Will the minimum pension increase in a year. Latest news for working and non-working pensioners

in Moscow they do not differ from the all-Russian ones. The only difference lies in the fact that residents classified by regional legislation as native Muscovites are not set surcharges up to the city social standard.

Other residents of Moscow - up to the regional subsistence level. There is no such standard in the Moscow region, all-Russian rules apply here.

In 2015

In 2015, the social standard of Moscow was twelve thousand rubles. This amount is also the minimum possible insurance pension for native Muscovites (including additional payments). For other residents of Moscow, the minimum insurance pension, together with the regional supplement, was 9,046 rubles.

In the Moscow Region, the minimum pension in the first quarter of the year was 8,029 rubles, in the second - 8,400, in the third - 8,400, in the fourth - 7,867.

In 2016

To calculate the old-age pension, seven years of insurance experience were required. In his absence, men from the age of sixty-five, women from sixty receive social benefits. Its size as of June 1, 2016 was 4959 rubles 85 kopecks.

At the beginning of 2016, the social standard of Moscow remained the same as last year - twelve thousand rubles.

After indexation on February 1, 2016, the average size (excluding surcharges) of insurance pensions in Moscow:

  • in old age - 13.1 thousand rubles;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner - 8.3 thousand rubles.
  • for disability - 8.2 thousand rubles.

in 2016 was - 9850 rubles.

From 01.03. 2016 the capital's social standard was raised to 14,500 rubles. The minimum pension for other residents of the capital, taking into account the regional surcharge, is 11,428 rubles, in the Moscow region - 8,950 rubles.

In 2017

Eight years of insurance experience is required to obtain. Raising social standards and the minimum pension depends on the results of 2016 and early 2017 in the country and region.

This year inflation is already reaching seven percent, in the future, according to various forecasts, it is expected from four to ten percent. Accordingly, it is installed. Although, according to the experience of previous years, with a lack of funds, it can be postponed until spring, when the presidential elections are held.

From the point of view of the election campaign, it is very logical to accumulate a two-year indexation reserve so that pensioners receive a significant increase in January-February 2018, just before the March vote.

In 2018

As expected, in 2018 the minimum Moscow pension will be increased. The amount of the increase will be 3 thousand rubles - from 14,500 to 17,500.

The size of the federal minimum wage

For 2016

At the beginning of the minimum wage in the Russian Federation in 2016 - 6203.6 rubles. On July 1, 2016, the federal minimum wage was raised to seven thousand five hundred rubles. In Moscow, the minimum wage from 06/01/2015 is sixteen thousand five hundred rubles, in the region - twelve thousand five hundred.

For 2017

For 2018

The minimum wage in the Russian Federation from 01/01/2018 is 9489 rubles.

For 2019

The minimum wage in the Russian Federation from 01/01/2019 - in the amount of the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in Russia as a whole for the second quarter of last year.

City surcharges, pension supplements since 2017

Based on the experience of the current year, in 2017 one should not be afraid of the abolition of the Moscow allowance. If the Moscow government finds funds, it is logical to expect its next increase before March 2018, when the presidential elections will be held.

At the suggestion of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, already in 2016 or from the beginning of 2017, a restriction may be introduced in the payment of pensions to persons whose earnings since the beginning of 2016 amounted to more than a million rubles and they continue to receive income at the same level.

For non-working pensioners - native Muscovites, the minimum pension in Moscow at the moment is fourteen thousand five hundred rubles (social standard); for others who are entitled to an insurance pension - 9850 rubles (living wage).

Terms of payment of pensions in Moscow through Sberbank

From 11/01/2015, through branches, the regional branches of the Pension Fund transfer pensions to their recipients three times a month from the third to the twenty-second day.

  1. Those who previously received pensions in the first ten days receive a transfer on the tenth day.
  2. Those who received the eleventh-fifteenth day - the twelfth day of the month.
  3. Those who received the sixteenth through the twentieth now receive a translation of the twenty-first.

After the introduction of the social standard in the capital, many people appeared who wanted to increase their monetary content in a dishonest way. Pensioners from other regions were registered with Muscovite relatives, for a fee - with everyone who provided such a service.

The PF inspectors unsuccessfully searched for these supposedly new Muscovites at the place of residence indicated by them. They continued to live in the same place, and received pensions on bank cards or issued powers of attorney. Or by any means tried to settle in Moscow with the approaching retirement age.

Meanwhile, the social standard is not a privilege of metropolitan residents, but compensation for the higher expenses of metropolitan residents compared to other regions for food, consumer services, transport, and utilities.

Employers in Moscow pay higher salaries to employees of enterprises, the minimum wage is higher here than in most regions. Pensioners are paid extra by the city budget. Fictitious residents thus plundered it, although their costs are still at the regional level.

Real migrants-pensioners in the capital are also undesirable: there is an acute shortage of labor force. The influx of non-working population only exacerbated this problem. Therefore, the Moscow government was forced to take action.

From 01.01.2013, an additional payment up to the social standard is established only for native Muscovites - citizens who have a residency requirement in the capital for at least ten years.

The residency requirement includes the total time of registration in the capital, annexed territories (permanent at the place of residence), obtained by adding up all periods of such registration during life. For recipients of social standard supplements registered before 01/01/2013, the procedure for receiving it has been preserved.

Other citizens who have a residency requirement of less than ten years, a temporary metropolitan residence permit, receive a pension not less than the metropolitan subsistence level. Upon reaching ten years of settled life, they are given an additional payment up to the social standard.

When moving to another place of residence, citizens of the Russian Federation receive an additional payment up to the subsistence level of the region where they are permanently registered. For Muscovites who have moved to another place of residence, the supplement to the social standard of the capital is not saved.

However, if a Muscovite registers at a new place of residence, and retains his permanent residence permit in Moscow, the pension will still be transferred to his Sberbank account on the same dates or paid by a notarized power of attorney.

To receive it, a pensioner annually confirms the fact that he is a living, personal appearance at the PF department, a certificate from a Russian notary; competent institution of a foreign state, embassy, ​​consulate of the Russian Federation, if the pensioner is abroad.

The act of personal appearance drawn up in such cases is the document confirming the presence of the living. For those who need it to pay a survivor's pension, a certificate of performance of paid work abroad is also drawn up. If they are not submitted on time, the pension is not paid. When they are subsequently provided, the payment is resumed.

The payment of pensions in Moscow is made the next day after they are accrued. For each pensioner, the contract establishes a personal date for receiving pensions. It is not appointed later than the 25th day of the month for which the pension is calculated.

If, according to the schedule, the date of receipt of the pension falls on a weekend or holiday, it is paid before that day.

What is the veteran's pension?

In the Russian Federation in 2016, pensions for labor veterans will increase by 15 percent. In addition, pensioners with such a title have the right to increase pension supplements by monetizing the benefits due to them for the acquisition of:

  • travel tickets, subscriptions;
  • medicines, medicines;
  • vouchers to the sanatorium.

Those of federal significance who live in the capital are entitled to special city payments. They are established by various acts of the current legislation.

What is more profitable: a pension from the capital or the region?

In Moscow, native Muscovites receive additional payments up to the social standard, at the moment - 14,500 rubles, since the beginning of 2018 - 17,500 rubles. In the Moscow region, a social supplement also exists, but the algorithm for calculating it is complex and individual in each case.

Being a native Muscovite pensioner is more profitable than being a pensioner in the Moscow Region. In this sense, those residents of the region who are permanently registered in the settlements included in the boundaries of New Moscow are lucky. Together with joining, they automatically received Moscow benefits, their time of life in these settlements, including before joining the capital, is counted in the residency requirement.

Indexation of pensions in Moscow

All types of pensions received in the Russian Federation are indexed annually. In 2015, insurance pensions were increased by 11.4 percent, social pensions by 10.3 percent; in 2016, insurance and social - by 4 percent.

For pensioners from among the former officials of the municipal economy of the capital, additional payments to pensions are established by Moscow Law No. 3 of 01/26/2005. The amount of these additional payments increases annually by 3 percent from 55 percent of the rate at the last position held, established by law for men with 12.5 years of civil service, ten years for women.

The amount of the pension and additional payments is not more than eighty percent of the salary of an official of the corresponding rank.

For other civil servants of the capital and the region in 2017, the payment for the length of service will be assigned for 15 years of civil service. The base amount is 45 percent of earnings for the last year (12 months) of work.

For each additional year of service over fifteen, the percentage of payments increases by 3%, but not more than 75 percent of earnings for the last year.

From 01.01.2017, pensions for civil servants will be annually assigned six months later than in the previous year, reaching a maximum of sixty-five years for men and sixty-three years for women. It must be assumed that the rest of the inhabitants of Russia will not expect a similar procedure for raising the retirement age until the second half of 2018, after the inauguration of the president.

In order to assign the values ​​of individual measures of social support for the poor and determine the state and regional budgets for a particular year, the concept is introduced living wage(PM). Regulatory normative act -. According to it, the PM is set quarterly, depending on the rise in prices for goods and services that are part of the consumer basket.

Consumer basket consists of a minimum set of products and vital services for the population necessary for the healthy functioning of the body within one month. Its qualitative and quantitative composition is approved at the country level at least once every five years.

Prices for items included in the shopping cart vary by region. Accordingly, the PM calculated on them will not be the same for the subjects of the Federation. The consumption rate of necessary goods for certain categories of people is also different. Therefore, PM is allocated for pensioners, for the adult working population and for children.

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Living wage pensioner(PMP) is set as the minimum pension. If a citizen has a smaller pension with all the allowances, he is entitled to. It is funded from the federal and regional budgets.

Since 2019, the average subsistence minimum for the country has been set at 8,846 rubles. The increase was 120 rubles. It turns out that the minimum pension from January 1, 2019 will be 8846 rubles.

How will the indexation of pensions in Moscow in 2019

In general, the annual process of increasing pensions in Moscow takes place in the same way as in all of Russia - in three stages.

1 . As you know, the indexation of the old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners in 2019 took place not from February 1, as many are used to, but from January 1, as was the case last year. Vladimir Putin outlined the main parameters of the increase in his televised address. The President said that "in 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions will be about 7 percent." On average, the pension will increase by 1,000 rubles per month.

The indexation details were specified by the Pension Fund. As follows from the press service of the Fund, since January 1, 2019, the old-age insurance pension for NON-working pensioners has been indexed by 7.05 percent. This resulted in an average monthly increase in the insurance pension by 1,000 rubles. Working pensioners did not receive this increase. But many pensioners were dissatisfied with the January indexation. After mass appeals to Putin, it was decided to recalculate. Read about the situation with indexation and recalculation of the insurance pension

2. From April 1, 2019, in Moscow, as well as throughout Russia, social and state pensions will increase. Putin did not say anything about them in his televised address. The prospects for the growth of social pensions in 2019 were outlined by the Pension Fund itself. So, at first, it was planned to increase social pensions from April 1, 2019 according to the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum for the previous year, namely by 2.4%. But then plans changed. To date, social pensions are planned to be increased by 2.0% from April 1, 2019. Learn more about social pensions

3. In August 2019, insurance pensions for Muscovite pensioners who worked in 2018 will also increase. The maximum increase, most likely, will be the same as before - the cash equivalent of three pension points.

Now let's recall two types of minimum pension in Moscow.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2019

As you know, older people in Russia cannot receive a pension below the average annual subsistence level for a pensioner in the territory of residence. If the accrued pension turned out to be less than this bar, then the Regional Social Surcharge (RSA) is additionally paid from the budget to the pension.

In 2017, the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow was set at 11,561 rubles. Thus, the minimum pension in 2017 in Moscow, taking into account the Regional Social Surcharge, was 11,561 rubles.

In 2018, the living wage for a pensioner in Moscow was set at 11,816 rubles.

For 2019, the living wage for a Moscow pensioner is set at 12,115 rubles. Accordingly, such a figure can be considered the minimum pension in the MSC this year.

But this "minimum wage" is set for those pensioners - Muscovites who are registered at the place of stay / place of residence in Moscow for a total of less than 10 years.

There is a different minimum pension for Moscow old-timers. It is adjusted to the City Social Minimum Income Standard.

Supplement to pension in Moscow in 2019 up to the size of the city social standard

An additional payment to a pension up to the amount of the City Social Standard (SCS) is established for non-working pensioners and certain categories of working pensioners and disabled people registered at their place of residence in Moscow and having such registration for at least 10 years in total (including the time of residence in the territory annexed to Moscow) .

In 2017, there was no increase in the GSS, and the minimum pension in 2017 in Moscow for recipients of the City Social Standard was 14,500 rubles.

But in 2018, the size of the GSS was increased. Thus, the minimum pension for non-working pensioners with more than 10 years of residence in Moscow amounted to 17,500 rubles this year.

Plans for the growth of the City Social Standard for 2019 have not yet been announced.

Increasing the amount of payments to beneficiaries in Moscow

In 2018, monthly payments to citizens of preferential categories also increased. Below is the size of some of them.

Monthly city cash payments to preferential categories

Payments to families of disabled people and families raising disabled children

Plans to increase payments to beneficiaries for 2019 have not yet been officially announced.

The minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2019

Elderly people in Russia cannot receive a pension below the average annual subsistence level for a pensioner in the territory of residence.

The size of the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2017 was equal to the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the territory of the Moscow Region and amounted to 9161 rubles. In 2018, the minimum wage in the Moscow region was increased to 9,527 rubles, and in 2019 it was increased by the amount of inflation - by about 4%.

As a result, the subsistence level for a pensioner on the territory of the Moscow Region, and, accordingly, the size of the minimum pension in the Moscow Region for 2019, was set by the Moscow Regional Duma at 9,908 rubles.

Follow this publication, correspondents of the TOP-RF.ru ​​business information agency will definitely supplement it as soon as more recent news about the increase in pensions in Moscow and the Moscow Region in 2019 appears!

The size of pension payments in Russia is an important issue for a huge part of the country's population. Every year, old people follow the latest news in order to find out if there will be an indexation in the near future. It is indexation that is designed to increase the minimum amount of these payments.

Minimum pension in Russia in 2017 by regions

To date, the minimum pension in Russia since January 1, 2017 is just under 5 thousand rubles. We are talking about social benefits for old age. Everyone who has reached the age of 60 and 65 (women and men, respectively) can count on the minimum size. In many regions of Russia, according to the latest news, a special regional coefficient has been established, with the help of which pension payments are calculated. When performing accurate calculations, they are guided by the cost of living and indexation. Here are some values ​​taken from specific regions:

  • Murmansk - 8840 rubles;
  • Moscow - 8502 r;
  • St. Petersburg - 6258 rubles;
  • Arkhangelsk - 8603 r;
  • Perm - 6136 r;
  • Eagle - 6000 r;
  • Smolensk - 6335 rubles.

Average pension in Russia and maximum old-age pension in Russia in 2017

In 2017, a Russian old man will receive an average of 13,620 rubles. This news was announced in January by Olga Golodets, who is a Deputy Prime Minister. Compared to the subsistence minimum, this value will be 60% higher. So far, they are guided only by information provided by Rosstat. The specialists of this service published information that the average amount is 12.4 thousand rubles, which is two-thirds less than the average salary.

Today, it is much more difficult to calculate the maximum amount than the minimum. In this matter, it is necessary to take into account indexation, and the age of exit, and salary, and length of service, and pension contributions of a particular person. It is believed that the later a citizen retires, and the longer he continues to work, the more a person will receive in the end. For such persons, an increase is provided in accordance with the time during which they did not register the status of a pensioner.

The following citizens can apply for social security:

  • children with disabilities;
  • disabled people 1-3 gr., incl. disabled since childhood;
  • children under 18 who study full-time in any educational institution and have lost one or both parents;
  • male citizens over 65 and female citizens over 60;
  • representatives of small northern peoples from 55 and 50 years old.

Depending on which category of pensioners a person belongs to, the exact amount of the minimum social payment differs. Speaking of the minimum size, it means that it is set without an additional regional coefficient. So, for example, disabled people representing group 1 should receive at least 9.9 thousand rubles, 2 gr. - 4950 rubles, 3 gr. - 4215 rubles, disabled children - 12 thousand rubles.

Is an increase in pensions in 2017 expected for pensioners - latest news

Pleasant changes await the elderly already in April - pension indexation will take place, and it will affect more than 30 million unemployed elderly people. The Ministry of Labor will try to increase the purchasing power of the so-called insurance pensions. For indexation and subsequent increase in these payments, the Government will allocate about 230 billion rubles.

Last year, the minimum benefit for pensioners was increased by just 4%, less than the inflation rate, the traditional rate on which increases are based. The authorities say in the news that they can expect a 5.5-6% increase in the minimum monthly payment for pensioners. Therefore, since February 2017, pensioners are counting on a five percent increase. The best confirmation for them was the news that it was signed directly by Medvedev. The second increase is foreseen in April. According to the news, there will be no increase in the form of indexation in the second half.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2017

Back at the end of 2016, representatives of the Russian pension fund announced that there was no provision for increasing pension payments for working pensioners. Indexing will affect only non-working elderly people. However, already in January 2017, more good news appeared - once the minimum size will still be raised. However, so far no official data on when such an increase will take place and by how much the minimum payment for pensioners will increase has not been reported. Experts expect that indexation for working people of retirement age will take place at the same time as for non-working people - in April.

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What is the minimum old-age pension in 2017 in different regions of Russia

The pension issue concerns today almost every Russian. Pensioners are one of the largest categories of the population and, at the same time, the most vulnerable. New Year is coming and old people are keenly interested in: how much will minimum old age pension in 2017.

Based on the Prime Minister's comments, the increase in pensions is possible if the economy is on a stable footing. But it is still difficult to predict in what period of time this will happen. There are no extra funds in the treasury, so the rise in the social standard of living is possible only within the limits of financial reserves.

Minimum pension in Russia: who gets paid

In the Russian Federation, there is a government decree, according to which older citizens whose work experience does not allow them to count on pension payments receive the so-called minimum pension. According to the decree, such support can be counted on by:

  • women of sixty years of age and men upon reaching the age of sixty-five years, when the work experience is five years or less;
  • citizens belonging to the small peoples of the Far North who have reached the age for receiving a pension.

The size of the "minimum salary" is about 3700 rubles. While the average living wage reaches 10,000 rubles. It is impossible to live on such a payment, therefore, the subjects of the federation at the regional level establish additional payments to this amount. Usually, the amount of the supplement corresponds to the difference between the established minimum pension and the subsistence level. The size of the subsistence minimum varies depending on the subject of the federation, depends on the place of actual residence of the person. To receive an additional payment, you need to prepare the necessary documents for delivery to the nearest reception point for citizens of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Dmitry Medvedev claims that all possible measures are being taken to improve the well-being of citizens. However, in the conditions of the current economy, the budget is bursting at the seams and it is not reasonable and not fair to “shove” new items of expenditure into it. The minimum pension in 2017 may increase, every possible effort will be made, but it will increase not due to the usual increase, but due to the fact that mandatory payments will be indexed. Of course, the situation has changed significantly, and the same means that a pensioner received for subsistence two years earlier today will hardly allow him to feed himself.

The prime minister also predicts the change in cash benefits to the level of inflation that really exists in the country, and not calculated by analysts on paper. In response to these statements, the finance minister expresses doubts, because only extra trillions will allow to cover the jump in inflation. Simultaneously Siluanov urges citizens to take measures now to ensure retirement life, and not put it on the state.

Some experts still consider Anton Siluanov's concerns unfounded. After all, in 2018 presidential elections will take place, and of course, Putin will nominate his candidacy. One of the ways to increase the maximum number of votes can be the signing of a normative act on increasing state payments to social categories of the population.

Living wage for pensioners.

In general, in Russia the very concept of “the size of the minimum pension” is more philistine. In fact, they often designate the living wage of a pensioner. It consists of the so-called necessary set of things, products and services that a person must purchase on a monthly basis to maintain existence. According to forecasts, in 2017 PMP will be about 10 thousand rubles around the country. Of course, these are averages. There is a direct relationship PMP from the region. For example, minimum old-age pension in 2017 in Moscow will amount to 11561 rubles. This is larger than last year's. for 133 rubles. In the same time in Tatarstan, PMP is only 8,000 rubles.

The size of the minimum pension by region

The other day, the authorities approved the size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner, depending on the subject of the federation. Yes, the minimum old-age pension in 2017 in Volgograd will amount to 8535 rubles. This means that all citizens of retirement age whose income is less than the specified amount will receive additional payments.

If in some regions the value of the pension minimum increases even slightly, That minimum old-age pension in 2017 in the Krasnodar Territory on the contrary, it will decrease. This is explained by the fact that this value is set for the planned period based on calculations and forecasts. In reality, things may look different. At the end of 2015, the established PMP for the Krasnodar Territory for 2016 exceeded the expected one by 300 rubles. Therefore, next year the Ministry of Labor decided to reduce it to 8.5 thousand rubles.

On October 20, a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region was held, which determined the minimum old-age pension in 2017 in the Rostov Region. Contrary to the intentions of the federal authorities to reduce the size of the pension by almost 200 rubles, the local authorities did not support this measure and kept the PMP at the same level - 8,488 rubles. Of course, the rule of surcharges applies everywhere. Those who do not receive the specified minimum can count on budget assistance. Of the more than a million pensioners in Rostov at the moment, about two hundred thousand citizens receive the supplement.

Meanwhile, even despite the maintenance of the previous size of the pension, the standard of living of old Rostovites will decrease - the reason for this is the growth of the consumer price index. Already, it amounted to more than 5% in 2016, and by the end of the year it can reach up to 7%.

Published new data on the subsistence minimum in the Novosibirsk region. For pensioners, the minimum amount was 8,300 rubles. At the same time, the statistical authorities explain what this figure is based on. 40% amounts accounted for by the purchase of food products, non-food products amounted to about 25% . Paid services also took a quarter of the costs. The rest went to taxes.

Installed PMP in other cities of Siberia. For example, the minimum old-age pension in 2017 from January 1 in Omsk equals 8217 rubles. The figure exceeds the figure for 2016 by almost 20%. This is the most significant increase in pensions in the country among other regions.

Despite the fact that the Northern capital, like Moscow, is a city of federal significance, the standard of living in these cities is strikingly different. So, for example, the cost of a square meter of residential premises in Moscow is more than twice as high as in St. Petersburg. The same is true for service costs. Speaking of social benefits, the minimum old-age pension in 2017 in St. Petersburg will remain practically unchanged and will amount to about 8,400 rubles. This is 3 thousand rubles less than Moscow measures.

Positive changes await the residents of the Perm Territory - an increase in pensions by as much as 250 rubles is coming. And this is not irony. This amount for many pensioners can be significant, because they lay out the pension literally “on the shelves”.

Kamchatka holds the highest level of the minimum pension. There, its size exceeds 15,500 rubles. Of course, this figure is due to the peculiarities of the region. In general, all established pensions are in one way or another proportional to the standard of living of the place where the citizen lives and are made up of the same needs of the population.

After analyzing the established size of the subsistence minimum for pensioners for 2017, it is easy to note that they are far behind the average level of earnings of the working population. In many regions, this level exceeds 30,000 rubles. Unfortunately, even in those subjects of the federation where there is a tendency to a slight increase in the level of pensions, citizens of retirement age are teetering on the brink of poverty. It is especially difficult for lonely elderly citizens suffering from various ailments that require expensive treatment. Most old people take their breath away for a minute, at the moment when the cashier announces the amount to be paid. Convulsive calculations in the head, shaking hands and milk bags with small change - a typical picture of a Russian pensioner.

While it is difficult to talk about rosy forecasts, but the expenditure part The federal budget contains a rather weighty article allocated for reforming the pension system. It is known that the experts took the Australian model as a basis. How successfully it will take root in the fatherland and whether it will be able to improve the standard of living of 30% of the population - pensioners, will reflect only time.

What awaits working pensioners in 2017 latest news

Will pensions be paid to working pensioners in 2017

The cost of a pension point in 2018 in Russia

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Disability pension of the 2nd group in 2017

Will there be abolition of benefits for labor veterans in 2016

I receive an old-age pension of 7230 rubles. Under the Co-financing program, a payment was calculated at the rate of 1480 rubles for 10 years. The minimum pension in the region of residence, Volgograd region, 8535 rubles. Since January 2017, the supplement to the minimum pension has been removed from me. As a result, I get 7230 + 1480 = 8710 rubles. I am underpaid up to the minimum pension in the region. I asked for my money back in a lump sum without doubling, just refund MY money. I contributed to the Co-financing program in order to receive an increase in my pension, and not to help the STATE. It's not fair. Review the terms of the Co-financing program. If a person has retired and his pension is more than the minimum wage in the region, then the person receives everything that was promised under the Co-financing program. those. double the amount of the deposited money at the same time.

The beggars are taken away to the fund of the state, where is justice?

All non-working pensioners whose total amount of material support does not reach the pensioner's subsistence level (PMP) in the region of his residence are given a federal or regional social supplement for pensions up to the PMP established in the pensioner's region of residence.

The federal social supplement is paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and is established if the total amount of cash payments to a non-working pensioner does not reach the pensioner's subsistence minimum established in the region of residence, which, in turn, does not reach the pensioner's subsistence minimum for the whole Russian Federation.

The regional social supplement is paid by the social protection authorities of the region if the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is higher than the same indicator for the Russian Federation, and the total amount of cash payments to a non-working pensioner is lower than the regional PMP.

When calculating the total amount of material security for a non-working pensioner, the amounts of the following cash payments are taken into account:

  • pensions, including in the event of a pensioner's refusal to receive the said pensions;
  • additional material (social) security;
  • monthly cash payment (including the cost of a set of social services);
  • other measures of social support established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in monetary terms (with the exception of social support measures provided at a time).

In addition, when calculating the total amount of material security for a pensioner, the cash equivalents of the social support measures provided to him for paying for the use of the telephone, housing and utilities, travel by all types of passenger transport, as well as monetary compensation for the costs of paying for these services are taken into account.

The new procedure for providing social supplements to pensions

On April 1, 2019, the Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 12 1 of the Federal Law “On State Social Assistance” and Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation” was adopted, in accordance with which, from January 1, 2019, the rules for providing unemployed to pensioners of social additional payment to pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner.

The new mechanism for calculating the amount of social supplement to a pension provides for:

1. First, the amount of the social supplement to the pension is determined based on the size of the pension and the monthly cash payment (UDV) without indexation of pensions and UDV;

2. Then the established amount of the social supplement to the pension is summed up with the pension and the single income tax, taking into account the indexation of the current year.


The pensioner was assigned a pension of 7,100 rubles. The subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the region is set higher than the assigned pension and amounts to 8,400 rubles, therefore, in addition to the pension, a social supplement up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the amount of 1,300 rubles is assigned.

As a result of indexation, from January 1, 2019, the pension was increased by 7.05%, or by 500 rubles, and amounted to 7,600 rubles.

According to the new rules, the amount of the social supplement to the pension does not change.

The total income of a pensioner is:

7,600 rubles (pension) + 1,300 rubles (social supplement) = 8,900 rubles. The total income of a pensioner exceeds the subsistence minimum in the region by the amount of pension indexation - 500 rubles.

Who is eligible for a pension increase

The increase in pension as a result of the changes that have come into force will be received by non-working recipients of any type of insurance pension or state security pension, who, as of December 31, 2018, received a federal or regional social supplement. The recalculation of the amount of the social supplement for each pensioner occurs without application. This means that pensioners do not need to apply to the Pension Fund.