Evdokimova Yu.V. Pension reform in the Russian Federation: main problems and directions for their solution. The Ministry of Finance plans pension reform after the presidential elections. Points will be awarded depending on

The 2016 pension reform involves a huge number of innovations, the implementation of which began quite a long time ago. Starting this year, pensions throughout the country will be calculated using a completely new system. The essence of the pension reform is that the calculation will be carried out not in rubles for working years, but in special “pension points”, which will then be converted into cash equivalent by means of conversion at a certain rate.

Each point will be awarded based on indicators such as:

  • wage level;
  • seniority;
  • retirement age;
  • deduction of funds for the funded part of the pension.

Starting from 2016, pensions will be divided into two types: funded and insurance. The funded part will be calculated from the amount that was ultimately received for all working years of pension contributions. The total amount will then be divided by a certain period of time when citizens worked.

The insurance part of the pension will be calculated from fixed payments of citizens that were transferred to pension funds, both public and private. In this case, the insurance period must be at least fifteen years.

Factors influencing the accrual of “pension points”

First of all, the accrual of points is influenced by the period when the citizen himself made contributions to the pension fund, that is, he formed his insurance part of the pension. The longer the insurance period, the larger the final pension amount in 2016.

The next important factor is the size of real wages. As you know, the employer makes small contributions to the pension fund from each salary of its employee. From these funds, the funded part of citizens' pensions will be formed in the future. Therefore, salaries “in envelopes” or hiding one’s income will be absolutely unprofitable for the population.

According to the terms of the 2016 pension reform, the later a working citizen retires, the larger its amount will be. In this case, the employee’s coefficient will increase, and additional pension points will be awarded, from which, as mentioned above, the amount of the pension will be formed.

In this case, of course, such periods in the life of each person as vacation, maternity leave, and service will be taken into account. According to the 2016 pension reform, certain points will also be awarded for the listed periods.

Categories of people covered by the new pension calculation for 2016

All citizens of the Russian Federation who get a job starting from January 1, 2015 automatically fall into the category of people for whom the pension will be calculated according to the new formula. For those citizens who are already working or receiving a pension, special recalculations will be made.

The new calculation formula will also apply to preferential pensions, that is, disability pensions, survivors' pensions, orphans' pensions, etc. According to the new rules, to receive these pensions, one single rule will be introduced - this is the length of service, which must be at least one working day.

The new pension reform of 2016 will not affect those categories of citizens who are completely supported by the state, namely:

  • residents of the Far North regions;
  • disabled people of the first group;
  • citizens whose age exceeded eighty years.

According to the latest news, citizens of Russia whose work experience at the time of 2015-2016 will exceed forty years, when recalculating pensions according to the new formula, should receive an increase of 600-700 rubles.

Work or retirement?

An important innovation of the 2016 pension reform is the fact that the category of citizens who simultaneously work and retire will be forced to choose one thing. If a person has reached retirement age, but does not intend to quit and retire, then he will be additionally accrued pension points. At the same time, the size of the storage part will increase.

Thus, the state wants to increase the incentive for pensioners to work and avoid forced measures to increase the retirement age. That is, at the moment there is no need to be afraid of raising the retirement age bar.

Pension reform in the Russian Federation is an important issue that worries the entire population. After all, each taxpayer transfers certain funds to And at one point he has the opportunity to get the money back, only in the form of a support system for citizens who have retired, constantly undergoing some changes. What news can you hear about this component of the population’s life? What information can be considered real changes, and what can be considered myths and gossip? Nowadays there is a lot of talk about pensions. Therefore, you should know exactly what to prepare for.

Cancellation of pensions for workers

The first news that caused a wave of discontent from the population was the abolition of pensions for working pensioners. A pension reform of this type in Russia implies that citizens who continue to work after reaching the age at which they can retire will no longer receive financial support from the state.

In other words, for working pensioners. There are two options for interpreting this news. The first states that the condition will begin to apply in 2016 and will apply only to those who earn more than 1,000,000 per year. This works out to 83 thousand rubles per month. Such citizens will not be paid a pension. In the second, the pension reform indicates the cessation of payments from the state for all retired citizens who continue to work. Neither income nor experience will play a role.

At the moment, such reforms are considered a myth. And if pensions for working citizens are removed, then the first scenario will be closer. So far, all people who have reached retirement age in Russia receive financial support from the state in one form or another.

Payout limit

The following news also concerns working pensioners. Some say that they want to limit financial support to the population if people are officially employed. In fact, they plan to reduce cash payments transferred to pensioners.

This type of pension reform news is a hoax. Now in Russia they are really working on systems that will help recalculate funds. But there are no strict restrictions. Unless pension payments cannot be less than the subsistence minimum per person. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of such news. The government, on the contrary, is thinking about how to maintain and even increase pensions.

Suspending indexing

The discussions don't end there. Pension reform took place in 2016 anyway. But it’s just not too noticeable yet. The thing is that Russia provides for mandatory indexation of pension payments. But working pensioners will not receive indexed payments. Instead, they are entitled to financial support from the state without any increases.

That is, at the moment in the country, citizens who have reached retirement age and continue to work receive the pension that was due at the end of 2015. They do not have any indexing.

Mandatory indexing

However, this does not mean that the pension reform in Russia completely cancels the increase in the amounts paid to pensioners. This is wrong. After all, the suspension of indexation applies only to employed citizens. All others will receive an increased pension in Russia. At the moment, all payments are indexed by 4%. In 2016, citizens had to double the amount paid by the state upon reaching retirement age. And this rule was fully observed. It turns out that there are no special features for non-working pensioners. Same indexation, same payments. Even the procedure for assigning financial support remained unchanged.


The news of pension reform in the country does not end there. Questions constantly arise regarding this topic. Russia has been planning to raise the retirement age for a long time. Is it true? Yes, there has been talk about raising the retirement age for several years. Now in Russia, women have the right to retire at the age of 55, men get this opportunity at 60. But, as practice shows, many do not stop working even after this age.

This prompted the idea that citizens are retiring too early. In most countries the retirement age is much higher. And this helps replenish the state budget. The new pension reform implies a gradual increase in the retirement age. Thus, women want to extend their working capacity to 60, and men to 65 years, respectively.

Consequences of "age reform"

What consequences could raising the retirement age have? Now in Russia many remain dissatisfied with this prospect. It has not yet been implemented, but it is already known that someday the news will become a reality. Outrage was caused by the fact that the Russian government tried to be equal to other countries and did not take into account the average human life expectancy in the country. Thus, women live on average to 77, and men to 65 years. It turns out that practically many men will not receive pension payments if they raise the age at which they are officially allowed to retire. For this reason, they decided to postpone the innovation for now. But at the same time they are talking about a gradual increase in the retirement age. It is planned to increase it by 6 months every six months.

Experience and points

Pension reform in the Russian Federation has led the country to the fact that it now uses the so-called point system for calculating payments. For each year worked, a citizen is awarded certain “points” to his account. At the end, the pension awarded will depend on the total number of points scored. For now, citizens are required to score 30 points. And the amount of money due for payment in the form of pensions depends not only on points, but also on the cost of one point at the time of retirement.

Not everyone likes the point system. But it has been introduced and the government has no plans to revise it in the near future. Therefore, citizens should remember that now, when calculating their labor pension, not only length of service will be taken into account, but also the number of points accumulated over the entire period of work.

Changes in the conditions for assigning pensions

What else has the pension reform prepared for the population? The last thing that really interested citizens was the conditions for assigning payments. It has already been said that it is planned to raise the retirement age. Also, to receive financial support from the state (not social), you must have 30 points. But the changes don't end there.

To retire and receive money from the country, you will need 7 years of work experience. And this is regardless of the citizen’s points. Previously, this period was 5 years. In 2016, it increased to 7. And this “bar” will increase until 2024. It is planned to increase the minimum work experience to 15 years. Such changes are now provided for by the pension reform. Recent news indicates that this is not a myth, but a reality.

Two parts of one whole

The following information can no longer be considered new. But still not everyone knows about it. The thing is that pensions are now formed mainly at the expense of citizens. Payments were divided into 2 parts: insurance and savings. The first one is paid without fail. It is guaranteed by the state. The savings fund depends directly on the citizens and is usually formed in the state fund. The main thing is to transfer part of your income from time to time to the chosen organization, thereby saving for old age.

The formula by which it is necessary to calculate funds paid to pensioners has the form P=B*K+C+NP, where:

  • P - monthly pension;
  • B - the number of pension points accumulated by a citizen;
  • K - cost of one point;
  • C - the insurance part of the pension (set by the state annually);
  • LF - cumulative part (formed by a citizen).

Many are saying that there are now plans to revise this scheme. Actually this is not true. The system remains the same. And no one will change it in the near future. The year of pension reform is behind us. But there is still some news that has excited pensioners.


The pension reform in Ukraine is reminiscent of the changes that took place in Russia. In the neighboring country, it is currently planned to introduce a multi-component calculation of due payments, the same as what is currently available in the Russian Federation. This is not too scary, so the population is not very afraid of such changes, because pensions will still be transferred.

Only in Russia there were rumors that the government in 2016-2017 might “freeze” pensions, or rather their funded parts. It is proposed to exclude this component altogether when calculating pension payments to the population. Nevertheless, there is no need to fear this step yet. According to the government, there are no plans to “freeze” in 2016-2018. But how things will be further is a mystery that has not yet been solved.

One-time payment

The pension reform in the Russian Federation in 2016 made many citizens think about saving for their own old age and not hoping for an increase in pensions. The world is currently in crisis. And in Russia too. In such conditions, indexation of pension payments became impossible. Therefore, in 2017, all pensioners (employed and unemployed), instead of indexation, will be paid a lump sum in January. How many? 5,000 rubles. And all other payments will remain the same. The government reported that there were no funds for indexation. Therefore, we have to act this way for now.

And this news is not a myth. This is already an established law. Now we just have to wait for 2017. It is unknown what other changes may affect the pension system in the Russian Federation. But even the government recommends that you worry about saving for old age on your own. After all, in times of crisis, sometimes you have to make serious decisions. The population must be prepared for them. All that remains is to follow the latest news. Perhaps very soon the pension system will be completely revised again.

The Ministry of Finance has prepared a plan for reforming the pension system, which provides for raising the retirement age and canceling payments to working pensioners

The Ministry of Finance sent a pension reform plan to the Ministry of Labor, compiled after a February meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, reports the Vedomosti newspaper.

Document consists of six points, and Some of them are not heard for the first time. In particular, the Ministry of Finance proposes to equalize the retirement age men and women at the level 65 years, increasing it in increments of 6-12 months per year. The project also provides for the refusal to pay pensions or at least its fixed part for working pensioners.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance proposes not to pay early pensions to those who are entitled to them in connection with work in hazardous and hazardous industries and continue to work there. E This category makes up more than 50% of all " early workers ", notes the department.​ For early workers -public sector employees (teaching, medical, creative workers) Ministry of Finance proposes to raisethe length of service required to establish early retirement, one year at a time, until it coincides with the generally established retirement age.

Another proposal is to establish a single social insurance tariff and collect contribution to the Pension Fund not from salaries up to a certain limit, but from the entire salary. In fact, the Ministry of Finance “proposes to quietly increase taxes and reduce social obligations,” Vedomosti writes, citing the words of a source in the government apparatus. The pension reform project also provides for a reduction indexation of pensions for 2017, but only - it is not specified.

The draft also included a proposal to cancel compulsoryness of the funded component and transfer it from the compulsory pension insurance system to quasi-voluntary , while introducing incentives for voluntary savings. The Ministry of Finance, together with the Central Bank, outlined the details in a presentation that was sent to individual officials of the White House and the Kremlin administration. As on April 27, Kommersant, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance propose to provide citizens ownership rights to their pension savings and the ability to spend them before retirement age. According to this idea, citizens will pay savings contributions from salaries in the amount of 0 to 6%. The savings part is offered rename into “individual pension capital”, into whichEverything previously accumulated will also be included, Vedomosti writes.

The Ministry of Finance proposes to switch to the voluntary principle of funded contributions from 2019. Deadlines implementation other initiatives are not specified in the document.

Video: RBC TV channel

As Medvedev's press secretary Natalya told the newspaper Timakova , while offers Ministry of Finance and Central Bank were not discussed at the government level. Buta federal official said theywere discussed at meetings with both First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, proposals of the Ministry of Finance on the tariff of insurance premiums and indexation of pensions caused sharp resistance from the social block of the government, although he agrees with the reform of early pensions. Reform of the pension system as a whole is being discussed outside the context of the autumn elections to the State Duma, but a fundamental paradigm shift is possible only after 2018, noted a federal official.

Authorities n raising the retirement age of Russians against the backdrop of the development of the first anti-crisis plan in 2015. reform after the completion of the State Duma elections, that is, at the end of 2016. The basic proposal, he said, was to establish an equal retirement age of 63 for women and men. “Another option is to leave the gap at five years and raise it to 60 and 65 years respectively. From my point of view, this is less rational,” said Ulyukaev.

At the beginning of 2015, the Ministry of Finance also gradually raised the retirement age so that it would eventually reach 63 for both men and women. But later the department took a position and announced the need to increase the retirement age to 65 years for men and women.

In 2019, a new stage of pension reform in Russia began, the retirement age was raised (to 60 and 65 years for women and men), new rules were introduced for calculating pension benefits, and the amount of pension payments was indexed. Any reforms worry a huge number of Russians, some of the residents of Russia, but the pension reform will affect almost the entire population. Let's figure out what awaits pensioners and those who have yet to retire, what to prepare for, what to pay attention to.

Back in 2013, the President signed a law that approved a special system of guaranteed pension savings, but this law is only a small part of a whole package of government initiatives on pension reform. Delving deeper into the law, it becomes clear that a two-level system of guaranteeing the rights of insured citizens is being formed in the Russian Federation. In other words, the system consists of two components - compulsory pension provision + voluntary pension savings. How can these voluntary pension savings be formed? It was planned that the following sources would be used for these purposes: various non-state pension funds and contributions from the state Pension Fund. However, the Government decided to “freeze” the funded part of the pension in order to transfer it to the distribution system until 2021. In practice, it looks like this: the majority of Russian citizens had a funded part of their pension in the Pension Fund, on which interest was accrued, and since 2014 this mechanism has ceased to function.

The very concept of “labor pension” is gradually “erased” and remains a thing of the past, and today, instead of this term, “insurance pension” is used, and the size of the old-age insurance pension depends on how many points the pensioner “earned” during his work experience. Each year these pension points will be adjusted for inflation.

Another important point of the pension reform is the inclusion in the insurance period of a child care period of only up to 1.5 years, but in total no more than 6 years in total if a woman had several children.

How will pension reform affect working pensioners?

Since 1998, there has been no legislative framework establishing restrictions on receiving pension benefits for those pensioners who continue to work after crossing the retirement age mark and reaching a well-deserved pension. But the government considered that these “easing” lead to inefficient spending of the Pension Fund and additional expenses from the federal budget.

Since 2015, the government decided to introduce certain restrictions for working citizens receiving an old-age insurance pension, plus change the algorithm of the point system (which remained incomprehensible to many).

  1. When a pensioner who works does not form the funded part of his future pension, then upon recalculation he will be able to receive a maximum number of points of no more than 3.
  2. In the case of formation of the funded part of the pension, during recalculation the number of points will be no more than 1.875.

At a press conference at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi in February 2019, the head of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) Anton Drozdov told reporters that according to his data, more than half of Russians (56%) show a high level of pension literacy, but young people (under 40 years old) ) shows an extremely low understanding of the principles and mechanisms for calculating pension points.

Just over half of Russians (56%) show a high level of pension literacy. This was announced by the head of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR), Anton Drozdov, at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. Therefore, the head of the Pension Fund proposes to introduce into the school course the study of aspects of the pension system in Russia: “We would like to see an element of pension insurance introduced into all educational programs so that it is more clearly explained, this will increase interest in this product, and young people going into work will immediately ask the right questions.”

What are “pension points” and how does it work?

Since 2015, the reform of the Russian pension system has introduced an old-age insurance pension, which is formed using points (individual pension coefficients) that are awarded to the future pensioner for each year of his (official) working activity. The calculation of the number of pension points per year is based on the insurance contributions that the employer officially pays for its employee for compulsory pension insurance.

The pension point evaluates each calendar year of a citizen’s work activity, taking into account the annual deductions of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. The annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of the amount of insurance contributions paid by the employer for the formation of the insurance part of the pension at a rate of 16%, to the amount of insurance contributions from the maximum contributory salary paid by the employer at a rate of 16%, multiplied by 10.

The number of points per year is limited. For example, at the very beginning of the reform that introduced points, the maximum value of points in 2015 when insurance contributions were directed only to the formation of an insurance pension was 7.39.

Non-insurance periods are also involved in the calculation and formation of a future pension, that is, the time when a person was forced not to work - for each such non-insurance year a certain number of pension points are awarded:

  • period of military service under conscription – 1.8 points;
  • periods of one parent caring for children until they reach the age of one and a half years, but not more than 6 years in total: for the first child - 1.8 points, for the second - 3.6, for the third or fourth - 5.4;
  • the period of care provided by an able-bodied citizen for a group I disabled person, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 – 1.8 points;
  • the period of residence of spouses of military personnel serving under contract with their spouses in areas where they could not work due to lack of employment opportunities, but not more than 5 years in total - 1.8 points;
  • period of residence abroad of spouses of diplomats, consuls, employees of representative offices of the executive bodies of the Russian Federation, employees of trade missions and government agencies of the Russian Federation located abroad, and employees of some international organizations (the list of which is approved by the government of the Russian Federation), but not more than 5 years in total - 1 ,8 points.

If a citizen worked with the deduction of insurance contributions in one of these periods, then when assigning him an old-age insurance pension, he will have the right to choose which points to use when calculating it: for the period of work or for the non-insurance period.

Important! Any non-working citizen can voluntarily pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for himself, or such contributions can be paid for him by any other person (not necessarily a relative or spouse). This rule was introduced by the pension reform so that citizens who do not have official employment, but have financial resources, can ensure their right to an old-age insurance pension. However, you can “purchase” only half of the insurance period required to assign an old-age insurance pension.

The main disadvantages of the 2019 pension reform:

  • Raising the retirement age to 60 for women and 65 for men.
  • The most complex formula for calculating a pension, practically incomprehensible even at the initial stages to the average person.
  • Freezing the funded part of the pension.

In general, pension reform in Russia is met with negative assessments in society; people do not fully understand the meaning and goals of reforming the pension system; the increase in the retirement age also causes dissatisfaction, although this is a global practice. One can note the unsatisfactory work of the press service and the leadership of the Pension Fund in explaining to the population the principles and goals of pension reform.

Summing up, it can be noted that the pension system is being reformed not because of a good life, but for a number of reasons, this is the demographic failure of the 90s, this is the increase in the ratio of the number of workers (and paying pension contributions) to the number of pensioners. The essence of the pension reform today is that in order to receive a decent pension you will have to work for a long time and with high official pension contributions. If, when applying for a job, you are offered a salary in an envelope, or a part-time job (to avoid taxes and pension contributions in full), you should find a more honest employer. Only a white salary, and you need to check whether your employer makes contributions to the pension fund regularly! To do this, you can use your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund, or your personal account on the State Services website.

At the beginning of 2016, a new pension reform appeared in Russia. Undoubtedly, the size of the pension will increase, but it will be calculated in a new way.

We will tell you what the pension reform will affect, who will be able to receive an old-age pension in 2016, and also determine what disadvantages the changes will bring in the future.

How is the pension calculated in 2016 - parameters and conditions for calculating the pension 2016

The main document providing for all changes is federal law number 385 and the title “On suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and amendments to the specifics of increasing the insurance pension, fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions,” approved on December 15, 2015.

The new recalculation system is to accrue allotted money not in rubles, but in points . Moreover, the rate of one point will be revised annually.

Points will be awarded depending on:

  1. Your salary.
  2. Work experience.
  3. The age at which you plan to retire.
  4. Special contributions that you transferred to the labor part of the pension.
  5. Choice of pension provision.
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