Astakhov: The phrase was rudely pulled out of a conversation with girls who survived on Syamozero. The most famous quotes of Pavel Astakhov Sayings of Astakhov, well, how did you swim

During a visit to surviving children after the tragedy at Syamozero, the commissioner for children's rights Pavel Astakhov with a smile he asked them how they swam. This was reported by the REN TV channel.

Astakhov began the conversation with a question about how the rescue operation went, and then asked the girls with a smile: “Well, how did you swim?”

The children stumbled and could not answer such a question - the woman who was with them in the ward answered for them.

“Thank God, they survived,” she told Astakhov.

Later, Astakhov on his Facebook commented conversation, calling the phrase taken out of context. “Roughly torn out of a common extremely difficult psychologically and morally conversation with the injured girls, the phrase does not at all convey the nature of this conversation,” the children’s ombudsman wrote. —<…> There are psychological techniques that help open a frightened child and give him the opportunity to speak out, throw out emotions, which is extremely necessary for such children. He added that as a result of the conversation, the children did not let him go, and the conversation itself was very good and gave many new facts that would be useful in the investigation.

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On June 18, 47 children and four instructors from the camp on Syamozero went on a trip in three boats and got caught in a storm. The boats capsized, killing 14 children. The body of one child has not yet been found. On June 21, rescuers at Syamozero found a life jacket.

An adult, well-fed, well-groomed man, an excellent husband and father, who, in his own words, flies to the Cote d'Azur "to visit his family" every weekend, comes to the hospital to children who accidentally survived not in Nice, but, in a storm, in an icy lake , without the help of adults, with their complete, total, bestial irresponsibility.

He asks a child who survived hell the question: “How did you swim?”, And then, straightening a pretty medical dressing gown, he sets out some incredible nonsense about how kids need to be taught to survive in cold water.

The incompetence of such a speaker is obvious. It was obvious to me already after the adoption of cannibalism. The question of who and why keeps such a person in such a position in a country where everything is not so great with children's rights is a question without an answer. Rhetorical, that is, the question ...

You know, I recently visited Olga Romanova and her team at the Sitting Rus' Foundation. The story of Olya's husband, who served several years on false charges, is known to everyone who wanted to know it. One of the employees of the foundation told me how she went to her husband in the Mordovian camps for seven years. People saw the nightmare of Russian prisons in their immediate vicinity, and now their lives are dedicated to ensuring that imprisonment in Russia is, firstly, legal, and secondly, it is precisely imprisonment, and not a slow, painful death by a court verdict.

Many charitable foundations that help treat children from cancer are mothers and fathers who have lost their loved ones and made a firm decision: "No one else will die like mine did!"

People who are chained to wheelchair, realize how terrible the world is for those who are not very young, not very dexterous, not too strong, and fight for the right of the disabled to breathe the same air that you breathe.

Moms and dads of children with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome unite to protect their own.

Parents of children with autism in general, it seems to me, are creating an alternative healthcare system for their sons and daughters.

Too often we look back and look into the eyes of trouble only when it becomes ours.

The author of my beloved Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, gave her famous graduation speech at Harvard University in 2008. I will certainly give all my students to read and listen to this excellent text about the benefits of failure and defeat, and also about the gift of imagination and empathy, one of the great gifts of the Holy Spirit.

“Imagination,” says Rowling, “is not only the unique human ability to invent something that is not there, not only the source of all innovation and invention. This ability opens up and transforms the world, giving us the power to empathize with people whose life experiences are different from ours.”

I have nothing to say to Astakhov.

What kind of “inclusion” can bring back to human society the one who asks children who miraculously survived in cold water, “Well, how did you swim?” - I don't know.

I want to say to all of us: let's try to nurture imagination and compassion in our children. If we succeed, in twenty years, psychologists will treat such “what-as-swimmed” ones. If it doesn't work out, woe to all of us.

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in Russia, Pavel Astakhov, explained why he asked the girls who survived the tragedy at Syamozero about that terrible night in this way.

The day before, the Ombudsman visited the hospital and talked to two teenagers. Astakhov began the conversation with the phrase: "Well, how did you swim? ..".

The reaction on the Internet to this phrase was immediate. Astakhov considered it necessary to comment on such a sharp reaction of bloggers. He wrote on his instagram blog that the question “well, how did you swim?” taken out of context.

The Children's Ombudsman noted that these words do not convey the nature of the conversation. According to the commissioner, he had to establish contact with frightened children who barely survived the fight against the elements.

“Roughly torn out of a general, extremely difficult psychologically and morally conversation with the injured girls, the phrase does not at all convey the nature of this conversation ... You can’t speak to them in a grave voice and demand facts with a gloomy look. This is a sure way to scare them even more and completely lose contact. psychological techniques that help to reveal a frightened child and give him the opportunity to speak out, throw out emotions, which is extremely necessary for such children ..”, Astakhov wrote in a blog.

The tragedy in Karelia occurred on June 18. Schoolchildren from the camp went along with the instructors for a walk around Syamozero. 51 people participated in the campaign. A storm began on the lake, and two canoes with children capsized. 14 students died.

Roughly torn from a general, extremely complex psychologically and morally conversation with the injured girls, the phrase does not at all convey the nature of this conversation. With teenage girls who survived a terrible emergency, frightened, barely survived in the fight against the elements - it is very difficult to establish contact, and before asking important questions on which it depends whether it will be possible to identify the perpetrators and whether they will be punished, one must try to speak their language. You can’t speak to them in a grave voice and demand facts with a gloomy look. This is a sure way to scare them even more and finally lose contact. There are psychological techniques that help to open a frightened child and give him the opportunity to speak out, throw out emotions, which is extremely necessary for such children. It is sad that investigators have not yet talked to these girls and psychologists have not worked carefully. And we talked very thoroughly and frankly. And a lot has been revealed. And when I was already leaving, they did not let me go, they gave me a lot useful information, which will be used as part of the investigation and asked for something else personally ... But this, unfortunately, remained behind the scenes and apparently was not very interested in those who edited this "sensational" story ... Moreover, the whole conversation took place in the presence of the mother and grandmother of the girls and the doctors of the hospital. And NOBODY expressed a single drop of dissatisfaction. The conversation was extremely emotional for everyone present, not only for the girls, but also for me.


"How did you swim?" , which he asked two girls who survived a storm on Syamozero in Karelia, where 13 children died.

After the message about the conversation was replicated by the media, the official, once again, was subjected to a flurry of criticism. To some users, his remark seemed at least strange and inappropriate.

In turn, Astakhov blamed the journalists for everything: they, they say, took his words out of context. In addition, he called his question "a psychological device."

“Roughly torn from a common extremely difficult psychologically and morally conversation with the injured girls, the phrase does not at all convey the nature of this conversation,” he wrote in his Instagram.

“There are psychological techniques that help to reveal a frightened child and give him the opportunity to speak out, throw out emotions, which is extremely necessary for such children. It is sad that investigators have not yet talked to these girls and psychologists have not worked carefully. thoroughly and frankly. And a lot has been revealed," Astakhov wrote.

In the comments on the post, some users agreed with him, while others admitted that the Ombudsman himself "set himself up." Some also reminded the Ombudsman of his other famous phrase about "wrinkled women". Then the Ombudsman also claimed that his words were taken out of context, but he still had to apologize for them.

After another embarrassing remark, Astakhov was speaking with the children who suffered in Karelia, Internet users drew an analogy with the recent statement of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, who, during his visit to Crimea, dropped the phrase that suddenly became famous: “There is simply no money now. Good, good mood and health!

Peskov called Astakhov's question "an awkward figure of speech"

The incident with Astakhov was commented on in the Kremlin. They suggested "not to inflate" the situation, since "there is no talk of any sarcasm" on the part of the Ombudsman.

"This is probably an awkward figure of speech (on Astakhov's part), nothing more," said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. He added that "of course, it is emotionally difficult to communicate with children who have experienced this tragedy." “Therefore, yes, we saw this on the Internet, I would not join those who are now presenting this as deliberate sarcasm on the part of Astakhov. It is obvious and clear that this is not so,” Peskov said.


Recall that in recent months, Pavel Astakhov has become the object of sarcasm and censure of Internet users not for the first time. In early July, bloggers were outraged by a poll on the permissibility of tying children, arranged by Astakhov on his Twitter.

On International Children's Day, some activists staged protests against the Ombudsman, calling for him to resign. In St. Petersburg, with the help of cardboard posters, Astakhov was reminded of his most striking mistakes. It was written on them: "The West is for my children, we will leave orphans without families" (in memory of the law prohibiting the adoption of Russian children from orphanages by US citizens); "You give birth here in the hospital, and my wife - in Nice"; "Forcibly marrying her is not too early with the blessing of Ramzan"; there was also a poster against sex education "No sex education - we will put everyone in jail for it."

The tragedy at the Syamozero Park Hotel occurred about a week ago, on June 18th. Children on boats got into a storm on Syamozero in the Pryazhinsky district of Karelia, two boats capsized and sank. 13 children drowned, their bodies found. The search for another child is still ongoing in the water and on land. The Ministry of Emergency Situations believes that the missing student could escape and get lost in the forest. At the same time, there were 14 names in the list of dead children, published the day after the tragedy.

On the fact of the tragedy, a criminal case was initiated under Part 3 of Art. 238 ("Performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence") and Article 293 ("Negligence") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

This week, the Petrozavodsk city court took the camp director Elena Reshetova into custody for two months and released 19-year-old instructor Valery Krupoderschikov from arrest. Earlier, five employees of the Syamozero Park Hotel were detained.

Well, how did you swim?

Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia

This quote, no matter how hackneyed it may be, cannot be passed by. The circumstances, just in case, are as follows: Commissioner Astakhov is talking to teenagers who survived the fatal danger, saw the death of friends closely, barely escaped and are now trying to somehow cope with their terrible condition.

"Well, how did you swim?" “It’s good that they survived,” the teenage girls answer him.

Further it turns out that the authorized Astakhov is not the only one, or rather, with such a question. Here, if you please, the official representative Investigative Committee Russia Vladimir Markin: “We have long asked the question “How did you swim?” those who directly sent and accompanied the children on this deadly voyage. And investigators, unlike the Ombudsman, use any psychological techniques when talking with children exclusively in tandem with qualified psychologists.”

But the authorized Astakhov echoes the official representative Markin; The commissioner, it turns out, did not blurt out, but deliberately asked how they swam: “There are special psychological techniques that help open a frightened child and give him the opportunity to speak out, throw out emotions<...>And we talked very frankly, a lot came to light. They provided a lot of useful information that will be used in the investigation." And one more thing: “Before asking them [the surviving girls] questions that depend on whether it will be possible to identify the perpetrators and whether they will be punished, we must try to speak their language. It was impossible to speak in a grave voice and demand facts with a gloomy look. This is a sure way to scare the kids even more."

“How they swam” is in their language. "It was impossible to speak in a grave voice." Seems like it shouldn't have been said at all. It was not even worth talking about the interests of the investigation, about those responsible; the task of the commissioner, judging by decree No. 986, which determines his activities, is to ensure that the authorities from top to bottom do not violate the rights of children; in other words, authorized Astakhov could ask the Investigative Committee if he somehow behaved incorrectly, but not from the children.

Commissioner Astakhov, according to the letter of the decree, does not need to approach the children at all; the subject of interest should be officials, any, to them he freely has the right to come; and sometimes experts who are supposed to help him draw conclusions about violations of children's rights.

In the official Facebook of Commissioner Astakhov for the month of June there is not a single such conclusion, not a single message about a visit to officials; on the website of the commissioner, the date of the last inspection trip is July 2015. But there are many reports about the participation of the commissioner in raising funds for the treatment or nutrition of children - it turns out that Astakhov does not force free Russian medicine to fulfill its constitutional obligations, does not prescribe it to respect the rights of sick children.

Then you can ask how you got on.