Birthday “My little pony. Holiday in Ponyville: ideas for a colorful birthday party in the style of "My little pony"

A girl's birthday can be arranged based on the famous animated series, beloved by children - "My Little Pony". Bright colors and rich colors from the cartoon will create a festive atmosphere, in the center of which will be your dear birthday girl.

Children love games about ponies and magic, so the idea of ​​celebrating a name day in the fabulous city of Ponyville will surely appeal to all guests. It's a My Little Pony themed birthday, which means your task is to create the most "cartoon" environment possible.

My Little Pony Style Outfits

Invite the hero of the occasion and the guests of the holiday to transform into their favorite characters - horses Spike, Pinkie Pie, Twightlight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy. You can wear pony t-shirts and give each participant a crown. Stylish addition to festive costume- medallions with portraits of characters in a bright frame on a ribbon. By the way, during the holiday everyone can make the same decoration with their own hands.

Pony style table setting

Prepare for each guest seating cards with insignia that correspond to the cartoon characters that live in Ponyville. Thus, when they see a symbol on the card - crystals, balls or butterflies - children will be able to quickly take the “right” place at the table.

Don't forget to arrange a bright corner with sweet treats - Candy Bar. Bright and mouth-watering goodies will attract children like magnets.

Children's holiday menu

The most important treat at the celebration in the style of My Little Pony is a rainbow cake. It can be baked at home or ordered from a pastry shop. Multi-colored cakes are a very tasty and unusual treat. In addition, in the cartoon, the pony Pinkie Pie cooked cupcakes, so it is very difficult to imagine a holiday without them. Snacks on skewers, fruits and other sweets in a rainbow design will complement the menu.

Holiday decoration My Little Pony

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated so that it resembles a magical Ponyville. Decorative details will help you with this - posters with ponies from the animated series, as well as painted clouds and a rainbow. Hang colorful flags on the wall, decorate the room with ribbons, colorful balloons, candies, etc.

Entertainment at the children's birthday

Prepare balloons for modeling - they can make beautiful inflatable horses if you help the children a little to make them. A popular entertainment for children today is face painting. It will help to have fun and transform into a hero from a fairy tale.

We conducted this scenario for children 5-7 years old, but if you think that it is not interesting junior schoolchildren, then you are still wrong! My daughter, for example, is already in the 3rd grade and all her classmates and she herself are looking forward to each new series of this cartoon!

So - the guests gathered, the birthday girl received congratulations (so far only in words), by the way, it is better to give gifts at the end of the program! We are in Equestria! And what is this country? Who lives there? What is Ponyville? Let's remember and name what little ponies do you know?

The main character is Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn.

The most daring is Rainbow Dash, a pegasus.

The main fashionista is Rarity, the unicorn.

Shy and animal communicator Fluttershy, Pegasus

Lover of holidays and fun Pinkie Pie ("Pinkie" Pie), pony.

Hardworking pony farmer Applejack.

Twilight Sparkle has a cute dragon named Spike:

You can remember what color they are, what cutie marks they have, where they live, and most importantly, what their favorite games are!

Little ponies love to play, let's play their favorite games!

1. Pin the pony tail - the most favorite pony game! A pony is drawn on whatman paper, and the tail (a piece of double-sided tape or plasticine is stuck on one end), each blindfolded, sticks it in turn.

2. Collect apples. A very fun game in which you have to catch apples with your mouth from a bowl of water.

3. Playing with a horseshoe - everyone takes turns throwing horseshoes on a peg, like a ring toss.

4. Armwrestling - let's measure the strength of the hands! The boys will especially like this game!

5. Horse races - we will arrange a relay race with skateboards, everyone will try to ride a skateboard while sitting, moving their legs, lying down like turtles, moving their hands, and ride a friend on a skateboard - one sits on the board with his legs, the second is lucky, resting on his knees.

6. Search for diamonds for the dragon Spike. Diamonds - multi-colored glass balls, wrap in many layers of napkins and hide throughout the apartment or hall, some bundles can be made empty. But the main thing is that each participant finds at least 1 diamond!

The children have played enough, are tired, we arrange a snack, and while they are at the table, we announce the ASSIGNMENT OF CUTE STAMPS, because you have become real friends of little ponies!

Everyone comes up with a quality and a drawing for himself, like a pony, and armed with paints and face painting pencils, we draw for everyone what he wants.

All of a sudden! There's a knock on the door and Princess Celestia comes in! Something terrible has happened, the 6 elements of harmony that were stored in the ancient castle of the Pony Sisters have disappeared!

And what are these elements, let's remember! Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty and Magic. Of course, we will not leave our pony friends in trouble and help them find these elements! But how? And then the wise princess Celestia suggested - “let's not look for the loss, because the one who took them probably also really needs them! We will create elements of harmony anew! »

The first element is Magic. Let's do a little magic, we have a magic bottle that inflates a balloon, but only if you remember all the magic words you know! And while the children are shouting out the magic words, the balloon gets bigger and bigger! Hooray, 1 element of harmony has been created, the children are given a badge with a picture - a magic wand.

The second element is Laughter. Everyone knows how to laugh, and to make laughter stronger, let's laugh loudly all together, while the ball flies in the air, as soon as it touches the ground, laughter stops and turns into an element of Harmony! A badge with a balloon is issued.

The third element is generosity. How do you understand this word? What is this? Generous man, what is he? Let's sit comfortably on the pillows and discuss. Let's remember, maybe there is someone among you who showed generosity and shared something useful with a friend, or gave someone a toy that he liked very much? We remember and get an icon with a picture of a crystal.

The fourth element is Honesty.

Read the story to the children:

Honest boy. Korean fairy tale

A long time ago, a boy lived in a mountain village. His father died, his mother worked for strangers from morning till night, and the boy chopped firewood in the forest and sold it in the market.

One autumn day, when the last leaves fell from the trees, and the cold wind drove the forest animals into the holes, the boy took his ax and went for firewood. He walked and walked and came to a mountain lake. And by that lake there was a big tree. "I'll cut down this tree," thought the boy. “It will make a lot of firewood.” As soon as he began to cut down a tree, when suddenly the ax slipped out of his hands and fell into the lake. The boy sat down on the shore and wept: for him, after all, an ax is more precious than gold. What will he chop wood now?

Suddenly, blue waves swept across the lake, and an old old man came out of the waters. What are you crying about, boy? he asks.
The boy told him what a misfortune had happened to him, and the old man said: - Do not worry, boy, I will find your axe.

He said so and disappeared under the water.
Here again the blue waves swam across the lake, and an old man came out of the water, and in his hand he had an ax of pure gold.

Is this ax yours? - asks.
- What are you, grandfather, this is not my ax!

The old man grinned into his gray beard and again disappeared under the water. The boy has been waiting for a long time. Finally, the old man came out for the third time and handed the boy a silver axe.

Here, take your axe, he says. And the boy answers him:
- No, grandfather, my ax is made of iron.

And again the old man plunged into the lake, and again he came out with an ax. Only this time he had an iron ax in his hands. The boy saw the ax and was delighted.

Here is my ax, grandfather, - he says. And the old man smiled kindly and said:
- Well done, boy. You did not take someone else's, did not covet silver and gold. For this I will give all three axes. Sell ​​them on the market - they are expensive - let your mother no longer work for strangers.

He said so and handed the boy gold, silver and iron axes. The boy took the axes, thanked the old man a hundred and a thousand times, and went home. Since then, he and his mother have not known need and grief.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale:

What would happen if the boy told the old man that the golden or silver ax belonged to him?
- Who was the old man from the lake, and why did he decide to test the boy for honesty?
- Have there been cases in your life when honesty helped you in difficult times?
What magical advice would you give to a person who wants to become honest? For example: when you want to deceive someone, you need to remember the eyes of your friends; every morning you need to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself the truth, etc.

Let's draw the sun of Honesty - everyone gets a blank of the sun without rays, paints it, decorates it with sparkles, and separately cut out rays that need to be glued only after doing some honest deed. So we got an element of harmony Honesty! Get the apple badge!

The Fifth Element - Loyalty! What is fidelity? We listen, we talk, we play! Loyalty is when you trust your friends, and they trust you, and when you can always rely on them! So let's see how you can rely, in the truest sense of the word, on your friends! Game - 1 person stands on a chair, soft mats are placed behind him, all friends stand behind him in 2 teams opposite each other and firmly hold hands, the task is to hold his friend when he falls back on the crossed arms of friends. This game must be played with adults, so that they help, distribute who is where, distribute the load, and so on. The game is very popular with children, everyone wants to hit several times, and catching is also very fun! Element Loyalty created! Rainbow Lightning Cloud Icon!

And finally - the sixth element - Kindness! We play fun game"Hugs"! Cheerful music is playing, everyone is running, jumping, jumping ... as soon as the music turns off - you need to quickly find a mate and hug tightly, for the first time we hug in pairs, then - three people, then 4 and the last time - the strongest and most friendly hug - together!

Hurray, the Kindness element has been created, we get an icon with a butterfly image.

So all 6 elements of harmony have been created! We have previously drawn a large flower with 6 petals, each of a different color. We attach each badge to its own petal and give it to Princess Celestia.

Thank you very much, my faithful friends, you saved little ponies and all of Equestria! And our residents, in gratitude, have prepared a whole chest of gifts for you! And we will be able to find it with you using the clues that Pinkie Pie, the famous inventor and entertainer, hid in different places of our Ponyville! And you'll find the first clue...

And you can hide the clues anywhere, if the holiday takes place in the warm season, you can hide the clues in the yard near the house and run around on the street, you can make clues on riddles, you can draw a map and look for it, if the kids are tired, you can just find the chest by arrows left in a prominent place on the way to the chest.

Hurray, surprises have been found, shared, and it's time to congratulate our birthday girl and give her long-awaited gifts! Wish her all the amenities and needs and proceed to the most magical and delicious part of the holiday - blowing out the candles and eating the birthday cake!

So our adventures with little ponies in Ponyville are over! Come to us again!

I collected the script piece by piece from the Internet) The children were about 2 to 4.5 years old

In general, we cut out a castle from cardboard, drew a tree and left 6 unfilled circles.

At the beginning of my birthday, I invited everyone to go to the magical land of Ponnyville, talked about ponies and what they are, and said that we had received letters from ponies.

First from Princess Celestia (envelopes were with pictures of ponies and colored ponies were printed on the letters)

Hello my dear girls and boys!

In a magical land, it became known that today is the birthday of a little princess. And this princess's name is ... Diana, she turns ... 4 years old today! This is true?
Diana, Happy Birthday to you! Do you know what country Ponyville is? Magic ponies, unicorns and pegasi live there. So, the inhabitants of this country need help, because today in the country of unicorns and small horses, which our birthday girl loves so much, the unexpected happened - the elements of harmony were stolen! And only a miracle can bring them back, and friendship is a miracle! Are you ready to help the inhabitants of a magical land?
Then go ahead, my lovely ponies! To return the elements of harmony, you will have to complete super-quests together!

We talked about quests and that when we complete everything, we will get a magic cake.

Second letter

Hi guys!
I'm naughty Pinkie Pie! Happy birthday Diana!!! Are you and your friends already impatient to start looking for the elements of harmony? To be transported to Ponyville, you need to turn into little ponies!!! (children looked like little ponies on all fours) And taking the ball between the legs, go along the magical path!

Completed the first task received an element of harmony and glued it to the tree.

Third letter

We also received one more element and took a short break for a snack.

fourth letter
I'm Apple Jack!
Nicely prepared! How beautiful you are! And it smells like a holiday! But there's been trouble in Ponyville, and I know you'll be the one to help me. In our Orchard, all the apples crumbled and mixed up, and apple pies are a must for the holiday. To get another element of harmony, help us guys, pick apples and arrange them in the right baskets!

We had dry pool balls and two containers. The balls were scattered on the floor and the ripe ones (red and yellow) were collected in one basket and the unripe ones (blue and green) in another. This task also went great, the kids had fun.

Fifth letter
My name is Fluttershy. I know that you have a holiday today, but trouble happened and the ponies who were supposed to arrange a parade in honor of the holiday quarreled. Guys, let's reconcile the ponies and help them get on the parade in height!

Lined up all our ponies in one row. Here the attention of the children was a little defocused and it was more interesting for them to just play with ponyas than to line up, but still we succeeded)

sixth letter

Hi all!!!
How beautiful and rosy you have - how I love it! So I was in a hurry to disperse the clouds for the holiday and, flying at a very high speed, I lost ... ... my tail. I really need your help!

At first, the children went to the refusal, and no one wanted to blindfold and glue the tail, but after the example of adults, they began the process with interest.

seventh letter

I see you did a great job and prepared for the holiday! Well done! Happy birthday to Diana! I wish her to be cute like Fluttershy, funny like Pinkie Pie, brave like Rainbow, beautiful like Rarity, honest like Apple Jack! I suggest you complete the last quest - and collect the puzzle.

This is my enchanting mistake The children, already tired and overexcited, with great difficulty divided and assembled the puzzle, the fight was avoided only thanks to our wonderful godfather, who helped me in this difficult task

And having glued the last element, we clapped together, took out the balls from behind our castle and hid all the children behind it while they carried the cake))

Then the children played with the castle, Lego and the wooden road.

And another hit of the evening was luminous bracelets) Everyone got two bracelets and a night disco was arranged in the room)

I confess that I am glad that my daughter fell in love with a kind and sincere cartoon about little ponies living in a magical land. Therefore, I gladly took up the preparation of a holiday in the style of "My little pony" for her birthday. The girl turned 8 years old, and, of course, the birthday girl deserved the most fun and rainbow holiday. I hope I succeeded.

How we prepared for the birthday

First, I decided on the design of the room. I have prepared:

  • balloons of all colors of the rainbow;
  • clouds of cotton wool on a cardboard basis (glued on PVA);
  • posters with cartoon characters;
  • small pictures that decorated the table: rainbow, clouds, sun, pony.

As for the menu, it was decided to confine ourselves to a sweet table. Since there is a heroine in the cartoon who grows apples, she made a little emphasis in this direction and served apple pudding, juice, and baked a pie. In addition, on the table were: multi-colored sweets, a lot of fruits (fruit skewers on skewers were popular), marshmallows and marmalade. During the holiday with the children, they baked cupcakes. And of course, the culmination of the evening was the cake. I made it from seven cakes of different colors so that a rainbow would turn out in the section.

It remains to prepare the props for the game program:

  • mane and horn for the image of Princess Celestia;
  • pony manes (made from colored yarn attached to a hair hoop);
  • colored envelopes with tasks inside;
  • colored beads, laces;
  • balloons, long rope;
  • several sheets of drawing paper, markers;
  • apples on strings;
  • ingredients for cupcakes (2 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sour cream, 200 g sugar, 100 g margarine, 200 g flour, tsp quenched soda, a pinch of salt).

The script for the birthday of a girl of 8 years old is designed for 12 people. The holiday lasts approximately 2 hours. It is best to celebrate in an apartment, in the country, but you can also adapt it a little for an open area. The approximate age of participants is 8 years old.

Girl's birthday in the style of "My little pony"

The host is the ruler of Ekverestia, Princess Celestia. This is a unicorn pony, so you can recreate the image with a small horn on the forehead, as well as a colored mane made of threads, made in blue, light blue and pink.

Celestia: Hello beauties! Today we have an unusual day - the birthday of the beautiful Name of the girl. Therefore, today we should expect miracles. I, Princess Celestia, will guide you through magical world Ponville. You are ready? But first, let me ask you to try on these adorable manes!

Children choose the most attractive from pre-prepared manes. We had both single color options and color options.

Celestia: Great! I really like the way you look now. And look what I have. The ponies have handed over tasks for you! So, let's start, the first envelope we have is from Iskorka. She wants to give you some good mood and offers to make each other laugh.

Game "Nesmeyana"

One of the guests sits on a chair and is not allowed to laugh. But the rest of the guys should make the contestant laugh. The one who succeeds takes the place of honor of Nesmeyana.

Celestia: It's been fun! May laughter and joy accompany us further. And I open the next envelope. Who is he from? Wow, this is Rarity writing about fashion amid entertainment and offering to make your own jewelry.

Game "Collect the beads"

Several bowls are filled with various beads. Children are given threads on which they need to be strung. You can also make bracelets.

Celestia: How amazing! Adore beautiful jewelry and you did such a great job. Rarity will be pleased. Tired of sitting still? Rainbow sent her task, most likely, this is something moving and fun. Are we opening?

The game "Throw the ball"

A rope is pulled in the middle of the room, the children are divided into two teams. Each side has the same number of balls. The task for each team is to throw the balls into the territory of the enemy and at the same time keep their half clean.

Celestia: Class! I see you frolic properly. I have an envelope with a request from Pinkie Pie. Oh, our cook pony is asking you to bake cupcakes! Ride to the kitchen, show what we can do.

Cooking process: beat eggs with sugar, pour in sour cream, melted margarine (you can take butter), soda, salt, add flour and mix. The dough is liquid, if desired, you can add berries. The children completed all the stages in turn, I only controlled and prompted. Then the dough was poured into molds and sent to the oven for about 40 minutes (heat the oven to 200o).

Celestia: In the meantime, we are waiting for the result of our labors, I, perhaps, will look into the next envelope. I wonder what task awaits us next? Envelope from Fluttershy. What has this animal lover prepared for us? I open ... Hooray, we will draw!

The game "Draw in a team"

Children are divided into teams of 5-6 people. The task is to draw some specific animal (cat, pig, giraffe, penguin, goat). Each participant has the opportunity to make only one line, which greatly complicates the task. The winner is the team that got the picture as close as possible to the hidden animal.

Celestia: I think it was very funny! And what do I have! This is a message from Apple Jack. Well, of course, she came up with an apple contest.

Game "Eat an Apple"

Apples are hung on ropes at the level of children's heads. We pulled the rope across the room, hooked it to the picture studs. Children must bite into an apple without the help of hands.

Celestia: Hmm, interesting, the envelopes from Pony are over, but there is one more. Who could he be from? Wow! That dragon Spike hasn't forgotten about us!

Game "Dragon"

Children stand next to each other, holding on to their waists. The first child is the head, the last is the tail. The head wants to bite the tail, but he, in turn, does not allow it and dodges. The task of the rest of the guys is not to unhook.

Celestia: Oh, what a pity that the holiday is coming to an end. But I can smell the magical aroma of cupcakes that are almost ready. And something tells me that the holiday will not be complete without a rainbow cake! Sit down at the tables and have a good celebration of the birthday of the wonderful girl's Name!

The abbreviation "MLP" today is known, perhaps, to all mothers and fathers, grandparents, if their family has girls aged 3 to 12 years. The animated series Friendship is Magic (originally titled My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) about the adventures of six fabulous ponies was so much liked by the little ones that without any effort it turned into a famously promoted Hasbro brand.

With the advent of the series on the Karusel television channel, all little girls (and even some boys) literally “fell ill” with it. That's why the "My Little Pony" party is the most popular theme for kids today. And you can create such a holiday with your own hands, there would be a desire!

What should be a children's party in the style of "Friendship is Magic"

Fortunately, you don't have to go far. Among the main characters of the animated series there is a virtuoso in organizing parties - pink pony Pinkie Pie. She is a real generator of holidays, and all her parties can be easily taken as a basis.

A few rules for the perfect Pinkie Pie party:

Competitions and entertainment for a children's holiday in the style of "My Little Pony"

The main pony characters will become the initiators of competitions and entertainment at your holiday. Adults can transform into these fabulous girlfriends and run competitions on behalf of each of the heroines. Musical breaks of 15-20 minutes are held between competitions - whoever wants to dance, let him dance, whoever is tired, he will rest and refresh himself with treats.

  • From Fashion Pony Rarity arrange a competition for best image cartoon character "Friendship is a miracle." Warn your guests about this competition in advance so that they have time to prepare costumes. Girls can dress up as their favorite ponies with headbands, wigs and stylized ponytails. Boys can dress up as Spike the Dragon, a friend and helper of fairy tale ponies, as well as Prince Shining Armor and other heroes.
    Participants with numbers in their hands defile in turn in front of the guests. After the fashion show, the guests write the numbers of the images they like on pieces of paper and put these sheets in a basket. The winner is chosen by the number of votes. It is better to hold this competition first, so that during outdoor games and dances, children do not worry about their costumes.
  • And here Applejack contests who lives on an apple farm. Who will quickly eat an apple suspended on a thread without helping himself with his hands. Who will collect more apples in a basket: symbolic apples cut out of colored paper are laid out on the floor, one team collects green, the other red apples.
  • Contests from sports Rainbow Dash, of course, on speed and agility. It can be running in bags, relay race, throwing the ball into the basket.
  • From Smart Princess Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) erudition tasks. It can be a game of “words” similar to the game “to the cities”, when you need to come up with a word for the last letter of the word invented by the opponent. Players stand in a circle and name the words in turn, the wrong ones leave the circle. The last remaining participant receives a prize.
  • Modest and shy Flutter Shay, which then finds mutual language with any creature, can also offer an idea for entertainment. For example, a contest to see who can draw a pony (or other animal) best of all on a large piece of paper, but blindfolded.
    Another version of her competition. Two players are blindfolded, given a stylized ponytail in their hands and placed at some distance from two posters depicting a pony without a tail. The winner is the player who approaches the pony portrait and attaches the tail to it most accurately (using plasticine).
  • From ringleader Pinkie Pie the famous piñata. This volumetric figure made of paper, filled with sweets and sparkles. The piñata is hung from the ceiling. To open a hole in a piñata and shower the guests with a "rain" of sweets and confetti, the figure must be beaten with a stick, sometimes the player is blindfolded. Breaking the piñata is entrusted to the little hero of the occasion or the winner of previous competitions.

This is just a small part of the entertainment that you can think of for children's holiday in the style of "My Little Pony". Fantasize, experiment and you can arrange an unforgettable party on your own. You will get even more pleasure from preparing and holding a party than the main participants in the fun - the children for whom you will try.