To whom will be added. We look who our friend Vkontakte added. An up-to-date method that allows you to see who is added as a friend in VK. Increasing the social pension

Raised pension: to whom and by how much

Dear readers! Pensions have been raised in Ukraine. The main questions that primarily concern the elderly: what categories of pensioners have been increased and in what amount.

In particular, Irina Dmitrievna Vyatkina (Kiev), Vladimir Nikolayevich Petrenko (village of Zachepilovka, Kharkiv region), Viktor Pavlovich Shpin (village of Kalanchak, Kherson region) and many other readers turned to the “hot line” of our editorial office. All of them ask for a more detailed explanation of who is entitled to a 13% increase in pensions.

To whom will the pension be calculated?

Recall that in September the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2015” was adopted. In accordance with it, the subsistence minimum for persons who have lost their ability to work (pensioners and disabled people) was increased from UAH 949 to UAH 1,074.

Thus, for people whose pension was minimal (UAH 949), the pension was increased by 125 hryvnia. And those who have a pension of 1000 hryvnias have added 74 hryvnias. Pensioners who have a pension above UAH 1,074, as well as those who do not have a minimum length of service: 30 years for women and 35 years for men, will not receive an allowance. The latter still receive 949 hryvnias. This also applies to disabled people of the 3rd group who have not earned a full length of service.

In this regard, the recalculation of the components of pension payments began. As we were explained in the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund in the Odessa region, the following are subject to recalculation:

  • minimum pension;
  • additional payment for excess service;
  • minimum pension payments, allowances and increases for war invalids, increases for war veterans and victims of Nazi persecution, pensions for special services to Ukraine.

The pension in the new amounts will be paid according to the schedule established by the Pension Fund in October with an additional payment for September. It should be noted that after recalculation, the amount of pension payments cannot exceed ten living wages established for persons who have lost their ability to work, that is, UAH 10,740 (UAH 1,074 × 10).

Money will not be added to everyone

Unfortunately, some payments will not be affected by the increase. In particular, we are talking about additional payments to children of war.

Recall that earlier the representatives of this category of pensioners were paid additional pensions of 7% of living wage(for the disabled). Accordingly, with an increase in this minimum, the surcharge also increased. On January 1, 2015, this provision was canceled due to the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Amending and Recognizing Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine as invalid” No. 76 dated December 28, 2014. In the new version of the Law, the additional payment to the pensions of children of war is carried out in the manner and in the amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In addition, the September increase will not affect the additional pension for harm caused to health and the compensation payment for the loss of a breadwinner in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster."

You can find out how the pension was raised from the table below.

It will take place on April 1, 2018 - social pensions will be indexed by 2.9%. The increase will affect 3.9 million pensioners, including 3.2 million recipients of social pensions.

First increase this year monthly payments non-working pensioners were held on January 1. It affected the Russians, who have a certain work experience and receive insurance pension.

All recipients of social pensions are indexed on April 1. It is tied to the living wage for pensioners, which has changed over the previous year. Based on these indicators, this year the growth of social pensions will be 4.1%. Recall that in 2017, the increase in social pensions was one-time and only by 1.2% (in the future, such increases will be carried out every year).

At the same time, it is important to know that the minimum level of pension provision for Russians will always be no lower than the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of his residence. If the amount of the pension, together with other payments due to a non-working pensioner, does not exceed the level of the established subsistence minimum, then he will be assigned a social supplement.

Social pensions are assigned to disabled people of all groups, including disabled children and disabled children. They can expect to receive social pension only in case of complete absence of work experience.

An increase in pensions is also waiting for people who have a minimum work experience and retired when they reach a certain age.

Children who have been assigned a survivor's pension will also receive an increase. Recall that a social pension is assigned only in cases where the deceased breadwinner did not have a single day of work experience. In all other cases, children are assigned an insurance payment.

Also to recipients social benefits include the small peoples of the North - men over 55 and women over 50.

From April 1, the size will increase state pension from conscripted military personnel, as well as members of their families, participants in the Great Patriotic War, citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, and members of their families, citizens from among flight test personnel and some other citizens.

After indexation on April 1, the average social pension in Russia will increase by 255 rubles and will be equal to 9,062 rubles. Social pensions for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I will increase by 378 and 382 rubles and amount to 13,410 and 13,556 rubles, respectively.

As for people who became disabled due to military trauma, as well as participants in the Second World War, their average pensions after indexation will increase to 30,694 rubles and 35,387 rubles, respectively.

For citizens who receive payments for dependents, the increase will be as follows: for one person - 1762 rubles, for two people - 3493 rubles, for three people - 5420 rubles.

According to the Ministry of Labor, 9.6 billion rubles are allocated from the state budget to increase pensions from April 1.

The next indexation of pension payments in Russia is expected in August. This time the recalculation will affect working pensioners. It is expected that this category of citizens will receive a pension depending on wages, but not more than three pension points.

1. WHEN THE BIOGAS BLOWER IS OUT OF OPERATION FOR A LONG PERIOD Due to the fact that, to date, the Yarpivo Plant has not declared the readiness of the biogas boiler, the biogas blower has been taken out of service until further notice. As envisaged for such a case, all biogas produced in the reactor is flared. In order for the flare unit to start automatically, the pressure switch included in the flare unit package system (PS-01) must be set to the minimum start level. When the pressure in the main biogas pipeline reaches this minimum (current situation: PS-01 is set to 15 mbar), the small blower entering the flare unit will start and the flare unit will automatically start burning. Water treatment facilities are designed as completely closed, with the exception of the settling tank. Some of the building structures…

Internet sources provide a lot of information about what interests and attracts us. Often it is not possible to observe the life of any interesting person. By adding him as a friend on a social network, it becomes possible to find out more information about him. Are you wondering who and when added a friend as a friend? Then take a look at the information below. It's very simple.
Table of contents:
1. What is it for?
2. We review who was added and when your friend is in contact;
3. Conclusion.

What is it for?

The Vkontakte network provides a lot of interesting and detailed information. Including our friends. Spending time on the net, we devote time to our friends, classmates, relatives, etc. And in order to make it easier, on the site in contact you can see the list of friends of your friend right on his personal page. And it is possible to make this process without leaving your page. Let's see how:

Initially, a picture appears before us, which should be carefully considered in order to understand what sections are available and why you need them. Next, go to the "My News" section, which is located on the left of the page. This section contains information about events that happened with friends, groups, communities, etc. All events appear in ascending order, from newest to oldest. Then three items will appear in front of you almost at the top of the page: News, Updates and Comments. Switch with the mouse button to Updates. Only information about friends is displayed here and it is possible to view detailed information about them:
1. Who subscribed or added as a friend;
2. What group or community did you join;
3. New photos
There is a very simple way to see which of your friends added when and whom. Go to your page, on the left, hover over "My Friends". Next, look for and switch from the "News" window to "Updates". Then immediately before your eyes there will be information about who was added by this or that friend. If a certain person is interesting, then on the top right there is the name “Filter”. Click and uncheck the boxes, leave the item “New friends”.

And the most interesting thing is that information about who he added recently will be displayed immediately.


A very simple and convenient way to follow your loved one, relative, or just out of curiosity to see who has friends, or added. Thanks to this path, you can track the actions of all friends who are of particular interest to you. But it happens that information about all your friends is not displayed. Some customize their pages so that new friends are not visible in updates.