New Year according to the Eastern calendar will come. Chinese New Year. Events on the eve of the holiday

Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year is coming soon. And now you can get your personal Chinese horoscope for the new year 2018. In 2018, the host of the year is the Yellow Dog. The Chinese New Year holiday symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle of nature's rebirth. Every year, the date of the celebration of the new year according to the eastern calendar is different. This year Chinese New Year starts on February 16th. And the new year is celebrated according to the eastern calendar until March 2 inclusive. In Asian eastern countries living according to this calendar, the celebration of the new year lasts from two weeks to a month. At this time, it is good to guess your fate and perform various rituals to change your future.

The Chinese horoscope is not based on the solar cycle, i.e. rotation of the Sun in all 12 signs of the Zodiac, like a real Western calendar, but on the lunar cycle. Therefore, the point of the Chinese New Year is the second new moon after winter solstice 21 December. The Chinese horoscope is calculated by combining the lunar cycle in a special way and the period of the movement of Jupiter, which is called the second Sun. Jupiter symbolizes wealth, success, recognition, awards and honors.

The Eastern calendar consists of 12 signs, which are assigned the names and characters of animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. Each year of the eastern calendar, in addition to its animal ruler, has a certain element: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. In addition to the elements, the year also has its own color: blue, red, yellow, white, black. And the elements and colors give the year itself and the person born at this time their own characteristics of character and, accordingly, fate.

For each person, based on the sign of the Chinese horoscope, as well as the elements and colors, you can calculate how a certain period (from a month to a year) will be favorable, which elements you need to fear, and which ones will be especially favorable for your sign.

From your personal Chinese horoscope, you can find out what things will be especially favorable for you in the next 3 months, people of which particular sign of the Chinese horoscope or elements will bring you good luck, wealth and prosperity. You will receive information on how to plan your time, your affairs, based on the most favorable periods according to the Chinese horoscope. You will find out how lucky you will be in love, in money matters, and whether success in general awaits you in the chosen period.

A personal Chinese horoscope will help you calculate your personal periods of luck and, based on this, draw up an action plan for the next 3 months, which guarantees you success in business, in love and in life in general.

In Russia, as well as throughout the world, New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, but Christians still honor the date according to the old style, and Buddhists in Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia and Altai are guided by the Chinese calendar and are waiting for Sagaalgan or "Spring Festival". All these customs have one link - the expectation of a miracle. It does not matter who is ordered to commit it - Santa Claus or the animal appointed by the ruler, the main thing is readiness for the best. And so that magical changes are not bypassed, you have to keep your eyes open!


2018 in Eastern tradition

The winter solstice is coming to an end, so the first new moon after a full cycle will come very soon. It remains to be seen what date this event will occur. According to the calculations of the ancient sages of the Celestial Empire, in 2018 it falls on February 16th. It is from this date that the next round will begin, and it will be headed by a devoted, kind and intelligent Dog with personal attributes appropriate to a totem animal:

  • Yellow color- a symbol of stability and prudence.
  • Element: earth endowing its representatives with firmness and a sober outlook on life.
  • Character traits- fidelity, friendliness, responsibility and discretion.

It is believed that the New Year must necessarily resolve all long-standing disputes, forget about grievances and forgive others.

new year chinese version

There is a legend in the Celestial Empire that tells about one of the local settlements, which Chun (Nan), a terrible and ferocious monster, used to attack once a year. On one of these days, an old man wandered into the village and asked to spend the night with one of their women. He did not know what time he arrived, and the hostess tried to persuade the guest to run away with everyone as soon as possible, but since old man completely exhausted, let him stay.

What was the surprise of the locals when, returning to the village at dawn, they saw their houses intact. In the middle of the square they were met by a laughing old man in red robes, surrounded by crackers and tinsel that escaped from crackers. It turns out that Nan was afraid of red, lights and loud noises.

How is the holiday celebrated in China?

2018 or according to the eastern calendar 4716 lunar year in the Celestial Empire is planned to meet, as usual, on a large scale and fun. The festivities will last 15 days, 7 of which the Chinese will not work. During this period, adopted:

  1. get rid of unnecessary and broken things;
  2. restore order and beauty in houses;
  3. cook delicious meat and fish dishes;
  4. decorate your home with paired drawings and crafts.

The question of what to meet and how to celebrate is solved here simply. Most wear red. People believe that this color brings happiness and prosperity, because it was in such clothes that the old man was dressed, who initiated the holiday. Lanterns of the same shade are hung on the thresholds of houses, music and laughter sound. Fireworks and crackers explode everywhere. All family members gather at one table and have fun, as they believe that the whole year will depend on the festive mood.

Why Yellow Earth Dog?

One day the Buddha invited all the animals to a feast. Those wishing to share a meal with the Enlightened One had to swim across a huge lake. The first 12 received a reward for the year, which was endowed with their character traits, and they began to draw strength from 5 elements of different colors:

  1. red fire,
  2. Black water,
  3. yellow earth,
  4. blue and green tree
  5. White metal.

In 2018, it is the turn of the dog, the eleventh to reach the shore. What this animal will bring to everyone, astrologers will see according to the horoscope. In general, the totem will behave in accordance with the inherent habits and how the wards will react to it. No wonder they say: "Life is like a dog's." Perhaps she will be homely and therefore light, well-fed and happy, or, on the contrary, wandering, which means hungry, embittered and "biting".

Recently, we have become accustomed to associate each New Year with some animal from the Chinese calendar. But many people do not know when the next totem comes into its possession and what date the New Year comes according to the eastern calendar 2018.

How is the Chinese calendar different from the usual

The entire life path in China is divided into twelve cycles. Each of them corresponds to a certain animal. In turn, each period corresponds to one of the five elements. Thus, 2018 corresponds to the Dog and the earth element. According to Chinese mythology, a person born in a certain year takes on the features of the dominant animal.

The Eastern calendar differs from our calendar in that it is based on the lunar calendar. The beginning of each month does not coincide with the same period in the Gregorian calendar. A month in the Chinese calendar comes with another new moon. Naturally, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar does not correspond to our first January. It falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. It is clear that this date is not constant, and changes every year. So in 2018, the Spring Festival - "Chun Jie" in China falls on February 16th. To find out what time the Chinese New Year starts in your area, just find out the start time of the second new moon in your area:

In Moscow 18 o'clock 13 minutes m. w.
In Pekin 23 hours 13 minutes m.
In Buryatia 23 hours 13 minutes m.

What is the Year of the Dog

Since next year the Yellow Earth Dog will become the mistress of the year, it can be argued that 2018 will not be unambiguous. Despite the fact that this animal is characterized by such features as:

  • loyalty;
  • honesty;
  • justice;
  • friendliness.

At the same time, the Dog is unpredictable and lazy. Nevertheless, Chinese astrologers are sure that due to the fact that this animal has a yellow color and is strengthened by the earth element, it will be able to make our life stable and calm. The next year will be characterized by harmony and peace. It is likely that the economic problems in many countries will disappear, and the confrontation in many regions will subside. The lives of many people will improve qualitatively. Also, the next year is good for marriage and replenishment of offspring. And yet, the Chinese are sure that if you feed all the dogs that come your way on New Year's Eve, then 2018 will definitely be lucky. The hostess of the year will certainly reward you with excellent health and give you true love.

history of the holiday

The history of the celebration of spring day has more than one millennium. According to Confucius, the holiday appeared in the twenty-third century BC. There are many versions of the origin of Chun Ze in China. One of them explains its appearance as follows. A long time ago, the inhabitants of modern China suffered from the Nian sea monster, which once a year crawled out onto land and destroyed everything in its path. During this period, the local population went high into the mountains, and the terrible animal got food and livestock. But one day, on such turbulent days, a monk appeared who promised to save the people from this misfortune. He hung red lanterns in the house, wrote certain phrases on paper and began to make an incredible noise. The monster did not expect such resistance and left these places forever. After that, the Chinese once a year repeat the traditions of their ancestors. An incredible number of red lanterns are launched into the sky, and the earth trembles from the roar of firecrackers and fireworks.

Celebration traditions

In fact, a lot of traditions have accumulated over the years to celebrate the New Year in China. Each region has its own characteristics. We will describe the most basic ones that are typical for most regions.

Like all other peoples, the Chinese before the holiday free their homes from trash and unnecessary things. There are reasons for this. According to experts in Feng Shui, this procedure clears the way for the energy of Ci. The difference between cleaning in China is that the garbage in the house is not swept in the same way as in ours - to the doorstep, but vice versa - from the entrance to the center. This allows you not to release useful energy from the house. Another tradition different from us is a complete ban on cleaning after the New Year. According to the Chinese, cleaning the house can sweep away good luck. In China, there are traditions that are similar to our customs. For example, as in Russia, the New Year in China family holiday. Wherever a person is, new year holidays he aspires to his father's house. It is no coincidence that on the eve of the Spring Festival, all of China gets on cars, trains, planes, etc., in order to celebrate the New Year together. Like us, Chinese New Year's table bursting with deliciousness. The Chinese are skilled cooks, it is no coincidence that their cuisine is so popular all over the world. According to Chinese customs, cooking must be completed before dinner. Otherwise, you can hurt your luck. Strange as it may seem, but the usual dish for us - dumplings, are mandatory on the festive table. Another must-have is Soy Tofu.

As for gifts, the Chinese are great symbolists. For example, a very popular New Year's gift is a pair of tangerines. They are considered worth their weight in gold. After all, they mean that the donor wishes you a strong marriage. The peculiarity of giving gifts is that the gift is not given directly. It is usually hidden in a secluded place when leaving the house. It is customary for children to give a “lucky amount” - money that is put in a red envelope. This means that you wish the applicant prosperity, so that money is always found in his house. The ritual of burning "money" is interesting. True, the prudent Chinese do not destroy real banknotes, but good fakes.

The most common Christmas gifts are:

  • various amulets, talismans, amulets;
  • all kinds of sweets;
  • figurines of the symbol of the coming year;
  • colorful greeting cards with best wishes.

What not to do

Not accepted in China

  1. give expensive gifts;
  2. wrap presents in white or blue paper. These colors mean mourning.;
  3. in no way should the number "4" be present. It means death.;
  4. give a gift in front of others.

Offerings should only be in pairs: two postcards, two figurines, etc. In the family circle, gifts are given with two hands and first to the oldest.

In China, the New Year is celebrated twice: once according to the European calendar, and the other according to the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year 2019 will be celebrated according to the lunar calendar. Traditionally, the date of the celebration is “floating”. It depends on the state of the moon, so every year the Chinese meet Chun Ze (Spring Festival) on different days.

This period is the most beloved for many inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, and they are looking forward to the start of the celebration, which lasts for 15 days.

When does Chinese New Year start?

It's believed that new period comes into its own on the second new moon after the winter solstice, that is, after December 21 or 22. In 2019, the Chinese New Year begins on February 5th. On this day, a series of bright events and a period of popular fun will begin.

For two weeks, the Chinese observe traditions and customs. Every day holiday calendar dedicated to something. On New Year's Eve, they give gifts to relatives and friends, go to visit each other, honor the memory of the dead and launch lanterns into the sky. For lovers of Chinese culture, this is the best time to visit the country. Cities are changing, festive fuss is seething on the streets, cultural events are taking place.

Since the start date of the celebrations is not hidden, it is not difficult to predict that the holiday will end on February 19, 2019. For information: in some areas, the weekend does not last 15 days, but only a week. At the end of the events, the hard-working people will start working with renewed vigor.

Symbol of 2019

In the eastern horoscope, each year has its own symbol in the form of an animal. There are 12 in total: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each of the symbols is assigned the color of a natural element. He is changing too. There are 5 colors and elements:

  • white - metal;
  • blue - water;
  • green - tree;
  • red - fire;
  • ground is shown in yellow.

According to the Chinese calendar, 2019 is the year of the Yellow (Earth) Pig. According to legend, in the zodiac calendar, the Jade Emperor chose the most beautiful animals that live on earth. The pig came by accident: it became a replacement for the cat, who overslept the reception of the heavenly emperor due to the fact that the rat did not wake him up.

The pig is considered sociable, friendly, but at the same time pragmatic. Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate the holiday in cheerful company closest friends and relatives.

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire expect success in business and in their personal lives from this year. The pig loves to dig in the ground, so 2019 will be favorable for people who are engaged in agriculture and work on the ground. The pig will also favor those who decide to enter into a marriage union.

To meet the Chinese New Year under this sign, you need to properly prepare. Of great importance is the color of the symbol, so for a festive outfit it is recommended to choose clothes in yellow and brown shades. Gold color is suitable for both outfits and room decor. The pig loves acorns, so the creation of decorative compositions with them is welcome.

The animal loves to eat, so the New Year's table should be rich. Dishes from vegetables, legumes, meat, poultry and fish are welcome.

Chinese New Year Feng Shui Secrets

Today, there are more and more adherents of the Taoist practice of Feng Shui. This practice helps to organize the space in such a way that the favorable Qi energy works for the benefit of a person.

On the eve of the New Year, the Chinese people are trying to follow the main rules of Feng Shui, so that in the future they will have good luck and happiness.

Since the Chinese celebrate the holiday for more than two weeks, preparations for the celebration are carried out thoroughly. According to ancient practice, the first thing to do is to clear the house of rubbish, old unnecessary things. Before the celebrations, the hostesses carry out a general cleaning. Every corner is washed, broken objects and old unnecessary clothes are thrown away. Each person must put their thoughts in order, let go of problems and forgive old grievances.

It is important that the house has clean windows, because in the morning with the sun's rays, Qi energy enters the room. She must enter the room without hindrance.

According to Feng Shui, it is necessary to correctly install the main decoration of the house - the Tree of Light. In China, this is an ordinary tree, decorated with red lanterns, envelopes and ribbons. Depending on the wishes of the family, the implementation of which is scheduled for the coming year, a place is chosen for the tree in the house:

  • the southeast side is responsible for attracting wealth to the house;
  • the eastern part is for peace and happiness in the family;
  • south side of the world - fame and recognition in society;
  • The Tree of Light, installed in the center of the room, promotes health and vitality;
  • the western part of the room is chosen for the tree by those who wish to replenish the family;
  • the north side will help you move up the career ladder and achieve success in business;
  • the northeastern part attracts energy that stimulates mental activity;
  • travelers are advised to install the Tree of Light in the northwestern part.

According to ancient practice, figurines with the symbol of the coming year should be placed in the house. They are placed in that part of the room, the energy of which they want to attract into the house. It is important that at the end of the celebrations, you should not hide the talismans-figurines. It is advisable to take care of them throughout the year.

Special attention should be paid to gifts. They don't have to be expensive. You can donate money, but it is desirable that the number of banknotes be equal to eight, since the eight is a sign of infinity.

We all know that according to the Gregorian calendar, according to which we all live, the New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. But, the Eastern New Year, the very one, the symbol of which is the red fiery Rooster, according to all the rules, will come on the night of January 27-28.

For almost all countries of East Asia, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017 begins on January 28, 2017. This is a very important holiday for Asian countries, it is celebrated noisily and on a large scale. The celebrations last fifteen days in a row.

It is interesting! Many are wondering when the new year is coming according to the eastern calendar 2017, because this date changes every year. It depends on the lunar calendar. The New Year comes into its own on the first lunar day of the second new moon, always after the winter solstice.

New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017 is the year of red Fire Rooster. If you delve into the Eastern teachings, you can find out that the year will bring good luck and in general will be filled with good events. It is the red rooster that has long been considered a strong magical symbol. He is able to fly, show strength and courage even in the most difficult situations.

It is quite clear how to celebrate the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, because our cockerel is red. But, this is not the only color to pay attention to. New Year in Asian countries is one of the brightest and longest holidays. Traditionally, especially great importance during the celebration is also given to the golden color. So, in order to please the rooster and all oriental signs, you can harmoniously combine red and white in your outfit.

It is interesting! In the east, red symbolizes fire, it drives away bad luck and troubles. Asians not only wear red clothes to celebrate the occasion, but also write cards on red paper, give gifts in red wrapping, and launch wish lanterns in this color.

New Year's Eve in China and other countries of this region is very noisy. Mandatory attributes of celebrations are festivals, fire shows and fireworks. It is believed that the noisier the holiday, the more successful people will drive away evil spirits from themselves and their families.

If you are thinking about what to cook for the new year 2017 according to the eastern calendar, then you should pay special attention to oriental food. But, it is not worth fixing only on it. On the festive table, you can also serve dishes that the rooster will like. First of all, these are fresh apples. Also, the rooster will be delighted with his favorite fresh vegetables, herbs.

Eastern calendar legend

It is no coincidence that the new year according to the eastern calendar 2017 is the year of the Rooster. The fact is that moon calendar consists of twelve cycles, each of which has its own animal symbol, but how did these symbols appear? Buddha is involved in everything. Before leaving the earth, the Buddha decided to gather all the animals and say goodbye to them. Twelve animals came and in the order in which they came, the Buddha gave them a year each. As a result, the first year is Rat (cunning), then comes the Ox (hardworking), Tiger (brave), Rabbit (quiet) and Dragon (strong), Snake (wise), Horse (beautiful) and Sheep or Goat (artistic), Monkey (smart), Rooster (bright), Dog (loyal) and Pig (happy). In addition to the fact that each animal received its own year, it conveyed to the year the traits of its character: both positive and negative. It is believed that a person born in the year of a certain animal also adopts these traits. He receives both the strengths and weaknesses of the animal and must decide for himself which line of behavior to choose.

Other Chinese New Year Traditions

What to do in the new year according to the eastern calendar 2017, besides cooking oriental dishes and wearing red clothes? In Asia, New Year's wishes are written in the form of poems on red paper. It is customary to give lucky money to children in red envelopes.
The first days of the holiday in China are an opportunity for family reunion. All members of the family, no matter how far they live from each other, should gather for a big festive table. New Year's Eve dinner together is as important a New Year's tradition as fireworks.

The New Year for East Asians is the longest and important holiday. Family celebration continues with festivals. The festive period ends with the Lantern Festival, it is held on the fifteenth day of celebrations. An important part of the Lantern Festival is the dragon dance. The dragon is made thirty meters long from silk, paper and bamboo. The big dragon is swayed by people who hold the doll and dance under it.
These are the traditions of the new year according to the eastern calendar 2017. If you want to once again arrange a holiday for yourself, get together with friends and drink for good luck and success in the new year, then February 8 is a great occasion to do it! Happy holiday!