Early labor northern pension. Coefficients and examples. Pension in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas What is the amount of the insurance pension in the Kamchatka Territory

Galina Davydova, manager of the Kamchatka branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, answers questions from AiF readers.

Special topic - northern pensions

Since 1958 I have been working in the "norths", a builder. He retired in 1994. After some time, I was deprived of the northern experience.

A. Zaitsev, Petropavlovsk

After the new law on pensions came into force, the length of service for receiving a pension began to be calculated in calendar years. The concept of "northern" experience (a year and a half) has disappeared. The size of the labor pension now depends on the length of the total length of service, the average monthly salary, dependent family members who are unable to work, the presence of the 1st group of disability, and some other factors.

For pensioners who received a labor pension assigned before January 1, 2002 for work in the regions of the Far North, as well as for work in special working conditions, in order to maintain benefits, a “technological” recalculation was made, as a result of which the coefficient for the “northern” experience was determined in an increased amount. The longer the "northern" length of service for periods of work before 01/01/2002, the higher the coefficient for calculating the amount of pensions. Thus, the pension "northerners" still increased.

What conditions (in particular, age and length of service) are necessary for Kamchatka sailors and fishermen to receive a preferential "marine" pension?

M. Karpushkin, Petropavlovsk

An early retirement pension is granted to sailors and fishermen subject to the following conditions: insurance record of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women; work experience as a seafarer on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port waters, auxiliary and crew ships, suburban and intracity ships) of at least 12 years 6 months for men and 10 years for women; reaching the age for men - 55 years, for women - 50 years.

If, in addition to the above conditions, there is at least 15 calendar years of work experience in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas, the retirement age is reduced by an additional 5 years. Thus, under these conditions, the right to a "marine" pension will arise 10 years earlier than the generally established age for assigning an old-age labor pension.

Is there any hope that pensioners who have left for the mainland will receive "northern" pensions there as well? Previously, "northern" pensioners, leaving for the mainland, "upfront" received a pension for 3 months. And now?

V. S., Milkovo

Unfortunately, in accordance with federal laws, when a pensioner leaves the "northern" regions, the district coefficient is removed from the base part of his pension.

As for the second question, in accordance with the pension legislation, the payment of labor pension is carried out only for the current month. Pension payment for 3 months in advance is not provided.

That's the law

From November 25, 1957 to December 18, 1961 he served in a training detachment on about. Russian and on the ships of the Navy in Kamchatka, from December 18, 1961 to December 21, 1963 - under a contract in Vilyuchinsk. Not a single year was included in the "northern" experience, giving the right to early retirement.

V. Zyryanov, Vilyuchinsk

Early retirement pension for work in the regions of the Far North in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" is established for persons who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 15 years, and in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North for at least 20 years.

The legislator clearly defines the legal concept in the specified paragraph - work. Service in the army, according to the law, is not included in the "northern" experience, but is counted in the insurance experience along with periods of work.

The district office of the Pension Fund requires a certificate of hazardous work at Shakhtoenergoremont in the Rostov region, where I worked for a long time. The archive of the city of Shakhty does not provide such information.

S. Koshelev, Oktyabrsky village

For early assignment of a labor pension for work in harmful working conditions, the applicant must submit supporting documents. One of these documents is a certificate specifying special working conditions. The certificate is issued by the employer. The requirements of the PFR management specialists in the Ust-Bolsheretsky district are legitimate.

But at present, your documents are under control at the Regional Pension Fund Department, an additional request has been sent to the Rostov Region.

Military pensions are calculated according to a different principle than civil ones. But if an officer, having become a pensioner, gets a job, then the employer begins to transfer insurance premiums to his account in the Pension Fund. If these contributions are not reflected in the military pension, then what do they go for?

V. K., Yelizovo

Unfortunately, there is no mechanism in the current legislation that guarantees the provision of appropriate insurance coverage to military pensioners, taking into account the amount of employers' insurance premiums. This, in turn, does not allow former servicemen to receive the insurance part and labor pensions.

However, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, by its Decision dated May 11, 2006, obliged the Federal legislator to provide a legal mechanism that guarantees military pensioners working under an employment contract, in addition to the state pension provision, the payment of the insurance part of the labor pension, taking into account the insurance premiums reflected on their individual personal accounts in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Retirement - early

My acquaintances received "letters of happiness" last fall, but I haven't received them yet. Are they sent to all citizens or selectively?

T. Stepanova, Petropavlovsk

Letters with information about the status of an individual personal account are sent to all citizens of the Russian Federation centrally from the Pension Fund of Russia. From these letters you can find out about all the accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, starting from 2002. In accordance with Russian legislation, informing the public about the status of personal accounts is carried out in two stages: up to

September 1, men born in 1953 and younger, and women born in 1957 and younger, after October 1 - the "older" group of insured persons: men born in 1952 and older, women born in 1956 and older.

I am a working pensioner. In February 2007, a year after my old-age pension was awarded, I applied to the Pension Fund with a request to recalculate me. They did it, but they said that I would receive a new pension not from March, but from July. Why?

I. Tarasova, Petropavlovsk

The recalculation of the insurance part of an old-age labor pension or a labor disability pension is made from the first day of the month following the month in which the application for recalculation was submitted.

At the same time, the estimated pension capital is formed from the total amount of insurance premiums and other receipts for the insurance part of the labor pension. These receipts must be confirmed by the data of the federal treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The inclusion in the individual personal accounts of working pensioners of the amounts of insurance premiums received by the Pension Fund from insurers is made at the end of the calendar year. Estimated pension capital will be formed from insurance premiums for 2006 no earlier than July 1, 2007. However, the recalculation of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension will be made for the period from March 1, 2007, and you will be paid the unreceived amount of the pension.

I am 48 years old. Our organization is downsizing. We are registered with the Employment Center. They say that there is a law according to which in such a situation you can retire early?

I. Gurina, Petropavlovsk

In accordance with the Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation", in the absence of employment opportunities for citizens dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization or a reduction in the number or staff, with their consent, a pension may be assigned before the retirement age, but not earlier than two years. A prerequisite is the presence of at least 15 calendar years of experience in the regions of the Far North, or at least 20 calendar years of experience in areas equivalent to them, plus the presence of at least 25 and 20 years of general insurance experience, respectively.

If a person has chosen a non-state management company or a non-state pension fund, can he change his mind and return to the state Pension Fund?

S. Ivanova, Yelizovo

Yes, applications for this can be submitted to any territorial body of the Pension Fund in the Kamchatka region. The insured person may exercise his right to choose not more than once a year and not later than 31 December of the current year. In addition to the relevant application, it is necessary to submit an identity document and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

I have been retired since 1992. My pension turned out to be less than that of my friend, who became a pensioner after 2000. Even despite the fact that I have both experience and average earnings more. Why?

V. Ulanov, Petropavlovsk

It is impossible to answer this and similar questions without knowing specific data. For detailed explanations, do not hesitate to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or to us at the Fund's branch in the Kamchatka region.


In the Kamchatka region lives about 82 thousand pensioners.

Average old age pension - approx. 4 thousand 500 rubles.

The branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Kamchatka Territory published answers to the most popular questions received via the "hot line" organized on October 31, 2013

In total, the Pension Fund of the Kamchatka Territory received more than 200 appeals.

By how much will the pension be increased in 2014?

According to the draft PFR budget for 2014-2016, indexation of labor pensions is planned at the level of 8.1%. In the case of indexation, the entire amount of the labor pension is subject to increase.

When is the funded part of the pension formed?

The accumulative part of the old-age labor pension is formed from the moment the insured person performs labor activity. The funded part of the old-age labor pension is financed by the employer by paying insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of Russia for its employees born in 1967 and younger. If the work is “official”, then the formation of the funded part of the pension is guaranteed. In addition, the funded part of the pension can be formed by self-payment of insurance premiums to a special part of your individual personal account. You can use the funded part of the pension if you have the right to an old-age pension.

She worked in Kamchatka for 4 years and continues to care for her disabled grandson since childhood. Will the period of leaving the insurance experience be taken into account?

The period of caring for a disabled grandchild since childhood will be taken into account in the insurance record only if guardianship is registered for the person caring for the disabled since childhood.

Worked in Kamchatka for 6 years, there is no more experience. At what age can you retire?

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the right to a labor pension with at least 5 years of insurance experience arises for a man upon reaching the age of 60 years, for a woman upon reaching the age of 55 years.

Experience in Kamchatka - 11 years. If you work for another 4 years, will the "northern" pension be preserved when leaving Kamchatka?

If by the time of departure from Kamchatka at least 25 years of insurance experience for a man or at least 20 years of insurance experience for a woman, and of them at least 15 calendar years in the Far North, the "northern" pension "on the mainland will continue in the manner prescribed by Art. 14 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".

Can a small labor pension be paid without taking into account the pensioner's subsistence level?

Maybe. This applies to working pensioners.

By how much will the size of the pension decrease if you leave Kamchatka for permanent residence in another region of Russia?

For a recipient of an old-age labor pension or a labor disability pension who has worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 15 calendar years and has an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years (men and women, respectively), the amount of the pension in case of leaving the Kamchatka Territory will decrease by 361 rubles. In the absence of the above conditions, the size of the labor pension will decrease by 2166.19 rubles.

For a recipient of a social old-age pension, in case of leaving Kamchatka, the amount of the pension will decrease by 2215.41 rubles. a regional coefficient of 1.6 is removed from the social pension in connection with leaving the Far North region.

By how much does the size of the old-age labor pension increase for a dependent family member?

The size of the old-age labor pension is increased by 1925.52 rubles. The fixed basic size of the labor pension with one dependent is 7,702.02 rubles, with two dependents - 9,627.50 rubles, with three or more dependents - 11,553.01 rubles.

Is an uninterrupted service required for the appointment of a labor pension?

All periods of work are taken into account in the insurance period for the appointment of a labor pension, provided that for these periods insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of breaks in work. The payment of insurance premiums for state social insurance is equated to the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Why is the district coefficient of 1.8 not applied to pensions in Kamchatka?

For persons living in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, a fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension for old age, disability, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is paid using a district coefficient to the wages of workers and employees in non-productive industries, established by the Government of the Russian Federation in a centralized manner. On the territory of the Kamchatka Territory, a district coefficient of 1.6 is applied. From April 1, 2013, the fixed basic amount of the insurance part is 5776.50 rubles (3610.31 rubles x 1.6).

The funds for the funded part of the pension were transferred to the non-state pension fund "Welfare". Is it possible to apply for a lump sum payment at the expense of pension savings to the Pension Fund, since the pension is paid by the Pension Fund of Russia?

For payment at the expense of pension savings, you should contact the NPF "Welfare".

If a citizen is older than 1967, why is he not entitled to the funded part of the pension?

Federal Law No. 360-FZ dated November 30, 2011 expressly provides that the financing of the funded part of the old-age labor pension by the employer is carried out only in relation to citizens born in 1967 and younger. For employees older than 1967, employers deduct the entire amount of insurance premiums for the insurance part of the labor pension (22 percent).

When can I apply for a pension if citizenship of the Russian Federation is issued in December? Previously received a pension in Uzbekistan.

The right to apply to the FIU at the place of residence will arise only after obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

How long before reaching retirement age can I apply for a pension?

In accordance with paragraph 17 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of December 12, 2011 No. 1521n, an application for a pension and the necessary documents can be accepted one month before reaching retirement age. At the same time, a citizen has the right to apply to the PFR body with documents for early work with his documents 4-6 months before reaching retirement age.

What determines the size of the old-age labor pension today?

The estimated amount of the labor pension is determined in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation". The amount of the pension directly depends on the duration of the total length of service that took place before 01/01/2002, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of a pensioner to the average monthly salary in the country for the same period and on the accumulated amount of insurance premiums to finance the insurance part of the labor pension paid by the employer for his employee for periods of work after January 1, 2002. In addition, the pension can be increased by establishing a funded part of the pension or an urgent pension payment (if there are insurance premiums in a special part of the individual personal account of the insured person), and the pension is also increased due to its indexation.

If by the time of applying for a pension, the organization has been liquidated, where should I go to confirm the length of service?

In such situations, one should contact state (municipal) bodies, archival institutions, successors of the liquidated enterprise, depending on which organization they worked for.

For information, the address of the city archive of Petropavlovsk: 683017 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, st. Ocean, 71.

Is the period of parental leave taken into account in the "northern" experience?

It is taken into account if a woman took leave before 06.10.1992 to care for a child until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

Question 17: Is the period of unemployment included in the "northern" experience?

No, the period of unemployment is taken into account only in the insurance period, subject to the payment of unemployment benefits for the specified period.

Is there an increase in the retirement age?

The drafts of the new federal pension legislation do not contain such a provision. The retirement age will not increase. The legislation provides for a generally established age for granting an old-age labor pension: 60 years for men, 55 years for women (in Kamchatka, 55 years for men and 50 years for women).

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The branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (state institution) in the Kamchatka Territory brings to your attention the answers to the most popular questions received via the "hot line" organized on October 31, 2013.

In total, the Pension Fund of the Kamchatka Territory received more than 200 appeals.

Question 1: By how much will the pension be increased in 2014?

Answer: According to the draft PFR budget for 2014-2016, indexation of labor pensions is planned at the level of 8.1%. In the case of indexation, the entire amount of the labor pension is subject to increase.

Question 2: When is the funded part of the pension formed?

Answer: The accumulative part of the old-age labor pension is formed from the moment the insured person performs labor activity. The funded part of the old-age labor pension is financed by the employer by paying insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of Russia for its employees born in 1967 and younger. If the work is “official”, then the formation of the funded part of the pension is guaranteed. In addition, the funded part of the pension can be formed by self-payment of insurance premiums to a special part of your individual personal account. You can use the funded part of the pension if you have the right to an old-age pension.

Question 3: I worked in Kamchatka for 4 years and continue to care for my disabled grandson since childhood. Will the period of leaving the insurance experience be taken into account?

Answer: The period of caring for a grandson who has been disabled since childhood will be taken into account in the insurance record only if guardianship is issued for the caregiver who has been disabled since childhood.

Question 4:Worked in Kamchatka for 6 years, there is no more experience. At what age can you retire?

Answer: In accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the right to a labor pension with at least 5 years of insurance experience arises for a man upon reaching the age of 60 years, for a woman upon reaching the age of 55 years.

Question 5: Experience in Kamchatka - 11 years. If you work for another 4 years, will the "northern" pension be preserved when leaving Kamchatka?

Answer: If by the time of leaving Kamchatka at least 25 years of insurance experience for a man or at least 20 years of insurance experience for a woman, and of them at least 15 calendar years in the Far North, the "northern" pension "on the mainland will remain in the manner prescribed by Article 14 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".

Question 6: Can a small labor pension be paid without taking into account the pensioner's subsistence level?

Answer: Maybe - this applies to working pensioners.

Question 7: How much will the size of the pension decrease if you leave Kamchatka for permanent residence in another region of Russia?

Answer: For a recipient of an old-age labor pension or a labor disability pension who has worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 15 calendar years and has an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years (men and women, respectively), the amount of the pension will decrease by 361 rubles in the event of leaving the Kamchatka Territory. In the absence of the above conditions, the size of the labor pension will decrease by 2166.19 rubles.

For a recipient of a social old-age pension, in case of leaving Kamchatka, the amount of the pension will decrease by 2215.41 rubles. rub., because a regional coefficient of 1.6 is removed from the social pension in connection with leaving the Far North region.

Question 8: By how much does the old-age labor pension increase for a dependent family member?

Answer: The size of the old-age labor pension is increased by 1925.52 rubles. The fixed basic size of the labor pension with one dependent is 7702.02 rubles, with two dependents - 9627.50 rubles, with three or more dependents - 11553.01 rubles.

Question 9:Is an uninterrupted service required for the appointment of a labor pension?

Answer: The length of service for the appointment of a labor pension takes into account all periods of work, provided that for these periods insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of breaks in work. The payment of insurance premiums for state social insurance is equated to the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Question 10: Why is the district coefficient of 1.8 not applied to pensions in Kamchatka?

Answer: For persons living in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, a fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension for old age, disability, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is paid using a district coefficient to the wages of workers and employees in non-productive industries, established by the Government of the Russian Federation in a centralized manner. On the territory of the Kamchatka Territory, a district coefficient of 1.6 is applied. From April 1, 2013, the fixed basic amount of the insurance part is 5776.50 rubles (3610.31 rubles x 1.6).

Question 11: Funds for the funded part of the pension were transferred to the non-state pension fund "Welfare". Is it possible to apply for a lump sum payment at the expense of pension savings to the Pension Fund, since the pension is paid by the Pension Fund of Russia?

Answer: For payment at the expense of pension savings, you should contact NPF Blagosostoyanie.

Question 12: If a citizen is older than 1967, why is he not entitled to the funded part of the pension?

Answer: Federal Law No. 360-FZ dated November 30, 2011 expressly provides that the financing of the funded part of the old-age labor pension by the employer is carried out only in relation to citizens born in 1967 and younger. For employees older than 1967, employers deduct the entire amount of insurance premiums for the insurance part of the labor pension (22 percent).

Question 12: When can I apply for a pension if citizenship of the Russian Federation is issued in December. Previously received a pension in Uzbekistan?

Answer: The right to apply to the FIU at the place of residence will arise only after obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Question 13: How long before reaching retirement age can I apply for a pension?

Answer: In accordance with paragraph 17 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of December 12, 2011 No. 1521n, an application for a pension and the necessary documents can be accepted one month before reaching retirement age. At the same time, a citizen has the right to apply to the PFR body with documents for specialists to work with his documents in advance 4-6 months before reaching retirement age.

Question 14: What determines the size of the old-age labor pension today?

Answer: The estimated amount of the labor pension is determined in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation". The amount of the pension directly depends on the duration of the total length of service that took place before 01/01/2002, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of a pensioner to the average monthly salary in the country for the same period and on the accumulated amount of insurance premiums to finance the insurance part of the labor pension paid by the employer for his employee for periods of work after January 1, 2002. In addition, the pension can be increased by establishing a funded part of the pension or an urgent pension payment (if there are insurance premiums in a special part of the individual personal account of the insured person), and the pension is also increased due to its indexation.

Question 15: If by the time of applying for a pension the organization is liquidated, where to apply to confirm the length of service?

Answer: In such situations, one should contact state (municipal) bodies, archival institutions, successors of the liquidated enterprise, depending on which organization they worked for.

For information, the address of the archive department of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city municipality: 683017, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, st. Okeanskaya, 71.

Question 16:Is the period of parental leave taken into account in the "northern" experience?

Answer: It is taken into account if a woman took leave before 06.10.1992 to care for a child until the child reaches the age of three years.

Question 17:Is the period of unemployment included in the "northern" experience?

Answer: No, the period of unemployment is taken into account only in the insurance period, subject to the payment of unemployment benefits for the specified period.

Question 18: Is an increase in the retirement age expected?

Answer: The drafts of the new federal pension legislation do not contain such a provision. The retirement age will not be raised. The current legislation provides for the generally established age for assigning an old-age labor pension: 60 years for men, 55 years for women.

Many citizens of our country carried out (and many still continue) their labor activity in the Far North or in the adjacent territories.

For this reason, they are all wondering how to calculate their work experience? What can be included and what can't?

What formula is used to calculate the northern pension? Is it possible for men if they have northern experience? And finally, what legislative acts regulate the issue of northern pensions?

For this reason, we will consider all these issues in more detail.

Legislative regulation

In Russian legislation, the issue of the northern pension is regulated by such legislative acts:

This list of bills is not final, but all the key nuances are described in them.

Calculation of the northern length of service for receiving pensions

For male citizens, it is necessary to have available at least 15 years of work experience in the Far North to qualify for a northern pension. At the same time, for working men in the adjacent territories, the legislation established a minimum threshold of 20 years.

It must also be taken into account that the possibility retirement 5 years early exactly the due date.

It is also worth noting that since 2002, the procedure for calculating the northern work experience has remained unchanged. Prior to this period, 1 year of work for men in the Far North was equivalent to 1.5 years. After recent changes 9 months of employment under difficult climatic conditions, it is equivalent to 1 year of experience.

In addition, for calculating the northern length of service, the territory of residence plays a key role, which should be attributed directly to the northern regions. An example of this is Kamchatka.

It is also worth noting that some changes did take place. This was back in 2012.

According to these modifications, in work experience in the North for men, a period such as:

  • period of unpaid leave;
  • the time it took to donate blood (donation);
  • the period it took for dismissal due to staff reduction;
  • the period the men were in status (it doesn’t matter if they were registered with the employment center or not).

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that male citizens who worked part-time, but at the same time worked in several jobs in parallel - such experience is added to the northern one.

For citizens who work on shift, the seniority includes not only the period of work, but also the time it takes to get to your job, including vacation between shifts.

To confirm availability work experience, you must have a corresponding entry in the work book. This will prove the fact of working in an organization that operates in the Far North or in the territories adjacent to it. In the event that there are no entries in the work book, other supporting documents can be provided. For example, an employment contract.

In order to be able to accrue northern experience for themselves, it is necessary that male citizens have at least 7.5 years of experience in the North.

In order to determine retirement age for benefits, it is necessary to add 4 months to each worked year.

Conditions for receiving pension payments

In order to be eligible to apply for a northern pension, you must meet certain requirements, namely:

For citizens who belong to the category of military personnel, it is allowed to receive at the same time. However, they are entitled to claim an additional allowance of 3% for each year that comes after 20 years of service.

Calculation procedure

First of all, you need to remember about the basic pension, which is 4982 rubles.

Pension Funds use the following formula when calculating the pension payment:

PV \u003d BS * Ktd + IPK + B * Kipk


The procedure for applying for a northern pension

Registration process northern pension is as follows:

  1. Collection of necessary documentation.
  2. Appeal to the relevant authority and preparation of an application.
  3. Waiting for a decision period.
  4. Receiving payments.

Where to apply?

To apply for a northern pension, you must contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

It is also allowed to submit the required list of documents in electronic form if the applicant lives in a remote area.

What documents need to be collected?

An applicant for a northern pension must provide list of such documentation, How:

  • application - filled out jointly with the employees of the Pension Fund;
  • a passport that confirms the identity;
  • work book or other document. The main thing here is to understand that any document is presented that confirms work in the Far North or in the adjacent territories.

In addition, it may be necessary to additional package of documents(at the request of the PF employees), which may be as follows:

  • a document that confirms the presence of dependents;
  • a document that confirms residence in a particular region - is issued in the passport office;
  • certificate of average salary for the last 5-10 years.

What is the review period?

From the moment the required package of documents is submitted, the Pension Fund employees decide on the provision of a northern pension within the first 30 calendar days, after that, a monthly pension will be issued.

Conditions for early retirement for men with northern experience

Men who have worked for a certain period in the Far North or in the adjacent territory they have a right for early retirement if:

The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows the possibility of assigning a pension with a reduced age in proportion to the length of service itself. To do this, it is enough to have 7.5 years of work experience in the Far North region.

If such a situation arises, the pension payment will be assigned with a reduced retirement age by 4 months for each year of work in difficult climatic conditions. Such a preferential procedure for determining is applied only if the total insurance period is calculated on a general basis.

As you can see, for the male category of citizens of our country, there are few options for retiring early, but this option is still present, which is good news.

About allowances for work in the conditions of the Far North are described in the following video:

  • Here: her national costume is khokhlyatsky. so let it come out in it, tell you how to buy an apartment for a lemon bucks and write it down for your daughter
  • Vladimir:
  • Duha: Well, if with a flag of unicorns, then you can.
  • Lenin: What about Adam's suit and Mona's yellow vest???
  • ffff: Come on, they attacked the military. You at least separate them - there are contract soldiers + conscripts and there is a snickering jackal, called a commanding staff with a professional education, sticking out either in a unit or in a beautiful building, called a prosecutor's office ... Do you find out how many contract soldiers got apartments? Or at least a room in some mythical dorm? Ask contractors for salaries. The beginning of the contract - 32,000 on average, maybe less .... And, like, in the service, to pull out a half-drunk commander for the weekend at the Wishlist, to whom his wife did not give at night? Although a contract soldier, according to the Law, is an ordinary worker like other ordinary citizens .... The only country has become in which income is deducted from the salary of the military .... and a constant purchase at the expense of contractors of the office? It seems like a trifle, but for such purposes, in general, the money is budgeted ... where do they go? And don't forget, we now have a smaller army and navy than the number of units (+ an army of parasite officials) designed to disperse citizens who "joyfully" welcome all the innovations of our beloved government .... And one more thing. And where do you go to work with us in Kamchatka today? Or a manager-seller or .... but where else? What do we have here? lots of businesses? Some shops, but private shops of lawyers, and all sorts of audit-horns-hooves ....