Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale with a dog for children. How to organize a children's party for the New Year of the Dog. Scripted roles

Description: The year 2030 passes under the sign of the dog. Our site offers a universal entertainment program for children, which is suitable for both a kindergarten and an elementary school or theater, a palace of creativity, a circle, etc.

Our scenario includes fun games, riddles, competitions, funny questions - and everything is about a dog.

So, let's begin.

Our New Year's guest - Druzhok


1. Buddy
2. Santa Claus
3. Snow Maiden
4. Baba Yaga
5. Snowman
6. Forest evil spirits (several children)

Act 1. Baba Yaga and Santa Claus

The evil Babka Yaga enters the hall and begins to scare the children:

Baba Yaga:
– Who is this smart guy who came to our fairyland? Did I, the mistress of this forest, invite you to visit me? I can't stand children, all kinds of boys and girls. Ugh! only drool and snot, screams and screams, laughter, running... But I’m old, and I’m tired of the noise! Oh, I’ll cast a spell, I’ll bewitch everyone, I’ll turn them into snags, I’ll kill them all!

/Starts spinning and spinning, waving a broom at the children, running around the hall, and scaring the kids/

Baba Yaga:
- Well, were you scared? Did you want to go to mommy and daddy? Leave while you're still alive!

/Father Frost comes into the hall/

Father Frost:
- Well, hag, what’s going on here? Have you ever decided to scare the kids and ruin their holiday? Now I’ll show you how to spoil the kids’ mood. Oh, I'll freeze it!!!

Baba Yaga:
- What are you doing, Santa Claus! I was joking! This is such a game! Tell me children, we played with you?

- No!

Father Frost:
- Kids won't lie! Well, Grandma Ezhka, hold on!

/Starts running after her with a staff, Baba Yaga runs away from him across the hall, and then completely runs away from the hall/

Father Frost:
- Oh, I’m tired of catching up with Baba Yaga. Treacherous old woman! Always ruins the holidays. Well, it’s okay, I’ll still have a preventative conversation with her. Now we need to start preparing for the holiday. My assistants, Snowman and dog Druzhok, have probably already wrapped all the gifts. All that remains is to put them in the magical self-propelled sleigh and hit the road.
- Granddaughter, Snowy! Friend! Snowman!
- Where are they all? I'll go look for my guys.

/Leaves the hall to look for his assistants/

Act 2. Snowman, Snow Maiden and Buddy

/The Snowman, the Snow Maiden and the dog Druzhok enter the hall./

Snow Maiden:
– What a great fellow you are, my friends, you packed all the gifts beautifully and tied them with ribbons! It's nice to see. The children will be delighted with our gifts. Where is Grandfather Frost? He's been wandering through the forest for a long time, he's worked hard, poor thing, he's probably tired of covering the Christmas trees and birches with snow.

– In the meantime, we’re waiting for grandpa, let’s play some fun New Year’s games with the guys!

- Let's! I brought a lot of fun games from the land of dogs that the kids will love!

Games for the New Year of Dogs for children

Game 1. ………….

………………is hidden……………………..

Game 2. ……………………

……………….in full version…………………….

Game 3. …………………………

………………….full version………………………….

Snow Maiden:
– What smart guys here! I'm delighted with them!
– And now I suggest you look in the magic mirror, what is Grandfather Frost doing?

/Takes out a magic mirror and turns off the light a little, the actors run away from the hall unnoticed/

Act 3. Santa Claus got lost

/Santa Claus walks through the forest and cannot find his way home, he is lost, the scenery is a dark forest, the moon, snow/

Father Frost:
- Hey, Snow Maiden! - echo: chka-chka-ka-ka-a-a...
- Aw! My friend! echo: zhok-zhok-ok-ok-ok...
- Hey, Snowman! echo: vik-vik-ik-ik...
“They are nowhere, no one answers, and I’m old, lost in the forest, I won’t find my way home, I guess I’ll be walking here until spring comes.” Oh, trouble, trouble, what would a holiday be without Santa Claus?

/Baba Yaga peeks from behind a tree and rubs her hands/

Baba Yaga:
- Well, Santa Claus, got lost in my forest? Serves you right. Let the New Year not come this time! And the guys will be left without gifts! These children, ugh, they are so disgusting, let them sit at home and cry! A-ha-ha-ha!

Father Frost:
- Shame on you! You are an old woman and you probably also have grandchildren?

Baba Yaga:
- My grandchildren are the evil spirits of the forest and swamp. You never invited them to the holiday. My entire family holds a grudge against you! And they never received the smallest candy as a gift!

Father Frost:
- Well, your guys are good dancers! Baba Yaga, let's make a treaty!

Baba Yaga:
- Agreement?

Father Frost:
- Agreement!
“Will you show me the way home, and I’ll invite your devils and kikimors to the holiday?” A? How do you like the deal?

Baba Yaga:
- Deal!

/Baba Yaga leads Father Frost out of the forest to the edge of his estate/

Baba Yaga:
- I owe you! Remember, I owe you a favor!

Father Frost:
- Yes, I remember, I remember. Bring your kids to us for a holiday on New Year's Eve!

/The cheerful Grandma-Hedgehog jumps like a frog out of the hall, dancing/

Snow Maiden:
- Hooray! Grandfather has been found! The mirror didn’t lie that you were lost and looking for your way home.

Father Frost:
– Thanks to Baba Yaga, if it weren’t for her, I would have stayed in the forest for the winter.

- Father Frost! It's time to harness the sleigh and go visit the guys!

- In places!

/Everyone seems to get into a sleigh and leave the hall/

Act 4. We've arrived!

/Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Buddy, Snowman enter the hall/

Father Frost:
- Hello guys!

- Hello!

Snow Maiden:
– Our journey has been long, but finally we are visiting you and we are glad to see you so smart, cheerful, and friendly! We brought you a lot of gifts and will put them under the Christmas tree for now. /Santa Claus puts a bag under the Christmas tree/

Father Frost:
– This time we are not alone with the Snow Maiden. Friends are with us: Snowman /Snowman bows/
– And the dog – Druzhok – a symbol of the coming 2030!

- Bow-wow! Guys, I'm glad to become your friend! I am a very cheerful dog, I know how to give a paw! Dance the dog waltz and sing songs! I also really love candy! /looks up mysteriously and licks his lips/
“I want to tell you riddles about me; whoever names the answer correctly gets candy from me.” Agreed?

Riddles from Druzhka

…………….in full version…………………….

The Snow Maiden gives candies to those who guess the correct answers.

Act 5. Gifts stolen

/While the dog is asking riddles, one of the kikimoras or the goblin secretly sneaks into the hall and steals a bag of gifts and runs away from the hall unnoticed/

- Well done boys! All the riddles have been solved!

Snow Maiden:
- Great! It's time to move on to the main thing - the round dance and gift-giving!

Father Frost:
-Where are the gifts?

- Oh, they're gone!

Snow Maiden:
- Guys, did you see who stole the gifts?

- Kikimora!

– Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, don’t be upset! I'll pick up the kidnapper's trail and find what's missing! /the dog runs away from the hall/

/Santa Claus sits down on a chair out of grief./

Snow Maiden:
- In the meantime, we are waiting for our friend, the guys and I will train to be brave and skillful. And we will hold cool competitions.

1 competition: “Multi-remote”

The task is for guests to name as many cartoon dog characters as possible.

Example options:

………………..15 options in the full version of the script…………………..

The winner with the most correct answers receives an incentive souvenir - a magnet, or a keychain with the symbol of the year - a dog.

2nd competition: “Dog professions”

The competition is similar to the previous version, but you need to remember not cartoons, but where dogs are used, in what areas of human activity. In other words: “professions of dogs.”


…………………..20 variations in the full version…………………………..

Snow Maiden:
– You are all great, you know a lot of good and useful things about dogs.
– Now let’s look in our magic mirror, how is our friend, Druzhka, doing? /takes out a mirror and all three of them look into it/

/the lights go out, the actors leave the hall/

Action 6.


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 299 R ub.

There is trouble at the residence of Santa Claus: The Dog is sick, and without her the holiday will not come, because she needs to take over the baton from the Rooster. What to do? The Snow Maiden helps answer this seemingly difficult question. And then - traditional competitions, reading poems and presenting gifts.


Development of artistry, acquaintance with the new symbol of the year - the Dog.


A decorated Christmas tree, rain on the ceiling, festive garlands, paper figures, snowflakes, tinsel.

Required attributes:

  • Letter from Santa Claus (hidden in the depths of the tree);
  • Attributes for games - paper snowballs, snowflakes, balloons, markers, clothes for snowmen;
  • Gifts, souvenirs.


  • Leading
  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden

Progress of the event


Today is a special day - today is New Year!
And Santa Claus will bring gifts to the children!
Today laughter and joy are present in everything,
Let's start our holiday soon!

Children enter the hall to the sounds of a cheerful New Year's song and dance.


Guys, my question won’t be very difficult for you:
Today is Women's Day? Or a children's day, perhaps?
Or maybe Defender of the Fatherland is our holiday?
What great day is today? Guess!

The children answer that it’s New Year.


Let the music play all day today!
After all, we are not the least bit lazy to dance, guys!

And the beautiful Christmas tree would be glad to dance itself,
But the winter beauty cannot do this.
Let's give diligence, diligence as a reward
We will sing her a beautiful and kind song.

Children sing a song about the Christmas tree and dance around it. Then they go to their places. The Snowman comes out.

Hi guys! Are you dancing? Do you sing and play?
And you don’t know at all that there won’t be a holiday!


And who said that the holiday is cancelled?
Baba Yaga? Blizzard? So it doesn't count!

Grandfather Frost recently sent us a telegram,
He notified all the children, fathers and mothers know about this.
And he wrote that he would come to us today,
He will bring us New Year's holiday in a magic bag.

Yes, by the way, Grandfather Frost will enter the hall now.
Probably, someone is waiting behind the door to call.

Guys, let's call him!

Children call Santa Claus.


Frost is probably tired, and he hasn’t taken off his hat yet,
He sat down or took a nap. We'll call you again.

They call Santa Claus again - he is not there.


I don’t believe that Santa Claus didn’t bring us a lot of gifts!
After all, he always keeps his word, something must have happened to him!

That's it, what have I been trying to tell you for the last hour?
You don't want to just listen - trouble! We're in trouble!

Grandfather Frost's dog is sick!
Looks like I ate too much ice cream yesterday!

He said that he couldn't live without her for a year
Get into your right turn:

After all, it is necessary for Cockerel
He gave his loud voice,
Meanwhile the Dog, barking loudly,
Vesti year gets the right!

And our dog got sick! Doesn't bark - just wheezes!
Even a new day can’t, let alone a year! - he will gain power.


What about the holiday?

We’ll have to cancel it, because without the Dog the year cannot begin!

The snowman leaves. The presenter walks past the Christmas tree and finds an envelope.


Guys, look what was on the tree:
Perhaps the Snowman forgot this envelope (examines the envelope).

It is written that the message is magical for the guys.
So this letter is probably from Moroz (opens, reads aloud)!

Now she can't bark, she can't walk,
No one will probably be able to help in this trouble.
Now I ask your forgiveness for this omission.
And I offer my sincere apologies. Father Frost"

Oh, guys, it turns out that the holiday is really cancelled...

The Snow Maiden comes out. Light music plays, girls dressed as snowflakes perform a dance, then go to their places.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys, Happy New Year!
I heard about our common misfortune only in passing:
I've been going on business trips for a week now,
And I practically don’t see my own grandfather.

Tell me, what is your problem?


Don't you know? Wow!

Can you imagine what the matter is:
The dog, the symbol of the year, is sick!

Snow Maiden:

How did you get sick? Why?


I don’t really understand everything myself:

Looks like I ate ice cream
And then my throat hurt,
Deciding to go for a ride on the skating rink, I tripped over a pothole,
And as a result, I got frostbite on my paws.

Now she can only be sad:
She can't bark or walk!

Snow Maiden:

What nonsense - he can’t walk!
Grandfather will still help her with this.
But he won’t be able to return her voice,
That's probably why I'm annoyed

And he wants to cancel the holiday:
You can't replace the dog...


Oh, if only this is the reason,
Then the guys and I will drive away the chicken year!
After all, both shouting and barking are masters!
We can beat black rock!

Snow Maiden:

Then let's call grandfather quickly!
If he hears, he will come right away!
Let's sing and dance,
Let's wave to him in greeting!

Sing a song about Santa Claus. At the end of the song, he enters with the Dog, the children wave to him.

Father Frost:

I hear, I hear! I know I know!
Here is my greyhound with me:
A faithful dog everywhere, in everything,
Only today it’s mute!
You guys will help
Should he take a year from the birds?


Well, of course, Santa Claus!
We will help - what's the question?
That's just the voice of the Rooster
We haven't heard yet!

Father Frost:

It will sound very soon,
In about 5 minutes.
We need quickly, and without disputes,
And start barking together.

Ready? Well, let's get to it then,
So that the Dog takes over the year!

A recording of a rooster crowing is turned on. Children should bark so as not to drown out these sounds. After a short pause, the recording starts again. So - 3 times.

But you saved me from an unhappy fate,
Healed from severe pain!
How can I thank you?
What is so interesting to give as a keepsake?


We do not need any reward:
The main thing is that parents are near,
So that happiness does not forget the way to us,
And the tears didn't come to my eyes

So that luck illuminates the path of our life,
So that the fatherland does not have enemies.
But you never know what else you can wish for,
Give us only what you can give!

Well, let this bright year
For you it will only be joyful,
May good luck await you
On the way - accompany success!

Well, now it’s time for me to go to the Rooster,
So that he gives his plow:
Now I will plow like a horse for a year,
May the year be nothing but good for everyone (leaves).

Father Frost:

Now you can really have fun
And share a good mood!

They sing round dance songs and conduct musical

games and competitions:

  • "Dance with Frost" While the music is playing, the children pass Santa Claus' staff around in a circle. The one who has the staff when the music stops dances with Frost.
  • “I’ll freeze it.” Santa Claus is going to freeze a certain part of the body. For example, cheeks. The Snow Maiden helps the children - she shows through her actions what needs to be closed. When Frost approaches, children cover this part of the body with their palms so as not to freeze it.
  • "Snowballs." Children are divided into 2 teams and throw paper balls - snowballs - at each other.
  • Children are divided into teams. Their task is to assemble a snowman from balloons while the music is playing, dress him and draw his face.
  • "Metelitsa". There was a strong snowstorm that scattered a lot of snowflakes. Now there are big snowdrifts everywhere, making it difficult for people and animals to move. The children's task is to collect all the snowflakes into a magic bag while the music is playing.

Father Frost:

Boys and girls
I'm very tired,
You don't want to tell
Poems for me, by the way?


My year has flown by! We must pass the baton to the Dog. Santa Claus and the Dog are waiting for me at the holiday, I need to hurry.


I am a famous bird
The whole country is proud of me!
Everyone likes me, I won't hide it
I wake everyone up with a song at dawn.
Business, handsome me!
You see, friends!

The Fox runs out.

Greetings, dear Cockerel! Where are you going this early? I see that he’s already put on his formal caftan and put on his boots.

I’m going to the children’s holiday, where Santa Claus is waiting for us all. At the holiday I will return the staff to Santa Claus, and he will give it to the Dog. My year is already coming to an end, the Year of the Dog will soon come.

Dogs? What will you tell the dog? What staff?

Fox, you remember that last year Santa Claus entrusted me with his staff and ordered me to rule for a whole year. A year passes. I must return this staff to Santa Claus, and he will give it to the Dog.

Santa Claus's staff?! Yes, yes, I remember! And where he?

I have! And you, Lisa, will also go to the holiday, let’s go together, it’s more fun together.

I, Petenka, will come too. But first I want to dress up better - wear rowan beads. You look so handsome, I want to dress up too. You go, and I will follow you. I'll catch up with you in about three minutes. I'll run home and put on my beads! I'll be there in a jiffy!

The fox runs away. The rooster takes out a staff (a shiny stick) and sets off singing.


Look, people!
I ruled the world all year!

I'm wearing a caftan with a pattern,
My boots fit me
Oh yes, I am the Golden Comb Cockerel!

Suddenly a Fox, dressed as a Dog, runs out to meet the Rooster.

Woof! Woof! Hello Rooster! Where are you going?

Greetings, Dog! I'm in a hurry to go to the holiday, where are you going? Let me guess! I think that you are also in a hurry to go there.

You guessed it! I heard that you, Cockerel, are very smart, I see that it is so!

Well, it is what it is! And you, Dog, apparently are not stupid either, since Santa Claus gives you the staff.

With you, Petya, I can't compete. You, they say, make friends with the Sun.

Yes! Every day I wake up the Sun with my singing!

That's how! So it's you, Petya, waking up the sun. And I thought you were alerting everyone about his awakening.

ROOSTER(a little embarrassed)
Well, you could say that. The sun and I wake up at the same time. That the Sun wakes me up, then I wake him up.

Petya, how daring you are! I'm so glad to meet you. I am glad that I accept the staff from you. Give me the staff here!

No, Dog! I have to give this staff to Santa Claus, and he himself will hand it to you.

FOX-DOG(to the side)
Here's the trouble, I couldn't get the Rooster.

FOX-DOG(to the rooster)
Ah well! Well, then let's take this staff to Santa Claus. Petya, they also say that you are a master of singing!

Sing, dear Cockerel!

There is no time, and it’s not convenient. I have to get up and spread my wings.

So get up and spread your wings.

Yes, I’m carrying a staff!

And I'll hold him. You, Petya, be sure to sing so that everyone in the forest seven miles away will hear you and understand that you are going to a holiday.

OK. I'll sing. Here, hold the staff.

The Rooster handed the staff to the mummered Fox, music began to play, the Rooster flapped his wings, and the Fox disappeared with the staff. The rooster crowed three times, turned around, but there was no FOX-DOG.

Where, where, where did she go?

The Wolf comes out.

Why are you rooster clucking like a chicken?

Wolf, dear, the year of the rooster is ending, I went to the holiday, carried a staff to Santa Claus, and the Dog tricked me into asking him for it, and disappeared with it! What should I do?

By cunning, you say?

Yes, she asked me to crow, and while I was spreading my wings, she asked me to hold the staff. I crowed, I look, and she’s already gone.

WOLF(examining the tracks)
That's right, the trail is gone. All traces are noticed. Do you remember what kind of tail the Dog had?

I do not remember. It seems long.

Do you remember what color this tail was?

Looks like he's red. I didn't really look closely.

It’s clear that you, Petya, as always, admired yourself.

No, I walked to myself, yes I walked. Hastened very much.

Okay, come with me. I think I can guess who stole your staff.

What's there to guess, I told you, the dog snuck away!

I don't think it was the Dog. Dogs do not cover their tracks with their tails.

Was it really Lisa? She's my girlfriend! How could she deceive me?

Well, let's ask her that. Went!

The Wolf and the Rooster went to look for the Fox.


The fox happily walks through the forest with a staff and sings a song.


How happy I am, how glad I am,
I am, of course, what you need.
I made everything okay
The Year of the Fox sounds encouraging!
Outwitted the rooster
Grandfather's staff was captured
I will rule the world.
And everyone should praise me!

Baba Yaga appears.

Foxy, why are you so cheerful today?

Why should I grieve? I have now become a ruler!

Ruler of what?

All over the world! My year is coming!

You're confusing something, Chanterelle! The Year of the Dog is coming. Of course, you look like a Dog, but you are a Fox!

Also, I look like a Dog! You will say the same, Baba Yaga! You are obviously quite old, comparing me to a Dog! I am the first beauty of the forest! Who is the Dog? Yes, some kind of crap!

BABA YAGA(sarcastically)
But the year that comes is the little one’s own, not yours.

How to say! Did you see this? (shows B-Y staff)

Staff! Yo-mine! Where did you get it from, Patrikeevna?

I outwitted the foolish Rooster! She took the staff. Now my year is coming.

Well, well, well, well... But I don’t smell the soup.

What other soup?

Soup from Petushka. Since you outwitted him, took his staff away, it would be better to send him to the soup, otherwise he will go to Santa Claus and complain about you. You know how powerful and formidable Santa Claus is: he can turn you into an icicle!

Oh, I scared you too! I’m not a fool, I dressed up as a Dog when I was fooling the Rooster. The Rooster thinks that the Dog has robbed him.

What does he think about you?

It was like I was going to a party.

Here! The Rooster will appear there, but you won’t be there. How do you mean to understand this? So that you are not suspected of a crime, come quickly, Little Fox, to the holiday, and listen with both ears to what they are saying, what they are going to do.

Yes, you're right, friend. Why am I sitting here with you? I'll run to the holiday soon. Where are my rowan beads? (Puts on beads). Where's my staff? (takes the staff)

Why else? Everyone will immediately understand who stole it from the Rooster. Give it to me, I'll take care of it for now.

No, I’m not a fool, I’ll hide it in the forest, so that no one will find it.

Now, that's right! I recognize my cunning friend. Well, run quickly.

And you, B-Ya, aren’t you going to the holiday? Let's go together. It's more fun together.

You go, and I'll follow. I'll catch up with you in two or three minutes. After all, I also have rowan beads, I also want to be elegant!

The fox runs away, and B-Ya sneakily runs after her. The fox hides the staff under the oak tree and runs away. B-Y sneaks up and takes the staff.


I live in a dense forest,
My life is long, my life is boring,
I'm not loved by anyone
And I want to rule everything!
Wonderful staff, you give me power,
Oh, I'll have fun, I'll have fun to my heart's content!
I won’t give the wonderful staff to anyone!
I am omnipotent, tra-ta-ta-ta-tam!


The Rooster and the Wolf are walking, the Bear meets them

Greetings, friends! Where are you headed? Isn't it for a holiday? I'm also in a hurry to get there. So I grabbed the guitar.

Hello, Mishenka!

Greetings, friend! We went to the holiday, but we had to return, now we are walking in circles, looking for the Fox. Have you seen her, Misha?

No, I didn’t see it today. What do you want with it?

It looks like she stole my staff.

How come?

She dressed herself up as a Dog and on the way to the holiday she stole the staff from Cockerel.

She can do this. What a cheat! Did you go to her home?

Went. She's not at home. We've already looked all around, she's nowhere to be found. And there is no one to ask, everyone has already left for the holiday.

Yes, we have to go, otherwise we might be late. Let's go, friends!

How can I go to the holiday without a staff? What will I tell Santa Claus?

I think we need to tell him the truth.

But I’m so smart, so dexterous, so skillful...

WOLF(interrupts the Rooster)
Yes, obviously not like that! Why are you so smart and skillful that you fell for a cheat?

Yes, apparently I’m not that smart, not that dexterous, not that skillful...

Don't be upset, Cockerel, you are who you are. The main thing is that you are not mean, like the Fox.

I have never done anything mean.

And this is the main thing! Let's go, friends! We'll sort it out there.
All three set off. They sing.


Today is a holiday for the guys,
Today is a holiday for the guys,
Let's hurry up for the holiday!

We'll all sing and dance,
We'll all sing and dance,
Under our lush Christmas tree!

And Santa Claus will congratulate us,
And Santa Claus will congratulate us,
Give us gifts!

He won't freeze us
He won't freeze us
We'll even be hot!

They come to the holiday. Here you will need to start a soundtrack with the cheerful voices of children. (Perhaps there will be a Bunny, a Squirrel, a Dog, or just children). The Cockerel, the Wolf and the Bear approach Santa Claus.

All three:
Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Hello, friends! Almost everyone has already gathered, but you were a little late.

It's because of me, Grandfather Frost. The Wolf and the Bear tried to help me.

Are you in trouble, Rooster?

Got it. My staff was stolen.

Who dared do this?

I thought it was a Dog, but it was probably a Fox.

Yes indeed Lisa! I've already studied all her habits. She covered all her tracks with her fluffy tail. It was the Fox, dressed up as a Dog.

Fox Appears

I hear people talking about me! Did you call me, friends?

Lisa, are you there? And we are looking for you all over the forest.

And where else should I be if not at a holiday! I love holidays so much!

Was it you, Fox, who stole the staff from Cockerel?

Staff? What other staff? Cockerel, was your staff stolen? Who could it be? What unheard of impudence!

Well, let’s not overshadow the holiday, let’s all sing our favorite New Year’s song together.

SONG “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Everyone joins hands together (facing the audience) and starts singing.
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest,

In winter and summer she was slim and beautiful.

The snowstorm sang a song to her: Sleep, little tree, bye, bye,
Frost covered with snow...

Then B-Ya bursts in with a staff.

Ahhh! Have fun! And now I will rule!
Look what I have! (shakes staff)

My staff! Oh you! You were following me! You stole my staff!

The fox rushes at B-Ya and tries to take away the staff.

BABA YAGA sings...


I'm the main character here.
So please respect me
Don't drag that stick
I will go for walks around the world with her. (Twirls the staff)
I will do miracles!
Come on, come on, shoot, Fox! (pushes Lisa away)
Just being Yaga is not enough for me,
I have now become a ruler,
I will arrange passions for you all:
I will bring misfortune this year,
I will smash everything, destroy everything,
Let's live more fun!

FOX(addressing Santa Claus and others)
Have you seen! What a cheek! She robbed me!

Well, one thief robbed another!

Yes, how can this be allowed! You heard what a new ruler promises us!

New ruler? Only the one who receives this staff from my hands can rule. And that’s not how it works.

How does this not work? It was in vain that I tried, I tracked down the Fox, and stole this staff.

It turns out that it was in vain.

Santa Claus, and you, hand it to me! (hands over the staff to Santa Claus)

No, Yaga, that will never happen. I trust only decent characters to rule the year. Now I will give it to the Dog. Doggy, your year is coming!

The dog approaches, DM passes the staff to it to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Hello everyone, friends!
I'm very, very happy
Accept a year on the board
And give grace to everyone:
Travel, fun,
Impact work, housewarming,
Health and good luck to everyone,
Lots of joy to boot.

Congratulations to everyone!
I wish you all happiness!
Celebrate the New Year in a fairy tale
Without sorrows and hassle!

The fairy tale is over!

We have other great ones

New Year's party script

“The Year of the Dog has come to us”
in the senior group


A wonderful day is coming

New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and inventions,

Fairy tale holiday for children!

So the palms are waiting to work

There are smiles on your faces

Throw away all your worries

We start having fun.

Entrance of children to the music of A. Chugaikina “New Year’s toys”


Happy New Year, May joy come to you. We wish you happiness and joy to all the children and guests.

We have been waiting for the holiday for a long time,

Winter has finally come

A Christmas tree came to visit us.

Happy New Year kids!


At the New Year's tree

Green needles.

And from bottom to top -

Beautiful toys.

Balls hang on the branches.

Magic lanterns,

And beads and snowflakes,

And blue ice!

Today near the Christmas tree

The round dance is spinning

And every needle

Sings on the Christmas tree.

4. New Year! New Year!

Music calls you to dance!

Let him spin around the Christmas tree

New Year's round dance!


Hold your hands tighter,

Stand in a wide circle,

We will sing and dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Round dance “Baby Christmas tree”.


On the wonderful holiday of New Year,

As always on days like these,

We'll light up the Christmas tree

New Year's lights.

Together we will say to you: Christmas tree, light up the lights!
Children. Christmas tree, light up the lights!
Christmas tree. They tortured me, it’s the same thing every year.

Children. Christmas tree, light up the lights!
Christmas tree. Yes, as much as possible! I want it to be different.


Does our Christmas tree want it differently? Well, what will be different?

To light the Christmas tree,
We have to try
Repeat all movements
And don't make mistakes.
Stomp your right foot!...
Slap your puffy cheeks!...
Wave your hand at the Christmas tree!...

Elka laughs.

Christmas tree. They made me laugh.

Leading. Did you make fun of the Christmas tree? It's just of little use. Well, let's try again. We all grabbed our ears and spoke together. (All the children say) Pull your ears down, come on, Christmas tree, light up.

(The lights on the tree light up.)


The Christmas tree flashed with lights,

Let's celebrate the New Year,

We invite you, Christmas tree,

All children. Dance with us.

Round dance “Small people are dancing near the Christmas tree today.”


Sit down, children, silence. The holiday continues.

Near the green Christmas tree

The fairy tale begins.


Come to us for the Winter's Tale celebration
The guest will appear alone.

In a white fur coat, in a white hat

Can you guess who she is?

The fluffy snow is spreading,
The street is white
And a blizzard blows.
……………….. (Winter) has come to us

Winter enters.

Winter. Hello my friends,

I came to you from a winter fairy tale.
I'm all snow and silver.
My friends - blizzard and blizzard
I love everyone, I’m kind to everyone!

Do you recognize me?

I am Zimushka-winter.

I'm so glad to see you
Seeing the sparkle of familiar eyes.
For a long time I walked out of a fairy tale,
I hurried as much as I could.

Leading. Zimushka, we are glad.

Look at our outfits.

But why are you alone?

Winter. I arrived a little earlier than Frost.

Santa Claus told me to play with you,

So that you don't get bored waiting for Grandfather.

There are a lot of games in the world, do you want to play, children?

There is one game for you

Under the name of chaos.

Game "Commotion".

(Children jump in all directions and sing: “Snow, ice, chaos, this is winter-winter.” As soon as the music stops, Winter says: “Get up in pairs, grow with your palms,” then with your noses, backs, elbows ...)

Winter. Dear children!
More than anything in the world

Today I want to invite you to the forest!
After all, in the forest today

New Year's holiday!
After all, there are a thousand miracles in the forest today!


Lead, Winter, hurry us to the forest,
We want fabulous miracles!

Winter. And to get into the magical forest, you need to sit in a magical sled and sing a song.

Song by A. Filippenko. Sleds.

The children sat down. Entrance of the Beasts


I hear snowflakes creaking! These animals are in a hurry to visit us!

The Dog enters.


The Year of the Dog has come to you,
Unlock the doors
Yes, welcome me well
Let's have a bone!
I will protect you
Protect from adversity
I will help you
And spread smiles!

Magpie flies in.

Tre-ke-ke, everyone knows me...

Here I am flying through the forest
I'm still collecting news.

Who are they, what do you need?

Leading. We are kids from kindergarten.

Wait, Soroka, don't talk!

Tell me what do you want?

Magpie. Like what? Holiday, fun. And of course, gifts! Where are they?

Leading. Wait, Soroka, Santa Claus hasn’t come yet, and you already have gifts!

Sit down, sit down.


Hello, friends. The hedgehog is me.

WITH The hedgehog looks at the sky:
What kind of miracles are these?
Hedgehogs are flying in the sky
And if you take it in your palms, they melt.
White snowflakes.

Leading. Hedgehog, We found ourselves in a magical forest.

Look at the hillock

There are Christmas trees nearby.

Children are Christmas trees.

Whole armfuls of snow
Winter gives us hats
And for fur coats, for scarves
It's pouring out stars and pieces of ice!
Look, girlfriends:
The edge has become fabulous!
We have painted toys
Forest dwellers give!
3 .

We are glad for the cold winter,
Thanks to her for the outfits
And the snowstorms came -
They dressed us in silver!

Smells like fresh tar

With a fragrant needle,

Oh, the aroma, I can’t resist,

Let's start dancing.

Dance of Christmas trees.

A hare comes out.

Hare. Changed the bunny's fur coats,
They scattered across the lawn.

Everyone has white fur coats.

Either bunnies or snow.

A fox appears to the music.

Song of the Fox.

Fox . I am a fox, I am a sister, a red-haired beauty,

Everyone likes the fox's fluffy, golden fur.

My best fur coat, look at me.

My fox look is so sparkling.

Cunning is a fox's best friend.

The bear comes out.

bear . I am furry, clubfoot,
I slept sweetly in the winter in the forest,
But I heard joy
And got up quickly.
Tired of sleeping in a den,
I want to walk my legs!
The bear wants to dance
The bear wants to play.

Dance of the animals.

After the dance, a snowman runs in.


You forgot the Snowman

They weren't invited anywhere.

I'm angry with you.

I'll freeze you now. (stomps his feet)
Leading. Snowman! Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't get angry

Snowman. I will, I will be angry

I will, I will boil

Leading. If you don't stop, you'll melt immediately.

Snowman . Oh, it’s really hot for me, I’m not used to living in the warmth.

Leading. Guys, help, wave at the Snowman.

(children blow on the snowman)

How great you waved, but I’m still offended.

Leading. What should we do, friends? We can't get angry. There is an urgent need to make peace. Snowman, smile and dance with us.

Round dance by L. Olifirova. “Snowman, you are so good.”

Leading. Our dance, that's it,

She managed to make us friends!

Winter. Well then, mischief makers,

Let's play in the snow!

I'll catch up with you all and throw snowballs at you! (Throws a few snowballs at the guys)

Leading. Come on, kids! The game begins!

Dance - game "Snowballs".

If you have a snowball in your hands, dance with me, my friend. Spring, snowball ahead

If you have a snowball in your hands, dance, my friend.

Let's knock our feet and celebrate the New Year. stomp

We will squat together and swing the snowball at the top with a spring

Well, let's spin around and make friends with the winter girl, spinning
And now, my little snowball, let’s play, you and I throw snowballs, then put them in a basket.

Leading. One, two, three, collect all the snowballs. (Children sit down)

Leading. Let's continue the celebration

Invite Santa Claus to visit. Let's call him.

Children call Santa Claus

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost .

Good afternoon, my friends!

I have come a long way.

I hurried, got lost on the road,
But I still got to you.
I went around all the possessions,

Brought beauty everywhere.
Ground covered with snow
Everything became white in the fields.
The birch trees sparkle with frost, and the trees in fur coats flaunt.
Happy New Year, I congratulate you
I wish you all great happiness!
May you have a merry new year

It will bring joy to all of you!

(draws attention to the Christmas tree)

Oh, what miracles

This is how good the tree is!

And dressed up and decorated,

And the lights are already burning on it.

Leading We have been waiting for you for so long, we recognized you by your steps, Grandfather!
For a whole year we remembered how we danced with you, Grandfather!

Come join us in a round dance soon.

Let's celebrate the New Year together with a sonorous song.

Round dance "Santa Claus in the music hall"

Leading. Once you get into our circle, stay here! You can't escape, Frost! No matter how hard you try!

Father Frost.

How can you not let me out?! And now I’ll take it and go out!

Game “We won’t let you out.”
Father Frost.

Eh, I love to scare you with frost,

Test your strength and endurance. Aren't you afraid of frost? (answers)

As the snowstorms begin to blow,

As the frost begins to crackle,

Close the windows, doors,

Take care of your ears and nose!

Game "I'll freeze"

He runs up to the children, tries to touch their hands, knees, nose, cheeks….
Father Frost. What should you do, my friends, to get out of the circle?

Leading. We need to play with us. We don't want to be bored!

Santa Claus, don't yawn, play games with us!

Game Frosty Snowdrift

Father Frost.

Well, children, do you like winter?... yes

Father Frost.

I have real snowballs in store for you, would you like to play with me?

(addresses the presenter)

Recruit your team, and I’ll recruit mine.

Game "Funny Chair"

(5 chairs - 6 children, running around the chairs, when the music stopped, whoever had time sat down)

Father Frost.

Come on, guys, let's play one more game

“Who is more likely to hit the drum?”

2 real small drums are used, which lie on chairs in front of children standing in 2 columns. Two children run to the drum at a signal. They hit him with a drumstick and pass it to the child standing in the column.

Father Frost. Oh yes, well done! How fun we played! This is my favorite instrument. Now I can’t resist and will also play for you. Give me the drum.(they give you a small one) Yes, this drum is too small for me, I don’t even see it.(they give more, it’s also not suitable)Please help me bring my drum.
(they bring a drum)

Father Frost. (sings to the tune of “Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles...”)
This drum is loud
This drum is loud
Very bright and very big,
To avoid boredom
I took the sticks in my hands
And now I will play for you with my soul.
I play the drum
The boys are in full view
New Year is a fun holiday
Only once a year.
(breaks through the foil on the drum)
Leading. Grandfather, what have you done? Father Frost. Yes, don't be so sad!
My drum is not easy, because it is not empty inside.
Look into the drum and find gifts there!
Handing out gifts.

This classic New Year's script for a children's matinee for primary school students for the Year of the Dog 2018, which the modern author Evelina Pizhenko wrote especially for the New Year's holiday, really liked the site. We hope you like it too. Thanks to the author!



This scenario is perfect for a school New Year's party. The action develops in the classic New Year's style: an uncomplicated plot, a logical transition from action to round dances and games, and the absence of complex stage moves. The number of characters can be either minimal or unlimited - at the discretion of the director, and depending on the number of young artists. Entire classes can participate in the performance, which allows for the largest number of children to be engaged.

School amateur performances, in addition to the performances of the heroes themselves, will fit perfectly into this scenario.







PLUSH TOYS: BUNNY, FOX, BEAR, KITTEN, WOLF (unlimited quantity).


The action takes place either in a large hall near the Christmas tree, or on stage, suggesting further participation of the audience. The scene is a fabulous New Year's forest.

Oh, you winter soul!

How good are you!

Everywhere is soft and white,

Rivers are pure glass!

Forest and field, all around

Dressed in white fluff!

The air is fresh and frost

Slightly pinches the nose.

Well, and most importantly - just about

There will be a holiday - New Year!

Baba Yaga and Izbushka appear on the stage. They dance. Baba Yaga sings “Babkiyozhka’s ditties.”

Grandmother's Ditties (to the tune of "Babok Yozhek's Ditties")

Notice the snowstorm on the road

So that Yozhka doesn’t get bored.

Eh, dance, chicken legs,

Let's be naughty!

Last year, in February

I was flying on a broomstick.

Yes, there was a problem -

Oh, I touched the wires!

The full lyrics of the song are in the full script.

Baba Yaga and Izbushka dance, then fall to the ground.

BABA YAGA (fans herself). Wow, I got a little naughty today! I got upset! What other entertainment does grandma have? To unleash witchcraft, to create a blizzard, to confuse the paths and roads! What an idea! (Gets up and begins to cast magic.) Chufyr!.. Chufyr!.. Valerian ammonia!.. Sweep some snow! Hit the forest, blizzard!.. Wow!.. Wow!.. (runs around the stage again, causing a blizzard). This will be fun for travelers! (Freezes, listens). Quiet! Looks like someone is coming! Or he’s going... We’re hiding!

Baba Yaga makes a sign to the Izbushka, they run away together, “hiding” either behind the tree or behind the scenes. The Snowman appears on the stage. As an option, he rides out on a bicycle or scooter, to which a sled with a huge red Bag is tied. On the Bag it is written: “Gifts”. The snowman stops and wipes the “sweat” from his forehead. Looks around.

SNOWMAN. This blizzard is spinning! Everything was swept away, all the paths, all the paths, nothing to be seen! (Looks around). What to do, how to find out if I’m going there? Everything around is white and white! What if you wait until everything calms down?.. No, you can’t! I'm bringing New Year's gifts! We spent a whole year preparing them in our toy workshop! We've been trying all year to have something to give the kids for the New Year! What will I tell Santa Claus?

SONG OF THE SNOWMAN (To the tune of “Clouds, white-maned horses”)

I have been serving Frost for a long time,

My profession is this:

I'm sending out New Year's mail

And I deliver gifts to the children.

Snowman, he is responsible at work.

Postman - you won't find anything like this.

Don't look that I'm stupid

After all, seriously

Mine rates the level

Father Frost.

Having sung, the Snowman walks around the Bag, checks the knot, touches it, corrects it.

BABA YAGA (at this time she looks out from her hiding place and rubs her hands). I successfully misbehaved! What do you say is in the bag? Gifts?.. I love this! (Hides for cover again.)

SNOWMAN. No, no matter what you say, I can’t be late! You need to deliver this bag to Santa Claus on time! And he can’t do without this bag! It contains sweet candies, funny animals, and Christmas tree decorations! The guys are waiting for gifts, which means I have a big responsibility! I'll go and look at the road! (Leaves).

Baba Yaga runs up to the bag and rubs her hands again. She unties the bag, looks inside, then, pleased, begins to dance around the bag.

BABA YAGA. Candy-lambs-and-and!.. Hares and monkeys-and-and!.. A whole bag of gifts! And all for me, for me, Little Yagusenka! Here, I’ll have something to drink fly agaric tea with! Your sworn friends... ugh! Bosom buddies... treat. Should I invite them to visit?.. So... (Bends his fingers). Koshchei the Immortal, Bayun the Cat... Although, no, this cat is molting too much! It will only ruin my holiday skirt! Who did I choose? On Koshchei the Immortal? Damn sclerosis! I forgot that he doesn’t like sweets! Why should I have such guests? Should I call Zmey Gorynych?.. (thinks). So he has three heads! You can't get enough candy for them! Maybe with Kikimora... (Looks into the bag again). Not enough sweets for such a crowd! Well, this Leshy, to the devil! I won’t invite anyone, let only me, my beloved, get all the candy!


Baba Yaga tries to pull the bag away, but it is too heavy.

BABA YAGA. Wow, can't budge! And even with my bone leg... (Calls). Hey, hut! Come on, stand in front of me like Mars in front of the Moon!

Izbushka appears on the scene. He stops near the bag and nervously taps his paw.

BABA YAGA. Well, did you stare at the FAQ? Pull, come on! (The hut demonstratively turns away.) Ugh! Sclerosis again... I completely forgot about your rheumatism! What to do... (looks into the bag again, reasons). What do we have here... Candy, toys... Why does grandma need toys? Throw them away, and that's it, the bag will become lighter!

Baba Yaga tries to get toys out of the bag, but grabs her back.

BABA YAGA. Eh, also damn sciatica! Got it again! We'll have to resort to witchcraft! Let these animal toys run away through the forest on their own, and I’ll have less trouble! (He casts a spell and waves his arms.) Chufyr... Chufyr... Burst, soap bubble... Scare away, Yaga, both the bear and the fox in the forest... The wolf, the hare and the cat... The mouse, the raccoon and the mole... Run away, forest people... Give Grandma Yozhka passage!..

The light blinks, Toy Animals (Bunny, Fox, Wolf, Bear, Kitten, etc.) appear on the stage. They look around in fear, huddling together.

Bunny. Oh, how scary!

KITTY. Oh, how cold it is!

FOX. How dark!

BABA YAGA (chuckles maliciously). Look, you got scared, you teddy bears! Probably no darker than what’s in your bag! Oh, well, shoot!

BEAR. I want to go back to the bag! It 'warm over there…

WOLF. I want too!

ANIMALS (in unison). And I want!.. And I!..

BABA YAGA. What did you forget in your bag! Do you even know where they are taking you?!

Bunny. We know! For gifts for children!

ANIMALS (in unison). Yes! We are gifts! We are New Year's gifts!

SONG OF ANIMAL TOYS (to the tune of “Our Summer”)

In appearance we are ordinary toys,

Plush cute animals,

Bears, wolves, bunnies, frogs,

And foxes and cats

La la la la la,

La la la la…

The full lyrics of the song are in the full version of the script.

Animal toys sing and dance. Afterwards the songs come together again.

BABA YAGA. Eh, you stupid ones! Your heads are synthetic! Do you at least know what fate awaits you there! They will give you to various nasty girls and boys! They will tear off your paws, tails, noses! And then they’ll just play and throw it away! And Grandma Yagushka set you free, free! You should thank me forever now!

KITTEN (scared). Is that really true?!

FOX. And they told me that they would give me to a good, kind girl...

WOLF. And me - a good, obedient boy...

ANIMALS (in unison). And me!.. And me!..

BABA YAGA. You have been deceived! Eh, you wretches! Run away quickly before your tormentor Snowman returns! When he comes back, he’ll put you in a sack again and take you to brutal punishment! Oh, well, run away as best you can!

Baba Yaga whistles with two fingers. The animals run away in horror in different directions, hiding between the spectators. Baba Yaga is happy and looks around. The hut digs the ground with its paw. Baba Yaga hugs the bag, then ties it to the Izbushka.

BABA YAGA. Eh, let's go, darling! (The hut tries to move, but sits down instead.) What are you talking about, your chicken paws, are you sitting down?! And, well, she walked with a cheerful gait! (The hut tries to get up, but fails. Baba Yaga puts her hands on her hips with displeasure.) How can I drag this bag away... (Raises thumb up). ABOUT! I came up with an idea! Let the candies come to my meadow themselves! Oh, well, jelly beans, get out of the bag too!

The light blinks again. On stage - Baba Yaga, Izbushka and Candy.


BABA YAGA. Look, what beauties! And probably delicious! Step march to my clearing! (The candies huddle together in fear.) Who am I telling this to?! Oh, well, step by step! Run, she said! Where?! Where?! Not there! (Baba Yaga angrily slaps herself on the sides, then begins to catch the Candy again. Izbushka tries to help her, but only gets in the way. As a result, not a single candy remains on the stage. Baba Yaga angrily kicks the sled with an empty bag, then turns to Izbushka) . Bad day today! Let's get away! Maybe we'll catch someone on the way!

Baba Yaga and Izbushka leave. The Snowman appears on the scene again. He looks confusedly at the empty bag, looks inside, under the sled, but finds no one.

SNOWMAN. What is this?! How is this possible?! Where is this?! (Runs around the stage, slapping himself on the sides). Where are the toys?! Where are the animals?! Where are the toffee barberries?! Chocolate marmalades that are healthy and sweet for us?! Where did everyone go? What will I bring to Santa Claus now?! There is nothing left of gifts for the kids!

The Puppy timidly appears from behind the scenes. He comes up to the Snowman and touches him with his paw.

PUPPY. I stayed! (The snowman turns and freezes in amazement.) By chance! When Baba Yaga began to cast her spell, I found myself in a snowdrift. I know what happened, what happened!

SNOWMAN. You...Who are you?!

PUPPY. I am a toy puppy! And now I’ll tell you everything!

SONG OF THE PUPPY (to the tune of “Song of the Baby Mammoth”)

We rode together, without quarreling at all,

Our journey was very pleasant and fun.

Our path is pleasant and cheerful,

Our path is pleasant and cheerful.

But then old woman Yaga appeared.

She said our fate is not sweet.

And why did we end up online?

And bad children are waiting for us.

And why did we end up online?

And bad children are waiting for us.

The full lyrics of the song are in the full version of the script.

To be continued...