Pavel Te: “My key project is my family. Olga Karput: “I would not say that Paris is a fashionable city Olga Karput husband Pavel Te

WAS: Uliana Zeitlina and Olga Kurbatova

BECOMING: Tatiana Navka

Each generation has one, but over time, the layouts have become more conservative. Even ten years ago, wealthy and sophisticated men themselves fit - like Sobyanin's tiles on the dug up Spiridonovka - in front of the socialite Zeitlina and the mobile blonde Kurbatova. Light curls curled, an elastic chest breathed, well, long tanned legs did not want to end in any way - and the whispers of envious women: “But what do they find in her?” Husbands abandoned their disgusted wives overnight.

It's getting harder these days: married men, in the apt expression of Bozhena Rynska, “are more firmly attached to the stalls”, Nastasya Filippovna got married and got bored (Kurbatov, however, is not there: check out the oasis of the zero - instagram @olgakurbatova7- by God, stronger than Goethe's Faust), diamonds the size of Walnut ate His Majesty crisis. Modern ones are modestly dressed and if they beat someone off once, without making this event, you know, a lifestyle.

party girls models

WAS: Ulyana Lukina

BECOMING: Daria Malygina

At the start of their modeling career, these sorceresses were ready to get into the capital's Friday la movida completely and without a trace. The audience of "Mix", "Zeppelin", "Terka" (club "Territory") and "Probka" remembers the freckled "Face of 2000", according to L'Officiel magazine, Ulyana Lukina, who took second place in the Elite competition Model look 99. Worthy continuer of traditions - model Dasha Malygina: how to forget her midnight flights to the Simach chandelier? True, recently Dasha, together with her husband Yegor Piskunov, moved to New York. Like forever. But for some reason there is a suspicion that it will return.

Wealthy lady favoring creative youth

WAS: Olga Rodionova

BECOMING: Olga Karput

Charm boutiques and Russia's first Vivienne Westwood, art books and filming in eleven films - all this was with the wife of the publisher and banker billionaire Sergei Rodionov Olga, a spectacular brown-haired woman with an irresistible craving for bohemia. A few years ago, according to mournful press reports, the beauty "left Moscow and lives in Croatia and the Netherlands."

But a holy place is never empty. The magnificent center of fashion business at the intersection of conceptualism and serious retail "KM 20" from the first to the present day is managed by the creative wife of the co-owner of Capital Group Pavel Te Olga Karput. On the figures of fashion and art, ladies with a strong rear, Moscow and keeps.

Party girl from a good family

WAS: Shakhri Amirkhanova

BECOMING: Elena Konchalovskaya

A cool girl of noble blood, leading a mischievous and open lifestyle in the period of “20+” is a rare phenomenon for our latitudes: as a rule, twenty-year-old beauties with a loud surname either run away to the state of groggy in friendly establishments without signs, or ply under the supervision of a black SUV, slaughtered by guards, to "Aysel" and back to the estate; Yes, and these small routes come to an end after a magnificent wedding in Safis. Before marriage and motherhood, Shakhri, the granddaughter of the poet Rasul Gamzatov and the former editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar, was very cool, and now the daughter of director Andrei Konchalovsky and TV presenter Irina Martynova, Elena, is performing in her sweet tradition. Look for the beauty at the events of DJ Vitaly Kozak and promoter Alexei Kiselev.

Bohemian princess from blooming Georgia

WAS: Nina Gomiashvili

BECOMING: Marie Koberidze

Photographer and gallerist (“Victory” in GUM) Gomiashvili, TV presenter and also a gallery owner (We Art on Nikolina Gora) Koberidze are intelligent, smooth, impeccably savvy in the business of a small secular conversation, so to speak, small table talk. What can I say - a classic of good old Moscow families with a southern touch. Big-eyed princesses are more likely to bohemian and creative gatherings than to unbridled consumerism - education also affects.

The continuation of the material is in the November issue of SNC (No. 82, 2015).

Owner and founder of the concept store and the first cafe of functional cuisine in Moscow " Kuznetsky most 20”, Olga Karput perfectly combines love for active and healthy lifestyle life with the birth and upbringing of children. Literally 3 weeks ago Olga became a mother for the third time. According to the already established family tradition little Pavel Pavlovich Te was born exactly 4 years after his sister Sasha, who, in turn, is 4 years younger than the elder Sonya.

Olya, we congratulate you on the birth of your son and the very first question: tell me, did you feel the difference in your own feelings, because you have older girls? Is it different this time?

With the birth of a child, every time everything is new. Since the birth of my eldest daughter, I have matured a lot and changed internally. Now, it seems to me, I experience everything much deeper. This pregnancy was the most conscious for me, I did not want to rush anywhere, to be distracted by anything. When I gave birth to Sonya, my first daughter, I had the feeling that everything, I had finished shooting, and now I urgently need to run somewhere, do something, in no case slow down. Now I am in a state of calm harmony, I enjoy feeding the baby and the daily activities associated with his appearance. I'm happy.

What are your husband's feelings?

He is very proud! And he also has a much more thoughtful attitude towards the appearance of little Pasha. Eg, earlier birth children did not affect our travel plans in any way, we immediately began to plan something. Now we are not in a hurry and enjoy spending time at the dacha in parental affairs. In addition, my husband is very pleased that he has a future friend and partner - a man in our big girl's club.

How did you choose the name for your son? After all, your husband's name is Pavel.

We wanted a boy so badly that we just didn't have any doubts. We started calling him Pasha as soon as we found out that I was pregnant, even before determining the sex. The husband even jokingly threatened to kick him out of the house if there was a girl again (laughs).

On Olga: dress, Lemaire; on Sonia: dress, Fendi from Daniel Boutique.

How do you think your life will change with the arrival of your third child? Still three children different ages- this is already a much more complex logistics and movements, and their formation, and development ...

I do not think that something will change dramatically, except that there will be a new nanny for the baby. We will raise our son a little differently than girls. For example, I think that it is much more useful for a boy to be in a male society, so I would prefer to hire a tutor for him, and not a teacher. I would like it to be an adult friend and comrade for him. And so, in terms of logistics, everything will remain as it was. We also plan to travel a lot. Soon I have to go to Fashion Week for work, and I think I will take Pasha with me so as not to interrupt breastfeeding.

Tell us about your attitude to breastfeeding, now this is a very hot topic, because many mothers refuse to breastfeed in order to maintain their figure and freedom ...

Well, many women refuse to give birth because of this (laughs). And as for the preservation of the figure, this is, first of all, genetics, and secondly, the mood, regimen and behavior during pregnancy. Many people think that, being in a position, you need to rest more, be less active, eat for two. I think this approach is no longer relevant and outdated at the moment when personal and public transport appeared, a lot of devices to simplify life, and there was no need to work hard in the field in order to have food later.

I watch my diet closely, starting the day with a shot of wheatgrass and a big green juice for a long time and amusing myself with raw food desserts. Pretty intense yoga classes are also present in my ordinary life. And during pregnancy, I did not stop, but rather paid even more attention to functional nutrition and exercise. I even went to a full-fledged yoga retreat in Bali in May. I can confirm from my own experience that this contributes to easier childbirth and faster recovery after them.

For example, I am sure that breast-feeding allows the body to return to shape much faster and easier, including at the hormonal level. Still, breastfeeding is a natural process, conceived by nature.

On Olga: jumper and dress, Prada. On Sonia: dress, Fendi from Daniel Boutique and headband, Piers Atkinson.

Did you give birth yourself?

Yes, she gave birth to three babies herself and all of them here in Moscow.

And why did you, like many others, not go to give birth abroad?

I have older daughters, Sonya went to grade 2, Sasha has a lot of classes. I didn’t want to be separated from them for a long time, besides, I don’t think that childbirth is something that can be done qualitatively only abroad. In Russia, there are excellent doctors, clinics, obstetricians and conditions to give birth to a baby and not change the daily course of affairs in the family. Especially in a family where there are older children, because their regimen is also built not so simply. Pasha was born on September 1st. I was lucky, I took Sonya to school in the morning and then calmly went to give birth.

What school does Sonya go to?

She studies at the 57th school with a mathematical bias, where they are quite busy with classroom and extracurricular activities. But so far we love it.

Have you ever thought about sending your children to study in another country?

Girls - no, I think they need to be in the family and next to their mother, who can help with advice, listen, direct. Living in a boarding school will not be useful for them. Anyway, I can't imagine it. Well, I don’t know what will happen to Pasha, it’s too early to talk about it.

On Olga: jumper and dress, Prada. On Sonia: dress, Fendi from Daniel Boutique and headband, Piers Atkinson. Sasha is wearing a dress, Fendi and hat, Quis Quis, all from Daniel Boutique.

How are the relationships between sisters?

Now Sasha has grown up, and the girls have some common interests. I really want them to be friends, I even enjoy the moments when they unite with each other “against me”, or they have some secrets of their own. I think it's very important that they have a really close relationship. I try never to single out anyone, not to support anyone's side, and immediately stop any snitching.

The girls have a lot of extracurricular activities right now, and Sonya also has lessons, so I'm glad when they just fool around with each other, do nothing or go for a walk. Modern children are deprived of a normal childhood, they spend little time on the street and are rarely left to themselves, their desires and thoughts. As a result, they simply do not know how to occupy and entertain themselves on their own. I am sure that "doing nothing" is very important point in the child's daily life.

Have you and your husband already dreamed about what Pasha will do? What sport?

I think it all depends on the character. The horoscope promises that Pashka will become a very strong personality, a financial genius (laughs). But seriously, I think that everything should be spontaneous.

On Olga: dress, Lemair. On Sonya: jumper, Prada.

That is, you are a mother who is more guided by intuition?

Exactly, I really trust my intuition. And I am categorically against parental competitions - when did your child sit on the potty, at what age did he refuse a pacifier, at what age did he start reading and writing ... I try to be reasonable about the abilities and talents of my children and calmly perceive their weaknesses.

Now it is very difficult to say what exactly Pashka wants to do, but he is definitely long-legged, big and strong. He is not yet a month old, and he is already turning his head with might and main and trying to keep it. My yoga teacher says he must have pumped up too during my classes while I was pregnant.

When you were a child you dreamed of large family? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

No, I am an only child, moreover, I grew up in an incomplete family, I have only my mother. Of course, like any girl, I dreamed that I would have a good family and a husband, but three children turned out spontaneously (smiles). This is my unplanned story.

On Olga: dress and skirt, Prada. On Sonya: shirt, jumper, top, dressed like a dress, all Prada; hat, Quis Quis from Daniel Boutique.

Does having children and pregnancy affect your work? Maybe you have already started to change or add something to your business?

Of course, everything that happens to me and my family is reflected in practice in one way or another, these are all parts of one process. We have a cute children's clothing corner at KM20, and I always ask designers to think about children's lines. Selfishly I care, first of all, about my kids, but after all, everyone will like it as a result.

We also like to spend children's holidays, including with "Daughters-Mothers"! For us, this is a kind of tradition that brings a lot of joy to everyone. The cafe has now been relaunched in a healthy format and the veranda has been opened so that Pasha and I can come in a stroller on weekends (laughs).

How do you take care of yourself during pregnancy and after childbirth?

I really like algae wraps based on Thalion cosmetics. This procedure is allowed for all pregnant women, and it not only tones and moisturizes the skin, but also prevents stretch marks. If you do wraps regularly, then both turgor and skin condition improve dramatically. But the coolest thing is that, as experts say, the magnesium contained in algae has a positive effect on the formation of the baby and his future mental abilities. With this idea in mind, I have indulged in body wraps quite often. And I plan to continue. But in general, the most important thing is to move, not to be lazy, not to stay too long, not to overeat. Live life.

Well, will we expect the fourth baby in another four years?

I don’t think about it yet, but it feels like we are fully equipped.

On Olga: dress and skirt, Prada. On Sonya: shirt, jumper, top, dressed like a dress, all Prada; hat, quis quis.

In the first photo: on Olga: jumper, jacket and skirt, all Prada. On Sasha: dress, Fendi; sneakers, Baldinini. On Sonya: dress, Fendi and ballet flats, Dior.

Karput Olga- the second wife of a Russian businessman, chairman of the board of directors and co-owner of a development company. She is the founder of the multi-brand designer clothing boutique "KM 20".

There is no publicly available information about the formation of Karput. According to Business of Fashion, she is one of the 500 most influential people in the fashion world. Karput is a friend and muse of the most avant-garde designers. Demna Gvasalia produces personalized Vetements sweatshirts for Olga.

Olga Karput is the founder of the KM-20 concept store at Kuznetsky Most 20, with a cafe and a table tennis court. In autumn 2017, the boutique moved to Stoleshnikov Lane, 2.

Karput is an intense yoga practitioner and obsessed with healthy eating. Olga Karput and Pavel Te have three children: daughters Sophia and Alexandra and son Pavel. The family owns a villa in Ibiza and a single-deck Pumkin yacht.

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Moscow developer Pavel Te not only manages a large holding, but also brings up three children together with his wife Olga Karput. At the request of Finparty, the co-owner and president of Capital Group explains what principles help him to be successful in his family and business.

"Key project"

In my youth, I worked very hard, developed the company, implemented ambitious projects, but over the years I realized that one should not forget about the family. Since I am a developer, business takes up most of my life, but my wife Olga Karput and children have become a key project.

In my free time, I like to communicate with children - cook different dishes with my daughters or play with my son. We always travel with the whole family and often relax together - although I am an active businessman, I try to find time for this. The main qualities that I strive to develop in my children are humanity, goodwill, independence, inner peace and self-confidence.

"The dead need nothing"

If you are sick, you will not succeed, so you need to take care of your health. I swim and love skiing. By the way, my children share these hobbies, although, of course, they have already formed their own preferences. For example, the eldest daughter Sonya is seriously involved in equestrian sports, and the youngest Sasha, like her mother, loves yoga.

"Less words"

And especially - empty words. I do not forgive people for lies, I do not like idle talk, and as a businessman I remain honest with investors, partners, employees and clients. Journalists often ask why my name is rarely seen in the media, and even more so if they find compromising evidence on me. The answer is simple: I do not see the point in a lot of publicity. The projects implemented by the company and my reputation speak for themselves.

"Information Hunger"

IN modern world to stop gaining new knowledge means to lose everything. It is important to remember that even the opponent and the opponent have something to learn. And the mistakes made are generally a storehouse of useful experience, and not just dirt on you in the future. I am constantly improving as a businessman, professionally, spiritually and personally, I try to learn something new every day. I appreciate this approach to life in my employees and try to develop it in my children.

"Life is a game"

If you gave up, you lost. There is always the possibility of victory, you just need to find the right way. The secret of success - and the developer, and any person - is to constantly see the goal and correctly assess their own forces, the situation and the enemy.