Autumn holiday dedicated to the day of the elderly "cabbage gatherings". Harvest Festival - scripts for elementary school, high school students, adults and retirees. Autumn competitions for the harvest festival for the house of culture in the village

« gold autumn» Scenario of the program for senior teachers of the lyceum.

Good afternoon! I am glad to see all of you in our hall! I hope you are in a good, joyful mood today! As Antoine de Saint Exupery said: "A smile unites." And indeed it is. Let's look at each other now and smile! With such a wonderful mood, we begin ...

Life is measured by days not lived,

Not gray, not wrinkles around the eyes.

Life is measured by good deeds

And the way they love and respect you.

Today all congratulations and wishes for you. I want you to have a good rest, enjoy communication over a cup of aromatic tea. Eat, please.

concert number

Everything was in the life of each of you - joys and sorrows, happiness and sorrows, love and parting. Now you are at the age when wisdom, honor come and others express respect, attention and reverence. You are rich people - you have many years behind you, you have children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You have something to remember, something to laugh at, something to rejoice at and be proud of. You are kind and selfless. You have something to share with the young, something to talk about and something to teach others. Let's talk about wisdom, experience. Tell me who do you think old man?

game "An old man is ...

May this day with hearty friends

Burst joyfully into your house

Let your life be considered not for years,

And kindness, smile and warmth.

With all my heart and love

We wish you many, many years.

Great happiness, good health,

And may fate keep you all from trouble ...

Throughout your life, you have experienced a lot of things, survived, become wiser, but all of you have done the most important mission in life, you have raised wonderful children, and now you are not overjoyed at your grandchildren. Now I want to invite little fidgets here, they have prepared congratulations for you.

Montage of children's poems

I am with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She is in all undertakings with me at the same time.

I do not know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandmother's hands

I love everything the most.

Oh how many hands these

They do wonderful!

They're patching up. Knit, mark.

Everyone is making something.

Foams are smeared so thickly

So densely poured poppy.

So rudely rub the steps,

Caress so gently.

Agile - look

Ready day by day

They dance in the trough,

Sneak around the pantry.

Evening will come - shadows

Fly down the wall

And dream tales

Tell me

To sleep, the night light will light up -

And then they suddenly shut up.

Smarter, they are not in the world

lovely, dear women. Remember - the recipe for eternal youth:

"Take joy, mix it with optimism, sprinkle it with jokes, laughter, add self-confidence, mix it all up with good health and you'll live a thousand years!"

Do you know that mood has its own color? When a person is excited, it corresponds to a scarlet, purple color, when a person is calm - green color.

game "draw the mood"

Nature has no bad weather, every weather is a blessing ... and the autumn of human life can be as beautiful as a timid spring.

Goethe once said that young people are just a whim of nature, while an old person is a work of art. Every person is born without doing anything for it. Youth is not merit. But to live to a ripe old age and be useful to someone is a miracle, for which it is worth exerting one's strength.

Our dear grandparents! You teach us a lot: you read fairy tales to us, learn poems with us, make riddles. Can you solve them yourself?

Fragrant jam, Pies for a treat,

Delicious pancakes At my beloved ... (grandmothers)

He did not work out of boredom, His hands are in calluses,

And now he is old and gray-haired. My dear beloved ... (grandfather)

Grandpa and grandma were young

And now they have grown old, Became ... (elderly)

He will teach you to work, to have fun from the heart,

He is an example to all the guys - Our dear ... (pensioner)

Autumn gave a holiday And did not forget to congratulate

Clear sun for dinner Our grandmother and ... (grandfather)

In the portrait, a brave guy - This is my young grandfather.

And I am rightfully proud of him, Although he has become completely ... (gray-haired)

Together with my grandmother, we set an example for everyone.

And we will meet guests with her On the holiday of the elderly ... (people)

Do not find such a word

To fully wish

Good health to you and never lose heart

We wish you happiness and kindness, less grief and sadness.

So that there are more bright days, and gloomy ones do not visit ...

Concert number "chastushki"

On my sundress

Roosters and roosters.

In the whole world there is no more beautiful

My sweet grandmother.

At my grandmother's

The new apron is bright.

Take it, grandma

Holiday gifts!

I'm ready to suffer all day

Without yours without pies.

Before that I suffered

One nose is big.

I tell my grandmother

“Don’t sing very fast in the evening!

This time I'm running home"

Know the children of the whole country,

What we need grandmothers.

And so today

We came to congratulate them.

If grandma said:

"Do not touch, then do not dare"

You have to listen because

Our house rests on it.

Dedicated to education

Dad your free day!

On this day just in case

Grandma hides the belt.

We are without a grandmother once

We prepared lunch.

Washed the dishes themselves

And since then there are no dishes!

Goes to school for meetings

Grandma cooks broth.

She for it every month

The postman carries the money!

Oh yes, my grandmother

Oh yeah combat.

Knows so many jokes

How much I don't know!

And my grandmother

The most entertaining!

If you laugh -

Shines brighter than the sun!

I went to my grandmother

Merry and lucky:

I am with my snub nose

Got two dozen!

All: We love you grandmothers.

We kiss you a hundred times.

Clap your hands louder -

You are on holiday with us!

Grandma - the sun, grandfather - verse,

A lot of health for you two,

I wish you happiness for two more centuries,

Happy Elderly Day!

You live full life. Loneliness is not for you. And that's great. I want to wish you happiness and health. Believe that this city needs you, that you have a great future ahead of you ...

For affection, kindness, care

We want to thank you

Collect all the flowers in the world

And give you relatives

And wish you health, happiness,

More joy, goodness,

So that there is no bad weather in life

And so that the years do not grow old ...

autumn song auction

They say human kindness, mercy. The ability to rejoice and worry about other people creates the basis of human happiness.

By striving for the happiness of others, we find our own. What is happiness for you? Who wants to tell?

The years flew by like a white flock,

But the soul is still young.

The nightingales haven't sung everything yet,

Not all the water has drained yet.

This day is both festive and bright,

And it's not time to be sad, it's not time

Long years to you, white apple trees,

Joy, and happiness, and kindness!

Good luck and sincere laughter

Health to you for many years,

We wish you success in all matters

And we are always glad to meet you!

You've done a lot

To leave a mark on the earth.

We wish you again today

Health, happiness, long years!

Theater "The Princess and the Pea"

It’s true that people say that happiness, peace in the family, in the country are made by women’s hands. Thank you for your inherent boundless kindness, for educating the younger generation, for your support, patience and understanding. I wish you to always have a strong, reliable shoulder next to you, so that there is harmony and prosperity in the house. Hello dear women!!!

I do not say goodbye to you, I just say "see you again on our holidays! After all, every meeting with you is a holiday!"

Let your sun not go into the shade,

And they will be joyful every day and hour,

And an old man's day

Let it be the youngest for you.

How wonderful the music sounded!

A glorious holiday awaits us today,

And secretly I knew

That Autumn will come to visit us.

It's time for her to be here.

Let's go with you, kids

We will praise Autumn with verses,

Please come here soon.

Our Autumn has worked hard

Not lazy, not lazy.

Gave everyone outfits

We can't take our eyes off.

Red maple, birches, willows

Amazingly beautiful.

But the mountain ash is the most beautiful

In scarlet beads for fun.

Autumn! Nice time!

The kids love autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes -

Everything is ripe for the guys.

And seeing an important watermelon,

The children will come to life -

And everyone will happily say:

"Hello autumn time!"

Cranes fly south.

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please.

Here we are a joyful holiday

We meet merrily

Come to the holiday with us

Autumn is golden!

And now we will check how you can guess riddles about autumn. (The one who guesses goes on stage to further participate in the competition)

1. She awarded everyone,

Lost everything. (autumn)

2. Our school garden is empty.

Spider webs fly into the distance,

And to the south end of the earth

Cranes stretched out.

School doors opened.

What month came to us? (September)

3. All the darker face of nature -

The gardens darkened

The bear fell into hibernation -

What month did he come to us? (October)

4. The field has become black and white,

It's raining, it's snowing,

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

Freezing in the field of winter rye,

What month, please? (november)

5. Walked lanky,

Got stuck in the cheese. (rain)

6. Fall off a branch

Gold coins. (autumn leaves)

7. Over the river and over the valley

A white canvas hung. (fog)

8. Flies, growls,

breaks branches,

The dust rises.

You hear it, but you don't see it. (wind)


Autumn is also the season for mushroom picking. Let's check how well you know mushrooms. (The one who guessed the riddle rises to the stage)

1. Both on the hill and under the hill

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dances and hardly

Are the good fellows in hats? (mushrooms)

2. I grow up in a red cap

Among aspen roots

You will recognize me from a mile away

My name is ... (boletus)

3. On the stump, exactly unlikely

Well done in hats. (honey agaric)

4. There are yellow sisters

And all of them are called ... (chanterelles).

5. With a white skirt on the leg

In a red hat, all in earrings.

But do not believe his beauty

This mushroom is terrible, believe me. (fly agaric)

6. He is big, handsome, stately,

With a neat white leg

Growing in the forest

Autumn is delicious in soup. (boletus)



Leaf fall wanders in the grove

Through bushes and maples,

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

We will collect a fan from the leaves,

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Light and playful.

And obey the wind

The leaves are flying away.

So summer is no more

Autumn is coming

4th child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

5th child.

Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its dress

He took off the green, measures a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

6th child.

Autumn drops gold

Autumn steals the birds. -

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!

The autumn is clear

Ripe apples in the garden

They hang on apple trees

Ruddy and sweet.

They shine in the sun

Transparent thin skin.

So many fruits

That the branches are leaning to the bottom.

We are ruddy apples

We remove from the branches carefully,

I put it in the grass under the apple tree,

Fragrant and fresh.

Game "Give me a word"

(to determine the next participants of the competition)

1. He is mustachioed and creeping,

I hid the nucleoli in a pod -

Saber fist.

You can't figure it out if it's dry

It is called ... (peas)

2. In the garden, he leaned on a barrel

Solid round-headed ... (zucchini)

3. The tail is green, the head is red,

This is a pointed ... (carrot)

4. It is round and red,

Like the eye of a traffic light

There is no juicier among vegetables ... (tomato)

5. From frequent watering

Almost got wet

Shaggy dark green ... (beets)

Competition "Determine to taste"

The players are blindfolded and allowed to taste pieces of fruits and vegetables. The one who correctly names the fruit or vegetable receives the whole fruit as a reward.

Harvest fruits in autumn

Lots of joy for people

After all the hard work.

Our harvest is good

Born densely:

Both carrots and potatoes

White cabbage.

blue eggplant,

red tomato

Which of them, from vegetables

And tastier, and more necessary?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?

Popped peas -

Well, braggart!

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

I'm so pretty

Green boy!

If I only want

I will treat everyone with peas!

Let me say a word

Listen first

Beets are needed for borscht

And for the vinaigrette

Eat and treat yourself

There is no better beetroot!

You beet, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage

And what delicious cabbage pies!

Rogue bunnies love stalks.

I will treat the guys with a sweet stalk.

You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!

I am a ruddy radish

I bow low to you.

Why praise me?

I am known to everyone!

The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And gnaw carrots -

Will you then, my friend,

Strong, strong, dexterous.

Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,

Shut up a little.

The most delicious and pleasant

And, of course, tomato juice.

I am the spice in every dish

And always helpful to people.

Guessed? I'm your friend,

I am a simple green onion!


I am a potato, so modest -

Didn't say a word...

But the potatoes are so necessary

Both big and small!


Eggplant caviar is so tasty, healthy ...

It's time to end the dispute

It's useless to litter!

Someone seems to be knocking...

(all in unison) This is Dr. Aibolit!

Who from all, from vegetables

All the tastier and all the more important?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?

To be healthy and strong

Gotta love vegetables.

All without exception.

There is no doubt about it!

Each one has a benefit and a taste.

And I'm not going to decide

Which one of you is tastier

Which one of you is more important!

Game "Feed a friend"

The leaves were flooded with sunshine

Leaves soaked in the sun

Poured, weighed down

And flew in the wind...

Rustled through the bushes...

You can see them here and there.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

So the breeze brought the leaves to us here! Oh, how many of them (points to the leaves scattered around the hall), look!


1. Summer flew by quickly,

Ran through the flowers.

Over the mountains wanders somewhere

And misses us there.

2. Autumn maples are already blushing,

And the spruce forest is green and shady

Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,

A leaf fell off a birch,

And, like a carpet, covered the road.

3. The sun is tired,

You are warming up

Yellow, yes scarlet

Sheets are spinning.

4. In the rustle, but in the rustle

Our autumn garden

Heaps on the paths

The motley ones lie down.

And after autumn, winter.

We do not wait for her, we do not ask,

And she goes by herself.

1. Summer flew by quickly,

Ran through the flowers.

Over the mountains wanders somewhere

And misses us there.

2. Autumn maples are already blushing,

And the spruce forest is green and shady

Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,

A leaf fell off a birch,

And, like a carpet, covered the road.

3. The sun is tired,

You are warming up

Yellow, yes scarlet

Sheets are spinning.

4. In the rustle, but in the rustle

Our autumn garden

Heaps on the paths

The motley ones lie down.

5. Autumn is knocking at our door,

And after autumn, winter.

We do not wait for her, we do not ask,

And she goes by herself.

1st child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

2nd child.

Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its dress

He took off the green, measures a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child.

Autumn drops gold

Autumn steals the birds. -

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!

1st child.

Cranes fly south

Hello, hello autumn!

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please!

2nd child.

Here we are a joyful holiday

We meet merrily

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn is golden!

2. Mushroom ditties

1. We start singing

First, initial

We want to cheer

The audience is sad.

2. Here a boletus mushroom grows,

And he is handsome and great.

In a thick hat on one side

The leg is strong as a stump.

3. Chocolate hat

White silk uniform.

Looking, the honey agaric gasped:

Real commander.

4. How old are you, morel?

You look like an old man.

The fungus surprised me:

My age is only two days.

5. Hid under the trees

Ryzhik with needles.

Not small, not big

And they lie like pennies.

6. And in the moss, as on a pillow,

Someone's white ear.

This breast is asking us to take it,

And five more behind him.

7. Under the aspens on a bump

Mushroom in a raspberry scarf

Call a boletus

And you have to take it.

8. Multicolored toadstools

They climb into the fields.

We don't need one

Let's bypass them.

9. Goggle-eyed fly agaric

Sideways sat on the slope.

Looks, smiles,

Wants to please everyone.

10. We sang ditties to you

Is it good, is it bad

And now we ask you

For us to be applauded.

Paint red:

There's a red carnation in the field, a red radish, look

And the wild rose hips are also all showered with red color.

Orange paint: The orange fox dreams of carrots all night -

It looks like a fox tail: orange too.

Paint yellow:

The yellow sun looks down on the earth

Yellow sunflower following the sun

Yellow pears hanging on branches

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

Paint green:

We grow green onions and green cucumbers,

And outside the window - a green meadow and whitewashed houses.

Every home has a green roof

And a green gnome lives in it

In new green trousers made of maple leaves.

Paint blue:

My doll has blue eyes

And the sky above us is still doves,

It's blue like a thousand eyes

We look at the sky, the sky looks at us.

Paint blue:

An island in the blue sea.

The way to the island is far.

And a flower grows on it -

Blue-blue cornflower

Paint purple:

The purple violet is tired of living in the forest.

I'll pick it up and bring it to my mother on her birthday.

She will live with purple lilac

On the table in a beautiful vase near the window.

1. Summer flew by quickly,

Ran through the flowers.

Over the mountains wanders somewhere

And misses us there.

2. Autumn maples are already blushing,

And the spruce forest is green and shady

Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,

A leaf fell off a birch,

And, like a carpet, covered the road.

3. The sun is tired,

You are warming up

Yellow, yes scarlet

Sheets are spinning.

4. In the rustle, but in the rustle

Our autumn garden

Heaps on the paths

The motley ones lie down.

5. Autumn is knocking at our door,

And after autumn, winter.

We do not wait for her, we do not ask,

And she goes by herself.

Our Autumn has worked hard

Not lazy, not lazy.

Gave everyone outfits

We can't take our eyes off.

Red maple, birches, willows

Amazingly beautiful.

But the mountain ash is the most beautiful

In scarlet beads for fun.

AUTUMN: I am Golden Autumn, My bow to you, my friends, I have long dreamed of meeting you.

AUTUMN: I have prepared quite a few vegetables and fruits. Just need to figure out what to put where.

Our harvest is good

Born densely:

Both carrots and potatoes

White cabbage.

blue eggplant,

red tomato

They start a long and serious argument.

Which of them, from vegetables

And tastier, and more necessary?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?

Popped peas -

Well, braggart!

AUTUMN: Well done, guys. Have fun meeting Autumn: sing, play, dance.

EDIT: What do you have in your basket?

AUTUMN: For this holiday bright, bright

I brought gifts for the children.

Here they lie for the kids

My autumn gifts.

Scenario autumn holiday dedicated to the day of the elderly, preparatory group"Cabbage gatherings with grandmothers"

Grandmother - Kapustnitsa enters the hall to the music (leading teacher of the group, without children, children stand by the hall)

Grandmother to the guests: The wind is blowing, it is raining, it is cold outside,

I have been waiting for guests for a long time, I am a cabbage grandmother.

(Music sounds) And here are the guests.

Children enter the hall to the music, perform the dance composition "Gate" (music of the group "Ivana Kupala")

Grandmother: Hello, dear guests,

The girls are red and the guys are remote,

Come help and chop the cabbage.

Grandmother is waiting for you - a cabbage girl for cabbage gatherings, it will be fun with us and there will be a tale about autumn!

Children read poems about autumn (at the choice of the teacher 2-3 pieces)

Grandmother: And here is Autumn herself, come to us, come out Autumn in a circle, but start the game.

"Autumn round dance" music. And sl. T. Krivovoy (j-l music director No. 6, 2013) (after the children sit on chairs)

Grandmother: I'll tell you guys how people used to help each other in the old days. In Rus' there was such a custom - to harvest cabbage in the fall, to salt it for a long winter. The girls all gathered together, went from house to house and chopped cabbage. So they helped each other. The children also took part in this activity. Such help was needed, because they harvested a lot of cabbage, for the whole winter. Then they said: "The cabbage soup does not live without cabbage,"

“The cabbage is not empty, it climbs into the mouth itself”, “Why fence the garden, if you don’t plant cabbage?” Do you have a lot of cabbage grown in the garden? (Yes)

Grandmother: It is necessary to say “Thank you” in the fall, she came to us not only with cabbage and a rich harvest, but also with a holiday. There is a holiday in the fall "Day of the Elderly", so today your grandmothers came to us. Let's congratulate them.

1. I'm big now - I don't play patty.

If they let me, I help my grandmother.

We bake a pie in the oven, we'll grate a sweet carrot,

Like my grandmother, I will become a hostess!

2. I love my grandmother very much, I love my mother’s mother,

She has a lot of wrinkles and a gray strand on her forehead,

I want to touch and then kiss!

3. Who can do everything in the world - sew, cook, wash, knit?

For whom am I dear granddaughter? She has a secret from her mother!

And he will always give a direct answer to a hundred why!

This is my grandmother, I am very friendly with her!

4. How to bake a big pie? How to knit a colored sock?

Who will give the right advice? Guessed or not?

There is no grandmother relatives, kiss her soon!

The song "Grandma, sit next to us"

Grandmother: As I am pleased, no one has sung such sincere songs to me for a long time. Well, business time, fun hour! Guess the riddles of the cabbage-grandmother:

1. She grows in the garden, dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her, and half a bag of coarse salt. (cabbage)

2. Not sewn, not cut, but all in scars.

Without counting clothes - and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

3. Patch to patch, green patches,

All day long she basks in the garden. (cabbage)

Grandmother: You guessed the riddles, it's time for your grandmothers to show their skills! Come on, grandmothers, come out and show your skills!

Attractions with grandmothers: 1. Whose grandmother will cut the cabbage faster.

2. Decorate the cabbage. (3 couples participate, a child and a grandmother, there are not large forks of cabbage on the tables, and decorations: leaves, rowan twigs, parsley, seeds, chopped carrots, beets, tomatoes, apples, etc. Grandmothers and grandchildren decorate cabbage, give their title of the work) (While the participants are decorating the cabbage, with the grandmothers who are sitting in the audience as spectators, hold a competition “Who knows cabbage dishes more”, the winner is given a gift (for example: a pie with cabbage)

Grandmother - Kapustnitsa: And again, congratulations are heard for our grandparents. The song "Young grandmother" will be performed by Ulyana.

Bab.Cabbage: And now I want to invite my vegetable friends to amuse the elderly, come out my vegetable friends, show me a dance.

Dance of vegetables (vegetable masks to make at home with parents)

Bab.Cabbage: My grandmothers' friends made fun, thanks to them, and now let our grandmothers amuse us with their knowledge of children's songs.

Attraction for grandmothers "Guess the children's song" (music guide includes children's songs, grandmothers guess, the most active grandmother is given a souvenir)

Grandmother-cabbage: Ah yes, grandmothers, they know all the songs! Guys, do you help your grandmothers harvest in the garden?

Attraction: "Harvest" (the whole group participates, they stand in 2 lines, the leader "drives a car", going around the skittles, takes a vegetable from the "bed", brings it back, puts it in a basket, passes the car to the next one, whose team is faster).

To the music, the Scarecrow enters the hall, stops, sings to the music “In the garden or in the garden”:

Whether in the garden, in the garden, there was a scarecrow,

Nimble jackdaws and crows famously dispersed.

Bab.Kupust: Guys, did this come to us?

Scarecrow: I live in the garden, and though harmless, it seems,

I put on rags, I put on rags, I scare everyone with a terrible look.

Cabbage: Ah, that scarecrow! You scared away all the birds in the dachas and gardens, but why did you come to us? Whom are you thinking of scaring?

Scarecrow: In the hot summer I work, and I am proud of my work,

As soon as I see a flock of birds, I wave my rags!

Cabbage: I don’t “wave”, but “wave”, I ask you to speak Russian!

Scarecrow: Excuse me, I didn't go to school!

But I work skillfully, less words, more deeds!

Cabbage: And now why not come to work, but come to us for a holiday?

Scarecrow: Harvest has already been harvested, Birds have fled to Africa!

Drops from the sky, winds blow, nose long winter I smell!

Scarecrow: One is bored in the garden, only clouds are walking around,

I would like to be closer to society, here you have fun I see!

Cabbage: It's fun here - Osenins, and we also praise the elderly, come Scarecrow to us, and listen to a song about an accordion, we will perform it as a gift for our grandparents!

A poem for grandfather is read by a boy:

I will be strong, I am like a grandfather,

It will be the same for me a hundred years!

Whine with grandfather - there is no reason,

After all, we are men with grandfather!

Song "Accordion"

Scarecrow: Eh, I wish I could play the harmonica, otherwise I can only guard potatoes. I need to collect potatoes, I’ll call a brigade to my place, three with a spoon carry potatoes,

And the grandmother meets, peels the potatoes!

Attraction: Collect potatoes from the garden, carry them in spoons, and grandmothers peel potatoes, who is faster. (3 pairs are chosen, children run to the “bed” in their hands with a spoon, carry potatoes in a spoon to their grandmother, who is standing at the table, grandmothers peel potatoes, whose pair is faster).

Scarecrow: Well done, grandmothers masterfully know how to peel potatoes, and pick grandchildren! Hey guys, isn't it time for us to dance?

Cabbage: It's time to scare, it's time, good fellows, but red girls come out, start a dance.

Dance “Will I go out, will I!

Scarecrow: Guys, it's time for me to get ready for the garden, but there's nothing to guard there, all the beds are empty, the harvest has been harvested for a long time, what should I do there alone?

Cabbage: Scarecrow, don't be sad, we'll draw beds for you now, and then you won't be bored all winter.

Attraction "Draw the beds" (2 strips of paper - "beds", pencils or felt-tip pens for children, draw vegetables on paper of the choice of children)

The Scarecrow looks at the "beds", thanks, the guys or the cabbage grandmother fold the strips of paper, give it to the Scarecrow, the Scarecrow says goodbye, leaves.

Cabbage: Let's once again congratulate our beloved grandmothers!

After the attraction, 2 boys come out, read a nursery rhyme:

1. And we will sing ditties,

Let's wash all the bones!

2. Not mine, but mine!

1. Well, then let's sing!

Ditties for grandmothers.

After ditties, Grandmother-Cabbage takes out a pie:

And here is a treat for you from me - Pies with cabbage, we invite everyone for tea!

Harvest Festival "Garden Stories"

Summer flew by quickly, the breeze rustled.

Autumn is looking out the window at us, knocking with frequent rain.

Doors opened by the wind

The fan unfolded the leaves,

Gathered birds on the road

She brought us guests.

(includes Autumn)

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all.

We haven't seen each other for a whole year

And today we met.

Brought you a treat -

Not candy, not cookies.

Fruits, vegetables, rowan -

They have a lot of vitamins.

And now I ask you children:

How did you work during the summer?

Can adults help?

Or just relaxing?

Now I will wave the leaves

And I will return time to the past.

(Autumn scatters leaves and children dressed as vegetables run into the hall to the music)

Vegetables lived in the same garden.

Hello guests, children and adults.


I am round like a ball.

Everyone respects my taste

Add to vinaigrette:

There is no more useful beetroot in the world.

Me and onion. And green

I'm both dry and salty.

As a seasoning for dishes

I am useful to people.


I'm a dungeon girl

Here is the green braid.

I can always fit

I give you vitamin A!


I am planted in spring

In the summer I am busy.

And for being useful

The diploma was given to me.


We are radishes, we are girlfriends.

We are ready

To be in a salad with onions -

Eat for health.


And I am a tomato, I am glad to see you.

I'm full of vitamins

I bring health charge

No worse than vitamins.


I am a salad pickle

I am growing in the garden.

Eat people, cucumbers -

Everything will be all right!


Better than my juice

there is nothing in the world.

Drink cabbage juice, people

Live to be a hundred years old

The owner loved her little garden and watered it every day.


I will water my garden

He also drinks water.

Every day they grew

Mature and did not quarrel.

But one day a tomato

Suddenly decided that he was more important

All the main in the garden

And he began to brag.


I'm the tastiest in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener.

Me adults and children

They love more than anyone in the world.


Listen, it's just a laugh -

Boast that you are the best.

He will not understand in any way, brothers,

It's not nice to ask!

Vedas. And the tomato insists on everything.


I'm the tastiest in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener.

Me adults and children

They love more than anyone in the world.

He boasted, boasted, and fell off the bush.

At this time, the hostess came to collect vegetables for dinner.

I took everyone with me, but I didn’t notice the tomato.


Didn't want to be friends with us

Nobody needs you!

Vedas. The tomato felt ashamed and blushed with shame.


Forgive me, friends,

You take me with you.

Believe it or not,

But since then, the tomatoes have turned red.


Good, guys, vegetables and fruits.

It was difficult to raise them.

Need to weed, water,

Protect from weeds

And from aphids and beetles.

Weed runs out wheatgrass.


Who mentioned us here?

Did he call our name?

I am a weed - a creeping wheatgrass,

Garden General!

Hey brigade, line up

Come out to the parade!

To the music, Osot, Lebeda, Burdock run out and build.

I am a creeping wheatgrass.

I am prickly sow thistle.

Quinoa is a disaster for a summer resident.

Where we grow

We kill everyone there

I am Burdock!

(he is repelled by the rest of the weeds)

Well, that's how it always is!

Sow thistle.

Onions and potatoes do not get into okroshka,

You will look for strawberries in vain.

If we are gathered

Went into the garden

You will not see the harvest of the century.

Weeds scatter across the hall.

The weed will destroy the garden.

Who is not afraid of work

Choppers in hand and - forward.

Song "Battle with weeds" on the tune of "Songs of Stump" 74

Today is the hardest day.

Line up, children, over the rows.

Today is the hardest day

Today weed battle.

We will distribute to friends on a chopper -

After all, there are good fellows among them.

We will free the vegetables

And the weeds will move.

When the last enemy fell

The trumpet played the victory.

(burdock says)

It was only at that moment that I realized

How few of us are left.



The tomatoes have grown

And the potatoes bloomed.

Didn't have time to look back

A new attack has come.

The Colorado potato beetle emerges.

Hello children,

My name is Freddie.

Striped and beautiful all of me here.

My home is Colorado

Be glad to me

And be proud

That you have found shelter.

On top of potatoes

I'm swaying, babes

You can't see, children

Chips and puree.

I love tomatoes

For me it's a joy

Eat for breakfast

Eggplant at dawn.


Well, help yourself, join the new food.

(spray beetle)

Oh, trouble, guard!


Dust he did not pull.

Returned to Colorado.

Or stretched out his paws.

Vedas. A feast for the eyes,

Kohl grow it with skill.

It's time to dig it!

Come out, kids!

Song "Antoshka"

What are those screams?

Who raised the hustle and bustle here?

Butterfly Kapustnitsa and Slug run in, in their hands a head of cabbage.

Grandma. Give it to me!

Sl-n. No, give it to me!

Bab-ka. I won't give up, don't bother!

Sl. I'll climb into the cabbage

I'm not afraid of the cold!

Life in cabbage - be healthy!

There is food and shelter here.

Grandma. You have one fun -

Eat to the bone.

I need to hurry

Move the kids here.

Let them emerge, grow

Here is food and comfort.

Sl-n. Give it to me!

Grandma. No, give it to me!

Sl. I won't give up, don't bother!

Vedas. Before they screamed

What their birds heard.

An old thrush flew to them

And I solved this issue.

Vedas. Time passes quickly

Here is the garden.

Once the whole thing is done,

You can safely have fun.

Dance with leaves

Autumn. Glad for your fun.

Business time, games hour.

Who is smart and skillful here?

We want to look at you.

The game."Tops and Roots"

The host calls the plants, and the children say that this plant is edible - tops or roots.

Autumn. Everyone worked, worked,

Like bees, not lazy.

I am glad for your work

Work and reward:

Autumn is rich in fruits

Here are some apples for you guys.

Here's some candy and cookies

And good jam.

(points to the table)

All right guys, I have to go.

Goodbye, kids!

Boletus mushroom

Hidden and silent!

Try it, find it:

Come and have a look.

The birch will go to the forest

Every knowledgeable mushroom picker.

There for soup will always find

Delicious boletus.

Printed gingerbreads –

How elegant!

We won't eat them right away.

Let's take a look first.

brown eyes

We stood by the pine

They stood smiling

Someone was waiting.

Let's collect a fan from the leaves,

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the branches,

Lightweight and playful.

And obey the wind

The leaves are flying away.

So summer is no more

Autumn is coming.

Someone is pulling the cobwebs

And the foliage flies easily.

Who will not look where now -

Gold glitters everywhere.

Warmed up maple and linden,

Who is there without words

So many suns scattered

On the path near the houses?

Between the green branches deftly

It seems plum black eye,

red-cheeked carrot

From the garden climbs for show.

Blue haze in the sky

Flying cranes…

This autumn is young

Celebrates his holiday.

Autumn walks along the forest paths,

How many fresh branches green pines have!

How many scarlet berries the forest mountain ash has!

Waves grew right next to the path.

In lingonberries on a green tussock

A mushroom-mushroom has grown in a red scarf.

The wind blew in the forest glade -

Spinning an aspen in a red sundress.

Sleepily pouring from the clouds

Small mushroom rain.

Warm, like a ray of sunshine

Gentle, affectionate.

Something whispers lulling,

It doesn't ring at all in puddles.

Resting in the trees

Quietly rustling in the leaves.

Moisture slowly, calmly

Drink the earth and forest moss -

A day later under the blue of coniferous

A regiment of mushrooms is growing.

It has chanterelles and butterflies,

Russula, flywheel,

Milk mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms

And a handsome boletus.

Golden leaves fall, fly,

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will collect a good bouquet from them.

We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table.

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

First you need to decide on the venue of the event. In the scenario, the House of Culture is indicated, but with reasonable planning and weather conditions, a stadium can also be preferred. So, as always, everything should start with the design. You can hang posters, balloons, paper flowers, ribbons, preferably all in the same color scheme. At the entrance, you can build a photo zone, or a stand with wishes. The script spelled out the moment of the beauty contest among grandmothers. It can be crossed out, but if you are going to hold it, then you will need to select future participants in advance and take care of the nominations. There are five nominations in this scenario: "Beauty Queen", "Miss Skillful Hands", "Miss Charming Smile", "Miss Vociferous", "Miss Charismatic". If this competition takes place, it is important to take care of the prizes for the winners. You can also install several stands on which photos, profiles of participants, their fakes and so on will be placed.

Leading, jury, dance groups, performers, the elderly.

gifts for contests, gifts for a beauty contest, three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers, cards - hints, a list of songs, a diploma.

Presenters appear on the stage to the music "My years, my wealth."

Today is an unusual day
Age praise and honor,
And for the elderly we are together,
The concert is ready!

You accept my congratulations,
I speak from the heart
Get comfortable,
We will have fun!

You have seen a lot in your life. Luggage of experience, wisdom, knowledge, memories. We admire you! Low bow to you and long life.

Good health and optimism. You are the pride of generations, the backbone of the country, thank you!

We will start our holiday with congratulations. Or rather, from the youngest generation, which has already been waiting for its turn to congratulate the grandparents gathered here.

(Several children come on stage and read)

I want to remind you friends
An unusual competition is taking place,
Let beauty rule the world
Today is just a great day!

I want to remind everyone present that today we will choose the “Beauty Queen” among the grandmothers who applied for participation.

We will also choose "Miss skillful hands", "Miss charming smile", "Miss vociferous", "Miss charisma".

The venerable jury will help us with this, which will appreciate the talents of the contestants.

In the meantime, the contenders for the crown are preparing, I suggest our grandfathers show their talents.

It sometimes happens that grandfathers have to do some work for their grandchildren, in particular to draw. In this skill we will compete with you.

Draw for me contest.
Three grandfathers are invited to the stage. Three easels with sheets are set up, markers are given to grandfathers and they are blindfolded. The facilitator names the objects that the grandfathers should depict blindfolded. Whoever does it better wins.
You will need: three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers.

And while we were drawing, our contestants managed to prepare.

The host invites the participants to the stage for the performance and asks questions:
1. What year of birth?
2. Who is by profession?
3. How many times have you been lucky enough to become a grandmother?
4. What is your main skill?
5. Your reason for pride?
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Questions may be different, depending on the desire and imagination.

And now, while our contestants have left to prepare for the next competition, a dance group is invited to the stage (title).

(After the dance)

I suggest, I will unwind a little to the guests,
And sing a little song
I invite those who wish to the stage,
To a familiar motive, sing a song!

Who's the loud one here?
Nuka, raise your hand
Show your great talent
Show your voice to the world!

Contest "Guess the song"

The host selects several participants from the audience 5-7. This competition requires some preparation. Namely, you need to make hint cards for songs in advance. A word is written on the card and a picture is drawn. For example, for the song “N. Kadyshev's stream flows”, you can write the word flows and draw a stream.

Card options:
1. Noisy reeds (word noise, picture reeds);
2. Oh viburnum (word oh, picture viburnum);
3. My years (word year, treasure picture);
4. Why are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash (the word is thin, the picture is rowan);
5. Black Raven (word black, picture crow);
6. Maple curly (word curly, picture maple);
7. Red viburnum (word red, picture viburnum);
8. Oh, roads (word eh, drawing of the road);
9. Shaggy bumblebee (the word is furry, the drawing is a bumblebee);
10. Dark mounds sleep (the word is dark, the figure is barrows).

The choice of songs may be different. You can also make up words instead of drawings. Do not forget that the competition is for the elderly, so the tables should be expressive and the words should be large. Alternatively, you can just turn on the music. The one who guesses the most songs will win the prize.
You will need: cards - hints, a list of songs.

Participants are ready to perform
I would like to invite you to the stage
They will amaze with their talent
And conquer the hall with a smile.

(This stage of the competition is discussed in advance. The contestants must prepare a small number of amateur performances, lasting 2-3 minutes and present to the audience and the jury)

They say that with age comes the long-awaited wisdom, which is sometimes so lacking. Is it so? Let's ask the audience!

Contest "Advice".
3-4 participants (preferably women) are selected from the audience and called to the stage. The facilitator sets the situation and receives advice. Whoever gives more valuable and interesting advice will receive a symbolic prize - a diploma "The best adviser of the city."

Preliminary list of questions:
1. What is best for a headache?
2. If dampness appeared in the house?
3. Does the child suck his thumb?
4. The wife bites her nails. What to do?
5. I pulled my lower back, what do you recommend?
6. Does cabbage grow in the garden?
7. Spilled wine on your favorite shirt, wife can't wash?
8. Are there occasional centipedes in the room?
9. Cooked romantic dinner, but burned his wife's favorite pan, what should I do?
10. Forgot to pick up your child from kindergarten?

Questions may be different.
Required: Diploma. The winner of the competition can be announced by the jury.

Our contestants have rested and are ready for the next task.

So what are we waiting for then? I ask the contestants to the stage.

(Contestants in tracksuits come out. The “Everybody Dance” contest is announced. A young girl stands in front of the participants and shows modern dance moves. Their task is to repeat)

And I invite you to the stage
I am fine craftsmen
Who will show us the theater
And say congratulations.

Leader continues:
The older generation is interesting in its own way, funny in its own way, wise in its own way. And it happens that one of the spouses has come to terms with his age, while the other stubbornly protests. So, the case in the family.

(Two high school students (a girl and a boy) enter the stage and show a humorous scene “Old age crept up on us unnoticed”)

The girl is standing, preening. The boy approaches her.
- Hey, old, it's you, where are you going to carry your bones, looking at the night?
- You may be an old grandfather, but Petrovna and I are going to the club.
- Oh how! What about some kind of concert? Probably, "Pesnyary" will come ...
- What you? We are going to the youth club, we will dance, we will give a master class to the younger generation!
- Matveevna, face control will not let you through.
- Face, whom?
- Control. Don't match your age!
- What are you talking about, I can't hear you! (puts hand to ear).
- I say that you are old, that you will not pass!
- You're old! We are still wow! In the prime of life, at the very juice! I'm out, I even bought "Louboutins" for myself, it's fashionable now.
- Who did you buy there?
- "Louboutins", shoes like that. Oh, Petrovna will die of envy! (Shows a shoe box with a price).
- Petrovna may be from envy, but I from a heart attack! Old man, have you seen how much they cost?
- Why didn't you see it? Of course, I saw them, I got them a loan. Took 5 years.
- (grabbing heart) Yes, it would be better if you took a shower stall to the dacha, a cart, and there would still be enough for new tires for my swallow! Can you even walk on them? (looks at high heels).
- I can't walk yet, but it's very comfortable to sit in them. Well, I'll learn! Oh, everything! (Looks at watch) . It's time for me! Disperse. The host announces that an hour has passed.
A high school student appears on stage. Shoes in hand, holding on to the lower back, limping:
- Sanych, Sanych, I'm dying, water!

(A high school student appears, excitedly runs up to her)

Did you dance? Well, wait, wait, I'll bring your slippers.

(Sits down on a chair)

I've looked at this! And Petrovna ran away after 20 minutes!
- Didn't like it at all?
- Yes, what is there! The music is roaring, which is already pawned in the ears. Boys look like girls and girls look like boys. All songs are in a foreign language. And one thing everyone is jerking, jerking! And how many people! Moms!
- Okay, shoes, but what about the lower back?
- And I tried to dance with the youth ...
- And How?
- I was able to bend, but not very straightened!
- And why do you need my grief, can't you sit at home?
- Well, how can you sit here? So many temptations!
- All right, I'll make you some tea. Now, what to do with your Louboutins?
- Sanych, everything is simple here! I will sell them online!
- Where?
- Petrovna told me that they buy everything there, so I'll sell it, and we'll change the shoes of your swallow! All you have to do is buy online!

(Boy grabs his head)

(At the end of the scene, the guys say. A girl is for grandfathers, and a boy is for grandmothers)

And now I will ask our contestants to submit their homework!

(This moment is pre-discussed with the contestants. You can ask them to cook some kind of fake on certain topic You can be puzzled to compose a song, or bake a cake. If you still decide to stop at baking, then everyone should cook the same dish, which is then given for tasting to the judges, and to everyone from the audience)

While our participants are preparing for the next stage, I suggest you play a little, otherwise, I see, somehow you get bored!

(5-8 participants are invited to the stage. The principle of the game is “The sea worries once.” The presenter speaks in the ear of the participants the figure that they should portray, and the audience must guess what the participants are showing. Time 3 minutes. If you wish, you can choose another cheerful and, most importantly, do not forget about age features participants and musical accompaniment)

Get ready you friends
It's time to defile
They will surprise us all
The contestants are here to step!

Announced competition "Defile".
The contestants show off their beautiful outfits.
It is important that after each competitive stage, the jury evaluates. These small breaks can be filled with performances by dance groups, or simply musical breaks.

Thank you all friends
It's time to end the evening
We chose the Queen
The votes have been counted!

(The participants are being awarded. There may be more or less categories of nominations, depending on the number of participants. The above indicated nominations are presented as an example)

After the concert, you can announce a dance evening, but this is optional.