The amount of the survivor's insurance pension. Survivor's benefit Increasing the survivor's pension in

The size of the survivor's pension in 2017, as well as the procedure for its indexation, differs from those for insurance pensions.

The size of the survivor's pension in 2017 worries many. As a rule, the income of a family consists of the earnings of its adult members.

And the death of such a breadwinner becomes not only grief, but also a complete deprivation of the source of existence.

However, the state provides assistance to such citizens and assigns a pension, which is called so - for the loss of a breadwinner.

What is it about

The loss of a breadwinner means not only his physical death. In some cases, a court may establish such a fact.

This happens when a citizen is declared missing or dead.

In all cases, his dependents are entitled to state support in the form of pensions and benefits.

Strictly speaking, there are several types of survivor's pension:

  • insurance;

A family, or rather dependents, of an officially working citizen can apply for insurance. That is, having at least one day of experience, counted as insurance.

The longer such experience is, the higher the size of the survivor's pension in 2017 will be.

The state pension is paid to the families of certain categories of civil servants: the military, cosmonauts, liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters, etc.

The amount of benefits and the procedure for their assignment is regulated by the relevant laws.

A social pension is paid if the deceased citizen did not have an insurance record.

Or if the right to receive an insurance pension has been lost by members of his family. However, they may not have it at all.

Payments of all types of pensions, except for insurance, are made from the federal budget. And insurance - from the Pension Fund.

Only one pension can be assigned; it is impossible to receive such payments for two reasons.

Social pension instead of insurance

The law provides for only three cases when a social pension is assigned instead of an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner.

  1. The deceased or recognized as such citizen did not have insurance experience. This could happen for various reasons. For example, he did not work officially. When employed in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer makes insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for each of his employees. also have insurance experience, as they make contributions to the Pension Fund for themselves annually.
  2. The loss of a breadwinner occurred as a result of a crime committed against him by one of his dependents. The presence or absence of insurance experience in such a case does not play a role. The social pension will be established on the basis of a court decision.
  3. Family members of a serviceman who died in the process or from the consequences of a crime committed by him will also receive such a payment. Dependents in this case cannot count on the state pension, since their breadwinner has lost the right to it.

Who can apply

In 2017, all disabled members of his family can apply for the payment of the full amount of the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner.

That is, children, spouses, as well as parents, including adoptive ones. In some cases, the list includes brothers and sisters.

Disability in this case means:

  • inability to work due to age (up to 18 years old, and full-time students up to 23 years old);
  • reaching a certain age (55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively);
  • disability, or degree, regardless of age;
  • caring for children up to 14 years of age.

The circle of social pension recipients is somewhat narrower. It includes only minor children, both of whose parents have died or he was originally only one (single mother, less often single father).

Children with disabilities are entitled to such a payment at any age, even after the age of majority.

When studying at the full-time department of a state university, the age limit is moved to 23 years.

The budgetary or commercial basis of training does not matter.

Expulsion from an educational institution automatically deprives the right to receive a survivor's pension in 2017.

The same happens with marriage before the age of 18 or official employment.

It does not matter and the state of the deceased parents in an official marriage. If both of them have recognized the child, he is entitled to a pension.

Retired parents or other dependent relatives will receive social or insurance payments in any case.

As well as unemployed relatives who took care of the orphaned children.

How much will they pay

Do not think that the size of the survivor's pension in 2017 will increase significantly.

According to statistics, the average benefit in 2016 did not exceed 10,000 rubles.

And this is taking into account the indexation of 4%. However, the Government promises to index pensions in 2017 twice: in February and April.

What makes up this amount? The calculation is made by successively multiplying the insurance pension by the pension coefficient established for each category and the value of such coefficient.

Therefore, it is not possible to name the exact amount due to the dependents of the deceased breadwinner.

Exceptions to the general rule that establishes a relatively low amount of pensions will be the families of high-ranking officers or holders of state orders.

Their pension is about three times the average. Which, given the merits of the deceased officer, is quite fair.

How to apply for such a pension

Whatever its size, it is not generated automatically. To receive it, you must make a personal visit to the Pension Fund.

If there are minor children, this will have to be done by one of the relatives who turns out to be their legal representative after the loss of their parents.

Or an employee of a children's institution, where they will be assigned by the guardianship authority.

The basis for considering the issue of calculating a pension will be a personal application. It is written by hand in a specific form.

The sample is presented on the PFR website and on information stands in its territorial branches.

The text should indicate the grounds for assistance and a list of dependents.

You will first have to open an account, to which payments will then be regularly transferred. You will also need to attach several documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • death certificate;
  • confirmation of relationship with the deceased;
  • certificate of the income of the breadwinner.

After reviewing the application and checking the information contained in the document, the FIU will begin processing the pension.

There is no need to re-documentation later. Another visit will have to be made only in the case when the child of the deceased breadwinner, upon reaching the age of 18, continues to study.

survivor's pension

At the state level, support is provided for the disabled part of the population in the absence of a permanent income. In particular, payments for the loss of a breadwinner for a certain category of citizens. Their size and method of accrual depends on certain circumstances, which should be considered in more detail.

Types of cash payments

The procedure for calculating assistance depends on the general experience of the breadwinner and the conditions of his work. As such, the labor pension was abolished and an alternative accrual system was introduced instead. It is impossible to choose one of the types of security on your own - this is determined by certain conditions. This also affects the size of the survivor's pension.

Financial assistance is provided under the following state programs:

  • Insurance. It is calculated according to the amount of previously deducted taxes. The condition is at least one day of work experience. Law - 400-FZ.
  • State. Valid for persons who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces, affected by the impact of man-made factors. Regulation - 4468-1
  • Social. The breadwinner has no work experience or his death occurred as a result of the actions of close dependent relatives, which was proven in court. Law No. 166-FZ.

To assign a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the fact of his death. Also, one of the determining conditions for calculating assistance is the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the deceased relative.

Security can only be assigned to disabled close relatives who do not have other types of income. It is important to confirm the fact of relationship.

Terms of receipt

Before submitting documents for state security, it is necessary to study the requirements for the applicant. An important criterion is the return or health status of the dependent. After the occurrence of certain factors, payments will be terminated. Unlike labor support, insurance can be assigned to able-bodied relatives.

Pension payments for the loss of a breadwinner are due to the following categories of citizens:

  • relatives of the first line: brother, grandson, sister, child, whose age has not reached 18 years;
  • for all the above categories, if they are studying full-time - up to 23 years;
  • for disabled persons whose status was obtained before reaching the age of 18, the allowance is paid for life;
  • if close minor relatives are provided by guardians - up to 14 years;
  • for spouses and parents who have reached retirement age.

In the latter case, the exception will be retirement 5 years earlier than the prescribed age.

To submit documents, you do not need to confirm the fact of dependent children. For all other relatives, information about the absence of other sources of income should be provided.

Registration procedure

In order for the social pension for the loss of the breadwinner to be accrued, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents. If they were filed up to a year before the tragic circumstances, the benefit will be accrued from the moment the death is registered. Otherwise, the first payments will be accrued after the official permission of the regulatory authorities.

Before applying for a survivor's pension, the following documents should be prepared:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • work book of the deceased;
  • confirmation of the death of the breadwinner - official certificate;
  • documents that indicate the degree of relationship with the deceased - birth certificate, marriage certificate, extract from the house book, adoption certificate;
  • proof that the child is studying full-time at the university.

The interests of the applicant can be represented by a third party, for this it is necessary to issue a power of attorney. If foreign citizens apply for payments, they must provide a residence permit or other document confirming the legitimacy of their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The time for consideration of the application and related data is 10 working days. After this period, an official response is given on the calculation of benefits.

Pension amount in 2019

The increase in social benefits this year has affected the amount of support in the event of the death of the breadwinner. For an accurate calculation of the amount, you must contact the Pension Fund. The department will provide information on what kind of survivor's benefit in 2019 will be accrued for a particular case.

For self-calculation, you can take the base numbers from the table. Below is information about the amount of the survivor's pension:

  • increase in the size of the fixed surcharge up to 2,402 rubles;
  • social pension will amount to 5,034 rubles;
  • for a single mother, an increase in assistance to 11,068 rubles is provided;
  • if the breadwinner was a soldier - the minimum amount of support for relatives is 7,551 rubles.

It is important to provide evidence of the occurrence of the above factors. This information is indicated in the documents attached to the application. In the event of a change in data, it is already possible to apply for its revision.

One of the determining conditions for the calculation of assistance is that the applicant must not be guilty of the death of the breadwinner. If this fact is proven, the security will be denied.

Termination of payments

The monthly security will only be paid up to a certain date. You also need to take into account the requirements from the PF on the current status of the recipient of funds. Certain circumstances may cause benefits to be terminated.

List of current restrictions:

  • reaching the age of majority or the age of 23 by children studying at a university;
  • the recipient's disability status has not been officially renewed;
  • the widow of the deceased soldier remarried;
  • the recipient is officially employed.

For the latter case, an exception is provided if the deceased was drafted into the ranks of the armed forces and at the time of death was in the rank of a junior military rank - a soldier, sailor, foreman or sergeant. For such situations, the recipient of social security can formally get a job without losing material assistance.

For registration, you can use the functionality on the official website of the PF. To do this, you need to go to your personal account and fill out an application. But this does not exclude visiting the local office to hand over the documents.

The video provides a summary of the latest changes in 2019:

Social pension for the loss of the breadwinner is assigned disabled citizens of the Russian Federation left without the provision of one or both parents. Such payments include minor children or students under 23 years of age, as well as children whose parents are unknown (for example, if they were left by their mother in a medical organization). A social pension is paid if the deceased breadwinner has a full no insurance experience. If there is at least one day of experience, it will be assigned.

Who is entitled to a survivor's pension

Children receiving survivor's pensions under 18, social. surcharge is set in an informal manner from the date of appointment of this type of pension.

The appointment of social survivor's pension

Social pension is assigned in a declarative manner after the right to this type of payment has arisen. To do this, children who have lost one or both parents need to apply to the territorial body of the PFR at their place of residence. This can be done in several ways:

  • apply personally to the FIU;
  • send an application by mail;
  • contact the MFC;
  • submit an application electronically through the official website of the PFR or through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

The day of applying for a pension is the date on which the application was received by the FIU or the MFC with all the necessary documents, and when sending the application by mail, the date on the postmark of the communication organization at the place of departure.

For minors, an application to the FIU for the appointment of a social pension is submitted by their legal representative: by a parent, adoptive parent or guardian (custodian) with the presentation of documents confirming the authority to represent the interests of children.

Required documents for applying for a pension

To receive a social pension, the following documents:

  • passport or other identity document, as well as a document confirming the authority of the representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee);
  • death certificate(s) of the parent(s), court decision declaring the breadwinner dead or missing;
  • documents confirming that the breadwinner was a single mother (birth certificate, which should not contain an entry about the father of the child, or a certificate from the registry office confirming that the father is recorded in it from the words of the mother);
  • documents confirming the degree of relationship with the deceased (birth certificate, adoption certificate, court decision on establishing paternity, certificate from the registry office or other bodies, other documents containing such information);

If a child-student draws up a pension, you will additionally need documents from an educational institution confirming the fact of full-time education. If the parents were divorced, then the student over 18 years of age will need to prove that he was dependent on the parent within the last 3 months.

Procedure and terms of payment

Survivor's pension is awarded from 1st month in which the application was submitted to the FIU, but not earlier than the date of the emergence of the right to receive payments. This type of payment is for the entire period of incapacity recipient - that is, up to 18 years or up to 23 if the child receives full-time education.

The pension is paid for the current month at the location of the payment case:

  • at the place of residence of the child;
  • at the place of residence of the legal representative (guardian, trustee);
  • at the location of the educational institution if there are orphans and children left without parental care.

The pensioner chooses the method of receiving a pension and the organization for the delivery of the pension (at home, through the post office, a bank or other organization), by applying to the Pension Fund branch.

Can you work if you receive a survivor's pension?

According to the provisions of Law No. 16-FZ of December 15, 2001, when applying for a job, the payment of a pension is terminated only to recipients of social benefits for old age. There are no such restrictions in relation to beneficiaries of the survivor's security. However, we note that when applying for a job, the recipient is deprived, since it is paid only to non-working citizens.

This question often arises in students who start working at the same time as they study. At the same time, it does not matter what kind of work they get: part-time, on weekends or holidays, etc. - Pension payments will not be cancelled.

For people who have suffered the loss of close relatives, the survivor's pension in 2017 will be accrued according to one of three schemes. The payment procedure is determined by Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”. Art. 10 of the law is entirely devoted to this issue.

Who is eligible for assistance

Every disabled person who was dependent on another citizen is entitled to receive a survivor's pension in 2017. It does not matter whether the deceased worked or whether he had a seniority.

For many, the question of how legal capacity is determined for relatives who were dependent on the deceased breadwinner is difficult. According to the legislation of Russia, full legal capacity comes only with the achievement of 18 years of age. From this point on, you can independently get a job, conclude legal deals, and so on.

Therefore, all children and adolescents have limited legal capacity except in two cases:

  • marriage, which is possible with the consent of the parents and the board of trustees;
  • from the age of 16, also with the permission of the parents, a person can start working under an employment contract.

The issue of the availability and number of work points will affect the amount of payments and their source. If the breadwinner did not have a single day of work experience, then the dependents will receive not an insurance, but a social pension. Children under the age of 18 and full-time students can count on it. If the child has lost one of the parents, the amount of the monthly payment will be 4959.85 rubles. In the event that the child is left an orphan, the state will help him monthly in the amount of 9919.73 rubles.

If the breadwinner had a seniority, then the list of recipients of assistance is significantly expanded. The state pays an insurance pension:

  • Children of the deceased, under the age of 18 or up to 23 years of full-time education. Sisters, brothers, grandchildren have the right to count on a pension if they were dependent on the deceased and do not have their own parents.
  • Non-working spouse, grandparents of the breadwinner, if his minor children were left in the care of these relatives.
  • Men over 65 and women over 60 for whom the breadwinner was a son, daughter or spouse. The same rule applies to disabled people of any age and is valid on the condition that there are no other relatives left who are obliged to help them.

Children are recognized as unconditional dependents, the rest of the family will need to prove that they were on the content of the deceased. At the same time, elderly relatives are entitled to receive benefits, regardless of how many years have passed since the loss. That is, even if at the time of the loss of a son, the mother was 50 years old, then after 10 years she has the right to apply for an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner.

The same rule applies to the loss of livelihood by a disabled spouse or parent. It does not matter how much time has passed between death and the onset of disability.

Calculation of the insurance pension, size and changes

Since the payment of this benefit depends entirely on the funds accumulated in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, when calculating it, the individual coefficient (PC) accumulated by the deceased and the cost of one point (C) are taken into account.

The “C” indicator is determined by the state on February 1 of each year. In the period 2016-2017. it amounted to 74 rubles 27 kopecks, and from February 1, 2017, its amount will reach 78 rubles 58 kopecks. The “PK” indicator depends on the amount that the deceased citizen has accumulated in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 28, 2014 No. 958n defines the list of documents required for calculating a pension. You must provide:

  • statement;
  • personal documents of the applicant to prove the identity and citizenship;
  • death certificate and labor documents of the deceased to determine the amount of benefits, his passport;
  • documents that confirm family relations;
  • SNILS of the breadwinner and dependent.

The list may be supplemented by other official documents and papers. An orphan will need to provide proof of the absence of a second parent, disabled citizens - a health certificate, students - a document on completion of training. The full list of documents will depend on the specific situation.

Individual situations of pension provision

According to the law, a person does not have the right to receive two pensions. Therefore, the elderly who have lost their children-breadwinners have the right to choose. They can independently determine what pension they will receive.

In 2017, an allowance is accrued for the loss of breadwinners even if the breadwinners were not natural children, but adopted ones. A stepfather and stepmother have the same rights as parents, but only if they raised a stepson. That is, official recognition of guardianship in previous years is necessary, and it must last at least 5 years.

If one of the spouses received a survivor's pension, and then married or got married, then the right to receive payments remains. Payments stop only when a person gets the opportunity to provide for himself. That is, this is the onset of the child's active age, graduation from an educational institution or an improvement in the health status of an adult.

Providing families of military personnel

Since people in uniform risk their lives on duty, the law singles them out in a separate category. If a soldier or officer died in the line of military duty, then a pension is assigned in the amount of 200% of the social benefit for each family member, that is, 9920 rubles.

If the soldier died for reasons not related to the performance of military duties, for example, illness, payments will amount to 150% of the established allowance - 7440 rubles.

The amounts can be even higher if a regional coefficient is added to them, used for areas with poor/severe climatic conditions and the High North.

Although the law establishes that two pensions cannot be received at the same time, exceptions are made for certain categories. A woman who is widowed while her husband is in active service has the right to receive a survivor's pension along with other payments. However, this rule only applies until she remarries.

One of the types of insurance pension provision in the Russian Federation is a payment on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. Its main points are regulated by law "About insurance pensions", namely:

  • terms of appointment;
  • establishing the circle of persons entitled to it;
  • determining the amount of the pension;
  • terms and methods of payment and delivery.

The main recipients of this type of pension provision are children of the deceased breadwinner, although the full circle of people is not limited to them. In order to establish compensation for the future recipient (parent, guardian), it is necessary contact the FIU at the place of residence with a package of documents. The term for their consideration will be 10 working days. In some cases, this period may be extended up to three months.

The main condition for obtaining insurance coverage is disability its recipient. However, the establishment of sums insured is not limited to this requirement - their circle is much wider.

It is also worth noting that some facts may lead to the complete termination of the payment of insurance coverage, as referred to in Art. 25 law "About insurance pensions".

Who is entitled to a pension after the death of the insured person

According to Art. 10 of the above law, the right to have the relatives of the deceased, who meet the basic requirement - being dependent on a breadwinner during his lifetime.

The establishment of family ties is carried out in accordance with the norms of family law. Among the category of close relatives eligible for a survivor's pension, the following can be distinguished:

  • Minor children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren. After the age of 18, the right is reserved for them in two cases:
    • up to 23 years old upon admission to study (it is important to study full-time);
    • for life upon receipt of a disability by that age.
  • Parents, spouse, grandmother, grandfather who have reached the age of the recipient of the pension, or who have lost their ability to work.

There is also peculiarity determination of the right to payment after the death of the insured person for the category of adult relatives caring for the children or close relatives of the deceased, under 14 years old. In this case, it will not be a prerequisite for them to be dependent on the breadwinner, but the absence of official labor activity will play a decisive role. Such persons include parents, spouse, grandparents.

Do not forget that adopted children have the right to pensions on equal terms with their own children, and adoptive parents - on equal terms with their parents. Upon adoption, minor children also retain the right to this type of pension.

The size of the survivor's pension in 2019

On the loss of a breadwinner will depend on several factors:

  • number and deceased;
  • the duration of the breadwinner's labor activity, as a result of which he was transferred to his personal account.

To calculate the amount of the payment, general formula:

SP \u003d IPC x SPK + PV,

  • joint venture- the size of the insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;
  • IPK- the value of the individual pension coefficient of the breadwinner;
  • SPK- the cost of one such point on the day of payment assignment;
  • FV- the amount of the base payment.

A feature of calculating the sum insured for a deceased insured person who previously received a pension is the use of an individual coefficient that has already been used to calculate the payment or (including early).

Although it is a fixed amount set by the state, its size can be increased in the following cases:

  • round orphans are paid double the amount for each child;
  • for citizens living in the Far North and areas equated to it, is calculated taking into account the district coefficient used in these areas.

As for , it is also has a number of features when making a payment:

  • for round orphans, the individual scores of both parents are summed up;
  • for children of a deceased single mother, this value is doubled;
  • if the deceased breadwinner has the right to an insurance pension during his lifetime and there is no application for its appointment, increasing coefficients may be applied.

As well as a fixed amount, they are set by the government of the Russian Federation. According to the adopted legislation, the values ​​of these quantities are subject to annual indexation to the price growth index for the past year.

Taking into account last year's inflation, the indexation coefficient in January 2019 amounted to 1.0705. Consequently, the values ​​of the SEC and EF are currently equal to RUB 81.49 And RUB 2491.45 respectively.

How are pensions paid to dependents?

In order to establish insurance compensation, it is necessary take the next steps:

  1. Collect the necessary package of documents:
    • passport or residence permit (depending on citizenship);
    • certificate of death of the breadwinner or a court decision on his unknown absence;
    • documents confirming kinship with the deceased;
    • the work book of the breadwinner and other certificates, contracts, extracts from orders, allowing to determine the duration of his insurance experience;
    • additional documents.
  2. Apply to the territorial body of the FIU with a written application.
  3. Wait for the result of the consideration of documents within 10 working days after the application is submitted or after the receipt of the last missing document within three months from the date of the initial application.
  4. In case of a positive decision, receive a pension according to the method of payment indicated by you.

When does payment start?

Date of receipt of survivor's pension payment depends on two things:

  • day of submission of documents;
  • date of entitlement to retirement.

Exists Several variants pension payments:

  1. If the insured person applies within a year from the date of death of the breadwinner, then the payment will be assigned from the date of death; if the application period exceeds a year, then the pension will be established 12 months earlier than the date of application.
  2. If the last missing document is submitted before the expiration of a three-month period from the date of application, then the payment will be assigned from the date of application, taking into account the payment for the missed months.
  3. The transfer of a citizen from one type of pension provision to another implies the start of payment from the next month after the insured person submits an application for transfer, but not earlier than the right to this type of pension arises.

With the latter option, a positive decision by the PFR specialists can be made if the amount of the survivor's pension exceeds the amount of the already established payment.

In any case, you can apply for a survivor's pension at any time from the date of entitlement to it.

Up to what age is survivor's pension paid?

Survivor's loss insurance benefit is established for the entire period recognition person receiving a pension disabled. This fact is the main such pension.

Can be distinguished individual cases up to what age it is paid:

  • up to the age of 18;
  • up to 23 years old, if the child continues to study at the day department;
  • before graduation, if this period occurs before the age of 23;
  • for life, if by the time of adulthood there is a certificate of disability;
  • until the child reaches the age of 14 as a breadwinner, if it is a payment to an unemployed relative caring for him;
  • for life, if we are talking about a spouse, parents, grandparents who have reached the retirement age of 60 and 55 years (for men and women, respectively).

Thus, for the age up to which the survivor's pension is paid, affects the category of its recipient. Such a period may not be limited.

Is it paid after marriage?

A special case of the payment of pensions upon the death of the breadwinner-spouse is the further marriage of his wife. It is worth noting that according to paragraph 7 of Art. 10 law "About insurance pensions" this fact is not an obstacle to the possibility of receiving an insurance payment for the loss of a breadwinner, if there is a right to it.

Therefore, upon entering into a new marriage with the wife of the deceased insured person retain the right to a pension, and she will continue to receive it in the same size.

Payment to students on academic leave and serving in the army

Also, special cases of transferring an insurance pension are the following:

  • academic leave;
  • Military service.

In the first case, we are talking about full-time students who, for one reason or another, need to take academic leave. Moreover, the reasons can be very different: the disease, and one's own desire, and maternity leave. It is worth noting that this fact, as well as the reason for such a vacation, does not matter. The citizen continues to be a full-time student, which means survivor's pension entitlement until graduation or until they reach the age of 23 preserved.

In the second case, we are talking about a citizen who is already 18 years old. After entering an educational institution for the full-time department, he decides to quit his studies and join the army. This fact will undoubtedly become an obstacle to the possibility of obtaining a pension and payment will be terminated. The rationale for this fact is the fact that this citizen is fully supported by the state while serving in the army. However, after returning and re-enrolling, a full-time student may again apply for a survivor's pension until he is 23 years old.

When do dependent pension payments stop?

Retirement benefits for dependents may be completely terminated in the following cases:

  1. the end of the study period;
  2. expulsion from an educational institution;
  3. transfer from the full-time department to the evening or correspondence form of study;
  4. recognition of the pension recipient as able-bodied;
  5. the presence of documents or circumstances affecting the right to receive such a pension;
  6. appointment of another type of pension provision;
  7. after six months from the date of suspension of payment;
  8. written refusal of the recipient of the insurance payment.

The termination of pension provision for dependents occurs from the next month in which the above circumstances occurred.

In each of the above cases, the citizen is obliged inform the FIU in a timely manner about the circumstances affecting the continuation of the payment or its cancellation. It needs to be done to prevent overpayment, since in the event of its occurrence, excess amounts will be withheld from the pension or collected in court.

Methods of payment and delivery of pensions

The survivor's insurance pension is a monthly payment; it is transferred to the recipient for the current month.

The methods of payment of compensation upon the death of the breadwinner depend directly on its recipient:

  • if this is a minor child or a person who has reached this age, but is recognized as incapacitated, then the accrued amount is due to the parent or guardian;
  • if this is a teenager who has reached the age of 14, then he has the right to independently apply for the establishment of pension provision;
  • if this is an orphan child who ended up in a children's institution, then the amounts due to him are transferred to an account opened in his name by the administration of such an institution in a bank.

You can receive pensions not only in person, but also by proxy. The procedure for its issuance is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. According to paragraph 19 of Art. 21 laws "About insurance pensions" in the presence of a power of attorney, the term of which exceeds a year, the pensioner must annually confirm the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the payment.

There are several types of pensions:

  • through the post office (it is possible to receive at home or at the cash desk of the institution);
  • through a bank (to a bank card account or directly at a bank branch);
  • through a special delivery organization (at home or in the organization itself).

In the future, the pensioner has the right to change the method of delivery, for which he will need to contact the FIU at the location of the pension file and write a corresponding application.