Useful tips for children from old grandmothers. Old advice. fungal skin disease

My grandmother had teeth like Sophia Loren until she was very old, and when she hennaed her curls and curled them into curls from my old school notebooks, our phone was torn from calls from elderly gentlemen inviting my grandmother on a date. And I still use her recipe for exfoliating the skin of the face with a piece of suede and I hope that at 85 I will look 20 years younger, like my beloved grandmother. Our grandmothers had to dodge to look like fresh roses, and, you see, they sometimes succeeded better than us, who have countless tubes and jars in the bathroom shelves.

The most important recipe for youth that I kept from my grandmother is the advice to always smile and always be in love. Well, as a bonus, all of the following!

1. “Curlers” from rags

Stripes from an old pillowcase - these were the best "curlers", thanks to which tight, elastic and resistant curls were obtained. Sleeping with such “curlers” is not a problem at all! When it was necessary to make a larger wave, my grandmother took notebook leaves, twisted them into a tube - “boomerang curlers” were obtained. So it is quite possible to adopt this budget option if for some reason you do not have the usual curlers in your house. This is the norm for me - the dog regularly eats these expensive accessories, so grandmother's advice always helps out.

2. Suede “massage”

We take a piece of natural suede and begin to rub the face, neck and décolleté along the massage lines. We do this procedure in the morning and in the evening for 5-7 minutes. You will not believe, but the face becomes well, just perfectly smooth! True, you need to try to find a suede that is not treated with chemicals. My grandmother used her old suede gloves. Eh, give up on the flea market, or what?

3. Satin against electricity

Have you ever encountered such a phenomenon as electrified hair? I had this often, until my grandmother advised me to put a satin pillowcase on my pillow. Not only did the static tension disappear by some miracle, my grandmother also claimed that the smoothness of satin protects against premature wrinkles. I believe her, remembering her rosy cheeks!

4. Glycerin hand cream

In those days, glycerin was almost a panacea, they smeared the face with it, and the doors so that they would not creak, and did enemas. My grandmother took a pharmacy bottle of glycerin and dissolved a piece of brewer's yeast in it. With this mixture, she smeared her hands at night, putting on cotton gloves. I don’t remember something on the hands of my 85-year-old grandmother of age spots.

6. Calcium chloride peeling

The vile-tasting liquid that was fed to me as a child for health, managed not to hate for only one reason. Calcium chloride is an incredibly chic skin peel that can seriously compete with expensive procedures. salon peeling and French products based on glycolic acid. wet cotton pad calcium chloride (this is a liquid) and massage your face along the massage lines, rinse your face with water. You will be really surprised by the effect of smoothness and softness with the help of such a simple penny liquid (5 ampoules of 5 ml each cost about 8 hryvnias). You can treat any coarsened or dry parts of the body - knees, elbows, heels.

7. Potatoes for circles under the eyes

Our grandmothers without exception went with nickels of potatoes on their faces, I think you remember these wonderful shots from your childhood! I also remember circles of cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries stuck on the faces of my grandmother and mother. The starch contained in the potato somehow affected the condition of the skin around the eyes. And later, when fashionable tea bags appeared on sale, these same bags replaced potatoes and cucumbers.

8. Laundry soap for acne

When my brother began to grow up and he developed acne on his forehead and cheeks, my mother bought a bunch of lotions. The poor fellow smeared, smeared, smeared, smeared, but all to no avail. And then one day my grandmother came to us and handed her brother a bundle. There was a piece of soap in the package dark brown with a pungent odor. The brother grimaced, and the grandmother said: “In a week, there will be no trace of your acne.” Don't doubt it - it happened. Laundry soap has active alkaline properties, and, as you know, most microorganisms in an alkaline environment are covered. Yes, by the way, doctors still advise: if you are bitten by a dog, you need to thoroughly wash the wound with abundant foam from laundry soap. In general, any wounds can be treated with this natural antiseptic. Just keep in mind - all newfangled laundry soaps in white and yellow colors with a pleasant smell do not work. Only grandma's "black" soap!

9. Laundry soap for gorgeous hair

This super soap, the same one, almost black in color and with an unbearably “pleasant” smell, also served as a great shampoo. If you find just such an “old” soap, you will never want to spend money on expensive hair treatments again, especially if you have dandruff (dry or oily, in this case it doesn’t matter).

The algorithm is as follows: wash your hair, as usual, with shampoo, then wash the hair roots abundantly with soap, rubbing the foam into the skin, then rinse thoroughly and apply either conditioner, or, if the hair is not prone to dryness, rinse with a decoction of herbs with the addition of lemon juice. Try what you deserve. My grandmother had curls - wow!

10. Miracle dishwashing detergent that does not kill hands

There were no fairies in those days, but grandmother's dishes always shone like new. And her hands were always soft and gentle. In a box on the kitchen sink, we always had detergent: soda, mustard powder, shavings of the same household miracle soap, tooth powder. During the wash, my grandmother added a little vinegar to this mixture - and the result was always impressive. I well remember how she carefully rubbed the back of her hands with the remnants of this “faerie”. Perhaps that is also why she did not have any pigmentation.

11. A bunch more useful things from laundry soap

Briefly, what I remember from my grandmother: laundry soap Good…

  • ... make an intimate toilet with thrush and any inflammatory diseases of the vagina.
  • ... to clean the face of makeup.
  • ... with a runny nose, insert tampons moistened with a solution of soap into the nose - this kills microorganisms and creates a protective film against the virus.
  • ... in case of fungal diseases, thoroughly wash the affected areas.
  • ... in case of burns, lather sore spot foam and let dry. There will be no blister!
  • … to process vegetables, fruits and even meat. Make a very weak solution of soap and rinse the products thoroughly in it, then rinse with running water. Microorganisms, helminth eggs and other muck dissolve without a trace.

As you can see, so many new and unexpected useful information. You do not need to go into waste and do a bunch of exhausting procedures. Try grandma's recipes. And don't forget the main one! Do you remember which one?

Put sauerkraut in a rag behind your ears and on your temples and tie a towel around your head - this recipe was brought to us by old medical books with a note: "For migraine." Agree, simple and affordable. But most importantly - no chemistry, and therefore no side effects. You can’t say anything: our grandmothers had plenty of wisdom.

By the way, for the same purpose - from migraine - they used other improvised means. They put, for example, a cloth moistened with red beet or onion juice in the ear. And it did help! And how convenient it is: you can, without being distracted from kitchen affairs, cook dinner for the household, and at the same time receive treatment.

More serious preparation required another recipe, also used in Rus' for migraines. It was necessary to take one third of a tablespoon of peppermint, pour the herb with a glass of hot boiled water, close the lid and heat in a water bath, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes. Then strain, add boiled water and take it warm in half or a third of a glass 1-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Obviously, this decoction was used for prophylaxis, or in cases where migraine often haunted. If the pain arose suddenly, they did hot foot baths. Hot compresses on the head, tight tightening of the head, hot drinks helped well. And our grandmothers periodically cleansed their intestines, and this probably saved them from many diseases.

indispensable remedy rye bread was considered in the old days. If it was necessary to get rid of abscesses and boils, rye bread was kneaded with cherry juice, baked and applied warm to the sore - such bread softened it and pulled out pus. With a headache, rye bread soaked in vinegar was tied to the head, and clay was tied to the feet. For coughs, they drank an infusion of rye straw. To get rid of pain in the chest or side that occurs with a cold, burnt rye flour was scalded with boiling water and drunk as tea.

With great respect, our grandmothers treated such a natural healer as garlic. In the case of the so-called epidemic diseases, that is, epidemics, it was recommended to tie a clove of garlic on a string and wear a clove of garlic around the neck or, cut it into slices, put it at the head of the head. They lubricated the head with garlic juice in order not only to strengthen the hair, but mainly to get rid of lice and nits (now we have forgotten about these insects, but in those distant times they caused a lot of trouble).

If acne appeared on the body, garlic was boiled in vegetable oil and they were smeared with this oil - acne quickly passed. Boiled and crushed garlic was applied to boils.

And here are a couple more recipes. First: cook garlic with beans, grind, add vegetable oil and smear whiskey with this ointment at night - it helps with insomnia and relieves headaches. Second: mix garlic with mustard and horseradish, nettle grass, wormwood and elecampane, crush, drink with heart weakness.

Often garlic was boiled in cow's milk and they drank this drink, saying: "It will drive out any illness, you will be cheerful and healthy." It was believed that with its regular use, not a single sore would stick. You can believe it, but it's better to check this and other grandmother's recipes in action.

My grandmother often said: “To live life is not to cross a field, everything happens in life. And you always need to behave with dignity and remain human, no matter how difficult and hard it is for you. I don’t know why, but I repeat this phrase all my life like a mantra. And she saved me more than once. When my heart is heavy and tormented by doubts, I am confused in some situation and don’t know what to do, my grandmother advised me to “always act like a human being”. Grandmother was a deeply religious person, observed all church customs, kept a fast when she was supposed to, but did not often go to church. She said that “God is in the soul and in order to pray, it is absolutely not necessary to go somewhere. If you are good man and pray with all your heart - He will definitely hear you.

My grandmother had her own point of view in everything, and for this I respected her very much. She did not adapt to anyone, did not hypocrite and said only what she thought, and not what they wanted to hear from her. . Frankly, not everyone liked this trait of her character. But I personally liked and admired her: how can she do that?! Now I already know how, but then it seemed to me almost unrealistic.

I bring to your attention her advice, which she constantly gave me. Something I remember very well because I use it regularly. I wrote down something, asked around the older generation. And it turned out to be a pretty impressive list of tips, how to live a long and happy life without being ashamed for the life lived and was not afraid to die.

About life and health

  1. Do not look often at the calendar and clock - do not rush time.
  2. Take a short walk every day, even if it's raining outside.
  3. If possible, do not take medications, even vitamins in tablets.
  4. Visit more good places, there is an opportunity - travel. Life is so fleeting and unpredictable that it is never sooner or later. "Later" may or may not be.
  5. Find your passion and give it attention when you have time.
  6. Let a cat (cat) always live in your house.
  7. Don't die if you don't want to die. Let me explain: if something happens in your life, after which many people say: “I don’t want to live or who needs me now,” don’t allow yourself to think about death and that you are gone.
  8. Try to get a good education - no one can take that away from you, read a lot, constantly educate yourself. This is useful for you and others - you will have something to talk about.
  9. Set goals for yourself and confidently go to them. Start small and not significant. Then, when you learn how to achieve them, it will be easier for you to cope with more significant ones.
  10. Don't live by a schedule and schedule. If today you feel like doing nothing, allow yourself to be lazy. And vice versa, if you need to do a lot of things - work until victory, do not leave for tomorrow.
  11. Do not give up on yourself and do not write off yourself ahead of time - the goal and interest in life can appear even at 70 years old.
  12. Do not go to the doctors because of any nonsense - there is no point. As the saying goes: “if a person wants to live, medicine is powerless” (grandmother was treated exclusively folk remedies and herbs).
  13. Do not accumulate material things, do not turn it into the meaning of your life. In the end, you won't need them anyway.
  14. Keep fasting - it's good for the body. On allowed days, eat everything, but within reasonable limits. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Never eat what is considered healthy if you do not like it. The body itself knows what and when to use it - listen to it.
  15. Drink alcohol, but in small quantities. Both wine and vodka are very beneficial for the body.
  16. Do what you can do without delay. It happens that then you can not have time. Especially if you are doing it for someone.
  17. To make life easier, you need to have a good sense of humor. With him it is much easier to survive difficulties.
  18. When you are already on a well-deserved rest, find at least half an hour every day to take a nap during the day. Sleep, like laughter, is the best medicine.
  19. Go to bed always with good thoughts and gratitude for the day. Sleep well and enjoy your dreams.
  20. Never argue with stupid and rude people - it will not bring you anything good but stress and disappointment.

Remember: Age is not a disease!

About feelings, family and people

  • Fall in love with your soul mate again more often, find new worthy qualities in it.
  • If you have been betrayed or offended, do not lose faith in love, in decency, in humanity and justice! Everyone will be rewarded according to merit.
  • If you want to cry, no matter from what: from joy, from pain, from happiness or from annoyance - do not hold back your tears.
  • Even if you feel hatred for someone, never betray your true feelings.
  • Do not compare yourself with others, otherwise you will never be yourself, which means you will not be truly happy.
  • Don't be greedy!
  • Feel free to forgive!
  • Never give up!
  • Try to find positive character traits even in your enemy. Love others!
  • Think positive. If you often think negative thoughts, you are poisoning your body. Smile and laugh more often, laughter and cheerfulness are the best medicine for all diseases.
  • Don't take everything to heart. Learn to let minor troubles pass by, and not through yourself.
  • Marry your peer. The difference between husband and wife should be no more than three years (the man is older, of course). When you are young, age is not important, but then .... when you understand this, it will probably be too late to change something.
  • Be honest with yourself and with others. Honesty has and attracts people. Lies, on the contrary, are repulsive.
  • The most important thing in life is family! Your family is husband and children. Whatever happens in life, no matter what difficulties there are, hold on to your family. With her and for her, you can overcome anything.

Remember If it’s hard and bad now, then everything will be fine later: the night is dark before dawn.

  • Be interested in something new, read, solve crossword puzzles and puzzles, so you maintain clarity of thought and sharpness of mind.
  • Love life and people. But more than anything, love your children.

My grandmother gave birth to ten children, one girl died at the age of ten months from an illness. The second volunteered for the front and died in April 1945. The rest of the children lived to a ripe old age. Grandmother survived grandfather by 23 years, and she always said that these were the saddest and most difficult 23 years of her life.

Perhaps someone will find her advice strange or not practical, everything can be. But for me, her life experience is very valuable. . I have never heard anyone say anything bad about her. And despite all the trials that fell to her lot: the revolution, and the war, and famine, and the death of children, she remained a kind and decent person. She often told me: "The worst thing is war and burying children." But we do not appreciate and do not protect what we have, we do not understand how important it is: a peaceful sky above our heads, healthy children, living husbands and parents. How many wars are happening now, people and children are dying on them every day ...

I want to wish you to live a full, happy life full of positive emotions and impressions. And no matter what happens: always remain people!

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Some tricks and tricks can be just brilliant, so they are used by more than one generation. But over time, they are still forgotten and turn into what is called the "grandfather's way."

website I decided to remember the past and collected for you 10 most useful tricks that our grandmothers used.

#1: Roses last twice as long if you put half an aspirin in water.

Aspirin prevents water from rotting and helps keep chrysanthemums, carnations, gladioli and roses longer. But in the water for daffodils it is better to add a pinch of salt, and for dahlias - a little vinegar.

No. 2. To teach a child to hold a pen correctly, use a rubber band

Put the rubber band on your hand, then insert the pen into it with the cap towards the brush and rotate it 180°. This will keep the handle in the correct position.

No. 3. A greasy stain on clothes should be sprinkled with salt as soon as possible.

The salt will absorb most of the fat. Just sprinkle, wait and shake. The stain will be easier to remove, and the small speck will disappear altogether.

No. 4. Dried nail polish can be diluted with nail polish remover

A few drops nail polish remover will make the nail polish not only more liquid, but also shiny. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the varnish will become too watery.

#5: A burnt pot can be easily cleaned by boiling a saline solution in it.

Even a greasy burnt surface can be easily cleaned without special tools. Just drop a couple of tablespoons of salt into the water and boil for 15-20 minutes.

No. 6. You can clean your fingers from the juice of beets or berries with a slice of lemon

Ordinary soap only strengthens purple. Therefore, to get rid of dark spots after beets and berries, use lemon juice or rub your hands with a slice of lemon.

No. 7. Eggs will not crack and the protein will not leak out during cooking if you dip them in salted water

Salt will not affect whether the eggs will crack or not. But it will prevent the leakage of protein and at the same time will not affect the taste in any way.

No. 8. So that the bread does not crumble, dip the knife in boiling water

I came across an article on the Internet. I also received some *useful* tips in due time. Read, maybe you are familiar with some. Grannies are not always right. The most ridiculous advice from grandmothers!)))
1. If the child
sleeps with an open mouth, the lower jaw must be tied.

2. Clothes must be boiled. To
the colors faded. Otherwise, the child will get used to the bright and then will make a tattoo and

3. In order not to accidentally injure with scissors - the child’s nails should not be cut, but

4. To cut through the teeth, the gums need to be rubbed with garlic.

5. You can’t do massage - they will beat off the liver.

6. During pregnancy, it would be nice to sit on the twine.

7. If the child has lost the regime, you need to put on him turned inside out

8. You can’t remove snot from a child with a cotton swab - you push it back. Only by mouth.

9. You can not kiss a child on the face. There are more germs in the mouth than in the rectum.

10. During pregnancy, drink no more than a liter of water per day. If you drink a lot
there will be many waters that will press on the child's head. And finally baby
born dumb.

11. When milk starts flowing in the maternity hospital, you need to find a cleaning nurse
(they are the most experienced) and hire her, she will knead.

12. To avoid an umbilical hernia, you need to throw a diaper with feces on the road
part so that as many cars as possible pass through it.

13. The legs must be swaddled so that they are straight.

14. To keep your head straight, put on a cap.

15. The child is crying - urgently see a doctor, healthy children do not cry.

16. In no case should you take the child in your arms if he is crying, otherwise he will get used to it.
to hands.

17. Do not buy toys for a child until he asks.

18. Do not put on new clothes for the child, only washed - more delicate fabric.

19. You can’t wear a diaper - your legs will be crooked.

20. Put on a cap for a child so that the ears are not lop-eared

21. If children cry at night, you need to go to the pharmacy, buy earplugs and sleep

22. The child does not sleep well because the fluff on the back bothers him. Need out
make a ball of bread crumb and roll it on the back to tear off the fluff.

23. If a boy is born, then the umbilical cord must be cut above the ax.
To have a boy with hands.

24. Fish should not be given to a child until he learns to speak. The fish are dumb, and
the child will be dumb.

25. If a child has chickenpox, then you need to turn out his underwear
inside out and hang out the window. The windmill will be blown away by the wind.

26. It is impossible for the child to sleep with the light on - the eyes will fade.

27. The child gets dirty when he eats, just because the spoon is plastic.
If you feed with a metal spoon, the child will stop getting dirty.

28. Before each feeding, it is necessary to wash the breast, because it

29. During pregnancy, you can not eat ice cream - the baby will catch a cold.

30. Suspect dysplasia? You have to suck on the tail of the herring!