Download presentation about Karl Benz. Presentation on the history "Great people. Karl Benz". Presentation on the topic: The history of the creation of the car

25 November 1844 - 4 April 1929
Karl Benz was born November 26, 1844 in the
village of Pfaffenrot located in the black forest in
southwest Germany.


The real breakthrough was the appearance in 1876 of the internal
combustion engine developed by German engineer Nikolaus Otto.
Compact unit with equal capacity with the Lenoir motor consumes
70% less fuel and were less demanding of maintenance. A little later
Otto will create a more efficient engine with four working cycles:
intake, compression, ignition, exhaust. So was born the four-stroke
internal combustion engine, which is now used everywhere.
Benz, of course, knew about the invention of a compatriot, and
decided to create their own counterpart. About any revolution or
technological breakthrough out of the question. Carl was just trying
on their own experience to understand how it works. And learning
process has not been easy. Over its extremely simple design singlecylinder two-stroke engine Benz pored for about two years, and only
on Christmas eve 1879, the motor finally earned. And who then say
what Christmas miracles happen?!

In 1893, Carl Benz invented
the four-wheeled car “Victoria”

the car "Velo"
the first production car

First trucks and buses were created in 1895

the Association of the company
Benz and Daimler

Benz became one of the founders of modern
engineering. He developed the original
engine and many of the operating systems of
the vehicle, ranging from fuel, ending the
suspension that are used in the present time.
Having passed a great way, after many
setbacks over the decades, he still managed
to create their own brand, loved by

1 August 1888, the first license is issued by Benz, has been
preserved and exhibited in the Museum in Germany
His first model car, which probably consists of a three-wheeled
wagon with an engine on display in the Museum and is in working
The famous three-beam star, was originally used by Daimler and
meant the use of its engines on land, on water and in the sky.
Shortly before the merger with Benz, Daimler has decorated her
own home as a talisman and later it became the emblem of their
joint venture.

German inventor Karl Benz is one of the many individuals given credit for the creation of the first automobile. In 1885 he invented the motorized tricycle, which became the first "horseless carriage" to be driven by an internal combustion engine. Benz's contributions to automotive design also included the creation of such features as a carburetor and an electrical ignition system.

Karl Benz was a German engineer and inventor who was responsible for many contributions to the design of modern automobiles. He developed an internal combustion gasoline engine for his 1885 version of the "horseless carriage," which was initially a three-wheeled vehicle. Other innovations by Benz included a simple carburetor, an electrical ignition system, rack-and-pinion steering, and water cooling. For his development of the 1885 motorized tricycle, Benz is given credit by some for creating the first automobile, while others contend that the three-wheel design did not constitute a true modern car. Regardless of his right to the title of inventor of the automobile, Benz did leave his mark on the auto industry by pioneering one of the first marketable motorized vehicles and founding the automobile company that came to be known as Mercedes-Benz.

Benz was born in Karlsruhe, Germany, on November 25, 1844. His father was a railroad engineer who died of pneumonia when his son was two years old. The income that Benz's mother received after the death of her husband was small, and Benz was called upon to help support the family as soon as he was old enough. Even as a boy, Benz was fascinated with technology, and he was able to use his talents in this area to make extra money.

Benz "s facility for technical matters was also displayed in school, where he worked as an assistant for a physics teacher. He continued his education at Karlsruhe Polytechnic and then went to work for an engine manufacturer. Benz had a very specific motive for working at the engine plant- he dreamed of creating a horseless carriage, and he wanted to learn as much as he could about engines. Germany, where he gained more valuable experience.By 1872, he was ready to open his own engine shop.Just before starting his business, he married Berta Ringer.

Benz was quite successful as a manufacturer, selling a large number of engines and winning the confidence of investors. With the financial backing of others, he founded the Mannheim Gas Engine Manufacturing Company, which he intended to use in part to develop his horseless carriage. Even though the venture quickly made a profit, Benz's investors did not want him to spend valuable resources on inventions. Benz unsuccessfully fought their decision and, after being in business for only three months, left the company. He quickly lined up new shareholders and founded a third business, Benz and Company, in October of 1883. The company was to sell stationary gas engines, but the new investors were also willing to support Benz's horseless carriage as long as it did not detract from the production of the primary product.

After two decades of planning his horseless carriage, Benz finally had the resources to make it a reality. In 1885, he debuted his automobile, a motorized tricycle that was revolutionary primarily for its use of a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine. Earlier in the century, self-propelled vehicles had been developed with steam engines, but the internal combustion engine marked an important breakthrough for automobiles. It provided a lighter, more compact, and more efficient means of powering a vehicle. It was the adoption of the internal combustion engine that made Benz's car a truly practical and appealing consumer product. For this reason, many consider Benz's 1885 motorized tricycle the first automobile.

Another important feature of Benz's vehicle was an electrical ignition system that used a battery to start the engine. This system became the basic model for all later ignitions. The tricycle also incorporated a carburetor, rack-and-pinion steering, a water cooling system, and rear springs. Benz held a public demonstration in the fall of 1885 to promote his invention, although he claimed to have first driven it the previous spring. On the road near his workshop, Benz and his wife began a ride on the automobile in front of a gathering of witnesses. After apparently forgetting to steer the tricycle, however, Benz quickly ran into a brick wall. Both passengers emerged from this early auto accident without injuries. The mishap did not dampen enthusiasm for Benz's creation-a positive review of the vehicle appeared the following summer in the publication Neue Badische Landeszeitung.

Benz continued to improve his design with the introduction of a second gear, a larger, 3-horsepower engine, and improved brakes and springs. The first sale of a Benz automobile occurred in 1887, after it had been displayed at the Paris Exhibition earlier in the year. At the Munich Imperial Exhibition in 1888, Benz was awarded a gold medal for his invention. This recognition brought in many orders for the automobile, which at that time was a novelty that was only affordable by the wealthy. Still, business was so good that the Benz Company grew to 50 workers by 1889 and soon moved to a larger factory where a new four-wheeled model began production in 1890.

Benz had given into the idea of ​​a four-wheeled automobile reluctantly and only after much lobbying by others in his company who sought a more modern design. Unlike other automobile inventors, Benz did not feel that a car needed to physically resemble the traditional four-wheeled carriage. After the model of 1890, he was even more opposed to changes in his design. His opinions were so strong that after a major update of the Benz automobile in 1905, the manufacturer continued to drive his older models of the car.

One major challenger of Benz's claim to be the inventor of the automobile was a fellow German, Gottlieb Daimler. Daimler had created a better internal combustion engine and patented it five months before Benz's engine. The first vehicle in which he demonstrated his, however, was a bicycle, resulting in the first motorcycle. Those supporting Benz argued that the two-wheeled vehicle resembled the modern automobile less than the Benz tricycle. Regardless, Daimler also went on to become a successful producer of four-wheeled automobiles and became one of Benz's strongest competitors in both French and German markets. To try to gain a greater share of the French market, Daimler gave his car a French -sounding name- Mercedes-at the suggestion of a business partner.Despite their professional interest in each other, Benz and Daimler never met.

The Daimler company continued to do business after its founder died in 1900. Both it and the Benz company suffered a downturn during the economic depression after World War I. To strengthen their chances of survival, the companies merged to form Mercedes-Benz in 1926. By that time, Benz was no longer closely involved with the operation of the business, although he continued to receive recognition for his accomplishments as an automotive pioneer. His cars were collected by museums, and he was honored with a special procession of hundreds of automobiles from the city of Heidelberg to his home in Ladenburg in 1929. On that occasion, a number of prominent people made speeches in his honor and proclaimed him the inventor of the automobile. Two days later, on April 4, 1929, Benz died at his home in Ladenburg. Although later automotive innovators such as Henry Ford turned the car into a more successful product for the general public, Benz is remembered for his inventive genius and his groundbreaking work to create and market the first commercial automobile.

Nexon, John C., The Invention of the Automobile, Country Life, 1936.

Singer, Charles, A History of Technology, Volume 5: The Late Nineteenth Century, p. 1850 to c. 1900, Oxford University Press, 1958.

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Presentation on the topic: The history of the creation of the car

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The wagon was of a rough shape and was intended, according to the plan of its creator, to transport artillery. She had three wheels, of which one was in front, leading and steering at the same time. Only the water and fuel required for propulsion weighed a ton. The heavily laden steering wheel was too heavy to turn alone. It was difficult for two people to handle it. A copper boiler with a firebox hung like a heavy pear in front of the wagon and hissed like a Serpent Gorynych, the wagon hobbled at a speed of no more than 4 km / h.

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In 1885, Karl demonstrated to the burghers of Mannheim his three-wheeled self-propelled carriage with a gasoline engine. However, the novelty aroused not so much interest as irritation. When Benz decided to drive through the city, the noise of the engine frightened the butcher's horse. She carried, scattering the load along the way. To hush up the scandal, Carl bought the damaged goods, put the car under a canopy and began to improve it.

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The car was "hijacked" in the early summer morning of 1888, when its creator was sleeping. The eldest son Eugene got behind the wheel, his mother (Berta) next to him, and his younger brother behind him. They went to visit relatives in the small town of Pforzheim. However, this was only a pretext. There were plenty of adventures and excitement along the way. At that time, gasoline could only be bought at kerosene shops, where it was sold as a stain remover. Malfunctions had to be eliminated by improvised means - Berta used a long hat pin to clean the clogged gas pipeline, and a hat tape to secure the parts of the ignition system. Each time, going downhill, the mother was worried about the boys - the wooden brake would suddenly deteriorate. I had to stop more than once and ask the village shoemakers to upholster it with leather again. The rear wheel drive chains stretched out and began to jump off the sprocket teeth. I also had to stop at the forge. But for all their worries, the travelers were more than rewarded. The inhabitants of Pforzheim flocked in crowds to stare at the three-wheeled "horseless cart." All of Germany learned about Bertha's long-distance rally, the press paid serious attention not only to her journey, but also to Karl Benz's car. Since that time, his path to fame and success began.

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Benz's first car, made in 1885, was a three-wheeled two-seater carriage on tall spoked wheels. Benz put his new 0.9 hp four-stroke water-cooled gasoline engine on it. The cylinder was located horizontally above the axis of the huge rear wheels and set them in motion through one belt and two chain drives. A large, horizontal flywheel was located under the engine. It was connected to the bevel gear crankshaft and used to create uniform rotation and to start the engine. The electric ignition was powered by a galvanic battery - it was a more advanced solution than the glow tubes of Gottlieb Daimler, who worked in parallel and independently of Benz (the firms merged only in 1926, forming the Daimler-Benz AG company). Unlike Daimler's wooden cart, Benz's car had a frame welded from metal tubes. The car developed a ridiculous speed by our standards - 16 km / h, but at that time it was a very progressive design.

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"People's" car In 1908, Henry Ford made his dream come true by releasing the Model "T" - a reliable and inexpensive car that became one of the most popular and popular cars of its time. In 1913, Henry Ford began work on the introduction and installation of a continuous assembly line for the assembly of Model T cars in the workshops of the enterprise. This was the beginning of a real industrial revolution. The assembly line at Ford's first plant in Hydeland Park, Michigan (USA) became the starting point for the development of mass production throughout the world.

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The most expensive car in the world Bugatti Veyron $1,700,000 On January 5 at the LA Auto Show in California, the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 was unveiled, the fastest, most powerful and most expensive car in the world. A technical miracle called the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 has a capacity of 1000 horsepower and accelerates to 407 kilometers per hour. And the Bugatti Veyron takes just 2.8 seconds to reach 100 km/h from a standstill, faster than one of the fastest supersport motorcycles, the Suzuki GSX-R1000!

Karl`s father, th train driver, died of cold when his son was only two years old.His mother struggled to give his son a good education.At the end of primary school in Karlsruhe in 1853,Carl entered the Technical Lyceum (now the Bismarck High),and then -in the Polytechnic University

In 1871, together with August Ritter organized mechanical workshop in Mannheim. Soon Karl Benz bought out partner on money loaned to him by the bride`s father, Bertha Ringer. Karl and Bertha got engaged 20 July They had five children.

In his workshop Karl Benz started the creation of new internal combustion engine.December he received a patent for a two-stroke gasoline engine.

In 1882 he organized a joint stock company Gasmotoren Fabrik Mannheimbut in 1883 left him.In the same year on the basis of a bicycle workshop organized by the company Benz Company Rheinische Gasmotoren -Fabrikalso know as Benz CieThe company began to produce and sell gasoline engines. Here Benz designed his first car.

Benz's sons Eugen and Richard left Benz & Cie. in 1903, but Richard returned to the company in 1904 as the designer of passenger vehicles.

In 1909, the Blitzen Benz was built in Mannheim by Benz & Cie. The bird-beaked vehicle had a liter (1312ci), 150 kW (200 hp)

Karl Benz, Bertha Benz, and their son, Eugen, moved 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) east of Mannheim to live in nearby Ladenburg, and solely with their own capital, founded the private company, C. Benz Sons (German: Benz Söhne) in 1906, producing automobiles and gas engines.
In the last production year of the Benz Sons company, 1923, three hundred and fifty units were built. During the following year, 1924, Karl Benz built two additional 8/25 hp units of the automobile manufactured by this company, tailored for his personal use, which he never sold; they are still preserved.

On April 4,1929 Karl Benz died at home in Ladenburg at the age of eighty-four from a bronchial inflammation.Until her death on May Bertha Benz continued to reside in their last home.