Questions about the pension fund. The Pension Fund continues to answer citizens' questions. What rate of insurance premiums will employers pay

The issue of pensions is now more acute than ever. Many citizens of the Russian Federation complain that their pensions are not even enough to pay for utilities, not to mention living a full life, with the opportunity to retire somewhere to relax or buy something new for an apartment.

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Most people do not know that in addition to monthly payments to pensioners, the state also provides other types of assistance for its citizens who have reached retirement age.

General information

It's no secret that payments and other benefits to pensioners are provided by the Russian Pension System. It includes all legal, economic institutions and norms created by the Russian Federation to help senior citizens, the disabled and other categories of people applying for a pension.

In this form, as everyone knows it now, the pension system of the Russian Federation began to operate on January 1, 2015, it includes various norms for the formation and calculation of such pensions as: insurance, funded, state security.

There are several sources of financial support for which payments to pensioners in the Russian Federation are accrued.

The first type of such accruals is usually called labor pensions, there are more of them. Labor - the most basic type, which compensates wages, as well as other remuneration for the elderly, paying a monthly amount, which is calculated depending on the subsistence minimum.

The system of compulsory state pension provision appoints such payments in the event that a citizen made insurance contributions to the system of compulsory pension insurance within the allotted time. Then, upon reaching retirement age, the citizen himself will be paid out of the very funds that were formed with the help of these insurance payments.

The establishment of this type takes place in accordance with the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”.

Accruals for state pension provision constitute the second type of accruals. Payments for such beneficiaries come strictly from the treasury of the federal budget. This type is outside the system of compulsory pension insurance.

In order to qualify for such payments, it is not necessary to make mandatory insurance premiums, as in the first case, it is accrued in the event of other circumstances, the list of which can be found in the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-ФЗ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” .

insurance pension

This type is assigned in accordance with the achievement of a certain retirement age established by the Russian Federation. There are several types of insurance payments, such as an old-age insurance pension, a disability pension, as well as a third type - awarded if a citizen of the Russian Federation has lost a breadwinner.

Payments are accrued from the general fund of insurance pensions, formed from the payments of the person's employers. The insurance premium consists of two parts - joint and individual. A large part goes so that the state can pay the minimum fixed amount for other funds, and the individual part goes directly to the accounts of insured persons.

Old age insurance payments are accrued due to the fact that a person has lost his ability to work in a number of circumstances such as old age, in order to compensate for wages, as well as other potential benefits that an elderly person can no longer receive.

At the moment, men who have reached the age of 60, as well as women who have reached the age of 55, have the right to use old-age insurance accruals. But for this there is one more prerequisite: they must all have at least fifteen years of insurance, in other words, work experience, as well as 30% of the individual pension coefficient.

There are some categories of citizens who can count on pension accruals at an earlier age, such as police officers, various military structures, their entire list is indicated in articles 30, 31, 32, Federal Law No. pensions" .

In the form of labor, there are two parts - these are insurance and funded parts.

Pension issues for pensioners under 65

The issues of pension provision for pensioners are of concern to many citizens of the country. For those pensioners who do not have a permanent official job, there are some additional benefits in the form of an additional payment to the basic amount of accruals up to the value of the city standard, moreover, this surcharge does not depend on what type of accrual you receive, insurance or from the Russian Federation.

At the moment, the minimum income of non-working pensioners must be at least 12 thousand rubles, it includes the pension itself, as well as the amount of social supplement.

Another type of pension provision for pensioners is free travel on any of the proposed types of public transport, of course, except for taxis and fixed-route taxis. Which is also a pretty good bonus to the main amount of pension payments, helping to save retirees money.

If the pensioner refuses the previous benefit, he has the right to receive 173 rubles of additional payment monthly, this action takes place in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the event that the payment of utility bills is a certain percentage of the total income of the pensioner's family for a month, then in this case, there is a chance to receive various kinds of subsidies for utility bills.

It is also possible to receive a 50% payment for television services, if the pensioner lives alone or in a family that consists of persons who use a subsidy for housing and other utilities.

In the same case, you can receive a subsidy for paying for telephone communications in the form of compensation in the amount of 218 rubles. Also, non-working pensioners who are guardians of children under the age of eighteen are entitled to receive such social assistance.

Also, they have the right to free creation, as well as repair of dentures, except for the costs that go to precious metals and cermets.

If a man over 60 years of age or a woman over 55 years of age live alone in an apartment, the state helps home-based social and medical services in centers specially created for this.

This assistance is accrued to those pensioners who have temporarily or permanently lost the ability to independently satisfy the basic needs necessary for each person in a number of circumstances that have led to restriction of movement or the possibility of self-service.

Another type of social assistance is social services, which can be received during the day. This is if a citizen who has reached retirement age still has the ability to move and self-service.

Citizens who have suffered some life difficulties also have the right to receive material assistance, as well as assistance with food products and other products necessary for a comfortable life.

Citizens of retirement age who have partially lost their legal capacity, the ability to actively move, also have the right to stationary social services. Over single citizens who have reached old age, patronage can still be established. In the event that persons can no longer serve themselves in order to feel comfortable.

Another benefit for pensioners is the opportunity to clean their apartments if they are unable to do it themselves due to health reasons. To do this, you need to reach retirement age, as well as live in an apartment yourself.

Video: Where to transfer the funded part

State Security Payments

Not all categories of citizens have the right to receive a state pension. This is a monthly payment to which those citizens who have reached retirement age and who have lost income due to the termination of various types of services to the state, federal, military or civil, are entitled.

In this case, consulting a lawyer will help you understand what payments you are entitled to.

There are several types of pensions accrued on state pension provision - these are:

  • For the length of service that people who previously worked in the federal public service are entitled to receive, military personnel who have received the highest ranks, except for sailors, soldiers, foremen, are also entitled to state payments to cosmonauts and pilots.
  • By old age. Everything is clear here, you need to reach a certain age in order to be eligible for it.
  • By disability.
  • Social, for those citizens who do not meet certain standards in order to receive insurance payments. In turn, it also has three types of social for old age, social for disability and social, accrued in case of loss of a breadwinner.

Pension issues are one of the most difficult issues to consider, since the pension has several parts, it is difficult to calculate the size of the future pension yourself, since they are calculated using several coefficients at once. In order to finally deal with the various issues of pension provision in the Russian Federation, you need to have a large amount of experience in these matters, as well as thoroughly study each case separately.

Today, the size of an old-age labor pension primarily depends on the amount of insurance premiums that employers pay for an employee during their working life into the system of mandatory pension insurance. According to the current pension formula, seniority has practically no effect on the size of the pension.

The current procedure for calculating old-age labor pensions is unfair to the most economically active category of the population, to those who are going to lead an active working life for a long time. The egalitarian principle of calculating pensions leads to the fact that the labor pensions of citizens with an insignificant length of service are approximately equal to the pensions of citizens with a long insurance period.

The new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of pensions will make it possible to ensure the adequacy of pension rights to wages and to increase the importance of the insurance period in the formation of pension rights and the calculation of the amount of a pension. It is important that at the same time an acceptable level of the insurance burden on employers and the federal budget will be maintained, and the necessary conditions will be created for a balanced pension system.

What are the main parameters that will affect the calculation of pensions in accordance with the new procedure?

The amount of the pension will primarily be affected by:

– salary: the higher the salary, the higher the pension. If the employer did not make contributions for his employee to the mandatory pension insurance system in full (for example, in the case of paying "gray" wages), this earnings do not participate in the formation of pension capital;

- the duration of the insurance period: the longer the insurance period of a citizen, the more pension rights he will have, for each year of labor activity a certain number of pension coefficients will be accrued;

– the age of applying for an employment pension: the pension will be significantly increased for each year that has elapsed after reaching the retirement age before applying for a pension.

In the new rules for calculating pensions, such socially significant periods of a person’s life as military service, caring for a child, a disabled child, a citizen over 80 years old are counted in the length of service. For these so-called "non-insurance periods", special annual coefficients are assigned if the citizen did not work during these periods.

Will the retirement age be raised?

The retirement age will not increase. This issue is not even discussed. The generally established retirement age remains the same: 55 years for women, 60 years for men.

This creates significant incentives for later retirement. According to the new rules, it is beneficial for citizens to apply for a pension later than the generally established retirement age. For each year of later application for the appointment of a pension, its insurance part and fixed payment will increase by the appropriate coefficients.

For example, if a citizen applies for a pension 5 years after reaching retirement age, then the fixed payment as part of the insurance pension will be increased by 36%, and the insurance part of the pension by 45%. if in 10 years - the fixed payment will increase by 2.11 times, the insurance part - by 2.32 times.

Another example: if you apply for a pension in 10 years, then the fixed payment will be increased by 2.11 times, and the insurance part of the pension - by 2.32 times.

The funded pension will also increase, as the expected payment period, into which the amount of pension savings is divided to calculate the funded part of the pension, will decrease.

For whom is the new pension formula being introduced - for everyone or for those who are just starting to work?

Pension rights under the new pension formula will be formed in full for citizens who will enter the working life in 2015. With the introduction of new rules, the principle of maintaining pension rights remains mandatory: all pension rights formed before 2015 are fixed, preserved and guaranteed to be exercised!

Labor pensions of citizens who have already been assigned (will be assigned before January 1, 2015) will be recalculated according to the new formula. If, when recalculated according to the new rules, the amount of the pension does not reach the amount of the pension received by the pensioner as of January 1, 2015, then the pension will be paid to the pensioner in the same amount.

At the same time, in order to adapt to the conditions of the new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of the amount of pensions for future pensioners and employers who pay insurance premiums for them to the mandatory pension insurance system, transitional provisions are provided:

Increasing the minimum required length of service to qualify for a pension to 15 years and the minimum required number of individual pension coefficients to 30 by 2025;

An increase in the salary subject to insurance contributions to the level of 2.3 of the average Russian salary and a corresponding increase in the maximum value of the individual annual pension coefficient to 10 by 2021.

What to expect from the new pension formula for those who are already retired? Will the pension of current pensioners be recalculated, can it be increased or decreased?

For current pensioners, when switching to a new calculation procedure, the size of the pension will not decrease. It can grow among pensioners who have non-insurance periods in their seniority.

What parts will the old-age labor pension consist of after the introduction of the new procedure for calculating pensions?

After the introduction of a new procedure for calculating pensions, the old-age labor pension is transformed into an insurance pension and a funded pension.

A fixed payment will be established for the insurance pension (an analogue of the current fixed basic size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, its size in 2013 was 3,610.31 rubles).

The amount of the funded pension will be calculated by dividing the amount of pension savings by a statistical value - the expected payment period, determined by federal law.

What types of pensions are covered by the new procedure?

The new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of the insurance pension will apply to all types of labor pensions - for old age, for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner.

The grounds (conditions) for assigning an insurance pension for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner will not change. To assign these types of insurance pension, it is enough to have at least 1 day of insurance work experience.

The new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of an insurance pension does not apply to the formation and appointment of state pensions (social pensions, for long service, for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner). For citizens with seniority: disabled people of group I, citizens who have reached the age of 80, citizens who worked or live in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the pension will be assigned in an increased amount due to the increased size of the fixed payment, or the use of "northern" coefficients.

On the websites of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation there is a pension calculator that calculates the size of the pension using the new formula. Who is this pension calculator suitable for? And who is it not for?

The pension calculator is, first of all, a navigator for the new pension formula, a tool that allows citizens to understand the essence of the new procedure for calculating pensions and determine the factors that affect the size of their own future pension. The calculator allows you to evaluate the dynamics of the potential pension amount when certain conditions change - length of service, salary, the ability to continue working without applying for a pension upon reaching retirement age, as well as the impact of non-insurance periods.

The calculator is most effective for citizens who are just starting to work or will start working in 2015 and beyond - that is, for those whose future pension will be fully formed and calculated in accordance with the new rules.

Citizens who already have seniority today, using the calculator, should take into account that part of their pension capital was formed according to the previous rules. And in the real calculation of their labor pension, their pension rights will have to be converted into pension coefficients.

The longer a citizen worked until 2015, the greater the amount of pension rights he has already formed and the more, other things being equal, the size of his insurance pension will depend on the pension rights already formed before 2015. And, accordingly, the less will be the impact of the new pension formula on the size of his future insurance pension.

Therefore, the use of this pension calculator is not recommended for citizens who:

a pension has already been assigned, since when switching to a new formula, they will fully retain the amount of the previously assigned pension;

less than 3-5 years are left before the retirement age, since the amount of their future pension will be largely determined by the pension rights formed before 2015.

Also, the pension calculator is not applicable for military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, for individual entrepreneurs.

For citizens: disabled people of group I, citizens who have reached the age of 80, citizens who worked or live in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the insurance pension will be assigned in an increased amount due to an increased amount of a fixed payment, or the use of "northern" coefficients.

What does the "conditional" calculation of a pension using a pension calculator mean?

The calculation of a pension using a pension calculator is conditional, since it shows what kind of pension a citizen would have been “assigned” in 2013 based on the socio-economic indicators of 2013, provided that the citizen “earned” the specified length of service under the given procedure for the formation of his pension rights and calculation of the pension, and also that all the years of work received the same salary specified by him.

At the same time, the conditional amount of the pension is “calculated” according to the new pension formula in its target value, when the minimum length of service giving the right to a pension is 15 years, the contributory salary is limited to 2.3 of the all-Russian one, and the citizen has already chosen the tariff for the formation of pension savings.

What will happen to the funded pension and existing pension savings?

All already formed pension savings remain with the citizen. They will be paid in full, taking into account the income from their investment, when a citizen becomes eligible for an insurance pension and applies for its appointment.

The procedure for assigning and disbursing pension savings remains unchanged. To calculate the funded pension, the amount of pension savings is divided by the expected period of payment of the funded part of the labor pension. The period of expected pension payment is established by the Federal Law. The procedure for paying out pension savings (one-time payment, urgent pension payment, payment of the funded part of labor pension) will also be preserved.

The funded pension is not indexed by the state. The profitability of pension savings depends solely on the results of their investment, that is, there may be losses. In case of losses, only the payment of the amount of paid insurance premiums to the funded part of the pension is guaranteed.

Where is it better to direct the insurance contributions that my employer makes - to an insurance or funded pension? Which tariff to choose - 0 or 6%?

In 2014-2015, citizens born in 1967 and younger have the right to choose the option of pension provision in the mandatory pension insurance system: continue the formation of pension savings (tariff 6%) or refuse to further form the funded pension, thereby sending all insurance premiums that are for they are paid by employers for the formation of an insurance pension.

Having made a choice, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the Pension Fund of Russia.

If you have never submitted an application for choosing an NPF or a management company and do not make a choice in 2014–15, then all insurance premiums will go to the formation of an insurance pension.

In case of refusal to form pension savings, all previously formed pension savings will be invested and paid in full when you become eligible for a pension and apply for it.

When choosing a pension option, it is important to know that by making a decision to form a funded pension, you reduce the pension rights to form the insurance part, and vice versa.

If you refuse to form pension savings, the maximum annual pension coefficient is 10, if you continue to form - 6.25 (from 2021).

The insurance pension is annually increased by the state at a level not lower than inflation. The funded pension is not indexed by the state. The profitability of pension savings depends solely on the results of their investment, that is, there may be losses.

In case of losses, only the payment of the amount of paid insurance contributions to the funded pension is guaranteed.

Will pension rights earned before the entry into force of the new pension formula continue? How will pension rights earned prior to 2002 be converted to rights earned from 2002 until the new formula takes effect?

All pension rights formed to date will remain, and in no case will their size be reduced. This is the basic approach that guided the development of a new procedure for the formation of pension rights and the calculation of pensions.

In order to introduce a new procedure for the formation of citizens' pension rights and the appointment of a pension from January 1, 2015, during 2014 the conversion of citizens' pension rights formed before January 1, 2015 will be carried out.

The conversion will be carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia. The conversion will be carried out on a non-declarative basis. Citizens do not need to contact the FIU for this!

The PFR personalized accounting database contains all the necessary information about the estimated pension capital, length of service and wages of each participant in the mandatory pension insurance system in order to recalculate his already formed pension rights into pension coefficients.

How will insurance pensions increase after the adoption of the new formula? By what rules?

As before, the insurance pension will be guaranteed to increase by the state at least according to the growth in consumer prices over the past year (not lower than inflation). Also, the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension will increase annually due to inflation.

The increase in the size of the funded pension will depend on the level of income when investing the pension savings of a citizen by a management company (APF).

How many years of service and how many pension coefficients will you need to have to qualify for an insurance pension? What will live in old age those who do not earn the minimum required length of service?

From 2024, the minimum insurance period for receiving an old-age insurance pension will reach 15 years. At the same time, in 2015 it will be 6 years and will increase by one year every year. Those who by 2024 will have an insurance period of less than 15 years will have the right to apply to the FIU for a social pension, but at the age of 60 (women) and 65 years (men), while the right to an insurance pension arises at 55 and 60 years respectively.

The second condition for assigning an insurance pension upon reaching retirement age is the need to form pension rights in the amount of 30 pension coefficients.

If a citizen is recognized as disabled in the prescribed manner, then he is immediately assigned a pension - insurance (if he has at least one day of labor (insurance) experience) or social (if there is no experience at all).

The new formula should motivate people to retire later. How profitable will it be to retire later? What pension supplements will be for a long insurance period?

According to the new rules, leaving later than the generally established retirement age will be beneficial. For each year of later application for a pension, the insurance pension will be increased by the corresponding premium coefficients, but not more than 10 years.

For example, if a citizen applies for an insurance pension three years after reaching the generally established retirement age, the fixed payment will be increased by 19%, and the insurance pension by 24%. And if the length of service beyond the retirement age without applying for a pension is 10 years, then the fixed payment will be increased by 2.11 times, and the insurance part - by 2.32 times.

Coefficients for calculating a labor pension if a citizen does not apply for a labor pension after reaching retirement age:

Number of years after becoming eligible for an old-age insurance pension*

Fixed payout

The insurance part of the pension

*No more than 10 years. If more, then the coefficient is applied as for 10 years.

What non-working periods will be counted in the length of service according to the new formula?

In the new rules for calculating a labor pension, the following socially significant periods of a person's life are counted in the length of service:

The period of military service, as well as other service equivalent to it, provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On pensions for persons who have completed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families”;

The period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years;

The period of receipt of benefits for compulsory social insurance during the period of temporary disability;

The period of care of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years (4 children in total), but not more than 6 years in total;

The period of receiving unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another locality for employment;

The period of residence of the spouses of military personnel serving under a contract, together with their spouses, in areas where they could not work due to the lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;

The period of residence abroad of the spouses of diplomats and consuls, but not more than five years in total.

Will early retirement pensions be maintained from January 1, 2015?

Early pensions will be preserved in full.

An employee who has the necessary length of service in hazardous or hazardous work will have the right to a labor pension before reaching the generally established retirement age.

Currently, a draft law on the gradual transformation of the institution of early pensions into corporate pension systems has been submitted for public and expert discussion. The bill provides incentive mechanisms for employers who offer their employees in hazardous and hazardous industries to participate in corporate pension systems, which provides citizens with additional pensions in addition to mandatory pension insurance.

What rate of insurance premiums will employers pay?

Nothing will change in the payment of insurance premiums. The rate of the employer's insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for insurance and funded pensions will still be 22% of the base for calculating insurance premiums up to the maximum taxable base, the amount of which is indexed annually by the state (+10% of the amounts exceeding the threshold from which insurance premiums are paid) .

In 2013, the maximum annual earnings amounted to 568 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 624 thousand rubles. At the same time, a gradual increase in the maximum wage, from which insurance premiums are paid at a rate of 22%, from 1.6 to 2.3 of the average wage in the Russian Federation is envisaged - within 7 years with a step of 0.1 per year. This is done to ensure that the old-age pension for higher-paid workers is formed in an amount adequate to their earnings.

Will the new formula be introduced immediately or is there a gradual transition to the new rules for calculating pension rights?

It is planned that a new procedure for the formation of pension rights of citizens and the appointment of an old-age labor pension will be introduced from January 1, 2015. At the same time, new rules for calculating pensions in full will be introduced:

– in 2021 in terms of bringing the maximum taxable salary, from which insurance premiums are paid at the rate of 22%, to the level of 2.3 of the average Russian salary and bringing the maximum value of the individual annual pension coefficient from 7.39 in 2015 to 10 – in 2021 ;

– in 2025 in terms of bringing the minimum required length of service for obtaining the right to a pension to 15 years and the minimum number of formed pension coefficients from 6.6 in 2015 to 30 in 2025.

The new rules for calculating pensions in full will be in effect for citizens who start working in 2015.

Will the “northern” coefficient currently applied to the fixed basic labor pension be canceled from January 1, 2015?

Currently, the "northern" coefficient increases the fixed basic size (FBI) of the insurance part of the labor pension. After the introduction of the new procedure for calculating pensions, a fixed payment will also be assigned to the insurance pension - an analogue of today's fixed base amount. Thus, the “northern” coefficient will remain and will increase the fixed payment by the corresponding regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the area of ​​​​residence for the period of residence of the “northerners” in these areas.

The same rule will apply to the pensions of pensioners who have moved from an area with normal natural and climatic conditions to areas of the Far North or areas equivalent to them.

Will social pensions still be paid in Russia? And social supplements for pensions up to the subsistence level?

The new pension formula will not apply to the appointment of state pensions - it is intended solely for the appointment of pensions to citizens with seniority.

At the same time, if the total amount of material support for a non-working pensioner does not reach the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of his residence, he will continue to receive a social supplement to a pension up to the PHC in the region. When calculating the total amount of material security for a pensioner, all types of pensions, monthly cash payments (including the cost of a set of social services), additional material security and other measures of social support are taken into account.

Will the expected period of pension payment change in the new pension formula?

The indicator "expected period of payment" when calculating the insurance pension for periods of insurance service after January 1, 2015 will not be applied.

At the same time, the procedure for calculating the funded pension will remain the same, and the expected payment period will be used. To calculate the funded pension of citizens retiring upon reaching the established age, today it is 228 months. If, for example, one applies for the appointment of the funded part of the labor pension three years later than reaching retirement age, then the amount of pension savings is divided by the expected period of payment of the pension, reduced by 36 months. This figure is annually approved by federal law.

How will annual pension coefficients be calculated if a person has been working at two jobs since January 1, 2015?

According to the sum of two salaries and, accordingly, insurance premiums paid from them. At the same time, the annual pension coefficient in any case cannot exceed the value of 10 per year (10 in 2021, 7.39 in 2015).

How will the pensions of individual entrepreneurs and other categories of the self-employed population be calculated?

The same is true for employees' pensions. The old-age labor pension will be transformed into an insurance pension and a funded pension. A fixed payment will be established for the insurance pension. The amount of the funded pension will be calculated in the same way as the funded part of the labor pension is calculated today.

When calculating the insurance pension, the length of service and the age of applying for a pension will be taken into account, which give additional coefficients that increase the size of the insurance pension and fixed payment, as well as the amount of insurance premiums paid by the self-employed population. At the same time, in order to be eligible for a pension, an individual entrepreneur must earn at least 30 pension coefficients during his working life and have at least 15 years of insurance experience.

Will the amount of the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension depend on the disability group?

Yes. A fixed payment will be established depending on the group of disability, as well as the presence of disabled dependents.

Will the right of mothers with many children and mothers raising disabled children to apply for a pension ahead of schedule be preserved?

Yes. The right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension will be granted to women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, to one of the parents of a disabled child who raised him until he reaches the age of 8 years, guardians of a disabled child or a citizen, who was the guardian of a disabled child who raised him until he reached the age of 8 years.

What will be the fixed payment as part of the insurance pension for residents of the northern regions and equivalent areas?

The increase in the fixed payment for the "northerners" will be carried out in the same manner as the determination of the fixed basic amount of pensions in the current legislation.

Does the program of state co-financing of pensions continue its work?

Entry into the State Pension Co-financing Program ended on September 30, 2013. To all those who became its participants in the prescribed manner, and this is 15.8 million Russians, the state will provide co-financing of contributions for a future pension for 10 years from the year of the first contribution, provided that their voluntary contributions amount to at least 2,000 rubles a year .

The PFR continues to accept and process payments, posting them to individual personal accounts of program participants.

A form of payment receipt with the necessary details can be obtained both from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or from the bank itself, or downloaded from the appropriate section of the Pension Fund website.

The state fully co-financed the voluntary contributions of the Program participants for 2009-2012. The total amount of state contributions amounted to 15 billion 684 million rubles.

In the PFR budget for 2014, 9.4 billion rubles were taken into account for co-financing the contributions of program participants for 2013; in 2015 - 10.7 billion rubles; in 2016 - 12.4 billion rubles. Thus, the State Co-financing Program continues without changing the rules for participation in it, the only thing is that the admission of new participants to the Program in accordance with the federal law has been completed.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

VEB has the right to invest citizens' pension savings in two investment portfolios:

– basic: formed from bonds of the Russian Federation and corporate bonds of Russian issuers guaranteed by the state;

– extended: formed from government securities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, corporate bonds of Russian issuers, state-guaranteed deposits in rubles and foreign currency in credit institutions, mortgage-backed securities, bonds of international financial organizations.

When changes are made to the unified register of insured persons under compulsory pension insurance or when the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation satisfies an application for choosing an investment portfolio with the establishment of a pension provision option that provides for the allocation of 6.0 percent of the individual part of the insurance premium rate for financing the funded pension, for such citizens, the option is set pension provision, which provides for the direction of insurance premiums for a funded pension.

Prior to the exercise of this right of choice, as well as for persons who have not exercised this right, a pension provision option is established that provides for the direction of the insurance contribution in full to finance the insurance pension - that is, the formation of only an insurance pension.

If after the expiration of a five-year period from the date of the first calculation of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, these insured persons have not reached the age of 23 years, the specified period is extended until December 31 of the year in which the person reaches the age of 23 years (inclusive).

In addition, a citizen born in 1967 and younger who made before December 31, 2015 the choice of a pension option in favor of forming a funded pension at any time can choose to refuse to form it. mandatory pension insurance paid by employers for their employees, such a citizen until the lifting of the moratorium forms only an insurance pension.

15. How can I change my choice of pension savings insurer?

To transfer pension savings from the PFR to a non-state pension fund, you must first select a non-state pension fund. A complete list of funds operating in compulsory pension insurance can be found on the website, which is the regulator of their activities.

Then the insured person must apply to the selected non-state pension fund and conclude an agreement with him on compulsory pension insurance.

After that, no later than December 31 of the current year, you must apply to the FIU with one of the applications:

– on the transfer from the PFR to a non-state pension fund that provides mandatory pension insurance;

– on transfer from one non-state pension fund to another non-state pension fund;

– on the transfer from a non-state pension fund that provides mandatory pension insurance to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

These applications are submitted in the following way:

- personally (through a representative) to the client service of the territorial body of the PFR or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC). In this case, the identification and verification of the signature of the insured person is carried out by an employee of the territorial body of the PFR or an employee of the MFC;

- by mail. In this case, the identification and verification of the authenticity of the signature of the insured person is carried out by a notary or in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2 of Article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, or by officials of consular institutions of the Russian Federation, if the insured person is outside the Russian Federation;

- through the Citizen's Personal Account on the PFR website, if you have a verified account on the portal and an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

After the transfer of pension savings to the selected non-state pension fund, it becomes your insurer for compulsory pension insurance in terms of the formation of pension savings, that is, after retirement, it will not be the PFR that will pay you pension savings, but the non-state pension fund.

Please note that at the time of application, the citizen must be 14 years old.

16. How can I get a certificate for maternity (family) capital?

In order to obtain a certificate for maternity (family) capital, you must fill out an application for issuing a state certificate for maternity (family) capital in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration or in the Personal Account of a citizen on the PFR website and submit the necessary documents.

The term for consideration of your application is no more than one month from the date of its submission. After that, within five days you will be sent a notification containing information about the decision made (on issuing or refusing to issue a certificate). If the decision is positive, you will be able to obtain a state certificate for maternity (family) capital in the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of registration and in a number of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services.

17. What documents are required to obtain a certificate for maternity (family) capital?

You need to provide:

– an application of the established form (you can download it from the website of the Pension Fund);

- a document proving the identity, place of residence, Russian citizenship of a person entitled to receive maternity (family) capital: a passport or a document replacing it;

- documents confirming the birth (adoption) of children: birth certificates of all children (for adopted children - adoption certificate);

- documents confirming the Russian citizenship of a child born (adopted) after January 1, 2007, in connection with the birth of which the right to additional measures of state support arose: a birth certificate indicating the citizenship of his parents or there is a stamp of the passport and visa service on citizenship child (an insert in the child's birth certificate, if received before 07.02.2007);

In necessary cases, documents are submitted confirming the death of a woman who gave birth (adopted) children, declared her dead, depriving her of parental rights, committing an intentional crime related to crimes against the person in relation to her child (children), death of parents (adoptive parents) and other.

Photo courtesy of the Pension Fund of Russia

18. I received a certificate for maternity (family) capital! How can I spend it?

You can use the funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital to improve housing conditions, to educate your child, to form your funded pension, or to social adaptation and integration into society of a child (children) with disabilities. You can read more about the conditions for using maternity (family) capital by clicking on the link.

19. What do I need to do in order to use the services of the Citizen's Personal Account (PCA)?

In order to use the services of the Citizen's Personal Account, you need to go to the PFR website in the "Electronic Services" section and click on the "Electronic Services" button, or click on the "Citizen's Personal Account" button at the bottom of the main page of the PFR website.

In the next window, you must click the "Login" button (for users who have an account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA)) and enter your login (which is the phone or e-mail) and password.

After completing these steps, you will be able to use the cabinet.

IMPORTANT! In order to use the services of the Citizen's Personal Account, you must have a verified account in the ESIA or on the website.

20. How can I register with LKG?

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 No. 584, the implementation of the entrance to the Personal Account of a citizen is possible only through the ESIA (Unified Subscriber Identification System).

To register, click on the "Citizen's Personal Account" button at the bottom of the main page of the PFR website or in the "Electronic Services" section. After loading the login window, click the "Register with ESIA" button and follow the further instructions.

IMPORTANT! There are three levels of account verification in ESIA:

Level 1 - "simplified account". To receive it, you only need to enter your full name, mobile phone or e-mail.

Level 2 - "verified account". To receive it, you must fill out the proposed questionnaire and go through an online check of SNILS and passport data.

Level 3 - "verified account". To receive it, it will be necessary to confirm the registration during a personal visit to the specialized center of Rostelecom by ordering a confirmation code by registered mail by or using an electronic signature tool or UEC.

In order to use the services of the Insured Person's Personal Account, it is necessary to have a "verified account" level.

Questions from readers

Irina: I used a pension calculator, calculated the estimated pension and found out that it does not depend on the size of the salary. Tell me, is it really true? All the same, which of the parameters in the calculation really affects the size of the pension?

There are 6 key factors that affect the size of your future pension:


When determining the size and right to a pension, the insurance period is taken into account.
Insurance experience must be at least 15 years. The increase in the requirements for seniority is gradual: in 2016 it is 7 years and over 10 years in stages, 1 year each, will increase by 2024 to 15 years.


Retirement age is reached at 60 for men and 55 for women. Certain categories of citizens have the right to assign an old-age insurance pension ahead of schedule.

For each year of later application for the appointment of a pension after the right to it has arisen, the fixed payment and the insurance pension are increased by premium coefficients. We wrote about this in more detail earlier here.


For each year of labor activity of a citizen, provided that employers or he personally accrues insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, he has pension rights in the form of pension points. The number of pension points depends on the accrued and paid insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system and the length of the insurance period.


Remember that the employer pays insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for you, without deducting this amount from wages. Some unscrupulous employers evade paying insurance premiums for their employees. You can find out about the amount of insurance premiums accrued through the citizen's Personal Account on the PFR website. If you think that any information is not taken into account or is not taken into account in full, contact the employer to clarify the data and submit it to the FIU in advance.


Insurance premiums are paid only from the official salary.


The pension provision option in the mandatory pension insurance system affects the accrual of annual pension points. When forming only an insurance pension, the maximum number of annual pension points is 10, since all insurance contributions are directed to the formation of an insurance pension. When choosing to form both an insurance and funded pension at the same time, the maximum number of annual pension points is 6.25, since 27.5 percent of insurance contributions are directed to the formation of pension savings.

Each citizen independently chooses: to form only an insurance pension or to form both insurance and funded pensions. When you make a decision about choosing a pension option, do not forget that the insurance pension is formed in pension points. The cost of a point is annually set and increased by the state.

Thus, the pension is guaranteed to grow due to the increase in the value of the point and the size of the fixed payment. The profitability of pension savings depends solely on the results of their investment, that is, there may be losses. In case of losses, the payment of the amount of paid insurance contributions to the funded pension is guaranteed.

Yuri: In connection with the recent acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation, I would like to receive information about the pension system of the Russian Federation, taking into account possible options for citizens, in a concise and most understandable way. Can you recommend any online resource or document for this?

Hello. You can find all the necessary information on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Sergey: Changed the place of work by “transfer”, is the continuity of experience considered?

Hello. In the case of a change of place of work by "transfer", the length of service is considered continuous.

Sergey: I was born in 1959, 3 years in the Soviet time of working in one place is taken into account?

Hello. Yes, they do. Periods of work in the USSR are included in the length of service.

Olga: I, a working grandmother, went on vacation for my granddaughter up to 1.5 years old. Will my points be added to my pension?

Hello. If you were assigned a pension after January 1, 2015, then all periods of employment and periods of socially significant activity are already taken into account in the form of pension points. If you were assigned a pension before January 1, 2015, then you can find out about the profitability of recalculation, taking into account non-insurance periods, at the client service at the location of your pension case.

Nicholas: How to prove that my wife cared for my grandmother born in 1905 (now deceased) from 1987 to 1997. They lived in the same apartment, the wife did not work.

Hello! It is necessary to apply with witnesses to the territorial body of the FIU. It is also necessary to submit documents certifying the age of the person being cared for (for the elderly and disabled children).

As a document confirming the fact and period of being on disability is an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal institutions of medical and social expertise.

Birth certificate, passport, as well as other documents can be presented as documents confirming age.

Valera Popov: Why are there no official explanations in the media about possible changes in the amount of pensions at birth/care of a child? This causes a wave of rumors and gossip. It is high time for TV to conduct a series of programs in an accessible form - how, what and why is happening in this area.

Hello! Since 2014, information and explanatory work has been carried out in the media and social media in connection with the entry into force of the 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”. Materials are regularly published on how the insurance pension is formed and calculated. Given the increased interest of citizens in this topic, only recently a large number of publications have been initiated explaining the procedure for applying for recalculation. Relevant information is also available on the FIU website.

Eugene: How does working two jobs affect retirement? Is work under the contract included in the total length of service? Is income summed up when working under a contract in the total income when calculating a pension, because tax is paid?

Hello! Employers' insurance premiums from all places of work are taken into account. Pension points for this period are summed up, but cannot exceed the maximum amount for the year (in 2017 it is 8.26 points).

Alexander: Specialist (not a military man, not an official, not a deputy). In 2018, I turn 60 years old, I will retire on April 1. As a working person, I can get up to about 8.8 points per year (8.26 was in 2017). As a working pensioner - up to 3 points per year. For 3 months (not being a pensioner) I hope to score 4 points, for the other 9 months (being a pensioner) - 8.8. How many points will be awarded for 2018? And why hasn't the FIU published data for 2017 yet? For which previous years were there no limits on the accrued total amount when working in several organizations (that is, in the current way, accrued more than 8.26 per year)?

Hello! The number of pension points depends on the amount of insurance premiums paid. From January 1, 2017, the function of administering employers' insurance premiums was transferred from the PFR to. This means that the employer pays insurance premiums not to the Pension Fund, as it was before, but to the federal tax service. The FTS, in turn, transmits the data to the FIU. In this regard, information on the status of an individual personal account will be updated during the first quarter of 2018. Until 2015, there were restrictions on the income received, and pension points appeared only in 2015.

Michael: Why is the salary of 1983-1990 not taken into account when assigning a pension?

Hello! When assigning a pension, the total length of service until 2002 is taken into account. Pension capital is calculated based on wage data for 5 consecutive years up to 2002 and average monthly wage data for that period.

Eugene: Why did the PFR in August 2017 reset the seniority and the IPC, and they were rather big before that? I already contacted the FIU, it did not help. Or should I complain about this FIU in public services?

Hello! "Resetting" the length of service in a citizen's personal account occurs when a citizen is assigned a pension. If you have not applied for a pension recently, write a letter to our online reception

Eugene: Pesion points for a full year worked... from what date? From the date of the first entry in the work book? From date of birth? From the date of the corresponding New Year? I did not find an answer to this question in the pension legislation ... Which of the three options is correct?

Hello! In the personal account of a citizen on the PFR website, you can see the amount of accrued insurance premiums for the year, as well as the number of pension points for the year. At the end of the table, the total amount of points for the entire labor activity of a citizen will be indicated, indicating the places of work.

Vladimir: I am a military pensioner, born in 1950. Since 2013, on a military seniority pension with 46 years of military service (1967-2013). Since 1998 I have 19 years of civil insurance experience (scientific and pedagogical work in accordance with Article 10, Federal Law56), IPC is 50, insurance savings - more than 500 thousand rubles. Everything is taken into account in the FIU. In 2014, he applied for the insurance part of the old-age labor pension. I was refused due to the fact that my insurance civil service until 2013 was taken into account when calculating the military seniority pension. The military pension body denies the fact of accounting for the insurance civil experience in writing. I think that I am being deceived. What do you think?

Hello! For a detailed answer to your question, you need to see the documents, so please contact our online reception - indicate SNILS and passport details. We'll figure out.

Pavel Tipin: How can I get information from the Pension Fund on the amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer for a specific period (month, year)?

Hello! The citizen’s personal account on the PFR website contains data on your work activity, including the period of work, the amount of insurance premiums paid and the number of pension points for the year. You can also order an extract from an individual personal account on the PFR website.

Alexei: Good afternoon. Until August 2015, he served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, retired due to his seniority. From the moment of retirement, I have not officially worked, my salary is white, the employer transfers pension savings to a non-state pension fund. Please tell me, after what time of work can I count on a “civilian” pension, and how is it calculated?

Hello! You will be able to apply for a “civilian”, namely an old-age insurance pension, upon reaching retirement age (60 years for men). At the same time, it is important to take into account that in order to assign a pension, it is necessary to work out a sufficient number of years and accumulate pension points. We wrote more about this and how the pension is calculated on our website.

Vladimir: At the time of retirement, the child will be 17.5 years old. I am divorced, I pay money for the maintenance of the child against receipt to my ex-wife (she is a pensioner). Registration of the place of residence with me is separate from the child, but in the same multi-storey building. Am I entitled to an additional payment to the pension for a child up to his age of majority?

Hello! You will be entitled to an increased fixed payment amount, taking into account the fact that you have a dependent daughter.

Anton Alexandrovich: Hello. I know the amount of annual deductions, since the FIU sends reports annually. I recently requested an extract from the website. So the numbers in the extract did not fully coincide with these reports. I also learned that the accumulated amount of the insurance part decreased by about 60,000 rubles. Q: Why don't the reports match?

Hello! The FIU has not sent out reports and "letters of happiness" for a long time. To answer your question in more detail, you need to contact the territorial office of the FIU. You need to see the periods, the statement and the amount of insurance premiums.

Novel: What should I do if I disclosed my SNILS to third parties (scammers or insurance agents)? How can they take advantage of this?

Hello! There is some probability that your funded pension will be transferred to the NPF. To prevent this from happening, contact the territorial body of the FIU and write a statement.

Sergey: Good afternoon. Almost all of my father's labor activity took place in Tajikistan until 1993. When applying to the pension fund, they asked for documentary confirmation of all entries in the work book before the collapse of the USSR. Written requests were sent to Dushanbe, but there has been no response for about two months, and, as they say, we are unlikely to wait for it. What to do in this case?

Hello! In such situations, a citizen can apply to the court to confirm the length of service. Or the pension will be assigned taking into account the data that are available in the FIU.

Savchenko R.V.: According to what rules (laws, acts, rules...) will pensions be calculated for Crimeans? How is work experience under the USSR taken into account? What coefficients and average salary for calculating pensions will be taken for the period from 1992 to 2014?

Hello! The pension will be assigned in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Peculiarities of Pension Provision for Citizens of the Russian Federation Living in the Territories of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol" dated July 21, 2014 N 208-FZ.

Lily: Why is nothing heard about the indexation of the so-called veteran payments of 750 rubles? Or is it already “a lot of money”?

Hello! The social security authorities are responsible for payments to labor veterans.

Svetlana: Why are pensioners paid 1,500 rubles a month for a dependent? The cost of living is more than 7,000 rubles, maybe the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will refuse to pay 1,500 rubles altogether and not be dishonored?

Hello! The FIU does not provide special payments for dependents. In the presence of dependents, the pensioner is assigned an increased amount of a fixed payment. You can study the amount of a fixed payment.

Olga: I do not want my pension accruals to be kept in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or somewhere else, can I pick them up? Or, upon reaching retirement age, credit it to your bank account, and not humiliatingly receive a penny?

Hello! No you can not. It is not you, but your employer, who pays insurance premiums towards a future pension, without deducting this amount from your salary. Upon reaching retirement age, you will be assigned a pension monthly and for life, and not a lump sum.

Mishcherin Yuri Vyacheslavovich: Hello. Does a university degree count as work experience? If not, then it turns out that after school I was idle for 6 years, with a break for the army.

Hello! The period of study is not included in the experience. But the period of military service is included.

Sergey: Hello. Tell me, please, why is the disability pension for working disabled people not indexed to inflation, as well as the pension of working old-age pensioners? After all, these are slightly different things. We still have to heal.

Hello. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, any type of insurance pension is paid to working pensioners without indexation. After the termination of employment, the pension will be recalculated taking into account all "missed" indexations.

Stanislav: How can I find out in which NPF my funded part of the pension is now? If you forgot...

Hello. You can view the data in your personal account on the PFR website. To do this, you need a verified account on the public services portal. You can also request an extract from the territorial office of the FIU.

Eugene: Is military service and contract service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation included in the length of service. Thank you.

Hello. Yes, military service is included in the length of service and for this period 1.8 pension points per year are accrued.

Arkady: He served in the army from 1978 to 1993 as an officer. I am not entitled to a pension. I continue to work until the age of 60. Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation is socially significant. How much pension points will I get for 15 years of service?

Hello. Retirement points will be formed based on wages.

Catherine: I calculated my pension on the public services website. My monthly income over the past ten years is more than 300 thousand rubles. White pay. According to the calculation, my pension is 12 thousand rubles a month. But deductions are deducted monthly from the entire salary. Why then a white salary?

Hello. In Russian legislation, there is a maximum wage that may be subject to insurance premiums. This amount increases every year. In 2017, the maximum wage before the deduction of personal income tax, subject to insurance premiums - 73 thousand rubles per month.

Alexei: I would very much like to take all the savings for subsequent investment on my own. Is there a possibility to do this?

Hello. The insurance pension is assigned only upon reaching the retirement age. It is appointed for life and paid monthly. It is not possible to collect your insurance premiums. If a citizen has formed the right to pay a funded pension, then when assigning an old-age insurance pension, you can write a corresponding application. A funded pension may be paid in a lump sum if its amount is less than 5 percent of the amount of the insurance pension, including a fixed payment. Or an urgent payment of a funded pension is assigned, which is carried out monthly.

Alexander: In addition to his pension, he received 1,867 rubles. Now I don't get it. Why?

Hello. To answer your question, you need to see the pension case. Please contact your local FIU.

Alexei: Good afternoon. Is work for 0.5 rates in hazardous production included in the calculation of length of service for a preferential pension?

Hello. To answer your question, you need to see the employment contract and orders from the place of work. Please contact your local FIU.

Basil: Am I entitled to a pension or a part of the pension for harmfulness, if the experience in hazardous work is only 5 years, instead of 6.5 according to the law?

Hello. Those who have worked in organizations with harmful and difficult working conditions are entitled to early retirement. To answer your question in more detail, you need to see the employment contract and other documents from the place of work. Please contact your local FIU.

Elena: Hello. Is an accomplished pensioner an able-bodied person? The fact is that my mother is a disabled person of the first group, and I myself am retired. Can I get care for her to increase my seniority? If yes, what is needed for this. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hello. A pensioner can arrange care for a disabled person of the first group, but he is not entitled to receive a compensation payment.

Konstantin: My father reached retirement age 3 years ago. I have not received my pension yet due to circumstances. He was told that, despite this, his pension will be accumulated, and when he draws it up, these accumulated amounts will be paid. Perhaps this is somehow connected with the northern experience (he worked in Siberia). Tell me, please, is this true about savings or not?

Hello. For delayed retirement, premium rates apply. More information about this can be studied.

Vladimir: Are 1965 and 1960 years of birth subject to an increase in the retirement age?

Hello. Since 2017, the retirement age has been increased only for civil servants. There were no other changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Marina: Please tell me if I understood correctly that I have the right to recalculate my pension if my daughter was born in the USSR before 1990 - I fit this parameter, but I retired in January 2017, and not until 2015, as necessary . I don't fit this option? Or the year of retirement doesn't matter, as my sister says. I can’t find an exact answer to this question, please explain whether or not I have the right to this recalculation. Thank you in advance.

Hello. Recall that, starting from 2015, the insurance period, in addition to periods of work, includes the so-called "non-insurance" periods, which include, among other things, parental leave for each child up to one and a half years, but no more six years in total. If the periods of work and non-insurance periods coincide in time, at the request of the pensioner, one of them is taken into account: either work or childcare. Who is entitled to recalculate the pension for children? Recalculation can be made to those who can earn points for periods of child care until they reach the age of one and a half years:

Is it beneficial for everyone to recalculate pensions? No, not everyone. If the periods of childcare coincide in time with the periods of work, one of the periods is taken into account in the insurance period - the one, taking into account which the amount of the pension will be higher. PFR specialists choose the most beneficial option for calculating a pension for a citizen. As a rule, if the pension is above 10-11 thousand and the leave was taken to care for one or two children, accrual of points for these periods is unprofitable.

What bonus can you expect? Each calculation of the size of the pension, and, accordingly, the size of the increase, will be individual. Basically, it is beneficial to those who have low earnings.

If the periods for accruing points for care coincide, the corresponding period of work is excluded from the length of service. It is possible that earnings will need to be reviewed if they were taken into account for the period that is excluded in connection with the recalculation.

How long does it take to recalculate? This is a regular recalculation, which is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted for it.

What documents are needed for recalculation? Recalculation in connection with the replacement of periods is carried out at the request of the pensioner. When applying to the territorial body of the PFR, in addition to an identity document, it is necessary to submit birth certificates of children and documents confirming that children have reached at least one and a half years. If the birth certificate is stamped with a passport issuance stamp, it is sufficient to present only the certificate.

Anna: Good afternoon If I have experience from 1998 to the present, and I am an individual entrepreneur, does this mean that in total my pension will be larger?

Hello. The pension is calculated based on the insurance premiums you pay. Please use the pension calculator.

Aleksandr Vladimirovich: Hello! I have 33 years of northern work experience. Will the amount of the accrued pension change when moving from the far north to the middle lane. Thank you.

Dmitriy: Good afternoon. In 1996-2007 he worked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but for some reason these data are not indicated in the information of the FIU (requested through public services). Why and what to do?

Hello. You need to request data on labor activity from the employer and provide them to the territorial body of the PFR.

Olga:: Hello. I have 2 years left before retirement, the total work experience is almost 30 years. I received a salary all the time white. What will happen to the funded pension, which is transferred to non-gos. penny. Fund for these 30 years?

Hello. Your funded pension has been invested in accordance with the profitability of the chosen NPF.

Alexander: I did not receive a complete answer to my question about the accrual of points in the transition year to retirement: 04/01/2018 I retire, remaining to work. For the first three months I will score, for example, 4 points (earning about 320 tr.). Working in retirement, I will get to the maximum (8.7 approximately) points. How much will I get for 2018: 3 (as a working pensioner), 8.7 (as a non-pensioner) or 4 3*3/4= 6.25?

Hello. To answer your question, you need to look at the documents of the pension case. For detailed clarifications, contact the territorial authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Vladimir: The UPFR of the NSO of the Novosibirsk Region of the NSO of the Russian Federation responds that the limit ratio of 1.2 no longer applies justified after 2014. Why, because by a government decree it was canceled for unlawfully underestimating the professional status of citizens of the Russian Federation in 2011 and edited until October 2001. It does not exist, but the OPFR uses it, why?

Hello. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation is taken into account in the amount of not more than 1.2.

Valentine: Good afternoon. Can you please tell me if the length of service includes the period of being on disability? I was on the 3rd group of disability, then I was made redundant until the age of 55, and now I am on the 2nd group. inv. Experience 15 years. Pension, taking into account the EDV, is about 9 thousand.

Hello. The period of being on disability is not included in the insurance experience. The insurance period includes periods when the employer's insurance premiums were paid, as well as non-insurance periods of socially significant activities, for example, military service and caring for a child up to 1.5 years old, etc. You can learn more about the periods that are taken into account when assigning a pension in 400-ФЗ On insurance pensions.

Vladimir: I am visually impaired of the 3rd group, I receive 8900, will our pension increase, I am 57 years old?

Hello. Insurance pensions are indexed annually in February, and state security pensions are indexed in April.

Valery: I don't know the size of my pension.

Hello. If you are already a pensioner, then you can see the amount of the pension in your personal account on the PFR website. To enter, you need a verified account on the State Services portal. Or you can request an extract from the territorial office of the FIU.

Victor: I am a citizen of Russia, currently living in Spain. In May, I turned 60, and I applied for a pension in Russia. An answer came from the Pension Fund that I should provide certificates from the archival authority and the military registration and enlistment office. Can the pension fund itself make a request to the archival authorities and the military registration and enlistment office, or do I need to go to do it myself? Thank you.

Hello. The citizen submits all the necessary documents to the FIU independently.

Olga Ivanovna: She lived in the Primorsky Territory, received a pension there, a budget. Will the pension change if I move to St. Petersburg?

Hello. Citizens who have worked out the necessary insurance experience in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to it are assigned an increased amount of a fixed payment. Also, an increased amount of a fixed payment is assigned to citizens permanently residing in the Far North and equivalent areas. Therefore, it is important to understand on which of the two grounds the insurance pension was assigned. If on the first basis, then when moving, the amount of the pension will not change, if on the second basis, then it will change taking into account the district coefficient at the new place of residence.

Moskvina Ludmila Ivanovna: She retired in 2007. Continuous work experience for 43 years. A message flashed about the recalculation of pensions for more than 40 years of service. Is it planned? It's a shame that they add pensions to those who did not work, but they ignore us.

Hello. This information is not true.

Andrey: How is the second pension for disabled people of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant calculated?

Hello. Chernobyl disabled people can receive either an insurance pension or a state pension. There is no right to receive two pensions.

Marina: How do I get my hands on the methodology for calculating my pension? What should I do if I am denied?

Hello. You can send an appeal to the online reception with a corresponding request, indicate SNILS and passport data.

Marina: 60 consecutive months for the calculation of a pension. If there was parental leave at that time, can I skip it and take the months following the parental leave?

Hello. You must provide proof of your average monthly earnings for any 60 consecutive months prior to January 1, 2002 during your employment. Information on average monthly earnings for 2000-2001, provided by employers and available in the PFR information systems, may be taken into account.

Mikhail Ivanovich: Military pensioner. 3 years had 2 groups of disability, 3 years - 3 groups. Am I eligible for a second pension?

Hello. A second pension through the FIU can be assigned to a military pensioner, subject to the following conditions.

Age. Reaching the generally established age - 60 years for men, 55 years for women. For certain categories of military pensioners, an old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age, subject to the conditions for early appointment. For example, in the case of working in the North, working in difficult conditions, etc.

Experience. The presence of a minimum insurance period not taken into account when assigning a pension through the power department (in other words, the length of service in a "citizen"). It is 8 years in 2017 and will increase by 1 year annually to 15 years in 2024.

Points. The presence of a minimum amount of individual pension coefficients (points) - for 2017 it is set at 11.4 and will increase annually to 30 in 2025.

Pension. The presence of an established pension for long service or disability through the power department.

Rais: Does the total experience include training at the SGPTU of the city of Leningrad, and during the training, practice at mechanical engineering plants?

Hello. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, training in educational institutions is not included in the length of service. Work experience may be included in the length of service. For a more accurate and detailed answer, you need to see the documents, so please contact the territorial office of the PFR.

Elena: Hello! Krasnoyarsk region. The hype in the pension for additional payments for children born before 1990. In the decree, there are only numbers and it is written to pay everyone, but in reality only to those who have a small pension. Why didn't we give birth at the time? And they also worked, but they may not have worked, but they are being added. Why such injustice, I have 39 years of experience and still work. Maybe it's local? Nobody can really explain.

Hello. Recall that starting from 2015, the insurance period, in addition to periods of work, includes the so-called "non-insurance" periods, which include, among other things, parental leave for each child up to one and a half years, but not more than six years in total. If the periods of work and non-insurance periods coincide in time, at the request of the pensioner, one of them is taken into account: either work or childcare.

Who is entitled to recalculate the pension for children?

Recalculation can be made to those who can earn points for periods of child care until they reach the age of one and a half years:

If during these periods there are breaks in work;
- if, by replacing the period of work with a “non-insurance” period of child care, this option will be beneficial for the pensioner.

For the care of the first child, 1.8 points are awarded for the year of care, for the second child - 3.6 points, for the third and fourth - 5.4 points for each year of care. Points are awarded for no more than four children.

Is it beneficial for everyone to recalculate pensions?

No, not everyone. If the periods of childcare coincide in time with the periods of work, one of the periods is taken into account in the insurance period - the one, taking into account which the amount of the pension will be higher. PFR specialists choose the most beneficial option for calculating a pension for a citizen. As a rule, if the pension is above 10-11 thousand and the leave was taken to care for one or two children, accrual of points for these periods is unprofitable.

What bonus can you expect?

Each calculation of the size of the pension, and, accordingly, the size of the increase, will be individual. Basically, it is beneficial to those who have low earnings. If the periods for accruing points for care coincide, the corresponding period of work is excluded from the length of service. It is possible that earnings will need to be reviewed if they were taken into account for the period that is excluded in connection with the recalculation.

How long does it take to recalculate?

This is a regular recalculation, which is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted for it.

What documents are needed for recalculation?

Recalculation in connection with the replacement of periods is carried out at the request of the pensioner. When applying to the territorial body of the PFR, in addition to an identity document, it is necessary to submit birth certificates of children and documents confirming that children have reached at least one and a half years. If the birth certificate is stamped with a passport issuance stamp, it is sufficient to present only the certificate.

Malik: My wife's birthday is 01/01/1960, i.e. she retired on 01/01/2015, her pension was calculated in December 2014 according to the old one, motivated by the fact that they still do not have instructions in the pension department (Kunashaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region), is this correct?

Hello. Your spouse can apply for a pension recalculation in accordance with Federal Law 400 “On Insurance Pensions”.

Igor: How many points will be counted for seniority from 1980 to 2009 when assigning a labor pension of 60 years?

Hello! If the pension was assigned before 2015, then it was calculated not in pension points, but in accordance with Federal Law 173 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”. If you are interested in the number of pension points, and the pension has not yet been assigned, then you can check the status of an individual personal account in the citizen’s personal account on the PFR website, or request an extract from the territorial body of the PFR.

Raikhlina Nina Gavrilovna: When I retired, the experience was 38 years, but after working after retirement, the experience increased by 13 years, can I recalculate the pension by experience?

Hello! No you can not. Every year in August your pension was recalculated taking into account the labor activity for the previous year.

Vladislav: Member of the presidential PFR program "1000 to 1000" moved to NPF "Strategy 2015". On December 28, 2015, he turned 60 years old and retired. NPF "Strategy" advised a lump sum payment. I wrote an application for the payment of pension savings in the amount of 60,000 rubles. A decision was made to pay the Lump sum payment on February 01, 2016, and on March 16, 2016 the license of NPF Strategy was revoked and my payments hung somewhere incomprehensibly. Wrote to the FIU. Avronchuk Stanislav promised to find my savings, after all, they saved up for decades in order to live in retirement, but here the bankruptcy of the NPF and the money can not be found anywhere, although other investors were transferred to the Pension Fund a year later the savings under the program "1000 to 1000". Wrote to the Deposit Insurance Agency. There is the answer: the PFR is engaged in the “1000 to 1000” program, but your money has not been received by us. Maybe you can help find our savings, otherwise you won’t live on a pension of 12,000 rubles.

Hello! If the license of an NPF is revoked, then pension savings are transferred to the PFR. Please write an appeal to our online reception: - indicate SNILS and passport details. We'll figure out.

Published: 01 / 01 / 1970

The press service of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Saratov region continues to answer questions from citizens about the new provisions of pension legislation. Today IA "Saratovskiye novosti" publishes another collection of questions from citizens and answers from specialists of the Pension Fund.


Topic: All about pensions

QUESTION: Does the length of service giving the right to an early appointment of an old-age labor pension in connection with work in the regions of the Far North include military service in the regions of the Far North?

The length of service that gives the right to an early appointment of an old-age labor pension in connection with work in the regions of the Far North includes periods of work performed constantly for a full working day, provided that insurance contributions are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for these periods.

The period of military service is counted in the length of service when determining the right to a labor pension, as well as in the total length of service for calculating a pension.

The length of service that gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension does not include the period of military service.

QUESTION: Is it possible to establish compensation for the care of a disabled citizen to a student studying in an educational institution full-time and caring for a disabled person - an elderly person who has reached the age of 80?

Yes, it's possible. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 No. 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens”, a monthly compensation payment is established for able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens if they do not work.

Current regulations do not contain any restrictions regarding the entitlement to this payment for able-bodied caregivers if they are full-time students in educational institutions.

QUESTION: Where should a federal civil servant apply for a seniority pension provided for by Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”?

Citizens who have held positions of the federal civil service and public positions of federal civil servants apply to the personnel service of the federal body in which they occupied the position to draw up documents for a seniority pension.

The head of the federal body in which the federal civil servant occupied the position before dismissal draws up a submission on the appointment of a long service pension, which, together with a package of documents, is sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the assignment of a pension.

QUESTION: Is it possible to assign an old-age labor pension to a woman aged 54 and having more than 20 years of insurance experience, dismissed due to a reduction in the number of employees of the organization?

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to an old-age pension if they have at least five years of insurance experience.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation”, the appointment of a pension before the age that gives the right to an old-age labor pension, but not earlier than two years before the corresponding age, may be produced by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation only on the basis of the proposal of the employment service.

QUESTION: Man born in 1939. is a disabled person of the 2nd group due to a disease received during military service. The work experience is 30 years. Is he entitled to two pensions - a disability pension and an old-age pension?

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", certain categories of citizens are entitled to receive two pensions simultaneously.

This right is enjoyed by:

Disabled due to military injury;

Participants of the Great Patriotic War recognized as disabled;

Widows of military personnel who died during military service on conscription due to military trauma, who did not remarry,

Parents of conscripted military personnel who died during military service or died as a result of a military injury after being discharged from military service;

Disabled family members of citizens affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

Citizens awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".

In view of the foregoing, persons with disabilities due to a disease received during military service (not due to a military injury) do not have the right to receive two pensions at the same time.

QUESTION: Is a woman who has given birth to 3 children entitled to an old-age pension upon reaching the age of 50?

According to subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach age 8 years, if they have insurance experience of at least 15 years.

Women who have given birth to 3 children are not entitled to an old-age labor pension upon reaching the age of 50. An old-age labor pension can be established by him on a general basis, i.e. upon reaching the age of 55 with at least 5 years of insurance experience.

QUESTION: Will a full-time university student continue to receive a survivor's pension for her deceased father when she marries?

Federal Law No. 173-FZ dated December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” does not contain restrictions on the rights of children of a deceased breadwinner who study full-time and receive a survivor’s pension due to a change in their marital status. In this case, the daughter is entitled, after marriage, to receive a survivor's pension until she graduates from an educational institution, but not longer than until she reaches the age of 23.

QUESTION: Can an increased basic part of the old-age labor pension be established for an insured person - a great-grandmother, taking into account a disabled dependent - a great-grandchild?

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, persons who are dependent on disabled family members specified in subparagraphs 1, 3 and 4 of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at an increased rate.

The list of family members contained in subparagraphs 1, 3 and 4 of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ is exhaustive.

Great-grandmother and great-grandson are not provided for in Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ. Consequently, there are no legal grounds for establishing an increased basic part of the old-age labor pension in connection with the presence of a great-grandchild of the insured person - the great-grandmother of a disabled dependent.

QUESTION: What documents should be submitted to confirm the right to establish an increased amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension for a non-working pensioner who is dependent on an 18-year-old daughter studying full-time in an educational institution?

In order to acquire the right to an increased basic part of the old-age labor pension, if the child has reached the age of 18 and is studying full-time at a higher educational institution, the fact of being a dependent must be confirmed.

In accordance with the List of Documents Required for Establishing a Labor Pension and State Pension Provision in accordance with the Federal Laws "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" and "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2002 No. 16 / 19pa, the fact that disabled family members are dependent is confirmed by a certificate from housing authorities or local governments, income statements of all family members and other documents containing the required information, and, if necessary, by a decision court to establish this fact.

The fact of dependency can be established on the basis of a set of documents containing the information required for this: on joint residence and full maintenance, on the income of all family members, on payments by the breadwinner in favor of the dependent, on benefits provided to the breadwinner, etc.

Full-time education of persons over the age of 18 in an educational institution is confirmed by certificates of these institutions.


QUESTION: Is it possible to submit wages for the period after 01/01/2002 for calculating the old-age pension (including early retirement)?

Labor pensions are established in accordance with the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”. The labor pension consists of basic and insurance parts.

The basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in a fixed amount, provided for by Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.

The insurance part is calculated individually for each pensioner based on the amount of the estimated pension capital, which consists of two parts - acquired for the period before 01/01/2002 and after the specified date.

The estimated pension capital for the period up to 01/01/2002 is determined based on the length of the pensioner's total work experience and the amount of his average monthly earnings, taken into account before 01/01/2002.

According to Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the average monthly earnings of the insured person is determined for 2000-2001 according to the information of individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance or for any 60 consecutive months on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies.

For the period after 01/01/2002, the estimated pension capital is determined on the basis of the total amount of insurance premiums accrued by employers for compulsory pension insurance.

The head of the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region (interdistrict) Kuzina Natalya Vyacheslavovna answers questions from citizens on pension provision

QUESTION: Can I take care of my husband's mother and receive a compensation payment if in a month I am granted an old-age pension?

ANSWER: The compensation payment for care is made to an unemployed able-bodied person caring for a disabled citizen. Pensioners are classified as disabled citizens, therefore, when a pension is awarded, payment of compensation is terminated. Any non-working able-bodied person, regardless of family relationship, can apply for care allowance.

QUESTION: Does the granddaughter take care of her grandmother and receive a compensation payment, if she goes to work, will the additional payment be stopped?

ANSWER: Compensation payment is made to an able-bodied non-working caregiver. If the granddaughter goes to work, then she will no longer have the right to this compensation, and the payment will be terminated. The granddaughter must immediately inform the Pension Fund of Russia about her work so that an overpayment does not form.

QUESTION: Recipients of pensions whose pension is less than the subsistence minimum are paid additional federal social supplements to their pensions. Who sets the living wage, and how often can it change?

ANSWER: The amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in each subject of the Russian Federation in order to establish a social supplement to a pension is annually established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. This year, the cost of living is 8,726 rubles.

QUESTION: How to get a set of social services?

ANSWER: A citizen decides in what form it is convenient for him to receive social services: in kind or in cash, and submits to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration or actual residence or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services a corresponding application before 01 October of the current year. The submitted application will be valid until the citizen changes his choice.

QUESTION: When receiving a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, for caring for a child, can I get a job?

ANSWER: According to the current legislation, disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner, who were dependent on him, are entitled to a survivor's pension. The spouse of the deceased breadwinner, regardless of age and ability to work, is recognized as a disabled family member, if he is engaged in caring for the children of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 14 and does not work. That is, when applying for a job, the right to receive a survivor's pension is lost.

QUESTION: What document must be submitted to the Pension Fund to extend the payment of a pension if a citizen lives abroad?

ANSWER: The payment of a pension to persons living outside the Russian Federation is made subject to the submission to the Pension Fund of Russia (its territorial body) of a document confirming the fact that the citizen is alive, or subject to the annual personal appearance of the pensioner. A document confirming the fact that a citizen is alive is issued by a notary on the territory of the Russian Federation or by a competent authority (official) of a foreign state.

Confirmation of the fact that a citizen is alive can be carried out by his personal appearance at a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation, or at the FIU (its territorial body). In this case, an act is drawn up on the personal appearance of a citizen (his legal representative) in order to continue the payment of a pension in the appropriate period.

QUESTION: Is there a right to a survivor's pension before leaving school if the child turned 18 in May and will there be a right to receive a pension in the summer before entering a university?

ANSWER: In accordance with the legislation, disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner, who were dependent on him, are entitled to a survivor's pension. Disabled members of the family are children of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18, as well as children studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities, until they complete such training, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23 years. When providing a certificate containing information about the vacation period, the survivor's pension will be paid until the end of the vacation period.

QUESTION: What documents do I need to provide to extend the payment of the survivor's pension after reaching the age of 18?

ANSWER: To extend the payment of a survivor's pension after reaching the age of 18, it is necessary to submit a certificate from the place of study to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence. The pension will be paid until graduation from the educational institution. When providing a certificate containing information about the vacation period, the survivor's pension will be paid until the end of the vacation period.