The average pension and the level of material support for the disabled in Dagestan. Pension provision in Makhachkala Average insurance pension in Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan

Pension in Dagestan in 2019 is paid to 624,304 pensioners, of which 257,782 people live in Makhachkala. It should be noted that in the main territory of the republic, payments are made on a general basis. However, for residents of high mountainous areas, which are located at an altitude of 1,500-3,000 meters above sea level, there are increasing coefficients of 1.1-1.3. If the size of a citizen's pension does not reach the minimum established in the region, he is entitled to a recalculation and a fixed social allowance.

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General provisions

The following types of pensions are paid on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan:

  • - are paid in old age, when a citizen reaches the age established at the legislative level. Mandatory conditions for obtaining: work experience of at least 5 years and the required number of IPC (at least 11 points);
  • - accrued to citizens who have not worked officially or have a work experience of less than 5 years. In this case, the retirement age increases: 60-65 years for the male and female population, respectively. In addition, such pensions can be issued for disability or the loss of a breadwinner.
  • - issued only for representatives of certain professions, paid to victims and liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters.
  • By - are assigned to military personnel and representatives of law enforcement agencies for a certain period of service.

It should be noted that there are categories of citizens entitled to:

  • parents with many children;
  • parents with dependent children with disabilities;
  • workers in heavy and hazardous industries;
  • teachers and health workers with 35 and 25 years of experience, respectively;
  • citizens who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North.

Average and minimum payout values

The living wage of citizens is determined individually for each region of the country. These amounts are fixed for 5 years, and are based on the standard of living in a particular area. The minimum amount of provision for pensioners is equated to the minimum income of the able-bodied population.

In 2018, for the Republic of Dagestan, the following values ​​were decisive:

  • minimum wage - 7,800 rubles; for all fields of activity;
  • the average subsistence minimum - 9,638 rubles;
  • minimum working-age population - 9,922 rubles;
  • minimum pension provision - 7,609 rubles;
  • the average pension in the region is 13,500 rubles.

The cost of a pension point is 78.58 rubles.

Social allowances

When the actual amount of state security does not reach the established thresholds, the pensioner needs to write an application to the FIU at the place of residence and make a recalculation. To calculate the social allowance, all types of monthly payments and subsidies, including the cash equivalent of non-material benefits, will be taken into account.

Benefits that are of a one-time nature are not taken into account.

In addition, all pensioners, regardless of income level, retain social benefits provided in the region by exemption from transport and property taxes. From August 1, 2017, a recalculation was made for employed pensioners, which increased the pension by about 200 rubles.

Important! Citizens who, having retired, continue to work, cannot apply for a social supplement.

Registration procedure

For the appointment of a pension in the Republic of Dagestan, you must contact the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence. Here the application is written and the following documents are submitted for consideration:

  • passport;
  • military ID (if any);
  • employment history;

In addition to the basic package of papers, certificates may be required:

  • about the composition of the family;
  • on the right to early exit for a well-deserved rest;
  • about disability;
  • about disabled dependents.

Documents are considered within 10 days.

Where to go

Branches of the Pension Fund in Makhachkala are located at the following addresses:

For reference: Reception of citizens is conducted on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00.

More than 600,000 pensioners live in Dagestan in 2018, almost half of them live in Makhachkala and receive higher payments. The authorities have already set the amount of the subsistence minimum and know the conditions for assigning a minimum pension.

  • SNILS.

According to the latest data, average payments in Makhachkala are 20-25% higher than in the region. They are indexed along with the rest.

Terms of registration

The minimum pension is assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 400. The day of the appointment of a pension is the date of receipt of all documents and their registration in the system by an employee of the authorities.

The pension is calculated from the 1st day of the next month. The FIU has 10 days for consideration, if there are problems, then the period is increased to 3 months.

A citizen has the right to choose how he will submit documents:

  • personally or through a representative in the Pension Fund;
  • in a multifunctional center;
  • sending copies of documents certified by a notary by mail;
  • by registering on the PFR website and submitting an application online;
  • in the personal account of the State Services, if the citizen has an electronic signature.

The authorities of Dagestan are advised to start collecting documents in advance, at least six months before the appointment of a pension. In some cases, the employer sends the employee's documents to the FIU, especially for civil servants.

At the same time, the papers of all employees of the organization are collected and transferred to the Pension Fund a few months before the retirement age. However, all documents can be scanned and uploaded to the State Services website.

If a pensioner is going to move, he needs to transfer pension accruals to another region. To do this, you need to go to the Pension Fund upon arrival at a new place and sign an application.

After that, the PFR employees will contact the department at the citizen’s previous place of residence and request documents. A citizen is required to present a passport, SNILS and a pension certificate.

To apply for a pension in Makhachkala, you need to go to the street. Gamidova, 16. You can send documents by mail to this address.

The size of the minimum pension in Dagestan is approximately equal to the amount in most regions of Russia. The subject of the Russian Federation cannot boast of a large number of benefits and allowances for pensioners, however, those that are established are paid on time and are constantly increasing.

Video: The minimum pension should now be according to the law of the Russian Federation

The Russian government quite often names the average amount of the old-age pension for the country. In 2018, this is more than 14 thousand rubles, and in 2019 it will be more than 15 thousand. At the same time, for some reason, they forget about those elderly citizens who receive the minimum payment. Although it is they who first of all need the support of the state and the growth of pensions to a more worthy level. Unfortunately, in 2019 the situation of such pensioners will not improve much, despite the promises of officials to increase pensions in the country by a thousand rubles a month. What will be the minimum old-age pension in Dagestan from January 1, 2019 for non-working pensioners, how much will it increase compared to 2018. We will learn about the life of Russian pensioners on a specific example of this region.

How is the minimum age pension calculated?

Strictly speaking, Russian legislation does not contain such a concept as a minimum guaranteed pension. However, in practice, the minimum old-age pension still exists, and it is determined indirectly through other norms of the law.

The main of these norms says that the old-age pension in Russia cannot be lower than the subsistence level of a pensioner.

Such a living wage is determined by each region independently. What is characteristic, there is no single method for its determination. The regions take as a guideline the real statistics of the cost of the consumer basket for pensioners. Then some regions and republics include future price increases in the Rosstat data, while others do not.

Be that as it may, each region of Russia is obliged to establish its own living wage for a pensioner on its territory before the start of the next year.

Then the second important norm of the law comes into force. She says that those pensioners for whom the Pension Fund calculated the amount of pension payment below the subsistence level are entitled to a special surcharge.

This additional payment is called social, it can be financed both by the all-Russian budget and the budget of the region itself. It all depends on the level at which the regional authorities set the subsistence minimum for a pensioner. If it is lower or equal to the national one, funding comes only from the federal treasury. If the regional indicator exceeds the national average, funding comes from the local budget.

In general, in Russia, the living wage for a pensioner for 2019 is 8,846 rubles.

The minimum old-age pension in Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan from January 1, 2019

The republican authorities of Dagestan have set the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the region for 2019 at the level 8 680 rubles. This figure was fixed by the republican law of October 30, 2018. This value will be the sum of the minimum old-age pension in the region in 2019.

In 2018, the level of the minimum pension in Dagestan is the same - 8,680 rubles. Thus, there will be no increase in pensions for recipients of the minimum allowance in the republic.

The specified amount - 8,680 rubles - will be the minimum pension only for non-working pensioners. The law proceeds from the fact that if a pensioner works or receives some other income besides a pension, then he is not entitled to a social supplement. Even if the pension is below the subsistence level, the person as a whole receives an income above this amount and without additional payment.

But what about the one thousand rubles increase promised by the state?

Agitating Russians for raising the retirement age, officials very often said that the pensions of existing pensioners would increase significantly in 2019 thanks to this measure. In general, for the year, pensioners will receive 12 thousand rubles more, which means that the increase per month will immediately amount to a thousand rubles.

Unfortunately, these words turned out to be rather sly and not entirely reliable.

It was about the average pension in the country. It is believed that in 2018 it is equal to 14.1 thousand rubles (sometimes they call the amount 14.4 thousand - the officials themselves are confused). In January 2019, it will happen in Russia by 7.05%. After increasing the average pension by this percentage, it will indeed grow by a thousand rubles.

However, the problem is that for those who receive a pension below the average, this seven percent increase will mean not a thousand rubles at all, but a much more modest amount.

Unfortunately, recipients of minimum pensions will get nothing or practically nothing from this increase. For most of them, after indexing by 7.05%, the amount of the pension will still be at a level below the subsistence level. The only thing that will lead to a slight increase in the payment is an increase in this level in the region where the recipient of the minimum old-age pension lives.

In Dagestan, as we just found out, there will be no increase at all.

According to Russian legislation, pension provision non-working citizen receiving a pension through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation cannot be less than the value of the regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner (PMP). In connection with climatic features and differences in the standard of living of the population, this value is set for each region separately and is being revised annually from January 1. In 2019, its sizes vary from 7811 rubles. (Tambov region) up to 19,000 rubles. (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) - see. It is noteworthy that the size of the minimum pension in Russia with an increase in the minimum wage (SMIC).

If the amount of the pension is less than the PMP, it is provided as a difference between the PMP and the amount of the accrued pension provision. The surcharge may be financed from the regional or federal budget. Unfortunately, working pensioners are not entitled to social supplement, since in addition to their pension, wages are also taken into account in their income.

February 20, 2019 V. Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly instructed to revise the methodology for indexing pensions not exceeding the subsistence minimum for a pensioner. Previously, indexation concerned only the basic amount of the pension, which is why the amount of the social supplement was reduced, but in fact the amount paid to the pensioner did not change. The President proposed to index pensions above the living wage, that is, bring the size of the pension to the PMP, and then index it by the appropriate coefficient. You can read more about the instructions of the President.

Now each region has its own methodology for calculating the PMF. However, during 2019, unifying calculations may be introduced. In connection with these changes, in some regions, the size of the MHC in 2020 (and hence the size of the minimum pensions) may either increase or decrease. But pensioners should not worry about this: according to the law, the amount of the pension already accrued, taking into account the social supplement can't lower.

What is the minimum pension in Russia?

Social supplement to pension for non-working pensioners in 2019

If the amount of income (material security) of a pensioner is less than the PMP for the region, he is assigned a social supplement. It was introduced in 2010 to improve the material well-being of low-income pensioners. Only those pensioners who meet the following set of conditions can count on the supplement:

  • the pensioner does not work after receiving the pension;
  • resides on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • has a total income less than the amount of PMP.

Depending on whether or not the size of the regional PMP exceeds the value of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner established in the whole country (in 2019 it is 8846 rubles), a pensioner may be set one of two social benefits for retirement:

  • federal- if in the region the PMP is less than the federal one (paid through the Pension Fund);
  • regional- if the established regional PMP is greater than the federal one (paid by the Social Security authorities).

It happens that after the announced indexation of pensions, pensioners do not notice any increase. As a rule, social surcharge is “guilty” of this:

The fact is that during the year only the size of the pension itself is indexed, and the level of the PMP for establishing the minimum pension does not change throughout the year. In this regard, after the next indexation, pensioners continue to receive a pension in the amount of the regional PMP (in this case, there is simply a decrease in the size of the social supplement).

Thus, we can say that the annual indexation of pensions is felt only by those pensioners who do not receive social supplement up to the subsistence level - and this is:

  • non-working pensioners whose pension itself is more than the regional PMP;
  • working pensioners (they are not entitled to any social supplement or annual indexation, in total there are 9 million of them in Russia).

It should be noted that the social supplement to the pension is established only on a declarative basis. This is usually done directly at the time of registration of the pension after calculating its size. However, in practice, sometimes a pension in the amount of less than the PMP! In this case, the pensioner you need to apply yourself with a corresponding application to the FIU or Social Security at the place of residence.

Table - The minimum pension in Russia in 2019 from January 1 by region

Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 for non-working pensioners will correspond to the subsistence minimum for a pensioner, effective from 01/01/2019 and calculated on the basis of the consumer basket for food and non-food products.

The amounts for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation differ significantly, they are shown in the table.

No. p / pName of the subject of the Russian FederationThe size of the PMP in the subject, rub.
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region8016
2 Bryansk region8523
3 Vladimir region8523
4 Voronezh region8750
5 Ivanovo region8576
6 Kaluga region8708
7 Kostroma region8630
8 Kursk region8600
9 Lipetsk region8620
10 Oryol Region8730
11 Ryazan Oblast8568
12 Smolensk region8825
13 Tambov Region7811
14 Tver region8846
15 Tula region8658
16 Yaroslavl region8163
17 Moscow12115
18 Moscow region9908
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia8846
20 Komi Republic10742
21 Arhangelsk region10258
22 Nenets Autonomous Okrug17956
23 Vologda Region8846
24 Kaliningrad region8846
25 Saint Petersburg8846
26 Leningrad region8846
27 Murmansk region12674
28 Novgorod region8846
29 Pskov region8806
North Caucasian Federal District
30 The Republic of Dagestan8680
31 The Republic of Ingushetia8846
32 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic8846
33 Karachay-Cherkess Republic8846
34 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania8455
35 Chechen Republic8735
36 Stavropol region8297
Southern Federal District
37 Republic of Adygea8138
38 Republic of Kalmykia8081
39 Krasnodar region8657
40 Astrakhan region8352
41 Volgograd region8569
42 Rostov region8488
43 Republic of Crimea8370
44 Sevastopol8842
Privolzhsky Federal District
45 Republic of Bashkortostan8645
46 Mari El Republic8191
47 The Republic of Mordovia8522
48 Republic of Tatarstan8232
49 Udmurt republic8502
50 Chuvash Republic7953
51 Kirov region8474
52 Nizhny Novgorod Region8102
53 Orenburg region8252
54 Penza region8404
55 Perm region8539
56 Samara Region8413
57 Saratov region8278
58 Ulyanovsk region8474
Ural Federal District
59 Kurgan region8750
60 Sverdlovsk region8846
61 Tyumen region8846
62 Chelyabinsk region8691
63 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra12176
64 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug13425
Siberian Federal District
65 Altai Republic8712
66 The Republic of Buryatia8846
67 Tyva Republic8846
68 The Republic of Khakassia8782
69 Altai region8669
70 Krasnoyarsk region8846
71 Irkutsk region8841
72 Kemerovo region8387
73 Novosibirsk region8814
74 Omsk region8480
75 Tomsk region8795
76 Transbaikal region8846
Far Eastern Federal District
77 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)13951
78 Primorsky Krai9988
79 Khabarovsk region10895
80 Amur region8846
81 Kamchatka Krai16543
82 Magadan Region15460
83 Sakhalin region12333
84 Jewish Autonomous Region9166
85 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug19000
86 Baikonur8846

Note: on average for the country, the PHC in 2019 is set at 8846 rub. according to paragraph 5 of Art. 8 of the law on the federal budget dated December 05, 2017 No. 362-FZ.

The minimum pension in Russia from January 1, 2019

In January 2019, there was an increase in the minimum wage (minimum wage) to 11,280 rubles. In this regard, there were many expectations about the increase in pensions. However, they were all unfounded - Since January 1, the minimum pensions in Russia have increased for a different reason.

The minimum pension is only related to the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP), but not to the MMP for the working population. The increase in the minimum wage does not affect the amount of pension payments, since this value sets the minimum income level only for the working population.

Recall that pensions can be increased only in 3 cases:
  1. Due to indexing by the coefficient established by the Government:
    • insurance (labor) pensions - from January 1, 2019 increased by 7.05%;
    • state, including social pensions - from April 1, 2019, they plan to increase by 2.4%.
  2. Through recalculation according to pension legislation:
    • for working pensioners - they increase annually from August 1 on an unannounced basis (in accordance with the insurance premiums paid);
    • at any time at the request of the recipient of the pension, if there are grounds.
  3. By increasing the regional PHC, which is carried out annually from January 1 (in this case, other things being equal, the amount of social supplement for non-working pensioners, whose pension is less than the subsistence minimum established in the region, increases).

Thus, from January 1, 2019, pensions were increased only due to, and not because of, an increase in the minimum wage. As a result, pensioners received This amount of additional payment is determined relative to the average size of the insurance pension in the Russian Federation (14,414 rubles at the end of 2018). Accordingly, those who receive the minimum pension will not experience a significant increase in payments from 01/01/2019.

The exceptions are compensation for travel in public transport, use of the telephone, payment of utilities. The latter is paid only to disadvantaged families. To receive the minimum pension, you need to go to the Pension Fund after the grounds have come. For regional payments, you need to contact the local public protection authorities. The size of the minimum pension in Dagestan in 2018 from January 1 The cost of living in Makhachkala is 8,374 rubles. In Dagestan, it is equal to 7,500 rubles. No pension can be less than these two values. Until 2019, no increase in payments is planned. Old Age Pension is the main income of most older people. In Dagestan, women over 55 and men over 60 receive it. The minimum experience in the region is 9 years, it is also required to score 13.7 points in 2018.

What will be the old-age pension in 2018: the minimum amount

The minimum pension in Dagestan in 2018 The regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner in Dagestan in 2018 is 8680 rubles.


The federal living wage for a pensioner in 2018 is 8,726 rubles. The living wage for a pensioner as a whole in the Russian Federation is set to determine the amount of the federal social supplement to a pension.

The regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner is established in each subject of the Russian Federation in order to determine the social supplement to a pension.

If the pension is below the subsistence minimum for a pensioner established in your region, which, in turn, is lower than the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the whole of the Russian Federation, then a federal social supplement is established.

If the pension is below the regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner, which exceeds the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the whole of the Russian Federation, then a regional social supplement is established.

Minimum pension in Russia from January 1, 2018 by region: table

The increased complexity and danger of the work of a miner is noted when assigning a pension.

The profession also implies a fairly early retirement, and, in a number of regions, an increased amount of pension payments received.

Recent changes The regulation of pension and other social and labor relations is largely carried out by the updated Federal Law No. 400. What transformations are observed in connection with the updating of the regulatory framework:

  • in accordance with it, the number of years of experience in work related to underground resource extraction has been reduced;
  • allowances for former workers employed in certain types of underground work began to be provided.


    They were introduced to compensate persons at facilities that are most harmful to health.

    Terms of appointment Early appointment of a pension for miners is provided for by Art.

    30 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions".

    The amount of the minimum old-age pension in 2018

    The question of the minimum pension in 2018 remains open today.
    It is worth mentioning here that the order in which the calculations are performed depends on the following parameters:

    • age limits - here we are talking about the expected retirement for men and women upon reaching a certain retirement age, namely: for the male half of the population - from 60 years old, and for the female - from 55 years old;
    • work experience - more than 9 years (in 2018), but given that by 2024, the figure will be increased to 15 years;
    • the minimum payment amount is 8,703 rubles in 2018, except for Moscow pensioners, who will be able to receive an allowance in the amount of 17,500 rubles.

    Taking into account these indicators, the total amount of the pension is formed, which is subsequently paid to a specific citizen.

    The minimum pension in Russia in 2018: the amount and conditions for processing payments

    Social security is of three types:

    • for disability (disabled citizens of groups 1, 2, 3 and disabled children without the requirement to establish a group);
    • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner (children under 18 years of age or 23 years of age if they are in training but not working, provided that they have lost a parent or a single parent);
    • by old age (60-year-old women and 65-year-old men, if they do not have the appropriate insurance experience; 55-year-old men and 50-year-old women belonging to the small peoples of the North).

    According to official information, the minimum social pension in Russia will be indexed next year.

    State In addition to insurance and social payments, some citizens of Russia are entitled to state pensions.

    Pension provision for residents of Makhachkala and the Republic of Dagestan in 2018

    Also, the employer can apply for the assignment of the pension of the insured person.
    Appeal is possible in electronic form by issuing a document on the Internet.
    When changing the place of residence, the payment is made according to the payment case.
    The supplement to the pension is assigned at the Pension Fund office.
    The implementation of the subjective right to it is carried out by submitting an application from the applicant citizen.
    What documents are needed The list of documents that are required for the appointment of old-age pension payments, the rules for applying for it are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Who will receive a pension increase in April 2018

    In fact, this is a social payment, and it does not depend on the size of the old-age insurance pension, to which it is subsequently established. The following persons are entitled to this supplement:

    • who have worked for 25 (or 20, depending on the profession) years;
    • employed in the extraction of coal or shale, as well as in the construction of mines.

    Thus, a specific circle of people has been identified who, due to greater harm to health, need additional financial support. The accrual rules provide that the length of service giving the right to early retirement on the basis of clause 1 of Art.
    30 400-FZ.

    Living wage for a pensioner in Dagestan

    In addition, it is planned to index the pension allowance of the military while maintaining the reduction coefficient at the level of 72.23%.

    Indexation of insurance pensions Traditionally, annual indexation has been carried out since February, since on this date the inflation value is known, which is taken into account to calculate the indicator, which is a benchmark for increasing payments.

    The government decided to postpone this moment to an earlier date - the beginning of the year.

    This was done in order to ensure a real increase in the amounts paid by the beginning of 2019.

    Initially, it was taken into account that the inflation rate would be 4%, however, according to preliminary data, today the value does not exceed 3%.

    Taking this into account, it was determined to increase the amount by 3.7% (taking into account the advance in price growth). The average size, according to official data, will increase from 13657 rubles.
    In Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Stavropol Territory, these payments are in the range of 7.6-8 thousand rubles. Minimum pension in 2018 by regions of Russia: table No. pp Region of rubles Central Federal District 1 Belgorod region 8,836 2 Bryansk region 7,327 3 Vladimir region 9,233 4 Voronezh region 9,567 5 Ivanovo region 8,194 6 Kaluga region 9,338 7 Kostroma region 9,629 8 Kursk Region 7,044 9 Lipetsk Region 9,479 10 Moscow Region 9,864 11 Orel Region 8,597 12 Ryazan Region 7,998 13 Smolensk Region 9,516 14 Tambov Region 8,231 15 Tver Region 8,726 16 Tula Region 9 35 4 17 Yaroslavl region 8,930 18 Moscow 17,500 Northwestern Federal District 19 Republic of Karelia 9,703 20 Republic of Komi 10,556 21 Arkhangelsk Region 12,315 22 Nenets Aut.

    The minimum pension in Dagestan 2018 from January 1

    In order to apply for a pension on time, a person submits the following documents:

    • establishing periods of work and periods counted on a par with the length of service (the calculation procedure is established by Government Decree No. 1015);
    • confirming the accumulated IPC of the employee.

    In addition, miners have the right to early retirement, and this legal fact is also subject to documentary evidence.

    The entire package of documents can be requested only if they are not available in public authorities or local governments, except for those included in the list in Law No. 210-FZ of 2010. Other papers are requested from the authorities in electronic form or printed. However, the applicant may also independently submit documentation on his own initiative.

    The minimum pension in Dagestan in 2018 from January 1

    In the light of the negative trends in the Russian economy that have been dragging on for several years, citizens are in no hurry to increase their consumer baskets - it is obvious that the crisis has hit the wallets of Russians with tangible force.

    It is known that the state budget in 2018 will again have gaps - and, in this regard, a number of analysts expressed their disappointing forecasts regarding the increase in the standards of social payments.

    This topic worries Russian pensioners the most. What will be the pension in 2018 and are there any prerequisites for increasing the minimum benefit? Let's consider the main theses.

    How, with this in mind, in the current 2018 compared to the previous 2017, will the social pension for Russians receiving age-related benefits under Art.

    After April 1, 2018, p. Growth Northern peoples 55/50 years old 5034.25 5180.24 2.9% Citizens 60/65 years old 5034.25 5180.24 2.9% Increase in pensions for disabled people in April 2018 An increase is also expected for Russians with a disabled group.

    Changes in payments for these groups are accumulated in the table, taking into account the legally approved (Article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ) basic and planned figures: After April 1, 2018, p.