Pieces of mood for every day. A jar of wishes with your own hands "100 reasons why I love you" for your loved ones Wishes for 365 days

January 1 - as a new starting point. During the chiming clock, we seem to reset to zero: we have new dreams and goals, we are inspired by our plans for the coming year. There are so many interesting things ahead and at least 365 reasons for little joys. Print out this list, hang it on your fridge, and cross off what you have done. And it's okay if some of it does not suit you - replace these items with something of your own and enjoy life every day.

1. Write “I love you” on the bathroom mirror with toothpaste (may it please your loved one, parents or you).

2. Cook mulled wine (non-alcoholic).

3. Arrange a surprise for a loved one (for example, take him to a cafe instead of breakfast when his friends are waiting there).

4. Draw a watercolor sketch (you can draw a drawing around a teaspoon on the table or a ballpoint pen).

5. Take a walk in the forest (at least an hour).

6. Collect a herbarium (especially if you have not done this since childhood).

7. Buy a beautiful book (just because you liked it).

8. Buy a bouquet of flowers or cucumbers from a cute grandmother on the street.

9. Take a picture of a beautiful sunrise.

10. Take a picture of a beautiful sunset.

11. Take a picture of a rainbow.

12. Spend time by the water (even by the fountain).

13. Go skating or skiing.

14. Take a ride on the Ferris wheel.

15. Swim (I wish in the sea).

16. Write and send a paper letter to an old friend.

17. Send a postcard from your trip (even if it's from your grandmother's village).

18. Throw away 10 unnecessary things.

19. Rearrange 27 items in the house (they say it's a life-changing thing).

20. Help an animal shelter.

21. Recycle old clothes, waste paper or used batteries (do something nice for nature).

22. Decide on a dream and take a small first step (for example, if you want to buy an apartment, get a keychain).

23. Donate blood and become a donor (if this is not possible, try to help in another way).

24. Carve a pumpkin for Halloween (no matter how you feel about this holiday - just have fun with your friends).

25. Praise the work of another person (for example, the person who packs your purchases at the checkout).

26. Give up your seat in transport, in line, in traffic.

27. Buy cookies for colleagues.

28. Eat the most delicious dessert.

29. Make a snowman.

30. Make a friend for the snowman (or a friend, because no one should be lonely).

32. Play beach volleyball or soccer.

33. Cook favorite dish home and treat friends.

34. Walk with someone else's dog (can be from a shelter).

35. Take part in a family activity.

36. Take a recent family photo (with parents and grandparents if possible).

37. Collect a photo album with photos from the last vacation.

38. Compile a tracklist that makes you feel good (and use it when you're down).

39. Pet the cat and listen to his purr.

40. Watch the match of the Russian national team at the World Football Championship (which will be held in Russia), or the Ice Hockey World Championship (whichever is closer to you). Cheer on the team with friends and complete strangers.

41. Try a new fruit.

42. Try gum flavored ice cream (if you can't find another, choose any other flavor that is unusual for you).

43. Wear a bright accessory (yellow tie, red brooch).

44. Compliment a stranger.

45. Meet up with former classmates or with those with whom you communicated at school.

46. ​​Plant a flower in your yard.

47. Take a bath, like in a movie - with a lot of foam and candles.

48. Get a massage (foot massage also counts).

49. Repair some thing in the house that everyone does not reach their hands.

50. Eat candy on any bridge.

51. Pet your dog and treat him to treats.

52. Wake up without an alarm clock (sleep as much as you like).

53. Feed the hungry.

54. Go to a concert of your favorite band.

55. Write a letter of gratitude to the one who, in your opinion, deserves it the most.

56. Get up at 6 am and go for a run.

57. Dance.

58. Sing your favorite song in karaoke or in the shower.

59. Lay in bed all day with a book and cocoa.

60. Watch a children's cartoon.

61. Swim in the sea, river or pool.

62. Play with children.

63. Donate to charity.

64. Give a gift to a friend for no reason.

65. Hug mom.

66. Go on a picnic.

67. Sign up for a photo shoot, take a bunch of pictures and admire yourself.

68. Eat the national dish of any country (except your own).

69. Write a handwritten note to a loved one.

70. Buy something new for your wardrobe.

71. Go to visit.

72. Write a picture (or color a coloring book).

73. Bake a cupcake (you can use a microwave in a mug).

74. Feed the squirrel.

75. Brew tea with sea buckthorn and ginger.

76. Ride through the city at night.

77. Spank through the puddles.

78. Move down the hill.

79. Smile at a random passerby.

80. Fall into a snowdrift and make an angel.

81. Go through the maze or solve some puzzle.

82. Fortune telling on coffee grounds.

83. Ride a carousel or jump on a trampoline.

84. Swing on a swing.

85. Feed pigeons or bullfinches.

88. Listen to jazz.

89. Laugh at something stupid.

90. Hide the stash so you can find it someday.

91. Hug a tree.

92. Sit by the fire - a fire, fireplace or candlelight.

93. Look at the stars and make a wish.

94. All day long saying “yes!” to all suggestions that won't hurt anyone.

95. Go to an exhibition or museum.

96. Visit any country you haven't been to yet, or interesting place in your region.

97. Go to nature with tents (with friends or better with family).

98. Order food at home.

99. Wake up in the morning and realize that you are absolutely happy.

100. Leave work early.

101. Change ringtone on your phone.

102. Buy your favorite perfume (or use the tester in the store to enjoy a pleasant scent all day).

103. Ride all the slides in the ice town.

104. Lie in bed all day watching TV shows.

105. Get rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking, arguing over trifles).

106. Kiss someone.

107. Help someone carry heavy bags.

108. Give a child balloon(maybe someone else).

109. Finish a big job.

110. Help a colleague or friend with their list of joys.

111. Make peace with someone.

112. Get an order by mail.

113. Bet someone for a chocolate bar.

114. Win an argument.

116. Watch a movie that makes you think (Uwe's Second Life - I recommend).

117. Bury the treasure and make a map.

118. Invite a friend to dig up a treasure in six months. We can do it together.

119. Gathering with friends in a restaurant for no reason.

120. Find an edible mushroom in the forest.

121. Pick a cucumber from the garden and eat it.

122. Take part in some competition.

123. Talk to a foreigner.

124. Walk barefoot on the grass.

125. Lie on your back, looking at the clouds and thinking about what they look like (you can in the company).

126. Make a list of your strengths and positive qualities (they definitely are!).

127. Grab something at a big discount.

128. Devote all day to parents.

129. Wash the car (maybe not your own).

130. Sunbathe (if it is not contraindicated for you).

131. Bake charlotte.

132. Help the orphanage.

133. Make a t-shirt with a funny print (or paint it yourself with markers).

134. Go on a short trip by car.

135. Learn 20 new words in a foreign language.

136. Find something unusual at a flea market.

137. Make a cup or figurine out of clay.

138. Spend an evening together with best friend or a girlfriend and talk heart to heart.

139. Go to the movies and eat popcorn.

140. Have a candlelight dinner.

141. Learn something new that you didn't even know before.

143. Go to bed before nine in the evening and sleep until morning.

144. Meet the dawn with a loved one.

145. Climb up the mountain.

146. Visit a friend in another city.

147. Do something that you have not dared to do for a long time.

148. Decorate a Christmas tree.

149. Drink freshly squeezed juice.

150. Take a walk for 20 minutes when you don't feel like it at all.

151. Solve the crossword puzzle.

152. Write a story that begins like this: "The odd thing started when Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs ...".

153. View your childhood photos.

154. Launch paper airplanes with wishes.

155. Blow out the candles on the cake.

156. Buy fluffy knitted socks and walk around the house in them when it's cold.

157. Allow yourself to be lazy all weekend.

158. Tell dad about the most vivid childhood memory that is associated with him.

159. Launch a paper boat.

160. Holding someone you care about for a long time.

161. Hang a garland at home, even if not New Year.

162. Play games Board games.

163. Tidy up the room and enjoy new atmosphere in the house.

164. Get to know someone.

165. Go for a walk and take 10 shots describing your city.

166. Have lunch or dinner in the "letnik".

167. Inspire someone to do a good deed or step towards their dream.

168. Make and eat hot sandwiches.

169. Run a marathon (you can choose a distance of 3 km).

170. Organize an unusual party (you can at home).

171. Find something new for yourself.

172. Bake pancakes.

173. Go to the theater.

174. Ride a horse (or feed it carrots).

175. Fly a kite or sky lantern.

176. Learn a few constellations and show them to another person.

177. Tell someone they will succeed and justify why.

178. Hear a compliment.

179. Eat shawarma (only one!).

180. Work out in the gym and feel the result of your efforts.

181. Refuse a meaningless event and spend time the way you want.

182. Celebrate with friends a holiday that is usually not celebrated in your company. For example, January 3 is the birthday of the cocktail straw.

183. Write your main dream on paper and the steps that will lead to it. Hang in a conspicuous place.

184. Watching a lunar or solar eclipse (whatever happens).

185. Make your family tree.

186. Eat potatoes cooked over a fire.

187. Make love.

188. Get an autograph from a star (or a person who motivates you).

189. Ride a bike.

190. Make something with your own hands and sell it (even to a friend for 10 rubles)

191. Tell a colleague that he's done well.

192. Buy 10 balloons and walk down the street with them (you can give them to someone).

193. Participate in a tasting (of wine, cheese, yogurt…).

194. Change your image.

195. Exchange souvenirs with someone.

196. Shoot your own video.

197. Take part in a flash mob (for example, Hug Day).

198. Buy something for yourself, which has always been a pity for money. And don't regret.

199. Earn 1000 rubles on your talent (you can not one-time).

200. Fry marshmallows (can be at home in the kitchen).

201. Swim with goggles.

202. Walk in the rain.

203. Become a volunteer.

204. Fly in a hot air balloon.

205. Do yoga or meditate (at least once in your life).

206. Go abroad (or at least get a passport if you don't have one).

207. Get a tattoo (if it's a deliberate decision).

208. Learn a new skill (maybe calligraphy?).

210. Choose and give a book to a person that you think will inspire him.

211. Take unnecessary things to the point of social assistance.

212. Decide to change jobs if it does not bring joy.

213. View the city from a high-rise building.

214. Sign up for courses or attend some kind of training ().

215. Play paintball or laser tag.

216. Shout loudly in a sparsely populated place (this helps a lot when incredibly sad).

217. Make mehendi.

218. Buy something at a charity fair.

219. Conduct an experiment (if you have no ideas, google it or try blowing soap bubbles in the cold).

220. Walk 10 km in a day (rejoice at how useful this is).

221. Pay off debt.

222. Write at least 20 times "I can do anything."

223. Take a new unknown route in the city.

224. Leave a book with your wish in the park.

225. Fooling around with water pistols.

226. Go rafting (take water pistols there).

227. Tell a close friend a secret.

228. Dress up just like that.

229. Give a fruit or vegetable bouquet.

230. Visit open air.

231. Grow greens on the windowsill.

232. Buy new bedding.

233. Visit the teacher.

234. Purposefully go to a subbotnik.

235. Treat someone to coffee.

236. Draw with chalk.

238. Swim on a steamboat.

239. Take a walk around Paris or Lisbon using Google or Yandex panoramas.

240. Write a letter to Santa Claus and send it to Veliky Ustyug.

241. To teach something to another person.

242. Spend a weekend in the country or in the country.

243. Eat a watermelon.

244. Plan a trip (even if you don’t have the opportunity to implement it now, it will definitely happen).

246. Plant a tree.

247. Plunge into the hole.

248. Take a picture in a field with sunflowers.

249. Sleep in the hayloft.

250. Play a musical instrument (especially if you don't know how).

251. Play crocodile with friends.

252. Go to the bath.

253. Dance in pajamas while no one is watching.

254. Start an awesome diary.

255. Fly somewhere by plane.

256. Play a prank on a friend.

257. Be alone with yourself (you can in a quiet and cozy coffee shop).

258. Run into the water with a run.

259. Blow soap bubbles.

260. Collect a bouquet of cornflowers, daisies and bluebells.

261. Drink a milkshake.

262. Invite everyone with whom you celebrate the New Year to put gifts under the Christmas tree, and on January 1, open them together.

263. Remove garbage in the forest or in the yard.

264. To visit some castle.

265. Draw a family portrait.

266. Write down everything that went wrong today, and then destroy this piece of paper and let go of the situation.

267. Make a bird feeder.

268. Congratulate mom on mother's day (last Sunday in November).

269. Congratulate dad on Father's Day (third Sunday in June).

270. Eat all the chocolate on the sly.

271. Climb on a fresh haystack, take pictures.

272. Put up a Christmas tree.

273. Burn a few sparklers.

274. Make a collage with pictures symbolizing dreams and visualize.

275. Go to the farmers market and buy something delicious.

276. Go to the Christmas market.

277. Arrange a food tour of the cafes of the city (for example, try jasmine tea in three different places on the same day). Make up your expert rating.

278. Play snowball fights with friends.

279. Update music in your playlists.

280. Bake pancakes and eat them with your favorite toppings.

282. Fly in a wind tunnel.

283. Have a shopping day.

284. Climb to the highest point in the city.

286. Go to a dance class (how about zumba?).

287. Find an amazing item in a second-hand store.

288. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes of the past and move forward.

290. Sleep in a tent.

291. Eat sweet cherries.

292. Hang pictures around the house.

293. Go for a manicure (good for boys too).

294. Sleep 15 minutes in the middle of the working day.

295. Get up early to cook and eat a delicious breakfast.

296. Prepare breakfast for a loved one.

297. Eat strawberry jam.

298. Make a list of places you want to visit.

299. Make a video greeting to a friend who lives far away.

300. See a waterfall.

301. Write something nice under someone's window.

302. Arrange a bachelorette or bachelor party.

303. Eat cotton candy.

304. Watch fireworks.

305. Give flowers to a veteran.

306. Slow dance with someone.

307. Make a fruit salad.

308. Drink on brotherhood.

309. Take an extreme driving lesson.

310. Adopt a dog or cat from a shelter (only if it's a deliberate decision).

311. Learn a beautiful verse.

312. Eat okroshka.

313. Go to an 80s disco or arrange one yourself.

314. Draw graffiti (only without vandalism!).

315. Go to your school or university after graduation.

316. Take a vacation.

317. Watch Harry Potter in the original (or are you in the Lord of the Rings squad?)

318. Ride a Segway.

319. Play bowling.

320. Shoot at the shooting range.

321. Feed a rabbit a carrot.

322. Spend time with your child.

323. Try a new hobby.

324. Watch New Year's films with the whole family: "Home Alone", "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", "Christmas Trees".

325. Ride a hoverboard.

326. Go karting.

327. Visit a natural attraction.

328. Take an internship at MIF.

329. Buy a lottery ticket and try your luck (don't be upset if luck is not in the ticket).

330. View old videos from a personal archive.

331. Lie in the sun.

332. Arrange a new graduation with classmates (or hold a graduation rehearsal, starting with the presentation of diplomas).

333. Spend time with colleagues outside of work.

334. Cheer for someone in a dog sledding competition.

335. To be among blossoming apple trees.

336. Swing on a swing.

349. Go to the solarium in the middle of winter or rainy summer.

350. Lie in a hammock.

351. Find a lilac flower with five petals (or at least enjoy the smell of flowers).

352. Find a four-leaf clover (this is possible, we checked).

353. Watch the performance of cynologists with dogs.

354. Play darts.

355. Challenge yourself and accept it.

356. Make your own time capsule and leave a message (for yourself in 1 or 5 years, for your children or grandchildren).

357. Reproduce an old photo with the same people in the same place.

359. Eat strawberries.

360. Get together with friends and imagine who you would be if you were a movie, dessert, plant, sea, etc.

361. Summarize the outgoing year, highlighting only the good.

362. Make a plan for the next year.

363. Do what everyone thought you couldn't do.

364. Do what you thought you couldn't do.

365. Make a list of 365 joys for 2019.

Christ is Risen! This is how we greet each other before Ascension instead of hello)) The Lord is still with us on earth and we still celebrate Easter. Happy Holidays to you girls and all your family!
I have not appeared since Christmas, there is not enough time, but I have a conscience, I remember about my debts. Therefore, I will start publishing posts, I don’t want to shove everything into one post. I will try to make gaps between posts small, strive, if not every day, then at least in a couple of days.

I'm in order) In early December, I also won a wonderful openwork napkin from Sasha from the Handmade Box. She is truly wonderful!

It is probably not fashionable in our time to use napkins for their intended purpose - to decorate the house. Many now keep this beauty for photo shoots or sew on pillows. And I'm not fashionable)) I like it when this beauty lies on my chest of drawers. I also have my mother's napkins and now this one from Sasha. And she deservedly lay for a long time in front of my icons, then changed to another ...

Gallery of alterations. Let's gather ideas together.

Each needlewoman has things in stock for alteration. They lie and wait for their turn, when the inspiration of the hostess reaches them.
Here I have the remains of various fabrics. And in the kitchen there was a curtain from the previous owners of the apartment. And in no way could I find the curtain that I would like to hang instead of the old one.

And here is spring! I want the sun, lightness, fresh warm wind and delicate colors!

And since I’m sitting at the hospital with my daughter, a lot of household chores are being redone, everything is being washed, polished, and my hands have finally reached the kitchen curtain. Only there is only one problem - you won’t go shopping from home with a child with a broken arm, you won’t go looking for a curtain.)))

Where ours didn’t disappear)) I took it out and took out various leftovers, cut it, chopped it up and voila!
My spring curtain!

It was sewn from a piece cut off from the length of another curtain (with a pattern), a piece left from my mother's tablecloth that I sewed for her (green), a piece cut from another curtain to shorten it (white without a pattern), a piece left from Eva's clothes ...

The best gift is pleasant emotions and attention. On the Internet, you can find a lot of ideas for hand made gifts for your loved ones. A jar with wishes will be a wonderful present. It is quite easy to make it with your own hands. This is a beautiful container with notes of any content. For example, they may indicate the reasons for love for a particular person, wishes, compliments, memories, or even common dreams.

Such a gift will appeal not only to the second half, but also to mother, sister, brother. It is also a wonderful surprise for the teacher. It will be important for the class teacher to know that from a pure soul a jar with wishes was made with her own hands. Write the text as a whole class. The teacher will be delighted with such attention.

Materials for manufacturing

For work you will need:

  • Beautiful glass or plastic transparent jar.
  • colored with an unusual texture.
  • Decor: rhinestones, ribbons, twine, feathers and everything that is enough for imagination.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot glue gun.

You can look for a container for a gift at home. For example, for this purpose, you can use a transparent plastic box for granulated tea or lollipops. If there is no such thing in the house, go to a hardware store or a china shop. Pretty paper and other decor can be purchased at a craft store. Now turn on your imagination. The container can be painted acrylic paints or special contours for glass. Stick on rhinestones, feathers. As an option: wrap part of the jar and the lid with twine.

Next, cut paper strips. Their length and width will depend on what size text you want to write. There can be wishes, words of love, compliments, dreams, memories - whatever your heart desires. Roll up the paper strips. Glue a ribbon or thick thread to each scroll. The multi-colored laces look beautiful.

Wish text

Not enough imagination to come up with wishes? Perhaps these tips will help you. We offer you the most popular options:

  1. Happiness no matter what!
  2. Good health!
  3. Favorable wind!
  4. Luck.
  5. Tenderness and kindness.
  6. May all dreams and hopes come true!
  7. May your glass always be half full!
  8. Optimism!
  9. Understanding from others!
  10. Happy news.
  11. Smiles from ear to ear.
  12. Sunny mood.
  13. Discoveries!
  14. Faith in yourself!
  15. Reliable friends.
  16. Eternal youth in the soul.
  17. To turn a hobby into a job.
  18. Believe in the best, and it will surely come true.
  19. Let the house be a full bowl.
  20. Great news always!
  21. May every day bring an occasion for laughter.
  22. May there always be stability in life.
  23. Inspiration!
  24. Lots of time for creativity.
  25. Love life in all its manifestations!
  26. May love never leave your home!
  27. Will to win!
  28. Fairy tale feeling.
  29. Rainbows after the rain!
  30. Let good luck smile in the whole mouth!
  31. Many summers!
  32. Books you can't put down!
  33. Let lilacs always bloom outside the window!
  34. Birdsong!
  35. May you always have interesting dreams!
  36. Travel!
  37. Sweet sunshine!
  38. As much money as you want!
  39. Peaceful sky above.
  40. Don't lose your taste for life!
  41. Wisdom!
  42. Let the dream come true.
  43. Strength to accomplish everything.
  44. Let gardens bloom and birds sing around.
  45. Let the sea surf sing songs to you every summer.
  46. Interesting people around.
  47. Desire to study, study and study again!
  48. Learn to get up at dawn! You will gain a lot!
  49. Clear smile!
  50. Warm attitude to your person!
  51. Creativity!
  52. Drive!
  53. Never stop there!
  54. Pray!
  55. Plant flowers!
  56. Enjoy delicious food!
  57. Drink green tea!
  58. Give up bad habits!
  59. Play with animals. They absorb stress!
  60. Learn to ride a horse!
  61. Listen to the rain!
  62. Play musical instruments!
  63. Listen to the classics.
  64. Just believe!
  65. Be honest with yourself!
  66. Tell your loved ones that you love!
  67. Share with those in need!
  68. Make new friends!
  69. Swim!
  70. Sunbathe!
  71. Ride your bike!
  72. Plant a tree!
  73. Launch a kite.
  74. Climb to the top of the mountain.
  75. Learn foreign languages.
  76. Read every day, no matter how busy you are.
  77. Read books to children!
  78. Dream as much as you can!
  79. Play board games with your friends.
  80. Make your home more comfortable!
  81. Catch the fish!
  82. Skate.
  83. Be in nature often.
  84. Grill a barbecue.
  85. Learn to cook.
  86. Learn to understand wine.
  87. Go to the theatre.
  88. Play with children.
  89. Do yoga.
  90. Jump rope.
  91. Eat chocolate.
  92. Go for a walk in the forest.
  93. Collect mushrooms and strawberries!
  94. Drink hedgehog milk.
  95. Do something crazy!
  96. Love yourself!
  97. Follow your dream.
  98. Look at the stars!
  99. Walk in the rain!
  100. Smile at the world and it will love you back!

Put all the notes in a container. Tie to the lid beautiful ribbon and put a postcard on it. Everyone dreams of such a surprise in their hearts, because a jar with wishes was made with their own hands. 100 wishes that the hero of the occasion will find inside will touch the strings of his soul.

Freehand or template

Notes can be written by hand. There is another option: download beautiful backgrounds from the Internet and print all the pleasant things that you want to convey to your loved one or friend. You can make up your own words. Or you can use ready-made templates and just print them, and then cut them. This, of course, is worse than inventing it yourself. But if there is no imagination at all, then it is better than nothing.

Gift for newlyweds

Newlyweds can arrange two such containers. They will be pleasantly surprised that the gift was not bought in a store, but jars with wishes were made with their own hands. Photos of decor for the bride and groom can be peeped on the Internet. For example, draw two pigeons, horses, swans on the container. All of them are a symbol of marital fidelity. Inside put notes with wishes from you and your family. The second option: guests throw notes with wishes into a festively decorated container during the celebration itself.

And, of course, such a gift can be presented by the bride to the groom. Subsequently, it will become a family treasure, as a jar with wishes is made with your own hands. 100 Reasons Why I Love You is a heartfelt gift that a newly-made husband will reread in moments of joy or small quarrels.

Memories of the sea

On nautical style let's stop in more detail. After all, it can be used as a decoration. In addition, in such a jar it will be possible to attach a lot of shells and other gifts of Neptune that you brought from your vacation.

For decoration you will need:

  • Jar.
  • White paint (water-based paint is suitable).
  • Acrylic putty.
  • Alcohol.
  • Two types of glue: PVA and "Crystal".
  • Napkin with a pattern in a marine style.
  • Varnish for decorative works: transparent.
  • Printer paper (preferably colored).
  • Brush (synthetic).
  • Marine decor.
  • Scissors.

Manipulations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the bank needs to be degreased. For this, alcohol or acetone is suitable. You can also use an alcohol pad.
  2. We take a napkin. Separate the upper ball with a pattern. We smear part of the container with PVA glue. We put the top layer of the napkin with the pattern inside.
  3. Let's move on to creating the effect of the seabed. To do this, we select small pebbles, shells, sand. To create a shimmery effect, you can mix it with white sparkles. Everything that is on our seabed, needs fixing. To do this, fill all the objects with transparent varnish.
  4. In the place where the napkin is located, you need to prime the jar with white paint. Half of the container will remain transparent, the second part - white. Wait until it dries.
  5. When the paint has dried, apply a thick layer of putty on it. Until it dries, put decor on it: pebbles, shells, rhinestones.
  6. Rough large decor should be combined with the transparent part of the jar. To create a smooth transition, we use sand, small and broken shells.

A boy who dreams of sea adventures will like such a gift - a jar with wishes. With her own hands, her mother, sister, girlfriend can do it. Have each member of your family write and throw notes at her with memories of the past vacation. This container can be used as a piggy bank. It will be easier to part with money looking at seascapes, because this is a kind of visualization of a dream.

For a beloved friend

Have you been in touch for many years and know everything about each other? Do you want to surprise your beloved girlfriend with an unusual present? Now handmade is in fashion. Such a present is priceless, as a jar with wishes is made with your own hands. Your friend will love this gift. If you have been friends since childhood, you can describe joint pranks in small scrolls. Perhaps she no longer remembers them. Therefore, the present will cause her tears of tenderness.

A jar with wishes: we make a surprise for mom with our own hands!

There are no people in the world more dear and dearer than parents. On the eve of a birthday or March 8, you can prepare a unique present for your mother. In no one, even the best boutique in the world, you will find such an amazing gift, because a jar with wishes is made with your own hands. "100 Reasons Why I Love Mom" ​​with dad's help a kid can write. But the mother of adult children will also be moved if she receives such a present. An adult daughter can present her childhood memories associated with him in a decorative jar to her father. Such a gift is priceless. And they will keep it like a treasure.

Idea for Valentine's Day

A month before the holiday, put notes with compliments, your dreams, spicy questions into two beautiful jars. On Valentine's Day, spend a chic romantic evening while reading pleasant words. The sea of ​​laughter and positive is provided to you. Fold the notes back and put the jars in a prominent place. They will be the decor in the room. When you get sad or you quarrel with your soul mate, remember these cute notes. They will certainly cheer you up and help build relationships.

Graduates from teachers

Your teaching staff does not know how to congratulate your beloved students on graduation? A teacher in labor education or fine arts can easily arrange such a jar with wishes for children. Schoolchildren will be delighted with such a gift. You can keep it at home. And at the meetings of graduates, you can open the brought container, reading notes and remembering childhood.

Letter to the future

And would you be interested in receiving a letter from yourself after 10-20, or maybe thirty years? Classroom teacher at graduation, he can recommend that students write such a message. Invite yesterday's schoolchildren to give advice to themselves 25-30 years old. The honorable mission to store the container is taken on by the “cool mom”. The lid of the jar can be symbolically filled with wax and placed. It will be possible to uncork the container after 20 years at the meeting of graduates. Former classmates will have a choice: read their messages aloud or keep them as something very personal. Naturally, for letters you will have to pick up a large capacity. The best decor would be a pre-ordered sticker with a group photo of the class.

Luck, joy without end
Today and always!
May everything you take on
Turn dreams into reality.
A bright smile shines...
From the warmth of the heart will thaw!
And most importantly, that every moment
In itself concealed a rush of love!

Let the coming day bring with it
Success, luck, joy and love!
Let it be deep and filled with meaning
And positive thoughts only visit.

Everything that was planned for today
So that by the evening it happened.
When the leaf is torn off the calendar,
To make it clear - the day is not spent in vain!

Have a great day and good news
Pleasant smiles from good friends,
I wish you now with warmth
And may all good be with you.

Let all things work out today
And let the sun shine on you today.
Let all the old losses be found,
And may order reign on your planet.

Don't have to stress too much
Solving all problems and tasks,
Let in the difficult rhythm of the day, as if in a dance,
You, smiling, are spinning with luck!

May this day be happy
Give peace, love, warmth,
And let Fortune not get tired
Do it again so that you are lucky

And everything turned out great
In any case, success would be expected,
And happiness was revealed as a rose,
The one that is freshest and brightest of all!

May happiness remain your companion forever,
May your loved one always be by your side.

A new day is coming again
Somewhere the nightingales sing again
And don't stand still
Breathe deeply and live
Don't waste your beautiful days
Start living, do not curse fate,
Well, my dears,
I wish you a good day.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky.
Smile when your heart is in trouble.
Smile and you'll feel better...
Smile, because you are someone's happiness ...

Life is beautiful, that's for sure
I tell you friends!
Stand firmly on your feet
Even if it's not cute!
Don't hold a grudge
For friends and enemies!
There will be more positive
And without any big words!

Let everything in your life be commensurate!
Let your happiness not pass by!
Let your house bypass all adversity!
And joy does not depend on the weather!

Best positive wishes for every day

Good luck today, I wish you a lot
And let the day go as you dream!
I wish you luck in everything
And let any trouble be nothing!

Let the day start with kindness!
Not from the fuss, not from the pendulum,
Let there be more warmth!
Let the day start with beauty!
Let the day be filled with business!
Will arrive new friends!
And it's important to be yourself!
Because tomorrow will be another day!

Let the day be successful
Bright thoughts will awaken!
Let luck smile
A golden fish will clog
And do what is needed.
Boredom, sadness let them go together,
Don't spoil the mood
On this day, not for a moment!
Good day and sun -
In the heart, in the sky and in the window!

Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page new book. Write it well.Brad Paisley

It is customary to prepare thoroughly for the New Year. Everyone goes shopping, chooses gifts for relatives and friends, buys a Christmas tree and new Year decoration. But, you know, I have never heard of a tradition that people give a gift to themselves on New Year's Eve. But to prepare yourself for the New Year without a gift is quite difficult. It turns out that you care about everyone except yourself. I believe that the New Year should be celebrated with dignity.

Give yourself the most useful and the right gift- good mood for the whole next year.

A little background

I used to give my closest friends a gift that I called "365 days of your new life." It was a bit of a selfish gift on my part, because I wanted the person I give it to remember me every day until their next birthday. And it worked! What was the purpose of the gift?

I wrote 365 wishes, actions or tips. I put all these wishes in a jar and gave it to the birthday man. He also had to pull out one leaflet with a wish every day and be sure to fulfill what was written there. Or just rejoice and smile if I wished a good day on a piece of paper.

Many people really liked this gift, and every day they looked forward to getting a leaf out of a jar and doing something new! For a whole year I enriched and embellished the lives of my acquaintances. I note that my friends especially loved it when there were some actions on the leaves: go to the cinema, buy flowers for themselves, get fish, etc. So, my advice and wishes every day stimulated friends to either enjoy every day, or to occupy themselves with something interesting and useful.

After I gave this gift to almost all my friends, I became sad that I would no longer be able to please anyone with it. And then a brilliant idea came to my mind: “But you can please yourself! And in addition to tell other people about it, and they, in turn, will pass the idea on to their relatives!”

Without delay, I began preparations. I wrote down everything that I would like to try in the new year, as well as quotes and words that inspired and motivated me. Perhaps even questions that would make me stop and think in the course of a year whether I am moving in the right direction. After that, I created a table, entered all 365 wishes there and printed them out. It looked like this:

Anyone who thinks that 365 wishes, tips or actions is a lot, I want to dissuade him. I made, probably, 10-15 such gifts, and each time I advised something new. The flow of ideas is just endless. But for those who find it quite difficult to come up with something or you just don’t have time for it, so that you can download it and get my advice from there. I do not mind!

After I printed everything, I found a small jar (it can be a vase, a box or a box), in which I put all my wishes. And from January 1, she began to pull out one at a time and perform.

For me this gift plays big role. This is a daily call to action. After all, smiling is also an action! And sometimes we even forget about it.

After the holidays, we feel a little lost. Again, work, again some business, everyday life and, it seems, nothing new. But this is not about me. In my arsenal - 365 cases and ideas for each new day in the new year.

Happy New Year to you, and may every day of it be a holiday for you!