The minimum social pension in Kalmykia. Minimum pension in Kalmykia. The total amount of the pension is calculated according to the formula

In Kalmykia in 2019, non-working pensioners are entitled to a pension supplement up to 8846 rub.

The size of the regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner (8,081 rubles) is lower than the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the whole of the Russian Federation (8,846 rubles).

Non-working pensioners whose total amount of material support is less than the regional subsistence level of a pensioner are entitled to a federal social supplement (from the federal budget):

Amount of additional payment, rub. \u003d 8846 - The amount of material security for a pensioner

The living wage for a pensioner as a whole in the Russian Federation is established to determine the size of the federal social supplement to a pension.

The regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner is established in each subject of the Russian Federation in order to determine the social supplement to a pension.

Only non-working pensioners are entitled to a social supplement to a pension if the amount of their material security is lower than the pensioner's subsistence minimum established in the region at their place of residence.

Note that local legislation may provide for certain conditions for receiving a regional social supplement to a pension.

The social supplement to the pension is established from the 1st day of the month following the month of applying for it with the corresponding application and the necessary documents.

What amounts are taken into account when calculating the amount of material security for a pensioner:

  • all types of pensions;
  • urgent pension payment;
  • additional material (social) security;
  • monthly cash payment (including the cost of a set of social services);
  • other measures of social support (assistance) established by regional legislation in monetary terms (with the exception of social support measures provided at a time);
  • cash equivalents of the provided social support measures for paying for the use of the telephone, housing and utilities, travel on all types of passenger transport, as well as cash compensation for the costs of paying for these services.

What amounts are NOT included in the calculation the amount of material support for a pensioner:
measures of social support provided in accordance with the legislation in kind.

For information

It is used for:

  • assessment of the standard of living of the population in Kalmykia in the development and implementation of regional social programs;
  • providing state social assistance to poor citizens;
  • formation of the budget of Kalmykia.

The cost of living is calculated quarterly based on . It is not used directly for the calculation and calculation of pensions.

Dynamics of changes in the subsistence level of a pensioner in Kalmykia

Table. Regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner in Kalmykia (to establish additional payments to a pension)

YearAmount, rub.Law of the Republic of KalmykiaFederal
2019 8081 dated 26.09.2018 No. 6-VI-З8846
2018 7755 dated 02.10.2017 No. 254-V-Z8726
2017 7667 dated September 16, 2016 No. 194-V-З8540
2016 7526 dated November 20, 2015 No. 154-V-З8803
2015 6327 dated 24.09.2014 No. 71-V-37161
2014 6053 6354
2013 5451 6131
2012 5262 5564
2011 4465 4938
2010 4191 dated November 16, 2009 No. 141-IV-З4780

Children and pensioners are unprotected segments of the population. The state cares about their well-being in every possible way. Disabled age is the basis for the payment of benefits from federal and regional authorities. In this article, we will consider what benefits rely on children in the Republic of Kalmykia. We will also determine what the minimum level of pension in the region is provided for here in 2017.

General provisions

The concept of “minimum pension” or “minimum level of child allowance” is not provided for in Russian legislation. The most commonly used term is "living wage" - the amount of money that is necessary for life. Different indicators are set for able-bodied and disabled citizens. Regional authorities designate a minimum for pensioners, able-bodied persons and children.

They adjust their figures to the federal minimum. Local authorities may set an amount higher than that recommended by the Government. They cover the costs from local budgets. If, on the contrary, the economic situation in the region does not allow covering the minimum set at the government level, then the difference is covered from the federal budget.

It is under the subsistence level that children's pensions and benefits are adjusted.

What will be the minimum pension in Kalmykia in 2017?

This year, pension benefits will not be raised to the subsistence level for all categories of pensioners. Working persons of retirement age and recipients of social pensions will not receive a long-awaited increase. How are things in the region? Let's figure it out.

PFR in Kalmykia, the payment will be increased to the level of PM only for non-working pensioners. The People's Khural or the Parliament of the Republic raised the figure to 7,667 rubles. (for 2017) out of 7526 rubles. (2016).

Since February 2017, PF payments addressed to disabled people, as well as children who have lost their breadwinner, have been increased.

The amount of the surcharge is set individually in each individual case. It depends on the size of the pension in 2016, and is the difference between the current figure and the new level of PM.

Social pensions

These types of payments are increased in 2017, but in a somewhat non-standard way. This will happen through an increase in mandatory payments. The principal amount of pension payments will be increased by the actual rate of inflation in 2016, and not by the expected figure in 2017.

When calculating the amount of the applicant's material security, all types of income are taken into account, including pension, the cost of a set of social services, monetary compensation for benefits (travel, medicines, utilities).

Note! The social supplement to the pension is a privilege exclusively for non-working pensioners. When the applicant returns to work, he loses the right to compensation. In addition, the pensioner is obliged to report employment within 5 days from the date of official enrollment, otherwise he will have to compensate for the amount of the overpayment.

Child benefits in 2017 in Kalmykia

The well-thought-out social policy of the republican authorities contributed to the stabilization of the demographic situation in the region. Their next task is to solve the problems of children's distress, increase the number of children transferred to the family, improve the quality of life of minors. For this purpose, various child allowances are paid in Kalmykia.

In addition to all federal benefits valid throughout Russia, citizens of the Republic of Kalmykia are entitled to regional benefits. They are appointed taking into account the real financial situation of the applicant, the level of his need. Payments are exclusively targeted.

Regional child allowances of Kalmykia:

  1. Monthly child allowance. I pay it to low-income families. The need indicator is determined taking into account the level of SM in the region. Those applicants whose average per capita income is below the PM can apply for assistance.
    The amount of the allowance is determined taking into account such factors as the condition of the family, the situation of the parents, and it is:
  • 225 rubles - the standard rate;
  • 450 rudders - surcharge for single mothers;
  • 337 rubles are received by children, one of whose parents serves on conscription, evades payment of alimony.
  1. Regional maternity capital. In 2017, the amount of the benefit amounted to 62,348 rubles. It is paid only to families that have received the status of large families. The basis for payment is the birth, adoption or custody of a third child.
  1. Financial assistance to low-income citizens:
  • One-time assistance in the amount of 500 rubles;
  • regular allowance, which is paid under a social contract;
  • a one-time social payment, the amount of which is 80 times the minimum wage. They pay it at the birth of a child to those parents who have suffered from extreme conditions, disasters in the region;
  • compensation of part of the insurance payment to families affected by fire, domestic explosion, flood, and other situations. The maximum amount of insurance compensation is 1000 rubles;
  • natural aid in the form of medicines totaling 1,500 rubles annually.
  1. Assistance in accepting a child into a family on the terms of adoption / establishment of guardianship or guardianship. It is provided in the form:
  • Monthly allowance for the maintenance of orphans and minors deprived of parental care. They are paid to families who have accepted a child for post-boarding support/foster care. 10,550 rubles are paid for a healthy child and 15,825 for a disabled person;
  • Financial compensation to the adoptive parent/guardian. This is compensation for the income that the applicant does not receive for his maintenance while raising a foster child. 20,000 are paid for one child, 30,000 are guaranteed for each minor disabled person.

Attention! Those applicants who live in a desert area or in conditions of lack of water can count on a surcharge. The amount of compensation is equated to the amount of additional payment that workers receive for work in the relevant difficult conditions (desert or waterless terrain).

  • Financial remuneration, which is paid monthly to the foster caregiver. To obtain the right to issue it, you will need to conclude an agreement on post-boarding support for a minor. 2,000 and 3,000 rubles are the amounts for raising an ordinary child and a disabled person, respectively.
  • Financial remuneration, which is paid monthly to the foster caregiver. To obtain the right to issue it, you will need to conclude an agreement on social patronage. 1000 rubles are given for healthy children, 2000 are paid for disabled children.
  • Financial remuneration, which is paid monthly to the foster caregiver. To obtain the right to its registration, you will need to conclude an agreement on foster care. 7,000 and 10,000 rubles are paid to a foster caregiver for healthy children and children in a group, respectively.

Families with the status of a "large family" are also entitled to additional preferences.

The average amount of deductions in Elista and the Republic of Kalmykia is 11,250 rubles. In total, according to the PF, there are officially 422,200 persons of retirement age who receive monthly benefits. Every year, according to the plans of the government, these cumulative insurance contributions are indexed.

The average amount of such accruals is determined by the total amount of all pension payments throughout the Republic. From all amounts, the average value is calculated, which is the basic insurance payment for the Republic of Kalmykia. The final amounts that are issued to pensioners are calculated directly in the Republic. Their numerical value is affected by the amount of additional payments for each group of citizens.

Minimum pension

The minimum values ​​of benefits are under the control of the municipal and federal authorities. In the Republic of Kalmykia, the minimum pensions are kept at 7670 rubles. The administration of the region independently allocates all the required amounts.

The pensioner receiving the lowest pension, in the event that evidence of data on his work activity appears, can apply for a pension recalculation. At the request of the persons who applied for the recalculation of the pension, during such recalculation, the payments received at the time of appointment (recalculation at the time of dismissal) of the pension (except for salary, bonus for rank or qualification class, class rank or special rank, length of service) are determined according to the conditions established for these persons.

The value of the minimum wage in Elista and the Republic of Kalmykia

In 2017, the minimum wage in Elista and the Republic of Kalmykia is 7,500 rubles. Every year it is indexed by a certain amount. From the beginning of 2018, this amount will increase by 300 rubles. This will help raise wages throughout the Russian Federation.

In each individual region, the levels differ according to its economic indicators. Less than the threshold established by law, enterprises are not entitled to pay wages to their employees.

Additional payments (surcharges) to pensions in Elista and the Republic of Kalmykia

The republic takes part in state programs to support people of retirement age. Survivors' pensions are awarded in the event of the death of a citizen who has dependent relatives. The first step in deciding on a survivor's pension is to determine whether a family member of the deceased breadwinner is disabled; if not, then no such pension is paid.

If the person is not incapacitated for work and subsequently becomes unemployed, a survivor's pension is paid to that person. Children whose breadwinner has died and who have not reached the age of 18 are entitled to pensions (23 years if the child is studying or is an orphan; and if the child became disabled before the age of 18 - without restrictions).

Conditions for obtaining a pension in Elista and the Republic of Kalmykia

Early retirement and short service life are common By 2018, the statutory retirement age is 61 for men and 56 for women, lower than in almost all other European countries. The actual retirement age is even lower for those workers who benefit from early retirement provisions or become eligible for disability pensions before retirement age.

It should be noted that the number of employees entitled to preferential pensions is declining, and their influence on the expenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not so strong that the employer has to pay for these preferential pensions. In Russia, the phenomenon of early retirement is particularly noticeable for women, whose life expectancy at the time of retirement is 23.4 years.

This is comparable to many European countries (for example, in the UK it is about 24 years, in Germany and Austria - 25 years, in Poland - 23 years, in Slovakia - 21 years at age 60). As a result, women in the Russian Federation work for shorter periods than women in many other countries, and receive pensions for a longer period.

Thus, the difference between the retirement age for women and the retirement age for men of 5 years is the most appropriate strategic measure. The retirement age for both sexes will eventually rise, and in the long term it will be linked to changes in life expectancy.

Addresses of branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Elista and the Republic of Kalmykia

City of Elista, Maxim Gorky street, house number 9.
City of Gorodovikovsk, Sadovaya street, house number 3.
Lagan city, Lenin street, house number 8.
City of Tsagan Aman, Budyonny street, house number 3.
The city of Bolshoy Tsaryn, Shkolnaya street, house number 11.

Starting from January 2019, there was an increase in pensions by 3.7%. The reason is the state program aimed at improving the well-being of pensioners. Since April, pension provision will increase by 4.1%.

Payments are being increased due to indexation due to inflation and the adjustment of social pensions carried out by the PFR. In 2019, there will be no pensioners in Kalmykia whose pensions will be below the subsistence minimum for pensioners - 7,755 rubles.

Who is supposed to

In Russia, there are such types of pensions:

  • insurance;
  • state security;
  • non-state pension.

The insurance pension is paid every month. Payments are made to compensate people for a salary they can no longer receive due to disability.

Insurance pensions are paid:

  • old age;
  • by disability;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner.

Old-age pension payments are received by women who are 55 years old. Men must be over 60 years of age.

All of them must have insurance experience of at least 9 years. In 2024, you will need to have 15 years of insurance experience. You must also have the required number of pension points.

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When assigning an old-age insurance payment, only the length of service during which pension contributions from wages were made to the state is taken into account.

This is possible only if a person has been registered in the compulsory pension insurance system and has a SNILS card.

Disabled people receive payments in accordance with the law on the protection of the rights of disabled people with disabilities of the Russian Federation. Disability pension is given on the basis of a medical report.

In this case, the group and the reason for the disability are indicated. This type of payment is made without regard to the insurance experience.

Due to the loss of a breadwinner, monthly payments are given to people who have lost their ability to work and were dependent on deceased citizens. The flat survivorship benefit is half of the government-established PV.

State pension payments are given to people who have lost their earnings due to the termination of their service or to disabled older people who have no other means of subsistence.

State pension payments are given:

  • for seniority;
  • old age;
  • social pensions.

For the length of service, former civil servants, astronauts, military personnel, and pilots receive payments. The social pension can be used by people who are not entitled to an employment pension. Women can receive payments at 60, men at 65.

The non-state pension is paid on the basis of an agreement between the contributor and the non-state fund. Payment is made if a person has made monthly contributions to the NPF for some time.

Pensioners each month receive money within the framework of the agreement and the deductions they made earlier.

What does it consist of

The insurance, that is, labor pension, is calculated as follows:

SP \u003d number of points * cost of 1 point

The price of one ball in 2019 is 81 rubles. 49 kopecks, and in order to receive a pension payment, you need to have at least 13.8 points. Points are calculated based on the results of contributions to the Pension Fund separately for each year. This arrangement has been in place since 2015.

A fixed, that is, basic part, is added to the resulting amount of the insurance pension. The fixed part is 4982.9 rubles.

The total amount of the pension is calculated according to the formula:

Amount of pension payments = fixed base + insurance pension

Those people who are going on a well-deserved rest should know that in one year you can earn no more than 10 points. To do this, their monthly salary in 2019 must be at least 85,083 rubles. When assigning a pension payment directly in 2019, only 8.7 points will be taken into account.

Fully all points will be taken into account only from 2020. In the near future, the total number of points will be calculated as follows: “divide” the pension capital earned before 2002 plus insurance premiums for 2002-2018 by the price of one point.

The size of the minimum pension in Kalmykia in 2019 from January 1

On September 21, 2017, the Parliament of the Republic of Kalmykia adopted a law that established that the living wage for pensioners in the Kalmyk region in 2019 will be 7,755 rubles. The legislative document came into force on October 2, 2017 (Law No. 254-V-Z of 02.10.2017).

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As a result of the increase in the pension, the amount of the fixed payment will be 4982.9 rubles per month, and the cost of the pension ball will be 81.49 rubles.

The predicted amount of the old-age insurance payment for working and non-working people in 2019 will be 14,075 rubles. Social pension payments will not be lower than 9045 rubles.

Terms of registration

People who have reached retirement age decide for themselves what to do: continue to work or retire. Regardless of their decision, you need to deal with the registration of a pension. Women who are already 55 years old, as well as men who have reached the age of 60, are required to come to the regional branch of the Pension Fund at their place of residence.

If they cannot do it on their own, then instead of them a person who has a power of attorney certified by a notary can come to the state institution.

To apply for a pension, you must provide the following documents to the regional PF:

  • passport;
  • about granting a pension;
  • work book and other documents (contracts, certificates of awards and work in the Far North), which confirm the fact of insurance experience;
  • extract from the OPS.

Particular attention must be paid to the correct filling of the application. The application form can be downloaded from the official website of the Pension Fund ( At the very beginning of the document, the organization in whose name the application is written is indicated. Then the data of the applicant is recorded.

In the main text, you need to select the item on the basis of which the document is being submitted, and put a “tick” against it. For example, if the applicant asks for assistance in old age, then he puts a “bird” in the box opposite the selected item, if assistance is provided for disability, then the “bird” is placed opposite the words “by disability”.

Documents submitted to the PF are considered within 10 working days. PF employees are required to check the accuracy of the documents received, explain in detail how to make inquiries to the archive or former employers.

If something is missing, then the future pensioner has 3 months to provide the missing documents to the Pension Fund.

If there are no falsifications, citizens are given a pension for the rest of their lives. PF employees are required to calculate the amount of the monthly payment and give the person a pension certificate. People can receive monthly payments on their own or with the help of their proxies.

You can receive money at home, coming to the post office or to a bank card. Delivery of pension payments is made through the Russian Post or through Sberbank.

Due to constantly changing laws and rising inflation rates, only people who officially work and pay pension contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia can count on normal assistance in old age.

In order for the pension payment to be high, it is necessary to strive for the salary to be as high as possible. You can earn the points you need for retirement in a few years with an average salary, or in just 2 years with the highest contributions to the PF.

Video: Minimum pension in Russia in 2019