Child benefit in the Trans-Baikal Territory

Child benefits in Chita are paid mainly to maintain a stable standard of living for foster families, large families and low-income families. As in some other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, maternity capital is paid in the Chita region.

Federal child benefits in Chita

Federal benefits are paid to families living throughout Russia and do not in any way affect the possibility of receiving regional payments.

Name of the benefit Sum
Maternity benefit Officially employed -100% of average salaryfor the previous 24 months (or in the amount1 minimum wage (7800 rubles), if the income was below the minimum wage, or the insurance period was less than 6 months).

Officially unemployed (registered with the Employment Center, dismissed during the previous 12 months due to the liquidation of an enterprise, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur or bankruptcy of a company) –613 rubles 14 kopecks per month.

For students - in the amount of a scholarship.

Those who are not working are not paid.

One-time benefit for registration at a district clinic or antenatal clinic no later than 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy 613 rubles 14 kopecks(paid to the same categories of women who receive maternity benefits).
One-time benefit for the birth of a child 16350 rubles 33 kopecks(paid for each child separately to all categories of citizens)
Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old Officially employed and dismissed due to liquidation or bankruptcy of the company -40% of average salaryfor the previous 24 months, but not below the minimum amount and not above the maximum amount (23,089 rubles 4 kopecks).

Non-working, unemployed, students - in the minimum amount:3065 rubles 69 kopecksfor 1 child,6131 ruble 37 kopecksfor the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children.

Monthly compensation for unemployed mothers fired while on maternity leave for up to three years due to company liquidation 50 rubles(in some regions - in the amount1 minimum wage, if the child is the third and subsequent).

Regional maternity capital in Chita and the Chita region

Unlike federal maternity capital, regional family capital in the Chita region is indexed annually.

EDV for the maintenance of orphans and children without parental care placed in families

Foster parents are paid both a remuneration for raising orphans and an allowance for their maintenance, while guardians receive only a maintenance payment.

Recipients Size (RUB) Conditions of receipt Registration time
Guardians, foster parents, foster carers for children under 18 years of age 5,059 – per preschool child

5,850 – per school-age child

2,540 – reward for an orphan adopted into the family

5,070 – remuneration to adoptive parents for two adopted orphans

7,230 – remuneration to the adoptive parent for three adopted orphans

3,750 – remuneration for raising a child with mental disabilities

10% – bonus for each subsequent child taken into the family

50% – supplement for raising a child under 3 years old, a disabled person

Amounts increase by the regional coefficient

Payments are assigned by guardianship and trusteeship authorities

When the right to payment arises

In addition to the payments listed above, for placing a child in a family, adoptive parents and guardians are entitled to a one-time allowance in the amount of 17,852 rubles.

EDV for children from large families

In the Chita region, a family receives the status of a large family after the appearance of a third born or adopted child, if at least three children are under 18 years of age (or 23 years of age if the child is studying full-time).

Other measures to support parents with many children:

  • an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, subject to raising 8 or more children, natural, adopted or guardianship, under the age of 18 (23) years;
  • monthly allowance for major repairs of an apartment in an apartment building;
  • free trips to health resorts for children;
  • reimbursement of 30% of the cost of paying for housing utilities and firewood if there is no central heating within the limits of the norms.

EDV for the third child and subsequent children

Despite the fact that the birth rate in the Chita region is high, and the monthly allowance for a third child is not partially financed from the country’s budget, local authorities continue to support the desire of parents to have a third child.

Recipients Size (RUB) Conditions of receipt Registration time
Families with a third or subsequent child 9 368,77 Birth (adoption) of a child in the period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2019

Child age – from 1.5 to 3 years

Payment is provided once per family

A child under guardianship is not considered a third child

The payment is indexed

From the birth of the third or any subsequent children

Regional monthly child benefits in Chita

Low-income families in the Chita region can receive a regional monthly payment for each child in the family.

Other types of social support for families with children

Parents raising a child with a disability have the right to claim:

  • discount up to half the cost of housing and communal services and rent.

Pregnant, nursing mothers and mothers of children from birth to 3 years old suffering from anemia and other diseases (with a certificate from a pediatrician) can count on receiving special food in kind from the USZN (money is not issued to purchase food).

What documents are needed to apply for regional child benefits in Chita

In order to receive regional payments for a child, you must contact the local department of social protection authorities, having prepared the following set of documents in advance:

Document Where to get it
In free form
Russian Federation passport (residence permit, temporary residence permit – for foreigners and refugees) Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Certificate of registration in the region of application Passport Office
Birth (adoption) certificate of the child for whom the benefit is issued Civil registry offices
Birth (adoption) certificates of other children Civil registry offices
Birth certificate of a child without records about the father or a certificate about making records about the father according to the mother (for single mothers) Civil registry offices
Certificate of marriage or divorce (if available) Civil registry offices
Certificate of family composition Passport Office
Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (for registration of benefits for B&R) District clinic or antenatal clinic
Certificate of early registration at the antenatal clinic (for processing a one-time payment for early registration) At the gynecologist observing the pregnancy
Certificate of average earnings for the last 2 years Accounting at the place of work, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
Work book with or without employment record From last place of work
Certificate of registration not registered at the Employment Center (for unemployed people dismissed due to liquidation or bankruptcy of a company) Employment center
Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (unemployment benefits cannot be received simultaneously with child benefits) Employment center
Certificate stating that the second parent did not receive benefits USZN, from place of work
Certificate of a large family (for parents with many children) USZN
Certificates of monthly income of all family members (for low-income families) At the place of work, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Central Tax Service, at the place of study
Certificate of completion of studies at a school or university (for schoolchildren and students) At the place of study
Conclusion of a medical and social examination on the establishment of disability (for disabled children) ITU Bureau
Certificate of absence of a place in a preschool educational institution (to receive compensation for lack of places) Kindergarten at your place of residence
Certificate of enrollment in kindergarten and the amount of parental fees (to receive compensation for part of the parental fees) preschool educational institution
Agreement on the admission of a child to a foster family (for foster parents) Guardianship and trusteeship authorities
Death certificate or court decision declaring a person missing (for children who have lost a parent) Civil registry office, court secretary
Photocopy of bank account or passbook

Child benefits in Chita and the Trans-Baikal Territory State child benefits in the region, as in other territories of the Russian Federation, are divided into federal (paid from the state budget) and regional (from the regional budget). If the former are unified for the entire country, then the latter have features characteristic of the region.

Child benefits in Chita in 2017: state and regional payments for children in the Trans-Baikal Territory through Social Security

Child benefits in Chita and Trans-Baikal Territory

State child benefits in the region, as in other territories of the Russian Federation, are divided into federal (paid from the state budget) and regional (from the regional budget). If the former are unified for the entire country, then the latter have features characteristic of the region.

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In the region, which includes the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, there are one-time and monthly payments. Their goal is to support the material level of families with children.

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Chita

Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 establishes a list of federal payments to families with children, which are issued throughout the Russian Federation, including in the Trans-Baikal Territory. From February 1, 2017, the amount of these benefits was indexed by 5.4%.

  • 1.4 - in Krasnoarmensk, village. Krasnokamensky and Oktyabrsky for all workers and employees;
  • 1.3 - in Kalarsky, Tungiro-Olekminsky, Tungochensky rural areas for workers in health care, education, social security, sports, housing and communal services, trade; professors, teachers, engineers, researchers, river navigation employees, weather service workers and radio broadcasters, and other specialties;
  • 1.2 - in the rest of the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory and for workers not included in the list, including the administrative center - the city of Chita.

Table of federal child benefits in 2017

  • Benefits for all families with children
    • At the birth of a child
    • When adopting a child
  • Additional types of benefits
    • Adoptive parents and guardians

From the beginning of pregnancy

28 or 30 weeks pregnant

Birth of a child

(not limited)

End of maternity leave

3 years
Up to 16 or under 18 years old
3 months
3 years
18 years
(not limited)
The end of the child's father's military service
3 years
18 years
6 months after transfer

Schedule of child benefits according to the timing of their registration and payment

  • Benefits for all families
    • At the birth of a child
    • When adopting a child
  • Additional types of benefits
    • Families of conscripted military personnel
    • Adoptive parents and guardians


  • 28 or 30

    early registration

  • for pregnancy
  • at birth
  • maternal (family)
  • at the birth of the third

    and subsequent children

  • for child care
  • compensation

    on vacation for up to 3 years

  • regional benefit
    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*
  • for child care
  • upon adoption

    third child

  • compensation

    on vacation for up to 3 years

  • regional
  • 6 months

    after adoption

  • child transfer benefit

    for raising a family**

  • maternal
    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*
  • pregnant wife of a serviceman,

    undergoing military service on conscription

  • per child


  • by loss

    child's father

  • Offensive
    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*
  • Handing over the child
  • 6 months

    after the transfer

  • child transfer benefit

    to raise a family

  • payments for the maintenance of reception rooms

    Regional child benefits in the Trans-Baikal Territory

    Regional benefits are not issued on a categorical basis, as is the case with federal payments. Regional social assistance to families with children is calculated according to the following principles: targeting and need.

    • Local benefits and payments are mainly processed by social security authorities, some by other authorized organizations.
    • Any parent can apply for social benefits.
    • Local social benefits are provided to citizens of Russia, as well as other countries, and refugees. It is important that the applicant and the child live together in the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory.
    • All benefits are financed from the regional budget.

    If the average per capita income in a family does not exceed the subsistence minimum established in the region, either parent can apply for a regional benefit for each child. Not only the natural parent is entitled to payment, but also an adoptive parent, guardian (trustee).

    • 190.85 rub. - basic size;
    • RUR 381.70 - if a parent is undergoing compulsory military service or evades paying child support;
    • RUB 286.28 - for children of a single parent.
    • documents on family income for 3 months;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • children's birth certificates;
    • certificate for students 17-18 years old;
    • applicant's passport;
    • a certificate stating that the second parent does not receive benefits (if living together);
    • adoption or guardianship documents;
    • data confirming the family’s right to an increased benefit.

    These amounts are subject to annual indexation. The benefit is assigned:

    • from the date of birth of the child until he turns 16 years old (18 years old for full-time students);
    • from the month of application for the future period, and is also issued for the previous 6 months. (if there were reasons).

    If the average per capita income in a Trans-Baikal family is lower than that established in the region living wage, then after the birth (adoption) of a third or next child between 01/01/2012 and 12/31/2018, parents are entitled to a special payment. It is issued for a child aged 1.5 to 3 years.

    Transbaikal region in 2016 not included in the list of regions who need this type of benefit and in which the payment is co-financed from the federal budget (Order No. 2043-r dated October 13, 2015). According to Presidential Decree No. 606 of 05/07/2012, co-financing is given to regions with high birth rates below the Russian average(13.3 newborns per 1000 people). In the Trans-Baikal Territory, this figure is 15.9-16.1 per 1000 over the past 3 years.

    • Payment can only be made per child in a family.
    • Money is not given to a child under guardianship.
    • The amount of social benefits is subject to indexation.
    • If in other regions adopted children are taken into account only starting from 01/01/2016, then in Transbaikalia you can receive this payment from the very moment of its introduction (that is, from 01/01/2013).
    • passport (electronic universal card);
    • birth certificate of the third child (next);
    • court decision on adoption (if any)
    • document confirming the child’s cohabitation with the parent (adoptive parent);
    • parents' work records;
    • income certificates for 3 months.

    The benefit is assigned from the month the application is submitted and is paid until the child’s 3rd birthday. 15 days are given to make a decision on the application. The procedure for processing the payment is regulated by Resolution No. 131 of April 15, 2013.

    Monthly payment for a child from a large family

    For the third child in the family and for each next an additional monetary payment is awarded. It is transferred to the account of one of the parents until the child turns 18 years old (23 years old if he is a full-time student).

    • Possibility to make a payment does not depend on financial situation in family.
    • The amount is subject to indexation in proportion to price increases.
    • To receive the payment, at least one of the parents must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
    • certificate of a parent with many children;
    • passport;
    • certificate of pension insurance;
    • a certificate stating that the child is receiving education (if he is over 16 years old).

    Other types of assistance for families with many children:

    • Monthly payment compensation 30% for residential premises, utilities and solid fuel (if the house does not have central heating) within the limits of the standards.
    • Priority provision of holiday vouchers for children.
    • Monthly payment for major repairs in residential premises (only for residents of apartment buildings).
    • Providing accommodation under a social tenancy agreement for a family with 8 or more natural and adopted children under 18 (23) years of age. This does not take into account children under guardianship.

    Monthly payment for the maintenance of orphans placed in a family

    One of the guardians, adoptive parents, foster carers can issue an allowance for the maintenance of each person adopted into the family an orphan or a child without parental care under 18 years of age. In addition to child benefits, the parent (educator) is entitled to a monthly remuneration.

    • Foster parents (educators) have the right to apply not only for social benefits for the maintenance of children, but also reward for education every child.
    • You must submit an application to your local guardianship authority.
    • Amounts of payments for maintenance and remuneration multiplied by regional coefficients. The table shows the basic dimensions without multiplying by a factor.
    • RUB 5,059 - for a preschooler;
    • RUB 5,850 - for a school-age child.

    Reward for education:

    • RUB 2,540 - to the family for one child taken;
    • RUB 5,070 - for two;
    • RUB 7,230 - for three;
    • RUB 3,750 - for one child with special needs;
    • +10% for each additional child;
    • +50% for each child taken under 3 years old, disabled, with limited health capabilities.
    • foster family agreement;
    • applicant's passport;
    • statement.
    • Payments are assigned from the date of establishment of guardianship.
    • Monthly payments are not provided to parents who have adopted children.

    In order for a family to receive local maternity capital, a person must appear (be born, be adopted) in it. third or next child during 01/01/2012-31/12/2016 Wherein guardian children are not taken into account.

    • The payment is one-time(issued only for one child once).
    • Any of the parents can apply for it, unlike federal maternity capital.
    • There is no need to report on where parents are going to spend the money.
    • passport or other document with a mark of registration in the region;
    • birth certificates of children (all);
    • court decision on adoption (if relevant).

    The amount is subject to annual indexation and is actually indexed.

    If the family has disabled child, parents can get discount of at least 50% to pay for housing, utilities, electricity, fuel.

    For pregnant and lactating women, children under three years of age with anemia and other problems, additional nutrition can be provided according to established standards. According to Law No. 104-ZZK of December 29, 2008, for this you need to obtain a certificate from a doctor. The cash equivalent of assistance is not issued.

    Trans-Baikal Territory is different from other regions high birth rates. The benefit system in the region is being improved, and it is expected to expand (if the budget allows). The amounts of many payments are subject to multiplication by the regional coefficient.

    Due to the fact that the demographic situation is at a normal level, the amount of local maternal capital is low. The regional authorities have provided several types of assistance to large families, the poor, and those who have taken children into care. Payments for the third child are paid exclusively at the initiative of the local government. There are no special types of benefits for disabled children.


Previously, for a long time (since 2008), the indexation of child benefits was carried out annually from January 1 at an “accelerating pace,” i.e. on the size of projected inflation. However, the crisis economic situation in the country has made its own adjustments - in order to reduce the budget deficit, at the end of 2015 the Government decided to suspend the current procedure for indexing benefits starting from the new year.

Thus, from February 1, 2016, child benefits were indexed only from February on the basis of last year’s inflation (i.e. at a “catch-up rate”). This procedure was in effect until 2018.

Information on the amount of benefits for families with children today (the amounts of benefits are established from January 1, 2019 ) is presented in the table:

Types of child benefits

Payment amount

One-time benefit for expectant mothers registered with antenatal clinics in the early stages of pregnancy

649,84 rub. (from 1.02.2019)

Maternity benefits (maternity benefits). 100% of average earnings are paid for 140 days during a standard pregnancy (156 for complicated births, 194 for multiple births)

minimum 51,918.90 rub. for 140 days of vacation

maximum 301 thousand 95 rub. in 140 days

One-time benefit for the birth of a child or

One-time payment when placing a child in a family for upbringing

RUB 16,873.54

RUB 128,927.58

Minimum monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years

RUB 4,512(for the first child)

RUB 6,284.65. (for second and subsequent children)

Maximum monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years (40% of average earnings)

Maximum amount for persons not subject to compulsory social insurance, including military personnel

RUB 24,536.57

RUB 11,451.86

Monthly allowance for the child of a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription

RUB 11,451.86

One-time benefit for the pregnant wife of a conscript serving in the military

RUB 26,721.01

Maternity capital (provided at the birth of the second and subsequent children)

RUB 453,026 (expected growth in 2020 - up to 470 thousand rubles)

Back in May 2012, V.V. Putin signed a decree “On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation.” According to this decree, from the beginning of 2013, a monthly payment in the amount of the regional subsistence minimum per child is assigned to the third and subsequent children. This payment is assigned to the third or subsequent child born no earlier than January 1, 2013.

Since 2013, the state has co-financed the corresponding expenditure obligations only if an unfavorable demographic situation has been established in the region (the birth rate is below the national average).

Support for large families is part of the state’s demographic development program, adopted with the aim of growing the country’s population. The procedure for granting the status of a large family and calculating benefits and payments based on this status in different regions of Russia may differ and have its own characteristics.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2019, social assistance is provided for large families, both in the form of cash payments and through the provision of various types of compensation and subsidies. Which family living in Transbaikalia can be classified as having many children and what support from the state can it count on in 2019?

Who is entitled to

The basis for receiving social assistance in the case of large families is a confirmed appropriate status.

To confirm your right to benefits, you will need to present a certificate of a large family.

In 2019, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, families raising three or more children under the age of 18 have the right to receive such a certificate. If a child is a full-time student, the family will be considered large until the child reaches 23 years of age.

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In addition to Russians, not only Russians, but also citizens of other states, as well as persons staying in Russia with refugee status can apply for social support provided for large families in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

In this case, the applicant will be required to comply with the main requirement - living together with children.

What benefits do large families have in the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2019?

At the federal level, large families in 2019 are entitled to the following benefits:

  • 30 percent compensation for expenses related to payment for housing and communal services;
  • free medicines for children under 6 years of age with a prescription;
  • enrollment in kindergarten without waiting list;
  • free meals in educational institutions;
  • reimbursement of expenses for school and sports uniforms;
  • free visit to a museum, zoo, exhibition, theater once a month;
  • free travel on public transport for schoolchildren and one parent accompanying the child;
  • annual two-week free leave for parents at a time convenient for them;
  • for mothers who raised 5 or more children, retirement is provided at 50 years (if the work experience is at least 15 years). For those raising 10 or more children – additional monthly assistance;
  • accrual of pension points for a mother with many children. All maternity leaves (but not more than 4.5 years in total) are counted towards the insurance period;
  • additional day off for parents if the working week is 40 hours or more;
  • the right to free education or retraining for parents;
  • assistance from government services in finding parents employment;
  • state assistance to large families intending to open a farm, in the form of discounts on land tax, land rental and registration fees;
  • the right to all types of social support listed in government document No. 81-FZ.

In addition, large families receive a monthly cash payment, the amount of which will be recalculated in 2019, taking into account the coefficient of 1.032, i.e. the amount of the benefit will increase by 3.2%.

According to existing legislation, the amount of child benefit paid to large families should not exceed 26,116.52 rubles in 2019, but should not be less than 6,327.57 rubles.

The Trans-Baikal Territory belongs to regions with special living conditions, therefore the amount of social assistance is indexed according to approved coefficients:

  • 1.2 – regional center and adjacent territories;
  • 1.3 – for representatives of the public sector, as well as workers in river navigation, trade, utilities and education living in the Tungir-Olkminsky, Kalarsky and Tungochensky districts;
  • 1.4 – for representatives of working professions in the settlements of Krasnokamensk and Oktyabrsky.

Benefits for large families in the Trans-Baikal Territory can be applied for at the departments of the social protection service or at one of the multifunctional centers. Regional subsidies, compensations and payments are financed from the local budget.

Large families in Transbaikalia are paid:

  • monthly cash benefit in the amount of 431 rubles;
  • for guardianship of three or more children, parents receive 7,230 rubles per month;
  • for the adoption of children with disabilities under 3 years of age, the amount of assistance increases by 50%.

In addition, large families in the Trans-Baikal Territory can count on:

  • 30 percent compensation for expenses related to paying utilities or purchasing fuel;
  • children's vouchers to health camps and sanatoriums, provided without a queue;
  • compensation for the cost of repairing residential premises if the family lives in an apartment building.

If there are 8 or more children in a family, you can apply for housing under a social rental agreement.

Registration procedure

You can obtain the status of a large family by submitting to the social protection authority. After this, you can begin applying for benefits.

Regarding the provision of social assistance, you should contact the department of the social protection service at your place of residence and write an application for social assistance there.

For example, in Chita, large families can apply for subsidies, benefits and compensation in:

  • Department of social protection of the population at the address: st. Embankment, 76;
  • social service center "Bereginya" at st. 40 years of October, 13;
  • unified service settlement center at 2 Fadeeva Ave.

The procedure for providing assistance to large families in Transbaikalia is regulated by document of regional significance No. 107-33K dated December 29. 2008 “On measures of social support for large families in the Trans-Baikal Territory.” An application for assistance must be submitted within 6 months after the birth of a third child in the family.

Required documents

To obtain a certificate for a large family, you must prepare a package of documents, including:

  • birth certificates of all children;
  • certificates confirming that the children live with their parents;
  • children from 7 to 16 years old - certificates from general education institutions;
  • certificates of marriages and divorces of parents;
  • photographs of parents measuring 30x40 mm.

Depending on the circumstances of the applicants, the following may additionally be required:

  • a court decision that the child was transferred to the care of one of the parents;
  • document confirming the name change;
  • death certificate of parents;
  • document confirming adoption;
  • certificate of paternity, etc.

When applying for benefits or subsidies, the package of documents depends on the type of assistance received.

For example, if you need to get a discount on housing and communal services, you should prepare and submit for consideration to the social service or the MFC:

  • a correctly completed application of the established form, the form of which can be obtained at the place where the application was submitted;
  • a document confirming the eligibility of submitting a request, i.e., a certificate of a large family;
  • the applicant's general passport as identification;
  • a certificate stating that the applicant is not currently using this type of social assistance;
  • a certificate from the tax office about the amount of income of each family member;
  • receipts for payment of housing and communal services;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of arrears in payment of utility services. The benefit cannot be provided until all debts have been repaid.

If the applicant is unable to pay off housing and communal services debts immediately, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the utility service on debt restructuring and attach this document to the package of papers sent for consideration.

When they can refuse

The basis for refusal to provide benefits to large families in the Trans-Baikal Territory may be an incomplete package of documents or incorrect execution of any of the submitted papers.

If a negative response to the request is received, the applicant may eliminate these shortcomings and resubmit the application.

In addition, the applicant has the right to appeal the refusal decision to higher authorities.

Thus, large families in the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2019 have the right to take advantage of not only maternity capital, but also a number of compensations, subsidies and cash payments.

Social assistance for this privileged category of citizens provides transport, housing, tax preferences, as well as reimbursement of expenses related to the upbringing and education of children.

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According to sociologists, our country is now experiencing the consequences of the demographic hole of the 90s. It is impossible to stop the natural population decline. Therefore, the leadership of the Russian Federation is trying to motivate the young population to create traditional families and have children. And in case of poor financial situation, the Government undertakes to help parents support dependents. Regional Treasuries are also involved as support. Next, we will tell you what amounts of child benefits the families of Transbaikalia receive in 2019.

Federal benefits

As soon as a woman registers with a antenatal clinic for pregnancy, she automatically becomes a recipient of child benefits. Maternity payments will continue until the newborn turns 1.5 years old. Besides, financial assistance is willingly paid to citizens who have adopted an orphaned child. In this case, the protection of the state will continue until the student reaches adulthood.

The Trans-Baikal Territory is located in a harsh climatic zone. Therefore, on its territory the effect of regional coefficients (northern bonus) is applied when calculating wages, pensions and various payments.

The coefficient is divided into several indices, each of which corresponds to a specific area.


Benefits Payment amounts
Approved value for the Russian Federation from 02/01/2019
K=1.2 K=1.3 K=1.4
51919 rub.(minimum size) 62302.8 rub. 67494.7 rub. 72686.6 rub.
RUB 655.49 RUB 786.58 RUB 852.13 RUB 917.68
For or child RUB 17,479.73 RUB 20,975.67 RUB 22,723.64 RUB 24,471.62
RUB 27,680.97 RUB 33,217.16 RUB 35,985.26 RUB 38,753.35
RUB 133,559.36 RUB 160,271.23 RUB 173,627.16 186983.10 rub.


Benefits Payment amounts
Approved value for the Russian Federation from 01.02. 2019 After indexation in Transbaikalia
K=1.2 K=1.3 K=1.4
  • 4512 rub.
  • 40% of the minimum wage – for the first-born (employed) maximum RUB 26,152.39
  • 6554.89 rub.
  • 5414.4 rub.
  • Max. RUB 31,382.86
  • 7865.86 rub.
  • 5865.6 rub.
  • Max. 33998.10 rub.
  • 8521.35 rub.
  • 6316.8 rub.
  • Max. RUB 36,613.34
  • 9176.84 rub.
RUB 11,863.27 14235.92 rub. RUB 15,422.25 RUB 16,608.57
(Putin's) RUB 11,805.32 Corresponds to the children's subsistence level in Transbaikalia for the 2nd quarter of 2019.

The amounts indicated in the section " in the Russian Federation", increase annually by an all-Russian coefficient of 1.025 (2.5%). The value of Maternity Capital remains unchanged. According to deputies, the lump sum payment for the second child does not need to be increased until 2020, due to the lack of increase in prices for residential real estate.

Regional benefits

After the end of financial assistance from the Center, powers to support Transbaikal families from among those in need are transferred to the Regional Administration. As a rule, a change in sources of payments occurs when the child reaches 1.5 years of age. Taking into account the social status of the parents, benefits can be paid until the dependent’s 18th birthday. And in some cases - up to 23 years of age. Considers applications from the population, the Social Protection Service. The applicant must write an application and attach to it:

  • Passport;
  • birth/adoption certificate of the child;
  • guardianship agreement (for trustees);
  • information about income;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • Bank details;
  • Additional documents.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have an advantage in receiving assistance from the state. However, visiting families, such as refugees, labor migrants and temporary migrants, are entitled to receive some types of financial assistance for the maintenance of children. The main requirement for visitors is official registration (temporary) at the place of residence.

Monthly allowance for children under 16 years of age

In a difficult financial situation, a parent has the right to apply for financial assistance from Social Security. If the application is reviewed positively, the benefit will be paid every month until the child’s 16th birthday. In other cases, until the 18th birthday, if the teenager is studying in the 10-11th grade of a secondary school.

Law granting the right No. 101-ZZK dated December 29, 2008
Amounts (RUB) Recipients K=1.2 K=1.3 K=1.4
For all 236,35 256,05 275,74
472,70 512,10 551,48
Wives of conscripts/draft soldiers for alimony 354,53 388,16 413,62
Additional documents Certificate for a student in grades 10-11
Confirmation from the registry office about the composition of a single-parent family
Certificate from the military commissar
Notification from the FSSP about the search for the debtor
Appointed At any time, when circumstances arise

The benefit must be renewed annually, providing current information on income for the past 3 months.

Monthly cash payment for the 3rd child under 3 years of age

The birth of each subsequent baby in the family significantly worsens the financial situation of the family. According to all-Russian legislation, the presence of three minors in their care allows parents to obtain a certificate -.

In order to motivate the population to have many children, in difficult economic times for the country, a social project was launched - EDV. The government distributed it to regions of the Russian Federation with poor demographics. By accepting the terms of the program, parents will be able to receive additional benefits under the following conditions:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • Having three minor children;
  • The youngest dependent is less than 3 years old;
  • Average per capita income is below the subsistence minimum.

Due to the satisfactory fertility rate in Transbaikalia (16 children x 1000 population, versus 13 newborns in the Russian Federation), EDV is prescribed not from the moment of birth of the baby, but only from 1.5 years.

Monthly allowance for children in large families

While the family is in the status of having many children, each minor dependent is entitled to a monthly payment, regardless of the financial situation of the social unit. The recipient is one of the parents. The assistance continues until the children reach adulthood, or the family loses its status - large, for example, some children are 18 years old.

In some cases, benefits are paid for children under 23 years of age. The reason for prolonged assistance may be the dependent's full-time education.

Monthly allowance for orphans in foster families

Orphans placed in foster care will not be left without state protection. Despite the financial situation of guardians and trustees, a monthly cash allowance will be allocated from the local budget for the maintenance of the pupil.

The more adopted children, the larger the payment, since certain amounts are calculated for each orphan. Support period – until the ward’s 18th birthday.

In addition, educators are given a monetary reward every month as a token of gratitude for sheltering and nurturing minors.

Law granting the right No. 315-ZZK dated December 18, 2009
Amounts (RUB) For the maintenance of preschool orphans
K=1.2 K=1.3 K=1.4
5 220 5 655 6 090
For the maintenance of schoolchildren
6 037 6 545 7 043
2 540 - for raising one child
5 070 - for two
7 230 - for three
Additional documents Agreement on creating a substitute family
Certificate from a medical institution about possible defects in the pupil’s physical development
Appointed From the day the orphaned child is accepted into the family

Provided that the student has physical pathologies or disabilities, the amount of remuneration increases by 50%. The benefit is not provided to adoptive parents.

Regional maternity capital

According to the regulations for 2019, families where a third (or subsequent) child was born or adopted in the period from 2012 to 2017 can apply for maternity capital of regional significance.

It is noteworthy that either parent has the right to apply. In addition, the funds are not earmarked and spending is not controlled by the Government. Only indigenous families of the region can become recipients.

According to the rules, the application for Regional Maternity Capital had to be submitted before 01.07. 2018, since the program is already ending. If the parents did not have time to do this and were refused, it is possible to find support in the Regional Court.

Additional assistance for citizens with children

The types of assistance listed in the tables do not constitute full support from the Local Authority. There are other types of protection, which, along with financial payments, contain subsidies and benefits for large and low-income families, such as:

  • Refund 30% from the amounts paid under the housing and communal services agreement;
  • Free distribution of medicines for children up to 6 years;
  • Extraordinary placement of preschool children in kindergartens;
  • Organization of free meals in educational institutions;
  • Compensation payments for the purchase of uniforms for students;
  • Once a month, free admission to cultural events;
  • Free tickets for public transport for students and one accompanying person;
  • Two-week leave for parents at the expense of the budget;
  • Mothers of 5 or more children are granted early retirement at 50 years old(with 15 years of experience);
  • An additional day off for parents if the work week is more than 40 hours;
  • Free second education or retraining for parents with many children;
  • Assistance in employment;
  • Reduced land tax, if you want to organize your own subsidiary plot.

The law states that a large family cannot receive a monthly benefit of less than 6,327.57 rubles, but not more than 26,116.52 rubles.

  1. Free first education;
  2. Allowance for the purchase of educational literature;
  3. Free meals in educational institutions.
  • RUB 13,699– pension from 04/01/2018;
  • RUB 2,527.06– one-time cash assistance;
  • RUB 5,500. – parents caring for children with disabilities;
  • RUB 1,075.19– a set of social services:
    • 828 rubles- purchase of medicines;
    • 128 rubles- therapy in sanatorium-resort institutions;
    • 118 rubles- for travel on commuter trains and intercity buses to the place of therapy and back.

These types of additional assistance exist in Transbaikalia. Almost all of them can be processed remotely through the State Services portal.

The Trans-Baikal Territory, like most regions of the country, is experiencing a shortage of kindergartens. Calls to have more children while there is a shortage of preschool institutions raise the issue of labor shortages. In addition, the problem with housing for... Therefore, providing families with apartments, kindergartens and healthy food remains a priority for the Local Authority. In addition, it is planned to pay special attention to the rural level of demographics. As a result, it is possible that the list of assistance from the state will be significantly expanded.