How to blow big smoke rings. How to blow e-cigarette smoke rings

Smoking hookah is incredibly pleasant, but if you combine smoking and entertainment, it becomes even more interesting. Some consider blowing rings out of smoke to be pampering, but in reality it is akin to the actions of a magician. The sight is beautiful and impressive. Blowing smoke through your nose and creating waterfalls of steam is also beautiful, of course, but the trick of blowing rings is an even more impressive sight. If you are interested in how to blow hookah smoke rings, we will tell you and teach you how to do it. different ways.

Traditional smoking does not involve demonstrating various tricks to surprise others. However, if you are a frequent smoker, sooner or later you will become interested in creating different smoke configurations. Do you want to learn how to produce many small rings? Or do you prefer single large rings? Or perhaps you are drawn to the interaction of the smoke rings being released when one ring is placed inside another? Practice and you'll be fine.

Where to begin

In order to deal with these issues and learn quickly, you need to try hard, and then you can translate the essence of the techniques into reality. Simple knowledge of physics will also come in handy, which just explains how rings are formed and what is needed for this.

A circular shape can be achieved by sharply expelling smoke from the mouth. The radius of the inner circle will be slightly smaller, so the ring will look something like a donut with a hole. Warm smoke vapors are mixed with air molecules, after which the outer side slows down due to the interaction of the vapor. The inner side of the smaller diameter accelerates - the push of the air released from the mouth is to blame. Thus, we have the effect of rotation around ourselves.

Core Skills

A cloud of tobacco smoke when smoking a hookah can take different forms, but it is not so easy to achieve an even circle - you need to be able to release it, form it. Technologically, the process of letting rings looks quite simple: you need to relax your jaw, take a few ordinary puffs, which checks the traction and strength of the breath. We create the letter “O” with our lips and, most importantly, we push the steam out correctly. Let's figure out how to make hookah smoke rings using different methods:

  1. With the help of language. This method is usually chosen by beginners as it is technically the easiest to do. There is one minus - the circles are not always sharp and quickly diverge. The algorithm is as follows: Smoke is drawn into the mouth, the tongue is pressed to the throat as much as possible, then it is pushed forward, as a result of which a sufficiently large amount of smoke comes out in the form of a circle. The distributor of smoke and the creation of its form is the language itself.
  2. With lips. Make the shape of the letter O with your lips, you can even look in the mirror - how even it is. The view, of course, is a bit silly, but one cannot do without training. Keep your tongue in the center of your mouth. Try to expel the air evenly and sharply. Something like what happens when you cough - you can even cough and see how the rings fly out. At first, it will be unusual to do this, but in just a couple of workouts you will remember everything, and your lips will themselves recreate the correct pushes of air thanks to muscle memory.
  3. With a cough. If you are unable to release the ring due to improper exhalation of air, try the cough method. Just cough a little, first without steam, and then with it. You should cough lightly. If this method also fails, for example, because your cough is more like an attack of a tuberculosis patient, try the letter method.
  4. letter method. Draw in the smoke, place the tongue in the center of the throat, and say the letter O or A - when you play the vowel, the air will be pushed out of the larynx and out with the smoke, forming a ring.

Doing these exercises will teach you how to blow great rings, and when you master them, you can try other methods of blowing bagels out of smoke. How can you make hookah rings yet?

Chiri Oh - manual way expelling smoke

Yes, you read that right - this method consists in pushing steam out of the mouth from the hookah with your finger. Take a puff, push your tongue a little forward, but do not stick it out of the mouth, tap your cheek with your finger. As a result, you will get many small rings that will come out one after the other. The more often you tap, the more rings you get.

Jaw ringing method

How to start rings in this way? This is actually easy, but you need to learn how to control the work of the jaw muscles. The algorithm is as follows: we take a puff and, holding the smoke in our mouth, completely relax. And then we move up the lower jaw, without moving the upper. We do not close the mouth completely, light movements should be sufficient to push steam out of the mouth. The tongue protrudes slightly forward and forms a hole in the donut.

This method is considered the most spectacular. With it, the rings do not disintegrate for a long time, soaring in the air for up to 10 seconds. During this time, they increase in diameter up to 20 cm. Agree - the spectacle can turn out to be magnificent.

But how to make it simple and spectacular?

Children, and just everyone else, really like the trick of exhaling smoke in a soap bubble. It is easy to do - no special preparation is needed. We take liquid for soap bubbles, a tube of any diameter - but the larger the diameter, the larger the bubble. We collect smoke and release it through the tube, forming a bubble. Looks very interesting.

Conditions for creating hookah smoke rings

If you know how to make rings, but they don’t work out for you or don’t work out very well, you may not have created all the conditions for beautiful rings. Yes, you can’t just take them and start letting them in, you need to meet certain conditions. The most important thing is the absence of a draft or wind if smoking takes place outside. Any movement of air at once will destroy the structure of the smoke ring.

If you are a beginner smoker, choose the right tobacco. Learning how to create different shapes out of smoke requires deep puffs and plenty of smoke. If you choose strong tobacco, the risk of coughing is very high. And this is not at all the effect that you expect.

Tobacco should also be chosen well moistened so that there is more smoke. The more smoky the hookah, the more stable the rings. The diameter of the shaft should also not be very narrow, otherwise, when lighting up, all efforts will be spent on traction.

It is foolish to deny that smoke rings or as they are also called "vape rings" or "O" are a beautiful and interesting contraption. There is nothing more pleasant than inhaling a delicious cloud of steam and exhaling a beautiful, elegant ring. You have probably ever tried to blow steam rings from a hookah, an ordinary cigarette, or an electronic one, but if you don’t know the right technique, then it’s quite difficult to do it.

But with our technique and a little practice, ringing will seem very easy to you. Follow these 3 easy steps to learn how to blow smoke rings from your electronic cigarette.

3 Basic Steps to Create E-cigarette Smoke Rings:

  • Take a good drag on the smoke from the electronic cigarette. Breathe the steam down your throat, not your lungs! This may take a little practice, but will result in best results. Breathe in as much steam as possible. The more steam, the more beautiful and magnificent the rings will look and the longer they will stay in the air.
  • Give the tongue and lips the correct shape. Press your tongue against the bottom of your mouth and keep it as flat as possible. Shape your lips into a small "O" and move your lips as if you want to say "boo"
  • Exhale a small amount of smoke using your throat. This is where the most practice is required. It's like a mini cough, a short sigh, or a little choking sound.

Additional things to try.

  • Add twist to your rings (rotary motion). Move your tongue slightly forward as steam comes out of your mouth. At the same time, keep it at the bottom of your mouth behind your teeth. Using the middle of your tongue, make a quick movement to push the steam and give it a spin. In this case, instead of moving the lower jaw up and forward, you need to move it only up.
  • Improving appearance rings. Twist the lip a little as soon as the steam leaves the mouth, this will also make the ring more defined. The faster and further you turn your lips, the faster and further the rings will fly. This is how you get small rings.

Another easy way to blow smoke rings from an electronic cigarette.

If suddenly you are having trouble with the basic method of creating rings, then there is another easy way to create them. You can make a ring by typing steam into your mouth, make the letter “O” with your lips and press your hands on your cheeks. Just make the correct “O” with your mouth, and each press on the cheeks will release a small ring. This method will give you a feel for how much steam you need to exhale and how to fold your lips correctly. Gradually, from pressing on the cheeks, you can move on to short exhalations through the throat. However, until you learn how to exhale through your throat correctly, you will not get big beautiful and rich rings.

The last steps to getting rings from an electronic cigarette.

  • A high glycerin (VG) liquid is best because steam will be denser.
  • Train in a room with closed windows and without a fan, so as not to create additional air currents. Otherwise, even the weakest air current can knock your ring off until you learn how to shoot them perfectly.

There are three main ways to learn to let beautiful ring from smoke. This will require a hookah, regular or electronic, so that you can draw as much smoke into your lungs as possible, a tongue to form a ring of smoke, and a little practice.

The first method is the easiest, it is enough to draw as much smoke into the lungs or into the mouth as possible. Fold your lips into the letter "O", extend your tongue so that the tip is in the center of the "O". Then take a short and sharp breath, then just as short and sharp exhale. After a little practice, you should start to get real smoke rings.

Using the second method, you will learn how to make rings without a tongue. This method is a little more complicated, but it will allow you to launch rings much faster and in large quantities.

We collect full lungs of smoke, turn our lips into the letter "O", try to stretch them as long as possible, and fix them in this position. Smoke should be released with frequent exhalations as sharply as possible. Rings at first will not be the same shape and size. But after a little practice, you will shoot rings like a machine gun.

The third method is the most difficult, but you do not have to stretch your face and cost other grimaces. We collect a mouthful of smoke, not into the lungs, and while exhaling, pretend to say a quick "Ay". The lips will sharply part, and then narrow, it is at this moment that the exhaled vapor takes the form of a ring. At the moment, the steam is exhaled not only by the flow of air from the lungs, but also by the cheeks. Cheeks should not be strained (if you can strain them), the mouth should be completely relaxed. Depending on how much you puff up your cheeks, the larger the ring will be.

Keep in mind that frequent sudden exhalation of air from the lungs can lead to dizziness and deterioration of well-being.

If you want to become a real master in throwing rings, you should get a powerful electronic hookah. Compared to conventional hookahs, electronic hookahs generate several times more steam in the same amount of time. The steam is much thicker and more fragrant, and it is much easier to learn how to blow smoke rings from it. It is worth paying attention to such electronic hookah cigarettes as iJust 2, iStick. eVic, Sigelei.

This is the most beautiful and spectacular sight. It is breathtaking, and attracts the eyes of passers-by, who constantly have a question: how can you make hookah smoke rings? How to mono release several rings at once from the smoke of a hookah?

In order to deal with these issues, you need to be patient and try to understand the essence of the methodology. Only then will you learn to do miracles on your own.

Lesson number 1. Make the letter "O" from a pair of hookah

This is one of the most simple methods. First you need to work out without a hookah. Give your lips the shape of the correct circle. You will most likely look very stupid. Some people recommend using electronic hookahs like here because the smoke from them is thicker. Believe me, it's worth it if the desire to learn how to make hookah smoke rings is so great. It is enough to do a few exercises, and you will get used to the rings thanks to the hookah. Gradually, everything will develop into muscle memory and the specified procedure will be reproduced from memory. The best option will be if you do the indicated procedure while standing in front of a mirror. Thus, you will be sure that the steps to create a hookah smoke ring are correct.

Before starting an experiment with a hookah, you must:

Minimize the presence of any kind of draft in the room;
- exclude any movement of air (even walking your friends around the room);
- make sure that the hookah contains high-quality tobacco, since hookah smoke rings should be white and thick.
In order to understand how to learn how to blow hookah smoke rings, you should learn how to connect your throat.

Let's figure out step by step how to make rings thanks to a pair of hookah:

1. Make a few coughing movements. Practice many times. The cough should be sharp and intermittent. Only in this way will smoke rings from the hookah fly out at the exit.
2. If the previous option doesn't work for you, try another one. It involves the following actions: constantly say the letter O to yourself, and the rings will begin to fly out on their own.

The main thing is constant training. This can take a very long time, so do not despair if this experiment does not work right away.

Let's move on to more complex methods of throwing rings.

Chiri O Method

How to blow smoke rings through a hookah with the indicated method and what it is, we will consider further.

Chiri O allows you to blow small hookah smoke rings with great frequency. The diameter of the rings is equal to a ten-kopeck coin. To do this, you need to have previous data.

Take hookah smoke into your mouth and start tapping your cheek frequently. This action contributes to the frequent departure of rings from the smoke.

The complexity of Chiri O lies in the fact that the required number of rings must be pushed at the exit. The secret lies in the movement of the tongue. It is necessary to move it forward a little so that it helps to push the puffs of smoke.

How to blow hookah smoke rings through the jaw?

The jaw method is considered the most difficult. It is highly efficient. If you succeed at least once in throwing rings with this method, you will never forget how to do such a trick again.

Jaw smoke tricks

Take a mouthful of smoke and shape your lips into a large, regular circle with your jaw slightly forward, and then return it to its original position.

Some practice this method by relaxing the jaw muscles, allowing the jaw to drop sharply, and tensing it again causes it to return to its original position. The advantage of this method is the speed of releasing rings at high altitude. Sometimes the distance can reach several meters, and their diameter can reach 20 cm. The duration of keeping the rings of their shape reaches about 10 seconds.

Hookah smoke in a soap bubble

This method belongs to the exclusive and interesting section. It is usually shown to children. Its meaning is to have hookah smoke inside the soap bubble. To do this, you need liquid soap and a straw. Insert one end of the tube into the soapy solution, and gently and slowly release the smoke from the other end. Larger bubbles will require a larger diameter tube and vice versa. For these purposes, you can even use a plastic bottle.

And in conclusion, it is worth saying that this selection of the most interesting tricks with a hookah can cheer you up, acquire a lot of emotions and become a favorite pastime in a big company.

For decades, people have experimented with different ways of smoking hookah and have mastered many tricks in this area. Of course, the most famous trick is blowing smoke rings. This is when a smoker exhales a cloud of smoke using centripetal force to create a vortex that gives the smoke a ring shape. And the most frequently asked question on this topic: how to blow rings using a hookah? Before we consider various ways, let's start with the scientific aspect of this issue.

Smoke rings are formed by the sudden release of smoke into the air.

– The outer side of the emitted smoke has a larger surface area than the inner side. This allows the smoke to take the form of a donut. Outer side the ring slows down due to interaction with air molecules, while the inner part moves faster. Thus, the smoke scrolls inside the ring itself. Now you can apply this knowledge.

Now that the scientific part of the question is more clear, we can proceed to more interesting things- ways to launch these same rings. Basically, people use three methods, each of which has its pros and cons. But before we look at them in more detail, make sure that four main conditions are met:

  1. When laying out the hookah, make sure you are in a closed, draft-free room. Drafts greatly complicate the creation of smoke rings.
  2. Make sure your hookah has good tobacco. If it smokes well at relatively low temperatures and produces a thick smoke, you will learn to blow rings much faster.
  3. Relax your jaw. Take a few puffs to make sure everything goes right. Exhale the smoke as usual, but at the same time push the jaw forward.
  4. And finally, the last and strangest step is to work out the letter O with your lips. The ability to properly stretch the lips is the key to effective ringing. Go to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. Try to give your lips the shape of a perfect circle - like a fish. Make sure that the hole between the lips is at least the size of a five-ruble coin (unless you are using the ChiriO method, in which the hole can be smaller, the size of a coin of 10 kopecks). Hold that facial expression and learn how to shape it when needed.

Now for the different ways:

1. How to blow smoke rings - tongue (difficulty level: 4)

This method is considered the easiest. It consists in the fact that the mouth is completely filled with smoke, the lips are shaped like a circle, and the tongue is sharply thrown forward, which allows a sufficient amount of smoke to be released from the mouth. The easiest way to do this is when you deliberately pull your tongue back toward your throat and then throw it all the way forward. It will probably take you a few tries, but once you get the hang of this move, throwing the rings will be very easy. Important point in this way it is to be able to control your tongue. The secret to blowing the right rings is consistency - if your tongue behaves differently each time, the smoke will come out of your mouth with a different density and the rings will quickly become distorted. The main advantage of this method is that it is easy to master and the rings as a result, as a rule, are quite dense. The weak side is that the rings have a rather short duration. They come out of the mouth at a relatively slow speed and only last a few seconds.

2. How to shoot smoke rings - with the jaw (difficulty level: 7)

The method using the jaw is considered the most difficult to master, however, at the same time, it is the most effective. If you really want to learn how to throw smoke rings, you must at least try to master it. It consists in the fact that a large amount of smoke is drawn into the mouth, the lips are shaped into a large circle, and the lower jaw is sharply thrown forward and returns just as sharply to its original position. Many do this by relaxing the jaw muscles, which allows it to drop sharply, and then tensing them just as sharply, which brings it back up. The main advantage of this method is that the rings are produced at high speed. As a result, the rings can fly up to 10 meters, grow in diameter up to 20 centimeters, and hold on for 10 seconds.

3. How to blow smoke rings - cough (difficulty level: 6)

The method of emitting rings by coughing is considered very reliable if it is successfully mastered. In addition, with this method it is easy to surprise other people. It allows you to release rings at a high frequency, up to 5 rings per second. The difficulty lies in learning to control your cough. You need to make it weak enough not to disturb the swirl of smoke, but at the same time strong enough to let the right amount of smoke into your mouth for a new ring. But once you learn how to do it right, the method itself will be very easy to master.

Practice coughing by using the tonsils to block the flow of air from the lungs. Then, first tighten them, and then quickly relax. There are other ways to use your throat to control airflow, choose the one that suits you best.

4. How to blow smoke rings - ChiriO (difficulty level: 5)

The last method on our list is the so-called ChiriO. This method allows the production of small rings at a high frequency. It consists in the fact that the mouth is shaped into a small circle, approximately the size of a ten-coin, after which you begin to tap your cheek with your finger. Thus, there is a small but sufficient pressure on the smoke that is in the mouth. By tapping your cheek quickly, you can release a whole series of small rings. The main difficulty of this method is to push the right amount of smoke closer to the hole between the lips to form the next ring. This can be done by slowly moving the tongue forward, which in turn will push the smoke towards the hole.

That's it: the ways and science of blowing smoke rings. It remains only to learn.

It may take some time to master either method, but it's worth it. Once you master one, you will master the rest too.