What is she, Georgian? The most beautiful Georgian women in the world are the beauty of the Caucasus! Georgian names for girls modern list

In the treasury of names, with full confidence, we can include female Georgian names, many of which have a long history, but still have not lost their relevance ...

By Masterweb

11.04.2018 22:01

The history of names is interesting and instructive, each nation has its own traditions of naming children. And Georgia is no exception. In the pre-Christian period, the most ancient of the female Georgian names arose, having natural roots or denoting some quality inherent in a girl.

The second category of names is of Christian origin, which is associated with the religion of the state. Finally, another group has eastern roots, this is easily explained by the geographical position of Georgia. Let's take a closer look at these options below.

The most beautiful and musical

Among the female Georgian names there are many very smooth, sonorous and therefore especially attractive. Their list with meaning is shown below:

  • Aliko - "possessing omniscience."
  • Ana - "desirable", "reliable".
  • Daria - "mistress".
  • Dzhemal, Jamaliya - "perfect", "ideal".
  • Kekela - "beauty".
  • Keti - "purity and innocence."
  • Maya is the patroness of fertility.
  • Mtsyre, Tsiru, Tsiri - "girl".
  • Nani, Nanuli, Naniya - "baby".
  • Rusiko - "long years of life."
  • Saba - "born in the rays of sunset."
  • Saquarela - "beloved".
  • Salome - "peaceful."
  • Sofiko - "wise".
  • Suliko - "endowed with a soul."
  • Tamina - "living in peace and prosperity."
  • Khatia - "impeccable as a picture."
  • Eteri - "special".

Many of these options sound somewhat unusual for European ears, but are quite common in Georgia.

with natural roots

The list of Georgian female names has a large number of options, the name of which comes from the names of objects natural world in particular flowers. So, the beautiful and sonorous names for girls Gika and Giuli originated from the name of the rose flower. And Gela, Helia and Gelika, Mgelia, Mgela - from a severe predator - a wolf. Marina, Marine, Marianna mean "marine". Natella - "firefly", Tamar - "date palm". Endzela means "snowflake", Dzaglika means "little dog"

The "stone" theme is represented by a whole group of similar options that have the meaning of "ruby". This is Lali, Lale, Lala. The names Mzevinar, Mzekala and Mzia come from the name of the most important luminary - the Sun.

Christian stories

Speaking of female Georgian names, it should be noted that one of their sources is the Christian religion, which is why you can meet a Georgian woman with one of these options:

  • Christina is a "Christian".
  • Mariam, Maro, Mariko - "beloved of God."
  • Natalie - "born on Christmas".
  • Tamta - "dedicated to God."
  • Theon - "divine mind".
  • Eliso - "praying."

These beautiful female Georgian names are very in demand and popular, they are still used, but they are not among the leaders in terms of frequency.

Modern borrowings

The list of Georgian female names includes those with European or Russian roots. They are used in modern world: Diana, Inga, Janet, Mary, there are also options familiar to Russian ears: Ekaterina (you can also find the spelling of Ekaterina, Katevani), Ilona, ​​Lika, Nelly, Nonna, Polina, Nina, Liana. They are gradually replacing folk anthroponyms, becoming more and more in demand.

Most often, national Georgian female names are used in villages and villages, giving way to more modern options in cities. Couples are also acceptable: for example, there is Sofia and Sofiko, both names can be used by Georgians. Eastern Irine is very similar to the Russian Irina, this name means “carrying the world”, and Marine resembles Marina, both stand for “sea”.

Georgian names are interesting in themselves, especially if they are ancient, coming from the distant past. Modern options lost their romance, they do not sound so smooth and melodious, they do not carry a deep meaning. However, it is they who displace the ancient anthroponyms, leading to their exit from everyday life and complete loss. But many Georgians honor the traditions of the past and continue to use their own old vocabulary.

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The founder of the More is Love online store Nino Eliava met four Georgian women of different generations and outlooks on life, and the photographer Gregory Regini made wonderful portraits of the interview's heroines

In recent years, interest in Georgia has been growing stronger. A large number of people I meet tell me either how impressed they were with going to my country or how they would like to go there. - I have not met indifferent people. Someone is interested in Georgian culture, someone is eager to try real Georgian cuisine and visit a Georgian feast, and someone has recently shown great interest in Georgian designers.

But I would like to get away from obvious topics a bit and introduce you to four Georgian women of different generations, with different professions and stories, who have something to say.

Elene Makharashvili, model

I want to start with the youngest heroine, who has been working as a model since the age of 15 and at her 18 already has considerable experience in this business. I met Elene on one of the shoots for the next issue of MORE is LOVE Magazine. I was a photographer, she was a model, it was extremely easy and pleasant for me to work with her, and only after the shooting did I find out that, despite her age, she had already worked in Paris at the IMG agency and in Tokyo, where she shot for Vogue and ELLE .

We caught up with Elene for a chat after she arrived from London where she has shot for Topshop, Urban Outfitters and many other brands.

Tell us about your generation and its problems...
My generation seems to me very talented and developed, but extremely dependent on advanced technologies. I don't like that they spend more time on their iPhones than on the world around them. Of course, technological progress promotes development, but it can easily cause addiction and remove one from the real world.

I think my generation lacks freedom - freedom of thought and speech. I see a striking difference between my peers living in Georgia and in Europe. Young Georgians often artificially limit their consciousness, while in the modern world there are no borders and barriers.

Do you like Georgian cinema?
"Eccentrics" by Eldar Shengelaya - this film always cheers me up. My favorite episode is when the characters come up with a formula for love.

Many of your peers do not speak Russian well, and those who are even younger do not speak it at all. What do you think about this?
Russia is a huge neighboring country, and in Georgia they say that a good neighbor is better than any relative (laughs). I believe that it is very important to know the Russian language, in many respects the development of our country also depends on Russia.

What is yours favorite place in Georgia and why?
I adore Svaneti, its nature and people living there. They are special, brave (laughs). I love Batumi, I have very warm memories of this city.

How would you describe a Georgian woman?
Words come to my mind: hardworking, faithful, family, charming and wise.

This is a small, very cozy place where everyone helps each other and gives love, despite all the turmoil and adversity.

And who is the hero of our time for you?
Nino Ananiashvili (Georgian ballerina - ed.). I am proud that she is Georgian.

What is the most valuable thing in life for you?
The health of the people around me, their well-being and, of course, peace of mind.

How can Georgia become happy?
Georgians have one bad trait - to see the bad side in everything and not notice the good. But you can always find something positive even in the most difficult situation.

Ketevan Maissaia, designer

I met Ketevan in Paris when I interviewed her for the Grazia weekly, when she had just left the house of Maison Martin Margiela, where she designed bags and launched her eyewear line in collaboration with Thierry Lasry. Prior to that, she worked for brands such as Alexander McQueen, Chalayan and Hermès. Ketevan told me that she was going to launch her own brand - today her shoes are sold in stores such as Colette, TSUM, MORE is LOVE and many others. For me, Ketevan is one of the few who can create art in the fashion world.

How do you feel about the extinction of the Russian language in Georgia?
I am sad to realize that this is happening, because knowledge of any language is an incredible wealth. Especially Russian, rich and deep.

I personally read Russian literature only in Russian, and many of my peers read English or German. But life is full of changes, and I think we should treat this with interest and optimism.

What can you tell about your generation?
My generation grew up in an era of change, every ten years everything changed radically. These circumstances have made us strong and resilient. We have been through a lot, we have suffered, we have hoped. We know what we want and what we don't. I expect a lot from my generation. We do not have ambitions to change the world, but I hope we will make our country the way we want it to be.

And what is the most important problem your generation?
The problem of my generation is ignorance of the opportunities that the 21st century provides.

What is your favorite place in Georgia?
Kakheti. Everything there is unusually beautiful, tasty and healthy. The Caucasus is visible at a glance. Kakheti has a huge number of amazing ancient temples.

What is your favorite Georgian film?
"Dog" by Leyla Gordeladze, "Don't Cry!" George Danelia and "My grandmother" Kote Mikaberidze. And many more.

What does Georgia need to be happy?
Georgia will not be happy without territorial integrity.

What does it mean to be a Georgian woman today?
Today, a Georgian woman is the same as she was 100 years ago - strong, faithful, wise.

What is Georgia for you?
Georgia today could be better. She seems to take a step forward, but then takes two steps back ... But still, she gives us the desire to love and admire, work and fight, eat deliciously and drink fine wine, sing and dance. She gives us strength and gives us hope...

What is most valuable to you in life?
The most valuable thing for me is my family, friends and my homeland.

Tell me what you need to see in Tbilisi in the first place dh?
Be sure to stroll through the old town with its narrow streets and delicious cafes, walk through the local art galleries and small shops where you can find all sorts of knick-knacks.

Architecture lovers should take a look at the Rustaveli Theatre, the old Department Store, the National Library, the building of the Ministry of Highways, the Museum of Archeology, the Opera... it's impossible to list them all.

It will be wonderful if you are lucky enough to get to the performances of the Puppet Theater and the Rustaveli Theater, as well as to the performance of the Sukhishvili National Ballet.
But the main charm of Tbilisi is that wherever you go, you will be greeted hospitably everywhere.

Nutsa Kukhianidze, actress

The actress who played side by side with Hollywood stars. This is a man with a very interesting outlook on life and cinema, as well as a passionate love for his homeland.

I would like to know what do you think about the extinction of the Russian language in Georgia? The new generation practically does not speak it.
My grandmother always spoke Russian, and I also prefer to read Russian literature in the original. This language has never been foreign to me, we speak it at home. I believe that the more languages ​​a person knows, the better.

What is your favorite Georgian cinematography?
The heyday of Georgian cinema fell on the period of the existence of the USSR, and therefore I associate Georgian cinema with the Soviet film industry.

Then advise the Soviet film that made the biggest impression on you ...
You know, I was 9 years old when we left for America, and there was nowhere to watch Soviet cinema. I wasn't particularly interested in them. I do not like the word "Soviet" at all, because this structure and ideology does not appeal to me. However, you can't argue with history. One of the best Soviet-Georgian films for me is Blue Mountains. In fact, cinema should not have nationalities and borders, like any art. A picture that reveals topics that are understandable to everyone - this is real cinema. It was not in vain that I cited the film "Blue Mountains" as an example - my American friend watched it with pleasure and, most importantly, understood it.

Of the films I've been in, this is one of my favorites. It was filmed in the nineties by a young film director Georgy Mgeladze. It's called "No, friend!" is a film masterpiece that destroys all stereotypes and frames. And if anything can be called Georgian cinema, it is this picture.

Which of your film projects was the most interesting?
You know, I have a very unusual relationship with cinema. Each project appeared in my life unplanned, spontaneously, at the right moment. Therefore, each film had its own mission, and it's hard for me to single out one.

If we talk about my first experience, which took me to another level, it was the role in the movie "The Good Thief". I gained a lot of experience working with people who today shape modern cinema. It was very interesting to be in the company of such professionals as Nick Nolte, Ralph Fiennes and Emir Kusturica. I was 18 years old, and I told them a lot about my country.

Tell me, why did you move back to Georgia?
I had a terrible nostalgia, but I can not say that I completely moved. I often travel to America, people close to me live there, and I really love this country and the values ​​on which it is built.

What is your favorite place in Georgia and why?
Recently, I often travel to Kakheti, because my aunt lives there. She built a house and a farm there. And recently I had shootings in Adjara, and we went to the village of Adzvi, where we saw a stunning picture - a narrow endless vineyard alley leading from one grape variety to another. We were there at the end of autumn, when the harvest is ripe. As a result, the alley suddenly grew into a huge red apple orchard. It is impossible to describe such beauty, and the taste of these apples and fruits is unearthly. I will never forget this place.

Do you have your own hero of our time?
Irakli Charkviani was definitely a hero (Georgian poet, writer and musician - ed.).

Tell us about your generation and its problems...
It seems to me that my generation lacks freedom and understanding of it. This is a big problem. In order for Georgia to develop and move forward, it is very important that people be free, both internally and externally.

Manana Arabuli, artist

An artist by education, now Manana is engaged in her favorite project - the restoration of seven Georgian fonts of the 40s-80s. She lived for 13 years in Moscow, worked in Harper's Bazaar and Domovoy magazines.

Manana is planning new project associated with the first Georgian fast food, but we will not reveal all the secrets at once.

Tell us about your generation...
Georgians of my generation are closed people and look down on outsiders, hinting that they know everything. But actually mWe don’t know anything, a person must study all his life.

What is your favorite Georgian movie and why?
Probably, after all, Ioseliani's film "There Lived a Song Thrush", if from the classics. One day of a person is shown, and then he dies so ridiculously - in principle, this is our life. Today we are, tomorrow we may not be.

How do you feel about the extinction of the Russian language in Georgia?
This is quite normal, because Russia and Georgia are two different states. But still it is very individual. Russian is taught in schools, tutors are hired - everything is optional.

What is your favorite place in Georgia?
At one time it was Lidzava in Pitsunda. I love water and the sea. In Tbilisi, my favorite place is baths. There is healing sulfuric water and an amazing skin renewal procedure.

How would you describe a Georgian woman?
She is well-groomed, laconic, well-dressed, elegant, strict. This Strong woman confident in himself and his dignity.

What is Georgia for you?
I decided to move back to my homeland because everything began to develop here, every year I came and saw the changes. When I left Georgia, there was a complete collapse, my friends died in the war, everyone was depressed.

The history of names is interesting and instructive, each nation has its own traditions of naming children. And Georgia is no exception. In the pre-Christian period, the most ancient of the female Georgian names arose, having natural roots or denoting some quality inherent in a girl.

The second category of names is of Christian origin, which is associated with the religion of the state. Finally, another group has eastern roots, this is easily explained by the geographical position of Georgia. Let's take a closer look at these options below.

The most beautiful and musical

Among the female Georgian names there are many very smooth, sonorous and therefore especially attractive. Their list with meaning is shown below:

  • Aliko - "possessing omniscience."
  • Ana - "desirable", "reliable".
  • Daria - "mistress".
  • Dzhemal, Jamaliya - "perfect", "ideal".
  • Kekela - "beauty".
  • Keti - "purity and innocence."
  • Maya is the patroness of fertility.
  • Mtsyre, Tsiru, Tsiri - "girl".
  • Nani, Nanuli, Naniya - "baby".
  • Rusiko - "long years of life."
  • Saba - "born in the rays of sunset."
  • Saquarela - "beloved".
  • Salome - "pacified."
  • Sofiko - "wise".
  • Suliko - "endowed with a soul."
  • Tamina - "living in peace and prosperity."
  • Khatia - "impeccable as a picture."
  • Eteri - "special".

Many of these options sound somewhat unusual for European ears, but are quite common in Georgia.

with natural roots

The list of Georgian female names has a large number of options, the name of which comes from the names of objects in the natural world, in particular, flowers. So, the beautiful and sonorous names for girls Gika and Giuli originated from the name of the rose flower. And Gela, Helia and Gelika, Mgelia, Mgela - from a severe predator - a wolf. Marina, Marine, Marianna mean "marine". Natella - "firefly", Tamar - "date palm". Endzela means "snowflake", Dzaglika means "little dog"

The "stone" theme is represented by a whole group of similar options that have the meaning of "ruby". This is Lali, Lale, Lala. The names Mzevinar, Mzekala and Mzia originate from the name of the most important luminary - the Sun.

Christian stories

Speaking of female Georgian names, it should be noted that one of their sources is the Christian religion, which is why you can meet a Georgian woman with one of these options:

  • Christina - "Christian".
  • Mariam, Maro, Mariko - "beloved of God."
  • Natalie - "who was born on Christmas."
  • Tamta - "dedicated to God."
  • Theon - "divine mind."
  • Eliso - "prayer".

These beautiful female Georgian names are very in demand and popular, they are still used, but they are not among the leaders in terms of frequency.

Modern borrowings

The list of Georgian female names includes those with European or Russian roots. They are used in the modern world: Diana, Inga, Janet, Mary, there are also options familiar to Russian ears: Ekaterina (you can also find the spelling of Ekaterina, Katevani), Ilona, ​​Lika, Nelly, Nonna, Polina, Nina, Liana. They are gradually replacing folk anthroponyms, becoming more and more in demand.

Most often, national Georgian female names are used in villages and villages, giving way to more modern options in cities. Couples are also acceptable: for example, there is Sofia and Sofiko, both names can be used by Georgians. Eastern Irine is very similar to the Russian Irina, this name means “carrying the world”, and Marine resembles Marina, both stand for “sea”.

Georgian names are interesting in themselves, especially if they are ancient, coming from the distant past. Modern versions have lost their romance, they do not sound so smooth and melodious, they do not carry a deep meaning. However, it is they who displace the ancient anthroponyms, leading to their exit from everyday life and complete loss. But many Georgians honor the traditions of the past and continue to use their own old vocabulary.