Development without overload: choose a circle wisely. The best circles and sections for teenagers - a list, features and recommendations At what age should a child be sent to a circle or section

Today, children are sometimes even busier than their parents. All kinds of clubs and sections for teenagers take away all the free time from the guys. Many do not even have the opportunity to see friends. Of course, it's good that children are doing useful things, developing physically and intellectually, but then when will they run around the yard and play war or mother daughters. We will talk about all the pros and cons of additional education in this article.

Sport sections

The greatest demand among parents is for various circles that are aimed at the physical development of the child. Adults rarely want their child to grow up to be a professional athlete, but it is thanks to sports that children learn endurance and teamwork. And also their muscles develop, which favorably affects health. What clubs and sections for teenagers exist?

Here are some options:

  • Swimming develops all muscle groups. Helps children improve posture, lose weight and correct gait. And also training in the pool will teach a teenager to swim and breathe properly.
  • Horse riding will help children learn how to take care of animals. Teenagers will be able to understand how it is to educate a horse, and, of course, equestrian sports will be able to bring the first gold medals to gifted children.
  • Wrestling can teach a child to defend himself and defend his position. After all, the first thing any coach must do is make children believe in themselves and in their victory, and only after that can one move on to working out the fighting technique.
  • Tennis is a great hobby for girls. The result is similar to athletics, only training is more exciting. While playing tennis, children not only improve their physical form, but also expand their area of ​​attention.
  • Gymnastics is the very first section of almost every child. Children from 3 years old already begin active training. Professional gymnastics is a very traumatic sport, but at the amateur level it helps to improve flexibility and learn to master your body perfectly.

dance mugs

Many parents try to fulfill themselves through their children. Therefore, dance clubs and sections for teenagers are in such demand. Parents believe that their child simply must be able to dance the waltz, tango, or at least achieve success in driving round dances. Thanks to such attacks from the older generation, many children simply hate dancing for the rest of their lives. But willy-nilly, they still have to attend circles. So what kinds of dance sections exist? This:

Artistic mugs

Which is better - enroll in an art school or go to a local house of creativity? This is up to each parent to decide. But circles and sections for teenagers with artistic themes have always been popular. Children love to draw, some do it better, some worse. But the child differs from an adult in that he knows how to enjoy not the result, but the process itself. But art education is necessary not only for talented children. Indeed, at a young age, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty is also laid. It is necessary to interest the child in art, he must find pleasure in contemplating pictures. Parents are unlikely to be able to achieve this on their own, so it is better to place this responsibility on the shoulders of professionals, that is, teachers of art schools.

Acting classes

All children love to make faces and fool around. But don't scold them for it. It is better to direct this irrepressible energy in the right direction. For this, children's circles and sections of acting skills were created. Here, children are offered not only to play in theatrical productions, but also teach singing lessons, are forced to do physical exercises of varying complexity, and in some studios they even practice making their own costumes. Children like this creative process, where no one swears for deviating from the script and easy improvisation. In this circle, children learn not to be afraid of the stage, and as a result, they will not have a fear of public speaking.

And here you can learn the skill of managing your emotions and your facial expressions. Also, children working on the stage are better able to listen to their parents and peers, because they are taught to be more attentive to their opponents.

Singing and playing musical instruments

The ability to play the guitar or piano is sure to come in handy in adulthood. That is why children's circles and sections that develop musical abilities are in great demand. Parents are not trying to make a second Mozart out of a child, they just want their child to be able to hear the rhythm and develop fine motor skills by picking the strings. In order for the child to feel their activities are necessary, it is necessary to at least periodically arrange family concerts at home, where each of the children will demonstrate their talents to their parents.

Design and modeling mugs

All children have a love for building houses and pyramids. Therefore, the list of circles and sections for teenagers who develop this talent is very large. There are paper-layout classes where children learn that paper can take many forms. For older children, there are courses on modeling complex shapes. It can be airplanes, cars, buildings or entire parks. Here, children learn the basics of composition and get their first design skills. Such a circle will be useful for inquisitive children who want to understand how this or that mechanism works, and also those children who cannot live without the desire to break something should go here. When you see how a thing is created, the desire to destroy disappears instantly.

Mugs for children with hearing and vision problems

Experts advise not to divide children into groups, into normal and those with defects. All guys are unique, and none of them should feel disabled. Clubs and sections for teenagers in Moscow help children to better socialize. No one will laugh at a child with poor eyesight at school if there are more than 5 such children in the class. The same situation with circles. It makes no sense to take your child to some special sections so that there is increased attention to him there. Unfortunately, many children now have poor eyesight and hearing. Of course, these shortcomings need to be treated, but you should not focus on them. Circles and sections for teenagers with hearing and vision problems can be varied: swimming, wrestling, tennis, drawing or acting.

Of course, you should not mock a child and give a girl with poor vision to embroider with beads, and a hard of hearing boy for a music circle. Parents should adequately assess the abilities of their child.

What clubs can a child with ASD and cerebral palsy attend?

Of course, such disorders are not the same as poor vision or hearing. Therefore, it makes no sense to organize circle sections for hearing-impaired teenagers, but circles for children with ASD and cerebral palsy need to be created. Unique children should also have the opportunity to express themselves creatively. But the development of such teenagers needs special attention, because it is better not to leave them alone with each other. Children with ASD and cerebral palsy can go to drawing, construction, swimming and horseback riding.

The benefits of additional education

We found out what circles and sections for teenagers exist. Now you need to understand what benefits they bring.

  • Children learn to work in a team. And this is great, because at school each student is responsible for himself, and in circles team classes are often held. In this way, children can form friendships and learn that it is entirely possible to enjoy helping others.
  • Ability to achieve goals. This life trait is not given at birth, it is formed. Therefore, children must be given to the sports section, even if not for long.
  • Creative self-expression is possible only through art. But you need to create according to generally accepted laws and canons. To get the first creative education, you definitely need to go to an art circle.
  • The ability to appreciate the beautiful is the skill that is developed by attending an art or music school.
  • The desire to acquire new knowledge is one of the main things in our life. It will be much easier for a student to study if he enjoys his studies. Such a skill develops a circle of modeling and design.

Cons of additional education

Sports clubs and sections for teenagers can inflict lifelong injuries. This, of course, rarely happens, but still an unqualified coach is able to disfigure a child, not only physically, but also mentally. After all, there is only one step from confidence to self-doubt. Many clubs take up so much time from children that the child simply does not have the opportunity to fool around with friends in the yard. Childhood passes quickly, and most importantly - irrevocably. You can learn to play the guitar even at the age of 20, but you won’t play catch-up or hide-and-seek at the age of 20. Therefore, parents need to maintain a balance so that the child does not feel the excessive burden of responsibilities that lies on his shoulders from an early age.

Music school or football section, swimming pool or art school, dance studio or martial arts? Such pangs of choice are not uncommon for modern parents. The school and the city today provide great opportunities for additional education. There are desires and abilities of the child, expectations and ambitions of parents... An expert of the Association of Organizations for the Development of Humanistic Psychology in Education explains what you need to pay attention to when choosing circles and sections for the child.

Why does a child need a boxing section or a theater club?

This is the first question that parents need to honestly answer themselves. Surveys show that there are three main vectors for choosing additional activities for a child:

  • For general development
  • For success and achievement
  • To correct and / or overcome any personal characteristics of the child and difficulties in communication

In the first case, the task of employment of the child, satisfaction of his actual interests and development of general abilities is usually solved. Usually the family goes down this path if the baby does not show any obvious abilities or inclinations towards something specific. In this case, the child usually attends several circles and studios, and can often change them.

Sometimes this worries parents: it seems to them that the interests of the child are changeable and inconsistent, and he does not finish the job. If you look at the situation from the other side, then it is the variety of circles and sections that opens up the child the opportunity to try himself in different areas, groping in such a way that he is more interested in what he does better.

The second vector is chosen by the family if the child from an early age shows (or parents think he shows) special abilities for something. In order to maximize the development of special abilities and achieve results in this area, parents select additional classes. Movement in this direction implies a high employment of the child, a transition from level to level of mastery of skills. This path is often chosen by parents - professional musicians (artists, athletes) or mothers and fathers who, for some reason, did not realize their own childhood dream of being a hockey player, violinist, dancer, etc.

The third vector is the ability to compensate for the characteristics or difficulties of the child. For example, if the baby is shy and anxious, he is enrolled in a theater studio so that he is liberated there. Can't take care of yourself? To martial arts. Poor health? Swimming or figure skating. Speech problems? To the choir at the music school. This direction can be transformed into both the first and the second, depending on the style of family education.

Additional education exists in order to:

  • the child could develop his abilities to the maximum;
  • the child had the opportunity to feel successful in any kind of activity;
  • the child was able to form an idea of ​​his abilities, interests, preferences;
  • the family and society were calm that the children were supervised, engaged in interesting and useful work.
The child attends circles and sections because what he does there is interesting to him!

Where can I find additional activities for children?

As soon as an honest answer to the first question is received from ourselves, we can determine where to solve the tasks.

In the first case, circles are suitable at school, children's art studios, classes in which are built according to the project principle: achieving a specific, visible practical result in some organic (not very long) period, then moving on to new tasks. These can be school theater or music studios with the preparation of concerts and performances for the holidays, sports sections with participation in competitions between classes or schools, creative workshops with the preparation of exhibitions or scenery for performances, scientific and educational circles with preparation for the defense of design and research work, and etc. The main task in this case is to interest the child, to hold and develop the interest that has arisen in any activity.

If it is decided to develop special abilities, the child has the resources (health, character) and desire, and the parents have time to help him achieve results in a competitive environment, you can choose a music, sports, art school. With the understanding that these activities can hardly be called "additional": they will take a lot of time, require a lot of work and employment of the whole family for at least 5 years.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that even the most successful young athlete or musician will more than once be ready to quit a business that has spent so much time and effort, and parents and their child will have to make a difficult decision in this regard. But if the family can handle this path, the bonuses are obvious: this is character education, high self-organization, the ability to work, an alternative social circle with peers engaged in business, and, of course, special skills and abilities.

If a family wants to overcome some difficulties in the development of a child and chooses circles and sections as a means for this, it is important to understand that in this situation (as, indeed, in any other), the main principle is "Do no harm!". Parents should consult with a specialist. If a child goes into the field of sports, then it would be logical to discuss this with a pediatrician and a trainer in advance; if in a theater group or foreign language courses - then with a speech therapist; if in a creative studio - then with a teacher of additional education. And in each of these cases, valuable information can be obtained in a conversation with a teacher-psychologist. The wrong choice of a circle or an additional activity can both help and exacerbate the difficulties experienced by the baby.

Every parent wants to see a champion in their child, or at least wants to bring up an interesting and developed personality in him. The variety of sections and circles often makes parents feel confused. Where to send the child to meet expectations: to the sports section, music school, "scientific circle" or lessons of applied art?

According to psychologists, 5-6 years old is the age at which children are ready to learn, accept the teacher's instructions, and calmly accept the coach's criticism. But this does not mean at all that you need to sit "idle" until this age. From birth, the child is open to creativity, games and communication. By the age of five, a parent most likely already knows about the interests of his child.

Before choose a section or circle, ask yourself - what abilities do you observe in a child? Perhaps a kid from childhood surprises with his drawings, reads poetry or enjoys chasing a ball in the yard. It's okay if you don't notice any special talents. The main thing is that your son or daughter has a desire to study.

The opinion of the child plays an important role

Be sure to consult with the child, find out his opinion, discuss possible options with him. The best choice would be a direction in which he has both a penchant and interest.

Ekaterina Safonova - psychologist of the portal "I am a parent" - a project of the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations.

“The opinion of parents is almost unanimous: the child should attend circles and sections, as this contributes to his comprehensive development. But the strength of the child, time and money, unfortunately, are not rubber, so parents often face the question: how to choose from such a variety of different circles exactly the one in which the child can fulfill himself? This can only be verified by trial and error. The main driving force should be the desire of the child. By school age, children usually already have an idea about different areas of activity and can realize what they want to do and what they don’t.

It often happens that parents sent the baby to the section, and he refuses to attend it. In this case, you should not force the child to do something by force. Of course, sometimes the kids are lazy, but more often they really don't like this type of activity. Respect their wishes! If a child tells you that he does not want to sculpt at all, but he likes boxing, grant his request. If the child goes to the section with pleasure, then you are doing everything right.

What abilities and qualities are developed by certain types of circles and sections?

Think about what exactly you want to get from certain activities. Each direction has a number of advantages that should be considered when choosing.

Everyone knows that sport improves health, develops endurance, strength and dexterity. Thanks to studies in children's sports section the character of the child is formed: self-confidence appears, it is easier to overcome difficulties and fatigue.

A music school or a vocal studio are areas that instill a love for music, improve your ear for music, and form a sense of rhythm. Playing musical instruments develops fine motor skills, memory, perseverance and discipline.

Classes in choreographic circles develop in the child flexibility, dexterity and coordination of movements, form the correct posture, contribute to the development of muscles and ligaments, help develop a sense of rhythm. Child doing dancing, as a rule, is self-confident, has a firm character, perceives difficulties and failures more easily, is more open to the world.

Acting studio lessons contribute to the development of communication skills. The child learns to express thoughts and feelings, to speak beautifully and fluently, gains control over his emotions. Children studying theatrical arts have the opportunity for self-expression, they are more attentive, have a good memory and vivid imagination.

Classes in the art circle develop in the child the ability to think outside the box, develop imagination, form a creative attitude to the world around. Working with various art materials and manual labor trains fine motor skills, which is extremely important for young children.

What else needs to be considered when choosing a circle or section for a child?

Roman Alekhin, Alekhin Marketing Group and Partners

“I see two equivalent criteria. The first is usefulness for the future profession and the second is compliance with the desires of the child. It is these criteria that it is desirable to take into account so that the circle is not just wasted time and nerves of the child and parents. For example, we see how the world around us is developing and we see that in the future most of the work will be done by robots with artificial intelligence, respectively, this year I will take my 12-year-old son to circle of robotics and programming. Whether he will study there or not depends on the content, and on the teacher, and on how much it suits him. I will try to make it interesting for him, and so that he knows that it can be interesting not only football which he is interested in. No, no, I won’t take him away from football, he will also visit him 3 times a week, since development must be balanced and sports, especially team sports, develop not only physical strength, but also communication, trust and ability to work in team, which is very important for life and work in any field.”

Do not forget to take into account the territoriality of the institution that the child will attend. Will he be able to get to the place alone if there is no way to see him off? How much time will he spend on the road?

As the child grows up, each parent is faced with the question of its diversified development. Nowadays there are studios, circles and sections for every taste and budget. Psychologist Maria Efimova told how to make the best choice, taking into account the age, hobbies and inclinations of a particular person.

The time has come

Natalya Kozhina, Maria, at what age should a child be introduced to circles and sections?

Maria Efimova: Psychologists recommend an age of 5-6 years. This is the optimal time when the child is ready to learn, listen to an adult and repeat "the right way." Until then, let the baby fulfill his creative aspirations: draw something of his own, sing, invent stories.

- How to understand what your child likes, and in time to direct his efforts in the right direction?

- At an early age, the interests of the child are just beginning to emerge, so the question of what he likes and what does not solve the problem. Most children enjoy doing a variety of things. A more pronounced tendency to any direction is manifested only in adolescence.

Until then, this approach will be correct: try to develop your child in all directions. Let him try modeling, and dancing, and some kind of sport, and playing musical instruments, and sewing a soft toy, and drawing. Such diversity will help to understand his inclinations. Watch your child while playing - you may notice a pronounced ability for something special.

Imagine you have a list in front of you: windsurfing, wakeboarding, scrapbooking (manual design of photo albums, - ed..) - and they are trying to find out from you which of the above do you like more? But you just don't know what those words mean! It is the understanding of what is behind each concept that will help to give an answer. Therefore, in order to understand the inclinations of your child, you must first introduce him to different types of activities and let him participate in them.

What to do if the child does not want to do anything at all?

- To answer this question, it is necessary to find out why this happens. Perhaps the child simply does not know what might be interesting for him there, or he does not have the experience of communicating in a team. In any case, forcing the baby to go where you see fit is a mistake that injures his psyche.

It should be remembered that there are socially active children and those who feel comfortable in a familiar environment, surrounded by familiar people. In order not to cause irreparable harm to the mental development of the child, you should not forcibly bring him “to people”, involve him in games or activities. The process of socialization should be soft and gradual. You can arrange to come to the studio and see what the kids are doing, and if the child is interested, take part. Perhaps it is important for the baby that during classes the mother is nearby, and not sitting in the corridor.

The main postulate: visiting the circle should bring pleasure to the child!

I do not want and I will not

- A standard situation for many children: at first, the child is passionate about something, and after a few lessons he says that he does not like going to the selected section. Should I persuade him to stay there?

- First, it is worth understanding why the child changed his mind. Talk to him about this in a calm atmosphere, find out what is the reason: something doesn’t work out, the head of the circle doesn’t like it, other children bully you, or the classes themselves are sluggish? It may well turn out that your baby is ahead of the main group in development, and the proposed tasks are not difficult enough to arouse interest - therefore, he begins to get bored.

Be sure to ask a school-age child which circle or section he would like to go to, do not just write it down according to your choice. Remember, there are no “right” or “wrong” creative pursuits. You should not force your child to attend any studio just because "all our friends go there" or "it's prestigious."

Having found out the reason, parents should either solve the problem or choose another place for classes. If the child is categorically against continuing his studies, then you should not force him. It is better to arrange with him to attend the last class in order to finally understand whether you will go there or if you should look for another circle.

- It happens that a child really wants to do, for example, ballet, but teachers are sure that he does not have the abilities for this. Is it necessary to follow the lead of specialists in order to avoid further disappointments?

- On the one hand, the presence of talent is a direct path to achieving significant success in the chosen field. Naturally, if you want a child to reach heights, he should be engaged in something that not only has a soul, but also has a predisposition. In addition, if there are no abilities, then your child is unlikely to be taken to prestigious schools and studios, no matter how great the desire. But this applies only to those sections where it is initially necessary to have certain skills.

On the other hand, the story of the famous Caruso who, as a child, was told by a singing teacher that he had no voice. And only the mother's faith in his talent helped the boy to believe in himself and continue his studies. She said, “Don't listen to anyone. You sing like the most beautiful nightingale in the world. I know that for sure!"

The support of parents is very important for a child. If he wants to dance, let him dance, even if he lacks plasticity. Yes, it’s not a fact that he will become a famous dancer, but at least he will be happy - and this is much more important!

- What is the optimal number of circles and sections?

- There can be as many of them as the child has enough time, strength and desire, and you have enough money. The main thing is not to lose contact with him. An overloaded child becomes lethargic, sleepy, loses initiative and interest in life. Be sure to monitor the condition and mood of your baby. How alert and active is he, does he have enough time to play? Wake-up call - if teachers complain that the child is sleeping in class, or you notice that he refuses to play even at home, because he is too tired and wants to rest.

Yes, the all-round development of the child is good and right. But it must go hand in hand with taking care of his physical and psychological health!

“Mugs and sections are a great way to develop talent,” many mothers say, and in some ways they are right. Especially if this is not only the desire of the mother, but also the child himself. The employment of the child is another plus of visiting the section. "He has less time for stupid things." And this is also true. It remains only to choose the very circle to which your student will go with pleasure.

How to choose a circle or section for a child

First, consider the desire of the child. Therefore, if you decide that it's time to choose a circle, talk about it with the "future talent" himself. Find out his interests and opinion on this matter. No need to insist if the circle is not to the liking of the child.

Secondly, consider the temperament of the child. Children are all different. Active fidgets will be more interested in sports sections, modest silent people are more suitable for more relaxed activities.

Thirdly, forget about fashion. The fashion for this or that circle is a fickle unit. Today it is fashionable to go in for sports, tomorrow - photography. Each circle is good in its own way.

Fourthly, get to know the teacher of the circle. The best way to understand how good a teacher is is to attend a class. Now the conversation is not about the fact that the teacher has a diploma of higher education, but rather about his abilities to pass on his knowledge to children in an interesting way. See how the classes are going. Fun and interesting or boring and quiet. Remember that this is not a lesson at school, not extra classes.

Circles and sections for schoolchildren


For boys, the choice is simply wonderful. After all, sport is not just health, but also strength. And what boy doesn't want to feel strong. Today, sports clubs are very popular among young people. Girls also play sports.

This section is suitable for you if the child is active, sociable and, of course, if he has an interest in sports. To date, the choice of sections is huge. It can be swimming, hockey, football, aerobics, etc.


No need to think that drawing can be interesting only for girls. Just remember how many great male artists the world knows. This does not mean that it is your child who will become Michelangelo. Most likely, he is a future person who understands art, who himself knows how to draw a little better than others.

But how many interesting things he can learn in the classroom! The fascinating world of art, trips to museums, the opportunity to express yourself through drawing.

Theater circles

Despite the fact that theater circles have not been popular lately, this is the easiest opportunity to instill in a child a love of literature and reveal their creative abilities. Many children, starting to go to the theater club, do not leave it until the end of school. After all, the atmosphere here is truly theatrical.

Theatrical circles are useful for the development of the child no less than others. They learn about great works of art in a simple way. They perfectly develop memory, teach them to express their thoughts beautifully, move gracefully, work in a team. A puppet theater also develops fine motor skills.

Literary circles

An interesting and fascinating world of literature will be revealed to your child at a literary circle. As well as at the theater circle, he will get acquainted with the great works of literature, improve his memory and learn to express his thoughts. He will be able to present his works to “criticism” (children like him). He will learn to correctly analyze and understand what he read.

Technical circles

Such circles are interesting, as a rule, only for boys, but there are exceptions. Build, cut, model various toys and objects, work with drawings and tools - all this will be taught by a technical circle.

And you will smile every time, seeing how your boy rejoices when in his hands another piece of wood turns into an airplane, a frame, or another object.

Mugs for girls

An alternative for girls will be circles where they learn to embroider, sew, knit, etc. The skills learned in these classes will be useful to her throughout her life. Make an original gift? Easily. Decorate the house or knit a trendy blouse? No problem. Not to mention the fact that hand-mei is increasingly gaining popularity and is highly valued.

Mathematical circles

No matter how useful such a circle is for studying, you should not forcefully send your child to it. This will lead to only one thing - an acute dislike of mathematics. Another thing is if your child really likes to calculate.

Here the child learns even more about mathematics, gets acquainted with interesting facts about this science, for which the teacher does not have enough time in the classroom.

Chess mugs

Do not underestimate chess circles for the development of the child. Not only perseverance and attention develops in these classes. In the form of a game, the child learns logic, analysis. Learns to compare and navigate the area.

Computer mugs

Well, what about without computer circles. The fascination of modern children with a computer is simply incredible. Sometimes it leads to disaster. But do not worry about your child during classes in computer circles. After all, in the classroom they do not just play games, but also get acquainted with the basics of computer science more deeply than in the classroom at school.