When will the recalculation of pensions for military pensioners. Recalculation of pensions for military personnel in the Republic of Belarus. The military will increase pensions

Military pensioners receive a pension for seniority or disability through the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and a number of other law enforcement agencies. Many military personnel, after being discharged from military service, continue their labor activity as employees in positions not related to military service. In this case, employers make monetary contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system for them, and, subject to certain conditions, military pensioners have the right to receive a pension through the PFR.

In order for the employer's insurance contributions while working in civilian institutions to be taken into account when assigning a second pension, a military pensioner must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. Information about civil service, accrued and paid insurance premiums, wages, as well as periods of work in civil organizations are reflected in an individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and will determine the right to an insurance pension and possible payment from pension savings.

The number of this account is indicated on the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance - SNILS. It can be obtained by personally contacting the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration or actual residence.

A second pension through the FIU can be assigned to a military pensioner, subject to the following conditions:

Age. Reaching the generally established age - 65 years for men, 60 years for women (age is determined taking into account the transitional provisions of Annexes 5 and 6 to Law No. 400-FZ). For certain categories of military pensioners, an old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age, subject to the conditions for early appointment. For example, in the case of working in the North, working in difficult conditions, etc.

Experience. The presence of the required insurance period, not taken into account when assigning a pension through the power department (in other words,

experience in the "citizen"). It is 10 years in 2019 and will increase by 1 year annually to 15 years in 2024.

Points. The presence of a minimum amount of individual pension coefficients (points) - for 2019 it is set at 16.2 and will increase annually to 30 in 2025.

Pension. The presence of an established pension for long service or disability through the power department.

When calculating the insurance and general length of service for military pensioners, it does not include periods of service that preceded the appointment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and other activities taken into account when determining the amount of pension for length of service in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation, and their families."

For military pensioners, an old-age insurance pension is assigned without taking into account a fixed payment.

The insurance pension is annually indexed by the state. If a military pensioner, after the appointment of a second pension, continues to work in civilian institutions, then the amount of his old-age insurance pension is subject to an unclaimed recalculation on August 1 annually.

A serviceman, having served a period determined by law, may take a well-deserved rest before reaching the established age. Usually this event happens when they reach the age of 40-45 years.

On the one hand, this is good, a person has earned state payments for his service, on the other hand, many of them feel they have enough strength to continue their careers, but already in a simpler civilian life. The latter allows them to take part in the OPS - system by registering in the program. According to the rules, its participants are assigned a personal number that allows you to track all status changes.

Civilian pensions are payments received by the military upon reaching the age of 60 for men and 55 for women and continued to work after retirement.

Who is entitled to a second pension, and how it is calculated, is described in the video:

Features of the procedure

For details on the appointment of an insurance pension for military pensioners, see the picture:

Payment is made according to the principles of assigning a standard old-age insurance pension. Nevertheless, the appointment of another pension for the military has its own nuances that must be observed:

  • The work is exclusively official, with all due payments of contributions. You can’t do part-time work, and at 60 demand a civil pension. It is allowed to engage in business, but again, with the payment of all required contributions and taxes;
  • The minimum civil experience, according to the requirements of the law, again, it must be confirmed by records in the labor. For 2018, it is equal to 9 years;
  • Accumulation of the required number of pension points. Retirees in 2018 need to accumulate at least 13.8;
  • Confirmation is required that the applicant is already receiving a military pension, and the current one will be the second in a row.

Important. In some cases, the requirements for seniority, age may be reduced. This happens in the following cases - a citizen works in conditions recognized by the legislator as dangerous, difficult. In such situations, the accrual of experience occurs according to a special scheme.

Calculation procedure

It is not complicated, almost anyone can independently calculate the size of the future benefit on the online calculator. The calculation formula can be found in 400 FZ. It looks like this - the pension is equal to the number of points multiplied by the value of one point on the day the pension is accrued (X = IPK * 81 rubles, 49 kopecks). The numbers show the value of one point. What happens and will be the second civilian pension of the military.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the main criterion for counting is the number of points. Their final amount depends on the following factors:

  • seniority;
  • The amount of salary from which pension contributions are made.

Naturally, everything must be official. But the formula has limitations. It is applicable only in one case - the retiree began working no earlier than 2015. If employment occurred before the specified year, then the method of converting their pension rights into points is used.

The second pension of military pensioners after the age of 60 has some differences from a similar insurance payment for civilians. For example, there is no minimum fixed value, because its size directly depends on the length of service and salary. In addition, periods are taken into account when a soldier was temporarily unable to work, having objective reasons for this. These are caring for the elderly and the disabled, conscripted military service, maternity leave and parental leave.

But again, it must be remembered that these periods will be taken into account only in the following cases:

  • These periods are documented;
  • Before and after them, the designated person worked or served, and everything is also official.

Bonuses are also included in the calculation. The number of points can be increased if a citizen continues his working career after the required age. In this case, there will be an annual recalculation of points, with a corresponding recalculation of the pension payment.

Many military personnel, when applying for a second pension, are interested in: will it be indexed? Yes, on par with regular old-age insurance pensions . This happens annually, according to the rules, in the amount of the inflation rate for the previous year. This is more fully stated in paragraph 10 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions". For example, for 2018, this figure was 3.7 percent.

Military pensioner works in the Far North

It is well known that those working in this region receive pensions according to slightly different rules. And this means that anyone wishing to apply for a northern pension must have at least 25 years of total experience, of which at least 7.5 must be in work in the Far North.

In our case, the second allowance to the military is assigned on the same conditions. In addition, if a serviceman permanently resides in the specified region or lands equated to it, then in addition to the pension, he also receives a district coefficient.

From all this we can draw the following conclusion - a military pensioner can receive a northern pension (theoretically). In practice, this is quite difficult, since the required 25 years of experience should not be included in the military. Roughly speaking, a military pensioner must serve at least 20 years in the service and still have 25 years of civilian experience, of which 7.5 in the north. In total, he must have at least 45 years of experience.

When can I apply for a second benefit?

See the picture below for the conditions for assigning an insurance pension:

Immediately, as soon as a citizen has the right to it. According to the above rules, for this you need:

  • Reach a certain age: men 60 years old, women 55;
  • The minimum insurance period is 9 years for 2018;
  • Retirement points - they need at least 13.8;
  • Documents confirming that the bearer receives a military pension.

In addition, a military pensioner who wants to apply for a second pension must prepare the documents required for this and write an appropriate application. As stated in the law, payments are assigned from the day they are applied for. But the legislation allows the submission of documents until the right to receive a pension appears.

Where should he go?

To any branch of the Pension Fund located:

  • At the place of its registration;
  • At the place of stay, if he does not have a permanent place of residence, documented;
  • By place of residence.

In addition, you need to know that without an appropriate application, which a person must write on his own when he has the right to a pension, it will not be issued.

He, along with the rest of the papers, he can transfer to the selected branch of the Pension Fund in the following ways:

  • When visiting the branch of the fund in person;
  • Through a trustee, however, the latter will need a notarized power of attorney for this;
  • To the personnel service at the place of employment;
  • By post;
  • Through the MFC as an intermediary;
  • Through the portal of public services. This requires registration in the system.

So if a military pensioner himself does not deal with the issues of calculating a second pension, then no one will pay it to him.

Documentation package

Without the necessary documents, a military pensioner will not be able to issue a second pension. The required package consists of the following papers:

  • Identification;
  • SNILS;
  • Documents confirming that he receives military assistance. Usually this is a certificate-extract of the department in which the pensioner did his military service;

In the picture - a sample certificate stating that a citizen is a recipient of a pension:

  • Labor;
  • Information about existing dependents.

In some cases, pension specialists may require the provision of additional documents. This is a change of surname, the presence of a disability group, the use of additional benefits, allowances, surcharges .

Payment Methods

Also, when applying for a second allowance, a citizen must write another application in which he must indicate the method in which he would like to receive it:

  • at the post office;
  • Postmen will have to bring pensions home;
  • It will be transferred to the card;
  • In some regions, for this purpose, you can use the services of special companies that provide this service.

The selected method can be changed later.

Will military pensions be canceled for working citizens?

Such news is circulating, but as government officials said, these are all rumors. No one is going to cancel pensions for working pensioners.

The only cancellation will affect payments for dependents that military pensioners receive from their departments. So, during the period of work, their payment stops, but as soon as the serviceman leaves, they resume again.

As you can see, the soldiers , in addition to the first pension from their department, they can also receive a second one, already from the Pension Fund. True, they will need official work experience, accumulate a sufficient number of points and age, in accordance with the law.

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In recent months, various unofficial sources on the Internet have reported the possibility cancellation of military pension in Russia in 2019. A probable reason for the spread of such publications could be a speech on the radio "Echo of Moscow" in the already distant 2016 by the director of the Research Financial Institute (NIFI) of the Ministry of Finance of Russia Vladimir Nazarov. Then all sorts of rumors about the abolition of military pensions were actively fueled by unpopular reforms that the Government began to implement in connection with the economic crisis that worsened in 2014-2016.

Answering questions from Ekho Moskvy presenters in a discussion on “What will happen to the pension and to us?”, a member of the collegium of the Ministry of Finance then proposed introduce instead of military pensions lump sum "big severance pay", which will provide a serviceman for the near future after dismissal from military service (literally - “so that he has enough for a year or two of a comfortable life”). Additionally, it was proposed to provide a military pensioner with the opportunity to retrain and get a profession that is currently in demand on the labor market.

There is no reason to believe that such an extravagant initiative can really be implemented in the near future. In the Government itself on the issue of abolishing military pensions there are no discussions, and no bills have been introduced in this regard.

However, it is still worth paying attention to such a proposal, received in 2016, since the NIFI Institute, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of Russia, prepares recommendations for bills related to the country's budget policy, and also develops financial management methods, forecasting and planning the execution of the federal budget. And in the new composition of the Government, approved by Vladimir Putin on May 18, 2018, the position of First Deputy Prime Minister is held by Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

Will the military pension be cancelled?

At the moment, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether military pensions will be abolished or not. Nothing but the proposal of the Research Financial Institute on this issue was announced from official sources, and no legislative drafts were submitted for consideration.

Cancellation of the reduction factor for military pensioners

Now the pension for military pensioners is calculated on the basis of. It, in turn, consists of salaries in accordance with the position and rank, as well as other additional allowances for:

  • length of service;
  • class qualification;
  • special conditions of service;
  • performance of tasks associated with a threat to life and health;
  • special achievements in service, etc.

From January 1, 2012, article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993, monetary allowance for calculating pensions not taken into account in full., but only in the amount of 54% (that is, taking into account reduction factor). It was originally assumed that this value would increase by 2% annually until it reaches 100%.

For 2018, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 1 of Law No. 365-FZ of December 5, 2017, the reduction factor was set at 72.23% of the allowance(same as in 2017). when it increases to 73.68%.

It is noteworthy that back in 2014, deputies from the Communist Party faction submitted for consideration bill No. 631118-6, which proposed cancellation of the reduction factor for military pensioners. For several years, the bill was being prepared for consideration, and then it was rejected on February 22, 2017 during the voting in the first reading, because, according to the deputies, by setting a reduction factor from January 1, 2012, “the legislator provided an appropriate compensation mechanism”, thanks to which the amount military pensions still increased significantly(by 90% from 2011 to 2017).

Only 19 deputies voted for the adoption of this law in the first reading in 2017, the remaining 431 did not vote at all (note that the quorum is considered valid if at least 226 deputies take part in the voting). Thus, the bill was rejected only because of the lack of a quorum (only 4% of deputies voted).

No new draft laws providing for the abolition of the reduction factor for military pensions are pending no longer entered. And in the near future, such changes are hardly possible, due to the significant costs of their implementation (about 500 billion rubles of additional expenses per year).

Today, February 7, rallies of pensioners of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies took place in Kyiv and many other cities of Ukraine. The retirees demanded that the government increase pensions.

In Kyiv, about 400 people gathered on the square near the Verkhovna Rada, demanding the recalculation of pensions. Veterans are holding posters with the inscriptions: “We demand the recalculation of pensions”, “No to the genocide of military pensioners”. About 300 people came to the rally in Kherson, 100 in Nikolaev.

How they threw Ukrainian military pensioners

The adoption of a new law of Ukraine on pensions in 2017 caused the recalculation (modernization) of pensions for civil pensioners. Many of them, especially among those who left their jobs recently and had large salaries, received raises of up to 100%.

Pensions for military pensioners were last recalculated in 2008, and their indexation was carried out in 2014. At the beginning of 2018, the average general civil pension approached the average military pension in size. In many cases, military retirees already receive less than former civilian specialists.

From January 1, 2018, the government planned to simplify the system for calculating the allowance for active servicemen while simultaneously increasing it. Salaries for positions and ranks were supposed to be increased several times, and the size of allowances and their number should be reduced. After all, until now, most of the monetary content was formed at the expense of interest surcharges, which was inconvenient, non-transparent and created grounds for abuse.

However, the change in basic salaries in accordance with the law "On pensions for military personnel" required the automatic recalculation of military pensions. According to the estimates of the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Andrey Reva , this would cost about 10 billion hryvnias of budget expenditures for 2018. which were not provided.

Therefore the government Volodymyr Groysman, as before, more than once, the governments of the times of Kuchma, Yushchenko and Yanukovych, went to the trick. The monetary content of active military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies was once again raised due to allowances. Some of them reached hundreds of percent. Instead of solving the problem, the government exacerbated it. But it was not necessary to raise pensions for military pensioners. Almost…

The fact is that in 2011, a provision was added to the law on pensions for military personnel on the recalculation of military pensions, subject to an increase in any components of the monetary content of active security officials. Including percentage allowances and bonuses. Because of this, now the Groysman government has to play up, referring either to the lack of a mechanism for such a recount, or to the need to adopt a special law. The purpose of these maneuvers is the same - to delay the increase in military pensions


This year, the former military is unlikely to count on an increase in pensions. The IMF does not promise loans, the government has no extra money. One gets the impression that the authorities do not have any plan for solving the problem - they are just playing for time.

But things may turn out differently in 2019. The 600,000-strong army of retired security officials is a powerful electoral resource. And it is possible that in the first quarter of 2019, before the presidential elections, their pensions will still be increased. To win their sympathy and secure electoral support for the incumbent president. And by that time, maybe the IMF will get better.