Increase in pensions for employees of the Investigative Committee c. Features of the pension to prosecutors. Features of military prosecutors

Pensions, thanks to the new allowance, will grow by 30 percent, but the increase will affect only 25,000 pensioners.

A new procedure for calculating pensions has been introduced for employees of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. From February 1, 2018, this category of pensioners will receive a monthly pension supplement for their class rank and special rank.

The relevant law was adopted by the State Duma at the end of 2017. When discussing the bill, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, Vasily Piskarev, said that until now the average pension of a district investigator and a district prosecutor was 20-22 thousand rubles.

The February innovation will increase this figure by another 6-7 thousand rubles. Thus, the monthly allowance will increase the pensions of prosecutors and investigators by an average of 30 percent.

This is the largest increase in pensions in recent years, which was unexpectedly facilitated by a personnel reorganization in the Ministry of Defense.

As Vasily Piskarev explained, on January 1, 2017, military prosecutors and military investigators were transferred from the Ministry of Defense to the staff of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee. At the same time, military prosecutors and investigators have much higher pensions than their colleagues from the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee.

It was decided to eliminate the resulting difference by introducing a monthly pension supplement so that the level of pension provision is the same for everyone. The size of the allowance depends on the class rank and special rank - the higher the rank and rank, the higher the allowance.

Increasing coefficients for the rank and rank taken into account when calculating the pension supplement were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2018 No. 20 “On the establishment of coefficients applied to the amount of additional payments for class rank (special rank) taken into account when calculating the monthly allowance for pensions of individual categories of pensioners.

According to Andrei Pudov, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the increase in pensions will affect almost 25 thousand people - more than 22 thousand pensioners of the General Prosecutor's Office and 2.3 thousand - of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

The federal budget provides for 2.5 billion rubles in 2018 and 3 billion rubles each in 2019 and 2020 to pay supplements to the pensions of prosecutors and investigators.

dated 24.01.2018 No. 20

"On the establishment of coefficients applied to the amount of additional payments for a class rank (special rank), taken into account when calculating the monthly allowance for pensions for certain categories of pensioners"

In order to increase the level of pension provision for certain categories of pensioners, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 44 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and part 13.1 of Article 35 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 403-FZ "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" I decide :

1. Establish the coefficients applied to the amounts of additional payments for a class rank (special rank) taken into account when calculating the monthly supplement to the pensions of prosecutors, scientific and pedagogical workers of bodies and organizations of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and members of their families, according to the Appendix.

2. Recognize as invalid:

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2015 N 610 “On the monthly supplement to pensions for certain categories of pensioners” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2015, N 50, Art. 7143);

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2016 N 698 “On Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2015 N 610 “On the Monthly Supplement to Pensions for Certain Categories of Pensioners” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2016, N 52, article 7613).

President of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN
Moscow Kremlin
January 24, 2018
№ 20

to the Decree of the President
Russian Federation
dated January 24, 2018 No. 20

Coefficients applied to the amount of additional payments for a class rank (special rank) taken into account when calculating the monthly allowance for the pensions of prosecutors, scientific and pedagogical workers of bodies and organizations of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and members of their families
No. Class ranks (special ranks) Coefficients applied to the amount of additional payments for a class rank (special rank) taken into account when calculating the monthly supplement to pensions
from February 1, 2018 from February 1, 2019
I. At the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
1. Acting State Counselor of Justice 3.5 4
2. State Counselor of Justice 1st class 3.5 4
3. State Counselor of Justice 2nd class 3.5 4
4. State Counselor of Justice Grade 3 3.5 4
5. Senior Counsel for Justice 2.6 3
6. Counselor of Justice 2.6 3
7. Junior Counselor of Justice 2.6 3
8. Lawyer of the 1st class 2.6 3
9. Lawyer 2 class 2.6 3
10. Lawyer 3rd class 2.6 3
11. Junior lawyer 3 3
II. In the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
12. General of Justice of the Russian Federation 3.5 4
13. Colonel General of Justice 3.5 4
14. Lieutenant General of Justice 3.5 4
15. Major General of Justice 3.5 4
16. Colonel of Justice 2.6 3
17. Lieutenant Colonel of Justice 2.6 3
18. Major of Justice 2.6 3
19. Captain of Justice 2.6 3
20. Senior Lieutenant of Justice 2.6 3
21. Lieutenant of Justice 2.6 3
22. Junior Lieutenant of Justice 3 3

The coefficients applied to the amount of additional payments for a class rank (special rank), taken into account when calculating the monthly allowance for the pensions of prosecutors, scientific and pedagogical workers of bodies and organizations of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and members of their families, have been established.

Coefficients are provided that will be valid from 02/01/2018, and increased coefficients that will be valid from 02/01/2019.

The decree comes into force on 01.02.2018. Decree of 09.12.2015 on the monthly additional payment to pensions for certain categories of pensioners is no longer valid.

Under what conditions do prosecutors receive benefits?

Employees eligible to receive a prosecutor's pension

  • Money from the budget is paid to such citizens:
  • advisers and assistants;
  • criminalists;
  • senior referents;
  • heads of departments;
  • investigators conducting cases of particular importance;
  • military prosecutors;
  • chairmen of the Investigative Committee;
  • Attorney Generals.
  • The state limits the age at which an employee of the prosecutor's office can retire. According to the current legislation, an employee will not be able to issue payments if he is not yet forty-five years old. You have to work in the prosecutor's office for at least twenty years.

    How will the prosecutor's pension change in 2018?

    Changes provided for in the draft law

    the amount of salary for the title;

    the seniority allowance used in calculating the pension;

    salary that matches the position.

    Experts were also involved in the work. There is no specific end date for the discussion. For his part, the head of the Ministry of Labor believes that when resolving this issue, it is necessary to build on life expectancy in the country: “We need to compare this with life expectancy, compare it with the age, how many people live in our country after retirement age, how many in other countries.” - Not just “let's be 63, 65 years old”, but there are no arguments.

    Russian pensioners will be paid 5,000 rubles each in exchange for indexation of pensions

    Recall that in February 2018, pensions were indexed by 4%. The decision on the second pension indexation of the year, which is required by law, was postponed by the government until the results of the first half of the year were considered. At a meeting on the issue of indexation of pensions, which took place the day before, Dmitry Medvedev said that 200 billion rubles would be required for a one-time cash payment to pensioners. And this decision is "very difficult for the budget."

    Increase in labor pensions in February and October 2018

    re-indexation in October 2018 will not take place, the government has no money. Instead, all pensioners (working and non-working) will receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles in January 2018. The official statement of the PFR of Russia just says that “the first increase will take place on February 1 - labor pensions will increase according to the actual level of consumer prices for 2018, the second time - on October 1 - according to the level of income growth of the PFR in 2018 per pensioner". Indexing from February 1, 2018 will affect about 37.8 million people.

    The Ministry of Finance called for an increase in pensions for prosecutors

    According to the relevant law of 1993 (“On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies.”), a pension is assigned to these persons depending on their last place of service. The amount of the pension of prosecutors and investigators of the Investigative Committee is calculated as a share of the “monetary allowance” (salary + additional payments for length of service; the salary, in turn, is tied to the salary of judges), says Anton Sonichev, a lawyer for the Delovoy Farvater company.

    There will be no indexation of military pensions in 2018

    But, starting from January 1, 2015, this indexation rule is frozen. It has been established that from February 1 next year, the size of the military pension will be 72.23% of the monetary allowance of the active security forces or military personnel. From February 1, 2018, this value was equal to 69.45%, from January 1, 2015 - 62.12%, from October 1, 2015 - 66.78%. judges of the Military Collegium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military courts; prosecutors (including military personnel of the military prosecutor's office); employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation) (p.

    Indexation of the pension of prosecutors of the Russian Federation since October 2018

    It has been established that from February 1 next year, the size of the military pension will be 72.23% of the monetary allowance of the active security forces or military personnel. Since February 1, 2018, this value has been equal to 69.45%. from January 1, 2015 - 62.12%. from October 1, 2015 - 66.78%. judges of the Military Collegium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military courts; prosecutors (including military personnel of the military prosecutor's office); employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation) (p.

    The government decided to index pensions by only 4% in 2018

    Back in August, the media reported that a compromise between extreme options is possible, but it turns out that the Ministry of Finance is close to victory. Siluanov said that each percentage increase in pensions is 70 billion rubles. for the budget and full indexation would require 800 billion rubles. In this case, other expenses would have to be “cut to the quick,” the minister warned on September 23. According to the current law, the insurance part of the pension is increased on February 1 by the amount of inflation for the previous year, and from April 1 additional indexation is possible if the profitability of the Pension Fund exceeds inflation. Refusal to index pensions at the level of actual inflation will lead to a new drop in real incomes of Russians and an increase in the number of poor people, warned the former finance minister, now head of the Civil Initiatives Committee Alexei Kudrin. ? I think that next year the reduction in real incomes of the population will continue, as the indexation of pensions will be reduced, Kudrin explained, emphasizing that it will be especially difficult for those who do not have family financial support or money savings. There is no decision on the proposals of the Ministry of Finance related to the indexation of pensions to increase the retirement age for men and women to 65, Ulyukaev said.

    Will there be an increase and indexation of military pensions in Russia from January 1, 2018? Latest news from the State Duma with amendments

    The calculation of pensions for employees of state power bodies has its own characteristics. Persons entitled to a military pension include employees of the FSB, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the prosecutor's office, customs officers, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the federal service in the aggregate of all their units. Profile experience in the Department of Internal Affairs is 20 years or more. In this case, you can retire without regard to age. If during the course of service there are periods of stay in special territories or in special conditions (for example, in the Far North).

    Military pensions will be increased

    In a crisis, when it comes to preserving the country's economy, implementing important social programs, re-equipping the army and navy, the need to develop new territories of the country and support the population of Novorossia - all this is understandable and justified. That is why people in uniform, as well as military pensioners, I repeat, reacted to this decision with understanding. After all, even in these difficult conditions, the state found opportunities to continue solving housing issues for servicemen, building service and permanent housing, paying housing subsidies, and so on. Recall that from January 1, 2012, for the military personnel of the Armed Forces and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a reduction coefficient was introduced for the pension calculation base in the amount of 0.54 (54% of the salary for a military position, salary for a military rank and a percentage allowance for length of service ).

    The government announced a two-time indexation of pensions in 2018

    Now this money is being paid. The decree signed by the head of government on January 19, which was made public on January 23, means a return to the usual rules for indexing pensions: the figure of 5.4% is fully consistent, according to Rosstat, with the inflation rate for 2018.

    The certificate attached to the document states that “the increase in the size of insurance pensions from February 1 will affect all non-working recipients of insurance pensions (about 30 million people), as well as about 450 thousand people.

    New "sizes of prosecutor's pensions

    These conditions must also be observed if the prosecutor is dismissed due to the assignment of a disability group, state of health or reaching the maximum possible age for such service. On the day of dismissal from the prosecutor's office, the future pensioner must be at least 45 years old. The amount of pensions for prosecutors in Russia is 80% of the monthly salary, which includes all types of incentives, bonuses, and allowances.

    Increase in pensions in 2018

    The increase in pensions in 2018 will significantly affect the income of more than forty million recipients of social benefits. The latest news about the increase in pensions suggests that the government and the president are determined to fulfill their social obligations to the least socially protected category of citizens. The increase in pensions in 2018 will affect all categories of pension recipients. We are talking about raising insurance pensions (both working and non-working citizens), social pensions, as well as raising military pensions.

    The increase in pensions of the largest category of pensioners - non-working recipients of insurance pensions (by age) will be made in 2018 not from February 1 (as provided by law), but from January 1, 2018. Despite the fact that the law provides for indexing these pensions to the official inflation rate for the previous year (in 2017 - 3.2%), the government decided to increase pensions by a level that exceeds inflation. January 2018 indexation will increase insurance pensions by 3.7%. The cost of the pension point, on the basis of which payments will be assigned to those retiring in 2018, will be 81.48 rubles. The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension in 2018 will be 4,982.9 rubles.

    Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

    Unfortunately, we are forced to state that the pensions of working pensioners in January 2018 will not be indexed. The pension of this category of citizens will not be indexed until 2020. However, if a pensioner stops his labor activity, his pension will be indexed taking into account all missed indexations.

    EDV - indexation in 2018

    In 2018, the indexation of the EDV, unlike insurance pensions, will be carried out not from January 1, but from February 1. The size of the UDV in 2018 will be increased by 3.2% (the actual inflation rate for the previous year). In total, the government plans to allocate more than 450 billion rubles to increase the monthly cash payment in 2018 received by federal beneficiaries.

    Lump sum for retirement in 2018

    There will be no one-time pension payment in 2018, like the one paid to all pensioners in January 2017. The fact is that this payment in 2017 was of a one-time nature and compensated for the “inferior” indexation in 2016. However, in 2017, the indexation of pensions was carried out in full and the government has nothing to compensate in 2018 ... in short, there will be no one-time (one-time) payment to the pension in 2018.

    For almost a year, the State Duma has been considering a bill providing for the annual payment of an additional pension to all pensioners, better known as the thirteenth pension. The draft law provides for the payment to all categories of pensioners, once a year, the 13th pension, in the amount of the average monthly pension provision. The authors of the legislative initiative proposed to make the first payment of an additional pension as early as December 2017.

    However, the profile committee gave a negative assessment to the bill, considering it contrary to federal law and (which is most likely the main thing) too costly for the treasury. Therefore, it is most likely not necessary to expect the payment of the 13th pension in 2017 and in 2018.

    The amount of maternity capital in 2018

    The amount of maternity capital in 2018 will remain unchanged and will amount to 453,026 rubles. Recall that when the program started (in 2007), the size of the mother's capital was 250 thousand rubles. It is indexed annually for inflation. However, starting from 2016, indexation was canceled due to the difficult economic situation. The nearest indexation of maternity capital is planned by the federal budget for 2018-2020. in 2020 - mother's capital this year will be indexed by 4% and will increase to 471 thousand rubles.

    However, there is also positive news - the Russian leadership has decided to extend the maternity capital until the end of 2021. The bill providing for this measure was adopted by the State Duma in the first reading on December 13, 2017.

    Increase in military pensions in 2018

    Indexation of military pensions in 2018 will increase their size by 4%. The increase in military pensions will be made from January 1, 2018. Thus, military pensioners will receive payments in an increased amount in December 2017.

    Pensions for prosecutors to grow by 30% in 2018

    Pensions of prosecutors and investigators of the UK in 2018 will increase by 30%. The increase will take place on February 1, 2018. The federal law providing for this measure was adopted by the State Duma in final reading on December 13, 2017.

    In total, in 2018, it is planned to allocate more than two and a half billion rubles from the budget to increase the welfare of former prosecutors.

    Increase in social pensions in 2018

    Indexation of social pensions in 2018 will be carried out, as well as in the previous year - from April 1, pensions will increase, taking into account the increase in the living wage for a pensioner in the Russian Federation over the previous year by 4.1%. Indexation will increase the pensions of both working and non-working recipients of social pensions.

    Latest news about the increase in pensions for prosecutors in 2018

    Citizens who worked in the public service have always been well provided for after retirement.

    In Russia, a sufficiently high level of inflation may, over the years, neutralize the value of existing preferences.

    In recent years, attempts have been made to restore the former prestige to work in the prosecutor's office. Including by increasing pensions.

  • The main regulatory act in force in the field of pension provision is Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001. This document establishes the general types of state subsidies, the grounds for obtaining them, the rights and obligations of citizens.
  • The Law of the Russian Federation "On the Prosecutor's Office" No. 2202-1 dated January 17, 1992 is also in force. Article 44 establishes the basic provisions for the provision of pensions for these employees. The amount of severance pay has been established.
  • The pension for prosecutors, as well as for other employees of law enforcement agencies, is accrued on the basis of the provisions of Law No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993. Although the prosecutor’s office employees are not directly indicated in the document, their state provision after retirement is carried out in the same manner as for employees of the internal affairs bodies.
  • The FIU does not calculate seniority payments. There is an Instruction on the organization of work on pension provision in the prosecutor's office. It was approved by order of the Prosecutor General No. 374 dated December 4, 2009. This document establishes that regional pension services are being created in the system of this state body, which, together with financial and personnel structures, are engaged in transferring money to retired employees.
  • Video: “The State Duma adopted a bill to increase pensions for prosecutors in 2018”

    A citizen who claims to receive a prosecutor's pension must meet the following requirements:

  • at least 20 years of service;
  • the total length of service is at least 25 years, the citizen has worked in the prosecutor's office for 12.5 years;
  • the person was dismissed from service;
  • all necessary documents were submitted.
  • Dismissal must be made on the following grounds:

  • downsizing in the course of reorganization;
  • reaching the age limit for holding a position;
  • health condition no longer allows work in the prosecutor's office;
  • reaching retirement age;
  • termination of the contract due to violation of the rights of the employee by management;
  • resignation;
  • getting a disability.
  • The following time periods are counted in the length of service:

  • work in a position, the occupation of which implies the receipt of a prosecutor's pension (prosecutor, his deputy, head of a department, department, sector, investigator, etc.);
  • an internship in one of the specified positions;
  • holding the position of a judge;
  • work in the customs service and tax authorities with the assignment of a special title;
  • military service;
  • service in the drug control authorities, the state fire service, the Federal Penitentiary Service and other law enforcement agencies;
  • work in public positions in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;
  • service in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • work in party bodies until March 14, 1990, if before or immediately after it the citizen worked in the prosecutor's office;
  • the period of education at the rate of 2 months for 1 month of experience (no more than 5 years).
  • The following persons may receive a superannuation pension:

  • prosecutors of all levels (including the General Prosecutor), their deputies;
  • investigators;
  • heads of departments, departments, sectors and other divisions, as well as their deputies;
  • senior referents;
  • forensic prosecutors;
  • family members of all listed persons.
  • The prosecutor's office has educational institutions that train relevant workers. There are also scientific organizations that study the current regulations, prepare comments and explanations at the request of acting prosecutors.

    What pension can the widow of a military pensioner receive? Find out here.

    These specialists may not have a special rank, but in the law they are referred to as citizens entitled to a seniority pension. These are:

  • directors of research institutes, their deputies;
  • researchers of any level;
  • academic secretaries;
  • heads of research departments;
  • heads of laboratories;
  • teachers.
  • Civilian personnel work in all organizations of the prosecutor's office. These can be house cleaners, plumbers, electricians, etc. These specialists are not included in the category of persons entitled to receive a prosecutor's pension.

    If a citizen receiving a seniority pension re-enters the service of the prosecutor's office, then the payment of money from the budget is terminated.

    After the end of employment, the amount of the subsidy can be recalculated.

    What is the prosecutor's pension

    Employees receive 50% of the material support that a person who is currently in the same rank and position has. In this case, the following are taken into account as the basis for the calculation:

    • official salary;
    • seniority bonus;
    • additional payment for a special rank.
    • It should be noted that former prosecutors are entitled to a one-time severance pay in the following amounts:

    • 5 official salaries are received by people who have worked for less than 10 years;
    • 10 salaries are due to persons with experience up to 15 years;
    • 15 salaries are due to employees with experience up to 20 years;
    • 20 salaries accrue to other persons.
    • After the termination of work in the public service, a citizen has the right to work in another area.

      If such a person becomes eligible for an insurance pension, then monthly money will be transferred to him from the PFR and from the state budget.

      Change in payments in 2018

      In accordance with the developed bill, which is under consideration in the upper house of the Russian parliament, all prosecutorial employees are entitled to a bonus for their class rank.

      According to the calculations of members of the government, these citizens will receive 6-7 thousand rubles more. That will give an increase of 30%.

      It is also planned to carry out annual indexation in the amount of 4% each year for the period 2018-2020.

      The annual increase in pension payments is made only for people receiving insurance and social subsidies.

      Their material support is tied to the subsistence minimum budget, the size of which is adjusted depending on inflation.

      Indexation of retirement pensions is not carried out.

      Citizens can count on an increase in the size of payments only with an increase in the salaries of prosecutors.

      If the legislative changes proposed by the government are adopted, then indexation will begin to be carried out every year.

      How much will the increase

      It is planned that each pensioner will additionally receive about 4% of the monthly payment.

      It cannot be said that pensions will be significantly increased. So, for example, investigators of the central apparatus will receive 1,200-1,500 rubles more.

      The premium for class rank will additionally give 30% to each pensioner.

      After dismissal, a citizen must apply to the prosecutor's office where he completed his professional activities. He will need the following documents:

    • application of the established form;
    • passport;
    • work book and other documents confirming the experience;
    • bank details for transferring money;
    • military ID;
    • diploma or other document on education;
    • a copy of the order on dismissal from service;
    • ITU conclusion on the presence of disability (when applying for an appropriate pension);
    • a certificate from the local department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the absence of an insurance or other pension;
    • documents on awards, if they provide additional rights or benefits;
    • writ of execution (for example, on the recovery of alimony), if any.

    The pension office calculates the applicant's length of service and draws up a pension file. After that, the necessary calculations are made. The decision to assign a seniority payment is sent to Sberbank to organize regular payments.

    Today, the following parameters are used to calculate the amount of a pension:

    To date, there is no electronic resource where a special pension calculator would be created.

    For more information, please contact the pension department of the prosecutor's office of the corresponding locality or subject of the federation.

    If more than 20 years of experience

    A citizen who has served in the prosecutor's office for more than 20 years receives an additional 50% of the amount that serves as the basis for calculating the pension.

    In this case, this is the monetary allowance of an official of the corresponding rank.

    Also, for each year of service in excess of the specified, 1% of the allowance is due.

    At the moment, the proposals of the Russian government have not acquired a regulatory status.

    From the State Duma the law was sent to the Federation Council. After considering the draft in this body, and receiving a positive assessment of the senators, the document will be sent for signature to the President of the Russian Federation.

    When does a mother of many children retire? Find out here.

    What pension will an individual entrepreneur have if he worked on a simplified system? Read on.

    Pension for prosecutors to be increased in 2018: latest news shows that the government wants to equalize all pensioners receiving seniority payments.

    The Government of the Russian Federation notes that earlier a political decision was made on the phased indexation of pensions for the military.

    The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, issued in May 2012, gives an annual increase in payments to these persons by 4%.

    The increase is established by increasing the percentage of salary taken into account when calculating the pension.

    An increase in pensions for investigators and prosecutors is a positive sign. Previously, these categories of employees were unfairly left out of the system of indexation of budget subsidies. But economic realities show that it is necessary to improve the financial situation of these workers.

    Prosecutor's pension in 2018: how much will it increase?

    The indexation decision also applies to TFR employees. prosecutor in 2018 will grow by 4%. In what cases are employees of the prosecutor's office paid benefits? A former prosecutor may be awarded payments if he has reached retirement age.

    The state provides financial support to employees who have received a disability.

    The reason for dismissal may be unsatisfactory state of health. In the event of such events, the state will pay severance pay to the former employee.

    Prosecutor General's Office on indexation of pensions to prosecutors in 2018

    More than 22,000 people will receive a bonus

    prosecutors, through the Investigative Committee - more than 2.4 thousand people, said at a meeting of the State Duma on November 16, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Andrei Pudov. The introduction of a monthly pension supplement for a class rank will, on average, increase prosecutors and investigators by 6,000–7,000 rubles.

    Will there be an increase in pensions for prosecutors in 2018: latest news from the State Duma

    The authors of the bill are convinced that the introduction of changes will lead not only to equalization of the status in terms of social protection, but also to an increase in prosecutorial staff. Increasing pensions for prosecutors in 2018 will increase the burden on the budget.

    News that there will be an increase in the salaries of prosecutors this year is rather mixed

    The State Duma adopted a law on increasing pensions for employees of the prosecutor's office and employees of the TFR.

    In 2018, 2.5 billion rubles will be spent from the budget for these purposes, and the pensions themselves will increase by 30%.

    Salary increase for employees of the prosecutor's office in 2018: there are no funds in the financial budget to fulfill the obligations specified in the bills Experts say that members of the government will do everything to fulfill the presidential decrees, because the next presidential election is scheduled for this year, and in the interests of the authorities it is now worth fulfilling all their promises.

    It is known that employees of the internal affairs bodies, retired military personnel, employees of the penitentiary system, the National Guard, pensions are regularly indexed.

    The authors of the bill are convinced that the introduction of changes will lead not only to equalizing the status in terms of social protection, but also to increasing the pensions of prosecutors. An increase in prosecutors in 2018 will increase the burden on the budget.

    From February 1, 2018, a monthly pension supplement is established for employees of the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee

    The monthly supplement to the pension for prosecutors corresponds to the amount of additional payment for a class rank using the coefficients established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. It is also provided that the official salary, the supplement for the class rank (addition for a special rank), the supplement for the length of service and the monthly supplement to the pension, from which pensions are calculated, are subject to indexation.

    Salary increase for prosecutors in 2018 for military service

    Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

    If we are talking about indexation, then the increase in salaries for military ranks and positions will be by a very specific amount. This value will depend on the annual official inflation according to Rosstat. It will be about 3.2% -3.7%.

    There remains a possibility that even now the budget will be indexed not according to official inflation, but, for example, at 4%.

    In any case, this indexation will not exceed this figure. When is it indexed? The budget has been drawn up for three years - 2018, 2019, 2020.


    This year, various kinds of news about military operations in Syria, exercises of the Armed Forces with the Russian Federation itself are appearing more and more often, and it seems to every citizen that a soldier is a highly paid profession and a military pensioner, having given Russian service for more than 20 years, is sufficiently provided for and in nothing does not need.

    Based on the above data, the total under-indexation for five years amounted to more than 27%.

    What a decent enough budget for the military.

    Prime Minister D. Medvedev;

    Chairmen of the State Duma and the Federation Council;

    Yu. Chaika, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

    Chairman of the Defense Committee of the State Duma V.

    Komoyedov (former) and V. Shamanov (current);

    Commissioner for Human Rights under the President;

    Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

    Head of the Presidential Administration and many other officials and state bodies.

    Military salaries in 2018: latest news from the State Duma

    The site may contain information with an age limit of 18+

    Pension of Russian prosecutors in 2018

    Although the payment of a prosecutor's pension is called, in 2018 it is due to almost all employees of the structure: A prerequisite for receiving a pension of prosecutors of the Russian Federation is the presence of mandatory deductions from wages in the prescribed manner. The size of prosecutors' pensions, as you know, depends on the wages they receive. They include all possible accruals: salary for the position; seniority allowance; premiums.

    Military salaries in Russia

    Russia has a huge amount of weapons of mass and local destruction. Against this background, there is a need for specialists capable of performing proper maintenance. Approximately 1/3 of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces.

    Part is spent on the development of the latest weapons.

    The second part goes to payments to the military. The total salary of military personnel consists of: The salary of Russian military personnel is affected by the following: A soldier receives a salary depending on the length of service.

    Not just "let's be 63, 65 years old", but there are no arguments. It is necessary to weigh all this, make calculations, - the minister insists.

    Who will win, what will be the winnings, where these pensioners will work. Maybe they won't have a place to work. When they say unequivocally that there will be a win, this is a big question.

    In the meantime, the Ministry of Labor has submitted a proposal to the Cabinet of Ministers on a gradual increase in the length of service for retirement for teachers, doctors and creative workers.

    Prosecutors expect salary increase

    Now the amount of the monthly salary of prosecutors is annually approved by the government by its decree, but from 2018 their salaries will be prescribed by law.

    The law on the establishment of salaries for prosecutors will entail additional costs at the expense of the Ministry of Justice in the amount of 620,000 euros, reports ERR Uudised.

    The salary of the prosecutor for particularly important cases, according to the law, will increase to 3380 (by 6%), the district prosecutor - up to 3120 euros (by 11%).

    According to plans, the law will come into force in January 2018.

    Now he is going through a round of approval.

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    Pension of Russian prosecutors in 2017

    The principles for providing employees of the Prosecutor's Office when they go on vacation are regulated by law and are very similar to the procedure provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Consider the basic principles and conditions, as well as what changes the pension of prosecutors undergoes in 2017.

    Severance pay

    The military prosecutor's pension depends on the length of service and some other reasons. Retirement can be marked by any conditions: reaching age, deteriorating health, acquiring a disability, staff reduction. Even before the appointment of a pension, prosecutors are entitled to severance pay, which will be different based on the number of years worked:

  • Up to 10 years: 5 wages;
  • 10-15 years: 10.
  • 15-20 years: 15.
  • 20 years or more: 20.
  • It is necessary to count on accruals with an experience of 20 years. If a citizen worked in different institutions and has mixed experience, you need to have a general - 25 years and a military - 12.5 years by the time you reach 45 years. In this situation, a seniority pension is assigned to prosecutors.

    Who is entitled to a pension

    Although the payment of a prosecutor's pension is called, in 2017 it is due to almost all employees of the structure:

  • Attorney General;
  • Head of department, management;
  • Deputies at any level;
  • Head of the Investigative Committee;
  • military prosecutor;
  • Forensic prosecutor;
  • Senior Investigator for Particularly Important Cases;
  • senior referent.
  • Indexation of pensions for Russian prosecutors

    A necessary condition for receiving a pension of prosecutors of the Russian Federation is the presence of mandatory deductions from wages in the prescribed manner.

    Pension calculation

    The size of prosecutors' pensions, as you know, depends on the wages they receive. They include all possible accruals:

    • salary for the position;
    • seniority allowance;
    • premiums.
    • 80% is calculated from this amount, which is the final result. There is no provision for an increase in pensions for prosecutors. If a citizen does not have the length of service indicated above, but the minimum age requirement is met, he is calculated on the basis of the years spent in the office of a prosecutor. The algorithm is identical - 80% of the salary.

      Separately, it is worth noting that a prosecutor who has worked for more than 20 years and continues to carry out his duties is entitled to an additional payment - 50% of the amount that is specifically for him the payment of a pension to prosecutors.

      Increasing the pension for prosecutors

      Recall that from 2014 to 2017, an annual increase of 5-30% of the salary was prescribed. The increase in pensions for prosecutors in 2017 naturally should have been carried out in accordance with the reforms carried out. But due to the protracted crisis, like some other programs, this one was also “frozen”. But, in order to somewhat compensate for the expectations of citizens, it was allowed to add allowances and bonuses to the calculations, and not take into account the net salary.

      A prosecutor who wants to know what pension he is entitled to can contact the Pension Fund and clarify this moment according to his characteristics. The accrual procedure is similar to the general schedule:

    • Prepare salary data.
    • Take with you to the PF a work book, a personal account number (insurance certificate) and a passport.
    • Fill out an application for a pension.
    • Get a response within 10 days.

    Receipts are made in the same order for everyone - to a personal bank account.

    The pension for prosecutors in 2017 also implies the possibility of an increase in the form of indexation, but at least through an increase in the allowance, which is due to the funds allocated from the budget to finance this subgroup.

    Pension provision is one of the most sensitive and socially significant topics for the population. At the end of 2017, the parliament managed to adopt several documents at once defining a new procedure for paying pensions. Nothing global, but the timing and number of indexations, as well as the indexation rate will be changed. recommends that you familiarize yourself with the information below.

    Most prosecutors

    Oddly enough, but most of all in 2018, it is promised to add to former employees of the prosecutor's office and the investigation - a 30 percent increase is provided for them right away. So, if today the pension of a retired prosecutor is 21-23 thousand rubles, then in the new year it will grow to 27-30 thousand rubles. The increase is more than tangible - on average, investigators and prosecutors will receive a plus of 6-7 thousand rubles. Such a frankly generous increase in pensions is caused by changes in the legislation regulating the activities of the investigative committee and the prosecutor's office. The authors of the amendments support them and point to an increase in the social protection of former employees of state prosecution and investigation.

    Plus, such an increase is designed to equalize the allowances and pensions of military prosecutors and investigators, who have recently joined the staff of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee. Like, a significant difference was formed, as a result of which the military received significantly less, and now this “gap” will be eliminated.

    The exact amount of the increase will depend on the special rank of the former officials, and it will be accrued from 02/01/2018. In total, 22,000 prosecutors and 2,500 investigators are promised higher pensions. In the next year's budget, more than 2.5 billion rubles were provided for these purposes, and in future years - more than 3 billion rubles.

    Military - no step-down

    As we know, the pension of military pensioners is based on the current amount of monetary allowance, which is provided to the military. This takes into account the rank, position and length of service. And besides it, the amount received is adjusted by the so-called reduction factor. Gradually, the coefficient increases, as a result of which military pensioners receive an increase in pensions. So this year, they waited until the last for his promotion, which did not happen. As they keep pointing out in the Ministry of Finance, the military already have normal pensions. As a result, the coefficient was frozen at the level of 72%, and it was decided to return to its revision in 2018.

    By the way, it is rather difficult to argue with the position of the Ministry of Finance. The average military pension today is about 25 thousand rubles which is much higher than the national average. From the beginning of 2018, military pensioners, like everyone else, will receive indexed pension payments - on average, the increase will be 4% or 1 thousand rubles, which ordinary pensioners cannot count on - their increase will be significantly lower. In total, over 2.6 million Russians receive military pension payments.

    The rest for 555 rubles

    Changes in the legislation also affected ordinary civil pensions paid within the insurance system. So, if last year indexing was carried out 2 times a year, in February and April, then in 2018 it will be carried out only once. However, now from the first of January. Once, because an increase of 3.7%, according to the government, is already higher than inflation, so a second additional indexation is no longer required. By the way, according to officials, some pensioners have already received or will receive increased payments by the end of December, the PFR, at the direction of the president, prepared to index payments in advance.

    However, despite the real growth and the excess of inflation by 0.5-0.7 percentage points, in kind, the additional payment seems to be rather meager and does not even reach the military level, what to speak about prosecutor's pensions. For example, if today a pensioner receives a pension "according to the average" - that is, about 15 thousand rubles, then his additional payment will be 555 rubles. But we know that far from everyone receives a pension in this amount, that is, far from everyone will receive even that much.

    In addition to them, at least 10 million pensioners who continue their official labor activity will not receive any increase at all. No matter how much there was talk about this, the government remained adamant and did not return indexation to working pensioners. It is believed that if you still have the strength to work, then you can live on what you have, and therefore you can not increase your pension. And in general, in August, pensions are adjusted for the amount of insurance points earned by them for the year. This year, for example, the maximum adjustment amount was 222 rubles, in 2018 it will reach 255 rubles. Fortunately, even after leaving work and taking a well-deserved rest, all previously selected indexation will be returned to the pensioner - from the beginning of next year, an amendment will come into force that guarantees this right.

    True, and here it is not without problems. Usually, recalculated pensions begin to be paid after 2-5 months, as a result of which the old people lose thousands of rubles, which is truly unfair. These amendments should eliminate this gap - now the recalculation of the pension for the amount of lost indexations will be carried out from the first month. True, even here it was not without reservations: the Pension Fund claims that it will still have to wait a few months, but all the money will eventually be returned.

    Even the social pension will grow

    Social pensioners are a category of the population whose representatives were not able to earn the required number of pension points or length of service, as a result of which they receive the smallest “social” pension. The state does not forget about them either, they are also promised a promotion. However, only from April - from 04/01/2018, almost 4 million social pensioners will receive an increase of 4.1%. Eventually their average pension will slightly exceed 9,000 rubles.

    Whose pension remains below the subsistence minimum is eligible for a regional or federal supplement. So, if the subsistence minimum in the region is lower than in the whole country, the supplement is financed from the federal budget, if it is higher, then from the regional one.

    By the way, in some regions of the country, the cost of living has slightly decreased this year, which, in theory, should lead to a decrease in the amount of additional payments, and, consequently, to a decrease in social pensions. What, however, will not happen: officials had the will to decide that social pensions in 2018 cannot be lower than the level of 2017.

    All employees of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a salary increase. Therefore, the situation of the employees of the prosecutor's office against this background looks rather sad, because no one raised salaries for the employees of this department. Although, they were promised an increase in salaries. And yet the troubles of prosecutors do not come to an end. Due to the fact that there is not enough money in the state budget, it was decided to reduce the staff of the prosecutor's office.

    Who are prosecutors and what do they do?

    As in all other specialties, prosecutors have their own responsibilities. And big ones. We will refer to them:

    • Monitoring the implementation of laws, conducting investigations.
    • Consideration of letters and applications from citizens, as well as enterprises about violations of work.
    • Actions on the side of the prosecutor or the state.
    • Control or supervision over the work of state structures.
    • Enforcement of the laws of the country.
    • Drawing up acts of response to errors of enterprises.

    Prosecutors must be citizens of the country they work for. Immediately you must have a higher education or work experience with experience for some processions. Prosecutors must be physically fit. The probationary period is six months. The future prosecutor must be over 25 years old, and work experience in this organization must be at least three years. Persons who defend the country are considered employees, and they themselves fall under its protection.

    What will happen in 2018

    As we have seen for a long time, the excitement is growing, so they decided to pay off the wave of anxiety by providing a number of discounts to prosecutors. They were added additionally to the social package of employees of the department. For example, you can bring the accrual of allowances for children. And this despite the fact that prosecutors had previously received insurance, and they also had the right to free medical care.

    Recently, a law was passed that says that a prosecutor's office employee has the privilege of claiming a 50 percent bonus from his salary if he has outstanding performance. The allowance can also be given to people who have worked in their position for many years. But persons who have distinguished themselves by impeccable performance of duties or have been active in certain areas also have privileges.

    There is another list with separate benefits, for which additional medals or bonuses are issued. For example, it is allowed to receive an award when you have worked for a certain number of years in your place. Such benefits will also help pensioners, since in this case the pension will become larger.

    It must also be said that the increase in the delivery of workers by providing benefits will be done for those who have an academic degree or higher education. Many employees who are trying to get a pay raise go and get higher education. The medical sector also began to provide more free services to prosecutors. So now not only the employee of the sphere, but also his family members can get free treatment. Immediately, the benefits also touched on the issue of providing leave. In addition to the main vacation, employees can count on an extraordinary break. And the employee does not lose his salary. The prosecutor has the right to go on extraordinary leave for a good reason for some merit.

    Pension for prosecutors in 2018

    Like other salaried employees, the prosecutor can count on a pension based on years of service or on other grounds. As soon as the employee reaches certain years of service in the prosecutor's office, the authorities give him a pension. If the applicant is already entitled to a pension, and he has 20 years of service or more, then every month he is given an increase in the amount of half the pension. You also need to remember about severance pay. It is issued upon retirement, resignation, the establishment of a disability group and poor health.

    In Russia, the size of the pension for prosecutors is 80 percent of the monthly salary, which also includes bonuses, all types of incentives and allowances. If there is no required length of service of 25 years, but the length of service as a prosecutor allows you to qualify for a minimum pension, then the calculation of the pension is based on the number of full years that have been worked out as a prosecutor. The salaries of workers are getting higher almost every year.

    Only now, due to the crisis and sanctions, the size of the increase will be 5.5 percent, and not 15 percent, as previously planned. If we take into account the project of the Ministry of Finance, then in 2018 for retired prosecutors an additional payment to the pension in the amount of 2,500 rubles every month will be introduced. According to estimates, such a surcharge will cost the Russian budget half a billion rubles each year. When calculating this payment, the amount of the salary is taken into account together with the allowances. The salaries of prosecutors are directly dependent on the salaries of judges.

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    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on increasing pensions for employees of the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee.

    Previously, the pensions of judges were also significantly increased. Bloggers consider this unfair, noting that there was no money in the budget for a serious increase in the pensions of ordinary workers.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on increasing pensions for employees of the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee. From February 1, 2018, they will receive a monthly allowance in the amount corresponding to the size of the supplement for the class rank. Such allowances are due to prosecutors, scientific and pedagogical workers of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office, employees of the Investigative Committee, as well as members of their families. On average, the increase for pensioners who previously worked in these areas will be 6-7 thousand rubles, and an additional 2.5 billion rubles will be spent from the budget for this.

    "The State Duma rejected a bill to restore the indexation of pensions for all working pensioners, since there were no funds for this," writes the telegram channel Open edition. "Instead, deputies will increase pensions only for those elected - former prosecutors, investigators and members of their families. This is in the budget 2.5 billion rubles came from somewhere."

    "In Russia, there are no pensioners living below the poverty line, the Pension Fund said, - quoted by Vladimir Mitroshchev. - In August 2016, the government abandoned the second indexation of pensions, which is required by law. Together with this, pensioners in January 2017 received a lump sum payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. And in November 2017, the State Duma refused to index pensions for working pensioners, while two weeks earlier, the parliament supported the idea of ​​raising pensions for former prosecutors, employees of the investigative committee and members of their families - their pensions will be indexed annually.

    “But this is not the corruption of those in power, the pension was added to them and their family members, and they don’t consider the rest of the pensioners to be people and by their actions show all the pensioners shish, but they worked only to please themselves, and they are chosen by the people. Only they work not for people, but to yourself, dear ones, in your pocket, "- opinion of Tamara Shavgalieva.

    Human rights activist Olga Romanova previously calculated the official income of judges in Russia and came to the conclusion that today the servants of Themis are the most well-to-do civil servants.

    In the 2000s, judges became not just highly paid, but the highest paid, - notes Olga Romanova. - To date, a judge is the highest paid position in the state apparatus. Their salary consists of five parts. The first is the salary, it is calculated according to the law "On the Status of Judges", as a percentage of the salary of the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (it is tied to the salary of the head of the Constitutional Court: the chairman of the Supreme Court receives 98% of the salary of the head of the Constitutional Court, and the salary of the latter is approved by the president).

    For other judges, the salary is calculated as follows: the salary of the chairman of the Supreme Court is taken as 100%, his first deputy receives 95%, and so on. The bottom line is occupied by a justice of the peace of any territory except Moscow and St. Petersburg - the salary of a provincial is 60% of what the chairman of the Supreme Court receives ex officio. But his Moscow or St. Petersburg counterpart is already 64%.

    Other parts of the salary are allowances for qualifications, length of service (oddly enough, this is not one and the same allowance, but two independent ones), regular bonuses (according to Romanova, they have now been increased to 1.9 salary according to the position) and, finally , special additional payments for an academic degree or title, knowledge of foreign languages. For example, they can be 1.6 salaries for a justice of the peace.

    "For the money" it comes out in different, but definitely good amounts. For example, novice justices of the peace in the regions receive 50-80 thousand rubles a month, and a federal judge receives 150-170 thousand rubles a month without bonuses and allowances, Olga Romanova reports. Also, judges are provided with housing free of charge at the rate of 33 sq. meters per judge + 18 sq. meters for each family member + 20 sq. meters of additional living space. They are entitled to free robes, clothes and shoes for work.

    And finally, pensions. If a judge has 20 years of work experience or more, then he has the right to choose - a pension on a general basis or life support. Lifetime maintenance is a very attractive thing: a person receives 80% of the amount that he received while at work every month. The only downside is that it is taxed. The lifetime maintenance of a retired judge in the amount of 100,000 rubles a month is a common thing, writes Olga Romanova, and according to the website, even 150,000 rubles.

    As for the provision of pensions for former employees of the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee, it is carried out in accordance with the norms of the law on pensions for former military personnel and those equivalent to them. They are more modest than "judicial" pensions, but still significantly higher than the pensions of average citizens. According to the head of the Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Vasily Piskarev, now the average pension of a former district investigator is 20-22 thousand rubles, about the same as that of a former district prosecutor. Now these amounts will be indexed by another 30%.