When the night of Ivan Kupala The Slavic holiday was bathed by its traditions and history. Divination at the stake

Ivan Kupala is perhaps one of the oldest holidays that have come down to our time. This date has acquired many signs and traditions that are observed despite the fact that the holiday has pagan roots.

This holiday combines pagan and Christian traditions, which is reflected even in its name: the holiday is named after the pagan deity Kupala, and Ivan is the notorious figure of John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus himself in the waters of the sacred Jordan River. After baptism and the establishment of the Christian religion in Rus', many pagan rites were persecuted. They were eradicated everywhere as a source of ignorance and worship of ungodly idols and far-fetched deities. However, the day of Ivan Kupala, a symbol of the summer solstice, was preserved and even in ancient times began to be revered as a date reflecting the interweaving of pagan and Christian religions.

Date of celebration of Ivan Kupala

Many adherents of this holiday continue to celebrate the date exactly on the day of the summer solstice (from June 20 to 24), as it was in ancient times. However, due to a change in the calendar, this date has shifted to July 7th. In 2017, Ivan Kupala is celebrated on the night of July 6-7.

Traditions of the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Night on Ivan Kupala is considered a mystical and magical time. At this time, everyone has the opportunity to attract good luck into their lives. A traditional occupation for our ancestors was swimming at dawn in a natural reservoir. This healing ritual is believed to be able to cleanse everyone from illness and adversity.

On the day of the holiday, bonfires were lit everywhere on the banks of reservoirs. Fire, a symbol of purification and renewal, helped to get rid of not only physical ailments, but also negative thoughts, damage and the evil eye. Our ancestors jumped over the flaring flame and mentally gave the fire all the accumulated negativity.

Young people on Ivan Kupala were actively looking for a couple in order to enter into marriage unions in the future. The couple held hands tightly and jumped over the fire. If they managed not to disengage their hands, then their union promised to be strong and happy.

On this day, various magical rituals were performed everywhere. Our ancestors, with the help of special conspiracies and rituals, attracted luck, prosperity and love into their lives. With the help of special protective herbs, houses were fumigated in order to avoid fires and destruction.

Signs on Ivan Kupala

  • If it rains on the day of the holiday, then after seven days there will be hot and dry weather.
  • The bright light of the stars on the night of the celebration and abundant dew before dawn promise a good harvest of vegetable crops, as well as an abundance of mushrooms and berries in the forest.
  • To determine where the betrothed was, young girls steamed in the bathhouse and whipped each other with brooms, and then threw them over their shoulders. In which direction the brooms fly, from there it is worth waiting for the matchmakers. If a broom fell with a handle to a girl, then the wedding will not be soon, but if with leaves and branches, then they were preparing for soon arrival relatives on the husband's side.

Ivan Kupala is one of the most mysterious holidays, in which the customs of paganism and the Christian faith are intertwined. On this day, believers pray for well-being in the family and ask the Higher Powers to send them mercy to create a strong married couple for life. We wish you good luck and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

13.06.2017 02:10

July 7th is one of the most mystical days of the year - the feast of Ivan Kupala. IN...

On the night of July 6-7, Ivan Kupala is celebrated. Many popular beliefs are associated with it.

Signs on Ivan Kupala

  • If it rains in the evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala Day, then the summer will be damp, and the year will be hungry.
  • If the sky is starry at night, and there is abundant dew in the morning, there will be a good harvest of cucumbers and mushrooms.
  • Seeing a snake is a bad sign - to the loss of a loved one.
  • If there is a spider in the house on Ivan Kupala, a big joyful event in the family will soon take place - a wedding, the birth of a child, the arrival of a welcome guest.
  • If you collect 12 types of plants, then the family will definitely have a wedding soon.
  • If you do not lock up the horses, then they can be taken devilry.
  • Wishes will come true if, on the eve of the Kupala night, you pick a branch of a fern and tie a few short red threads on it, making a wish for each, and then let it go along the river.
  • If the guests come - to the happy news.
  • In the morning after the holiday, hear the cry of a rooster - to a speedy recovery.

Ivana Kupala: what not to do

  • On Ivan Kupala, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, forest evil spirits wake up - witches, snakes, watermen, mermaids, werewolves - so you can’t sleep that night. You can’t swim, because the water one can drag you into the water.
  • In addition, on the night of July 6-7, pregnant women, children and the elderly should stay away from water. Water evil spirits can harm the weak organisms of these people.

It was believed that the witches kept water that boiled with the ashes of the Kupala fire. Having sprinkled it on herself on Ivan Kupala, the witch could safely fly wherever she pleases.

It is better not to give anything to Ivan Kupala, not to sell or borrow. Otherwise, the family may become impoverished. If you find money on the road - even a large amount - you should never take it.

If a woman noted Ivan Kupala and did not visit the evening fire, she was considered a witch.

But what to do on this night is to look for the mythical fern flower. At this time, plants gained charming, medicinal and healing properties. Only on Kupala night a magical fiery flower of happiness bloomed on the fern - the nodule. Whoever breaks it, then everything in the world will know, will easily receive all the treasures, will charm best girl, will have the highest harvest, will not be afraid of evil forces, will have miraculous power to do everything with the hand that plucked the flower of happiness.

Jumping over the Kupala fire has a number of will accept Ivan Kupala:

  • if you jump three times - the year will be healthy, prosperous, happy, successful;
  • if he suddenly stumbled - to illness;
  • if you turn the fire with your foot, troubles will come in the family.

Then you definitely need to jump over the fire 9 times, mentally forming positive images.

Slavs believed that Kupala fire destroys all evil - diseases, misfortunes, poverty. That is why on it burned old, shabby clothes. There was a custom to throw a sick child's shirt into the Kupala fire. It was believed that his illness burned with her.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - Great power of water

The rituals for Ivan Kupala did not end there. Having jumped over the fire, it was necessary to rush into the water immediately after that - "ice and flame" give an amazing cleansing effect. The girls tried to jump into the water in such a way that the wreath from their heads floated on the water.. A good sign for Ivan Kupala was when the wreath did not sink, but floated, the direction of its movement indicated where the matchmakers should come from.

It can be said that mass bathing is one of the main rites of Ivanov's day. The Slavs believed that on the night before the holiday, water bodies and mermaids leave the reservoirs, so you can fearlessly swim in them until Ilyin's day.

Washing their bodies in Kupala water, the girls sang the magic words: “The water is pure Kupail, I want to be red and sweet. Kupala water, let me wash my face with beauty! By the way, if a person refused to swim on Ivan's Day, he was suspected of witchcraft.

At dawn on Ivan Kupala it was customary to wash with dew. Women always collected Kupala dew in a bottle, it became known to comandir.com. She helped get rid of acne, the skin became clean and tender. "Ivanov" dew was also used for eye diseases. The walls of their house were sprinkled with the same dew in order to protect the dwelling from evil spirits and insects.

On Ivan Kupala, they always bathed in the baths. At the same time, they used brooms and water infused with Ivanovo herbs (Ivanovo herbs consecrated in churches on John the Baptist are called Ivanovo). It was believed that the bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to the strengthening and restoration of vitality and health.

The custom was widespread pour water on people you meet on Midsummer Day. This was done in order to bring rain during the hot season.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - collecting herbs on Ivan Kupala

All herbs and plants on Kupala night gain supernatural power- both evil and good. A marvelous color fern blooms on Ivan Kupala. The fern flower is also called the "fire-color" because it is. according to legend, it burns with a red flame, so bright that it becomes clear at night as during the day, and the eyes cannot bear such a blinding light. Legend has it that anyone who pick a fern flower on Ivan Kupala, will acquire magical powers, be able to predict the future, learn to understand the language of birds, plants and animals, and also gain the ability to become invisible to human eyes. Fern flower is able to open any locks, iron locks and doors, will help to find treasures buried in the ground. It's just not that easy to get it. After all, not only people follow the flower of happiness, but also evil forces that are difficult to fight. They are trying to interfere, to divert attention. If, nevertheless, it was possible to find a flower of happiness, it was necessary to hide it on the heart under the clothes. Then it was necessary to take left hand wormwood and chalk circle around yourself - then the evil forces will not be able to do anything to the lucky one.

Medicinal plants on Ivan Kupala harvested at dawn, away from settlements and roads, always in a good mood and with prayer. In addition to healing properties, plants have significant magical powers at this time.

Especially revered on Ivan Kupala grass tirlich . A decoction of it was made necessarily in a new pot, which was bought without bargaining. They washed themselves with this decoction to attract the attention of the chosen one, saying three times: “Tirlich, tirlich! Call my dear!" Such a ceremony on Ivan Kupala was also carried out in order for the girl to get married faster.

Another love plant is periwinkle. They used it so that the guys "creeped" to the girls. They also prepared lovage, which was popularly called the "love root". They believed: in order to always remain young, beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex, one should bathe in water with a decoction of lovage, and in order to attract love, seven rosebuds can be added to the water.

In addition, St. John's wort was collected on Ivan Kupala- all evil spirits are afraid of him as well. like sunlight. And if pick the flower of Ivan da Marya on the night of Ivan Kupala and placed in the corners of the house, the thief will not approach this dwelling: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers of the plant) will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the owner is talking to the mistress. Before drying herbs from Ivan's Day, they were consecrated in churches, and then they fumigated sick people with them, used them as amulets, threw them into a melted stove during a thunderstorm so that lightning would not strike the house.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala was a special time for pregnant women and those women who were just planning to conceive a child. They collected the following herbs: nettle, chamomile, thyme, string, lovage, wormwood. When the child is born, the mother will already have Kupala charmed herbs filled with generic strength and energy. They made tea from them, insisted it and added it to the font. So from the very first days, the mother helped to find the health of the baby. If you continue to bathe the girl, using Kupala herbs, until she is three years old, she will grow up to be a beauty that everyone around will love.

Protective rites for Ivan Kupala

  • On the Kupala night, happiness walks the earth, but with it, evil spirits. Therefore, in order to protect two days before the holiday, plucked burdocks were placed under the roof of the house.
  • On Kupala night, the hosts did not sleep, because evil spirits can spoil a horse, a cow or worse, move into the house forever.
  • To save yourself from misfortune, put nettles on the threshold and on the windowsills.
  • Girls on Ivan Kupala wore garlic in their belts.
  • The horses were locked up so that the witches would not steal them and ride them to Bald Mountain: a horse definitely would not return alive from there!

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In the year of the Red Rooster, the holiday of Ivan Kupala will take place on the eve of the Full Moon on July 9 in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. This combination will give the holiday maximum strength and support from the Higher Forces. Everyone needs to know when Ivana Kupala 2017 and conduct effective rituals on the night of July 6-7 to increase wealth, love and prosperity.

Lunar calendar on Midsummer night

Mystical folk holiday traditionally celebrated in the first week of July. Moon calendar for 2017 says that the celebration will take place on the night of the twelfth day of the moon, when issues related to such areas of our life as:

  • Solving legal issues of any complexity;
  • All real estate transactions;
  • Organization of romantic dates and pleasant surprises.

However, this day cannot be called stable, since the growing Moon in the second phase will saturate the air with electricity and excessive activity. In addition, a small magnetic storm falls on July 7, 2017. So keep in mind that conflicts are possible out of the blue and an irrepressible desire to get everything at once.

Nevertheless, most people will be in a great mood and actively enjoy life, summer holidays and the opportunity to hold a walk in honor of Ivan Kupala together with their loved one. It is important to note that the day When Ivana Kupala in 2017 patronized by such planets as Jupiter and Venus. This means that the Higher Powers will give all those in love a chance to harmonize relationships.

Signs on Ivan Kupala

The magical Kupala night will combine the energy of four elements: fire, water, air and earth. The strength of medicinal herbs collected on the night of July 6-7, 2017 will increase several times.

The collection of Ivanovo herbs has long been part of the ritual complex of celebrating the first night holiday in July. The lucky ones will find their fern flower, but other herbs such as lemon balm, wormwood, nettle, mint, strawberry leaves, Ivan da Marya, thistle and many others can heal any person or pet.

It is a very good omen to see a rainbow in a day, when Ivan Kupala in 2017. It is necessary to quickly make a wish and photograph a celestial phenomenon. In the future, the image of a good sign will bring you good luck and prosperity.

For girls who are going to get married and give birth to a child, as well as for all women planning a pregnancy, clairvoyants recommend jumping over the fire on Kupala night, holding hands with a loved one. If your foot hit a burnt section of a branch, beware of trouble, if a lot of sparks flew from the fire - expect a lot of news and surprises, and if you managed to jump to the maximum height - your wish will certainly come true!

Wedding on the day of Ivan Kupala

There is a belief that marrying Ivan Kupala means swimming in luxury all your life. It is very important for lovers to hold each other's hands on this day, as the exchange of energies takes place at a more intense level than usual.

It should be remembered that the primary colors of this summer day- white, green, pink and blue.

To attract good luck to your side, you need to cook or bake a whole chicken on the fire on the night of Ivan Kupala. Early in the morning on July 7, it is cut into pieces and distributed to people in need. It is believed that by doing so you will appease the Higher Forces and they will give you new prospects in business and love.

There is a fortune-telling according to which an unmarried girl must collect eleven different herbs on the night of July 6-7, 2017 and weave them all into her wreath. You need to wear it on your head for at least two hours, then the young beauty should remove the jewelry and let it flow along the river. It’s bad if the wreath sinks - there will be complications in life, but if it safely sails away for a long distance - the wedding will be this year!

Ivana Kupala is probably the most long-awaited summer holiday which has long been celebrated among the people every year on the night of the sixth to the seventh of July. This traditional walk is always associated with warm summer days, sunshine, and a pleasant evening breeze. What can we say about the fact that there is an incalculable number of signs and rituals that are dedicated to this holiday.

The most common tradition on Ivan Kupala is to weave wreaths of wild flowers and herbs, dance around a large fire, jump over it, sing songs, dance and have fun until the morning.

Considering the fact that the holiday came to us from the time of paganism, many city dwellers already forget that there is such a holiday and how to celebrate it, unlike the villagers, who are still somewhat closer to the original traditions. In this regard, the question arises, where to celebrate Ivan Kupala 2017? Already on July 8 in our country will be celebrated.

Celebration in nature is the best choice

There is a belief that on the night of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, which is celebrated annually from July 6 to 7, you can’t go to bed, since it is on this night that various evil spirits wake up. Therefore, in many villages, bonfires are lit on this night and they have fun until dawn, while preparing various treats and games. A bonfire is an integral part of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, which is why it is best to celebrate the holiday somewhere in nature big company, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to kindle a fire within the city.

In addition, making a choice in favor of villages, for example, you can stumble upon folk festivals and immerse yourself in local traditions. If there is a river or lake nearby, then you can arrange night swimming. And also by old tradition, you can go to the forest in search of a fern. Since Ivana Kupala is a summer holiday that is closely connected with the forces of nature and traditions, it is best to celebrate it in a proper place where you can completely and completely merge with the forest spirits. You can cook with you to nature.

urban fun

City residents who do not have the opportunity to go out of town will be interested to know where to celebrate Ivan Kupala 2017 without leaving the city. For example, residents of the capital of Russia are given a unique chance to celebrate Ivan Kupala 2017 at the festival, which is timed to coincide with the holiday and has been held in the city for more than a year.

If the decision on where to celebrate Ivan Kupala 2017 has not yet been made, then the city festival is perhaps the best alternative to celebrating in the countryside or in nature, since it has absorbed only all the best traditions. To visit the festival means to get a lot of positive emotions, learn a lot interesting facts about the holiday, as well as just relax and have a good time.

At the festival, you can enjoy the sound of different music, including folk songs, dance and even learn a new folk dance, which is danced annually around a fire in the outback of the country! Also, a lot of people gather at the festival, so this is a great chance to make new acquaintances. The program of the festival also includes an entertaining show, which consists of many bed rituals.

Such a city festival is the best affordable alternative to village fun, as the organizers took care of the presence of the main attributes of Ivan Kupala: a fire, songs, dances, and even a fair with traditional decorations, village dresses, homemade crafts. You won't be bored tonight for sure! Make on festive table.

Interesting traditions and rites

One of the most popular traditions, which young and single ladies especially like, is fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala. For example, on this night, accept letting out wreaths that the girls themselves wove, and if the wreath quickly floats on the water, then soon a young man will appear in her life who will become her husband, and if the wreath sinks or is knocked down by the current, then be a girl yet alone for a while. By the way, weaving wreaths of herbs and flowers is another good old tradition that is followed both in villages and cities, especially at festivals, where you can also get to a wreath weaving master class.

Other traditions include well-known jumping over a fire. For example, a lover jumps over a fire by the hand to find out what lies ahead for their couple. If during the jump the lover holds hands tightly and does not let them go, then they have a strong union ahead, and if for some reason they open their hands, then they will not be together for long.

And if you throw the shirt of a sick child into the fire, then he must certainly recover. You can also use wreaths from the holiday of Ivan Kupala for the benefit of health. For example, dry a wreath woven for a holiday, and then use these flowers and herbs to prepare healing tinctures and decoctions.

Answering the question of where to celebrate Ivan Kupala 2017, it must be clarified that after all this is a folk festival, which means that it is necessary to spend it in a friendly company, with fun, and, of course, a feast, regardless of location. Traditional dishes on Ivan Kupala are lard, pancakes, porridge, eggs and beer.

Happy holiday!

The holiday of Ivan Kupala, dedicated to the summer solstice, is celebrated on the night of July 6-7. It has other names - Ivan's Day, Ivan Travnik, Kolosok, Kres, Yarilin's Day and coincides with the Christian holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist. For many years this ancient holiday, widely celebrated in different countries, overgrown different traditions and ritual ceremonies.

History of the holidays of Ivan Kupala

Why does the holiday have such a name? Ivan Kupala is the Russian nickname for one of the most revered predecessors of Jesus Christ - the prophet John the Baptist (Forerunner). The Christian holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist of the church, living according to the Gregorian calendar, is celebrated on June 24th. And John is translated from Greek as "bather, plunger." John baptized Jesus following the Jewish tradition of ritual washing and immersing him in the waters of the Jordan. Therefore, the holiday, which is celebrated on the night of July 6-7, is inextricably linked with water, bathing and ablution, as well as cleansing with the help of fire.

Rites and traditions of the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Ivan Kupala is perhaps the most magical and unusual holiday. It appeared as a veneration of the main deity - the Sun, Kupala, who gives life, light and hope. But in one night, as they believed in Rus', all four elements were combined: fire, water, earth and air.

One of the most important rituals for Ivan Kupala is bathing. It is believed that it is on this day (and you can’t swim at night) that a lot of special healing powers appear in the water that can help a person in his affairs.

Fire became no less magical substance on the night of Ivan Kupala. The participants of the holiday made large fires on the banks of the reservoirs and jumped over the fire. This rite helped them to be cleansed of all evil thoughts and diseases. Also on this day, they jumped over the fire in pairs, holding each other's hands. If young people managed to jump and not let go of their hands, then this promised them a strong and long union.

On this day, the girls wove wreaths (it was necessary to use 12 different plants for this) and let them float on the water. If the wreath sinks, then this year the girl will sit in the girls. And if it sails away from the shore, it means the wedding is coming soon.

By the way, on Ivan Kupala, girls went to the forest to collect medicinal herbs and flowers, which acquired a special healing power that day. They all really wanted to find a fern flower that has magical powers. People believed that the one who found this flower would learn not only to understand the language of animals, but also to see all the treasures, as well as open all the treasures by attaching the flower to the locks.

Even on this day, it was customary to pray to St. John the Baptist with a headache and for children.

What not to do on Ivan Kupala

According to ancient beliefs, on the night of Ivan Kupala, all sorts of evil spirits wake up - witches, snakes, watermen, mermaids, werewolves. And in order not to fall into their insidious networks, it was impossible to sleep that night. It was not recommended to go swimming either, as there was a high probability that a merman or a mermaid would be drawn into the water. Evil spirits could also attack pregnant women, children and the elderly, so they also had to be kept away from water that night.

So that the family would not become impoverished, nothing was given to anyone on Ivan Kupala, they were not sold or borrowed. For the same reason, jewelry and money found on the road that day were not lifted from the ground.

But if the girl did not visit the evening Kupala fire, then she was considered a witch.