When is the best time to knit a money napkin? Let's connect wealth: Crocheted money napkin. How to properly starch a finished napkin


I learned the other day about one interesting way to attract prosperity to the house. This idea appealed to me and I immediately realized it. Now I am sharing with you.

Its essence is that you need to tie, in the center of which place a coin of small denomination (1 or 5 kopecks). This coin will attract similar things to itself (that is, other money).

Someone in money drills holes to tie them. But I don't think it's worth it.

I'll show you how I tied coins into napkins.

In order for a napkin with a coin to “work”, several conditions must be met:

the color of the napkin is plain (white or cream);

the diameter of a knitted napkin with a coin is 21 cm or more;

the number of rays (rapports) is odd;

during and after knitting, you need to pronounce certain words.

Read more here http://www.stranamam.ru/post/7573405/,

and I will show how I knitted coins in the middle of napkins and I will give 2 schemes. True, an even number of rapports should be obtained there, but I managed to fulfill this condition and make 11 and 9 elements of the pattern.

First coin napkin

Yarn Pekhorka Openwork (50 g / 280 m), hook No. 1.

We make a ring of 15 VP (the diameter of the ring should be less than the diameter of the tied coin).

Then we knit 2 VP and 1 more ring of 15 VP.

Now we will connect the rings: 2VP, st.b / n in an arch,

2 VP, st.b / n in the second ringlet, etc.

When you tie more than half, insert a coin and tie the circle to the end.

While you are knitting a coin, do not forget to pronounce the cherished words)))

Instead of an ellipsis, name what you need (to collect money, happiness, prosperity, benefits, etc.).

Finish with a double crochet.

Finish row 2 VP and st.s2n.

In the 3rd row, I added 1 VP between the repeating elements (i.e. knitted it like the 4th row in the diagram).

We continue to knit our napkin with a coin ...

And it turns out this beauty:

Choose a place where it will lie and say:

Second napkin with a coin

Now we will tie a smaller coin (1 kopeck) a little differently.

The yarn is even thinner - Pekhorka "White Lace" (cotton, 50 g / 475 m), the same hook - No. 1.

Again we make a ring of 15 VP,

then 3 VP and another ring of 15 VP.

Now we connect the rings in chains of 3 VP and st.b / n.

We insert a coin and say the magic words (see above).

In each ring we make 9 st.b / n.

Make 3 VP lifts, * 4 VP and st.s / n under 2 chains of 3 VP *. Repeat from * to *.

At the end of the row, instead of 4 VPs, knit 2 VPs and 1 st.s / n.

Well, how did you like this magic? Even if you do not believe in it, why not tie a beautiful napkin with a coin, it will suddenly work)))))


It turns out that the material state can be easily manipulated. For this, a simple technique is used - a knitted money napkin, tying a coin, or more precisely, they knit a napkin in such a way that a coin is in its center. An important detail - the coin should be of an insignificant denomination, 1 kopeck is best, you can’t take rubles, especially 10!

Certain words are pronounced over the product, namely: “Sit in a thread town, attract the like to yourself, collect and save ...” The diameter of the money napkin must be at least 21 centimeters, the color version is white or cream with an odd number of rapports. Such napkins can be knitted as a gift to relatives and friends, and they will definitely work! You definitely need to crochet such a money napkin for yourself, it will help you cope with protracted debts, loans, and will bring many orders to needlewomen. In general, additional funds will come, and they are never superfluous.

The wisdom of the people cannot be eradicated, and it’s not worth it, it’s better to use the experience of many generations, like one girl who left a review about this method of obtaining wealth:

“The plant was closed in the nineties. It was my husband and I's only job and, accordingly, the family's income. Real poverty did not have to wait long, and we decided to go to the village to our parents, at least there was a garden, they could feed themselves. The mother-in-law, after listening to stories about our plight, pointed out to me the crocheted "money" napkins lying in the corners of her house. Looking closer, I noticed a bead in the center of one napkin, a penny tied around the other, a copper ring adorned the third napkin, and one even a dried mushroom. So, the mother-in-law told me about folk wisdom: in life everything develops in a circle, or rather around something. Therefore, a crocheted money napkin, as it were, creates a center, and its contents are an orbit that can attract what revolves around it.

The mushroom surprised me the most. It turned out that this allows the father-in-law to harvest a large harvest of mushrooms every autumn, because they have a ringed mushroom in their house ...
But a penny tied into a napkin, of course, will not bring much wealth, but they cannot be without material resources. It would seem that tie a napkin with a ruble, and get prosperity in everything, but the mother-in-law says that this is not good, a measure is needed in everything!

When I figured out this wisdom, our life began to slowly improve. The husband took up carpentry. And in the corner of his workshop lies a small plywood, tied into the middle of a napkin.

If I feel that some side of life requires a stronger position, I knit a napkin with the appropriate object and say the words: “I will put you in the middle, I will file a case and work. Sit in a filament town, attract the like to yourself! Collect ... (I name the case for which I knit a napkin) and save! The napkin is crocheted, usually I make it more than 21 centimeters in diameter. I put the finished money napkin on a place prepared in advance for it with the words: “Here is your place, here is your village, here is your center! Reign as long as you have enough strength, while the bird flies, while the fish swims, while the sun rises! I knit a napkin with white or cream threads, you should not take other colors. They can only hurt.

I saw on TV that people collectively decorate mandalas in order to bring their inner world into harmony, and my napkins are no worse than scientific innovations!

This page is found by queries:

  • crochet money doily
  • crochet money napkin pattern
  • money napkin
  • crochet wealth

Needlewomen create a lot of amazing things with the help of a hook and knitting needles. However, many have not even heard of the existence of a miraculous napkin to attract money. In this article, we will learn how to crochet cash napkins, patterns, detailed descriptions and instructions will help even beginner needlewomen cope with this work.

Everyone will agree that money is not the least important place in the life of any person. The Feng Shui ideology about attracting money to the house says that money comes only to those who understand and accept its importance. And the money napkin is a symbol of the attraction of money, as if the center to which exactly what is tied into the base of the napkin is attracted. Of course, someone believes in the miraculous powers of money napkins, and someone considers them just a nice interior decoration. However, such a napkin is not just an element of decor; when creating it, you should definitely follow certain rules that distinguish an ordinary knitted napkin from a money amulet that attracts wealth.

Learning to crochet money napkins step by step: diagrams and description

Basic rules for knitting a money napkin:
  • the use of white or beige yarn in work, it is these colors that are the obligatory shades and the distinguishing feature of a wonderful napkin;
  • exceptionally round shape;
  • the radial arrangement of the pattern - "rays";
  • in diameter, the napkin should be at least 21 cm, it can be more, but in no case less;
  • odd number of rapports
  • and most importantly, the central coin must be a penny, not a ruble;
  • also, when working, you need to say special words, which give the napkin the ability to attract money.

We start knitting by choosing a specific pattern. In the work we will use the following knitting pattern.

We take a coin with a face value of 1 kopeck and begin to tie it in a circle. To do this, we collect 5 air loops and knit 14 double crochets. We knit the next row with single crochets in each column, with the help of which the knitting is rounded, at this moment we put in a coin and knit the 3rd row with connecting columns. If you do everything right, then the coin will hold very securely. In the process of knitting a coin, it is necessary to pronounce the following words to yourself.

Next, we continue to knit according to the pattern, starting with 1 row, 14 double crochets, be sure to knit the loops that are on the edge of the coin. We knit the second row in accordance with the scheme: double crochet, 2 air loops, double crochet.

In the process of knitting napkins, it is also necessary to periodically say special words:

The resulting napkin must be starched and put in place, also with a special parting word:

Another way to knit.

Another interesting diagram:

It is not difficult to tie such a napkin with a description and a diagram.

We collect 10 air loops and knit 21 double crochets. From them we knit 11 air loops and connect them into the second loop of the chain. We tie the second loop with 21 double crochets, we get two rings.

We fold them in half and knit in accordance with the scheme. Lift loop, 3 double crochets, 2 air loops, double crochet, insert the hook into the first loop of the previous row of the first ring and into the first loop of the previous row of the second ring, we knit 1 double crochet.

We knit two more double crochets and two air loops, and then according to the scheme: 3 double crochets and 2 air loops between them. In the middle of this row we insert a coin, not forgetting to pronounce the necessary words.

We knit according to the scheme, at the end we will definitely starch the finished napkin.

How to starch a finished napkin?

You will need about 1 teaspoon with a slide of starch. We dilute it a little with cold water to a state of thin sour cream, then pour boiling water over it. The resulting mixture should resemble jelly in consistency. We cool the diluted starch a little, dip the napkin, which must first be washed, squeeze it properly and lay it out on a flat surface. After almost complete drying, iron with an iron, smoothing the pattern properly.

In accordance with the ideas of Feng Shui, the best neighborhood for a money napkin will be a “money tree” or a fat woman, which is considered a very energetic plant and a symbol of material well-being.

Regardless of the belief in miraculous powers, each needlewoman puts her strength, soul and energy into the creation. It is not for nothing that for a long time things related to loved ones were considered protection and a talisman. Do not neglect the advice of our ancestors, because many needlewomen noted the connection between the creation of money napkins and the appearance of money in the house. And it is not known whether this is really the influence of a wonderful napkin or self-hypnosis and faith in the best, but in any case it is worth a try.

Video selection on the topic of the article

Interesting master classes with various knitting patterns for round napkins and a step-by-step description of the process.

So the wave of knitting money napkins came to me ...
I treat knitted napkins evenly, you can even say that I’m not a fan of them at all, but something has become a little money lately, so I decided to try to lure money to myself ...

I gave the first napkin to my mother for a coin.
... the only thing is that the diameter of the napkin is desirable at least 21 cm, and according to the scheme it turned out to be about 19 cm, I added a couple of rows from myself there, my petals have completely grown together.

She tied the second one and gave it to a friend for a coin.
The photo is just this, the girlfriend will wash it herself, dry it correctly

The third is for your home, your family.

All three napkins are crocheted from Pekhorka Openwork, 1.25 crochet, it took about 2 skeins of 50g each.
Coins 5 kopecks are tied into the middle, knitted for the new moon, for the growing moon, 7 rays, the words for luring money were said, napkins were put in the right places, now I'm waiting and hoping !!!

A money napkin and a small MK for tying a coin.
Published by Laura_Ya.

My circuit starts at 10. n. then 21 st. from n.
I scored 10. p. and tied a chain of 21 columns WITHOUT a crochet.

From them knitted 11 century. p. connected in the 2nd loop of the chain from the beginning of the ring, according to the principle of continuous knitting.

I tied the second chain with 21 loops without a crochet, it turned out two rings.

Now fold them in half and start knitting according to the pattern. The first lifting loop 3c. n. and 2 c. P.
Next, we make a yarn over, insert the hook into the first loop of the previous row of the 1st ring and also into the first loop before. row of the second ringlet and knit 1 double crochet.

We also do 2 more tbsp. with a crochet and 2 in. p. and further according to the scheme (3 st. with n. and 2 v. p. between them).
Approximately in the middle of the strapping of this row, we insert the money and sentence ...
“I will put you in the middle, I will give you business and work
Sit in a filament town, pull the like towards you! Collect a coin and save!

We continue to knit according to the scheme.

This is a finished napkin.

We put the napkin in a place convenient for you with the words:
“Here is your place, here is your capital, here is your center! Reign and rule as long as you have enough strength, while the bird flies, while the fish swims, while the sun rises!
She starched like this: about a teaspoon of starch with a slide was slightly diluted with cold water and poured with boiling water to the state of jelly. After a short cooling, I dipped the washed napkin, squeezed it well and laid it out to dry. When it was almost dry, the iron began to smooth and even out the pattern well.

I share the diagram. Good luck with your loops and financial prosperity!


General form.

Wrong side.


And now I will show you how easy and without problems with holes to tie a money.
We knit a piglet in size slightly larger than our coin, when typing, leave a long tip of the thread, so that later we can collect the loops

Then we collect loops for the front wall of the loop

We gradually transfer it to the needle, because you can’t turn the hook around, the thread is pulled out on the face (the one that was left when dialing) and inserted into the needle. to pull through all the loops and tighten

When everything is typed and passed with a needle and thread, it turns out like this

We insert a coin inside and tighten it - this will be obvious.

Napkin14 (610x380, 132Kb)

The wrong side.

Here's what happened

The napkin should have 7 rays - we start like this: from one 3st. we skip one, above it is air.

The second row is already visible what happens. You can knit with any pattern, this is the easiest.


If a napkin is not enough for you, make a cash fish too!
Published by vevej.

Little MK, how I made fish.
A piece of black-brown crocodile skin, eyes, ten kopeck coins and one fifty dollars.

The fish pattern is done in a mirror direction

We apply coins, circle, remove and cut out circles

Lubricate the entire space with moment-crystal glue

Glue the second part on the finished half

We glue the eyes, put the eyelets and decorate as our darling pleases.
I painted them with felt-tip pens with metallic dye, it dries quickly and easily.

Voila! Our beauty is ready!

A hint from Eugene, mother of a son:
As a feng shui specialist, I would advise using coins without a zero. Zero reduces everything... to zero. There are also 5 kopecks and a kopeck. Everything looks more solid than zero, albeit with a wand.


Taken from here: liveinternet.ru/users/taschau/post347341210/#