Target audience of the wedding agency. How to open a wedding agency, business plan. Selection and preparation of premises


Contact the tax office at the place of residence, you will be prompted for information on what documents are required to register the status of an individual entrepreneur. Once certified, you can start organizing an agency.

Find an office space. You can use a detached non-residential building or an apartment located on the ground floor of a residential building. Renting is expensive, so it makes sense to rent square meters for a while or hold a meeting with clients.

Gather a staff, usually such specialists are needed at the time of the wedding, the rest of the time their services are not required. Therefore, conclude piecework contracts, write down the terms of work, the payment procedure in the document. Set the amount of remuneration yourself, usually it does not exceed 10% of the cost of the celebration.

Sign contracts with hairdressers, beauty salons, flower shops, restaurants and cafes. Ask the employees of the registry office if they will be able to conduct outdoor ceremonies for an additional fee. How much will it cost, ask them for information about professional photographers and renters, take their coordinates.

Find a toastmaster who will provide you with a wedding evening, you can analyze the work of several people, and then make the final choice and conclude an agreement. This will guarantee the quality of services.

Buy equipment for decorating halls, these can be helium cylinders, flower pots, ribbons, decorations for cars. You need to find musical accompaniment. Depending on the wishes of customers, musicians can be involved or playback on a computer can be used.

The positive qualities of such a business are the absence of requirements for certification and licensing,

simplified taxation system, positive trend in the market (more and more people prefer to turn to professional organizers), weak competition, the ability to constantly increase their profits, no boundaries for prosperity and success.

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The wedding business is a complicated business, but quite profitable. The specificity of the services offered does not make it possible to form a circle of regular customers. However, store owners can expand the range of products and significantly increase sales. Approach the promotion of your salon creatively - and success will not be long in coming.


Offer an original assortment. Choose wedding dresses that are in demand, but not presented in other salons. Today, many brides are interested in unusual outfits that emphasize their individuality. Expand your selection by offering trendy cuts, such as empire dresses or dramatic, fitted dresses with a train.

Think over a system of small bonuses for guests. Attach gifts to a large purchase - small bouquets, wedding garters, a bottle of champagne. Equip a small corner for relaxation and conversations. Offer visitors coffee or tea, let them take pictures of selected dresses. Do not be afraid of competition and the fact that someone can copy your ideas. By suspecting everyone who enters, you deprive yourself of the trust of customers.

Don't get carried away with discounts. They bring losses, besides, customers will be suspicious of a product that is too cheap, expecting a hidden catch in such an offer. Focus on reasonable prices, a comprehensive offer and excellent service.

Get wedding designers involved. They can assemble ready-made sets for today's popular themed weddings. For example, for a celebration in antique style, the newlyweds can be provided not only with suitable outfits for the main participants of the holiday, but also with decorations and tables, wedding arches, boutonnieres, gift bottles and other paraphernalia. Most of the range can be offered for rent.

Make a list of well-known wedding photographers, event agencies and presenters. Offer them mutually beneficial cooperation - a small percentage of the purchases of customers who came on their recommendation.

Cooperation with hotels can be very interesting. Wedding dinners are a serious source of their income. Consider a joint promotion - for example, a bride who buys the most expensive dress or a full range of services offered by the salon receives a certificate for a romantic weekend in one of the hotel rooms.

Tip 3: How to start your own wedding planning agency

Despite increased competition, wedding agencies, according to analysts, will be in demand for a long time to come. If you really think that you can organize a great celebration, open your own business without looking back at the risks. The cost of setting up an agency is minimal, and the possible prospects cannot but inspire.


Register the agency with the tax office of your city. Pay the state fee and open a bank account. Get a cash register and a seal. Organization of weddings does not require any licenses, so immediately after registration you can start working.

Find an office space. Of course, you can meet with customers in the parks, but the office will give you solidity, and customers will be bribed by a cozy atmosphere. Decorate the room with wedding attributes.

Select your staff. This issue must be approached very carefully, since the reputation of the entire agency depends on the quality of the organization of the wedding. You can save on the services of a florist, hairdresser and driver by ordering these services from intermediaries at affordable prices. But the photographer and toastmaster should be chosen only from the list of professionals. For bookkeeping, it is not necessary to hire an employee, it is quite possible to take advantage of the offer of companies providing this service.

Discuss with the registry office the possibility of outdoor weddings for a fee. Call all the restaurants and large cafes in the city and find out the cost of renting a hall and the average check per person.

Decide which segments of the population you are willing to work with. If you need to reach the entire audience of potential clients, hire several managers who will work in different directions. Do not trust one person to organize a chic wedding and an economy option, otherwise these orders will soon acquire similar features.

Make a website for your agency. Most of the audience will be able to find you thanks to the Internet. Create communities on social networks. Clearly describe your options and offers. Place ads on search engines and wedding directories.

Create a price list for your services. The profit is 10% of the total cost of the celebration, which does not include the cost of the banquet. Specify the conditions that guarantee the complete fulfillment of the order on your part and payment by the client. If you plan to create packages of services, then determine the fixed payment for your work. Many clients are intimidated by the expected commission.

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You can start a wedding business with a small investment. With maximum effort, the project can be quite profitable, despite the high competition in the wedding industry. Salon for newlyweds traditionally provides services for organizing, conducting and accompanying weddings. To become noticeable already at the initial stage of starting your own business, you need to carefully plan everything.


Drawing up a competent business plan will help to work out all the details and trifles even before opening a business. If you have sufficient experience, try to think over the project yourself, but if you don’t have experience, contact the design bureaus, where you can buy a ready-made scheme for the economic development of production in the wedding industry. The degree of success of such a project, in principle, is assessed as high, since the number of clients of wedding salons is increasing year by year, but adjusted for seasonality.

Decide on the organizational and legal form - an individual entrepreneur or a joint-stock company. At the initial stage, preference should be given to the first option, since this will greatly simplify accounting and allow you to save a lot on taxes. Moreover, the clients of wedding companies are mostly individuals, and therefore there is no need to complicate the form of legal relationships.

Write a description of the future enterprise. The wedding industry is quite extensive. For example, you intend to open for the provision of services to private individuals for conducting, accompanying weddings with everything necessary, from A to Z. Or your idea is to organize an atelier for the rental of wedding dresses for the bride and groom. In the latter case, it is necessary to focus on this narrow direction. In the selected area, analyze the market for wedding services in your locality, giving it a complete and objective description. Evaluate all the pros and cons of competitors in order to be able to copy the best from them and take into account, not repeat the shortcomings of their work.

The next step is to find and organize the premises. The best option is the acquisition of ownership or long-term lease of non-residential premises in a crowded area. If you are going to open a full-service wedding salon, including dress sales, banquet organization, car rental, photo and video shooting, toastmaster, florist and stylist services, etc., choose a room with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. This will allow you to locate all the required services in one place, it will be convenient for customers, and will give weight in the eyes of potential consumers. Take care of the repair and decoration of the premises, divide it into zones. The interior decoration of the wedding salon should be distinguished by elegance and express the direction of the institution.

Carefully consider the structure of the services of the wedding enterprise. Consider as primary and secondary services:

Sale of clothes for newlyweds,
- sale of basic wedding accessories,
- selection and design of banquet rooms,
- provision of wedding scenarios and services for the selection of toastmasters,
- transport rental,
- provision of photo and video services.

You can provide all types of services on your own, or become an intermediary for the final performers. In the latter case, you will work for a commission. Look for reliable suppliers and contractors, conclude written agreements with them, in which you will specify all the nuances and features of cooperation.

Hire staff. The staff of the wedding salon will need to hire one or two salespeople, an accountant and someone else, depending on the narrow specialization of your business (for example, a full-time editor-editor for providing wedding video support services or a hairdresser-make-up artist). As practice shows and according to the estimates of entrepreneurs who have been working in the wedding industry for a long time, as well as on the basis of financial calculations, we can conclude that the payback period for a wedding business is on average 2-5 years.

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After the end of the wedding action and the turmoil, after all the gifts were unpacked and the donated finances were recalculated, I, out of old habit, took up the cost calculations. It should be noted that everything started in 2007, respectively, it is worth applying a double coefficient to prices and costs today when planning to deal with wedding events.

So, in my head there was an idea, in the hands of 2000 and a wild desire to start my own business. The consultation of an experienced lawyer on the necessary documents and licenses, followed by the execution of a package of documents, cost $100. Now I have become with permission to provide information and mediation services.


Organizing my own wedding and being a simple housewife at the time, I realized how troublesome it is to organize everything on my own. After submitting an application at the registry offices of our city, the bride and groom are given a memo containing a list of the main things that are necessary for the ceremony. I didn't know the rest. The idea formed itself. After all, there are a lot of young brides like me in the city, many of them work and do not have time to solve all organizational issues.

There was not a single agency in the city that could offer everything the newlyweds needed in their office. The basis of the service was that the guys who applied to the agency received a personal manager, as well as catalogs with photos of registry offices, wedding cars, wedding dress salons, makeup artists, musicians, cameramen, restaurants, presenters and everything that could be photographed and provide customers with a visual sample.

The idea is risky. After all, everyone is used to organizing weddings the old fashioned way. Cost of services for clients. In order to attract the first customers, I decided to initially provide services for free. That is, when contacting the agency and receiving complete information about all possible ways of organizing and holding a wedding in our city, clients do not pay for these services. Nevertheless, the price list contained several items that customers could order from the agency, which will be discussed later.

While I thought my idea would die, and not having time to take the first steps towards my dream. I must say that when I started my business, I did not pursue special goals of enrichment. Most likely, I needed self-realization and self-affirmation. And if the business could bring me income, then the pleasure would be doubly received. My costs in the first stage and sources of coverage. Initially, it was decided to work without an office, that is, to make appointments with clients at their home, in a cafe, in any convenient place. It was a forced measure in the context of a limited budget.


At the time, a conveniently located downtown office cost about $300 a month, excluding utilities. Since she herself could not cope, she invited an assistant and part-time her best friend to work. The main costs went to creating beautifully designed catalogs. Initially, these were ordinary photo albums with photographs, most of which I had to make myself.

The budget did not allow finding a professional photographer, as well as creating a catalog in a printing house. Perhaps it looked ridiculous and absurd, but our zeal was stronger than our doubts. The first stage of developing my own business required an additional investment from my budget of $ 250 to create albums and $ 150 per month to pay for the services of my assistant. The remaining budget after the creation of the catalog and the advance payment should have been enough for 10 months. But it wasn't enough.

Where did we make money? The cost of our services was invested in the cost of the services of the performers. That is, a couple ordering a car costing $15 per hour for 10 hours (a standard wedding day) paid $150, of which 10% went to our budget. The percentage for each client is the main condition for placement in our catalogs. We understood that an unpromoted agency that was just entering the wedding services market would not be able to attract clients for paid placement.

Later, the idea arose DIY wedding car decorations. The benefit is that each decoration requires a one-time investment, and its rental covers the costs from the first time. Purchase of flowers and material for decorations - $ 200. Office. The first meetings with potential clients turned into a fiasco. The office has become a priority. Meetings in cafes, at clients' homes and at home were simply unbearable due to the many distractions.

We found the best option - to share the office with another company. We found an advertisement that part of the office is for rent. After inspecting the central location and agreeing to a price of $180, we were eventually able to start working normally. Here you should make a small markup of the chronology. Exactly 6 weeks passed from registration and start of activity to the moment of renting the office. During this time, the budget decreased to $1,120, at which time the deadline for paying the next salary to my assistant was already approaching. For 6 weeks of activity, our income was about 90 dollars. So, in the cash desk of the agency, there were 1210 dollars.

Office rent was not the only cost. We needed stationery (we managed with the cheapest supplies, spending about $15). The shelving for the display of our products, the production of which we moved from home to office, was a definite blow to the budget. The solution was the rental of second-hand commercial equipment. It was also found through the network. Since the racks were, frankly, "not new," they cost $20 a month to rent. Creating business cards and flyers for promoters cost $100. It was decided not to make large circulations, because at any moment everything could change.


While we were just setting up our business and making our first hesitant steps in the market, we had already attracted several clients who ordered some wedding services from us, but the goal was not achieved. The main calculation and rate were made on complex orders. Each average wedding cost between $4,000 and $8,000, considering all the nuances and little things. And that was our goal. Every day, our agency had to be visited by just enough clients so that our conviction and charm would be enough for at least one of them to stay and order a complex wedding.

Unfortunately, there is no SEO for real world agencies. Our target audience was young couples who had just applied to the registry office. That's where we went to hand out our flyers. Considering the costs of setting up the business, as well as our modest income ($90 of income could not cover our $995 in 6 weeks of expenses), we decided to avoid another line of expenses - promoters. Moreover, no one, except us, could accurately convey the complexity of the services provided. And if the promoter had a goal to work out the number of business cards and flyers, then we worked with every couple that we managed to approach, sometimes splitting up to process a larger audience.

We understood that the simple distribution of leaflets could not interest the client so much that he visited our office. Applications to the registry office were accepted on Tuesdays and Thursdays - these were our hard labor days. There are 6 registry offices in our city, and having visited one and not seeing the proper audience there, we drove through the whole city to another registry office in the hope of meeting our client. The work did not go unnoticed. Hard work with clients, money for travel and organization of our activities at the registry offices ate our budget day after day. After 8 weeks, the income was $150 (for the entire period, there was a significant decrease compared to the previous month, when we earned $90).

We understood the need for staff. One person had to be in the office and meet clients, answer calls and work on jewelry, the materials for which were purchased, and there was a catastrophic lack of time for production. One more person was needed to work at the registry offices, but not a promoter, but our employee who knows his business. As the business developed little by little, we switched to special terms of cooperation with some of our car rental partners.

We needed our first client. Real. And we found it.

The young couple was already heading towards the exit from the central registry office, when I handed them our flyers and business cards, I saw a sparkle in my eyes. We did not discuss the details of our services on the spot, but went to the office. Having offered tea to clients, I calculated the approximate budget for the wedding, which was tightened by $ 7,000. The amount seemed large, and we began to look for ways to reduce the budget. When the amount was reduced to the limits of 6,000 dollars, the happy guys asked who to pay the money to. At that moment, I realized that I was doing everything right.

Our first decent income of $600 was our first small achievement, which was used to further develop the business. The goal was to earn $4,000 over the next month. The modest balance of our budget, which at the time was just over $500, and the new inflow of money allowed us to hire two more employees. Creative girls brought their ideas, which allowed our business to reach a qualitatively new level.

Our agency has opened such areas as the creation of handmade invitations in an individual style, handmade pillows for rings, hand-painted and finished wedding glasses. At the moment, the business is successfully developing in the city. We became the first in the market of wedding services, providing everything in a complex. We are followed by our copies, which also make their way through the wedding thorns.

The agency currently generates a net income of $10,000 per month.

Advantages of the wedding direction. People meet, people fall in love, get married. This line from a famous song explains well what the main advantage of this direction is. We do not refuse to organize even the most modest weddings, the income from which will barely cover our expenses. Now we can afford it.

Wedding agencies are contacted for a number of reasons. For example, a couple wants to make the celebration colorful and unforgettable, to give all guests a real holiday. Some people just don't have the time to do their own wedding planning. There are people who do not know how to organize a wedding and where to start, so they turn to professionals for help.

How much can you earn?

The potential profitability of the agency depends largely on the location of the organization. More precisely, from the city in which the business operates. In this sense, the profitability of a Moscow agency and an agency operating in a small regional town can differ tenfold.

On average, from 90,000 to 100,000 marriages are registered in Moscow every year. If you organize a wedding on your own, that is, hire a photographer separately, book a cafe, order a wedding cortege, and so on, the total costs will be from 150 to 450 thousand rubles. For such money, you can organize a small budget wedding.

The client of the wedding agency is not poor. Couples whose budget starts from 500 thousand rubles come here. But more often, Moscow couples spend from 1.5 to 2.5 million rubles on a wedding. Sometimes the wedding budget reaches 10 million.

The agency's profit or the so-called commission is up to 10% of the wedding budget. It turns out that the average income from one Moscow wedding is from 150 to 250 thousand rubles. This money is already minus the cost of photographers, decoration and design of the banquet hall, restaurant rent, wedding procession, presenter and other expenses.

For a year, promoted agencies conduct an average of 15 - 20 weddings. This is a lot, given that one pair can take from two to four weeks of preparation. Hence, the average annual income of the Moscow agency is from 2.5 to 5.0 million rubles. In the regions, the turnover is lower, but even here you can earn more than a million a year.

How wedding agencies work

The key role of any marriage agency is the organization of the holiday. The work consists in creating the general idea of ​​the holiday, its theme, and involving all the "contractors" in the organization process: photographers, video operators, aero designers, costume designers, presenters, rental salons, DJs, and so on. Promoted agencies may also have their own performers (employees): the same operators, designers and creative managers. Clients can be offered services of exit registration of marriage, up to holding a wedding abroad.

Where does the business start?

The case begins with the creation of a staff of executors of the order. This is the main difficulty of the business: to create a team of responsible partners at all stages of preparing the holiday. It is more difficult for start-up agencies in this regard, since there is still no reputation that would make it easy to enter into partnerships.

It is even more difficult for those who do not have serious start-up capital. Often this business is built on the enthusiasm of the business organizer. “At first, I had to embroider pillows for rings with my own hands, decorate the banquet hall with balls, and make bright tablecloths for the festive table. I even made the website myself, which turned out to be a difficult task,” says Maria Lvova, owner of a Moscow wedding agency.

After the team of performers is selected, you can start registering a business and renting an office. As an organizational form, you can register an ordinary individual entrepreneur and select the tax regime of the simplified tax system. Be sure to open a bank account to receive funds by bank transfer.

Next, you need to rent a small office with an area of ​​35 sq. m. The need for an office is difficult to overestimate. Own premises are necessary not only for receiving clients, but also for placing some equipment, materials and office equipment. The office also houses a team of creative workers, managers and other people responsible for performing certain tasks in organizing a wedding celebration. The presence of an office indicates the solidity of the organization, its high status and responsible approach to business. That will allow you to accept even the wealthiest customers.

Advertising and agency promotion

The team is selected, the premises are found, but the work on opening a business does not end there. You should also think about how the agency will be advertised. Word of mouth is good, but you still need to grow to the effectiveness of this advertising channel (to develop a customer base).

The most effective advertising today is advertising on the Internet. To do this, you need to create your own website - a business card. At the same time, the more unique and attractive the site design looks, the better. The site contains information about the activities of the organization, its employees, services, and most importantly - examples of work. An agency portfolio is the first thing potential clients look at.

The hardest part is finding the first clients. Without a single example of work, it is difficult to get a client to place an order. There is only one way out: to look for clients among close acquaintances, relatives and friends. Even if you can't make money from it. The main thing for you is to gain invaluable experience and the very samples of work that you can demonstrate to future clients.

Video - interview with the organizer of the wedding agency

A new and promising business for Russia is the organization of weddings. Young people believe that their marriage should be memorable and unique. Therefore, if possible, seek help in organizing a wedding celebration. In the article, we will consider the creation of a wedding agency that organizes a holiday. We will display all the main points (expenses, income, target audience, business marketing) in a business plan. In the article, we will consider the business plan of a wedding agency with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a wedding agency

The wedding business is gaining momentum, because to open it for the most part it takes a little money (in fact, you need an event manager, a marketer-salesperson), and the margin (profitability) of the business is huge, since wedding budgets, as a rule, are not small.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of business. The main target audience of the wedding agency is people with an active lifestyle who want to live brightly and beautifully.

Opening a wedding salon: registration in the tax office

For legal registration of a business, it is necessary to register with the tax office at the place of residence. In our opinion, the most optimal form would be the registration of an individual entrepreneur, since it involves a minimum form of reporting to the tax authorities. Consider the advantages of registering individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) This form of business organization is used to create a wedding agency or agency network with up to 50 people.
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transfer of UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default). Notice in Form 26.2-1;
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) This form of business organization is used for a wedding agency if you plan to hire employees, scale the company and attract external financing (loans).
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN. Notice in Form 26.2-1.

By law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

In the tax reporting of a wedding agency, BSO (strict reporting form) can be used instead of KKM (cash register) / article 2, paragraph 2 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of 05/22/2003

BSO can be used when we provide services to the public (as in our example). BSO is not used when selling goods.

OKVED codes when registering a wedding agency:
92.3 - Other entertainment activities.
92.7 - Other recreational and entertainment activities.
74.81 - Activities in the field of photography (including wedding photography).
74.84 Provision of other services.
93.05 - Provision of other personal services.

How to create a successful wedding agency (case study by Sasha Dergousova)

In the video lesson, Sasha Dergousova talks about how to open a wedding agency from scratch without connections, capital, how to attract partners, the structure of the agency, the role of the team and leader.

Wedding Agency Business Plan: Project Marketing

Market Review

In Moscow, many event companies offer assistance in organizing weddings as additional services. As a rule, such companies are mainly engaged in corporate holidays, children's celebrations, organizing parties. They will be your main competitors.

In the Moscow region there are no more than 100 specialized agencies dealing only with organizing weddings.

In recent years, the number of marriages in Russia has been growing every year. It can be concluded that the demand for organizing a wedding is constantly growing.

Summer is the most active period for marriages, September is the most active month. The leader in the number of marriages is the Northern Administrative District, followed by the Southern and Central. The capacity of the wedding services market is increasing every year, now it is more than 250 billion rubles. People spend more on weddings.

Target audience of business

To develop and implement any kind of commercial activity, the main concept of the project is first defined, which will distinguish it from similar proposals and help meet the needs of the target group. To determine the concept, a segment of specialization is selected. In other words, in order to be different from other wedding agencies, you need to choose your narrower niche in this business.

Our target audience is newlyweds, mostly between the ages of 25 and 34. They prefer not traditional weddings, but stylization for certain eras or famous historical characters.

Agency services

After determining the target audience, we will form a proposal for the main list of services provided by the agency. Standard services include:

  • decoration of the wedding venue;
  • development and distribution of custom-made wedding invitations;
  • registration of wedding transport;
  • photo and video filming of weddings;
  • decoration of wedding boutonnieres, bouquets, etc.;
  • outside registration;
  • wedding organization;
  • services of professional make-up artists, hairdressers, stylists;
  • musical accompaniment;
  • choice of wedding cake, its preparation and delivery;
  • selection of restaurants, design, selection of dishes according to the individual wishes of the customer;
  • selection of professional hosts for wedding celebrations;
  • organization of wedding trips.

Possible project risks

A certain risk during the launch of the project will be the seasonality of services and their novelty. The target consumer needs to be given maximum information that the organization of a wedding cannot do without the help of professional specialists. To reduce the risk of seasonality, for example, other periods for weddings can be promoted. In winter, you can also arrange an unforgettable wedding celebration.

It is more cost-effective to work with clients on a prepaid basis; this will reduce the risk of canceling an order for organizing a wedding. In addition, the order of a limousine, artists and other preparatory services require advance payment.

Organizational business plan

As a rule, if you start a business from scratch, then there is no need to organize your own office, since these are only additional costs. It is better to focus on finding customers through various marketing channels. If you are planning to scale your business, then one option might be to open your own office to work with clients (again, when you already have marketing in place to attract them).

The set of equipment for the office is standard: you will need office furniture, a telephone, computers, a scanner, a printer, and demonstration equipment.


The agency needs applicants with experience in wedding celebrations, sociable and with an attractive appearance. List of required personnel:

  • account managers (acting as project leaders);
  • director;
  • accountant.

To reduce the cost of wages at first, the owner of the agency himself can act as a director (if there is time and the necessary qualifications).

Advertising and promotion

With a narrow specialization of the project, you will have to choose the appropriate means of advertising and promotion. To attract potential consumers, you can use the following options (there are many more):

  • placement of advertisements in specialized publications that advertise the organization of holidays, weddings and event events (not tied to the administrative district, because the offer may appeal to consumers from other districts of Moscow and its environs);
  • development of a corporate website with its further promotion using Yandex.Direct ( in our opinion, the best option for a start, as well as the ratio of costs and effectiveness);
  • you can negotiate cooperation with salons of accessories and wedding dresses, restaurants, transport companies for renting cars.

Financial plan

The business plan should contain the basic economic calculations: income and costs, the payback of the project, the possibility of its development.

Initial Costs

  • purchase of furniture, demonstration equipment, office equipment - 150,000 rubles;
  • development of a corporate website - 30,000 rubles;
  • registration of documents (IP) - 10,000 rubles.

Total initial costs - 180,000 rubles.

Monthly costs

  • office rent - 20,000 rubles;
  • advertising (includes website promotion and optimization) - 30,000 rubles;
  • staff salary - 40,000 rubles;

Total monthly costs - 90,000 rubles.

Payback periods and revenue

We do not calculate the average price of a service, since it depends directly on the list of services for a specific individual project. The average monthly revenue will be 400,000-500,000 rubles / month. With a profitability of 30-40%, the payback period of the project will be 6-7 months.

To increase the profit on the project, we increase the intensity of promotional activities. We are expanding our territorial coverage by advertising services in other districts of the Moscow Region.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(4.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
Opening a wedding organization business (bridal salon) is a cost-effective and fast-payback business. Large costs for the rental of premises and staff can be avoided. The main factor in the success of a business is advertising, on which you need to focus 80% of your time. It will determine the viability of your business. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the seasonality of weddings. In the summer there are a lot of them, and in the winter periods there is a sharp decline. For beginners entrepreneurs are well suited to start through a ready-made franchise, a packaged business solution that already contains all the main indicators of a business model.
  • Step by step opening plan
  • What documents are needed to open a wedding agency
  • Business technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Today, the holiday services market is increasingly attracting start-up entrepreneurs. This is due to the stable demand for such services and low entry ticket to the business. You can open a wedding agency for only a few thousand dollars. The average profitability of a wedding agency is estimated at 50%.

The main services provided by wedding agencies:

  • Hire and sale of wedding dresses;
  • Decoration of the banquet hall;
  • Photo and video shooting;
  • Horse carriage rental;
  • Pigeons;
  • Salute and fire show;
  • Chocolate and wine fountains;
  • Car rental, including "retro";
  • Car decoration;
  • Offsite weddings;
  • Tamada and DJs;
  • Bridal make-up artist;
  • Hire of men's suits and tuxedos;
  • Wedding cakes;
  • Bridal bouquet;
  • Thematic bride price, etc.

As we can see, the number of services that a wedding agency can provide is really impressive. Separately, it is worth highlighting the popularity of offsite wedding services. Today, more than half of the couples prefer to get engaged in a more unique setting (boat, forested area), with the involvement of actors and directors.

How much money is needed to open a wedding agency

It is not necessary to invest a lot to open an agency. Today, salons start small. For example, they rent out wedding dresses, sell wedding paraphernalia, decorate the hall for celebrations. Usually, only $5,000 - $6,000 is enough to start such a business. As the agency grows in revenue and popularity, expensive services such as car rentals can be included.

How to choose staff for a wedding agency

Wedding agencies, as a rule, do not have a large staff. The main employees are the administrator (director), account managers and an accountant. The whole circle of performers, including photographers, make-up artists, screenwriters, etc. simply cooperate with the agency and provide the newlyweds with appropriate services. Developing a base of highly qualified specialists (musicians, florists, photographers, etc.) is the most important step in creating a wedding agency. It is necessary to be able not only to find good performers, it is also important to agree on an acceptable price that will suit all parties to the contract.

How much can you earn from starting this business

It is not difficult to calculate the income of a wedding agency. So, the organization of one "average" wedding costs from 50 thousand rubles and more, not counting the banquet. The main wedding season starts in May and ends in October. As a rule, at this time, the services of a wedding agency are ordered several months in advance. Of course, it takes more time to promote the business, as the new agency must prove itself in the market.

The most effective methods of advertising a wedding agency, along with banners, flyers, booklets and radio, are still word of mouth. And such advertising, as a rule, works fine depending on the quality of services provided by the agency.

Speaking of competition, despite the large number of companies providing services to newlyweds, there is still enough work for everyone. The holiday services market is still ready to accept new players thanks to stable demand for such services. Moreover, experts say that this market is very promising and in the near future an increase in demand for more expensive celebrations is expected.

Do I need permission to open a wedding agency?

For the legal functioning of a wedding agency, it is necessary to register individual entrepreneurship(IP) or limited liability company(OOO). Registering an individual entrepreneur is much easier and cheaper than opening an LLC, but legal entities have more opportunities. In general, each OPF has its pros and cons.

What taxation system to choose for this business

As tax systems you can choose between UTII and STS (6% of revenue or 15% of profit). It is necessary to carry out a preliminary calculation of the potential revenue and profit of your agency in order to understand which system is more profitable to apply. The size of UTII depends on the region of doing business, since local authorities can set a “mitigating” coefficient k2 at their discretion.

To meet with clients, you will have to rent a small office, from 10 m2. Also, as a business card, you need to get a website and a group in the social. networks.

Step by step opening plan

To open a wedding agency, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The main disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is that he is forbidden to work with legal entities. Next we need:

  • rent or purchase premises;
  • based on the scope of services, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment and related inventory;
  • conduct an advertising campaign to attract customers.

What equipment to choose for a wedding agency

The choice of equipment for a wedding salon directly depends on the services that it will provide to its customers. In particular, you will need to purchase:

  • necessary attributes for registration of vehicles and a wedding hall;
  • material for making wedding invitations and the necessary equipment;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • if the services include the services of makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, then the necessary equipment for their work will be required;
  • office furniture and technical equipment (computer, printer, scanner, copier, etc.);
  • demonstration equipment (display boards, projector…), etc.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a wedding salon

When registering a wedding agency, you will need to indicate several codes in accordance with OKVED:

  • other entertainment and entertainment activities - code No. 92.3;
  • other activities related to the organization of entertainment and recreation - code No92.7;
  • activities in the field of photography, which includes its implementation at weddings - code No. 74.81;
  • provision of other services - code No. 74.84;
  • provision of other individual services - code No. 93.05.