Letter l made of cardboard. I have an idea! Original crafts on the theme “My favorite letter. How to make volumetric numbers or letters

Hello everyone!

If your son or sweetheart daughter goes to grade 1, then wait, they will soon set the task to make their favorite letter. Or have you already been asked and you have already shot back? We haven't been asked yet, but we're ready. We have not one craft My favorite letter, but as many as 6!

Why so many?

Firstly, the letters of your favorite are a dime a dozen, and secondly, inspiration attacked)

Now we will show what we did with the children, maybe you will like our ideas, and you will also want to bring them to life.

Lesson plan:

Rough, heroic, proud letter "G"

We decided to make the letter “G” out of nails! Or rather, from carnations.

This thought prompted us, go in, read and understand what's what.

We sawed off a piece of plywood A4 size. How we sawed ... you should have seen)))

With the help of our burner, we made a frame in the form of small crosses. They also drew with a pencil, and then burned mushrooms on plywood.

With a pencil, they outlined the profile of the letter “g” and hammered small carnations along this profile.

At the same time, they found out that working with a hammer is much easier than with a saw. As a result, it turned out like this.

Unusual! Don't find?

Separately, it must be said about our burner. Guess how old he is?

Judging by the passport and the markings on the box, this device was manufactured in March 1983. Can you imagine? Still alive. On the warranty card, which is also carefully stored in the box along with the burner, it is written: "The manufacturer guarantees the correct operation of the device for 18 months from the date of purchase." And it's been 34 years already! Works properly. And in 1983 it cost as much as 7 rubles! Dear thing.

This is our family rarity.

Back to letters

Cute, soft, furry letter "M"

We cut out the silhouette of the letter "m" from a piece of foam, although thick cardboard could also be used for this purpose.

And we still had bits of fur from last year. We sewed Santa Claus out of it. So we decided to make “m” soft and furry.

Using hot glue, they stuck the fur to the foam, that's the whole master class.

And it turned out such a cute, furry miracle.

"K" and "L" from Klimkovich Artem

These letters are the easiest and fastest to make. Entirely and completely Artemkin's idea. He made them from his favorite Lego blocks. And it fits again:

  • "K" from constructor;
  • "L" from Lego.

You can use this idea if time is running out, and the craft had to be handed in yesterday.

Handkerchief-button letter "P" on the hoop

If there is a hoop in the house, then consider yourself lucky! You can build such an unusual girlish letter "P".

We tucked a square piece of white fabric into the hoop.

Also in the closet was a beautiful silver braid. And buttons.

We bought this color button set a long time ago in a craft store. And so he bided his time.

We processed the edges of the fabric with a ribbon. And in the hoop they sewed buttons in the form of the letter "p". Well, they also added a button to the edges of the handkerchief to make it more fun.

It turned out like this.

"P" - hoop, scarf, buttons, canvas. Everything converges!

They did not remove the hoop, they serve as a decorative element of our crafts.

Stretched-thread letter "H"

We made the letter "H" on the basis of A4 foam plastic. Where do we get so much foam? And we took from the neighbors. They bought household appliances, unpacked. And they wanted to throw away the foam. And we caught them in the entrance and took away the polystyrene (by peaceful means).

The styrofoam was painted with blue acrylic paint.

With a pencil outlined the silhouette of the letter. And then they walked over this silhouette with carnation pins. Here they are.

They just stuffed them into the styrofoam. It turned out the letter "n" from the needles. (they forgot this moment when the needles are already in place, but the threads are not yet photographed)

And only then we took the threads and wound them on the needles. Like this.

Moreover, in the middle (inside) the threads are ordinary sewing. And along the contour, in order to better highlight it, we used white woolen threads.

A picture without a frame is not a picture! We didn't bother much with the frame. We just drew a slightly slanted "n" around the edge of our blue foam canvas.

It turned out like this.

Just "Yo" is mine

Well, how easy…. This letter is already in its fifth year.

We made it together with Sashulya with our own hands when she was in the 1st grade. Now the girl has already moved into the fifth. And the letter is still alive and feels great.

We built it from an old children's book. We dismantled the book into pages, leaving two. They cut out the silhouette of the letter Yo, almost breaking all the fingers, since the cardboard was very thick.

We decorated the letter with eyes, glued hearts on the front side. She is beloved)

And inside our letter-book is this.

On the left are Christmas trees, hedgehogs and brushes, and on the right are glued strips with a short rhyme about this little letter.

Well, that seems to be the whole photo tour of our work! How are you doing with ideas? It would be very interesting to know what you came up with. Share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you very much in advance.

Happy creativity!

Come visit again, you are always welcome here)

Today, three-dimensional letters, folded into words and sentences, are often used in photo shoots, wedding decorations and home interior decoration. You can make such an ornament yourself, and fabric, foam plastic, and even ordinary paper napkins can become the basis.

Below are the most interesting ideas with photos and instructions for making crafts on the theme of "Letters". Choose the one that suits you and get creative.

From cardboard

The easiest master class on how to make a letter craft is to make a three-dimensional cardboard composition. This option is suitable even for small children, it does not take much time, and basic materials can be easily found in every home.

The instruction is as follows:

  • On a sheet of cardboard, draw a letter, not forgetting to leave an allowance of the desired thickness along the straight edges, cut it out.
  • Attach the blank to a new sheet and make a second copy.
  • From the remaining material, cut strips and glue the mugs.
  • Stick mugs on one of the bases.
  • Glue the blanks together.


With enough foam, you can make large and small letters with your own hands based on it.

  • Having decided on the size and shape of the future product, we begin to work with air material:
  • We make a pattern out of paper or print it from the Internet.
  • We circle the stencil with a marker on a piece of foam.
  • Cut out with a sharp knife.
  • We grind all the edges with sandpaper.

From fabric

A similar principle is used for making letters from fabric: it is necessary to circle the pattern on the wrong side of the material with chalk, provide allowances for the seams, stitch, not forgetting to leave a few centimeters unsewn.

From paper napkins

To get an interesting craft on the theme of alphabetic letters, you can experiment with paper napkins:

  • Choose the right color.
  • Gather the napkin into a lush and tight flower: twist and pull off the tip with a thread.
  • Make the required number of buds depending on the required size.
  • Securely glue the flowers together.

The main thing is to first outline the boundaries of the future craft on a piece of paper and glue the buds, focusing on the sample. It is also important to ensure that the flowers are dense, keep their shape, for which you can use several napkins at once.

from wood

For those who know how to work with wood, you will like a three-dimensional letter made of wood. You can make such a decoration from a single array, but in the absence of special tools, you can go the other way:

  • Collect thin branches, wash them and dry them.
  • Collect letters from them, depending on the desired thickness, varying the number of rods.
  • Secure the branches with rope.
  • Trim or break off excess edges.
  • Varnish.

From salt dough

For children's creativity, a craft in the form of a living letter, made with your own hands from salt dough, is more suitable. True, the final product will be small and heavy, but it provides great opportunities for experimentation and the development of motor skills.

An example algorithm looks like this:

  • Dilute the dough: mix three-quarters of a glass of salt with a glass of flour, five tablespoons of vegetable oil and a little warm water.
  • Blind the letter, carefully leveling the surface.
  • Let the product dry.

How to decorate

Volumetric letters-crafts from any improvised materials need decoration. You can decorate the base in many ways:

  • Paste with beads, beads, rhinestones, as well as bows, flowers, appliqué.
  • Cover with fabric or gift paper.
  • Wrap with satin ribbons.
  • Color with paint or apply a pattern.
  • Complete with glowing garland.
  • Spray with glitter from a special can.

The nature of the decorations is selected taking into account the color scheme and style of the event or room, the available materials and your own skills.

It is worth considering the basis, for example, natural materials, figures of animals and insects are more suitable for decorating wood, beads and rhinestones for fabric blanks, paper and appliqués for cardboard, and for designs with paper napkins, treatment with glitter varnish is enough.

To make the product beautiful, even and harmonious, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • It would be useful to study the photos of crafts in the form of letters available on the network in order to choose the best option and have a sample at hand.
  • Not knowing how to use a compass and a ruler, it is better to print a finished stencil.
  • If it is planned that the letters should stand, you should take care of a wide and stable base in advance.
  • Do not abuse colors: three shades in the whole composition are enough.
  • Illuminated letters are installed next to the outlet.

Having figured out how to make 3D letters, you can not only help your child excel at school at a craft competition and have a good time, but also make an unusual photo zone, decorate a home interior with an interesting accessory, or prepare a personalized gift for a friend.

In any case, the above tips, instructions and ideas will help you decide on the materials and sequence of actions in order to immediately create the perfect product.

Photo crafts letters

Abroad, it is quite popular to use letters in interior design, which can be hung on ribbons, placed on shelves, etc. You can also add names or any phrases from them, or you can randomly “scatter” them on the wall to decipher anagrams. Recently, such three-dimensional letters have begun to be used for photo shoots and decorating the festive hall. Today we offer you to make such letters yourself from an unnecessary cardboard box.

To make volumetric letters you will need:

Corrugated cardboard (you can use an old box);
- design paper;
- regular and double-sided tape;
- ruler, pencil, cutter;
- marking board;
- decorative elements (ribbon, rhinestones, buttons, etc.).

Volumetric letters from cardboard step by step:

Take a cardboard sheet and draw a simple letter on it, without roundness. Then cut out the letter with scissors/paper cutter in duplicate (Pic 1). The cut out letter will look like in photo 2.

Make sides on one letter, for which cut strips of cardboard about 7 cm wide and as long as possible. Cut them into pieces so that it is enough for the entire perimeter of the letter. Bend 2 cm allowances on both sides and glue to these allowances along a strip of double-sided tape. Then glue the resulting "sides" to the part of the "letter" (photo 3).

Glue the second cardboard letter to the sides and press firmly, but try not to bend the corrugated cardboard (photo 4-5). From above, you can fix it with strips of double-sided tape (photo 6).

Start decorating the letter. Trace it onto the design paper and roughly figure out how to cut out to cover the letter on all sides (its entire surface). The wrapper for the letter may not work the first time - it's okay, try again (Pic 7-9).

Hello dear readers! Today we will tell and, accordingly, clearly demonstrate how to make three-dimensional letters from cardboard or polystyrene foam (you will find details about polystyrene foam below). Absolutely any text can be laid out from three-dimensional letters, names are considered the most popular, as well as the word "I love" in different languages. In this review, an example of creating the name "Nika" will be presented. Such a ready-made name from three-dimensional letters can be installed on an empty shelf or each letter can be pricked on a skewer and decorated with a bouquet of flowers, in general - it all depends on your imagination!

For work you will need:

  • Cardboard or expanded polystyrene sheet - "accordion substrate" under the laminate, it is sold in packs in hardware stores. This is really a great material for creating various crafts, earlier we made a decorative deer from it, and also carved cars for the Christmas tree.
  • Stationery knife and scissors;
  • Pen and ruler;
  • Glue moment;
  • putty;
  • Unnecessary discount card or any plastic card;
  • Rhinestones.

Master class on creating three-dimensional letters from polystyrene foam.

We take a sheet of expanded polystyrene (it is written above what it is and where it can be purchased) or thick cardboard.

On it, using a ruler and a pen, we draw the outlines of the letters (take a simple font as a basis, without monograms and other excesses). Recall that we will form the name "Nika" from the letters.

Cut out the letters with a utility knife or scissors.

Apply the cut out letters to another part of the expanded polystyrene or cardboard sheet and circle each pen, the resulting letters must also be cut out.

Next, each letter needs to create partitions and walls, for this we apply the letter to a sheet of polystyrene foam or cardboard and measure the length and width of the necessary details. For example, for the letter "H" it is necessary to prepare two long side walls, four inner vertical short walls, two inner short horizontal walls and four small squares for the upper and lower legs.

We glue the letters, for this we take two identical letters, between them we glue in turn, the previously cut walls. The result is a large letter.

The field of which we cover the end and side parts of each letter with a putty with a plastic card. It is better to apply putty in a confidently thin layer so that later it does not crack. Try to deliberately create more irregularities on the surface of the letters, so that in the end the surface of the product is a spectacular relief. We leave the letters to dry, the putty hardens quite quickly, but ideally it is better to leave them alone for about 12 hours.

Then we turn the letters of the embossed slender down and cover with putty the side of each of the letters that appeared before our eyes. We also leave it to dry for 12 hours.

On transparent glue we glue several rhinestones on the surface of each of the letters, you can also decorate the products with miniature bows, sequins, beads, etc.

As a result, you get such magnificent volumetric letters made by yourself:

How to make volumetric letters with your own hands.

Friends, today we told you how to make three-dimensional letters with your own hands using a sheet of expanded polystyrene, but you can safely replace it with thick cardboard, this will not affect the quality of the product at all. But if you like to make such elements, then we recommend that you use expanded polystyrene for interest, because this material is simply magnificent in processing. Good luck crafting!

Newlyweds do their best to come up with original and bright ideas for their weddings. Recently, it has been especially popular to use a variety of exquisite details and decor items in wedding photography, in particular, to use three-dimensional letters. But how to make letters for a wedding photo shoot in order to bring a fashion trend into your celebration? Thanks to step-by-step instructions with detailed descriptions, you will learn how to make beautiful accessories for photo and video shooting. Complement the letters with bright unique details, bring a touch of individuality to the final decor.

Cardboard letters

Cardboard letters are considered easy to manufacture. It is easy to make them, the main thing is to be careful in work, then the sides will come out even, the edges are the same. Cardboard accessories do not take up much space during transportation, they are easy to transport to the place of the photo session. It will not be difficult for the bride and groom to hold them and actively use them during the photo shoot. We suggest you make letters with the initials of your names for the wedding or compose some kind of romantic word, inscription. Subsequently, they can become details of your home interior.

Necessary materials

  • Corrugated cardboard (dispose of packaging from household appliances for this purpose).
  • Scotch tape (you will need both double-sided and a simple regular adhesive tape).
  • Stationery knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • Professional marking board.
  • Scrapbooking paper or pretty colored paper.
  • Any decoration elements that match the color scheme and theme of the celebration.

Stages of creation

  1. Use a professional marking board or a regular ruler to correctly mark the dimensions of the workpieces. Having decided on the desired size, draw the shapes with a simple pencil on cardboard. Then you need to cut the blanks with a sharp clerical knife. We will need two parts for each letter, so we need to make them in two copies at once.

  1. We measure the length of each side of the workpiece around the perimeter. We cut out the sides: the thickness can be any, we will make them 5 cm thick. To do this, we cut out cardboard strips of the required length with a width of 7 cm, leaving a centimeter of allowances for bending on each side. Having bent the allowances with our hands, we glue them to one side of the base with double-sided tape, forming the sides.
  2. We attach the second side of the letter to the sidewall and also glue it to the adhesive tape.
  3. We use ordinary adhesive tape to fasten the part in random places for reliability.
  4. We decorate the resulting blank according to our own taste and desire.

A simple and quick way to design a blank is to attach it to beautiful paper (you can use bright wallpaper for this purpose), circle the shape with a pencil, adding a few centimeters on each side for bends. Cut the paper with scissors and glue with PVA glue on a cardboard blank. Let the glue dry, and then additionally decorate the facade with lace, beads, pearls, and artificial flowers.

Common variants of words with three-dimensional letters for a wedding photo shoot: love, married, wedding, happiness, love, happy, just married, amore, amour. The phrases “I agree”, “Forever”, “Yes, I do”, “Family” also look beautiful in the pictures. The inscriptions with equation signs look elegant, for example, “Masha + Sasha = Love” or the inscriptions “Husband” and “Wife” with arrows facing the heroes of the photo shoot.


3D fabric letters

Soft letters look gentle and elegant for a wedding photo shoot. Such letters are pleasant to take in hands, they look beautiful in photographs. Even those who have not held a needle and thread in their hands for a long time and have only basic knowledge of sewing techniques can make these accessories for a photo shoot. Show your imagination by choosing a bright fabric for your crafts, and then you will have beautiful accessories that will decorate a photo shoot at a wedding.

Necessary materials

  • Soft, not too thin fabric, it is advisable to use felt, fleece fabric or felt. Give preference to high quality fabrics that do not fray the edges.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Strong threads to match the fabric.
  • Sewing needle.
  • Volumetric material for stuffing letters: synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer or holofiber.
  • Decorating elements: bright buttons, applications, ribbons, lace.

Stages of creation

  1. At the beginning of the process, you need to make templates. To do this, it is recommended to write the necessary word or inscription in a Word document, setting the font you like. Visually determine the size by placing a ruler on the monitor with the inscription. Print blanks with inscriptions.
  2. We apply the templates cut out of paper or cardboard to the fabric and trace the edges with chalk or a simple pencil. Next, cut out the patterns, making two blanks of each of them.
  3. We apply the patterns with the wrong side to each other and sew in an easy way - over the edge. Choose a colorful thread to match or opposite a contrasting color for sewing, such as red thread on white fabric.

  1. When stitching the edges, we fill the letter with a layer of filler, trying to make the thickness the same so that there are no irregularities.
  2. We carefully sew the entire perimeter of the craft. We decorate with decorating elements: sew on buttons, fabric flowers, braid, lace.


Styrofoam letters

Styrofoam letters with creative inscriptions are a popular accessory for a wedding photo shoot. Lightweight foam words look beautiful in pictures. You can toss them in the air to create original and fun photo ideas. Making large foam parts for filming is easy, you just need to get the necessary material, imagination and free time.

Necessary materials

  • Styrofoam (use foam from packaging for household appliances or specifically purchase it at a hardware store, they sell it in various thicknesses, so you can choose the material you need for your idea).
  • Bright marker.
  • Stationery knife (sold in a hardware store in the wallpaper department).
  • A piece of fine and coarse sandpaper.
  • Various decorating materials: fabric, paper, paints.

Stages of creation

  1. On paper, you need to make a stencil with your favorite font. We attach the cut out letters to the foam and circle them around the perimeter with a marker.
  2. With a clerical knife, cut out the outlines of the letters.
  3. We clean the surface of the parts with coarse sandpaper, then finally grind the letters with fine sandpaper, trying to make a smooth surface.
  4. We decorate the letters: paint them with bright paint or glue them with colorful paper (some people glue them with a vintage-style newspaper that needs to be cut into small strips), sheathe them with a cloth or coat with glue, and sprinkle them with sparkles on top.

Styrofoam letters decorated with garlands look beautiful and original. To do this, you can use both an LED strip of a suitable length and ordinary New Year's multi-colored garlands. Attach them around the perimeter of the letters with small strips of tape. Hang an illuminated lettering on a tree branch outside with a wire and arrange a romantic wedding photo shoot in the evening. Unique inimitable video and photo frames are guaranteed to you.

You can make foam letters with polyurethane foam. To do this, make cardboard forms in the form of letters. Then fill these molds with mounting foam and leave to harden. We take out the letters from the form, cut off the excess. The only disadvantage of this technology is that a long stage of polishing the surface with sandpaper will follow. In addition, sometimes when filling out the form, voids may form, which will have to be leveled with putty.