The pure truth about ice cream "pure line". Review: ice cream pure line reviews - scam or true? Terrible ice cream pure line

Event Excursion to the Ice Cream Factory “Clean Line”

The address: Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, st. Vinogradnaya, 13

Date of: Every day from 9:00 to 19:30

Price: a ticket in a school group - 1,750 rubles, in a combined group - 2,000 rubles.

Excursion to the Ice Cream Factory "Clean Line" - This is a unique opportunity to plunge headlong into the world of ice cream! In which young guests, children from 6 years old, will be able to walk around the ice cream factory and see with their own eyes the whole process of making delicious natural ice cream, and try the treat right “from under the machine” during the excursion. And after production, the guests, together with assistant Chistalina, will decorate ice cream balls at a master class, and during the tasting they will find out who and when invented the joy of every child - ice cream! At the end of the program, everyone is waiting for gifts - souvenirs.


Meeting with the main characters of the tour

At the beginning of the tour, experienced animators (the chief ice cream man - Chistalin and his assistant - Chistalina) will tell the children where and what to change into and give a safety briefing.

Factory tour with Chistalin (30 min)

Master class on decorating ice cream balls and tasting with Chistalina (30 min)

Under the guidance of an animator (Chistalina), children will learn how delicious and beautiful ice cream can be eaten. They will also decorate ice cream balls with sweet toppings and taste the resulting dessert with pleasure.

On Saturday, April 22, I was invited on a tour of the Chistaya Liniya ice cream factory with a visit to their bio-farm. We were 50 bloggers from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The plant is located in the city of Dolgoprudny in the Moscow region.

We were warmly welcomed with cakes prepared by the plant's confectioners from their dairy products, wine, sweets.

The co-owners of the factory Tigran Matinyan and Gagik Evonyan told us about the factory and how ice cream is made.

Co-owner of the plant Tigran Matinyan

Tigran Matinyan and Garik Evonyan (milk and farm are in his responsibility)

The history of the plant began at the dawn of the 2000s with the production of ethnic drinks (tan, ayran), then yogurt products appeared. In 2006, the owners realized that they were accumulating a lot of cream (sterilized and butter). We tried to make ice cream, found old forms - in foil, on a stick. In the end, everything worked out, and now the Chistaya Liniya brand occupies high places in the Moscow region and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The plant provides home delivery in branded vehicles (dry ice is placed in the container). Large ice cream vans charge up to -40° C. Together with the packages ordered by the buyers, a “false” package rides in the car, which is used to check the condition of the ice cream upon returning to the factory.

hands on dry ice

Milk is brought from the farms by the plant's milk trucks a few hours after milking, all milk trucks are equipped with mini-laboratories for milk quality control.

We went to the warehouse, where the temperature is -28° S. We were given warm jackets. We watched a pallet move at a great height - a huge container of ice cream. The only warm place in the warehouse is the floor, Tigran Matinyan said, otherwise the foundation will crack.

pallet extension

There are many excursions at the plant, mostly for children, reaching up to a thousand sightseers a day, master classes, tastings are organized for children, and then a sweet gift in the form of a set of ice cream is brought home. The tour is conducted by the character Chistolin. Everything is clean and sterile.


Chistolin and children

At the master class in a special room

In the warehouse area there is a quarantine area, where the quality of the raw materials received is checked.
There is a warm warehouse where packaging, lids, labels, corrugated packaging, containers, popsicle sticks are stored. For example, while using Belgian sticks Knauf , but soon two Russian enterprises will supply domestic sticks. There are 1.5 thousand pallet places in the warehouse.

Sherbet in cold storage

Then we saw how vending machines bake waffle cups in the shop. Before entering the workshop, we put on hats, gowns and shoe covers and disinfected our hands with a solution. Austrian equipment bakes 8.5 thousand waffle cups per hour!

Glasses are baked

Nearby are tanks with milk, which is boiled, then brought to 75° C, add cream, condensed milk, sugar, again bring to 75° C and cook for 45 minutes. The mixture is then homogenized, cooled to 2° C in an ice water cooler. The mixture then matures for 24 hours (12-48 hours). Pasteurization of milk changes the structure of lactose - milk sugar, it caramelizes and takes on a pleasant shade.

At the Chistaya Liniya plant, neither vegetable, nor coconut, nor any other oil is used, Tigran Matinyan told me.

There was a sign in the shop that it was forbidden to chew gum at the plant.

ice cream packaging

"Chistaya Liniya" is a conglomerate of manufacturing, supply, packaging companies, where a total of about 3,000 people are involved. On one production shift at the plant, about 115 people work, they work according to the Labor Code (2 through 2, including the night shift and New Year cows are constantly being milked).

During production, GOSTs are observed (allowed not earlier than 2003 by law), so ice cream is made in accordance with GOST 31457-2012.

our tour, top view from the balcony

Today, Chistaya Liniya has about 100 items in its assortment, including dairy and sour-milk products, ice cream, cheeses, cottage cheese and much more.

On the lines for the molding and packaging of cups with ice cream, popsicles on a stick and popsicles in glaze, we saw all the stages of this process. The spectacle, I must say, is mesmerizing. As for popsicle, two methods of packaging are used for it on two lines of different design (one of which is more modern).

ice cream from the tap enters directly into the package, after which it is weighed

We also took part in the presentation of the project "About Eskimo" - a kind of ice cream kiosks designed for retail outlets. You yourself choose one of 5 types of popsicle (chocolate, creme brulee, apricot, strawberry, vanilla) and three types of icing (white, milk and dark chocolate), and the ice cream maker creates it in front of you (the icing freezes immediately, but not hard - Mmm!). I ate apricot (with pieces of soft dried apricots) in dark chocolate glaze. And I tried a new frosting with butter and vanilla with chocolate grains.

This is not counting the fact that I ate a glass of still unfrozen ice cream on the line. I felt like a child!

I talked with the chief technologist of the plant Shayakhmetova Vera Viktorovna about stabilizers. It turns out that in Soviet ice cream they also used, as they are called, stabilization systems - there is no way without them, otherwise the ice cream will melt and will not keep its shape. But then they were cheap - flour, starch. Now there is access to natural stabilizers - citrus fibers, algae, caraginan, locust bean gum. She talked about ice cream extrusion and preventing melting from warming shocks. The Chistaya Liniya ice cream has good overrun, no coarse crystals, a low-temperature freezer is used - up to -9° FROM.

The secret of the taste of "Clean Line" is in two-stage freezing (usually with one-stage - poor overrun and temperature 4° C), - said Vera Viktorovna. Lecithin - an emulsifier - provides uniformity. At the same time, no artificial additives and flavors.

Chief Technologist on the left, Marina Krasnykh on the right ( ilance )

Tigran Matinyan said that popsicles are in the first place in terms of demand, followed by a glass, a cone and a large package. More often, ice cream is a product of an impulse purchase (this is when I was walking, and suddenly I bought it for the last 100 r), then a family purchase follows. Chistaya Liniya produces ice cream for Gorky Park and VDNKh (with their design).

Today, Chistaya Liniya is No. 1 in terms of sales, 21% of the entire ice cream market in Moscow! "Clean Line" is exported to China and the USA.

St. Petersburg blogger Evgeny Mironenko and popsicle

We also looked at the milk acceptance shop, where there is a separator and a cream separator, where Tan is also produced - a fermented milk product with a low fat content, as a by-product of milk processing.

Milk is brought to the plant from different partner farms. We went to one of these experimental bio-farms after a tour of the factory. There are very clean cows, which are fed with ground grain, without GMOs, no silos and ready-made feed. Cows stand freely, calves walk next to their mothers.
There are also buffaloes, goats and domesticated boars, and donkeys on the farm.

We saw how mozzarella is made and braided out of it. We were treated to cheese. I made another piece of goat cheese, I'm making Greek salad with it now.)

Marina Nabatova ( ziuk_cook_book ) and buffaloes

And after us was waiting for a feast, which I was not. This is probably how I imagine an Armenian wedding - lamb and pork skewers, ripe vegetables and herbs, khachapuri, khinkali, pilaf. And then, when we almost burst, they brought mountain trout boiled in farm cream with shrimp. And wine, and tabouleh, and cheese. But that's not all - then again cakes from the plant's confectioners, and I could not stand it - I ate a basket of raspberries). We were presented with commemorative certificates and were presented with milk, a retro-style can and a branded mug in a bag. It was royal!

Thanks to Tanya Kareva for marrying me, and to the project coordinator Irina Tyutina for the excellent organization and invitation!

Yesterday they brought 25 packs of Chistaya Liniya ice cream to my house. This is enough for a long time, especially since I have not tried all types!

To the world - the world, to you - ice cream!

Website "Clean Line"-

Do you like ice cream? What do you prefer: ice cream, chocolate, fruit, in a glass or a briquette? Have you ever wondered how they make it? I will try to tell and show about the production of Chistaya Liniya ice cream, which we visited at the factory. To start, a little history.

2. Factory "Clean Line" began to work in 2001. At first, the popular and loved by many sour-milk drink tan was produced here. It was made from milk, but after that there was a lot of delicious cream, which there was nowhere to use. Through various experiments, a solution was found - cream became the basis of the Chistaya Liniya ice cream.

3. The first ice cream was popsicle on a stick in chocolate icing. It was the most popular ice cream among Muscovites. It is very fond of both adults and children with its "real" taste.

4. Today, the factory's products are sold far beyond Moscow, they are even exported to China and the USA. I'm a fan of ice cream in a glass!

5. Today, the assortment of "Clean Line" has about a hundred items, so everyone can choose the right ice cream for themselves. I personally love Chistaya Liniya ice cream very much and in recent years, it just so happened, I buy only it. Okay, enough background, let's see how the most honest natural ice cream is made!

6. First, let's look at the dairy shop. All the milk that enters the factory comes only from their own farms, where they take great care to ensure that it is of high quality. Cows and buffaloes live in natural village conditions, they are not fed with silage, hormones, and they eat only natural compound feed made on the same farms from cereals. By the way, we visited one of these farms, and I will definitely tell you a lot of interesting things about the dairy life of the Clean Line in my next report.

7. This is where milk comes from milk trucks. Then pasteurization, the way through the pipes to the workshop and the production of the same tan from which it all began.

8. On this line, products of different sizes are made. Packaging and bottling take place here.

9. Preform, bottle, pour, close and pack. Everybody. You can take it to the store. The equipment is modern, the manufacturer monitors the quality. Everything is clean and clear.

10. Tan is ready and left, but then the most important thing begins from the remaining delicious cream. Ice cream!

11. We pass through the warehouse, having previously dressed in special dressing gowns and hats.

12. Here are various ingredients for ice cream, and only natural additives, and popsicle sticks, and different packaging. Very interesting. Do you know that there are no artificial additives and flavors in Chistaya Liniya ice cream? Yes, only natural and healthy.

13. We approach the workshop where waffle cups are baked and immediately we feel a delicious smell.

14. Such an acquaintance from early childhood. Let's see how cups are made.

15. At the same time, this line produces a lot of cups per hour. One cup is prepared in 77 seconds. I listened to it myself, but my son tells me that this is so.


17. By the way, it is equally interesting for children and adults. Groups flow in, tours of the factory run daily and all day, scheduled months in advance.

18. And it's worth it!

19. The cups turned out to be insanely delicious! Crispy, still hot. Nothing compares. Delight and nothing more. They are very carefully packed in boxes and transferred to the production line, where they will be filled with delicious ice cream.

20. We'll go there, but first, let's take a look at where the ice cream is ripening. First, the milk is pasteurized and rests for a while, then it is mixed with cream, butter, condensed milk and other fillings in giant pans and boiled.

21. After that, the whole mass cools sharply, then it ripens for about two days and then goes to the packaging. Here we managed to peep how condensed milk is added. Delicious spectacle, very.

22. This is where all the magic happens. We are in the packing room.

23. Cups.

24. Briquettes.

25. Eskimo on a stick in chocolate icing.

26. Family in packages.

27. And mandatory weight control.

28. Oh, how delicious it is! We tried fresh ice cream, not yet frozen, and freshly brewed icing. The taste is enchanting, divine.

29. It would seem that I’ll eat a ton))) But no, I didn’t have enough strength for the second ice cream, although my eyes wanted more and more. Yes, I'm still a sweet tooth.

30. Well, here are a couple of pictures for you, how they make the same popsicle.

31. Delicious!

32. And this is a package of ice cream on a stick.

33. And packing in container boxes before sending to the warehouse.


35. At the end of the tour of the workshops, we also saw the novelty of the "Clean Line" - "Oh! Eskimo" - this is ice cream, the base and flavor of the glaze of which you can choose right before buying, and then watch the entire cooking process. I chose ice cream with strawberries in white icing. Amazingly smooth taste.

36. By the way, we all chose different tastes. According to the results of our expert blogging assessment of different glaze flavors, the taste that will gain the most positive ratings will be marked as the “Best Taste according to bloggers” in Moscow at all points of sale.

37. So, if you see this, know - it's us!

38. So, we looked at the production, now let's look at the finished product warehouse. Let's go across the street, pay attention to the bright cars with a giant popsicle on the roof. These are machines that work on deliveries of the Chistaya Liniya online store. If you really want ice cream, then when ordering from a thousand rubles, they will bring it directly to your home throughout the capital and the Moscow region. I think it's great service.

39. Well, we are ready to freeze! After all, it is -27 degrees in the warehouse, but how else, the storage conditions must be ideal. We dress in warm jackets and go inside. Brr, but interesting.

40. Warehousing modern technologies, high racks and shuttles moving along them, which allows maintaining constant cold at the desired level, facilitating the work of workers as much as possible.

41. On loaders, the desired goods are removed on pallets and loaded into branded trucks.

42. By the way, "Chistaya Liniya" before each exit of the car for delivery makes sure that it is clean, and that the freezers have the right temperature.

43. Such a wonderful excursion, the guide in which was personally the co-founder of the Clean Line company Tigran Matinyan. Thank you very much, it was really very interesting. An unexpected surprise for us was the continuation of the excursion to the farm, from where milk is taken for production. On the farm, we were hospitably met by the second co-founder of the company, Gagik Evonyan, but that is another story worthy of a separate story.

44. Once again I thank the "Clean Line" for a great day and excellent organization of our tour, everything was at the highest level!

For those who are very interested in visiting the factory and seeing with their own eyes how ice cream is made, I highly recommend visiting the website

- Very tasty ice cream according to GOST!

Pros: low calories for this product, natural ingredients, inexpensive

Cons: none!

Hello dear readers! I think all of you are lovers of delicious). Especially when it comes to ice cream. Especially when it comes to ice cream from the Chistaya Liniya trademark.

To be honest, I used to somehow try to bypass this ice cream, and all because of the brand name. She embarrassed me too much, because it is consonant with the name of the clean line cosmetics). But last spring, at the end of April, I changed my mind dramatically! Us with the class (I work as a teacher primary school- class teacher 1-B)). We were invited to a tour of the production of "Clean Line". The plant is located five kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Dmitrov highway. If anyone is interested, then excursions to this plant take place every day, seven days a week. Everyone over the age of six is ​​invited there. The first excursion takes place at nine forty-five, the last at eighteen-thirty. The group gathers from fifteen to forty-nine people. For every ten small excursionists, one accompanying adult passes for free. But we were still lucky, our class generally got preferential tickets for the tour)). The cost of the tour is officially one and a half thousand rubles, but we got it for eight hundred).

One tour includes:

1. Meeting with the main character, ice cream man Chistolin and his assistant Chistalina, who will tell you where and what to change into, and carry out a small safety precaution.

2. A tour of the factory, where the children will be shown a warehouse, a waffle shop, a brew shop, and the main shop.

3. Master class on decorating ice cream balls and, of course, tasting!

4. Giving gifts.

Oh, the kids were just delighted! This, of course, is not the same as visiting Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, but judging by the mood of the little ones, close to that). I was especially pleased with the funny animators and, of course, gifts! Tasting! That's where I tasted how delicious this ice cream is! But most importantly, we were told how the production takes place, which further convinced me of the safety of this product.

Today, I consider Chistaya Liniya ice cream to be the best in Russia, as it is incredibly tasty! But the main thing is that it is prepared according to GOST!

Before milk enters the factory, it goes through all the necessary tests and obligatory pasteurization. The best ice cream can only be obtained from fresh milk, without GMOs and chemical additives - this is what the safe production of ice cream at the Chistaya Liniya plant is famous for.

After pasteurization, milk languishes in vats for some time, after which it enters the workshop, where it is mixed with condensed milk, cream and other essential ingredients. After that, the ice cream is boiled for forty minutes, and then it enters the homogenizer to be mixed there until a homogeneous mass.

Next comes the process of cooling under the streams of ice water to a temperature of minus four degrees. A day later, ice cream enters the freezer, where it is prepared for bottling. After pouring the ice cream in the molding shop, it is sent for packaging (each is packed by hand!).