Warrior's wife, or love for survival. Elena the star wife of a warrior, or love for survival Wife war or love for survival

Elena Star

Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival

© Zvezdnaya E., 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

Story One: About Mysteries, Nightmares, and Targeted Planning

Night. The calm breathing of Eran, his hand gently covering my palm, the sleepy growl of Ikasik, who settled on the balcony.

But we are not alone! I feel it clearly. I feel steps from the door - light, weightless. I feel them, but I don't hear them. I feel presence. I don't know how, but I feel it. I track and even with my eyes closed I see how the shadow is approaching me.

I startle as soon as the dark substance stops a step away from the bed, and at the same moment Eran wakes up. The light flashes, the blue-eyed warrior, having risen, peers anxiously at me.

The shadow continues to stand by!

I want to answer, I try to utter at least a word and ... I can’t. I'm scared. I've never been so scared, I'm even afraid to move.

– Kieran, – the warrior gently touches my cheek, and the realization comes – my face is wet with tears.

* * *

I woke up and sat up in bed. My head hurt. A strange weakness spread throughout the body. And fear. Silent panic terror pulsed and beat like the echo of a heartbeat. I looked around nervously - in the bedroom of the lord of Iristan there were only me and Ikas sleeping on the balcony. For a long time she did not dare to look in the direction of the front door, then she cursed herself for cowardice and turned her head. Nobody.

So it's a dream?

Just a bad dream? Since when do I have nightmares? From what crazy atom did my brain throw such a dream at me?! And why is it so scary ... It's still scary.

The door opened - a blue-eyed warrior in black trousers and a snow-white shirt approached silently, sat down next to me, extended his hand, touched my cheek and asked:

What scared you at night?

Tar-en nodded.

And I realized that what happened was not a dream! I saw a shadow. Not the same as Nrogo's, and not even the monster that controlled the papandra, something else. Terrible. Dangerous. For me it's dangerous.

Without looking at the warrior, I cautiously got out of bed, went to the window, sat down near Ikas, thoughtfully stroked the snow-white fur of the beast. The only thing I could think about right now was, did my mother tell me everything?!

Noise behind the wall. Eran got up, crossed the bedroom, opened the door.

“Ashen accerdan eithna McAdle,” said the woman in white standing outside the door.

"Cairne," the tar-en replied sharply, and closed the door.

I did not understand their language, nor why the negotiations this time were conducted in such a way, because Eran could have done it differently, somehow putting his fingers to his neck, and that's it. But here's what I specifically understood - it was about my grandmother, and the blue-eyed one said "no." Well, maybe not a no, but it was definitely a rejection.

- What are you afraid of? the tar-en suddenly asked, turning sharply towards me.

What could I say? During the night, even Iqas did not react to the substance. And Eran didn't see it. Because the shadow came for me. Right behind me. It would be possible now to be afraid, worry and even tell the tar-en, but what will it change? Nothing. The shadow came for me, you need to understand why and why. And now I was desperately trying to remember what exactly Aravan said about my grandmother and how she became an eith, even though she was the only one for grandfather.

Remember verbatim.

But only snippets came to mind:

“Agarn needed a girl from the Aerd clan. Aerd - eithns, traditionally. There are several clans that can accept the blood of any clan, Aerd are the strongest. Traditionally, eitna-hassash belongs to Aerd, and our grandmother was supposed to become the main eitna.”

And I am from the Aerd clan, like my mother and grandmother. So, it’s also traditionally eitna, right? However, Papander also spoke about this.

“Grandma was being prepared to take the ordination of eitna-hassash, and for this, the seer must experience a pain shock twice. Usually, eiths define seers in this way - the girl experiences the first shock after a night with a warrior, the second after giving birth, and then the mutation is pushed in the right direction, and the seer becomes eith.”

Pain shock... Consider my situation: a tent, the first time with Eran, a terrible, unbearable pain afterwards, and an exclamation from one of the eithns: "She sees."

I feel my hands go cold, there is frost on my back, it becomes dark in my eyes. Do not panic. Calm down. Think! Yes, I became a seeing Aerd, Nrogo talked about it, Eran too, yesterday.

And I remember another remark of Aravan:

“Grandfather understood that childbirth would be that second stage of mutation. Grandmother understood too, but really wanted to give him children. For many years they lived together, and after that she did everything to conceive. Grandpa didn't want that."

I shift my gaze to Eran. Tar-en touched me neither evening nor night. Hugs and nothing else. But was it just the absence of eitna-hassash? He knows? Knows and does not want to allow the second stage of mutation?

And then I remembered:

“She came at night, no longer as a woman, but as a mother and the ghost of that beloved, to whom her grandfather always remained faithful.”

I used to think that fear is an inevitable component of any action. Now you are scared, but the master gives the order “Forward”, and fear becomes a catalyst for an adrenaline rush, allowing you to cope with the most difficult tasks. But what I felt now was not even horror, but something worse. Much worse. I was just smeared on the floor with the realization that I could become an eitna!

And not mine! The shadow has fallen!

“Eran,” I turned to the warrior, “did you see a shadow at night?”

Tar-en said nothing, but his blue eyes narrowed slowly, and I was asked a counter-question:

Did a shadow come?

“Yes,” I replied, patting Ikas behind the ear and quickly getting up. - It turns out that there are suicides in the other world.

And resolutely went to the bathroom, trying not to look at Eran at all, because ... now I won’t look at him at all. Until I deal with the shadow. The tar-en probably felt the same way, because he did not follow me, and his words reached me from behind the door:

“Kira, I'll be back by noon and show you IrAe. You will wait in the palace.

(ratings: 2 , average: 4,50 out of 5)

Title: Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival

About the book "The Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival" Elena Zvezdnaya

“The Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival” is the third volume in the series of books by Elena Zvezdnaya “The Right of the Strongest”. The continuation of an intriguing fantasy work turned out to be no less dynamic and exciting than the previous parts. It has a well-crafted plot that keeps readers on their toes until the very end. In this book, there was a place for secrets, intrigues, adventures and pure love - everything is in equal proportion and so skillfully intertwined that you involuntarily become delighted with how Elena Zvezdnaya manages to embody this in her works.

The heroes of the book "The Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival" are interesting and dissimilar personalities. The main character is Kira, who finally understands that Shays controls her feelings for Eran. However, she does not dare to leave her lover, as many other women would do - readers here are in for an unexpected turn of events. After all, the author set as his goal to reveal romantic situations in an unpredictable and dizzying way, and Elena, according to critics, completely succeeded.

The plot of this book is intriguing, and it develops extremely rapidly. Here readers will get to know new characters. They will meet in this fantasy story and those heroes who managed to fall in love in the first and second volumes. Not done in the third book and without those very villains who spoil the life of Kira and her loved ones. They begin to build such intrigues that are breathtaking, and there are even doubts that the main character will cope with all the problems and misfortunes that have fallen on her. Fortunately, there are happy endings for many of the characters in this book. But will Kira and her husband have it? To find out, you should read the last part of the trilogy "The Right of the Strongest" - "The Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival" from Elena Zvezdnaya.

Page 59 out of 87

“Yes, yes, I remember,” they just gave me a briefing at breakfast, “do not leave your brother’s house, do not make explosions, you will be spanked for escaping. I remember everything, Eran, I have a great memory.”

"The memory is excellent, performance is lame."

It was kind of a hint. Frowning, I replied:

"My diligence allowed you to cover a stash of shakes."

"Believe me, even this would not reconcile me with your death."

Yes, she messed up, yes, sheysa almost tore me into atoms, yes, it’s her fault, and now what ?! I didn’t risk anything but my life, so there’s nothing for me to arrange a brain wash now!

But the warrior answered the exact opposite:

"I do, Eran, I'm sorry."

And he no longer cursed, he only said:

“Your father is nowhere to be found. If our assumptions are correct and he's possessed by Shay's essence, he's dangerous. Do not leave the boundaries of the fortress MacAdle!

"Yes, Eran, yes, I remember everything, and in the end, where will I go, there will be your containers around the fortress."

He said nothing. And he was silent the whole flight - about twenty minutes.

And then, when we went downhill, he said quietly:

“I feel you, Kira, and now I clearly feel that you are lying to me. But remember, my heart, if you leave the McAdle house, I will forget about restraint!

It sounded like a threat, and I had a couple of questions about it, but what's the point? I understood that I would just start to object - and this ship would simply not land, but turn around and take me back to the showdown with solid testosterone. And, of course, I liked Eran, even the way I saw him without a touch of glamor from the Shays - an adult, stern, powerful, sexy like that, but ... it's one thing - he is quite another - adventures and finding out the problem with the Shays to the end. In this scenario, Eran could nervously turn on the engine to the side, here.

So I didn't answer. Here's not a word. I smiled again, waited for the ship to sit down, patiently waited until they unfastened me from the seat, and rushed faster than an asteroid to the exit. But somewhere there, in the subconscious, a thought flashed: no matter what happens, Eran cannot be caught, it would be better to return just as carefully, and then let the lord of Iristan prove that I was washed away from Aravan's house.

As the sunroof came down, sunlight flooded the cockpit, and I squinted, but I still saw my mother and Ara waiting for me with two tariges.

They waited in vain - one of the tars approached Aru and, completely ignoring my mother, said something to him. The little brother immediately frowned, took his mother by the elbow and led her to the platforms. And they took and flew away without me! That's without me at all!

And this warrior came up, knelt down in front of me, bowed his head and said:

I'm sorry, mistress, but the master gave clear instructions, he fears for you.

A multi-seat platform flew up to the airlock, and guess where I was sitting? In the middle! In the armchair! Strapped in! Endured, of course, there was nowhere to go.

But as it turned out, this was only the beginning!

As soon as we flew up to the fortress with a tall wall (Iristan continued to surprise), the fair-haired warriors flew around the entire wall, placing some devices on it, then activated something, and the whole house was covered with a protective canopy. And only then the platform on which I was, flew up to the gate and sank on the sand.

The gates opened. Behind them were two warriors of the MacAdle clan and an angry mother, who immediately told me:

This is overkill!

What are you, I like everything! I quipped.

Judging by your face, you are just immensely happy, - my mommy answered me in tone.

And don’t say, - I waited until they unfastened me, - I’m just soaring with delight!

Zzzmetno, - my parent hissed.

As soon as they freed me, I jumped up, ran to the edge of the platform, jumped off and hugged my mother from a run.

It's kipets, she whispered to me.

I have an idea, I replied.

And we stopped hugging.

Well, bye, - I said to the taram, grabbed Mommy by the hand and dragged her into the fortress.

The McAdle warriors, keeping their eyes on my mother and me, closed the gates.

And at the same moment a cry was heard in the fortress:


What are you yelling at? Mom asked.

It's as simple as that, the adrenaline rushes through the roof. Where is Aravan?

And then an absolutely fantastic smile appeared on my mother’s face, and she whispered breathlessly:

He has children...

Who? - I did not understand.

At Aravashechka. - And the look of my mother became completely insane.

And I realized that it was not enough for her to have me alone, oh, not enough, with such a maternal instinct and unspent maternal love, she needed at least three.

Mom is funny.

I'm no better!

Aunt Kia! - Three-year-old Darran jumped off the knee of Ara, who was sitting on the terrace of the second floor, and rushed towards me.

She picked up the small one on the run, threw it up, caught it and immediately put it on the floor, since it was necessary to catch the second one - Ilran was three and a half, but he was somehow calmer than his brother and ran more slowly.

And you got caught, ap! - tossed him too.

As a result, a joyful squeal from one kid and an offended “Ise hoshi” from Darran.

Aunt Kiya, - Aravan said, distorting my name in the manner of children, - sit down at the table and stop spoiling my sons.

Kirill, they are boys, - reminded my mother, sitting down at the table.

So what, boys. I hugged Ilran, twirled Darran a little more, and only then went to the table, and then only because Aravan was already clearly angry. Yes, yes, over the past two hours I managed to get to know my nephews, fall in love with them thoroughly and understand that two hours were not enough for me.

A little love won't hurt them," I said, sitting down on a chair.

Kieran, what love?! They are boys, future warriors, they are not supposed to love in principle. - Ar was clearly dissatisfied with me. And then, raising his voice: - Women, where is my breakfast?

Mom and I just looked at each other. Aravan, as it turned out, already has four wives and six sons, he was not lucky with girls. He is neutral towards wives, as he was forced to marry at a young enough age so that the lineage would not be interrupted. But he doesn’t just love children - he worships and adores. But he is trying to hide, and not only from us - even from himself.

Ar, don't be mean. - Mom put her hand on top of his wide and strong arm.

No need to teach me how to live, - but the sigh was a clear indication that he had already calmed down. - It's hard for me, Aunt Kiara. Grandfather was married to the only woman who bore him only two children. As a result, by the age of seven, when my grandfather died, I was left alone. Completely alone.

You had the guardianship of Uncle Roe, and grandmother also tried to be there, - reminded my mother.

Night. The calm breathing of Eran, his hand gently covering my palm, the sleepy growl of Ikasik, who settled on the balcony.

But we are not alone! I feel it clearly. I feel steps from the door - light, weightless. I feel them, but I don't hear them. I feel presence. I don't know how, but I feel it. I track and even with my eyes closed I see how the shadow is approaching me.

I startle as soon as the dark substance stops a step away from the bed, and at the same moment Eran wakes up. The light flashes, the blue-eyed warrior, having risen, peers anxiously at me.

The shadow continues to stand by!

I want to answer, I try to utter at least a word and ... I can’t. I'm scared. I've never been so scared, I'm even afraid to move.

– Kieran, – the warrior gently touches my cheek, and the realization comes – my face is wet with tears.

I woke up and sat up in bed. My head hurt. A strange weakness spread throughout the body. And fear. Silent panic terror pulsed and beat like the echo of a heartbeat. I looked around nervously - in the bedroom of the lord of Iristan there were only me and Ikas sleeping on the balcony. For a long time she did not dare to look in the direction of the front door, then she cursed herself for cowardice and turned her head. Nobody.

So it's a dream?

Just a bad dream? Since when do I have nightmares? From what crazy atom did my brain throw such a dream at me?! And why is it so scary ... It's still scary.

The door opened - a blue-eyed warrior in black trousers and a snow-white shirt approached silently, sat down next to me, extended his hand, touched my cheek and asked:

What scared you at night?

Tar-en nodded.

And I realized that what happened was not a dream! I saw a shadow. Not the same as Nrogo's, and not even the monster that controlled the papandra, something else. Terrible. Dangerous. For me it's dangerous.

Without looking at the warrior, I cautiously got out of bed, went to the window, sat down near Ikas, thoughtfully stroked the snow-white fur of the beast. The only thing I could think about right now was, did my mother tell me everything?!

Noise behind the wall. Eran got up, crossed the bedroom, opened the door.

“Ashen accerdan eithna McAdle,” said the woman in white standing outside the door.

"Cairne," the tar-en replied sharply, and closed the door.

I did not understand their language, nor why the negotiations this time were conducted in such a way, because Eran could have done it differently, somehow putting his fingers to his neck, and that's it. But here's what I specifically understood - it was about my grandmother, and the blue-eyed one said "no." Well, maybe not a no, but it was definitely a rejection.

- What are you afraid of? the tar-en suddenly asked, turning sharply towards me.

What could I say? During the night, even Iqas did not react to the substance. And Eran didn't see it. Because the shadow came for me. Right behind me. It would be possible now to be afraid, worry and even tell the tar-en, but what will it change? Nothing. The shadow came for me, you need to understand why and why. And now I was desperately trying to remember what exactly Aravan said about my grandmother and how she became an eith, even though she was the only one for grandfather.

Remember verbatim.

But only snippets came to mind:

“Agarn needed a girl from the Aerd clan. Aerd - eithns, traditionally. There are several clans that can accept the blood of any clan, Aerd are the strongest. Traditionally, eitna-hassash belongs to Aerd, and our grandmother was supposed to become the main eitna.”

And I am from the Aerd clan, like my mother and grandmother. So, it’s also traditionally eitna, right? However, Papander also spoke about this.

“Grandma was being prepared to take the ordination of eitna-hassash, and for this, the seer must experience a pain shock twice. Usually, eiths define seers in this way - the girl experiences the first shock after a night with a warrior, the second after giving birth, and then the mutation is pushed in the right direction, and the seer becomes eith.”

Pain shock... Consider my situation: a tent, the first time with Eran, a terrible, unbearable pain afterwards, and an exclamation from one of the eithns: "She sees."

I feel my hands go cold, there is frost on my back, it becomes dark in my eyes. Do not panic. Calm down. Think! Yes, I became a seeing Aerd, Nrogo talked about it, Eran too, yesterday.

And I remember another remark of Aravan:

“Grandfather understood that childbirth would be that second stage of mutation. Grandmother understood too, but really wanted to give him children. For many years they lived together, and after that she did everything to conceive. Grandpa didn't want that."

I shift my gaze to Eran. Tar-en touched me neither evening nor night. Hugs and nothing else. But was it just the absence of eitna-hassash? He knows? Knows and does not want to allow the second stage of mutation?

And then I remembered:

“She came at night, no longer as a woman, but as a mother and the ghost of that beloved, to whom her grandfather always remained faithful.”

I used to think that fear is an inevitable component of any action. Now you are scared, but the master gives the order “Forward”, and fear becomes a catalyst for an adrenaline rush, allowing you to cope with the most difficult tasks. But what I felt now was not even horror, but something worse. Much worse. I was just smeared on the floor with the realization that I could become an eitna!

And not mine! The shadow has fallen!

“Eran,” I turned to the warrior, “did you see a shadow at night?”

Tar-en said nothing, but his blue eyes narrowed slowly, and I was asked a counter-question:

Did a shadow come?

“Yes,” I replied, patting Ikas behind the ear and quickly getting up. - It turns out that there are suicides in the other world.

And resolutely went to the bathroom, trying not to look at Eran at all, because ... now I won’t look at him at all. Until I deal with the shadow. The tar-en probably felt the same way, because he did not follow me, and his words reached me from behind the door:

“Kira, I'll be back by noon and show you IrAe. You will wait in the palace.

The last one sounded weird. Having already undressed, I wrapped myself in a towel, went out, looked at the gloomy warrior and asked directly:

“What do you mean I’ll wait in the palace?”

The blue-eyed man did not answer, but looked overly calm, only his gaze betrayed the tension.

– Eran, – I came closer, – but I can’t walk around the city myself?

“No,” is the calm reply.

And right now, I deigned to pay attention not to my experiences in connection with the night terror, but to Eran. The same one who said yesterday: "Kiran, if you feel only desire for me, and nothing else, I will not hold you back," and today: "Wait in the palace."

- Man, - yes, I'm indignant, - am I a prisoner?

The lord of Iristan looked away for a moment, then heaved a sigh, and then turned and left. Silently.

And no sooner had the door closed behind him than it immediately opened again and two dark-skinned women entered. Dark blue skinned, to be precise. With short black hair, long baggy mantles and iron bracelets on her arms. Both bowed in sync, after which the first stepped forward, bowed again and asked:

“Princess Kieran, would you like to dine in the master’s quarters, in the garden, or in the common room?”

I was shocked silent. What's happening? What about Eran? Where are those lovely women with whom we arranged gatherings yesterday, and why today instead of them these ... are not local.

The novel by Elena Zvezdnaya "The Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival" is the third in the series of books "The Right of the Strongest". main character Kieran, sometimes reckless, constantly getting into trouble, continues to tell her story. The girl is studying at the university, while she is a princess and the bride of the ruler of their planet. She also has the ability to see shadows. All this does not promise an easy life, but on the contrary - a lot of problems. But the girl is not going to give up.

Kira will need to sort out her feelings, because lately she has been feeling something unusual. The girl learns about the existence of a shadow that wants to gain power over her body and mind. The feelings that Kira is experiencing turned out to be imposed by the shadows. Or were they real? Which of these was true? Is it worth continuing the relationship if the feelings were not sincere? How to take life into your own hands, if you act in accordance with someone else's plan?

This book contains unforgettable adventures, romantic experiences. The main character will have to resolve all her contradictions, make a decision, become more mature and responsible. Although her ability to do incredible things will remain with her. It is noteworthy that the writer paid attention to secondary characters, talking about how their stories ended as well. The book is written with humor, in the process of reading you can enjoy good jokes and cheer yourself up.

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