Oversize knitted sweater. Oversized jumper for girls using short rows. How to knit a children's oversized garter stitch

Hello, my dear!

I decided to celebrate the beginning of summer with another brag: I knitted a jumper for a girl with knitting needles in the now fashionable oversized style using short rows.

From the old children's pullover, which both my daughters alternately wore at the age of 5-6, there were cotton strings of sunny color left. Now it's the turn to serve them and Zlatik.

I replaced one orange “old thread” with lilac cotton yarn BELLA from ALIZE, and a lovely mix turned out, with which this “funny”, as Zlata puts it, vest was connected - a jumper for a girl with knitting needles.

If you want to knit the same jumper, then it is quite possible to use the union of threads BELLA and LILY, with which I knitted Zlata: you will need 3 skeins of each type. And you can pick up some other yarn of your choice. 😉

I did not choose the pattern for the yarn and the jumper for long: it came in handy. Needles number 5 - regular and circular.

By the way, do you know how to knit short rows with knitting needles?

When knitting a jumper, I used short rows to form a round neckline in front, as well as to make a shoulder bevel. And you can learn this method by carefully watching this video.

It’s okay that the video shows the formation of the heel of the toe in short rows, and the video itself is in English, but how to loop around the loop from the front and back sides of the product and what to do with them later is shown here just great!

Jumper - oversized for girls

Knitting front

On knitting needles No. 5, we collect 99 loops, knit 5 rows of facial (garter stitch), and then proceed to knitting with the Goose Skin pattern (method 2), starting with a row of purl loops (link to the pattern above).

After knitting 28 cm, set markers: 39 loops (with hem), marker (1), 21 loops, marker (2), 39 loops. And we start knitting the LEFT part of the front: first the neckline, and then the shoulder line.

Here we will knit to the marker (1), then knit a few loops, loop around the loop (as shown in the video), turn the work to the wrong side and knit it to the end of the row, and then on a new one, so:

  • after the marker (1) knit 7 loops, we perform the girth of the loop, turn the work to the wrong side and knit to the end of the row;
  • after the marker (1) knit 4 loops, we perform loop girth, turn to the wrong side, knit to the end;
  • after marker (1) knit 2 loops, perform girth, turn the work inside out, knit to the end;
  • after marker (1) knit 1 loop, perform girth, turn inside out, knit to the end;
  • right after the marker ( 1 ) we perform the girth of the loop, turn to the wrong side, knit to the end.

Now we proceed to the bevel for the left shoulder (in the photo it is on the right):

  • knit to marker ( 1 ), turn to the wrong side, knit 31 loop, perform girth, turn to the front side;
  • knit to marker ( 1 24 loops, we perform girth, turn to the front side;
  • knit to marker ( 1 ), turn, on the wrong side we knit 17
  • knit to marker ( 1 ), turn, on the wrong side we knit 11 loops, girth, turn on the face;
  • knit to marker ( 1 ), turn, on the wrong side we knit 5 loops, girth, turn on the face;
  • knit to marker ( 1 ), turn, on the wrong side we knit all the loops, not forgetting to hook each girth and knit it with the loop wrapped around it, we do not close the loops.

We start knitting the RIGHT part of the front. So that the number of rows of the right and left parts is the same, and the knitting of the neck and shoulder lines is symmetrical, we start knitting from the wrong side and knit it with facial loops, and on the front side we alternate the front and back loops.

So, having attached the thread, we knit with facial loops to the marker (2), after which we repeat everything described above in mirror image: where for the left side there was a turn to the wrong side, for the right side it will be a turn to the front side and vice versa.

Knitting back

We knit the back of a jumper for a girl with knitting needles with a straight cloth until the shoulder bevel begins (in my version it is 31 cm). Counting the rows so that the back coincides with the front is easier to lead along the edge loops.

Set markers: 39 loops (with hem), marker (1), 21 loops, marker (2), 39 loops.

Using shortened rows with knitting needles, we proceed to the shoulder bevels:

  • on the wrong side of the work we knit 39 sts to marker ( 2 ), 21 loop, after the marker ( 1) knit 31 loop, perform a girth, turn to the front side;
  • 2 ), after it we knit 31 loop, perform a girth, turn to the wrong side;
  • we knit all the loops to the marker ( 1 ), after it we knit 24 loops, perform girth, turn to the front side;
  • after the marker (2) we knit 24 loops, girth, turn inside out;
  • after marker (1) knit 17 loops, girth, turn on the face;
  • after the marker (2) we knit 17
  • after the marker (1) knit 11 loops, girth, turn on the face;
  • after the marker (2) we knit 11 loops, girth, turn inside out;
  • after the marker (1) knit 5 loops, girth, turn on the face;
  • after marker (2) knit 5 loops, girth, turn inside out;
  • after marker (1 ) we knit the loops to the end of the row, not forgetting to hook each girth and knit it with the loop wrapped around it, do not close the loops;
  • we attach the thread and on the front side we also knit all the loops from the marker ( 2 ) to the end of the row, do not close the loops.

Front to back connection. Neck strapping

We fold the front and back with the right side inward, 39 loops of the left shoulder of the back and the same number of loops of the left shoulder of the front are alternately transferred to one knitting needle and, knitting 2 loops together with the front, we close all the loops. We do the same with the loops of the right shoulder of the jumper.

Now we start tying the neck. We already have 21 loops in the back and 21 loops in the front along the neckline. Between them, on each side, we collect an additional 10 loops, on the knitting needles - 62 loops. By the way, I did not dial the loops from the edge, but from the loops next to them, and I liked this method more.

Remembering to knit the looped loops together with the loops in front, we knit 3 circular rows with purl loops and then use.

Sleeve knitting. Product assembly

Starting from the shoulder seam, we hook 17 loops on each side of it along the edge of the fabric (34 loops in total), as shown in the photo.

We carry out side seams and seams of sleeves. A fashionable jumper for a girl with knitting needles in the oversized style is knitted! Hooray!!! By the way, how do you feel about this style?

I'll be waiting for your comments, dear! It would also be interesting to know if you use partial knitting? With crochets or without?

P.S. The other day, Zlata saw a blossoming rose, leaned over to her and exclaimed: “The rose smells delicious, delicious, like ... pasta! Grandma, smell it!

She is a “pasta” with us, like a great-grandfather.

116/122 (128/134)

You will need

Yarn Lana Grossa "Colmo" (55% wool, 25% alpaca wool, 20% mohair; 120 m / 50 g) - 400 (450) g ​​purple (No. 10); knitting needles No. 7; hook number 5.

Patterns and schemes

Front surface

Facial rows - facial loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Pattern "Spit" on 55 loops

Knit according to the pattern. Unless otherwise indicated in the legend, in the out. R. knit loops according to the pattern. From the 1st to the 50th row, perform 2 times, then connect from the 1st to the 24th row 1 time.

Underlined Decreases

From the right edge \u003d hem, knit 2 stitches together with the front.

From the left edge = 2 p. knit with a slope to the left (= 1 p. remove, as in knitting, knit the next loop with the front one and stretch it through the removed one), hem.

Knitting density

14.5 p. x 24 p., \u003d 10 x 10 cm, knitted with front stitch (needles No. 7);
16.5 p. x 24 p. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a braid pattern (needles No. 7).


Completing of the work


With a double thread in a crosswise way on knitting needles No. 7, dial 100 (108) p. And knit 1 row (= purl row) purl.

In the next persons. distribute the loops in a row as follows: edge, 37 (41) p. persons. smooth, 55 p. according to the scheme, 6 (10) p. persons. smooth, edge.

For the side bevel, it is emphasized to decrease on the right side in every 4th p. 30 (31) x 1 p.

Before the “Scythe” pattern, the loops are reduced, after it they are added. The total number of loops remains the same. From the 1st to the 50th row, repeat 2 times, then perform 1 time from the 1st to the 24th row and then 2 (6) p. knit according to the pattern.

After 50 (52) cm from the initial row, close all loops straight.


Knit as before.


With a double thread in a crosswise way on knitting needles No. 7, dial 42 p. And knit 1 row (= purl row) purl.

Next, knit with the front surface and for the bevels of the sleeves in the 11th p. add on both sides 1 x 1 p., then in each 10th p. add on both sides 3 x 1 p. (alternately in each 8th and 10th p. 4 x 1 p.) = 50 (52) p.

After 21 (23) cm from the initial row, close all loops.

Do the same for the second sleeve.


Run 22 (24) cm of shoulder seams. Sew sleeves in sections of 17 (18) cm on both sides of the shoulder seams. Sew the seams of the sleeves.

Sew the side seams as follows: left side seam = gather the side edge of the back, and stretch the side edge of the front so that the front is 15 cm longer than the back along the side seam. Right side seam = stretch the side edge of the back, and gather the side edge of the front so that the front is 15 cm shorter than the back.

Crochet the neckline 1 in a circular row next to the connection. Art.

Photo: Sabrina. Knitting for children "No. 3/2017

If you decide to knit a sweater for a girl with knitting needles and do not know which model to choose, you are on the right track. We have selected for you the most interesting knitted sweaters and patterns. Using them, you can easily knit a jumper for a girl for two or three, 4 years, as well as for 5-6, 8-10, and 12-14, and 16 years. We knit the first and simplest sweater model in stockinette stitch, the back of the product is 6 cm longer than the shelves - asymmetric children's models are now at the peak of popularity. Completes the video master classes with step-by-step knitting of a cardigan for a girl aged 1 year.

Knitted in stockinette stitch, this stylish children's sweater is very easy to knit. It is enough just to learn two types of loops: front and back. The model is well suited for beginners to knit. In the presented model, raglan is knitted from above, but it is much easier to knit in separate parts, and at the end of the work, just sew all the details.

So we will knit the sweater with knitting needles faster in time, which is important. Any woolen or semi-woolen yarn of medium thickness is suitable for this model. How to tie such a practical thing? We knit a sweater with knitting needles with a front stitch (a row of facial, a row of purl), an elastic band 2/2 only at the beginning of the back and front, on the sleeves and on the collar. The collar is voluminous, it fits freely, do not tighten the initial set of loops too much! Product dimensions: a) 4 years old, b) 6 years old, c) 8 years old, d) 10-12 years old, e) 14-16 years old. Knitting density: 10 cm. Stitch with needles 5.5 mm. - 19 p. / 14 p.

For work you will need:

  1. Yarn p / wool or wool - gray (100 gr. / 160 m.) - 3, 4, 4, 5, 7 hanks.
  2. Knitting needles 5.5 mm thick, 4.5 mm - for gum.
  3. The needle is thick.
  4. Needles 4.5 mm. circular.


Cast on 54-58-62-68-74 sts (see your desired size) on 4.5 mm needles and work rib 2/2 - 16 rows. Switch to 5.5 mm needles.

17th p. - facial, decrease: 3-3-3-1-1 p. Remaining: 51-55-59-65-73 p.
18th p. - purl,
19th p. persons., and so on.

Then, knitting in centimeters: 21 (40 p.), 23 (44 p.), 25 (48 p.), 29 (56 p.), 32 (60 p.), We begin to form the raglan itself, close in the next. R.: 1 time - 2 loops, and then in each. second row:

  1. Twice 1 p., * once 2 p., two times 1 p. *, repeat from * to * three times, then: two times 1 p.
  2. Once 1 p., * once 2 p., five times 1 p. *, repeat from * to * two times, then: two times 1 p.
  3. * once 2 p., and six times 1 p. *, repeat from * to * two times, then: two times 1 p.
  4. * once 2 p., and seven times 1 p. *, repeat from * to * two times, then: two times 1 p.
  5. Once 1 p., * once 2 p., and eight times 1 p. *, repeat from * to * two times, then: two times 1 p.

We look - from the elastic we knitted in cm: 36 (68 p.), 40 (76), 43 (82), 49 (94), 55 (104), and close the loops that we have left: 15-17- 19-21-23 sts.

Ribbon is knitted at the bottom with 4.5 mm knitting needles. 2/2 only 8 rubles, since the shelf will be shorter than the back! Switch to thicker needles. Further, we repeat everything the same as on the back, only starting not from the 17th p., but from the 9th: subtract in the same way, one to one!

Then, at a distance from the elastic: 32 cm (60 p.), 36 (68), 39 (74), 45 (84), 50 (94) we make a neck, closing in the center: 5-5-7-7-9 etc., then, we finish on one side of the throat. in every second row:

  1. Once 4 p., One p. 3 p.
  2. Twice 4 p.,
  3. Two r. 4 p.,
  4. Three r. 3 p.,
  5. Three r. 3 p.

Knit the other side of the neck in a mirror image.

We collect on the knitting needles 4.5 mm. 29-31-33-35-37 p., Knit with an elastic band 2/2 for a total of 8 p. We continue with the front stitch. In the future, on each side you need to add:

  1. In every eighth row: twice 1 p., in each. sixth p.: 3 times 1 p.
  2. In every eighth row: three times, 1 p., in each. sixth: 3 times 1 p.
  3. In every eighth p.: three times, 1 p., in each. sixth: 4 times 1 p.
  4. In every eighth p.: twice 1 p., in each. sixth: 7 times 1 p.
  5. In every sixth p.: ten times 1 p., in each. fourth: 2 times 1 p.
  1. Twice 1 p., * one p. 2 p., two p. 1 p. * repetition from * to * three times.
  2. Once 1 p., * one p. 2 p., five p. 1 p. * repetition * two times.
  3. * once 2 p., six p. 1 p. * repetition from * to * two times.
  4. * once 2 p., seven p. 1 p. * repetition from * to * two times.
  5. Once 1 p., * 1 time 2 p., 8 p. 1 p. * repeat from * to * twice.

At a distance from the gum in cm: 35 (64 rows), 40.5 (76), 45 (84), 53 (98), 60 (112), close on the right in each. second row:

  1. Once 2 p., one p. 1p., 1 p. 2 p.
  2. One r. 3 p., 2 p. 2 p.
  3. Three r. 3 p.
  4. Two r. four p., one p. 3 p.
  5. One r. five p., Two p. 4 p.

At the same time with this, we close on the left: 1 time 1 p., And after two rows: 1 p. 1 p. We knit the left sleeve in a mirror image.

Assembly and collar

We sew both sleeves from the wrong side to the back and to the shelf, the long side of the sleeve goes to the back. We measure the girl's neck, the width of the collar will be: neck circumference plus 10-12 cm. The collar should lie freely. The height of the collar for each size is individual, approximately 30-40 rows.

We collect the required number of loops on the knitting needles and knit with an elastic band 2/2 to the required height. The hinges are not closed. Set the knitting needles with the collar to the side. Then sew the side seams. We take our almost finished product, and sew a collar to the neck, loop to loop. Then we sew the side of the collar with a needle and native thread.

Pullover with asymmetric hem

Such a lovely pullover for a girl can be knitted from wool with acrylic. Such a pullover can be worn both in kindergarten and school - a fashionable, excellent model. The sleeve is slightly lowered here, so knit the back and front first, and then the sleeves. So you can yourself, by measuring the distance from the neck to the wrist of the child, clearly determine the desired length of the sleeve. The master class presents a pullover for a) 2 years, b) 4 years, c) 6 years, d) 8, e) 10 years.

For work you will need:

  1. Yarn PARTNER (50 gr. / 100 m.), 4-5.5-6-7-8 hanks.
  2. Knitting needles 3 and 3.5 mm thick.
  3. Needle, markers or pins.

What knit will we knit? Rib 1/1, rib 2/2, and the main pattern is the wrong side. Knitting pattern: 30 rows / 23 sts equals 10/10 cm.


We collect on knitting needles with a thickness of 3 mm. 81-87-95-99-105 sts. We knit with an elastic band 2/2. only 16 rows (5 cm). Next, continue with purl stitch (purl row, front row) on 3.5 mm knitting needles. On the front side of our product there should be only purl rows.

We knit to a height of 15 cm (46 p.), 17 (50), 19 (58), 21 (64), 24 (72) and mark with a pin or marker in order to designate the armholes of the jumper. Knit another 10 cm (30 p.), 12 cm (38), 14 cm (42), 15 cm (44), 16 (48) after the marker and continue with a 1/1 elastic band, start and finish the first row and more each. odd row 2 facial loops.

  1. 4 sts four times, 5 sts twice,
  2. Three times 4 p., three p. 5 p.
  3. Six r. 5 p.,
  4. Five times 5 p, 1 p. 6 p.
  5. Two r. 5 p., 4 p. 6 p.

At the same time, we make the neck at a distance from the elastic, in cm: 29 cm (88 rubles), 33 (100), 37 (112), 40 (120), 44 (132). Close in the middle of the back: 9-11-13-15-15 p. Then we knit each half separately, removing from the side of the neckline in every second row:

Two times for 5 p., b, c, d, e - once for 5 p.

Knit the other side in the same way as the previous one.

We collect on the knitting needles 3 mm. 81-87-95-99-105 sts and work in rib 2/2 for 12 rows (3.5 cm). Continue with purl stitch on 3.5mm needles. At a distance of 15 cm (46 p), 17 (50), 19 (58), 21 (64), 24 (72) from the elastic band 2/2, mark the place with a pin or marker. There will be an opening here.

Then at a distance of 19 cm (58 p.), 23 (70), 26 (78), 29 (88), 33 (100) from the gum 2/2 we knit, starting from the center, here is such a fantasy triangle gum 1/1 . The rest we knit with the wrong side.

Next, at a distance from the gum 2/2 we make a neck. Distance in cm: 23 cm (70 rubles), 27(82), 30(90), 33(100), 37(112). We close in the center of the front: 9 cm, 11, 13,15,15 p. Next, we knit every. from the sides of the front separately, removing and closing:

  1. In every second p ..: two times 2 p., four p. 1 p., in each. fourth p.: two times 1 p.
  2. In every second p.: once for 3 p., once for 2 p., four p. 1 p. And in each. 4 p.: two times 1 p.
  3. d), e) in every second row: once for 3 p., once for 2 p., three times for 1 p. And in every fourth: three times for 1 p.

At the same time, at a height of 25 cm (76 p.), 29 (88 p), 33 (100), 36 (108), 40 (120) from 2/2 elastic band, knit with 1/1 elastic band on the entire shelf. At a distance of 28 cm (84 p.), 32 (96), 36 (108), 39 (116), 43 (128) from the elastic band 2/2, we make a shoulder, closing from the side of the armhole in every second row:

  1. Four times 4 p., two p. 5 p.
  2. Three times 4 sts, three times 5 sts.
  3. Six times 5 p.
  4. Five times 5 sts, once 6 sts.
  5. Twice 5 p., Four p. 6 p.

Knit and knit the other side in the same way as the previous one.


We collect on the knitting needles 3 mm. 54-58-60-62-64 sts and work in rib 2/2, 32 rows (10 cm). Next, knit in purl stitch on 3.5 mm needles.
For 2 loops from the edge we make an increase on both sides:

  1. In every 10th row: three times 1 p.
  2. In every 10th row: twice, 1 p., in each. 8th row: three times 1 p.
  3. In every 8th p.: six times, 1 p., in each 6th p.: six times, 1 p.
  4. In every 8th p.: 6 times 1 p., in each. 6th p.: four p. 1 p.
  5. In every 8th p: 6 times 1 p., in each. 6th p.: 6 times 1 p.

You should have: 60-68-78-82-88 sts. We knit to a height of 13-18-22-26-30 cm - these are (40-52-66-78-90) rows. We close knitting. Knit the second sleeve like the first. The neckline is knitted separately here. We collect on the knitting needles 3 mm. 86-90-96-100-100 p. We knit with an elastic band 1/1 6 rows, then we make one p. persons. Do not close the loops, put it aside for now.


Put the back on the front, sew along the shoulder seams. Sew on the sleeves of the pullover, paying attention to the markers. We make side seams, we do not sew up the elastic at the bottom! Sew the seams of the sleeves. Sew on the neckline, loop to loop. That's all.

Sweaters, blouses, oversized jackets are always fashionable and practical. These sweatshirts can be combined with any outfit. Jacket sizes: a) 2 years, b) 4 years, c) 6 years, d) 8 years, e) 10 years. Knitting is the simplest - hosiery (front rows). Sample: 22 p. / 11 p. Stocking stitch equals 10/10 cm.

For work you will need:

  1. Rapido yarn. (25% wool, 75% acrylic), 50 gr. / 40 m. - 6,7,9,10,12 hanks.
  2. Knitting needles 7 mm thick.
  3. 3 large buttons dia. 22 mm.


Cast on 36-39-42-45-47 sts and work in stocking (garter) st. We knit: cm and start making sleeves, increases on both sides:

  1. Once for 10 p.
  2. Once for 13 p.
  3. Once for 16 p.
  4. Once for 18 p.
  5. Once for 20 p.

We will get: 56-65-74-81-87. Then we continue straight ahead. At a distance in cm: 30-34-38-41-45 from the initial knitting, we make a neck, close 4-5-6-7-7 stitches for this, then we knit each of the halves separately, closing in every second row: 1 time for 2 p. and 1 p. 1 p.

At a distance in cm from the beginning of knitting: 32-36-40-43-47 it is necessary to close the rest of the loops: 23,27,31,34,37 p. Close the other side in the same way.

Right shelf

Cast on 21-22-24-25-26 sts on needles, knit in stocking st (face). When we reach the height: 19-21-23-25-28 cm, we begin to make a sleeve, an increase follows on the left:

  1. Once for 10 p.
  2. One r. 13 p.
  3. One r. 16 p.
  4. 1 p. 18 p.
  5. 1 p. 20 p.

We reach the height: 28-32-35-38-42 cm, make a neck, closing in each. second row:

  1. 4 sts once, 2 sts once, 1 st twice.
  2. Once for 5 p., one p. 2 p., two p. 1 p.
  3. One r. 5 p., one p. 2 p., two p. 1 p.

We knit to a height: 32-36-40-43-47cm. and bind off the remaining 23-27-31-34-37 sts. Knit the left shelf in a mirror image.


We sew the shoulders, the seams of the sides and the bottom of each sleeve. We make three loops, pushing the p. Sew on buttons at the same distance.

A good jumper for your princess can be knitted in a few evenings. Such jackets and blouses are necessary things in a girl's wardrobe. To enlarge the image, click on the arrow at the bottom of the image.

On the video: knitting cardigan for a girl from 1 year to 1.5 years. For height 80-86 cm.

Knitted clothes for girls are a universal part of the wardrobe for all occasions. Knitted women's sweater is multifunctional and practical. His You can wear it to a party or to the store. The main thing is to be able to choose the right model.

To be always in trend and look beautiful in an oversized sweater, you can knit it yourself at home. For this whether you need to choose the right design, material and get ready for work.

Knitting helps girls to embody a wide variety of fantasies into reality. The presence of creative things in the wardrobe, made by hand, it's all fashionable, unusual and stylish.

To knit an oversized sweater, first you need to decide on the material, tools and model that you want to make.

Yarn selection

Before you start knitting, you need to choose the yarn for the future product. It can be bought in special thematic stores. In stores, you can consult with the seller, he will help in choosing the material. If not possible, find out which yarn is best to choose.

Give preference to wool, angora, mohair, lurex. Acrylic and cotton also work well.

If this is your first knitting experience, then it is better not to take angora, mohair or lurex yarn.. Buy acrylic or cotton. It is easier to work with such material, and after the manufacture of the product it will be easier to dry it. If you have previously worked with wool or mohair, then you can safely make a choice in favor of such yarn.


What you need to knit a sweater:

  • yarn;
  • two main knitting needles;
  • one auxiliary knitting needle;
  • markers.

Then it will take knitting pattern.

Pattern selection

Before you sit down to knit you need to choose a pattern. For beginners in this business, a simplified version of knitting with facial loops is provided.

If a simple pattern is not interesting, then you should look at options with braids, diamonds, elastic or flagella.

Step by step instructions on how to knit a sweater for beginners

Loop calculation

After choosing a pattern and material, it remains decide on the size of the sweater. The required number of loops will depend on this.

To make a sample for work, you should take yarn and cast on 25 stitches. Then knit 10-15 cm with the selected pattern.

At the end of knitting, the sample must be steamed, moistened with warm water and left to dry. It must take its final form. Already from this you can build on what size sweater you need. The results obtained should be written down on a piece of paper for convenience.

Knitting pattern

For newbies knitting a sweater will be easier if there is a pattern prepared in advance. You can take a T-shirt or an old sweater for a sample.

So the product will be smooth and beautiful. In addition, it will take much less time for such work.


Knitting of female models always starts from the back, because if the product turns out a little less. You can always increase the front in the girth of the chest.

The back of the pattern is knitted as follows:

  1. 62 loops are typed (60 go to the product, 2 edge loops, which are not taken into account when knitting).
  2. The first row is knitted with an elastic band, alternating the front and back loops.. Having reached the end, you need to turn your face to the wrong side and repeat the row, only now in the opposite direction. So 8 rows fit (if you want the elastic to be wide, then do 15 rows).
  3. After the end of the gum, the knitting of the main part of the back begins. We knit the front, as a result, we get a garter stitch. Beginning craftswomen should not go in cycles in the armhole, it is best to make your first sweater in a free cut with lowered sleeves.
  4. Having knitted the main part and reaching the shoulders, we proceed to knitting the neck. To make a neck, we overlap 25 front loops, 30 wrong ones. Then make another 20 loops.
  5. Dovyazav collar, turn the back and knit another 15 loops (lower the last 5, knit 3 according to the pattern).
  6. We return to the front side again and make 15 loops in a row. The loops are closed only when the collar reaches 3-5 cm in volume.
  7. close the loops, attach the thread to the edge of the second shoulder and tear off the thread from the main yarn.


After finishing work on the back, we proceed to knitting the front of the product. Here it is worth considering the fact that in female models the front should be wider (by the volume of the chest).

The knitting pattern is similar to the back pattern. But there is one feature - you do not need to tie 6 cm to the edge. The neck is knitted in the same way as on the back, but taking into account the following details:

  • The neck in front is knitted with 29 loops and overlapped with 13. After that, another 20 loops are knitted with the face.
  • We turn the product inside out and knit 20 loops inside out.
  • We turn the neck to the face and close 3 loops. Then we knit another 6 cm of the neck.

The rest of the face is knitted in the same way as the back.

Important! When calculating the loops for the front, consider the chest circumference and how much the product stretches so that the product is not small.


Oversized sweater knitted with dropped sleeves. For such a model, you do not need to make an armhole. Therefore, it is not necessary to knit the armhole line.

The main feature of this knitting is that at the end of the knitting of the sleeves, the loops simply close. The sleeve is knitted as follows:

  1. Cast on 30 stitches and knit in ribbing, alternating, face, wrong side (8-10 rows).
  2. Then we proceed to the main knitting. Finishing every 4 rows, increase the number of loops by 2-3 pieces.
  3. We knit 30-35 rows with the main pattern, depending on the length of the sleeve. Taking into account the addition of loops and an increase in the sleeve, the output should be 40-45 pieces.
  4. Closing the last row and start knitting the second sleeve.

After the end of the main work put two sleeves together. They must be the same length and width.. The same applies to the back and face, only in this case the front part will be a little larger. After all the details are ready, we proceed to the connection of the future product.

Assembly of finished parts

When all the details are there, oh just have to connect them. For inexperienced craftswomen, this will be easy. Before joining, it is recommended to pre-moisten the product and wait for it to dry completely.. Then iron the parts with a steam iron.

We sew the product with threads from yarn. When the sweater is assembled, it needs to be tried on. If everything fits in size, you can start tying the neck. It starts from the middle of the back and goes along the entire diameter.

Important! You should end up with an even number of loops.

When knitting the neck, you do not need to remove or add loops. It is enough to knit 7-8 rows alternating the face, inside out. Such an elastic band turns out to be resistant and elastic, so it will lie perfectly on the neck and will not stick out.

When knitting, pay attention to the length of the neck. If you plan to wrap it, then you need to lengthen it by 8-9 rows. When you want the neck to be up to the middle of the neck or lower, then we work out additional rows.

Easy circuits for beginners

The design of an oversized sweater can be the most diverse. Which pattern to choose depends on the experience of the craftswoman. After all, complex patterns may not work out, and as a result, the product will have to be dissolved. The most popular techniques for creating a beautiful pattern on a sweater include:

To create such a pattern, you need to dial the required number of loops and knit rows, alternating face, inside out. This is how the whole product is knitted.

It is more convenient to look at the description of various knitting techniques according to the diagram.

Sleeves, throat can also be knitted with front stitch.

Most often, this technique is used to create the basis for heavier patterns in the form of braids.

If there is no bright pattern, you should focus on large or bright accessories: a pendant, a neckerchief, a scarf necklace, etc.

Usually used for knitting sweaters.

To make such a pattern, you need to dial the loops and knit all the rows with the face.

Braids and harnesses

The most popular type of patterns. It can be found on children's, men's and women's sweaters..

Craftswomen create voluminous, large and small braids. Wavy, straight and broken.

With the help of braids, real masterpieces are created. The braid scheme will depend on the volume and length of the pattern.

Scheme 1. Braids


This technique is usually used to create elastic on the sleeves and on the bottom of the sweater.

There are several variations of the scheme (English, French, etc.). Therefore, each needlewoman will be able to choose her own option.

There are a lot of variations of patterns for sweaters. To create an unsurpassed masterpiece, you can knit a sweater in several colors. For example, take neutral pastel shades as a basis, and knit the pattern with bright shades. Besides, the pattern can be done both throughout the sweater and in separate areas (sleeves, throat, bottom or top of the sweater).

Stylish sweater for a girl

On the Internet you can find many different variations of oversized sweaters. There are long, short, voluminous and fitted models. Each fashionista will be able to choose a model to her taste or create her own exclusive model.

The most relevant types of women's sweaters:

Models with a big throat. This version of the sweater is knitted from thin threads and resembles a turtleneck. The elongated neck fits snugly to the neck. The entire sweater has a classic cut, half-thigh length.

Sweater with large sleeves. Such a model will help to visually hide external flaws. Great for thin girls, giving the image volume. For women with broad shoulders, it is better to refuse such sweaters, as they will only increase the shoulders, making the image bulky.

Products with a voluminous collar. These are very comfortable and multifunctional models. Collar-collar can be made as a scarf or cape on the head. Will be indispensable in cold weather. Most often, these sweaters have a loose, straight cut and a length just below the hip.

Bulky sweaters. They are knitted from thick natural yarn. This allows you to make the product lush and light. Very often, such oversized sweaters are replaced with outerwear in the autumn season.

Sweater with 3/4 sleeves. Such models have not lost their relevance for several years. Under them you can wear shirts, blouses. Create interesting bows.

V-neck. Such a neckline stretches the silhouette, making the girl more slender. Great for curvy ladies.

Sweater with short front and long back. These product options appeared not so long ago. Initially, such a cut was made only in blouses. After that, such sweaters appeared, and now there are also outerwear with a shortened front. The model is very practical and looks stylish with various clothes and shoes.

Knitting a sweater with knitting needles is not so difficult. The main desire of the craftswoman, the desire and focus on the result. Before you start knitting, you need to carefully read all the features of knitting such a sweater. Then choose the right model and material to create clothes. Taking into account your knowledge, skills and abilities, you can begin to create a masterpiece. In this case, the main thing is patience, and then everything will work out!

Oversize, as well as the philosophy of comfort, will not let go of catwalks and city streets for a long time. And the point is most likely in general fatigue from political conflicts, overload at work, from a personal schedule, which is always bursting at the seams. Society has long lived on the edge, and comfort in clothes can be considered a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation.

Bulky sweaters in the new season are increasingly appearing in bright colors and are combined with equally bright things. Children's clothing is gradually losing its utilitarian purpose. Now the crumbs are not only participants in the battles on the playgrounds. Interactive urban spaces offer many interesting activities for the whole family, and there is an increasing reason to replace blank (unremarkable, simple, — Approx. ed.) clothing with something more interesting.

Engaging in children's clothing is really promising - we are ready to save on ourselves, but for children we will count the last bill from the wallet. It is only important to understand that mainly two categories of parents are ready for impulsive spending on children's clothes: lovers of “mi-mi-mi” and other pink unicorns, or those who are interested in fashion. And if for the first case it makes sense to take fresh cartoons about princesses for girls and superheroes for boys as a guide, then in the second case, awareness of fashion trends will help you out. Parents of little dandies are greedy for adapted miniatures from world catwalks, I know from my own experience.

Fashionable children's clothing is easier to sell - it rarely needs a fitting, and the cost is relatively low compared to an adult item, which contributes to impulsive purchases. It becomes attractive for the master that it is possible to knit a children's thing faster than a similar adult one. You can also choose a more interesting composition, because the yarn consumption is lower. Therefore, it was decided to start the analysis of the Oversize topic with a children's sweater.

A few weeks ago we reviewed the FW17/18 Zara Kids collection. The sweaters examined in it cost around 2,000 rubles apiece. Why? We study the composition of the sweater: 87% POLYESTER, 13% ACRYLIC. Class. There is no wool and natural fibers here at all. For autumn, such a composition of a sweater is a disaster, because it certainly does not warm and does not remove moisture, unless you put on woolen thermal underwear underneath. Plus, I strongly doubt that a thing with such a composition will be able to keep its original shape.

I didn't set out to copy the Zara Kids sweater. In general, basic sweaters have a small variety of versions, and garter stitch can be found in magazines of the sixties. It seemed interesting to me to consider the classic design of an oversized sweater in this example. To analyze the main points that affect the result, due to which two sweaters of approximately the same design can lie side by side, but one will be expensive and the other cheap.

How to knit a children's oversized garter stitch:

We select a twisted, springy woolen thread.

The most difficult thing was to find the very yarn that does not lose elasticity after washing. Since an even red color with a slight coral tone was also important for me, the search threatened to be delayed. My choice fell on Rosarios 4 Tradicao, 100 gr. = 120 m., knitted on 5 mm knitting needles.

In general, it was worth looking at the promo picture for this yarn, as it immediately became clear that it was she who was needed:

On the site manefa.ru, the exclusive distributor of Rosarios 4, it is written about her:

“Portuguese wool yarn of traditional 3-ply twist, thanks to which the thread is elastic, holds any patterns and shapes well.
This yarn knits quickly and easily and will keep you warm in cold weather. It is suitable for knitting loose voluminous sweaters, as well as sweaters with a round jacquard yoke, winter hats, mittens, scarves and snoods.
On the basis of this yarn, the Portuguese factory Rosarios 4 produces the Forest article: the same traditional twist, but the yarn is hand-dyed with sprays.
Please note that the yarn is packaged in 100 gr. skeins, which means that for a size 42-44 sweater you will need only 5-6 pieces, and 1 skein for mittens and a hat.

Next, by the way, I would definitely try Forest, since splashes in this form should be very appropriate.

We calculate the volume.

Oversized sweater, the volume of which is best calculated based on the volume of the hips. Determine how long it will be, measure the volume of the hips at this point. Add 3-4 centimeters to the freedom of fitting and you have a starting point.

We care about the appearance of rubber bands.

The appearance of the elastic band and the finish of the edge as a whole is one of the foundations on which the impression of a thing is based. I love the Italian single needle set paired with 1x1 ribbing because that's how you get a clean edge. Yes, I know that many needlewomen like the classic set for the special "knots" that it gives along the edge. But I can say with confidence that not every client shares this sympathy. However, we will not dive into the question of taste, just try to make an elastic band in two ways and make up your mind if you don’t already have one.

The most important thing about an oversized sweater's ribbing is that it must have a higher density than the main fabric in order to beautifully complete the shape of the entire product. To do this, start knitting an elastic band with knitting needles 3.5 - 4 mm - this should be enough.

We calculate the transition from the gum to the main canvas.

All transitions from one pattern to another are places where flaws will be evident. Therefore, it is better to think over them first than to redo them later or, even worse, look at a sweater that does not completely suit you.

If, after knitting the elastic, you continue to knit the body of the sweater with the same number of loops, then you will get unsympathetic vertical gathers at the transition point. This looks especially unpleasant on a garter stitch, as it consists of horizontal stripes. The way out is simple - a sample. At the stage of planning a sweater, you need to knit an elastic band pattern and a handkerchief pattern. By measuring the hips at the point where the sweater ends and adding 3-4 centimeters to it, you will get the size for the elastic band. Add another 3-4 centimeters to the size for the elastic, and you will get the volume of the main body of the sweater. Now, based on the sample, you have to calculate how many loops in a garter stitch.

For example, you have to turn 140 elastic loops into 120 loops of the main fabric. Subtract 120 from 140 loops, you get 20 loops for which you have to cut the elastic band. We need to distribute these loops evenly across the entire width. 140 divided by 20, we get 7. That is, we cut one loop after every seventh.

We think over the place of the junction of the pattern.

I knitted the sweater in the round: I liked how the rows joined together. I placed the junction clearly in the middle of the back, placing a bet on it in the design. You can choose the classic old way and tie the front and back separately. Frankly, I wanted to achieve the roundness of the sweater, but this cannot be done with two side seams.

The joint is obtained by switching to the next row of knitting.

Sew on the sleeves.

There are no armholes as such in oversize, and for this reason the sleeve itself does not have an eyelet. It is important to sew it in beautifully, I left open loops on the sleeve and used a regular knitted stitch.

We strengthen the neck.

Here I also did without seams, but only because I am interested in such designs. However, seams at the neckline would be nice as they keep the neckline and shoulder line from fraying. Again, I was interested in making the sweater seamless so that the garter stitch could change from one shape to another, so I knitted 8-stitch linen laces with 1.5 mm knitting needles and sewed them inside out along the neckline and shoulder lines. She closed the loops with a knitted seam with a slight hem. The result is achieved - the collar elegantly keeps its shape. I didn’t make it tall, because I knew that my daughter would not appreciate it.

You can say that there are too many iterations in this work. Maybe some of you have found a way to optimize them and achieve quality in a more economical way, but this is my way so far. Interest in the topic of oversized for me is not exhausted, and I am preparing an article for you about adult sweaters.