Sample form 10 for divorce. Petition for divorce. Acceptance of a divorce petition

What can cause a divorce? If there is a need to dissolve a marriage through a court, then there must be good reasons for this:

  • the emergence of disagreements over the division of property;
  • the presence of a minor child;
  • unwillingness of one of the spouses to apply to the registry office.

First, a lawsuit is drawn up with a request to dissolve the marriage, which contains well-reasoned claims against the spouse. This document is then submitted to the district court.

What documents are required for a divorce?

The following documents must be submitted to the courts:

  • application (two copies);
  • marriage certificate;
  • a certificate confirming the composition of the family;
  • prenuptial agreement (if any)
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

The court sends a summons to the participants in the divorce proceedings with the date and time of the beginning of the court session. The summons is sent to the place of residence or work of the spouses.

The judge considers the reasons for the divorce and finds out whether the spouses will be able to live together in the future.

If the spouses do not have mutual claims, the court dissolves the marriage. 10 days after the issuance of the decision on divorce, it enters into force. Each spouse receives a copy of the judgment.

If one of the spouses is against the dissolution of the marriage, then the divorce procedure is different. The court temporarily stops considering the case and sets a period for reconciliation, which usually does not exceed 3 months. The parties may ask for a change in the deadline or even cancel it if there is a good reason.

If the term appointed by the court has expired, and the parties have not been able to agree and come to a common decision, then the court dissolves the marriage. At the same time, it should be decided with whom young children will live, and disputes between spouses, if any, should be settled.

How to divorce unilaterally?

If the defendant did not appear in court for an unexcused reason, then the divorce proceedings can be conducted unilaterally. The defendant is sent a summons and if he cannot appear in court for a good reason, he must notify the judicial authorities. In this case, the court session is postponed or, in case of a unilateral decision, canceled. After that, the divorce process begins anew.

Also, the case can be considered unilaterally when one of the spouses is serving a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty for a period of more than 3 years. This process is carried out by the staff of the registry office. If there are claims, the case is transferred to the court, where a copy of the sentence that has entered into force and information about the place of detention of the spouse are presented.

Similarly, the registry office dissolves a marriage with an incompetent person. To consider the case, it is necessary to document the incapacity of the spouse (provide a court decision).

If the spouse is considered missing, then the divorce is carried out by the registry office unilaterally. With the sudden appearance of the missing spouse, he is issued a certificate of divorce. In such cases, the law allows you to restore the marriage - for this, both spouses need to submit an appropriate application.

There are several established application forms:

  • form 8 - filled out with the mutual consent of the spouses to divorce;
  • form 9 - is filled out in case of incapacity or disappearance of one of the spouses, as well as serving his term of imprisonment;
  • form 10 - in the presence of children, all sorts of disagreements and unwillingness to divorce.

Divorce at the registry office

Divorce in the registry office- a fairly simple procedure, but it is not always possible to carry out. This can be done under the following conditions:

  • Mutual desire of the spouses to divorce;
  • They do not have young children;
  • The absence of any disagreements between the spouses.

Both parties complete a Form 8 Divorce Application, which includes basic information about themselves. After that, they submit it to the regional registry office.

The text of the application must indicate the surname that each of the spouses will keep after the divorce. Then they submit the document to the regional registry office.

Spouses must personally bring an application to the registry office, which within a month will decide on a divorce and prepare an appropriate document.

Application for divorce (Form 8)

The registry office has the right to dissolve the marriage if both spouses want to get a divorce and they have no mutual claims against each other. To do this, fill out an application of the established form (form 8) and apply with it to the regional office of the registry office. It is also worth noting that at least one of the spouses must be present when submitting documents.

Filling out an application

The following information must be included on the application form:

  • the name of the regional office of the registry office to which the application is submitted;
  • full initials of both spouses;
  • date, place of birth and citizenship;
  • nationality (optional)
  • residential address;
  • details of the identity document;
  • data about the entry in the book of acts.

In the lines “he” or “her” are written surnames that, after a divorce, they will leave to themselves former spouses. The completed application for divorce must be signed by each spouse and put down the current date.

Download application for divorce form 8 (form and sample)

Application for divorce (Form 9)

In some situations, one of the spouses may divorce without the presence of the other half nearby. This occurs in the event of the incapacity of the other spouse, serving a term in prison or missing. An application for divorce in form 9 is filled out and signed by only one of the spouses, since the second cannot be present at the same time.

Before filling out the form, you must have a court order on the recognition of the second spouse as missing or incapacitated. If the other spouse is in prison, then there must be a court verdict of detention.

How to fill out an application form 9?

The basis for filling out an application in form 9 is judgment or judgment. The form is filled out as follows:

  • in the right corner, the full name of the registry office is indicated, where documents for divorce are submitted. Here the applicant indicates his initials in full;
  • the text of the application must contain a request for dissolution of marriage with the second spouse. His initials are also given in full;
  • below, fill in the data on the divorcing spouses. The applicant indicates his data and information that he knows about the second spouse;
  • paragraph 6 indicates the place of residence of the missing spouse. You can specify the last one that was known;
  • in paragraph 7, you must indicate the reason for the upcoming divorce. It also provides information about the verdict or court decision and the name of the judicial authority that issued the document;
  • paragraph 8 indicates the details of the identity document of the applicant;
  • Clause 9 contains information on the registration of marriage between divorcing spouses.

At the end of the application, the surname that the applicant wishes to keep after the divorce is written. If the applicant is a spouse, then she can keep her husband's surname or return the surname that she had before marriage.

You must also include the following information at the end:

  • if the spouse is missing: the initials of the spouse's property manager and his postal address;
  • if the spouse is incapacitated: initials of the guardian and his postal address;
  • if the spouse is serving time in prison: the name and postal address of the institution in which he is detained.

The spouse filing for divorce signs it and marks it with the current date. Then the application is submitted to the registry office along with a copy of the court decision or sentence.

Download application for divorce form 9 (form and sample)

Application for divorce (Form 10)

If the divorcing spouses have young children, one of them refuses to divorce, or it is necessary to divide the jointly acquired property, then the marriage is dissolved with the involvement of the judicial authorities. A divorce petition is filed by one of the spouses. After its consideration, the court issues a verdict on divorce, the further fate of the children and the amount of alimony, as well as on the division of property. Only with a court decision in hand, you can come to the registry office with an application for divorce, which is filled out in form 10.

How to fill out an application form 10?

An application of this sample can be filled out by both spouses, and one of them. The initials of the applicant and the name of the registry office are indicated in the upper right corner. Before filling out the form, you must provide the decision issued by the judicial authority. This information written under the heading of the application.

You must also provide information about both spouses:

  • initials in full;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • residential address;
  • passport data;
  • information about the entry in the act book.

At the bottom of the application, the surname that the former spouses want to keep for themselves is indicated. After that, they sign the form and put down the date.

Download application for divorce form 10 (form and sample)

Petition for divorce

This document is necessary for spouses in the event that a judicial body is involved in the divorce proceedings. The plaintiff is one of the spouses who files a lawsuit in court. In it, he asks to issue a divorce, decide the future fate of the children and resolve disputes over the division of property. The second spouse is the defendant - it is at the place of his residence that the application is submitted.

After considering the case, the court issues a verdict: with whom to leave the children, what will be the amount of alimony and how the division of property will be carried out. After that, an application for divorce is submitted to the registry office.

How to File a Divorce Claim?

At the top of the form is the name of the judicial authority where the document is addressed. Information about the plaintiff and defendant is written below: initials, date of birth and home address.

The form of the text of the application is free, but it is necessary to reflect such information as:

  • the reason for the divorce;
  • information about the child (if any);
  • date and place of marriage;
  • data on the entry in the act book;
  • since when spouses do not live together (date);
  • with whom it is preferable to leave children;
  • wishes regarding the division of property;
  • request for child support.

An application is attached to the application, which lists all documents submitted together with the claim. The applicant signs the claim and submits it to the court along with the attached documents.

The application for divorce form 10 is used to fill in if the spouses have joint children under 18 years of age or any disagreements, disagreement to divorce. You can download form 10 from the link below, there is also a completed sample application for download.

A Form 10 divorce application is filled out based on a court decision that determines who the children will stay with, how property will be divided, and how much alimony will be paid. To do this, one of the spouses initially draws up a statement of claim for divorce and submits it to the court. The application form can be downloaded from .

The resulting court decision will serve as the basis for filling out and filing an application for divorce at the registry office.

If there are no disputes between the spouses, there are also no joint children, then it is enough for the spouses to fill out an application for divorce in form 8 and submit it to the registry office for state registration of divorce. .

If the spouses have children and at the same time one of the spouses is recognized by the court as missing or incompetent, then it is filled out. The same form is also filled out if one of the spouses is serving a term in places of detention.

Sample application for divorce form 10

In the application form, you must indicate the name of the applicant, the name of the spouse with whom you want to dissolve the marriage.

The document on the basis of which a request for divorce is made is a court decision, and it is necessary to indicate the name of the court that considered the case. The date of the judgment is also indicated.

Next, the details of the applicant are filled in: one of the spouses or both. Filling in points 1-8 is done in the same way as in other divorce application forms. It indicates the full name, date and place of birth, nationality and citizenship, place of residence and information from the passport, as well as the number, date of the act of marriage registration, as well as the name of the registry office where it was registered.

Below, the applicant indicates which surname he wants to receive after the divorce.

The application filled in this way in form 10 is signed by the applicant and the date of registration is put.

A copy of the court decision is attached to the application form and submitted to the registry office.

Application for divorce form 10 - a document that one of the spouses (or both spouses) fills out to formalize the dissolution of the marriage if there are children, disagreements and disputes about the division of property. The document is submitted to the registry office.

Form 10 is filled out in cases where the issue of divorce cannot be resolved in the registry office, in connection with which a claim for divorce is filed with the court.

In what cases should I fill out an application for divorce in form 10:

  • The spouses have children under the age of 18;
  • The spouses have disputes in the division of jointly acquired property;
  • One of the spouses does not want to give a divorce to the other.

In all these cases, in order to get a divorce, you must first obtain a court decision on the division of property, on who the children will remain with, and also on the payment of alimony by one of the spouses.

Based on the court decision, an application for divorce in form 10 is already being filled out. A copy of the court decision should be attached to the completed document.

Instructions for filling out an application form 10

In the right corner of the form, the name of the registry office is written, where divorce documents are submitted.

The name of one or both spouses is written below, depending on who the applicant is.

Under the heading of the form, it is necessary to indicate the name of the court that issued the decision that is the basis for the dissolution of the marriage, and also put the date the court decision was received.

Below you should fill in the standard information about both spouses based on passports.

At the end of the application, the surname that the spouses wish to keep after the divorce is written. Everyone has the right to keep the current surname and return the former before marriage.

The completed sample is signed by the applicant (one or both spouses), the date of filling out the form is put.

There are two more standard divorce application forms - 8 and 9.

Form 8 is filled out in the simplest case, when there are no children and disagreements. Both spouses fill out an application and submit it to the registry office. The form and sample can be downloaded from .

Form 9 applies in more complex cases, when a husband or wife is deprived of liberty for a long time, when one of the spouses is missing or incapacitated. In all these cases, it is also necessary to first obtain a document from the court (court decision or court verdict) and only then fill out an application to the registry office. Sample form 9 can be downloaded

The most difficult case of divorce is when there are minor children, when it is necessary to divide jointly acquired property, or when the husband or wife does not want to voluntarily formalize the dissolution of the marriage. In all these cases, the issue of divorce is resolved through the courts, with one of the spouses filing. In this article, we will analyze how to apply for a divorce in the presence of minor children, property, or other controversial issues.

Read about divorce through the court. The court considers the claim and makes its decision on the possibility of divorce, on the division of property, on the fate of the children and the amount of alimony. Only if there is a court decision, you can apply to the registry office for state registration of divorce.

The application is submitted by one or both spouses, a standard form 10 is used to fill out. We suggest downloading the application form for divorce in form 10 and a sample of filling it out in this article below.

In addition to form 10, two more application forms have been developed - form 8 and form 9.

It is intended for filing a divorce in the absence of issues of division of property and obligations, in the absence of minor children. If both spouses are ready to amicably formalize the dissolution of the marriage, then it is necessary to fill out an application in form 8.

Filled in on the basis of a court decision or verdict. This divorce application form is drawn up in the case when the court recognizes the husband or wife as incapacitated, or in the case when one of the spouses is missing. Also, an application in form 9 is filled out on the basis of a court sentence to deprive one of the spouses of liberty for a period of more than three years.

In all other cases, an application for divorce form 10 is used.

How to make an application

Either both spouses or one of them can fill out the form. The name of the applicant (lei) is written in the upper right corner, the name of the registry office office where the divorce will be issued (at the place of residence of one of the spouses) is also indicated there.