Boat for kindergarten made of wood. Do-it-yourself playground. The best step by step instructions. Playground details

Natalya Chernikova

I always enjoy looking through the photo reports of colleagues about land improvement. And one can only rejoice at how well equipped playgrounds are. We have problems with this. Of the new stationary equipment, we have only a slide. Everything else is done hands teachers and parents of students.

Every year we puzzle over how to get out of the situation and equip plot.

We mainly use plywood, boards, logs, improvised material for equipment.

So for several years as a developing center for development fine motor skills hands renders good service to the locomotive. At first he was with us.

Over time, the mechanisms of the locomotive fell into disrepair. We have updated it this year. And so the train became.

Its details are bright and interesting.

Nearby is home-made equipment also aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. A few years ago, for such equipment, the back of a crib came in handy for us. But it broke down before serving us even 3 years.

Now we have new equipment, made of durable wooden cuttings, metal crossbars. I want to believe that it will serve us for a longer period of time.

The water play center is a boat from a baby bath. I already talked about it in a previous post.

Nearby is Moidodyr, where children can wash their hands using a washstand.

Sand play center is a sandbox and mini sandbox "Cow" which has served us for several years.

For role-playing games we have a plane.

As well as a gas station for cars, a car, a motorcycle, which I also talked about.

We have a creative center: table, bench, stand for fine art works.

And also for many years now, a table in the form of a ram for drawing semolina and sand has been pleasing with its functionality.

When the children are engaged in creativity at the table, the rest of the children run around and play outdoor games at this time. In order to be able to organize building games at the same time, an idea came up - to make another table. And do you know what we made it from? From a wooden coil on which the wires. They dug one part of the coil into the ground, painted the upper part, and made flowers on the surface of the table using colored self-adhesive paper. Our table is large.

There is an opportunity to gather behind him for everyone who wants to play Board games. The plans include an idea to make a bench so that you don’t have to take chairs out of the group every day.

The flowers in our flowerbeds in the form of swans have already grown up, delighting with their beauty.

A health track was made, which I also talked about. Survived until the end of summer.

We have fitness equipment "Apple and Pear" made from plywood. They serve to roll balls. We have been using this equipment for several years now.

For crawling, they made multi-colored gates. An arc from a hoop, plastic colored balls are put on it. They placed the gate where there is at least a little green soft grass.

This year to organize an outdoor game "Carousels" on the veranda they hung a carousel made of several hoops of different sizes and multi-colored satin ribbons.

To organize games for the development of breathing, they made a manual in the form of an inverted umbrella and butterflies.

We are building pans for next summer. I'm looking for ideas from you guys. Thank you.

I wish you all creative success!

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The long-awaited summer is coming soon. I really want the plot kindergarten summer looked bright, lively and interesting! Kindergarten area.

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm.

The new ship set sail in kindergarten No. 5.

Sending their child to kindergarten, parents worry about how comfortable the conditions will be there. Not only food, sleep and group activities are important, but also walks on the street. The playground has a significant impact on the development of preschool children, so its design requires special attention.

So, in kindergarten No. 5 in Berezovsky, thanks to the efforts of the working staff and parents, the conditions of the adjacent area were significantly improved. And the Slavin family built a real ship with their own hands - bright, colorful and very functional.

Nadezhda Slavina told the BER1 portal how such an idea came to mind and how it was implemented.

Hope, what inspired your family to make such a wonderful craft for kindergarten?

The parents of our group began to discuss the issue of building a boat on the site. My husband and I went on reconnaissance, made sure that our site is rather empty, that there really is not enough entertainment. We wanted to contribute to the organization of the playground space, so we took on the construction of the ship. Moreover, our child will play there.

Who exactly was involved in the creation of this masterpiece? How were responsibilities distributed? Did the children also perform some functions?

They made the ship with the whole family.

There are four of us in the family: I am mother Nadezhda, my husband is father Konstantin, daughter Eva and son Slava, for whom all this was conceived.

Our dad took measurements, sawed and twisted the details. I painted, Eva sanded the details so that no one planted a splinter, and also painted. And Slavik participated in absolutely everything and turned out to be a good helper. He especially liked to twist parts with his dad and paint the steering wheel.

The design came up together and on the go.

Have you done something similar before? Do you think anyone can make such a ship with their own hands? Or do you need some special knowledge and skills?

Have we done something similar before? Yes... My husband made treehouses for his nieces. The girls were delighted!

No special skill is needed here, I think. The main thing is to have materials and tools. And yes, fantasy and desire also play an important role.

The manufacturing technology itself step by step instructions you can peep on the Internet, bring some of your ideas, involve children in this activity. It will turn out such joint creativity and fun pastime.

How much time did it take to build the ship? Finance? What materials were used?

We started work on Saturday morning, and only late in the evening everything was ready for painting. True, at lunch we took a 3-hour break.

On Sunday, the ship was completely completed, now it pleases the eye with its bright colors, and installed on the site of the kindergarten.

To be honest, we spent only 100 rubles on money - to buy a color scheme, we had paint of only one color, and to buy a bolt to fix the steering wheel. For the rest, we used what was freely available: the base was made of euro pallets, decor elements were made of plywood, the nose was sheathed with boards.

How did the children from kindergarten react to such a gift?

On the day the children saw the boat, I was in the kindergarten. Of course, they immediately showed interest. We touched, twisted, sat ... In general, we swam! I think they really liked it.

For us, this is the best assessment, the best praise.

Don't worry that the ship will quickly break down - do small children still play on the playground?

We do not worry about the future fate of the ship. If something breaks, you can fix it. But if someone deliberately breaks it, it will be very insulting!

The material was prepared by Yanina Kristina

Colorful boat with a steering wheel for the playground.

Equipped children's playgrounds play an important role for preschoolers and help them develop important life skills. Thematic outdoor children's designs and play layouts for children can be selected according to the theme and color. The marine theme is one of the most common in outdoor playgrounds and is very loved by kids. You can ride on a friendly dolphin "Flipper", sit on a two-sided colorful children's bench "Steamboat", swing on the "Duck" balance beams or play in the children's maze "Nautilus", or you can poison yourself with friends on a round-the-world trip on the boat "Chunga-Changa" .

Children need to learn how to fantasize, dream, develop a game storyline, invent new stories - after all, this is the basis of role-playing games, and also act together, make friends and compromise. And the outdoor play model boat for playgrounds "Chunga-Changa" (IMN-88) contributes to this in the best possible way. Kids, like a little boat from everyone's favorite cartoon, will try to help, compete, play, and they will also learn to accept the help of others and learn a song to sing it and delight their loved ones.

Children's street layout according to GOST - a beautiful boat for kids.

Our game model boat "Chunga-Changa" (IMN-88) is designed for children of preschool and primary school age and is intended for year-round use in playgrounds, children's bazaars, kindergartens, parks and outdoor children's areas.

The welded metal frame is powder-coated, and the decorative elements are made of both moisture-resistant plywood and laminated plywood with a mesh coating that prevents slipping. A simple, inexpensive, durable game model boat is made in compliance with all GOST requirements and is certified. A passport is issued with a guarantee for children's outdoor play equipment with an installation diagram. Installation is simple: only the support legs of the boat are concreted.

Frame and elements material: profile steel pipe with a section of 20x20/30x30, a round pipe with a diameter of 21/40mm, galvanized fasteners, safety caps, plastic plugs, moisture-resistant plywood 12/18/24mm thick, laminated plywood with a mesh coating.

Coating: metal parts - PPK (polymer powder paint), wooden parts - acrylic paint water-based and thick-layer varnish.

Contents of delivery: game model boat for playgrounds welded non-separable, a passport with a guarantee and a certificate.

A do-it-yourself playground will become a favorite place for children in the garden, where they will feel like full owners, a place for games and real adventures. For parents, this is a chance to show their skills and earn popularity not only among their children, but also among their friends. There are plenty of great playground ideas you can make yourself, but don't miss out on getting the kids involved in the playground.

Children's playground with sandbox.

Isn't it fun to set up a slate board next to the sandbox for kids to draw on? On the other hand, an additional wall will shield the playground from both the wind and the sun.

Do-it-yourself playground from stumps and branches.

Climbing trees is a favorite activity of children, such a playground made of old wood will be a real adventure for your child and his friends.

Children's playground with swings.

It's great to run and jump, and then relax on your favorite swing. Beautiful garden, the aromas of summer, the chirping of birds - it's so nice to enjoy all this while swinging on a swing on a wonderful summer day.

Do-it-yourself playground from old pallets.

All children love houses in the garden, especially if they themselves helped build this house from pallets, and for the first time they held a serious tool in their hands.

Children's house with their own hands.

For those who want to make a children's house in the country, our drawing with exact dimensions will help. Having installed this house in a cozy corner of the garden, beautifully painted it together with the children, you will give pleasure to your kids.

Children's playground with a slide at the terrace.

A regular terrace can become a beach-style playground if you install a slide on it and make a sandbox below. Children can play in the sand for days, and if you can't spend the whole summer with them on the beach, you can bring the beach home. In the hot summer, for the smallest, you can install an inflatable pool nearby.

Unusual playground tunnel.

On a hot day, for real adventurers, a small tunnel equipped with a small door and similar to the famous hobbit house will bring saving coolness.

Do-it-yourself playgrounds in the form of a ship.

Such playgrounds will not only bring pleasure to children, but can also become an interesting element of the landscape design of your summer cottage.

Playground gym under the high terrace.

The place under the high terrace can be equipped with sports ground for older children, so they will have the opportunity to engage in regular training every day.

Children's house under the terrace.

For the little ones, under the terrace, you can make a playhouse, where they will feel like full owners, because. except for them, no one can enter there.

How to make a playground near the house with your own hands.

Previously, the space under the terrace was not used and was a spontaneous warehouse for all sorts of "useful things". Because there are two exits from the terrace, and the terrace is quite high, it was decided to make a playground. In addition to the slide and the sandbox, under the terrace itself there is a cozy place with a children's house, and on the wall of the house there is an additional drawing board and a shower with a tap for washing hands and feet.

The space under the terrace will be further divided into two parts - in one there is a playground, in the other - a place for storing garden tools. First, taking into account the waterproofing, a wooden frame was made for the site.

Then the soil was removed under the sandbox and a place near the hill. This is the hardest part of the job.

In the area under the sandbox and next to the slide, ebbs were made and sand and crumb rubber were poured for playgrounds.

Children's playground under a canopy.

A cozy playground can be made from an ordinary canopy by adding a small raised platform for a slide to it.

Bright children's playground.

No matter how simple your playground design is, you will always add a mood to it with bright bold colors.

A simple wooden playground.

Even if you have no building skills at all, you can always find a simple and interesting option playground that you can afford.

Dream playground - tree house.

The children's treehouse is great idea, which not only children, but also adults are in love with. Such sites are not made on fruit trees - because. the fasteners go straight into the tree, but if your site is located next to the forest, this is the best idea for a playground.

How to make a tree house with your own hands.

Usually, fairly large trees are taken for a treehouse, if there are none in your garden, you can make a platform for the site, which will be mounted both on a tree and on wooden posts in the corners.

Instead of driving several small bolts into the tree, it is better to take one larger one.

The order of work is as follows: first, two beams are attached to a tree, then a frame is installed on them under the platform, which in our case is reinforced with posts at the corners of the platform.

How to make a playground yourself.

In such a playground there is everything that a child wants - a house, a swing, a slide, a ladder, a sandbox.

Such designs are the constant favorites of kids.

And no matter how difficult the layout of the site for young dad, in fact, it is a small square platform on which a children's house is being built.

Such a platform is a simple and attractive design that looks good in any corner of the garden.

Playground with their own hands in a rustic style.

This playground is made according to the same principle, but instead of a children's house, a beautifully decorated gazebo is made on the bearing posts, which also serves as a canopy for the sandbox on a hot day.

Children love summer most of all because they can spend most of the day outside. Projects for playgrounds can be completely different - from the simplest to the fantastically beautiful. But in any case, a do-it-yourself playground will allow you to truly fulfill one important dream of your baby.