Little girls 1 year old. Congratulations on a year old daughter. Only a year old, baby, you live on Earth

Twins for 1 year old

Congratulations on 1 year old girl

Little, wonderful, sweet baby,
May a star shine in the sky for you!
Let a wonderful, very bright flash,
She brightens up your life!

May you be only one year old today
But I just want to wish you
To beautiful, bright laughter ringing
Mom and dad have fun inspiring!

Your daughter was born - and exactly a year has passed,
A parent's dream come true! The table is set today
After all, the baby has an anniversary, albeit a small one -
But many friends gathered on such a special day.

We are in a hurry to wish your daughter the best,
Be healthy, become happy, good luck - from the heart!
Let the beauty grow and please relatives,
And in life he will find joy among any people!

We will not stop congratulating
Your princess girl!
Happy birthday, congratulations
Oh, how he looks with interest!
Another little baby
She's only 1 year old
But she's already wearing earrings
Very stylish, it suits her!
Let it grow healthy, strong,
She has a lot to learn!
Oh beauty, oh sweetie
Will conquer the whole world!

Happy one year, dear daughter!
Let the line run after the line
And brings you joy
Happiness, cheerfulness and luck!
We wish you everything
Happy birthday congratulations!

Let the cheerful Pinocchio
Gives joy, and Malvina
Will light you up with a smile
Good, clean, bright, unsteady!
And let the faithful Artemon
Will make bold like him!

Congratulations daughter
Happy anniversary, by the way.
Well, mom and dad -
With the first important date!
To laugh joyfully
She fell asleep sweetly.
Well, mom and dad
Let the daughter pamper.

Little princess birthday
I would like to wish you health
rich and healthy parents
And learn to shoot with your eyes.
First birthday is happiness
For the parents of a cute girl!
I want your princess to grow
Sweet, smart, gentle and happy!

In a smart dress, in lace socks,
How adorable is your miracle daughter!
The curls are fluffy, the eyes are shining!
She is a year old today - believe it or not!
It seems that yesterday I only cried in a diaper,
And today - what a nice girl!
Congratulations mom, dad and baby,
May you be lucky in life, as in a good book!
Let it grow healthy, smart, beautiful
And, of course, the most-most happy!

We are proud of our birthday girl:
She is one year old today!
While you can ask about the age -
Our girl is only growing
But the line is so convincing
That we should not hide joy:
Birthday girl - happiness! Parents -
Snatch at least a minute to sleep!

Exactly one year old! Happy Birthday!
The brightest impressions!
Know the beautiful world
Grow up quickly!

May your first birthday
It will be the best day for loved ones!
Instead of a pacifier they treat
Let candy and toffee.
Let the guests entertain everyone
They crawl with you, babble,
Show the "goat", "magpie" -
Let them laugh from the heart!

sun bunnies
merrily glitter,
In your little eyes
The lights are sparkling!
Laughter is funny, sonorous,
All you are a feast for the eyes
Our dear child
Happy 1st birthday!

Bunny is one year old today!
How fast the baby is growing!
Grow, play and have fun
Get closer to the sun!

Happy birthday
For the first time, it's for us!
In the house there is laughter and revival,
The sparkle of your beloved eyes!
Get higher, get stronger
And you don't know sadness!
Get prettier and smarter
Discover the beautiful world!

You're only a year old, beautiful baby,
You laugh out loud, almost not sad,
You stomp loud and love to walk
You mutter something that is difficult to understand ...
We wish you to grow healthy
Fewer obstacles to meet on the way,
Always be a joy to mom and dad,
May your life always be happy!

You're already stomping your feet
You are growing fast for the joy of all of us.
Today we will light a candle on the cake,
And "Karavai" we will sing together for you!
You're smart, healthy grow!
Pleases mom let your appetite
Your activity makes dad happy -
May your family be happy!

Happy first birthday baby!
He grew up quite a bit -
Walks badly and babbles
He does not want to sleep in the evening,
Sometimes he does not want to eat porridge,
It's always fun to laugh!
Congratulations mom and dad
The first year is the hardest!

Happy first birthday!
Joy, fun,
Lots of toys
Balls, crackers!
Good health,
Tenderness with love
Laughter, entertainment!
Happy first birthday!

Congratulations! Exactly a year
The sun lives in the house!
It destroys everything, it breaks,
Makes everyone laugh and amuse
Loud stomping, noisy
And everyone in the house is happy!
You probably forgot
How did you live without "happiness"?!

Other congratulations in verse for a one-year-old child

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,

And may every new day

One year old baby
Bring toys books
Inflate a lot of balls
And they will not look strictly

You can fool around baby
Can you break something
Birthday is today
We can't forget about him

Be, daughter, you are healthy,
Rejoice us with ringing laughter,
Fulfill any request
Be happy like now!

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you always be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,
Obedient, smart and gentle!
Do not cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids!
And may every new day
Only in a fairy tale opens the door.

You showed up a year ago.
A ray of happiness in our life.
Every sound of yours, every laugh -
This is our big success.

Mom's bunny, dad's cat.
Arms, legs and tummy
We all kiss, we are not lazy.
Grow in joy every day.


Bathed in delight and love

A year has passed since it appeared
Happiness is the main thing in the family,
This joy overshadowed everything,
We are grateful to fate

We love our daughter
And we wish not to get sick,
Go to kindergarten soon
Have faithful friends

Happy Birthday Baby,
Our life, our destiny
Do you like to listen to books at night,
But, we love you!

Point, stick, cucumber,
Hello little human!
A whole year has developed
Crying, humming, smiling.
So I grew up, a year has passed,
Our baby is very big.
Happy Birthday! Our baby
Created so much confusion
And gathered around him
The ones who love you so.

One year sweet creature
Celebrate with the whole family
And they will come without delay
Guests in the house in a large crowd,

They bring toys
And swirl in arms
Friends will come to the daughter,
They will run and scream

Mom and dad love you
Have fun from the heart
You grow up, our little one,
Please, don't rush!

Overcome the first step in life
And the first year went by.
And recently we wondered
What will the stork bring?

Outdated rattles -
There are much more interesting
Lots of other toys
Which lead to admiration.

You are like a ray of sunshine
You light up our whole house,
And you are cherished, loved,
They exalt everything around.

Let everything that surrounds -
sun, sky and earth,
Opening a huge world
It only makes you happy.

Happy first year!
Wishes for baby
To make her life interesting
To have dolls, books.

Ribbons, bows, outfits,
Lots of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
So life will be like in a fairy tale!

Congratulations to your daughter for 1 year from mom

A year has passed since then
How the stork flew to us,
Happiness is tight in a diaper,
Swaddled for relatives,

A sweet creature grew
Rejoicing in your warmth
And today everyone gathered
Celebrate the year at the table

Daughter, you are not pretty,
We love you with all our heart
You are very similar to us
The man is the dearest!

The walls in the house were decorated
To celebrate the holiday
And they tried on the daughter,
We are the best outfit

One year old baby today
Time passed quickly
We want to wish, daughter,
So that everything in life comes true

To have a healthy daughter
To be happy
To guide her through life
Guiding star!

A year ago, grandmothers did not know yet,
Grandfathers, and even mom and dad,
That a cute girl will appear,
Immediately becoming the beloved in the family itself.
Will suck porridge with milk,
Sweet smacking, smiling happily.
It will sulk, showing its character,
Fall asleep crying and swaddling.
We wish her to grow up beautifully,
Affectionate, obedient, neat,
To be a smile like the sun
Pleasant for relatives and non-natives.
Be sure to be the happiest
The smartest and most beautiful,
So that everyone wants to be proud of you,
Not just mom and dad!

beaming smile,
The loudest laugh in the world
evokes solace,
Everyone has this girl

The child is one year old
All the people rejoice
We will drive without a Christmas tree,
For the daughter of a round dance,

Be, dear, you are happy
In your life destiny
The most important and beloved
Our man on earth!

Today the most important member of the family
Meets his first birthday
Bathed in delight and love
And she just loves her mom and dad.

A million discoveries are waiting ahead,
Warmth, friends and good roads,
And different impressions of the stadium -
Fate will prepare a lot of gifts!

One year old daughter to you
It means a lot
Let him bring you
Good luck for life

Be healthy always
Rejoice your loved ones
Dear cats, my
Stop squeezing

The most important person
We adore you
We are about your desires
We think we know!

You are already a year old, our beauty,
There is no better than you in this world and more beautiful.
Looks like dad, a little bit like mom,
Our beloved angel, the only one!

We all congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you great health and happiness.
You are our long-awaited and rare flower.
May all be well with you, daughter!

Daughter turned one year old
We won't forget this day
Let's sing and have fun
Compliments to say

Our little lady
At the epicenter of the news
Give the girl bears
Lots of different sweets

Be healthy daughter
And happy every hour
We love you so much, baby
You are a present for us!

We congratulate you, our beloved angel,
After all, you are for us, as if a gift from heaven,
So dear, so necessary,
Appeared like a miracle of miracles.

We celebrate one year for you
We want you, daughter, to wish
Always be smart, grow big
We will all protect you.

Dear daughter, I will kiss you
I will give you a beautiful, big doll,
And I will put on a dress sewn in fashion,
Happy birthday, sunshine! You are one year old today.

I wish you always listen to mom and dad,
To learn, by all means, to eat porridge with a spoon,
It's good to walk and run, to speak clearly,
Be healthy and happy, my beloved baby doll!

On the very first birthday
A lot of wishes!
Happiness, joy, luck!
Fulfillment of all desires!

The year has brought so many events!
We hurry to wish you
Happiness, joy, discoveries!
Happy first holiday!

Gifts for you
Cake, congratulations!
The brightest holiday
FIRST Birthday!

Laugh more cheerfully
On your most important day,
Grow up soon
Our child is adorable!

Happy first year!
Baby Wishes -
To make her life interesting
To have dolls, books.

Ribbons, bows, outfits,
Lots of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
So life will be like in a fairy tale!

Today is the most important holiday!
Son turns one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him gently on the cheek!

May your son be happy
Grows smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the delight of family and friends!

Cheerful, funny hippo,
I smiled at you, loving
Baby, you're already a year old
And everyone congratulates you!
All roads are always open
Wonderful, like you, kids!
Grow up, get healthy
And get to know the world slowly!

First year! Happy Birthday!
Joyful mood!
Discover the wonderful world!
Have fun, grow, play!

Happy first year! A bright ray
May the sun always warm you
Let every day give you gifts!
Remember that we love you very much!

one year old baby,
Congratulations on the main day:
Eat and grow diligently
Be obedient and considerate.
Mum and dad for sure
Warm love with fire.

Exactly a year ago, grandmothers did not know,
Grandfathers, and even mom and dad,
That a cute girl will appear,
Immediately becoming the beloved in the family itself.

Will suck porridge with milk,
Sweet smacking, smiling happily.
It will sulk, showing its character,
Fall asleep crying and swaddling.

We wish her to grow up beautifully,
Affectionate, obedient, neat,
To be a smile like the sun
Pleasant for relatives and non-natives.

Be sure to be the happiest
The smartest and most beautiful,
So that everyone wants to be proud of you,
Not just mom and dad!

Our most beautiful and gentle girl,
Today is the first birthday
You alone gifts, dresses and ribbons,
You alone, all our smiles and congratulations.
Today, even the sun in the sky rose earlier,
Because it congratulated our princess,
Threw, for the birthday girl, her ray in the window,
Giving her health, joy, love and luck.

Time rushes forward imperceptibly,
So let's baby play and have fun.
You are already a year old, you have become such a cutie,
I just can't stop admiring you.
Grow up, sweet girl, smart and diligent,
Be smart, healthy, cheerful, gentle.
Do not be upset because of trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, and be friends with the children in the yard.

You have grown over the years.
Like a flower bloomed
Became more beautiful and sweeter
The sun has become brighter!

You grow, to our joy,
Not by days, but by hours.
Be obedient and always
Cheerful, dear!

Happiness, sun, to you
And success only in fate ...
Be healthy and beautiful
Be cheerful and happy!

Like a sweet dream a whole year flew by
There was a lot of joy, laughter and various worries,
You got a lot of interesting, vivid impressions,
Colorful and new moments in life.
And today a wonderful and bright time has come,
Dad, mom and their nice and lovely baby,
On a very important date, the very first to congratulate,
You grew up, dear - spit out the pacifier!

You baby just turned a year old,
But you're not so baby anymore
You, even if it's funny, but still walk,
And even though it is not entirely clear, but you say.
For mom and dad, you are the most, the most,
You grow, and always be only yourself,
Grow for the happiness of the family, you are a happy baby,
To the delight of everyone, she will always be beautiful.

One year old for you, baby!
Accept congratulations.
The first candle on the cake
With dad, blow with mom.

Let them walk confidently
little feet,
Unexplored yet
There are paths in front of you.

Be cheerful, mischievous,
But don't be naughty
To have an angel behind
Walked through life with you.

A year ago, a miracle happened -
The daughter was born in the family.
Life then turned upside down
Everything is very happy for the daughter.

And today I wish
She is successful and good,
Be healthy and obedient
Always be smiling!

Be cheerful and happy.
Troubles, problems, longing do not know.
Be good, be the best
Help mom and dad!

Congratulations on your first year to a wonderful girl. I wish you a clear blue sky above your head and a bright sun, sincere joy and success in your first steps in life. Grow up as a good and obedient smart girl, cheerful and good girl, mother's joy and father's pride.

Your princess is one year old.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
We wish you health
Patience, kindness.

Now for your daughter
You need an eye for an eye.
Let there be less
Caprices and leprosy.

Let it grow beautiful
Cheerful, mischievous,
With parental love,
With back support.

Happy first birthday
Congratulations for the little one.
Be more beautiful than all flowers
Mom and dad are happy with their daughter.

Eye gentle radiance,
The girl is charming
Bunny sleeps in a bed
The nose is tiny sniffles.

Be funny, of course
We sincerely wish
To eat well
She was smart and pretty.

Mom, dad, you have patience,
And love and respect.
May the holy angels
Protect your daughter!

First year from birth
Accept congratulations.
Little girl learned a lot
I had a lot of fun during the year.

Let him sleep soundly at night
Sweet nose sniffs.
Teeth cut without pain
The daughter was pretty.

Mom and dad - strength, patience,
And good mood to you.
Let the baby grow
Everything blooms every year!