Frequently asked questions about pensions. Legal advice to pensioners. How many years of service and how many pension coefficients will you need to have to qualify for an insurance pension? What will live in old age those who do not earn mi

Today, the size of an old-age labor pension primarily depends on the amount of insurance premiums that employers pay for an employee during their working life into the system of mandatory pension insurance. According to the current pension formula, seniority has practically no effect on the size of the pension.

The current procedure for calculating old-age labor pensions is unfair to the most economically active category of the population, to those who are going to lead an active working life for a long time. The egalitarian principle of calculating pensions leads to the fact that the labor pensions of citizens with an insignificant length of service are approximately equal to the pensions of citizens with a long insurance period.

The new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of pensions will make it possible to ensure the adequacy of pension rights to wages and to increase the importance of the insurance period in the formation of pension rights and the calculation of the amount of a pension. It is important that at the same time an acceptable level of the insurance burden on employers and the federal budget will be maintained, and the necessary conditions will be created for a balanced pension system.

What are the main parameters that will affect the calculation of pensions in accordance with the new procedure?

The amount of the pension will primarily be affected by:

– salary: the higher the salary, the higher the pension. If the employer did not make contributions for his employee to the mandatory pension insurance system in full (for example, in the case of paying "gray" wages), this earnings do not participate in the formation of pension capital;

- the duration of the insurance period: the longer the insurance period of a citizen, the more pension rights he will have, for each year of labor activity a certain number of pension coefficients will be accrued;

– the age of applying for an employment pension: the pension will be significantly increased for each year that has elapsed after reaching the retirement age before applying for a pension.

In the new rules for calculating pensions, such socially significant periods of a person’s life as military service, caring for a child, a disabled child, a citizen over 80 years old are counted in the length of service. For these so-called "non-insurance periods", special annual coefficients are assigned if the citizen did not work during these periods.

Will the retirement age be raised?

The retirement age will not increase. This issue is not even discussed. The generally established retirement age remains the same: 55 years for women, 60 years for men.

This creates significant incentives for later retirement. According to the new rules, it is beneficial for citizens to apply for a pension later than the generally established retirement age. For each year of later application for the appointment of a pension, its insurance part and fixed payment will increase by the appropriate coefficients.

For example, if a citizen applies for a pension 5 years after reaching retirement age, then the fixed payment as part of the insurance pension will be increased by 36%, and the insurance part of the pension by 45%. if in 10 years - the fixed payment will increase by 2.11 times, the insurance part - by 2.32 times.

Another example: if you apply for a pension in 10 years, then the fixed payment will be increased by 2.11 times, and the insurance part of the pension - by 2.32 times.

The funded pension will also increase, as the expected payment period, into which the amount of pension savings is divided to calculate the funded part of the pension, will decrease.

For whom is the new pension formula being introduced - for everyone or for those who are just starting to work?

Pension rights under the new pension formula will be formed in full for citizens who will enter the working life in 2015. With the introduction of new rules, the principle of maintaining pension rights remains mandatory: all pension rights formed before 2015 are fixed, preserved and guaranteed to be exercised!

Labor pensions of citizens who have already been assigned (will be assigned before January 1, 2015) will be recalculated according to the new formula. If, when recalculated according to the new rules, the amount of the pension does not reach the amount of the pension received by the pensioner as of January 1, 2015, then the pension will be paid to the pensioner in the same amount.

At the same time, in order to adapt to the conditions of the new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of the amount of pensions for future pensioners and employers who pay insurance premiums for them to the mandatory pension insurance system, transitional provisions are provided:

Increasing the minimum required length of service to qualify for a pension to 15 years and the minimum required number of individual pension coefficients to 30 by 2025;

An increase in the salary subject to insurance contributions to the level of 2.3 of the average Russian salary and a corresponding increase in the maximum value of the individual annual pension coefficient to 10 by 2021.

What to expect from the new pension formula for those who are already retired? Will the pension of current pensioners be recalculated, can it be increased or decreased?

For current pensioners, when switching to a new calculation procedure, the size of the pension will not decrease. It can grow among pensioners who have non-insurance periods in their seniority.

What parts will the old-age labor pension consist of after the introduction of the new procedure for calculating pensions?

After the introduction of a new procedure for calculating pensions, the old-age labor pension is transformed into an insurance pension and a funded pension.

A fixed payment will be established for the insurance pension (an analogue of the current fixed basic size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, its size in 2013 was 3,610.31 rubles).

The amount of the funded pension will be calculated by dividing the amount of pension savings by a statistical value - the expected payment period, determined by federal law.

What types of pensions are covered by the new procedure?

The new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of the insurance pension will apply to all types of labor pensions - for old age, for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner.

The grounds (conditions) for assigning an insurance pension for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner will not change. To assign these types of insurance pension, it is enough to have at least 1 day of insurance work experience.

The new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of an insurance pension does not apply to the formation and appointment of state pensions (social pensions, for long service, for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner). For citizens with seniority: disabled people of group I, citizens who have reached the age of 80, citizens who worked or live in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the pension will be assigned in an increased amount due to the increased size of the fixed payment, or the use of "northern" coefficients.

On the websites of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation there is a pension calculator that calculates the size of the pension using the new formula. Who is this pension calculator suitable for? And who is it not for?

The pension calculator is, first of all, a navigator for the new pension formula, a tool that allows citizens to understand the essence of the new procedure for calculating pensions and determine the factors that affect the size of their own future pension. The calculator allows you to evaluate the dynamics of the potential pension amount when certain conditions change - length of service, salary, the ability to continue working without applying for a pension upon reaching retirement age, as well as the impact of non-insurance periods.

The calculator is most effective for citizens who are just starting to work or will start working in 2015 and beyond - that is, for those whose future pension will be fully formed and calculated in accordance with the new rules.

Citizens who already have seniority today, using a calculator, should take into account that part of their pension capital was formed according to the previous rules. And in the real calculation of their labor pension, their pension rights will have to be converted into pension coefficients.

The longer a citizen worked until 2015, the greater the amount of pension rights he has already formed and the more, other things being equal, the size of his insurance pension will depend on the pension rights already formed before 2015. And, accordingly, the less will be the impact of the new pension formula on the size of his future insurance pension.

Therefore, the use of this pension calculator is not recommended for citizens who:

a pension has already been assigned, since when switching to a new formula, they will fully retain the amount of the previously assigned pension;

less than 3-5 years are left before the retirement age, since the amount of their future pension will be largely determined by the pension rights formed before 2015.

Also, the pension calculator is not applicable for military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, for individual entrepreneurs.

For citizens: disabled people of group I, citizens who have reached the age of 80, citizens who worked or live in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the insurance pension will be assigned in an increased amount due to an increased amount of a fixed payment, or the use of "northern" coefficients.

What does the "conditional" calculation of a pension using a pension calculator mean?

The calculation of a pension using a pension calculator is conditional, since it shows what kind of pension a citizen would have been “assigned” in 2013 based on the socio-economic indicators of 2013, provided that the citizen “earned” the specified length of service under the given procedure for the formation of his pension rights and calculation of the pension, and also that all the years of work received the same salary specified by him.

At the same time, the conditional amount of the pension is “calculated” according to the new pension formula in its target value, when the minimum length of service giving the right to a pension is 15 years, the contributory salary is limited to 2.3 of the all-Russian one, and the citizen has already chosen the tariff for the formation of pension savings.

What will happen to the funded pension and existing pension savings?

All already formed pension savings remain with the citizen. They will be paid in full, taking into account the income from their investment, when a citizen becomes eligible for an insurance pension and applies for its appointment.

The procedure for assigning and disbursing pension savings remains unchanged. To calculate the funded pension, the amount of pension savings is divided by the expected period of payment of the funded part of the labor pension. The period of expected pension payment is established by the Federal Law. The procedure for paying out pension savings (one-time payment, urgent pension payment, payment of the funded part of labor pension) will also be preserved.

The funded pension is not indexed by the state. The profitability of pension savings depends solely on the results of their investment, that is, there may be losses. In case of losses, only the payment of the amount of paid insurance premiums to the funded part of the pension is guaranteed.

Where is it better to direct the insurance contributions that my employer makes - to an insurance or funded pension? Which tariff to choose - 0 or 6%?

In 2014-2015, citizens born in 1967 and younger have the right to choose the option of pension provision in the mandatory pension insurance system: continue the formation of pension savings (tariff 6%) or refuse to further form the funded pension, thereby sending all insurance premiums that are for they are paid by employers for the formation of an insurance pension.

Having made a choice, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the Pension Fund of Russia.

If you have never submitted an application for choosing an NPF or a management company and do not make a choice in 2014–15, then all insurance premiums will go to the formation of an insurance pension.

In case of refusal to form pension savings, all previously formed pension savings will be invested and paid in full when you become eligible for a pension and apply for it.

When choosing a pension provision option, it is important to know that by making a decision on the formation of a funded pension, you reduce the pension rights to form the insurance part, and vice versa.

If you refuse to form pension savings, the maximum annual pension coefficient is 10, if you continue to form - 6.25 (from 2021).

The insurance pension is annually increased by the state at a level not lower than inflation. The funded pension is not indexed by the state. The profitability of pension savings depends solely on the results of their investment, that is, there may be losses.

In case of losses, only the payment of the amount of paid insurance contributions to the funded pension is guaranteed.

Will pension rights earned before the entry into force of the new pension formula continue? How will pension rights earned prior to 2002 be converted to rights earned from 2002 until the new formula takes effect?

All pension rights formed to date will remain, and in no case will their size be reduced. This is the basic approach that guided the development of a new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of pensions.

In order to introduce a new procedure for the formation of citizens' pension rights and the appointment of a pension from January 1, 2015, during 2014 the conversion of citizens' pension rights formed before January 1, 2015 will be carried out.

The conversion will be carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia. The conversion will be carried out on a non-declarative basis. Citizens do not need to contact the FIU for this!

The PFR personalized accounting database contains all the necessary information about the estimated pension capital, length of service and wages of each participant in the mandatory pension insurance system in order to recalculate his already formed pension rights into pension coefficients.

How will insurance pensions increase after the adoption of the new formula? By what rules?

As before, the insurance pension will be guaranteed to increase by the state at least according to the growth in consumer prices over the past year (not lower than inflation). Also, the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension will increase annually due to inflation.

The increase in the size of the funded pension will depend on the level of income when investing the pension savings of a citizen by a management company (APF).

How many years of service and how many pension coefficients will you need to have to qualify for an insurance pension? What will live in old age those who do not earn the minimum required length of service?

From 2024, the minimum insurance period for receiving an old-age insurance pension will reach 15 years. At the same time, in 2015 it will be 6 years and will increase by one year every year. Those who by 2024 will have an insurance period of less than 15 years will have the right to apply to the FIU for a social pension, but at the age of 60 (women) and 65 years (men), while the right to an insurance pension arises at 55 and 60 years respectively.

The second condition for assigning an insurance pension upon reaching retirement age is the need to form pension rights in the amount of 30 pension coefficients.

If a citizen is recognized as disabled in the prescribed manner, then he is immediately assigned a pension - insurance (if he has at least one day of labor (insurance) seniority) or social (if there is no seniority at all).

The new formula should motivate people to retire later. How profitable will it be to retire later? What pension supplements will be for a long insurance period?

According to the new rules, leaving later than the generally established retirement age will be beneficial. For each year of later application for a pension, the insurance pension will be increased by the corresponding premium coefficients, but not more than 10 years.

For example, if a citizen applies for an insurance pension three years after reaching the generally established retirement age, the fixed payment will be increased by 19%, and the insurance pension by 24%. And if the length of service beyond the retirement age without applying for a pension is 10 years, then the fixed payment will be increased by 2.11 times, and the insurance part - by 2.32 times.

Coefficients for calculating a labor pension if a citizen does not apply for a labor pension after reaching retirement age:

Number of years after becoming eligible for an old-age insurance pension*

Fixed payout

The insurance part of the pension

*No more than 10 years. If more, then the coefficient is applied as for 10 years.

What non-working periods will be counted in the length of service according to the new formula?

In the new rules for calculating a labor pension, the following socially significant periods of a person's life are counted in the length of service:

The period of military service, as well as other service equivalent to it, provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On pensions for persons who have completed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families”;

The period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years;

The period of receipt of benefits for compulsory social insurance during the period of temporary disability;

The period of care of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years (4 children in total), but not more than 6 years in total;

The period of receiving unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another locality for employment;

The period of residence of the spouses of military personnel serving under a contract, together with their spouses, in areas where they could not work due to the lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;

The period of residence abroad of the spouses of diplomats and consuls, but not more than five years in total.

Will early retirement pensions be maintained from January 1, 2015?

Early pensions will be preserved in full.

An employee who has the necessary length of service in hazardous or hazardous work will have the right to a labor pension before reaching the generally established retirement age.

Currently, a draft law on the gradual transformation of the institution of early pensions into corporate pension systems has been submitted for public and expert discussion. The bill provides incentive mechanisms for employers who offer their employees in hazardous and hazardous industries to participate in corporate pension systems, which provides citizens with additional pensions in addition to mandatory pension insurance.

What rate of insurance premiums will employers pay?

Nothing will change in the payment of insurance premiums. The rate of employer's insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for insurance and funded pensions will still be 22% of the base for calculating insurance premiums up to the maximum taxable base, the amount of which is indexed annually by the state (+10% of the amounts exceeding the threshold from which insurance premiums are paid) .

In 2013, the maximum annual earnings amounted to 568 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 624 thousand rubles. At the same time, a gradual increase in the maximum wage, from which insurance premiums are paid at a rate of 22%, from 1.6 to 2.3 of the average wage in the Russian Federation is envisaged - within 7 years with a step of 0.1 per year. This is done to ensure that the old-age pension for higher-paid workers is formed in an amount adequate to their earnings.

Will the new formula be introduced immediately or is there a gradual transition to the new rules for calculating pension rights?

It is planned that a new procedure for the formation of pension rights of citizens and the appointment of an old-age labor pension will be introduced from January 1, 2015. At the same time, new rules for calculating pensions in full will be introduced:

– in 2021 in terms of bringing the maximum taxable salary, from which insurance premiums are paid at the rate of 22%, to the level of 2.3 of the average Russian salary and bringing the maximum value of the individual annual pension coefficient from 7.39 in 2015 to 10 – in 2021 ;

– in 2025 in terms of bringing the minimum required length of service for obtaining the right to a pension to 15 years and the minimum number of formed pension coefficients from 6.6 in 2015 to 30 in 2025.

The new rules for calculating pensions in full will be valid for citizens who start working in 2015.

Will the “northern” coefficient currently applied to the fixed basic labor pension be canceled from January 1, 2015?

At present, the "northern" coefficient increases the fixed basic amount (FBI) of the insurance part of the labor pension. After the introduction of the new procedure for calculating pensions, a fixed payment will also be assigned to the insurance pension - an analogue of today's fixed base amount. Thus, the “northern” coefficient will remain and will increase the fixed payment by the corresponding regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the area of ​​​​residence for the period of residence of the “northerners” in these areas.

The same rule will apply to the pensions of pensioners who have moved from an area with normal natural and climatic conditions to areas of the Far North or areas equivalent to them.

Will social pensions still be paid in Russia? And social supplements for pensions up to the subsistence level?

The new pension formula will not apply to the appointment of state pensions - it is intended solely for the appointment of pensions to citizens with seniority.

At the same time, if the total amount of material support for a non-working pensioner does not reach the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of his residence, he will continue to receive a social supplement to a pension up to the PHC in the region. When calculating the total amount of material security for a pensioner, all types of pensions, monthly cash payments (including the cost of a set of social services), additional material security and other measures of social support are taken into account.

Will the expected period of pension payment change in the new pension formula?

The indicator "expected period of payment" when calculating the insurance pension for periods of insurance service after January 1, 2015 will not be applied.

At the same time, the procedure for calculating the funded pension will remain the same, and the expected payment period will be used. To calculate the funded pension of citizens retiring upon reaching the established age, today it is 228 months. If, for example, one applies for the appointment of the funded part of the labor pension three years later than reaching retirement age, then the amount of pension savings is divided by the expected period of payment of the pension, reduced by 36 months. This figure is annually approved by federal law.

How will annual pension coefficients be calculated if a person has been working at two jobs since January 1, 2015?

According to the sum of two salaries and, accordingly, insurance premiums paid from them. At the same time, the annual pension coefficient in any case cannot exceed the value of 10 per year (10 in 2021, 7.39 in 2015).

How will the pensions of individual entrepreneurs and other categories of the self-employed population be calculated?

The same is true for employees' pensions. The old-age labor pension will be transformed into an insurance pension and a funded pension. A fixed payment will be established for the insurance pension. The amount of the funded pension will be calculated in the same way as the funded part of the labor pension is calculated today.

When calculating the insurance pension, the length of service and the age of applying for a pension will be taken into account, which give additional coefficients that increase the size of the insurance pension and fixed payment, as well as the amount of insurance premiums paid by the self-employed population. At the same time, in order to be eligible for a pension, an individual entrepreneur must earn at least 30 pension coefficients during his working life and have at least 15 years of insurance experience.

Will the amount of the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension depend on the disability group?

Yes. A fixed payment will be established depending on the group of disability, as well as the presence of disabled dependents.

Will the right of mothers with many children and mothers raising disabled children to apply for a pension ahead of schedule be preserved?

Yes. The right to early appointment of an insurance old-age pension will be granted to women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, to one of the parents of a disabled child who raised him until he reaches the age of 8 years, guardians of a disabled child or a citizen, who was the guardian of a disabled child who raised him until he reached the age of 8 years.

What will be the fixed payment as part of the insurance pension for residents of the northern regions and equivalent areas?

The increase in the fixed payment for the "northerners" will be carried out in the same manner as the determination of the fixed basic amount of pensions in the current legislation.

Does the program of state co-financing of pensions continue its work?

Entry into the State Pension Co-financing Program ended on September 30, 2013. To all those who became its participants in the prescribed manner, and this is 15.8 million Russians, the state will provide co-financing of contributions for a future pension for 10 years from the year of the first contribution, provided that their voluntary contributions amount to at least 2,000 rubles a year .

The PFR continues to accept and process payments, posting them to individual personal accounts of program participants.

A form of payment receipt with the necessary details can be obtained both from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or from the bank itself, or downloaded from the appropriate section of the Pension Fund website.

The state fully co-financed the voluntary contributions of the Program participants for 2009-2012. The total amount of state contributions amounted to 15 billion 684 million rubles.

In the PFR budget for 2014, 9.4 billion rubles were taken into account for co-financing the contributions of program participants for 2013; in 2015 - 10.7 billion rubles; in 2016 - 12.4 billion rubles. Thus, the State Co-financing Program continues without changing the rules for participation in it, the only thing is that the admission of new participants to the Program in accordance with the federal law has been completed.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

In the PFR Branch for the Novosibirsk Region, a “direct line” was held via video link, in which more than 400 Novosibirsk residents took part. The questions were answered by the Deputy Head of the PFR Department Lyudmila Alekseevna Yakushenk O.

- For a long time there have been talks about increasing pensions for residents of rural areas. When can we expect a pension increase?

The current law “On Insurance Pensions” contains a provision according to which non-working citizens living in rural areas and having agricultural experience of at least 30 years are entitled to an increase in the fixed payment to the pension - an analogue of the base part - by 25%. This rule was to come into force on January 1, 2020. In connection with the adoption of a new Law (FZ No. 350 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Appointment and Payment of Pensions”), this provision will come into force on January 1, 2019. To date, the PFR authorities are working to identify persons eligible for this increase. The recalculation of the amount of the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension is carried out from January 1, 2019 without the pensioner submitting an application if the necessary information is available in the payment file. In this case, the PFR shall carry out the specified recalculation no later than September 1, 2019. The pensioner has the right to submit additional documents necessary for recalculation at any time. If a pensioner applied for recalculation in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2019, the specified recalculation is carried out from January 1, 2019. If the pensioner applied for recalculation after December 31, 2019, the specified recalculation is carried out from the next month after the submission of the application with the necessary documents.
The generally established amount of a fixed payment from January 1, 2019 will be 5,334 rubles 19 kopecks, and increased by 25% - 6,667 rubles 74 kopecks. According to the latest data, 216,000 pensioners live in rural areas in the region, and according to documents, about 12,000 people have rural experience of 30 years. When these citizens leave for a new place of residence outside the countryside, an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension is not established.

- Is the payment of an increased fixed payment to a pensioner parent who is dependent on a child over 18 years old (he is studying) supposed to be paid?

Persons who are dependent on disabled family members are entitled to an increased fixed payment. The disabled include, among other things, children under the age of 18 who study full-time in organizations that carry out educational activities. An increased fixed payment to parents - pensioners for children - students is established until the end of such training, but no longer than until the child reaches the age of 23 years. Dependence of children under 18 years of age is assumed and does not require proof, while for older children, confirmation of the fact of dependency is required.

- Will the retirement age be increased?

Under current legislation, women are entitled to a social old-age pension when they reach the age of 60, men - 65. But from January 1, the retirement age for assigning insurance old-age pensions will increase, and, among other things, the age that gives the right to establish social pension. The age also increases by 5 years, as in the case of insurance pensions. Social pension will be assigned to women at the age of 65, and for men - 70 years. But just as for the appointment of an insurance pension, there is a certain transition period for establishing a social pension. The increase will take place in stages. For example, citizens who in 2019 and 2020 will reach the age that gives the right to a social old-age pension can be assigned earlier than reaching the age, but no more than six months before reaching such an age. If a man, for example, turns 65 years old in 2019, then he will be assigned a social pension at 65.5 years old, and if in 2020, then at 66.5 years old, respectively.

- Is it possible to apply for a compensation payment if the care is provided by a child of 14 years old.

The compensation payment is established when an able-bodied non-working person cares for a disabled person, i.e. a child with a disability, a disabled child of the 1st group, a disabled person of the 1st group, a person who has reached the age of 80 and a person in need of care at the conclusion of a medical institution. As a general rule, citizens from the age of 16 are considered able-bodied. But the compensation payment can be established if the care is provided by a person who has reached the age of 14. In this case, in order to assign a compensation payment, it is necessary to additionally provide permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian) and the guardianship and guardianship authority to care for a person who has reached the age of 14 years in their free time from study.

How much will pensions increase in 2019?

In accordance with the current legislation, the pension indexation coefficient is annually set by the Government of the Russian Federation. A new Law has been adopted, which stipulates that in the period from 2019 to 2024, indexation will be carried out from January 1, and not from February 1, as it was before. The same Law also specifies the new sizes of the cost of the individual pension coefficient and the fixed payment. From January 1, 2019, pensions will increase by just over 7%. Such an increase would give an average pension increase of about 1,000 rubles per month, given that the average pension in Russia is just over 14,000 rubles. The increase in the pension of each of its recipients will depend on the specific amount of the pension.

- What to do if a person has not reached retirement age, and for health reasons cannot work?

All the grounds for the early appointment of a pension are enshrined in the pension legislation - these are difficult and harmful working conditions, the appointment of a pension for certain social reasons. And the foundation data is still preserved. The grounds - the state of health - have never been in the Law for the appointment of an early insurance old-age pension, and not now. Therefore, in the event that a person cannot work for health reasons, it is necessary to resolve the issue in accordance with medical indications on the establishment of disability, and when it is established, a disability pension and a monthly income will be assigned. You need to go to a medical facility.

- The program of state co-financing of pensions, are payments being made, do you plan to cancel or close this Program?

The implementation of the State Co-financing Program continues. For those who joined the Program and continue to pay contributions from 2 to 12 thousand rubles, the state doubles the amount - within 12 thousand. Co-financing is carried out within 10 years from the date of the start of payment of additional insurance premiums. Payments are made either by the PFR or by the NPF, depending on where the citizen has the funds for pension savings. At present, the payment of pension savings can be assigned when a person acquires the right to receive an old-age insurance pension, i.e. for women at the age of 55, and for men at 60 (or earlier for some categories of citizens who have the right to establish an insurance pension ahead of schedule). From January 1, 2019, the "age limits" for the payment of pension savings will remain the same (despite the increase in the age of retirement).

- Will the latest changes in the pension legislation affect current pensioners?

The new Law will affect current pensioners only in relation to the indexation of pensions. Recipients of pensions through the Pension Fund of Russia, as before, will receive all the pension and social benefits due to them in accordance with the pension rights and benefits already acquired. Indexation will be carried out in a larger amount than the inflation rate. The amount of indexation is defined in the Law until 2024, and gives an average increase of about 1 thousand rubles per month.

- I turn 55 next year. When will my pension be granted? After all, not in 5 years?

The law provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age. The pension for women in 2019 will be established (under the conditions of the transitional period, subject to all other necessary conditions for seniority and pension coefficients) upon reaching the age of 55.5 years. A new basis is also provided for citizens with long experience. Women with at least 37 years of service will be able to retire earlier than the generally established retirement age, but not earlier than 55 years for women. So, if you fall into this category, you can apply for a pension when you reach the age of 55.

- An old-age pensioner has a dependent over 18 who enrolled in full-time education, what documents are needed to recalculate the fixed payment?

If a pensioner has student children who study full-time as dependents, then the recipient of the pension has the right to establish an increased fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension. In order for this payment to be established, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the fact of being dependent on the parents of children - students over 18 years old. Dependence of disabled family members is confirmed by documents issued by housing maintenance organizations or local governments; documents on the income of all family members and other documents stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation (certificate of housing authorities on cohabitation with the child, document on the parent's salary, documents on expenses in favor of a family member (tuition fees, treatment fees, etc.). In addition, a certificate from the educational institution is required about the start date and duration of training, the form of training with a mandatory reference to the number and date of the order for the educational institution.

- A woman does not have the right to a pension in 2018 due to the lack of the required value of individual pension coefficients. How is this situation resolved? Is it possible to pay additional fees or modify?

Since 2015, three conditions must be met simultaneously for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension - this is the age of retirement, length of service and the presence of the required number of individual pension coefficients (points). The number of pension points depends on the contributions that the employer accrued to the mandatory pension insurance system from the “white” salary. Therefore, if a person has a sufficiently long service, as a rule, he also has the required number of pension points. But situations are different, and if someone does not have enough experience or points, then a pension cannot be assigned. There are several ways out of their current situation.
First, if there are not enough individual pension points, then a person can improve in order to acquire the missing amount of points. Same for seniority.
The second way out, if a person does not work (officially not employed anywhere), he can enter into legal relations for compulsory pension insurance and pay insurance premiums on a voluntary basis. To do this, you must apply to the territorial body of the FIU. The Law prescribes both the minimum and the maximum amount of contributions that must be paid in case of voluntary entry into the mandatory pension insurance system. In the current year, the minimum amount of contributions is about 60 thousand rubles per year.
Note that the number of points in the appointment of an old-age insurance pension is determined on the day the required age is reached.

- The Law provides for a “long” service for men of 42 years (for early retirement), does military service or only work count in these 42 years?

According to the new Law, persons with an insurance record of at least 42 and 37 years (men and women, respectively) can be granted an old-age insurance pension 2 years earlier than reaching the new retirement age, but not earlier than reaching the age of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively). ). At the same time, when calculating the length of service for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension, it includes periods of work and other activities that were performed on the territory of Russia, provided that during these periods contributions to the Pension Fund were accrued and paid, as well as the period for receiving benefits for compulsory social insurance during a period of temporary disability. No other non-insurance periods, including military service, are counted in this length of service.

- How to get a pension if a person cannot do it on his own (he is in the hospital)?

If necessary and at the request of a pensioner, a trustee can receive a pension and other social payments for him. To do this, you need to issue a power of attorney. The administration of the medical institution where the pensioner is undergoing treatment can certify such a power of attorney. A power of attorney to receive a pension can also be drawn up in any form. The text of the power of attorney must indicate the date of its compilation, the last name, first name, patronymic of individuals (representative and represented), their dates of birth and place of permanent residence, details of documents proving their identity, the scope of the representative's powers and the period for which the power of attorney is issued. In addition, notarized powers of attorney are accepted.

- How to apply for a pension and EDV upon receipt of disability?

To apply for a monthly cash payment, a pensioner must apply with a corresponding application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This can be done by personally contacting the FIU, submitting an application through the branch of the MFC. Also, the application and the necessary documents can be sent by mail, but in this case they must be notarized. It is much more convenient to do this by submitting an application electronically through the Personal Account on the portal of public services or on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia. It is worth noting that we have a dedicated place for a PFR specialist on the basis of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (ITU) in Novosibirsk. And those citizens who apply to the ITU for examination and determination of disability can, with the help of a PFR specialist, register on the public services portal, if there is no registration, and submit an application through the “guest computer”, both for the appointment of a disability pension, and for the establishment of a EDV.

- Is it possible to change the method of pension delivery without coming to the customer service?

With an application for the delivery of a pension, the recipient can apply personally or through a legal representative directly to the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence or to the branch of the MFC also at the place of residence. In addition, a statement on the delivery of a pension can be submitted in the form of an electronic document through the Personal Account on the PFR website or the public services portal. Working pensioners can apply for a pension delivery method through their employer.

- Why is there a difference in the calculation of the compensation payment for care? Someone is assigned the amount of 1,200 rubles, and someone - 1,440?

The implementation of care involves the presence of the caregiver next to the disabled citizen who is being cared for. The amount of the compensation payment is established with the same district coefficient that is established for the pension of a disabled citizen who is being cared for, only if these persons live in the same locality or in different localities belonging to the same municipal district (urban district). So if the carer lives, for example, in the same municipality as the one he is caring for, then he, taking into account the regional coefficient established in our region, receives a compensation payment in the amount of 1,440 rubles. The amount of the compensation payment is established without the district coefficient in the case of residence of these persons in different districts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in cases where it is not established for the pension of a disabled citizen.

- I worked for 32 years as an accountant at a state farm. Will I have a pension supplement from January 2019?

In order to implement the norm of the new Law on the establishment of an increased fixed payment for work in agriculture, the Government of the Russian Federation must approve lists of relevant jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties, as well as the rules for calculating periods of relevant work (activity). The FIU is currently conducting preliminary work on these pension cases. It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that not any work is counted in 30 years of experience in the countryside, but only work in a certain industry - this is crop production, animal husbandry, fish farming. Also, in accordance with the draft document (Lists), the length of service until 1992 includes work regardless of the position, but after the specified year, it is important whether the specialty is included in the List or not. There is no accountant position list in the project.

- In February 2019, I will turn 60 years old, by this time the insurance period will be 41 years and 10 months. When will I be eligible for a pension?

If you currently continue to work and will continue it after February 2019, then in April the insurance period will be 42 years. In accordance with the new Law, persons with an insurance period of at least 42 years (for men) can be granted an old-age insurance pension 2 years earlier than the generally established retirement age, but not earlier than the age of 60 for men. Therefore, your right to an insurance pension will come from the next day, after working out the experience of 42 years, i.e. in April 2019. If there is no 42 years of service, the right to establish an old-age insurance pension will arise six months later - in August 2019, i.e. at 60 and a half years old.

- Is it possible to find out the size of your future pension already today? How will it be calculated taking into account the new pension reform?

There are no changes in connection with the adoption of the new Law regarding the calculation of pensions; the pension will be calculated according to the same pension formula as now. The value of one pension coefficient is taken as of the day the insurance pension is awarded, multiplied by the sum of individual pension coefficients earned throughout life, and a fixed payment is added. And, as today, its size will depend on the amount of "white" wages, official employment and length of service. You can calculate the amount of the pension at the time of its appointment. But the person himself can now independently find out the approximate size of his pension according to the indicators that are currently in his PFR Personal Account. It is necessary to take the number of earned pension coefficients, multiply by 81.49 rubles (this is how much one pension coefficient costs in 2018) and add the amount of a fixed payment - 4,982 rubles. Get the amount of the pension at the current moment. You can also use the pension calculator on the PFR website or in the PFR mobile application.

- How will pensions be established for teachers and doctors from next year?

According to the current legislation, for these categories of citizens, an old-age pension is assigned regardless of age if there is a special length of service of a certain duration: 25 years for teachers and 25 years for working in rural areas and 30 years for doctors in the city. From January 1, 2019, a deferred retirement period of 5 years will be introduced for these categories upon completion of the length of service. These 5 years will be phased in. For ordinary categories of citizens, an increase in the retirement age depends on the year in which a person reaches the retirement age, now established in the current legislation. For teachers and physicians, everything will depend on when they develop the necessary professional experience. The length of service, however, remains the same. For example, if a teacher develops an experience of 25 years in 2019, then he will have the right to an early retirement pension 6 months after the experience has been completed, if in 2020 - after 1.5 years, in 2021 - after 3 years. When the transition period ends, the teacher will be able to apply for an early old-age pension 5 years after the development of special experience.

- Will pensions for working pensioners be raised during the pension reform?

With regard to working pensioners, there are no changes in the legislation, just as there are no changes in relation to the procedure for calculating pensions. Just like today, indexation of pensions for working pensioners during the period of work is not carried out, but after dismissal, from the next month all indices are applied. It remains to recalculate pensions for working pensioners from August 1. For example, in 2018, the PFR authorities in the Novosibirsk Region recalculated pensions for more than 215 thousand Novosibirsk pensioners who worked in 2017 and for whom the employer accrued and paid insurance premiums to the mandatory pension insurance system.

- Will a military pensioner be able to apply for a “civilian” pension from 2019 ahead of schedule with an experience of 42 years, and will the period of service in the authorities be taken into account when calculating this experience?

Military pensioners are one of the few categories of citizens who can be assigned two pensions at once. They receive one pension through the power structures. If they have completed a certain length of service while working in civil institutions, have reached the required retirement age and have accumulated a certain number of pension points, then they can be assigned a second pension - an old-age insurance pension without a fixed payment. According to the new Law, from January 1, 2019, citizens with an insurance record of at least 42 years (for men) can be granted an old-age insurance pension 2 years earlier than reaching the new increased retirement age, but not earlier than reaching the age of 60 for men. When calculating this length of service, it includes periods of work and other activities, as well as the period of receipt of benefits for compulsory social insurance during a period of temporary disability, provided that the work was on the territory of the Russian Federation and insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund. Considering that you are a recipient of a long service pension through the Ministry of Defense, a part of the service of 42 years is taken into account for you when assigning a departmental pension. In addition, periods of military service are not included in the calculation of the length of service, which gives the right to receive an insurance pension ahead of schedule.

- What will happen to the funded pension from 2019?

According to the current legislation, the right to the payment of pension savings arises in the presence of the right to an insurance pension. Now it is in women from the age of 55 and in men from the age of 60. From January 1, 2019, the generally established retirement age will increase, but the right to a funded pension from January 2019 will remain within the same age limits, subject to the conditions for granting an old-age insurance pension (the number of required length of service and the value of individual pension coefficients) - for women - in 55 years, for men - at 60.
A funded pension is granted if there are funds for pension savings. This pension is established and paid regardless of the receipt of another pension and monthly life allowance.

- Will it be included in the calculation of the length of service giving the right to early retirement from 2019? (37 years old) a woman during the period of caring for two children, if she was working at that time?

According to the new Law, women with an insurance record of at least 37 years can be granted an old-age insurance pension 2 years earlier than the new retirement age, but not earlier than the age of 55 for women. At the same time, periods of caring for children until they reach one and a half years are referred to as non-insurance periods, and in this case are not counted in the insurance period, which gives the right to an early pension on new grounds, i.e. due to long term insurance. Let us recall once again that only periods of work and other activities taking place on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the period of receiving social insurance benefits during a period of temporary disability, are taken into account. An important condition is the accrual by the employer of insurance contributions to the system of compulsory pension insurance.

- How to check the correctness of the calculation of the pension?

Pension is appointed by specialists with certain qualifications. If it is necessary to verify the correctness of the appointment of the established pension, it is necessary, first of all, to contact the territorial authority at the place of residence of the pensioner. If you have any questions about the calculation of the amount of the pension, you can also send a written request to the FIU, both by mail and through the department's website. If there are grounds for recalculating the pension (for example, additional documents have appeared), you need to make an appointment with the specialists of the territorial body of the PFR. All services of PFR specialists in recalculation are completely free.

- On what indicators does the size of the old-age insurance pension and disability pension depend today?

Regardless of the formula for calculating the pension, its size depends on the size of the official salary, from which the employer pays insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system, and the length of service. The longer the insurance period, the higher the pension coefficients will be, and the higher the pension. Also, the later term for applying for it also affects the size of the pension - additional multiplying factors are set for this. The so-called non-insurance periods are also taken into account in the length of service - this is military service on conscription, periods of caring for children until they reach one and a half years, caring for disabled citizens (80-year-olds, disabled people of group I or children with disabilities), etc. These periods are counted in insurance experience and certain pension coefficients are charged for them.

Source and photo: press center of the PFR Branch for the Novosibirsk Region

The head of the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region (interdistrict) Kuzina Natalya Vyacheslavovna answers questions from citizens on pension provision

QUESTION: Can I take care of my husband's mother and receive a compensation payment if in a month I am granted an old-age pension?

ANSWER: The compensation payment for care is made to an unemployed able-bodied person caring for a disabled citizen. Pensioners are classified as disabled citizens, therefore, when a pension is awarded, payment of compensation is terminated. Any unemployed able-bodied person, regardless of family relationship, can apply for care allowance.

QUESTION: Does the granddaughter take care of her grandmother and receive a compensation payment, if she goes to work, will the additional payment be stopped?

ANSWER: Compensation payment is made to an able-bodied non-working caregiver. If the granddaughter goes to work, then she will no longer have the right to this compensation, and the payment will be terminated. The granddaughter must immediately inform the Pension Fund of Russia about her work so that an overpayment does not form.

QUESTION: Recipients of pensions whose pension is less than the subsistence minimum are paid additional federal social supplements to their pensions. Who sets the living wage, and how often can it change?

ANSWER: The amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in each subject of the Russian Federation in order to establish a social supplement to a pension is annually established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. This year, the cost of living is 8,726 rubles.

QUESTION: How to get a set of social services?

ANSWER: A citizen decides in what form it is convenient for him to receive social services: in kind or in cash, and submits to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration or actual residence or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services a corresponding application before 01 October of the current year. The submitted application will be valid until the citizen changes his choice.

QUESTION: When receiving a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, for caring for a child, can I get a job?

ANSWER: According to the current legislation, disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner, who were dependent on him, are entitled to a survivor's pension. The spouse of the deceased breadwinner, regardless of age and ability to work, is recognized as a disabled family member, if he is engaged in caring for the children of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 14 and does not work. That is, when applying for a job, the right to receive a survivor's pension is lost.

QUESTION: What document must be submitted to the Pension Fund to extend the payment of a pension if a citizen lives abroad?

ANSWER: The payment of a pension to persons living outside the Russian Federation is made subject to the submission to the Pension Fund of Russia (its territorial body) of a document confirming the fact that the citizen is alive, or subject to the annual personal appearance of the pensioner. A document confirming the fact that a citizen is alive is issued by a notary on the territory of the Russian Federation or by a competent authority (official) of a foreign state.

Confirmation of the fact that a citizen is alive can be carried out by his personal appearance at a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation, or at the FIU (its territorial body). In this case, an act is drawn up on the personal appearance of a citizen (his legal representative) in order to continue the payment of a pension in the appropriate period.

QUESTION: Is there a right to a survivor's pension before leaving school if the child turned 18 in May and will there be a right to receive a pension in the summer before entering a university?

ANSWER: In accordance with the legislation, disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner, who were dependent on him, are entitled to a survivor's pension. Disabled members of the family are children of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18, as well as children studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities, until they complete such training, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23 years. When providing a certificate containing information about the vacation period, the survivor's pension will be paid until the end of the vacation period.

QUESTION: What documents do I need to provide to extend the payment of the survivor's pension after reaching the age of 18?

ANSWER: To extend the payment of a survivor's pension after reaching the age of 18, it is necessary to submit a certificate from the place of study to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence. The pension will be paid until graduation from the educational institution. When providing a certificate containing information about the vacation period, the survivor's pension will be paid until the end of the vacation period.

Hello, such a situation, our father died, well, how is he to me, and to my younger sister, my own father, but he is not included in the document, can she apply for a pension for the loss of a carmelian?

01 June 2019, 19:04, question #2380912 Mashyanova Kristina, Yekaterinburg

Do I need a certificate of income of my ex-husband to apply for child support?

Hello, when receiving "Putin's" child benefits (FZ 418), they demand the income of the ex-husband, although the marriage is officially dissolved, justifying this by the fact that the ex-husband is still considered the parent of the child. Are they right??

How is the seniority for a pension calculated if she worked since 2009 and quit, but recovered?

I have been working since May 13, 2009, on October 5, 2017, I quit, now I have recovered from December 29, 2018 to an officer position, how much do I have left before retirement? Thank you in advance.

I worked at Gazprom for more than five years, is there a pension supplement?

Good afternoon. I worked at Gazprom for more than five years from 2002 to 2007. Is there an addition to my pension?

What should I do if I am asked to pay back my pension overpayment?

When I retired from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, I was overpaid a % bonus for long service from 2014 to 2016. By a court decision, they demand to return the amount of 72,000 rubles. I retired in January 2017. During this time, I was not notified of the above overpayment....

What size of pensions will be if a citizen moved to the Chernobyl zone?

I myself am an invalid since childhood of the 3rd group. What size of pensions will I have when moving to the Chernobyl zone? Today's pension is 6.279 rubles. 35 kopecks + social package 2.162 rubles. 67 kopecks, and total = 8.442 rubles. 02 kop. I get better...

289 price

issue resolved

Draw up a statement of claim in the court in the event of a right to an increased pension

Private question.

1600 price

issue resolved

How is the length of service calculated when caring for a pensioner who is over 80 years old?

Good afternoon!!! I am registered to care for a pensioner who is over 80 years old. I know that I have experience. I would like to clarify ... How is it calculated?!? Year after year?!?... Thanks for the reply!!!

Will my daughter continue to receive survivor benefits if I remarry?

Hello. I am a widower with a permanent job. Will my minor daughter continue to receive survivor benefits if I remarry. Thank you, best regards, Michael.

Is the work of a teacher and counselor in rural areas taken into account when calculating a preferential pension?

Does the part-time work of a teacher and the rate of a counselor in the amount from 2002-2004, worked in rural areas, include when calculating a preferential pension?

What if we are denied benefits for the last month?

Good afternoon. As a mother of many children, I received benefits for a third child up to three years old. On April 20, 2019, the child turned 3 years old, there was no money for the month of April. When I called the social benefits department, they told me that, since the documents were submitted a year ago ...

Ask your question to lawyers and get advice

Questions answered by lawyers on the pension system of the Russian Federation

Question: During 2014-2015, everyone must choose the option of forming a pension. What is more profitable - to abandon the funded part and transfer contributions to the state Pension Fund or go to the NPF?

Answer: In order for you to make the right choice, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options. If you refuse to form a funded part, your pension will be guaranteed by the state in full. According to the law, the insurance part is subject to annual indexation based on the increase in the income of the Pension Fund and inflation rates. Thus, you will receive a stable income corresponding to the economic situation in the country.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice on housing issues by calling the hotlines:

If you save the funded part and transfer it to, you will be able to increase your savings and receive a higher pension. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the profitability is determined depending on the results of investing funds. In the event that the NPF incurs losses, you will receive only the amount that the employer transferred. The state does not index these contributions. The decision on which is more profitable is up to you to decide.

Question: In 2013, I entered the . I am listed as an individual entrepreneur, but in fact I do not work, my daughter runs the business. The size of my pension is lower than the subsistence minimum, which is set in our region. I heard that in this case I should be paid a surcharge. How can you arrange it?

Answer: In accordance with the law, citizens whose pension is below the regional subsistence minimum are provided with the appropriate social supplement. At the same time, they should not carry out labor activities. Since you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, you are considered a working citizen, despite the fact that you do not actually conduct business. To qualify for the allowance, you need to close the IP and re-register the business for a daughter or another person.

After the tax office issues tax deregistration documents, you can apply to the Pension Fund with an application for an allowance. It must be accompanied by a passport and a pension certificate. No additional documents need to be submitted. The supplement will be paid at the same time as the pension.