Husband of the sister-in-law who has to. What are the names of the sister's husband and the wife's brother? Who is the daughter-in-law and brother-in-law? All names of relatives. For the bride: names of future relatives

By uniting hearts, lovers not only become a new family, but also acquire new family ties. The portal recommends that even before painting, find out the relationship, who is related to whom. Indeed, already during the celebration, especially in the second half, the toastmaster can organize thematic competitions, and the guests begin to find out who they are now for each other. And you, as newlyweds, simply do not have the right to fall face down in the dirt without knowing the names of relatives. Therefore, our article is your lifesaver.

Names of relatives: who, by whom and to whom (diagram)

Nowadays, family members (especially distant ones) practically do not maintain warm relations, as in the days of our ancestors. Basically, close relatives communicate closely: grandparents, nephews, aunts and uncles, cousins ​​and sisters. Therefore, when distant relatives try to reconnect with rare meetings, problems arise.

Family ties are divided into three groups:

  1. Kinship by blood - direct relatives.
  2. Unrelated ties (stepfather, stepmother, godparents, etc.).
  3. Owners - relatives on the part of the spouse.

To make it easier to figure out who belongs to whom in the family, and to understand the order of kinship, we offer a general table for study:

We are also in a hurry to fill in the gaps regarding distant relatives. Here is a list of distant blood relatives, who relates to whom:

  • cousin uncle/aunt- cousin / sister of mom or dad;
  • second cousin/sister- son / daughter of a cousin uncle / aunt;
  • collateral (son or daughter)- children born out of wedlock;
  • great-uncle- grandfather's or grandmother's brother;
  • great-granddaughter second cousin- great-granddaughter of a second cousin/sister;
  • great-great-niece- great-granddaughter of a cousin/sister;
  • great-grandniece- great-granddaughter of a brother/sister;
  • fifth cousin- relative in the fifth generation;
  • grandparents- the primary couple, known by the pedigree, from which the genus begins;
  • ancestor- parents of great-grandfather / great-grandmother.

Agree, it is always interesting to figure out who, who and who is related, and to find out the names of relatives, especially at a family dinner. Do not miss the opportunity and paint the scheme, create your own family tree! So you will not only remember the history of your family, but also introduce it to your children and grandchildren.

Relationship after marriage

It seems that they have just dealt with blood relatives, as a new one appears, from the side of the spouse. And again, you have to figure out who is in the newly-made family after the wedding.

For the bride:

  • mother-in-law (mother of the spouse);
  • father-in-law (father of spouse);
  • sister-in-law (sister of the spouse);
  • brother-in-law (brother of the spouse);
  • daughter-in-law or intercourse (brother-in-law's wife);
  • son-in-law (husband of sister-in-law).

For the groom:

  • mother-in-law (wife's mother);
  • father-in-law (wife's father);
  • sister-in-law / fraternal (sister of the wife);
  • brother-in-law / schwager / brother-in-law (brother of the wife);
  • bride (brother-in-law's wife);
  • son-in-law (husband of sister-in-law).

For parents of newlyweds:

  • son-in-law (daughter's husband);
  • daughter-in-law for mother and daughter-in-law for father (son's wife).

Parents simply do not have the right not to know the names of newly-born relatives. Surely, at the wedding, the toastmaster will ask about this more than once, to which dads and moms should answer clearly and quickly. So, to know kinship is a kind of duty of parents at a wedding.

Unfortunately, there are situations when, for various reasons, parents cannot be present at the main celebration of their children. In such cases, there may be persons “replacing” them at the wedding - planted father and planted mother (planted parents). In addition, she was previously present at matchmaking and wedding parties. matchmaker- a woman who was engaged in wooing and arranging marriage. At the same time, she did not have to be a blood relative.

What other family members call relatives of young people:

  • wives of brothers in relation to each other - intercourse or intercourse;
  • sisters' husbands brother-in-law;
  • wedding and marriage- parents of the newly-born husband and wife in relation to each other;
  • godfather and godfather- godmothers and fathers of the newlyweds in relation to each other and to their parents. Previously called kmort and cuenstra;
  • cousins ​​and cousins- cousins, brothers and distant relatives in relation to each other.

Family ties are complex and confusing. Therefore, in order not to be confused by ourselves and not to confuse the interlocutor, we can say, for example, that the wife's uncle in relation to the newly-made husband is just a distant relative. And the wives of brothers can call each other daughters-in-law, which is more familiar to hearing.

In addition, I would like to mention what relatives are called when entering into a second (and subsequent) marriage:

  • half brother or sister- children from the same father, but different mothers;
  • half brother or sister- children from different fathers, but from one mother;
  • stepbrothers and sisters- children of newly-married spouses from their first marriages in relation to each other, who do not have any consanguinity;
  • stepmother- a woman in relation to the son or daughter of a spouse who was born in another marriage (daddy's wife, not native mother);
  • stepfather- a man in relation to his wife's son/daughter, who were not born of him (mother's husband, not his own father);
  • stepdaughter- not a native daughter for someone from a couple, born in a previous marriage of a spouse. And the stepdaughter is a must native child one of the spouses;
  • stepson- not the native son of the wife or husband, who is necessarily native to one of the spouses.

Family ties are our roots, family history, our foundation. Unfortunately, in modern world people are increasingly forgetting about this, moving away from the closest people, losing the secrets of family relationships. But sometimes it’s worth stopping and remembering warm moments from childhood, funny stories related to relatives, and just gathering again at the “round table”, remembering who belongs to whom. The site team is sure that the moment of unity with the family will be one of the best in your life!

15 chose

In fairy tales, everything ends with a happy wedding, but in life everything just begins with it! Immediately after the registration of marriage, complete with your chosen one, you will receive a complete set of new relatives. From that day on, you have two families that have merged into one and entered into complex family relationships. Once upon a time, the question did not even arise of who is brought to whom and by whom, but today, alas, much has been forgotten and we cannot figure it out even in our closest relatives. Let's go back a couple of centuries ago, when families were large, a patriarchal way of life reigned, and even the most distant relationship was held in high esteem.

blood relatives

With blood relatives, everything is more or less clear: mother, father, brother, sister, uncles and aunts, nephews, grandparents. This is if you do not go deep. And if you try to figure it out, you might think that in the family all people are brothers!

  • Bratanich- brother's nephew
  • Bro- cousin's wife
  • Bro brother's daughter, brother's niece
  • bratelnitsa- cousin or distant relative
  • Bratova- brother's wife
  • Bratych brother's son, brother's nephew
  • Bro, bro-cousin

It's the same with sisters.

  • Sister, sister, sister- cousin
  • Sister- cousin, daughter of mother's or father's sister
  • Sister, sister, sister (ancient Russian)- mother's sister's son (sister's nephew)

Do you know how to call your grandparents' brothers or sisters? great aunt- the sister of a grandfather or grandmother (cousin) and great uncle- the brother of a grandfather or grandmother. And that's not all - there are also cousins, second cousins ​​and a number of great-great-great… .

You can get confused even among grandchildren! Judge for yourself: grandson and granddaughter this is not only the son and daughter of a son or daughter, but also the children of nephews. In grandchildren and grandchildren, you can get confused at all:

  • Grandbrothers and sisters- second cousins
  • Great-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister
  • Great cousin-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a cousin or sister.


Let's go back to the wedding, after which the number of relatives grows at least twice - this in-laws.

For whom do not marry, but the mother-in-law and father-in-law (parents of the husband) are provided for you, however, like the father-in-law with the mother-in-law to your chosen one! But they, in turn, acquire you as a relative.

Let's take it in order:

  • Father-in-law and mother-in-law- husband's parents for a young wife
  • Father-in-law and mother-in-law- wife's parents for husband
  • matchmaker, matchmaker-parents of husband and wife in relation to each other
  • son-in-law- daughter's husband
  • Daughter-in-law (she is the daughter-in-law for the father-in-law)- son's wife
  • brother-in-law- Brother husband, yatrovka or intercourse- brother-in-law's wife
  • sister-in-law- husband's sister
  • sister-in-law- wife's sister
  • brother-in-law- wife's sister's husband brother-in-law men whose wives are sisters
  • brother-in-law- brother-in-law, Shurich- brother-in-law's son

By the way, if, in addition to family ties, we also mention family relations, then most often the father-in-law is more kind than the mother-in-law in relation to the daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law). With father-in-law and mother-in-law it can be anything - if father-in-law is always a friend to a son-in-law, then mother-in-law can be different - both in the form of an "old saw" and in the form of a best friend.

Even "stars" and princesses have mothers-in-law!

Close but not related

It turns out that there are relatives and close ones, but not relatives. Not very clear? Now let's figure it out!

If a husband or wife has children from previous marriages, they are considered stepbrothers and sisters. At the same time, the mother's husband stepfather and the father's wife stepmother. Not a native son - stepson, not his own daughter - stepdaughter. So it turns out that they seem to be close relatives, but not relatives.

Close, but not relatives are also considered:

  • Named daughter, named son- adopted children
  • named mother, named father– adoptive parents

If the young people got married, then they have more planted parents - planted mother and planted father replacing parents at the wedding ceremony.

When a child is baptized, the following are added to the number of relatives, but not relatives:

  • Kum and kuma - godfather and mother in relation to the parents of the godson and to each other
  • Godmother- spiritual mother
  • Godfather- spiritual father
  • Godson- godson
  • Goddaughter- God daughter
  • Godbrother (sister)- son (daughter) of the godfather

There was a custom of exchanging pectoral crosses, and people who performed such a ceremony, kissing three times, also became close:

  • Brother of the cross, brother of the cross
  • Cross sister, sister-in-law

It also happened that it was necessary to look for a nurse for a child when her own mother could not feed. The nurse became milk mother, and her children and the child she nursed became dairy brothers and sisters.

So many relatives around...

Try to figure out who is who and by whom!

A brother or sister for a person is often the closest thing in the world. Sometimes you want to call a friend so much, but only the one with whom you have at least one can be a real blood brother. common parent- mother or father. In addition, there are godfathers, stepbrothers, named and, of course, cousins. When you start to figure out which of the relatives is who and who has to, it is very easy to get confused. And to understand, for example, who is the cousin of a cousin, it becomes almost impossible.

What does the term mean

Cousins ​​are those whose parents are blood brothers or sisters. That is, either your brother's mother is your aunt, or your father is your uncle. These kinship laws apply regardless of gender. It's just that if it is a female relative, then it is called a cousin, and if it is a male, it is called a cousin.

Literally, the word "cousin" means "belonging to two families." And in a figurative sense, this word can be understood as "belonging to the second degree of kinship." By the way, other relatives can also be cousins: grandparents, aunts and uncles.

The need to determine the degree of kinship appeared in those days when it was customary to have many children - at least five. They, in turn, had the same number of children, and in the end it became completely difficult to figure out who had to whom. But it is also wrong to exclude the children of a sibling from kinship - after all, this is not the most distant relative. And, besides, in that era, family ties helped out a lot, and people held on to them. It is now that city dwellers usually confine themselves to communicating with relatives of the first generation, maximum of the second. But before the importance of family ties played a big role, and cousins, uncles and aunts were considered close people, despite the fact that there were so many of them.

Relation degree

Relatives do not always treat each other well, and sometimes they would prefer not to have anything in common at all, but this does not depend on their desire. Kinship is a relationship between people, both emotional and legal, which is due either to the presence of common ancestors, or the act of marriage or adoption.

Kinship can be blood and non-blood (for example, marriage and adoption). In addition, it has degrees. In addition to the emotional color, these degrees play a role in obtaining an inheritance. So, in the first place, the inheritance will be given to the closest relatives, and second-order relatives only in the absence of the first. The closest relatives are parents, children, spouses and siblings. If there are no second-order relatives, then third-order relatives can already claim the inheritance, and so on.

In the Russian tradition, there are dozens of names for degrees of kinship. This is due to the fact that our ancestors used to live in large communities, and belonging to a large family gave advantages, since it was easier to survive together.

It is noteworthy that in the villages a similar attitude towards kinship can be found even now. At village weddings there are at least 100 people. And in the city, it became very difficult to maintain such family ties, and such interesting names of kinship as father, father, or daughter became archaic.


Do not confuse cousins ​​and half-brothers. Consolidated blood are not. They became brothers as a result of marriage between their parents. After all, after such a marriage, the children begin to live together as brothers. But they are neither official nor blood relatives. If the children are of different sexes, then theoretically they can even get married, but in practice this is condemned and considered immoral. Since many still see a touch of incest in this.


There is an opinion that a cousin is the same cousin, because in English and French this combination of words is translated as cousin. But here it is worth noting that a literal translation is not always possible due to the conceptual difference in cultures. And the word "cousin" is used by the British and the French to denote some distant blood relative in the same tribe with someone, and not necessarily in the second. That is, second and fourth cousins ​​are also called cousins.

And if we transfer this word into the Russian language, then it is also only as a common name for all brothers, except for relatives. And "cousin", respectively, is the name for the sisters of all tribes.

Who are the cousins ​​of wives or husbands

They are relatives, of course, not blood. If we talk about who the husband's cousin is, then we can say that he is the cousin's brother-in-law. But, in fact, only a brother is considered a relative and is simply called a brother-in-law.

Questions about, for example, who the husband’s cousin is to the wife are asked more for the sake of cognitive interest, and not in order to maintain such family ties. In Russian tradition, this degree of kinship is called "the seventh water on jelly."

Children of cousins

Such family ties as grandmother - grandson, aunt - niece are preserved even with cousins, but with a prefix. And if we talk about a specific case, for example, about who the cousin's daughter is, then she is your cousin's niece. And the daughter of a second cousin or sister will be a second cousin, that is, a niece in the third generation. And who is the cousin's son? Respectively cousin-nephew.

The children of cousins ​​and sisters themselves in relation to each other will also have a relationship, but already triple. So, they can be called second cousins. This relationship is already quite distant, and often they do not even always know each other closely. But it is still worth knowing about such relatives.

Can cousins ​​marry?

This question has two sides: moral and formal. According to article 14, paragraph 2 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, such marriages are possible. But from a moral, ethical and genetic point of view, this is highly undesirable. This is still too close a relationship, and it can cause genetic abnormalities in the children that such spouses will have.

In the history of monarchical states, including the Russian Empire, there are many cases when, in order to maintain power, people married cousins. And since an heir was needed, they had to have children. The latter almost always had either poor health or some kind of deviation.

Hemophilia of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov was a hereditary disease of the Romanovs and, noteworthy, other royal houses of Europe in the 19th-20th centuries. It was called in those days "royal disease". Now geneticists with a high probability argue that this pathology was caused by numerous incest in the reigning births. Because then, in order to preserve the throne within the same family, they did not disdain marriage between cousins ​​and sisters, not seeing anything immoral in this.

Fourth and fifth cousins

The terms "fourth cousin", "fifth cousin" and so on are formed rather by analogy and in real life are rarely used anymore. In some cultures, it is customary for all the numerous relatives to gather for weddings or funerals, and then at such events they begin to remember who is the fourth cousin of whom, and who is the sixth cousin. But, in fact, they are already very distant relatives. Whether such people should be considered relatives in the modern world is a philosophical question. After all, if you start digging even deeper, then all people on Earth are relatives to each other in the fourteenth generation.

What are the relatives called? Father-in-law and mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law are usually known to everyone, but such words as brother-in-law, matchmaker, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law cause difficulties for modern people. Let's see who belongs to whom in the family.

Parents and children

Nephew and niece- children of a brother or sister, as well as a brother-in-law or sister-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

Uncle- the brother of the father or mother.

Uncle- the sister of the father or mother.

Cousins- children of siblings in relation to each other. They can also call each other cousin or cousin.

Third cousins- children of cousins ​​​​in relation to each other.

Stepson- the son of a husband or wife from another marriage.

Stepdaughter- the daughter of a husband or wife from another marriage.

Stepfather - new husband mother.

Stepmother- Father's new wife.

Step siblings- children from different marriages. If the father/mother of the child enters into new marriage, then the children of the stepmother / stepfather will be his half-brothers / sisters.

Half brother, half sister- children who have the same father (common blood), but different mothers.

half brother, half sister- children who have one mother (common womb), but different fathers.

Spouses and their parents

father-in-law- Husband's father.

mother in law- Husband's mother. The origin of the word means "one's own blood".

father-in-law- Wife's father.

mother-in-law- Wife's mother. It is about the mother-in-law and her relationship with her son-in-law that there are a huge number of jokes that ridicule their mutual enmity and hatred. But there are also proverbs about good relations between mother-in-law and son-in-law, for example: "A good mother-in-law has a son-in-law - the most beloved son."

Matchmaker The father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse. About a person who has gained confidence, they say "both a matchmaker and a brother." There is also a saying: "Brother is brother, matchmaker is matchmaker, and money is not relatives."

Svatya(not to be confused with a matchmaker) - the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse. Svatya Baba Babarikha by Pushkin is actually the mother of all three girls who spun late in the evening, so her hatred for the third sister and her own grandson is difficult to explain. Further along the text of the tale, Pushkin confirms this in the episode where Prince Gvidon turned into a mosquito and bit the matchmaker on the nose: "But he regrets the eyes old grandmother his".

Matchmaker- a woman engaged in wooing, arranging marriages. A profession that has disappeared today, but in the past was very much in demand.

son-in-law- husband of daughter, sister, sister-in-law. In other words, a son-in-law is a man in relation to the wife's family: her parents, brothers, sisters.

daughter-in-law- wife of son, brother, brother-in-law. In other words, the daughter-in-law is a woman in relation to her husband's family: his parents, brothers, sisters.

daughter-in-law(son) - the wife of a son in relation to his father (father-in-law) and mother (mother-in-law). In Vysotsky's song "A trip to the city" there are the words: "so that I bring my daughter-in-law with her husband to doha." If the daughter-in-law is the son's wife, then "her husband" is the son of the protagonist of the song.

Brothers and sisters of spouses

brother-in-law- Brother husband.

sister-in-law- husband's sister. The penultimate day - Saturday - is called "Zolovkina gatherings", because on this day it was customary to gather in the house of the husband's sister.

brother-in-law- brother-in-law. In the song “Dialogue at the TV”, the brother-in-law is set only for rhyme: “But he looks like, no, really, Van, like his brother-in-law, he’s such a drunk,” because for Zina, the brother-in-law is her own brother.

sister-in-law- Wife's sister.

brother-in-law- the husband of the sister-in-law, that is, the husband of the wife's sister. Men who are married to sisters can call each other brothers-in-law.

Also, sometimes the question arises who is called godfather and godfather.

Qom and godfather- the godfather and godmother of the child in relation to his parents, as well as the parents of the godson in relation to the godfather and.

Who is my husband's sister's husband? This question often arises in the newly-made wife. In addition to establishing family life, she now has to build contacts with her husband's relatives, including his sister and her family. Let's see who is who in this family tree.

Who is related to me?

Before answering this question, it does not hurt to find out what types of kinship generally exist. In total there are 3 main groups with the following names: consanguinity, marriage relationship (property) and close unrelated relationships.

The system of consanguinity includes the following representatives of the family organization: grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, ancestors. And also the founder of the genus, if known, called the ancestor.

The marriage kinship group (property) is formed by the following relatives of the husband and wife: brother-in-law, sister-in-law, matchmaker, matchmaker, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law.

The last system of relations is formed God-parents, adopted children, adopted children, stepchildren, stepdaughters, stepfathers, stepmothers, named fathers and mothers.

Determination of the degree of relationship

Modern people do not always know the degree of their relationship, when this is not necessary. Whereas it is always useful to know in order to "orient" in your own, especially if they are extensive.

As a conclusion, I would like to add that, by and large, it does not matter at all who is related to whom. After all, the main thing is good, if not too strong, but equal and respectful relations between relatives. new family at both sides.

As far as definitions are concerned, modern society they are almost never used. This was accepted for previous generations, but today, due to frequent divorces and a freer style of relationships, the use of this terminology in everyday life is completely optional.

However, it is always interesting to know: who is my husband's sister's husband, as well as other members of the kinship of a peculiar kind ...