Elsa and Jack are true love. Elsa and jack games. A story of fantastic love and devotion

The premiere of a fascinating fairy tale about the kingdom of Arendelle took place on November 27, 2003 in the USA, and from that moment its triumphant march around the planet began. The cartoon received Oscars in two categories at once - "Best Song" and "Best Animated Film", and along the way collected a couple of dozen more various awards. But even after such a long and active celebration, the audience was not ready to part with their favorite characters.

So much so that the main characters of the games and the cartoon "Frozen" - Elsa and Jack, from time to time appeared in episodes of another popular TV series "Once Upon a Time" and even managed to have a great influence on the development of its plot. What made them so attractive to the audience? Start playing our new games about Elsa and Jack and you will understand everything yourself.

A story of fantastic love and devotion

Immediately after the launch, our new exciting games Elsa and Jack will take you to the fabulous kingdom of Arendelle, where a very reckless struggle between good and evil is just unfolding. As in any decent fairy tale, goodness wins out in the end, but to bring this wonderful moment closer, you will have to work hard. The insidious prince of the Southern Islands named Hans Westergaard is trying to seize power in the kingdom, which is ruled by two charming princess sisters - Anna and Elsa, by flattery and deceit.

Trying to seem nice, he charms the naive Anna, confesses his love to her and insists on a quick wedding. However, his real goal is not a naive, impressionable princess, but the crown of Arendelle, which does not shine in any other way for the thirteenth son in the family. Games for girls Elsa and Jack invite you to be smart and prevent the vile plans of the cunning Hans from coming true. But keep in mind - you have to make an effort.

Together with the main characters of our exciting toys, you have to go through a lot of tests: learn how to solve puzzles, put together puzzles, collect magic stars and pump your characters through them, overcome huge ice expanses, trying to find the castle where Anna took refuge, make a couple of escapes from the dungeon , where Elsa, locked up by Hans, languishes, and even kiss passionately several times with a local ice harvester. Moreover, manage to have time to do it in the allotted time. In general, there are many worries ahead. As soon as you launch any of the toys in the section, there will simply be no time to be bored. Checked multiple times.

Surprise for the graduation of Princess Elsa. Game for girls and girls! Elsa wasn't in prom fever until today when Jack Frost asked her if she would go to prom with him. She gladly agreed, but now the real problem is: what is she going to wear to impress her love? None of the dresses in her wardrobe evoke joy, and Anna doesn't match her curvaceous body! Luckily, the big night is still a couple of days away, and with the right nutrition and the right exercise, she can completely transform her body. Now this challenging new lifestyle needs some professional help, and that's where you step into the role of Elsa's personal trainer and nutrition consultant. To meet this important challenge, feel free to join us at the start of our new game for girls called Elsa Fat 2 Fit! First, you need to teach her how to choose the right food, be it a meal or an appetizer. Proper nutrition is an important step in the weight loss process, so make sure she gets organic vitamins, antioxidants, healthy fats, and proteins from fresh fruits, milk, yogurt, and nuts. Great job ladies! Now let's take her to the gym! Put her on an elliptical bike, have her do some abs, and then make sure she gets some leg work too. best form. Thanks to healthy lifestyle life and the right exercises in the gym, Elsa is now ready to surprise everyone with her killer body on graduation party. Dress her up in amazing Evening Dress, pick a matching pair of high heels and complete her stunning look with sparkly jewelry and a princess tiara. Have a great time playing this amazing game called Elsa Fat 2 Fit!..

Graduation Surprise for Princess Elsa

Important dates in the life of Elsa and Jack. Game for girls and girls! In this game, three important dates will happen in the life of Elsa and Jack. First date - on this day they will have their first date. Second date - on this day, Jack will propose to Elsa. The third date - on this day they will have a wedding. Girls, it is your task to prepare your favorite princess for each date. You have to choose her beautiful hairstyles, stylish outfits, fashionable accessories and decorations. In the third case, the outfits will be wedding, and in the first case, you will also need to set the table for Elsa and Jack. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Elsa: Breakup drama. Game for girls and girls! Poor Elsa today accidentally saw Prince Jack trying on her little sister Anna's engagement ring. Impressed by what she saw, the desperate girl drew pictures of Jack's betrayal in her charming head - one more terrible than the other. Moreover, she even announced that she was breaking up with Jack. However, Anna revealed Jack's secret to Elsa. It turns out that the ring Jack bought is for her. Girls, you understand - Elsa is to blame and in order to correct her mistake, she urgently needs to meet with Jack. Ariel will now perform for her some of the necessary spa treatments for her face. Rapunzel will do her makeup. And you hurry to pick up her outfits, accessories and jewelry. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Clothes for couples in love. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to play the role of fashion designers for couples in love. Lovers in front of you. These are Elsa and Jack, Anna and Kristoff, Ariel and Eric, Ladybug and Super Cat. There is no specific instruction for creating clothes for lovers. Here, our lovely designers, you will have to be guided by your own ideas about such clothes and, of course, your fantasies. And you can express your ideas through the model of clothes, its color, decorating its drawings. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Elsa and Jack: Manual casting for the bride and groom. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to go to the kingdom of Arendelle, where Princess Elsa and Prince Jack are preparing for marriage. It turns out that in their kingdom there is one beautiful tradition. Immediately before the marriage is registered, the bride and groom immortalize this happy event by manual casting, which is the interlacing of the hands of the spouses. In this case, it will be the hands of Jack and Elsa. This, girls, is what you have to do now. Having made a casting, you will be able to do the wedding dressing up of the bride and groom. Good luck!

Elsa and Jack: Hand casting for the groom and

Elsa's choice: Love or just friendship. Game for girls and girls! Girls, do you believe in love at first sight? If you have not experienced this yet, then it is quite possible that you yourself do not know it yet. So it happened with Princess Elsa. One day on the subway, she spotted Jack. When leaving the car, Elsa stumbled, and Jack held her and saved her from falling. Elsa thanked Jack, to which he told her that he liked her, he fell in love with her at first sight and offered her to become his girlfriend. But the princess did not immediately understand that on this day she met her true love. Two answers popped up in her head. The first option is that she could fall in love with him. The second option is that they could become ordinary friends with him. Knowing the love story of Elsa and Jack, you should advise Elsa to choose the first answer and only then help her get dressed so that she goes to the stadium and can tell Jack about it. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa and Jack: Flirting in the sauna. Game for girls and girls! Girls, do you know that great romantic relationships are made up of flirting as well. Prince Jack is sure of it. Trying to please his beloved girl, today Jack decided to flirt with her in the sauna. Girls, if you are happy to help strengthen the romantic relationship of the famous Disney couple, then hurry to the sauna after Elsa. There, after removing her jewelry and hair from her armpits, you will have to help her take a shower. Then, together with the princess, move to the steam room, where Jack is waiting for her. To make the flirting of a couple in love at ease, try to create the right environment for them. To do this, you will need - water, steam, essential oils, hot stones, massage, kisses and, of course, a mouse. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa and Barbie: A Little Double Date Adventure. Game for girls and girls! Girlfriends Elsa and Barbie want to arrange a little adventure for themselves. As planned by the girls, the main intrigue of this adventure will be a double date with their boyfriends - Jack and Ken. Girls, it is your task to prepare the princesses for this exciting event. Start with beautiful makeup. Then it's time for the outfits, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories. Cute divas will want to post some funny photos from the meeting place with their loved ones on social networks. Help them take advantage of funny face effects. Decorate their photos with captions and funny pictures. Good luck! Play with the mouse

Elsa and Barbie: Little Adventure for Two

Halloween: Vampire couple. Game for girls and girls! Anyone who wants to get in touch with the world of horror and fun at the same time, we invite you to visit Arendelle. On the eve of the holiday of All Saints' Day, preparations for Halloween are in full swing here. To feel part of the holiday show, the Disney princesses - sisters Elsa and Anna - decided to dress up as vampire girls. Girls, outfits, makeup, jewelry and hairstyles are up to you to choose. “What a vampire without a vampire” - thought their halves - Princes Kristoff and Jack and decided to make a couple for their ladies. You will also be engaged in the transformation of princes into vampires. girls. Good luck! You need a mouse to control the game.

Disney Princesses: Urgent date. Game for girls and girls! Three girlfriends, three Disney princesses - Rapunzel, Ariel and Elsa - simultaneously received SMS invitations from their boyfriends to urgently come on a date. Before the start of the date, the princesses have very little time. And being late for dates, and even more so dressing for a meeting with loved ones in a hurry, is not in the customs of princesses. They always want to make sure they look stunning. Young stylists, fashion designers and designers, you will take care of this now. But hurry up! You should still have enough time for a cool joke of the princesses with photos of their princes - Flynn, Eric and Jack. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Elsa and Jack: Wedding photos. Game for girls and girls! Prince Jack and Princess Elsa are getting married. Princess Anna and Princess Ariel are invited to play the role of bridesmaids. And you, girls, are entrusted with the role of stylists in this game. Start your responsibilities by choosing wedding dress and accessories for the beautiful bride. Then take care of the outfits for her girlfriends. And finally, in memory of a happy event, make for the bride and groom wedding photo. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Photobooth: Elsa and Jack's wedding photos. Game for girls and girls! Elsa and Jack are getting married. The newlyweds of Disney decided to leave unusual memories of their wedding. They set up a photo booth. And you, girls, will now have to help them organize a funny photo session. First of all, start your work by choosing outfits for Elsa and Jack. And then help the bride and groom take some cool photos in the photo booth! Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa and Jack: Selfie with a pet. Game for girls and girls! Day off in Arendelle. Plus, the weather is great today. Such a magnificent day, Princess Elsa and Prince Jack decided to spend together with their pet in nature. Jack and Elsa are going to enjoy the clean air and at the same time take selfies against the backdrop of forest landscapes. Girls, you will choose outfits for the famous couple and their kitten. For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

An offer with a surprise for Princess Elsa. Game for girls and girls! The night is deep in the kingdom of Arundel. Princess Elsa is sleeping. But the peace of Princess Anna was violated by Prince Jack. The prince in love decided to offer her sister a hand and a heart. Jack will arrange this surprise tomorrow, and today he wanted to ask Anna for the size wedding ring for Elsa's ring finger. And since Anna did not know this, Elsa's finger will have to be measured secretly, or there will be no surprise. And you girls will help Jack with this. To do this, you, along with him, will have to get into the room of the sleeping princess Elsa. You will need to take measurements so as not to wake the princess. Can you? Try! Now it depends only on you whether tomorrow's events will be or not be. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Elz surprise offer

Whose wedding is cooler - royal Elsa or modern Anna. Game for girls and girls! Two Disney couples in love - Elsa and Jack, Anna and Kristoff - get married on the same day. But they will not have a common wedding. And the thing is that the sisters have different opinions about the arrangement of the wedding. Princess Elsa thinks royal style weddings are cooler. And her younger sister Anna insists on something else. She considers a wedding in a modern style to be cooler. The sisters decided they would not impose their opinions on each other. Simple, to prepare couples for wedding celebration The princesses will invite experienced stylists to help the brides and grooms match their intended styles. Girls, these stylists will be you. Help the princes and princesses to cope with the choice of wedding dresses and accessories. And then, decide which wedding is cooler in your opinion? Use the mouse to control the game.

Whose wedding is cooler - royal Elsa or

Weddings are the opposite. Game for girls and girls! There are three weddings at Disney today. Three couples - Elsa and Jack, Jasmine and Aladdin, Mulan and Li Shan get married on the same day. Princes and princesses are delighted with such a situation. They are happy and want their wedding guests to have fun. To do this, our heroes came up with an idea to arrange unusual weddings - weddings in reverse. This means that the grooms will put on the wedding dresses of the brides, and vice versa, they will be in men's suits. Funny?

Disney Princes: Cooking Challenge. Game for girls and girls! In Disneyland, Princes Jack and Kristoff decide to surprise their princesses. They have always assured that they can cook no worse than Elsa and Anna, and today, finally, they decided to arrange a sweet, culinary challenge for their loved ones. The princes will cook cakes, and you girls will be their assistants. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa and Jack: Figure Skating. Game for girls and girls! Of all the winter sports, Elsa and Jack loved pairs and figure skating the most. They were so carried away by it that they even began to take lessons from professional trainers. Progress was on the face, so soon the couple was offered to take part in local competitions. And now, girls, you need to take care of the equipment of our skaters. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Messed up dates on Valentine's Day. Game for girls and girls! On Valentine's Day, the well-known Jack, Kristoff and Maui, as expected, invited their girls Elsa, Anna and Moana for a romantic date. The princesses, of course, accepted the offer, but this time the girls decided to break the established custom of holding a holiday. Elsa, Anna and Moana decide to arrange an unusual surprise for their boyfriends - confused dates. With your help, girls, princesses will exchange their boyfriends for fun. It will be so cool! Are you ready to support them? Then choose a guy for a date for each prankster and start with the help of hairstyles, makeup, jewelry and accessories to make her festive chic. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Confusing Valentine's Day Dates

New phone for princess Elsa. Game for girls and girls! Infatuated with selfies, Princess Elsa dropped her phone and smashed it beyond repair. Jack decided to give Elsa a new phone. And so that the princess would like the surprise for sure, Jack decided with your help, girls, to decorate it additionally. Are you ready to help him?

Keys from the dungeon with Cupid. Game for girls and girls! The insidious witch Maleficent does not tolerate love and therefore on St. Valentine's Day she decided to end the angel responsible for love. Maleficent ambushed Cupid and put him in a cage. From this terrible moment, all couples in love - Elsa and Jack, Rapunzel and Flynn, Anna and Kristoff, Barbie and Ken began to quarrel. Girls, in order to save their love, first of all, you need to save the angel Cupid. And for this you have to solve 4 puzzles that will allow you to get the keys to open the locks on the lattice with Cupid. And then people can fall in love again and be happy. Good luck!

Elsa's love story: Rain, umbrella, date. Game for girls and girls! Girls, by playing this game, you can find out the story of the origin of the love of Princess Elsa and Jack. And so, on a warm, summer day, Princess Elsa strolled through the streets hometown. Suddenly it rained torrentially. Imagine what it's like to get caught in the pouring rain without an umbrella. But then, as if in a fairy tale, Prince Jack appeared on her way, who handed Elsa his umbrella. When handing over the umbrella, Jack and Elsa's eyes and hands met. Elsa thus thought: >. Jack also thought at the same time: > and invited the princess to a romantic date in a restaurant. On a date with Elsa, Jack decided to come with a gift. This gift will be an umbrella, which you girls will help you choose. Elsa will also need your help. You will have to prepare her for the date. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa, Anna, Jack, Kristoff are students at King's College. Game for girls and girls! Girls, do you know that our couples in love - Elsa and Jack, Anna and Kristoff - will now study at the same college. That's great, they no longer have to part! Today is the first day of classes at college. Take care of choosing stylish outfits for our students. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa, Anna, Jack, Kristoff - Core students

Emoji party with Disney couples. Game for girls and girls! Funny faces of emoticons entered a person's life without asking. They entered and stayed there, apparently forever. These faces - emoji - we willingly use in messages to express our mood and emotions. As it turned out, Emoji live in the city of Textopolis, inside smartphones. And more recently, the Disney princesses - Rapunzel and Elsa and their princes - Jack and Flynn - saw the "Emoji Movie" with their participation. Delighted by what they saw, the Disney couples decided to have an Emoji themed party. Girls, to help the princesses in arranging such an unusual party is your task. The main thing you will have to take care of is the outfits with emoticons for our heroes. For this you need a mouse. Good luck and good mood!

Elsa and Jack: Cool wedding photo. Game for girls and girls! Elsa and Jack are getting married today. You can't deny this couple a sense of humor. Everyone knows this custom, when the groom, after registration, carries his bride in his arms. Elsa and Jack decided to change this picture. Today, the bride Elsa will hold her fiance Jack in her arms and they will immortalize this cool frame in the photo. But before that happens, you girls will have to pick up wedding dresses for the beautiful bride and her bridesmaids, whose role in this game is played by princesses Anna and Rapunzel. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa and Jack: Romantic date. Game for girls and girls! "Elsa and Jack: Romantic Date" - a game for girls about the care and treatment of facial skin. The quarrel is forgotten. Jack was the first to break the silence and set up a romantic date with Elsa. Elsa, of course, accepted it. But what happened to Elsa's face? Princess in despair! She cannot miss this date, but even in this form, the girl cannot appear in front of her beloved guy. Girls, save your favorite princess! Today, she will need more than just skin care for her face. In her situation, at least, the help of a cosmetologist and a makeup artist is needed. These specialists for Elsa will be you girls. And so, girls, urgently take up the treatment, improvement and elimination of skin defects of the princess. And when Elsa's skin is still perfect, give her a great makeover and choose elegant outfits for her. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa and Jack: A love story. Game for girls and girls! Elsa and Jack: Love Story - beautiful game for girls about love and dress up for prince and princess. Elsa has long noticed Jack shyly lowering his eyes when they meet. And here they were brought together by a case in the library. The princess needed a book, which unfortunately ended up on the very top shelf. But then Jack appeared and helped to get the book. In his eyes, Elsa saw delight, love and embarrassment at the same time. Feelings won. Jack mustered up the courage to ask Elsa out on a date. She accepted the offer without hesitation. Girls, realizing the importance of the moment, choose the best outfits for our couple. And don't forget the bouquet for Elsa. Take action! Play with the mouse.

Frozen Sisters: A Love Story in Photos. Game for girls and girls! Frozen Sisters: A Love Story in Photos The two best Disney couples - Anna and Kristoff, Elsa and Jack once met, fell in love with each other and never parted again. In memory of their meetings, the princes and princesses in love took excellent selfies and posted photos on social networks. Today princesses Elsa and Anna remember the story of their love. Girls, do you want to do it with them? Then flip through the pages on the Internet and study love stories from photos. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Frozen Sisters: A Love Story in Photos

Disney Couples: Elsa and Jack's Magical Date. Game for girls and girls! Jack loves to arrange various surprises for Elsa. Knowing that the princess loves to walk under the stars, the prince invited her on a date on a wonderful, magical night. Jack was right: Elsa is delighted with his proposal! Girls, now it's up to you. Help Elsa and Jack get ready for their date. On such a magical, fabulous night, romantic-style outfits are best suited for lovers. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Couples: Elsa and J's Magic Date

Elsa and Jack: Marriage Proposal. Game for girls and girls! When Jack, with an enigmatic smile on his face, invited Princess Elsa to a restaurant, she thought that this date would be unusual. And Elsa was right! Today she is waiting a pleasant surprise. But that will happen a little later. In the meantime, girls, help Jack organize romantic dinner. Organize a fabulous table. Invite musicians. Decorate your guest room. Ready?! Then wait for developments. Today, Jack will offer Elsa a hand and a heart and give her a precious engagement ring,

Carriage for the beloved princess Elsa. Game for girls and girls! It's been a year since Disney's best couple, Elsa and Jack, got married. The princess and prince are happily married. In honor of this wonderful date, Jack, as before, invited his beloved princess on a date to a chic restaurant. And to make this date look more romantic, he ordered a carriage to deliver his beloved princess to the restaurant. Girls, join the happy princess and help her get ready for this amazing date. Take care of her beautiful make-up and elegant dress. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

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Fourteenth of July, evening. A fair-haired girl with a charming figure gazes intently into the mirror. This morning, Elsa was thrown a note about an evening meeting. a note to the Snow Queen. Now Elsa once again looked into the mirror haze. High hair, excellent makeup, a short white dress, high heels. There is a watch on her hand. There is no turning back. Or ... No. No wonder she became a "victim of beauty for the evening." Anna did her best. It’s good that there is no one at home. Otherwise, my mother would probably lament: “Don’t go to the club, girl, or you’ll immediately become a corpse.” Elsa went down the stairs, took her miniature handbag and went to the meeting place. Lovers' Park. Elzochka sat down on a bench. The girl was visibly nervous, as the grass was covered with frost under her feet. arms. -Jack? - the blonde said in confusion. -He is the most. -The guy opened his eyes to the girl. He lay on his knees unusual bouquet white roses. He differed from everyone else in that his petals were covered with ice patterns, and small snowflakes flew in different directions from the very bouquet. The blond took the flowers in her hands and looked at Frost in surprise. - Do you like it? - In the answer only smiled. -Yes, but Jack... -Why did I invite you here? - Exactly. Besides, we are forbidden to use magic in crowded places. - At this time, there is almost no one here ... - Ice Jack sat down next to the Queen. He was not dressed as chic as Snow, but at least changed his style a little. Light jeans, a blue shirt, sneakers and a denim jacket. -And I see you dressed up ... -Only for you, Queen. You look great. - Elsa blushed slightly. - Well? Cinema, theater, amusement park, zoo or just a walk? -And how do you want? “I will do anything for my Queen. - Oh, Jack, stop it. In the world of people, I am also a person. -Maybe for the rest, yes, but for me... -Let's go to the theatre.- Translated the topic of conversation, Elsa. -Good. Besides, the Snow Queen is there today. “Well, then today they will have two Snow Queens.” Jack laughed and stood up, gallantly holding out his hand to her. Elsa accepted courtship and got up with the help of a young man. Then they walked hand in hand towards the theater. All the way, Frost made Rasengraffe laugh. The girl's heart warmed noticeably and she began to like this date. In the theater itself, Elsa was absorbed in history, and Jack muttered that his Queen was at times the best of that actress. After the performance, the guy suggested: -El-El, maybe in a cafe? -Cafe? At eleven at night? -Why not? - It's late for eating. Is my Queen afraid of getting fat? - Yes, I'm afraid. - Come on. Let's go. - And you can't argue against a hungry man. I had to go. In the cafe, Elsa slowly ate ice cream, looking at the bouquet. Jack looked at Elsa. Is something wrong, El? -Ah… Why did you invite me? - You know, I liked you for a long time. And I teased only to attract attention. Although he denied love and defiantly bared his teeth ... You are not indifferent to me. And not as a friend. Something unknown draws me to you. Maybe it's the fact that we're both magicians, but... It's probably different. This is love, Elsa. - The guy took the girl's hand and intertwined their fingers. -Love? ... You know, I still can not understand what it is ... - the Queen was confused. - I think I can understand this for you ... - Frost sat down closer and put his arm around Rasengraffe's waist. -Well? …- The snow mage kissed the blonde. She immediately responded to this sweet kiss and put her hands on his chest. Jack reluctantly broke the kiss. -Understood? -Understood...Jack...It's getting late. It's time for me to go home ... - I'll see you off. - The guy paid for a light snack and took the girl home. It got noticeably colder outside. The gentleman threw a jacket around his lady's shoulders. - Jack, why is that? I am a cold mage. I don't need this. - Elsa, this is the usual manifestation of attention. I know you're not cold. -Jack... Who's ahead? - And the truth. Their road was blocked by five hefty guys in a not sober state. Drunkards began to pester the Queen. Jack pushed Elsa behind him. Jack, I can handle them myself. - Elsa, shut up. Today I'm your boyfriend and protector. - Not even a minute passed, as a bunch formed. Rasengraffe covered her mouth with her hand and let out a stifled sigh. But when Frost had only one opponent left to defeat, she guessed to transfer herself and her boyfriend to her home with the help of magic. Badly beaten, covered in blood, the boy settled on the floor. Elsa, throwing off her high heels, rushed to him. - Jackie, how are you? ... - Protected my Queen ... - The guy smiled weakly. Why didn't you use magic? - The girl picked up a first-aid kit and began to treat the wounds. -So you forbade it. Ai! - The guy hissed. - I'm sorry... And about magic, I didn't forbid it. What a luxurious black eye you have. - I'll light the way for you. - The young man laughed and hugged the blonde. - All my life I would have lain like this ... - On the floor? - In an embrace with you ... - After these words, El-El sweetly kissed Jackie on the lips. This is love, Elsa. This is Love…