Why do you need a pension statement? Pensioner's ID. How to replace an ID

In order to improve the quality of service to citizens, the PFR Branch for the Republic of Kazakhstan since the beginning of this year has introduced a new service for pre-ordering certificates.

This opportunity can be used in any district office of the FIU.

Thanks to the electronic service, residents of Kalmykia have the opportunity to pre-order the necessary certificate on the Internet without contacting the FIU several times.

The most in demand are certificates on the amount of pension and monthly cash payment and on the amount of maternity (family) capital and certificates on the amount of pension (social payment) paid for a certain period.

We remind you that any resident of our region can use the “Order a document/certificate” service and preliminarily make an appointment with specialists from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the regions of the republic and the city of Elista at any time convenient for you. The service is available on the official website of the FIU. Also in the city pension department, a preliminary record of citizens for an appointment by phone is organized. You can sign up by calling 4-03-38 (customer service manager), 4-03-59 (advance work on the appointment of pensions), 4-03-39 (issues of establishing social benefits and maternity (family) capital).

The necessary certificate can be ordered through the PFR website using the links “PFR official website - PFR services in electronic form using SMEV (green box on the left, select this option) - Preliminary appointment - Order a document / certificate (fill in all the required information about yourself) - Continue (select the Republic of Kalmykia - Elista). The turnaround time for the certificate is 2 business days. The prepared certificate will be issued by the dispatcher in the UPFR customer service hall in Elista upon presentation of a passport.

According to Danara Anglaeva, Deputy Head of the Department for Organizing the Appointment, Recalculation, Payment of Pensions and Evaluation of Pension Rights of Insured Persons of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, making a preliminary appointment with the Pension Fund specialists, including on obtaining the necessary certificates and extracts, allows you to improve the quality of customer service, reduce their waiting time in the customer service, optimize the process of receiving residents and issuing documents to them.

As the representative of the OPFR noted, today's modern technologies make it possible to receive contactless information through the public services portal http://www.gosuslugi.ru, eliminate the need for citizens to contact the PFR department at their place of residence directly and spend time in line. Therefore, this electronic service is in demand among the population of the region.

Responsibility for the timely accrual and registration of pensions lies with the Pension Fund. There are situations when a person needs proof of income, including the amount of his pension.

A special certificate is issued by the PFR employees on a declarative basis. If you prepare in advance, there will be no problems with obtaining the document.

What is needed for

The main cash income of most pensioners is pensions. They are accrued upon reaching the age of all Russians. Certain authorities require a certificate from the Pension Fund to verify the amount of a person's income.

Especially often a document on the amount of a pension is used:

  • when applying for pension supplements;
  • if a serviceman draws up a pension, the military registration and enlistment office will require a certificate of the amount of civil payments;
  • if a citizen is caring for a disabled child or an adult who needs income, he is entitled to an additional allowance, which is issued after presenting a certificate;
  • maternity capital is issued for the birth or adoption of a second and subsequent children, and pensioners present a certificate as income.

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Many large banks of the Russian Federation require a paper on the size of the pension when applying for loans and mortgages. Any state benefits, benefits and social support are paid upon presentation of the document.

Federal Law No. 152 establishes that the certificate contains confidential information. Citizens are advised not to provide information to third parties or upload it to non-state sites.

What does the template and form look like?

The certificate contains all the data on the body issuing the pension and its amount, including:

  • the name and address of the PFR unit to which the citizen applied;
  • TIN, KPP and full address of the branch;
  • reference number;
  • a certificate is issued for a certain period of time (for example, 6 months, a year), which fits into the document;
  • the amount of the pension looks like a table with the date and the amount received for this month;
  • signature with a transcript of the employee who issued the certificate and the head of the unit;
  • certificate issue date.

The state has not established a specific application form, each branch may slightly change the form. However, it is recommended to download the sample in advance to save time at the FIU. It is allowed to fill in with a black pen or on a computer.

Where to apply for registration

The law provides for 3 instances that have the right to issue certificates:

  • employees of the Pension Fund issue them personally. It is possible to pre-order certificates on the website. An online appointment is open to citizens so as not to wait in a live queue at the department;
  • Sberbank employees, if the salary goes to the bank card;
  • multifunctional centers are intermediaries between citizens and employees of the FIU. The system was developed recently, so it is not available in every city. Through the MFC, applications are processed faster, and the queues are smaller. The certificate is sent to the citizen at the specified address.

In addition to traditional methods, Internet services work:

The main advantage is the absence of fuss with paper documents, it is enough to upload scans to the site. Online applications are processed faster. The finished certificate is issued at the selected branch of the FIU. You will need a passport or a power of attorney with you if a trusted person comes to pick up the document.

If a citizen is a client of Sberbank and uses Sberbank Online, he can receive an online certificate of the amount of his pension at any time.

The mobile application works on all modern phones. Bank employees report that in 2019 it is planned to introduce the receipt of a document at the Sberbank terminal.

In addition to the standard instances, the following organizations have the right to issue certificates:

  • military registration and enlistment offices at the place of registration (only for active and former military personnel);
  • non-state FIU, in which the citizen is a member.

Upon presentation of documents, the above authorities will not have grounds for refusal. Otherwise, the citizen has the right to appeal their decision in court. The fastest way to get help is on the Internet.

How to get a certificate of the amount of pension from the Pension Fund

According to the employees of the Pension Fund, the certificate of the amount of the pension is the most popular. About 10 thousand certificates are issued monthly in each region. The workload of employees affects the time of issuing a document, the waiting process can take up to a week.

For paperwork you will need:

  • collect documents, fill out an application;
  • approach the FIU at the place of residence in person or apply through a representative (with a power of attorney);
  • transfer the papers to the fund employee;
  • receive a certificate of acceptance of the application for consideration;
  • on the appointed day, go to the office and pick up the document.

If you apply online, the certificate will be ready within 2 business days (instead of a week).


Online help can be ordered in a few steps:

  • go to the official website of the FIU;
  • register;
  • go to the tab "Preliminary appointment";

  • select the section “Order a document/certificate”;
  • fill in basic information about the user;
  • choose any branch of the FIU.

The certificate will be ready within a few days, the citizen must personally approach it. The document is issued according to the passport.

Danara Anglaeva, deputy head of the FIU responsible for the payment of pensions, said that the online system significantly reduces the waiting time for clients at the FIU branch. According to her, online applications helped optimize the process of accepting papers from Russian citizens and accelerated the procedure for issuing documents.

In 2019, PFR employees are actively urging citizens to master the new website, on which a consultant is constantly working.

Through Public Services

Before using the services of the site, the user must activate his account. To do this, you need an electronic signature or a code from the Pension Fund. Then:

  • enter passport data;
  • the column about SNILS is filled in;
  • comes up with a username and password.

Ordering certificates is carried out in 4 steps:

  • go to the "Catalog of services" section;

  • select "Pensions, allowances and benefits";

  • request a notification of the status of the personal account in the FIU;
  • click "Get Service".

An online application form will appear, in which standard data is entered, and the department where the citizen will pick up the certificate is indicated. It will be ready on the appointed day.

At the MFC

Multifunctional centers have the same powers as the Pension Fund. They accept documents and issue certificates.

All MFC addresses are on the PFR website. This requires:

  • go to the "Find customer service" section;
  • go to "Contacts and Addresses".

Then the citizen selects the area, all the centers that serve the specified area will appear on the screen. The process of obtaining a certificate completely repeats the method of obtaining paper in the Pension Fund.

What documents are needed

If a person receives a certificate in person, and not online, he will need a complete package of documents:

  • internal passport and copy;
  • pension certificate and a copy;
  • SNILS;
  • application for a certificate.

The application is written in free form. Most importantly, provide the following information:

  • Name in full, cannot be abbreviated;
  • date and place of birth in full;
  • place of residence on the passport and actual address, if different;
  • type of pension (may be insurance, state or social);
  • the nature of the pension (for old age, disability or old age);
  • signature, transcript and date of submission of the document.

If a citizen cannot submit papers on his own and does not know how to use the Internet, it is allowed to act through a representative. MFC does not work with third parties. A trusted person will need a document certified by a notary.

How much is done

The maximum processing time for applications is 5 business days. Online applications are processed within 2 days. If the certificate is sent by mail, the period is extended by a couple of weeks. The exact time frame is not specified by law.

Features of obtaining a loan

Most banks offer loans on special terms to non-working pensioners if the person's income is sufficient to meet their obligations. A bank employee checks that after paying the monthly payment, the pensioner has an amount that exceeds the subsistence level in the region.

If a person has dependents, their needs are taken into account when calculating income. If the pensioner has guarantors, there are more chances to get a loan. The basis for bank payments is a certificate of the amount of the pension.

A feature of obtaining a certificate for obtaining a loan is age, the type of loan product depends on it:

  1. Mortgages are available only if the pensioner can repay the debt in full before age 65-75. Many banks only work with clients under 60, regardless of gender or income level. The problem can be solved with the help of guarantors.
  2. Citizens under the age of 75 can count on car loans.
  3. Consumer credit is issued to citizens under 65 years of age. If there are guarantors, banks work with Russians up to 75 years old. The main condition is the payment of the debt before this age.

The certificate of the amount of the pension is the main document by which the pensioner confirms the monthly income. It is required by most banks, military registration and enlistment offices, OSZN and government agencies.

To obtain a paper, you need to fill out an application at the Pension Fund or another authorized authority and submit documents. In 5 working days, the certificate will be in hand.

According to the Labor Law, the employer is obliged to issue to its employees, at their request, a number of documents on work, among which are named certificates of deductions to the Pension Fund made for the employee (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). How, and in what form, organizations and individual entrepreneurs need to draw up such certificates, we will consider further.

When is a certificate of contributions to the FIU issued?

A document confirming the accrual and payment of "pension" contributions must be issued to the employee upon his written application. A certificate of contributions to the Pension Fund, the form of which is given below, can be prepared along with a 2-NDFL certificate, a certificate of the period of work in this company and other documents, not only when the employee leaves, but also at any time upon his request. Moreover, regardless of the purpose of the request itself, a refusal to issue the requested certificate is unacceptable, even if the employee does not tell why he needs it.

For the preparation of certificates related to work, the employer is given no more than three working days (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And if the employee quits, then the certificate is issued along with other documents on the day of his dismissal (Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Request for a certificate of contributions to the Pension Fund - form

In order for the accounting department to prepare a certificate of contributions to the FIU, the employee needs to write a corresponding request addressed to the manager. There is no single form for it, so it is drawn up in an arbitrary form. But first, it’s still better to clarify in the accounting department, perhaps the employer has developed its own internal sample of such a request.

An example request for a certificate of FIU contributions might look like this:

General Director of Astra LLC

Petrovsky I.I.

from the manager Skvortsova A.A.

I ask you to provide me with a duly certified certificate of accrued and actually paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance for the period from 10/01/2016 to 01/31/2017.

Form of certificate of "pension" contributions

In fact, there is no such unified form as a certificate of insurance premiums to the FIU. In fact, in response to an employee’s appeal, he needs to provide the very accounting information that the employer submits to the Pension Fund for each employee. The employer must give a copy of such information to the employee within five days from the date of his application, and upon dismissal, he must transfer them to the employee on the day of dismissal or termination of the GPC agreement (clause 4, article 11 of the law dated 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ).

Since 2017, insurance premiums have come under the control of the tax authorities. Reporting on contributions, including accounting information, starting from the first quarter, will be submitted to the Federal Tax Service under the new unified form of Calculation of insurance premiums. Thus, having received from the employee a request for a Certificate of contributions to the Pension Fund, the form of which is accounting information, you need to prepare:

  • Section 6 Calculation of RSV-1 for this employee, if the certificate is requested for the period before 01/01/2017;
  • Section 3 Calculation of insurance premiums (form according to KND 1151111) for this employee, if data is requested for the period from 01/01/2017

Only information relating to a specific employee is printed, without affecting data on other insured persons and general reporting indicators.


Skvortsova, an employee of Astra LLC, requested a certificate of contributions to the Pension Fund for the period from 10/01/2016 to 01/31/2017.

Please note that the accounting information is filled in on the requested date (or on the date of dismissal), regardless of whether they have already been submitted to the FIU or the Federal Tax Service on time or not. In our case, the accounting department will prepare a copy of section 6 of the RSV-1 calculation for 2016, which will include indicators for October-December, as well as section 3 of the Calculation of insurance premiums, which will indicate Skvortsova's accruals only for January 2017. Here we provide both options for personalized information.

Fill out RSV-1 for employee contributions

We fill out a single Calculation of insurance premiums for January 2017:

The documents transferred to the employee must be certified by the employer, and the employee, having received them, must sign in a special journal, or put a mark on receipt, the date and his signature on the second copy that remains with the employer. This is necessary to confirm the fact of the transfer of documents in case of disputes.

Citizens receiving pension payments often need to confirm their income in various instances. In such cases, the supporting document is a certificate of the amount of the pension.

What it is? How and where to get it? What documents are needed to receive it? We will answer these questions in this article.

Why do you need a pension certificate?

The certificate of the amount of the pension is an official document confirming the source and amount of income. It may be requested:

  • when applying for additional benefits of various kinds and social allowances (for example, for caring for a disabled person, when applying for housing subsidies, etc.);
  • when applying for a bank loan;
  • to provide at the request of the military registration and enlistment office;
  • when traveling abroad;
  • when requiring the presentation of a pension certificate (this document was canceled by the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" No. 400-FZ from January 1, 2015).

A pension certificate was required to receive a social card for free travel on public transport, to receive benefits and discounts in some stores, to receive the title of "veteran of labor" and in many other cases. Since 2015, the role of a pension certificate has been played by a certificate of the amount of the pension, which contains, in addition to indicating the monetary amounts, the period for establishing the pension. That is why it is recommended to receive it in advance, without waiting for the onset of a critical need.

For more information about the pension certificate, see the articles:

To obtain a certificate, you must prepare the following documents in advance:

  • passport and its photocopy;
  • a copy of the pension certificate (if any);
  • SNILS;
  • application for a certificate.
  • The application can be written in any form or filled in according to the sample. The application must include:
  • full personal data (name and patronymic cannot be abbreviated);
  • Date and place of birth;
  • place of registration or registration on the passport;
  • the type and nature of the pension received (insurance / state / social; by age / old age / disability);
  • signature and date of submission of the application.

If the pensioner cannot submit an application on his own, it is allowed to submit documents by relatives or friends. In this case, they will need a power of attorney, officially certified by a notary.

Where and how to get a certificate of the amount of the pension?

There are several options for obtaining the help you are looking for:

  • when visiting the Pension Fund office. A preliminary order of the document is available on the official website. A preliminary appointment for an appointment (electronic queue) is also available through the website;
  • when visiting the office of Sberbank;
  • when visiting the "Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services" (MFC). The service is only available in some cities. The preparation time is 5 working days, and the result is sent to the applicant by registered mail;
  • through the Internet. 2 online services are available: the State Services website and the online account on the website of the Pension Fund, when applying through which you do not have to provide any documents, the application is made online. The turnaround time for the certificate is 2 business days. The prepared certificate will be issued by the dispatcher in the customer service hall of the city or territorial UPFR upon presentation of a passport or power of attorney.

You can see information about pension accruals in real time in your Sberbank Online account or using mobile applications. In the near future (2017-2018), it is planned that this document will also be available at any Sberbank terminal.

The following institutions are also required to issue a standard certificate of the amount of the pension:

  • military commissariats at the place of residence (the service is available for military personnel);
  • non-state pension funds.

Refusal or delay in providing this document is a reason for a complaint, which is easiest to file through the website of the State Services or by writing an application to the district MFC.

Features of obtaining a certificate of the amount of pension by foreigners

Residents of other countries receiving a Russian pension should apply in person or in writing to the Department for Pensions for Persons Residing Abroad in the administrative district that pays the pension. Submission of documents is allowed through a trustee. To translate a document into a foreign language, you will need.