How to learn how to blow hookah rings. How to make smoke rings from tobacco products and a vapor of electronic cigarettes


At the moment when you feel that the smoke is about to escape from your mouth with a short exhalation, begin to make sharp movements of the tongue back and forth. Simultaneously with the tongue, your jaw should also work, either expanding or narrowing the letter “O” formed by your lips. With these movements, the rings should literally fall off the tip of your tongue.

Helpful advice

If you have finally satisfied your curiosity and learned how to blow smoke rings, you should think about giving up a bad habit and leaving the ranks of smokers.


Try to release smoke through lips curled into a circle, but without help. Exhalations should be short and frequent. If it works out, try to move as you exhale as if you were pronouncing a combination of the letters “OU”. Train. And the smoke will submit to you ...

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  • how to blow smoke rings

Despite the fact that smoking is unhealthy and highly addictive, many people continue to cultivate this habit. The smoking process itself can be different. One of the effective ways to release tobacco smoke is to blow smoke rings. This takes a little skill and practice.


Light a cigarette. Do a couple of puffs. Now you can start practicing.

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Remember, smoking is dangerous to health!

A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking, but not everyone dares to give up this addiction. The motives for continuing to smoke can be very different, although, as a rule, they are all based on a psychological component. It is on it that the main emphasis is placed in all schemes for voluntary smoking cessation.


But it shows the opposite, there is a clear psychological dependence. One thing is clear, each case must be considered individually, and the willpower of the smoker himself also plays an important role. A rings you can learn how to start up and smoke Ayurvedic herbal drugs that do not contain nicotine, and serve not only as an excellent alternative, but also have a powerful healing effect.

So, a few tips for beginner "ring-letters". Draw in as much smoke as you can, purse your lips into an "O", placing the tip of your tongue in the center. Take a few sharp portioned exhalations. Instead of "Oh" you can say something like a quick "Oh", relax your lips and gently expel the smoke. The language is not involved.

You can try tilting your head back a little, then rings get bigger. By smoothly varying the circumference with your lips, you can give the rings a different diameter.

Do not get carried away in your efforts, this can lead to a sharp deterioration in your well-being. After spending a lot of time on this useless activity, you may realize the pointlessness of this undertaking and seriously think about joining the ranks of ex-smokers.

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  • how to blow smoke rings

Despite the ongoing propaganda about the dangers of smoking, and the existence of many methods for quitting this addiction, the number of tobacco smoke lovers is not decreasing. The release of translucent smoke rings brings some into a state of calm and peace.


Choose cigarettes that produce the thickest smoke: don't buy lighter cigarettes that don't have enough tar to produce the desired density of smoke. For these purposes, you can also use cigars. Get the tobacco to move as far into the cigarette as possible. To do this, hit the pack from above with your hand or tap it on a hard surface. As a result of these manipulations, a little empty space should remain at the top of the cigarette. Light and release the first pair of puffs that have not yet reached the desired consistency.

Relax and don't try to achieve the perfect result on the first try. Take a deep puff while trying to get as much smoke into your lungs as you can so you can make more attempts. Close your mouth and point your tongue back so that its tip points down. Turn your lips slightly forward and form a circle out of them. Don't try to make it too big. Start blowing smoke rings. To do this, imitate a slight cough. You will feel tension and a rapid stream of smoke coming from your lungs. Do not use, the exhalation should be barely audible. Move your tongue sharply forward when you feel the smoke leaving your lungs. At the same time, sharply lift the lower jaw up.

Use another method. As you draw cigarette smoke into your lungs, tighten your lower jaw as much as possible. Try to close your lips and form a small circle with them when releasing smoke. As you exhale, you should make a sound like "oh". Release the smoke drawn into the lungs with intense shocks. To increase the size of the smoke rings, you need to change the circumference of your lips, without closing them as much as possible.

Helpful advice

If after a couple of smoked cigarettes the result of your efforts leaves much to be desired, take a break to avoid severe intoxication of the body.

Learn to smoke mi not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You just need to show a little patience and apply the same amount of skill. Before you quit smoking, you can easily master the simplest technique blowing smoke rings. Perhaps this will even help you see the process of smoking from the outside and push you to give up this unhealthy habit.

It is foolish to deny that smoke rings or as they are also called "vape rings" or "O" are a beautiful and interesting contraption. There is nothing more pleasant than inhaling a delicious cloud of steam and exhaling a beautiful, elegant ring. You have probably ever tried to blow steam rings from a hookah, an ordinary cigarette, or an electronic one, but if you don’t know the right technique, then it’s quite difficult to do it.

But with our technique and a little practice, ringing will seem very easy to you. Follow these 3 easy steps to learn how to blow rings from your e-cigarette smoke.

3 Basic Steps to Create E-cigarette Smoke Rings:

  • Take a good drag on the smoke from the electronic cigarette. Breathe the steam down your throat, not your lungs! This may take a little practice, but will result in best results. Breathe in as much steam as possible. The more steam, the more beautiful and magnificent the rings will look and the longer they will stay in the air.
  • Give your tongue and lips correct form. Press your tongue against the bottom of your mouth and keep it as flat as possible. Shape your lips into a small "O" and move your lips as if you want to say "boo"
  • Exhale a small amount of smoke using your throat. This is where the most practice is required. It's like a mini cough, a short sigh, or a little choking sound.

Additional things to try.

  • Add twist to your rings (rotary motion). Move your tongue slightly forward as steam comes out of your mouth. At the same time, keep it at the bottom of your mouth behind your teeth. Using the middle of your tongue, make a quick movement to push the steam and give it a spin. In this case, instead of moving the lower jaw up and forward, you need to move it only up.
  • Improving appearance rings. Twist the lip a little as soon as the steam leaves the mouth, this will also make the ring more defined. The faster and further you turn your lips, the faster and further the rings will fly. This is how you get small rings.

Another easy way to blow smoke rings from an electronic cigarette.

If suddenly you are having trouble with the basic method of creating rings, then there is another easy way to create them. You can make a ring by typing steam into your mouth, make the letter “O” with your lips and press your hands on your cheeks. Just make the correct “O” with your mouth, and each press on the cheeks will release a small ring. This method will give you a feel for how much steam you need to exhale and how to fold your lips correctly. Gradually, from pressing on the cheeks, you can move on to short exhalations through the throat. However, until you learn how to exhale through your throat correctly, you will not get big beautiful and rich rings.

The last steps to getting rings from an electronic cigarette.

  • A high glycerin (VG) liquid is best because steam will be denser.
  • Train in a room with closed windows and without a fan, so as not to create additional air currents. Otherwise, even the weakest air current can knock your ring off until you learn how to shoot them perfectly.

Currently, the electronic cigarette is very popular among smokers, which brings the same pleasure from sipping smoke as a regular one, but does much less harm. And in order to somehow dilute the process of smoking, you should learn how to let off steam in an original way. Learning how to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette is not difficult.

General principles of ringing

There are many ways to make smoke rings. The main essence of this process is the exhalation of steam using centripetal force, resulting in a smoke whirlwind, which can be shaped into a ring.

Before you start training, you must meet a number of conditions:

  1. The whole process takes place indoors.
  2. Make sure there are no drafts, because they prevent the formation of smoke rings.
  3. Tobacco should be good, not light. Regardless of whether a person smokes a hookah or cigarettes, tobacco should give out a very thick vapor.
  4. Relax your jaw.
  5. The main training is working out the letter "O". The main element to ringing is the correct shape of the lips at the right time. This exercise is best practiced in front of a mirror. Its essence lies in giving the lips the shape of an almost perfect circle (the diameter, approximately, should be like that of an ordinary five-ruble coin).

Basic ways to create steam rings

The essence of the first method- it is necessary to collect as much steam as possible into the lungs, then the lips should be folded into a tube (as we do when pronouncing the letter “O”), the tip of the tongue should be fixed in the center. We make a short exhalation, as if we are coughing, and after a little tension, we release a swift stream of smoke. The more training there is, the more beautiful it will turn out. rings. It is necessary to try to exhale almost silently.

In the second way it is also necessary to collect a large amount of steam, roll your lips into a tube, without resorting to the help of your tongue, with a sharp movement expel steam from lungs, repeat the movements as often as possible. The disadvantage of this method is that the first and last rings, most likely, will not work.

To start using the third method, you need to train for a long time and for a long time. This method blowing smoke rings called the "W" way. In order for you to get very beautiful and even rings, you need to master this method to perfection.

First, learn how to correctly pronounce the English letter "W". Made? - now you can start learning how to throw rings. Smoke is gathering in the cheeks, we fold our lips with a tube (as if we are pronouncing the letter “O”), only instead of “O” pronounced W and at the same time smoke is released from the mouth. During the process, the lips should become as tense as possible, if we change the circumference of the folded lips, both the size of the rings and their clarity will change.

Everyone can learn how to release rings correctly, but here let the "jellyfish" out of steam- a very long, exhausting process that requires hard training. A regular electronic cigarette will not work in this case. We need a more advanced thing that produces more vapor - vape.

More advanced vaping tricks

We charge the battery of an electronic cigarette to the limit, and, of course, you need to study quite carefully, as well as understand the whole essence of the trick itself.

Medusa and ghost

Long training sessions will help us hone the skill of releasing the "jellyfish" from the steam. The basis for a jellyfish is a released ring, inside of which a large amount of steam is launched. It is launched into the ring when it expands slightly - very carefully and slowly so as not to destroy it in any case. It must be understood that the ring is a circulating steam and the cloud of smoke released into it must rotate with the ring, enveloping it.

If all the actions in the aggregate turned out to be correct, we will get the illusion of a transparent jellyfish flying. And in order not to miss this moment, everything needs to be recorded on video. After all, in the future it will help to understand the mistakes made.

Double puff "ghost":

  • It is necessary to drag on and hold the smoke in your mouth.
  • Tilt your head back and slowly exhale the steam for 1-2 seconds. The tongue should be pressed against the palate.
  • At the last stage, it must be sharply lowered. While the circles of smoke are at a distance of 5-10 cm from the face, they must be quickly inhaled back, parting the lips and tilting the head towards him.

We all love to show off - we are nowhere without force. And, indeed, it’s not enough for us just to smoke a hookah, we need to do different tricks with a hookah. And today (don't laugh) we will talk about tricks with hookah smoke. There are a great many ways not just to exhale, but to give birth to this or that figure, although in many ways they are repeated. Each of them is based on the laws of physics, namely in the exhalation of smoke with centripetal acceleration. As a result, a smoke vortex is formed, which can be given one form or another. Consider in our methodological guide How to make rings from smoke? the most popular ways.

The first way: how to blow smoke rings with your tongue

This is the most simple method. To be successful we need:

  • Fill your mouth with thick smoke, while rounding your lips.
  • Slowly push the steam out of your mouth with your tongue.
  • The easiest way is to draw in the tongue, bringing it closer to the tonsils, and sharply throw it forward.
  • It is important to give the tongue the desired trajectory and control the movement of this muscle. After the movements are perfected, the smoke rings will turn out to be the correct shape!

This simple technique also has its drawbacks. The rings come out slowly and quickly dissipate. 🙁

The second method: How to blow smoke rings with a sharp exhalation of air

And this method will require voluminous lungs and a trained respiratory system. Its difficulty lies in filling your mouth with thick smoke and rounding and stretching your lips, rhythmically and powerfully “pushing out” the air. The disadvantage of this method is that the first and last rings may come out deformed (not perfectly round), and the rest depends on the quality of the tobacco, our skills and the density of the vapor.

Method three: How to blow smoke rings with your jaw

But this is more difficult. Jaw work. The most difficult, but effective:

  • We are dragging on.
  • We try to give the lips a perfectly round shape.
  • Now attention! It is necessary to sharply push the lower jaw forward and also sharply return to its original position.
  • As a result of these jaw movements, rings break free, which, thanks to a powerful driving force, fly off from the person who produces them for a long distance and entertain the audience.

The rings obtained in this way are able to grow to enormous sizes and stay in the air for a long time.

What does it take to learn how to roll

Desire, patience, a fair sense of humor. And some technical details. plays big role type of tobacco. It has been proven that strong tobacco gives a thicker, richer and more dense smoke. In weak varieties, these conditions are more modest. The smoke index also varies different manufacturers tobacco of the same strength. It depends on the quality and quantity of glycerin impregnation and the feedstock in general.

How to make a smoke jellyfish

Medusa is aerobatics. A little more difficult than a ring. How to make a jellyfish out of smoke? Consistently release the steam ring from the mouth (we already know how to do this), wait a bit for it to become a little wider and release a jet of steam from the mouth inside the ring. The main thing is that the speed of the flow should correspond as much as possible to the speed of rotation of the ring, otherwise it will fall apart. If everything came together, then the second jet begins to gradually envelop the ring, simulating the flight of a transparent jellyfish.

How to make a smoke tornado

A whirlwind of a tornado is also an aerobatics figure. Our task is to “cover” with smoke any horizontal surface, for example, a table. Inhale deeply and exhale as much steam as possible, directing it with the horizontal position of the palm to the surface. After waiting for the smoke to fall evenly, sharply pry it up, as if scooping it up in the palm of your hand, and raise your hand up. You will get something in the form of a tornado. For complete similarity in the final phase, make a twisting movement to give the tornado a spiral appearance.

It's pretty simple on paper, right? But hard training and not such tricks obeyed. Practice and hone your skills and everything will work out! 🙂

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Smoking an electronic cigarette is a great alternative for those who cannot or do not want to quit smoking, but want smoking to bring a minimum of harm to the body. The release of steam from an electronic cigarette brings the same pleasure as the smoke of conventional cigarettes and is absolutely safe for health. Smoking an electronic cigarette in the company of friends can be diversified by smoking tricks with the release of steam in the form of rings, many smokers want to learn this process. How to learn how to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette in order to get beautiful, even rings?

Is it possible to release rings from the vapor of an electronic cigarette?

Cigarette smoke rings have always attracted attention and every smoker, at least once, tried to learn how to make them. Some heavy smokers exhale bluish rings to perfection, daily honing their skills. To create rings, as a rule, thick, heavy smoke of strong cigarettes or cigars is used. Is it possible to make rings from the vapor that is exhaled when smoking an electronic cigarette? The process of forming a ball of steam in an electronic cigarette is based on the principle of an inhaler - the liquid boils and a thick vapor is formed, from which, after regular training and mastering simple manipulations of the lips, tongue, and lung function, you can get beautiful and even rings. Consider the most popular three methods.

How to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette - 1 way

This method involves the lips and tongue.

  • Puff on the steam, fold your lips with a tube, the letter "O", in the center of which you need to place the tip of the tongue.
  • The tongue should not touch the lips.
  • Now exhale sharply and abruptly.
  • A jerky and short push of steam is produced by the lungs and larynx.
  • A sharp exhalation resembles a light, barely audible cough.

Practice several times, you should be patient and soon you will start to get clear, even steam rings.

How to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette - 2 way

You can exhale the rings without the help of the tongue, this method allows you to release the rings faster and looks beautiful.

  • Inhale steam into your lungs, curl your lips into a tube in the shape of the letter “O”.
  • The lips stretched forward must be tightened and fixed.
  • Exhale the smoke of an electronic cigarette in sharp small and frequent pushes.
  • To master the technique, beginners can simultaneously pronounce the sound “OH” while exhaling.

Over time, you will learn how to make smoke rings without sound, only with sharp exhalations.

How to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette - 3 way

With this method, the lips and larynx are involved, this method of exhaling smoke electronic cigarettes is called “W way”. Thanks to this technique, the rings acquire a clear outline.

  • To puff out a smoke ring, purse your lips and make an "oh" sound.
  • When this sound is pronounced, the lips first expand and then narrow, due to which smoke rings are obtained when exhaling.
  • A distinctive feature of the method is that when inhaling, steam is collected not in the lungs, as was the case in the first and second methods, but in the cheeks.
  • The clarity of the contours of smoke rings is affected by the circumference of the lips, so by changing it you can produce rings of different diameters.

To master e-cigarette smoke rings, use all three methods to find the one that suits you. fit more. Experienced smokers when mastering the smoking trick recommend:

  • do not keep smoke in the throat for too long;
  • when tightening, you do not need to gain a large amount of smoke;
  • do not strain your jaw, facial muscles should be relaxed;
  • Electronic cigarettes do not need to be smoked like regular cigarettes, as they immediately release thick vapor. Therefore, the release of rings can be started at the first puff;
  • train indoors, without drafts that will distort the produced rings;
  • first you need to work out the correct shape of the mouth, and only then the exhalation of smoke;
  • releasing the rings, tilt your head back a little so that the smoke tends to rise.

Only regular training will lead you to desired result and soon in a noisy company of friends, at a party or in a club, you can safely demonstrate your ability to release beautiful and clear smoke rings from an electronic cigarette.