When I sunbathe, white spots appear. White spots on the skin after sunburn: why they appear and what to do

Have you exposed your skin to the sun for hours, hoping that it will acquire a beautiful dark shade, but after sunbathing, white spots appear? You are not alone in your problem: white spots after sunburn are a fairly common problem.

White spots on the skin after sunburn (on the face, on the whole body) can be age spots resulting from a sunburn, and the result of a fungal infection. Incomprehensible light marks after exposure to the sun can also appear in some women who take birth control pills and a number of medications. Find out why white spots appear when you tan and how to get rid of these unsightly skin changes.

White spots on the skin of the back, abdomen, arms, face, etc., which do not tan, are the result of hypopigmentation. This is the name of a skin coloring disorder that is associated with a deficiency of melanin in the epidermis. It occurs when it comes to the destruction of melanocytes in the body. These are cells that produce melanin, a pigment whose task is to absorb UV rays.

White spots after sunburn: causes


Such burns are the result of excessive exposure of the skin to rays. Two to four hours after the end of sunbathing, the skin becomes red. In a few days dead the epidermis comes off in pieces, under which bright spots are hidden. As a rule, they disappear in about a month - this is how long the regeneration of the epidermis lasts.

skin fungus

If the body is attacked by yeast fungi, for example, of the pityrosporum ovale species, then in some places it is covered with small pink or brownish spots. When a person is in the sun, the formation of melanin is inhibited, and the spots become discolored - after tanning, white marks appear on the body.

Pressure on the skin

White spots on the body after sunburn, which appear only in the places of support of the body, for example, on the skin of the shoulder blades or buttocks, may be the result of strong pressure on the skin. When some areas are more or less long time are in contact with a hard surface, the amount of oxygen and blood that can reach these areas of the body is reduced. The result may be temporary white spots. Therefore, during sunbathing, it is often necessary to change the position of the body.

Medications with photosensitizing substances

If one of the components of the drug is photosensitizing, then white spots after sunburn on the face, skin of the back, legs, arms, etc. may be a photoallergic skin reaction. Drugs that reduce the skin's resistance to sunburn are, in particular, sulfonamides, drugs against diabetes, beta-blockers, cholesterol-lowering drugs, diuretics, antifungals, and birth control pills. It should be borne in mind that during treatment with such drugs, as well as two to three weeks after the end of the course, you should avoid the sun and use SPF filters of at least 50 every day.

Photosensitizing herbs

St. John's wort and angelica are used, for example, in the form of infusions and tablets. They can also contribute to discoloration of the skin after sunbathing.

Sun exposure after aesthetic medicine procedures

Aesthetic medicine procedures, after which the sun should be avoided for at least a month, include, in particular, microdermabrasion and any laser interventions. The sun's rays damage the skin and lead to the formation of numerous spots and discoloration.


Elevated levels of estrogen during pregnancy can cause melanocytes, which are melanin-producing cells, to not work properly—too much or not at all. Therefore, some women during pregnancy have to deal with both age spots (i.e. darker) spots and white spots on the skin.

White areas after sunburn and vitiligo

Doctors believe that white spots after sunburn in most cases are not a symptom of vitiligo. The immediate cause of this disease is the systematic destruction of melanocytes - the cells responsible for skin color. The exact reasons for the "extinction" of melanocytes are unknown, but doctors suggest that this process is influenced by genetic factors and autoimmune reactions.

White spots are not a threat to the health of the patient, however, by exposing them to direct sunlight, a person thereby increases the risk of developing difficult-to-heal sunburns, as well as malignant neoplasms. Melanocyte-deprived skin does not have a protective barrier that would protect it from ultraviolet rays, so the owners of such should tan in moderation.

White spots on the face and body after sunburn: treatment and elimination

It is quite obvious that the strategy of getting rid of light areas contrasting with the rest of the skin depends on the reasons for their formation.

If there is a suspicion that white spots that appear on the skin after sunbathing may be the result of a fungal infection, you should consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe the appropriate medicine. You can use over-the-counter antifungal medications, such as clotrimazole, until you see your doctor.

If white spots on a tanned face or body are the result of a sunburn, try aloe extract and seaweed, which speed up the regeneration of skin cells. Vitamins A and E from capsules can also be applied to discolored places - they will restore the lipid layer of the epidermis. Until the time of healing of light spots resulting from a sunburn, it is permissible to mask them with cosmetics or self-tanning. This method is recommended if the discolored areas are in conspicuous places, such as on the face.

A proven way to get rid of discoloration is to eat carrots and carrot products. The carotenoids they contain, especially beta-carotene, contribute to skin discoloration.

If the above and other methods of dealing with white spots do not help, you should ask your doctor if it is possible to influence the discolored areas with ultraviolet rays - for example, use the special PUVA method (PUVA). This is a procedure whose purpose is to intensively stimulate melanocytes to produce pigment.

Women are looking forward to summer vacation not only to take a break from work, but also to get a bronze tan, which is guaranteed after a trip to the sea.

It has long been no secret that ultraviolet is very useful for the body, but along with the usefulness, there is a high risk of burns, damage to the skin, up to the development of malignant formations. Often, people also experience manifestations of photodermatosis - an allergic reaction to exposure to sunlight, the peak of which occurs in the first month of summer.

If red spots are found on the skin after sunburn, there may be several reasons for such symptoms, and the most popular are:

  • Sunburns, which every person who is fond of sunbathing has encountered at least once in their life. So, in conditions of prolonged exposure to the skin, their redness and the appearance of blisters are observed. Accompanying symptoms, such as headache, nausea, and weakness, may also indicate sunburn. In this case, there are no serious reasons for concern, because unpleasant symptoms disappear after a few days.
  • Excessive production of melanin in the body against the background of various diseases internal organs. If red spots appear darker than skin color after sunburn, it is recommended to conduct tests to identify underlying causes. As a rule, such symptoms can be caused by disorders of the liver, thyroid gland.
  • Taking hormones, antibiotics and sedatives. Red spots on the face after sunbathing are often the result of skin treatment with various cosmetics immediately before going to the beach. The same effect can be caused by low-quality tanning products and perfumes.

Allergy to the sun

Red spots on the skin after sunbathing are the main symptoms of an allergic reaction to ultraviolet light. Not everyone is familiar with this term, and many will even be surprised that there may be an allergy to such a pleasant pastime, but it is. Of course, the sun's rays cannot be classified as allergens, but they contribute to the accumulation of the latter.

A few centuries ago, allergens were not known to mankind in the amount in which the modern population faces them. Such disappointing changes are caused by bad ecology, low-quality food, constant stress. As a rule, against the background of the appearance of adverse circumstances, the risk of an allergic reaction increases significantly.

The sun's rays are a source of vitamin D, which is essential for the human body. In this case, we are talking only about moderate doses. If red spots appear during sunburn, then most likely there was an overabundance of the vitamin or an unsatisfactory state of the body.

Red spots on the body after sunburn most often appear in people with low protective forces, as well as with impaired functioning of the liver and kidneys. Often, red spots on the legs after sunburn and other parts of the body disturb people who have very bright skin, there are moles and freckles. In this case, prolonged exposure to sunlight is contraindicated and it is better not to ignore this recommendation.

Most often, the first manifestations of an allergic reaction can be found after half an hour, but in some cases a person encounters unpleasant symptoms only after 12 hours or more. Red spots after sunburn are considered not the only manifestation of an allergy to ultraviolet light, which is accompanied by blistering, burning and itching.

It is necessary to stop exposure to the sun immediately if red spots appear after sunburn. A photo of this allergic symptomatology will help you figure out in which cases red spots should be attributed to a fairly serious pathological condition. If red spots appear on the chest after sunburn, which can be attributed to manifestations of an allergy to the sun, then in the future you should always remember about precautionary measures. Sunbathing in the sun without pre-treatment of the body with special means for people with allergies is strongly discouraged.

Treatment of sun allergy should be carried out only after establishing the root causes of the appearance of characteristic symptoms. The main therapeutic measures are presented:

  • Treatment of the skin with ointments based on lanolin and zinc to eliminate itching, burning and redness.
  • Applying hormonal ointments to the skin, which are prescribed to patients if necessary, caused by the state of the body.
  • By taking some medicines, which are prescribed to patients with diagnosed impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Taking therapeutic agents that improve metabolism and regenerate damaged skin.
  • Taking vitamins, among which vitamins B, E and C are considered the most necessary.
  • The use of indomethacin and aspirin, which help reduce inflammation on the skin.
  • Elimination of severe itching with herbal baths based on string, valerian, sage and chamomile.

If red spots appear on the back after sunburn, accompanied by itching and burning, it is recommended to seek qualified help, because only a specialist will be able to determine the severity of the condition and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Concerning preventive measures, then here each person himself is able to prevent the appearance of allergies. So, before going out, it is recommended to treat the skin with a sunscreen. After exposure to direct sunlight, the skin should be moisturized with a nourishing cream.

If, after tanning, red spots appear on the legs, as well as on other parts of the body, one should not despair and put an end to the possibility of basking in the sun. By adhering to the established recommendations, it will be possible to minimize burns and enjoy your summer vacation to the fullest.

Sun Allergy Video

Sunburn is the body's response to exposure to sunlight.

In the skin, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, melanin is formed - a pigment that gives dark color after sunburn.

White spots after sunburn - how they appear

Due to the presence of melanin (from the word melanos - “black” from Greek), all people are different, they have a unique color of hair, eyes, skin. When sunburned, its production is more intense. As a result, the skin "bronze". Normally, melanin is found in small amounts in skin cells. healthy person.

But quite often, after a long time lying on the beach, white spots suddenly appear on the skin against the background of a general tan. They do not hurt, do not itch, and apart from aesthetic shock, they do not cause other inconveniences.

But the way it looks is the main problem in the summer after sunbathing. You always want your tan to look perfect, and your skin beautiful and healthy.

The cause of impaired melanin production can be very different. At the same time, they are associated with dysfunctions of certain organs that can be corrected and treated. Or they can be a manifestation of serious diseases and even genetic “breakdowns” that a person did not suspect before.

A condition where white spots appear on the skin after sun exposure is called hypomelanosis. Depending on the reasons for which it arose, one can understand: can this be corrected, or will you have to put up with hypomelanosis and live on, limiting future exposure to the sun.

In turn, there are many common reasons why melanin in cells is not produced at all or is not produced enough:

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, stomach, intestines)

Violation of the functions of the organs of the endocrine system (thyroid gland)

Kidney or adrenal problems

reduced immunity

depression, stress

Hormonal disorders

Hypovitaminosis and micronutrient deficiencies

Clothes made of synthetic fabrics

Frequent sunburns of the skin


All of the above, to a greater or lesser extent, can affect the formation of melanin in the skin.

Where this occurs, white patches form on the skin:

1) White spots after sunburn - a genetic predisposition

In people with a genetic predisposition, melanin is not synthesized in some areas of the skin, or this pigment is produced in very low quantities. With prolonged exposure to the sun, such areas of the skin do not lend themselves to tanning - white spots appear.

Albinos are a classic example of genetic damage resulting in the absence of melanin in cells. These people have no melanin at all, which explains their appearance.

Vitiligo can also be attributed to genetic diseases, but until certain events in life, it does not manifest itself at all. A person may not even be aware of such a “game” of genes until some kind of push occurs, after which troubles in the form of white spots on the skin will follow.

2) White spots after sunburn - vitiligo

Often in a person at birth normal skin, but suddenly, for some reason, the formation of a special pigment in the cells is disrupted. The cells that produce melanin in the skin disappear. This disease, when there are no melanocytes in some limited areas of the skin, is called vitiligo. Mysterious disease. It can appear at any age. It is especially unpleasant when white spots appear on the face. Although there is a known case of vitiligo in one girl (Chantel Winnie), who was able to become a successful model with such a disease.

White spots on the skin do not cause any subjective sensations, they are not life-threatening, they are not contagious. It's more of a cosmetic defect. To date, no methods have been found to restore pigmentation. So that white spots do not appear, there is only one way out - do not sunbathe. And follow all the recommendations of a dermatologist. If none of the ancestors suffered from white spots on the skin, then the impetus for the development of vitiligo is:

Diseases of internal organs;

Reduced immunity;

Exposure to toxic substances;

Tight clothing, shoes that cause friction on the body.

Unfortunately, the disease is not fully understood, there are no reliable ways to cure it yet.

3) White spots after sunburn - fungus, lichen

Multicolored (pityriasis, color) versicolor- skin diseases caused by a pathological fungus. Widely distributed, most people with excessive sweating, reduced immunity, living in a warm, humid climate. Therefore, the disease is sometimes called solar lichen.

Multicolored lichen is caused by a pathological fungus, infection can occur through personal hygiene items, bedding, etc. Often inherited. It mostly affects young men, but can occur in children and the elderly.

Individual spots that manifest multi-colored lichen may merge over time. They do not tan in the sun, they become white. Sunburn is prevented by a fungus, it blocks ultraviolet radiation from entering the cell and the formation of melanin.

Multicolored lichen must begin to be treated, once the diagnosis is verified. Otherwise, it will spread, it can become a source of infection for loved ones. In addition, it causes a lot of inconvenience: itches, flakes and leads to skin damage. Dermatologist after laboratory diagnostics(scraping, microscopy) prescribes antifungal drugs, special ointments and creams, restorative treatment.

With multi-colored lichen, if the diagnosis is established, you can take more sunbathing. White spots will remain for a long time even after laboratory treatment, but this will already be a cosmetic defect.

4) White spots after sunburn on the background of drugs

There are certain medications (contraceptives, antibiotics /tetracycline/) that make the skin more sensitive to UV light.

The reaction of the body is manifested in the appearance of white spots on the background of tanned skin. In this case, the drug should be canceled or replaced with another one.

5) White spots after sunburn - hormonal disorders

Violation of the synthesis of melanin occurs as a result of hormonal disruptions. An example of this is pregnancy, thyroid diseases with violations of its functions (hypo - and hyperthyroidism), "critical" days. Therefore, it is advisable not to stay under the scorching sun for a long time in such a position and with such diseases. In case of thyroid pathology, it is recommended to avoid solar insolation.

6) White spots after sunburn - scars

After various injuries, even the most minor, scars remain on the skin. Over time, they become invisible, do not cause any discomfort. But when sunburned, they stand out as white spots. This is explained by the fact that the scar itself is represented by connective tissue, there are no cells in which melanin (melanocytes) is formed in it.

7) White spots after sunburn - sunscreen

If the protective cream is unevenly distributed on the skin, white spots may appear in those places where the cream layer is thicker. To avoid this cosmetic defect, the cream should always be applied to clean skin. Preferably use a scrub to cleanse the skin. Then the cream will lie flat, and it will be possible to avoid white spots when tanning.

When going on a long-awaited vacation, you should always remember that the sun's rays, in addition to a good mood and beautiful bronze skin, can lead to unpleasant consequences, which will then have to be treated for a long time even after the vacation. Therefore, from the first day of your stay on the beach, you need to dose the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen, do not forget about a hat and glasses, cover your shoulders and arms. Then it will be possible to avoid white spots on the skin and problems associated with uneven tanning.

There are cases when neither preventive measures taken nor special protective creams do not improve the situation, and it is not possible to avoid the formation of white spots that appear on the skin after sunburn. Why this happens, what are the causes of this condition, what measures can be taken and how the doctor can determine how to treat. You need to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible, since white spots can turn out to be not just skin disorders, but manifestations of some serious general disease.

The sun is essential for our skin. It is under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the body that some important elements are synthesized. Even golden tan looks beautiful. Excessive sunbathing is harmful and can cause significant problems.

Sometimes white spots appear on the skin after sunburn, itching, severe redness, peeling, swelling, rashes and even real burns can occur. What to do in such cases, how dangerous this or that problem is, how to quickly calm the affected layer of the epidermis? Let's find out the answers to these questions.

What you need to know about tanning

The bronze shade of the body came into fashion not so long ago. Previously, the owners of tanned skin were equated with the lower classes and did not cause approval. Times have changed, and now tan is perceived differently.

Skin after sun

You can get a tanned body in natural conditions and in a solarium, under artificial lamps. Many consider a solarium dangerous, but in fact, sunbathing near a pond is much more dangerous - the skin absorbs not only direct sunlight, but also reflected from the water, receiving a very large portion of light radiation at a time.

It is much easier to control the level and evenness of your tan in a solarium than on a beach by the sea. It is necessary to start taking UV baths from 10 minutes, gradually increasing this time.

Very often, people on vacation ignore the allowable time spent in the sun, do not use protective equipment, and as a result, they get skin problems: reddened areas on the body, spots, bubbles and other troubles. The same thing happens when you stay in the solarium for too long.

Excessive exposure to light rays causes photoaging of the skin: it thickens, becomes rough, dry, flabby.

In people with sensitive skin sometimes there is photodermatosis - an allergic reaction to intense sunburn.

The sun's rays are useful only in moderation and nothing else!

Possible skin problems after sunburn and their elimination

Consider what reactions of the epidermis to UV rays are and how to quickly bring the affected skin in order.

Redness, burn


Sunburn is the most common problem among sunbathers.

Burn signs:

  • Intense redness after sunburn.
  • Soreness, pinching, severe burning.
  • Swelling, sometimes swelling.
  • Bubbles, blisters (begin to form after 2-3 days, with severe burns after a few hours).

In addition to these signs, a “burnt out” person may experience malaise, fever, and intense thirst. Nausea, vomiting, chills may also occur.

What to do?

First of all, with a sunburn of the skin, it is necessary to take an anti-inflammatory drug with an antipyretic effect (Nimesil, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin), and an antihistamine drug (Diazolin, Tavegil, Zodak, Suprastin). This will help relieve itching, pain, swelling.

Everyone associates summer with the sea, and the sea, of course, with an even bronze tan. However, the contact of the skin and the sun does not always end well. In some cases, ugly white spots may form. Despite the fact that they do not cause any pain or itching, nevertheless, many uncomfortable sensations are associated with them. The embarrassment forces one to refuse open clothing in order to hide unaesthetic formations on the skin.

Why do white spots appear

In order to effectively deal with white spots after sunburn or even avoid their appearance, you must first understand the reasons that can lead to such consequences:

  1. Fungal infections- This is one of the most common causes of white spots. Moreover, before contact with the sun, the disease may not manifest itself in any way. However, those areas of the skin that are affected by fungus or lichen begin to change their color over time. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention medical care. Going on vacation, take care of your immunity, and also be examined for the presence of all kinds of infections or inflammatory processes in the body.
  2. - Genetic predisposition implies a hereditary lack of melanin in the skin. As a result, the tan is unevenly distributed over the skin. But the most disturbing fact is that in this case, white spots cannot be eliminated. If you are not sure about the health of your skin, you should definitely use strong sunscreens. In the event that you are aware of cases of cosmetic skin defects in your family members or even distant relatives, you should spend as little time as possible in the sun.
  3. - Medicines can cause side effect in the form of white spots on tanned skin. Due to the active components of the preparations, the production of pigments may be disrupted, and therefore the skin reacts inadequately to ultraviolet radiation. Always carefully read the instructions for the drugs to determine their side effects on the skin. Also, always tell your doctor if you are going to be in the sun for a long time so that he can adjust your treatment.
  4. - Visiting a horizontal solarium quite often leads to the appearance of white spots on the skin if you stay in it for a long time in the same position. More often they are formed on the elbows and in the pelvic area, because. these areas are more exposed to ultraviolet radiation than others. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the expiration date of ultraviolet lamps, because. it can also provide Negative influence on the condition of your skin.
  5. - Vitiligo is a serious disease, the manifestation of which are white spots on the hands and face. It can even be caused by food poisoning or severe stress. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the work of internal organs. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely recover from this disease, but with the help of special procedures, you can somewhat improve the condition of the skin. Having found the symptoms of this disease, be sure to consult a doctor, because. in addition to external manifestations, it can also have serious consequences for all body systems.
  6. sunburn familiar to almost everyone. Redness and blisters can develop into unsightly white spots. That is why you should always use sunscreen, as well as a limited time to be outdoors in the heat. If the burn could not be avoided, in no case do not touch the affected area with your hands and do not try to open the blisters.
  7. - Hormonal imbalance is also a fairly common cause of the appearance of light spots on the body. That is why you should not abuse sunbathing if you have problems with the thyroid gland. It is also worth limiting exposure to the sun for women during menstruation and expectant mothers, since during this period the hormonal background is especially unstable.
  8. - Sivvat's poikiloderma is a serious cosmetic defect that does not require treatment and is not amenable to it. Therefore, try to always use sunscreen and wear closed clothing.

White spots on the skin after sunburn

How to deal with the problem

Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to completely eliminate white spots on the skin. It is best to closely monitor your health in order to have time to get rid of all problems before the hot season. For this, both cosmetic and all kinds of medicines are used. So, if you have problems with sweat glands, then find the right antiperspirant for yourself. If a fungus is found in your body, then, as prescribed by a doctor, you will have to take the appropriate medicines for about two weeks. But this, in no case, should not be self-medication, so you can only aggravate the situation.

A disease such as vitiligo requires special attention. Through a comprehensive examination, it is possible to identify its causes and choose the appropriate treatment. Sometimes a course of vitamins is enough to normalize the condition. Sometimes serious treatment is required to normalize the functioning of internal organs. In any case, from now on you will have to limit the time you spend in the sun, as well as choose for yourself high-quality products that will act as UV protectors.

Preventive measures

To minimize the risk of white spots after sunburn, you need to follow a number of mandatory rules:

  • - try to stay in the sun as little as possible between 11 am and 4 pm, during this period ultraviolet rays are the most aggressive;
  • - a tanning session should not last more than 20 minutes (otherwise, not only the risk of white spots increases, but also the general condition of the skin worsens significantly);
  • - always use sunscreen and cosmetics with UV filters, even if you do not go to the beach, but just walk down the street in open clothes.

White spots on baby skin

Not only adults, but also children are at risk of earning white spots with prolonged exposure to the sun. The most common causes of this are lichen or vitiligo. But there is another serious disease called hypomelanosis. It is quite rare and is often the result of infectious diseases. If the slightest change occurs on the child's skin, you should immediately go to the hospital to find out the cause and prescribe treatment. The seriousness of the situation is also aggravated by the fact that in addition to a cosmetic defect, hypomelanosis can lead to damage to the central nervous system, which will certainly lead to deviations in the psyche and development.

When going to the beach with a child, it is worth considering that his skin is much thinner and more delicate than that of an adult, and therefore the effect of the sun on it is much more aggressive. The kid as much as possible should be under a canopy or be dressed. In addition, it is always worth using special children's cosmetics to protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

How to get an even and beautiful tan

There are several useful tips to help you get an even chocolate tan:

  • - when taking a shower, always rub the skin with a hard washcloth to remove dead cells of the epidermis (this will help make the skin structure more even);
  • - once or twice a week, be sure to exfoliate using home or store scrubs (this is necessary for more deep cleansing);
  • - in a beauty salon or beauty parlor, you can do procedures using fruit acids, which allows you to even out skin tone (such activities will be effective both before and after tanning);
  • - if you were unable to prevent the appearance of white spots, then you should resort to laser therapy, which will help restore the skin to its original appearance.

The sun is a source of vital energy, and therefore contact with it is simply necessary for a person. However, sunbathing should be clearly limited in time. Otherwise, you can earn serious illness, as well as cosmetic defects. With the onset of the summer heat, you must take care of your health to minimize the likelihood of unpleasant consequences from contact with ultraviolet radiation.