and
who is depicted on it, and you can also ask what parents are fond of and
Participate in a discussion of each family member's hobbies. Improvise
but just fill the prevailing silence with a lively conversation!

The main thing in communicating with parents is to be completely self-confident and
calm. Never raise your voice, even when expressing your violent
emotion, which, sometimes, is better to replace with some kind of gesture than to go
to higher tones!


During dinner, watch your behavior at the table. You should not
laugh with your mouth full, slurp loudly, sit with your elbows on the table, and
violate all well-known rules of conduct and etiquette at the table.
Show your upbringing and culture: try if possible
everything that the hostess offers you, and be sure to say a compliment to
about the originality of the dishes prepared. If your father offers you
drink - agree, but always know your limits, and be especially
careful if for the first time you have to drink a kind that you have not tried before
alcohol, which can play a cruel joke with you and give free rein to your

Got up from the table - be sure to express your gratitude for the delicious
dinner and other treats. Don't forget to offer your help in
the time of cleaning dirty dishes from the table or in the arrangement of dining furniture
into place.


No matter how you get to know each other, you need to be able to leave with dignity!
Express your gratitude for the opportunity to communicate and for the efforts,
which they put in to make this evening happen. If there were any
conflicts, it is worth trying to smooth the situation before leaving, and maybe
be, take the blame on yourself so that the conflict is as completely as possible

As you can see, in many respects the success of meeting parents depends on
the guy's ability to hold on and behave culturally in society. Well that's stupid
think that parents do not understand what situation the chosen one is in
their daughters and what he had to go through, because once they themselves were
young and all went through it!

Hi all! Today I decided to write an article that will be useful to all guys at a certain stage in their relationship with a girl. When young people start dating, they don't even think about what's coming soon. getting to know the parents.

The girl's parents will always see her as a little princess, and therefore, the selection of potential boyfriends will be tough. But don't be afraid of it. Without passing this little test, there will be no next stage of the relationship. In this article, I will tell you how to please a girl's parents.

Meet the girl's parents only when you are completely sure that this is not done in vain. What do you have really strong and loving relationship for which the next step is required. If all this is not there, you should not meet your parents.

Be as honest as possible with her parents. When talking with the girl's father, you must let him know that he is giving his daughter into the reliable hands of a good and honest person.

When you come to pick up your girlfriend, don't avoid meeting your parents. This will leave them bad impression about you. If they want to see you, then come in and say hello.

It's good that your girlfriend turns you on even when she's just sitting next to you. But do not paw and stroke her in the presence of her parents. Just take her hand and don't let go while you're sitting next to her.

Try to be confident and show the girl's parents how much she means to you. This is the most important thing parents want to see. Dress nicely for this meeting, preferably in a classic style.

Be honest in your words. Try to speak only the truth. If you embellish something in your statements, in the future it can play a cruel joke on you.

The most important thing in the question of how the girl's parents will like it is that after meeting with you, the girl's parents will be satisfied with her chosen one. Show that you will protect her and not leave her in difficult moments. For them, this can be a turning point.

And what do you think? What else needs to be done to please the girl's parents? I'm waiting for your answer in the comments.

P. S. I invite you to participate in the competition of my blog “Who would you have sex with from celebrities? -2". I will hand out prizes for the best answer personally!

It seems to me that you need to behave naturally, you need to show that you love a girl - but do not go too far. A lot depends on the girl.