Delicate crochet tablecloth. Beautiful round crochet tablecloths with large patterns How many threads do you need for a crochet tablecloth

Knitting lace from the side seems incredibly difficult and painstaking work. Painstaking - perhaps, yes. But you can’t call this crochet tablecloth complicated. Take a closer look: it contains only the simplest elements. A few evenings of relaxing knitting instead of TV, and you can decorate the house with an elegant and delicate tablecloth.

What yarn to choose for a crochet tablecloth?

Cotton yarn will later starch the tablecloth so that it keeps its shape and falls off the table in large waves. It looks great, but natural fibers have one tangible drawback: stains from tea, coffee, berries will be very difficult to wash off.

A tablecloth made of viscose or synthetic yarn will fall in more frequent folds, will be silky to the touch, will have a sheen that natural threads lack. Stains do not eat into viscose yarn so much, it will retain its original appearance longer.

Getting ready for work

In order to crochet a tablecloth, you will need:

    300 g of thin yarn (the magazine suggests using yarn with a thickness of 800 m in 100 g);

    hook 0.5 cm thick (depending on the density of knitting, you can choose a more convenient hook).

Almost the entire crochet tablecloth pattern consists of simple air loops (ce), double crochets (st. with 1 n.) and double crochets (st. with 2 n.). The authors of the magazine carefully placed on the diagram the number of air loops and crochets in each element. This tablecloth is knitted in the round from the center. There are 106 rows in the tablecloth.

The finished tablecloth will have a diameter of approximately 120-130 cm.

Let's start knitting

1 row. According to the diagram, start crochet the tablecloth from the 12th in. etc., lock them in a ring.

2 row. Do 5 in. n. and perform a single crochet inside the ring, repeat 9 times. On the 10th time, to go to the 3rd row, perform only 3 in. p., and close the circle st. from 1 n.

3 row. Perform 2 lifts. n. and 2 tbsp. from 1 n. in the loop of the 2nd row, knit together. Then 7 c. p., 3 tbsp. from 1 n. knit together in the next stitch. To complete the row, work 2 in. n. and connecting art. from 2 n.

4 row. 3 lifting in. n. and 2 tbsp. from 1 n. in the loop of the previous row. 7th c. n. and 3 tbsp. from 1 n. in the loop of the 3rd row.

5 row. There are 4 lifting in this row. n. and 2 tbsp. from 1 n. in the middle column of the previous row. Then 3 c. p., single crochet in a loop from c. n. 4th row, pico from 3 c. p., 2 c. n. and again 4 tbsp. from 1 n.

6 row. 3 lifting in. p., 3 tbsp. from 1 n. knit together, 15 in. n. In the last element of the 12th c. n. and connecting art. from 1 n.

Next, knit the mesh with a step of 5 in. n., complete a series of st. from 1 n. and don't forget to insert double crochets where the pattern calls for it. If you can get started, then everything will work out. Crochet the tablecloth according to the scheme.

A knitted tablecloth is a luxury that not many can afford.

And if you know how to crochet, then you can transform your home, make it cozy and add a touch of personality to it.

True, not everyone who knows how to knit will be able to master this process, because the tablecloth, as a rule, is knitted from thin cotton threads, crochet No. 1-2, which means that this process is quite long and difficult.

But if you knit a luxurious tablecloth for your home, then I think both home and guests will appreciate your work.

And so that you have plenty to choose from, I have prepared several models of stunning knitted tablecloths with a description. These are large oval tablecloths, square motif tablecloths, and small napkin tablecloths.

Knit with pleasure and invite friends for tea.

Very beautiful openwork tablecloth for a round table.

tablecloth description

Tablecloth made of square floral motifs

tablecloth description

A denser tablecloth catches the eye




Another square tablecloth, as if small napkins were sewn together

tablecloth description

Very beautiful small tablecloth-napkin with voluminous flowers





This tablecloth just captivated me, probably because it is not quite ordinary ...

tablecloth description

Beautiful tablecloth with a border of flower rosettes

Friends, the time has come to announce a new long-running blog project “We create - we are not lazy!” for 2017. This year I intend to crochet the tablecloth, which I have already told you about and, it seems, even more than once.

The successful completion of last year’s event “I can’t help but brag about my masterpiece once again inspired me to the “crocheted tablecloth for the year” project. True, then I just found a beautiful square motif and the idea was born to knit a big thing. Now, on the contrary ... I do not have such a motive and I proceed simply from my desire to crochet a tablecloth. The fact that there is no initially liked motive is bad.

Since it was only necessary to get on the Internet in search of an interesting idea for knitting a tablecloth, my eyes literally “ran up”. How many different beautiful tablecloths are presented on the Internet!

.. mixed media… motifs and plain knits… And many, many, different variations...

What wonderful motives! Well, how can you choose something here?

In addition, there is another important question - to decide from which threads to knit a tablecloth ... Perhaps, it is with this question that I will begin my preparation for this event.

The first task is to decide on the yarn from which the tablecloth will be crocheted.

After monitoring the information on this issue, I made the following conclusions - tablecloths are usually knitted from fine cotton yarn:

  • pure cotton
  • Cotton with viscose

The choice of such yarn is quite justified. Since the product should be, according to its technical characteristics, rather thin and not heavy, and, in addition, it should “keep its shape” and it could be starched.

I would probably still opt for cotton with viscose, because. such a thread is much less likely to shrink after washing ...

I had a case with a knitted napkin ...

True, I knitted it a very long time ago from Soviet cotton threads, just designed for knitting napkins. So, after washing, the napkin decreased exactly twice. No, in appearance, the ode has not lost anything, on the contrary, it has won ... the holes between the columns have decreased, the columns themselves have become smoother ... but here's the fact)))

What I want to tell you, my dear friends...

If you decide to knit from cotton, then, without fail, first knit a control sample of the motif and test it - wash it the way you intend to wash your future tablecloth in the future ... dry it, parparte (if necessary), and only then make calculations. However, this procedure must always be carried out, regardless of the chosen yarn and product - you need to know how the thread will behave in the product during operation.

Also, why do I tend to choose cotton with viscose - in my opinion, again, such a thread is stronger, but I could be wrong about this ...

In short, what I'm talking about here - I don’t understand - I don’t have either one or the other strings at the moment.

But there is cotton ... not very thin ... in an amount of about 500 grams ...
Should be enough, because the table on which the tablecloth is supposed to be crocheted is not large and I do not plan to knit a large tablecloth. In general, I will sculpt from "what was"

Or maybe I'll wait for the salary ... I don't know yet)))

Task number two is to decide on the choice of motif for the tablecloth

The task, I tell you, is not easy. Firstly, because before deciding on the choice of motive, you need to decide on the yarn ... Since the appearance of a particular knitted pattern directly depends on the threads from which it is connected.

Secondly, as I said, there are a lot of interesting patterns and motifs for crocheting in the world, and the vast majority of them may well be suitable for knitting a tablecloth.

But so far, based on the yarn that is available, I have knitted three square motifs of different sizes.

I like this motive most of all, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t fit my threads at all (or the threads don’t fit the motive) it’s thick and rough for a tablecloth ... but for an openwork bedspread - that’s it ...

  1. with a flower

This motive may well get along with the yarn from which it is crocheted ... So it is quite possible that it is from such motives that my tablecloth will be crocheted

The motive in itself is not bad ... it fits in simply and quickly. But! Because of its small size, a tablecloth will need hundreds and a half, or even two such motifs.

In general, there is nothing wrong with this, on the one hand ... But on the other ...

Can you imagine how much ponytails will need to be hidden from motifs at the end of knitting? No, it's not for me…

In order to knit large products with such motives, you need to master continuous crochet ... By the way, this is also in the plans for this year))) because next year I'm aiming for curtains ...

In short, with a motive, I seem to have decided ... this is motive number two.

I will tell you how to knit it, as well as how to knit a large openwork square motif and a small motif in the near future. By the way, if you are interested in the models of knitted tablecloths presented in the article, then you can find diagrams for them in our group in Contact or in Odnoklassniki.

I appeal to everyone!

Friends, join the "Crochet Tablecloth for the Year" project, knitting together is more fun and more productive. For example, the bedspread, which I so intensely show off, is not the only finished product of last year's project. There is one more
The author of this beauty is Zhenechka Shkrylyova.

This year, Zhenya is also knitting a tablecloth with me. Read about her choice in the article, " What tablecloth to knit?»

This is where I end and say goodbye to you for a short time (until the next article))) I’ll just say a few more words ... I will post all my achievements in crocheting tablecloths in the comments to this article throughout the duration of the event and once again I invite you to take part and knit crochet tablecloth.

It should be determined exactly where it will be located. The size of the future product, its shape and color scheme depend on this. Having decided on this issue, you need to select the necessary materials for work.
Traditional tablecloths are knitted with white cotton threads, but this rule is not required. So, a colored heavy tablecloth, matched to the tone, will decorate a massive table. And a small tablecloth, knitted from bright colored threads, will enliven a small coffee or bedside table.

Having determined the size of the future product, it is necessary to calculate the approximate thread consumption. So, for a large tablecloth, you may need about a kilogram of yarn. Thread consumption also depends on the size of the hook. When choosing a tool for work, remember that a tightly knitted tablecloth holds its shape better, and with looser knitting, the product will turn out to be less strict and more elastic.

Knitting a round tablecloth

Knitting a round tablecloth starts from the center and continues in a circle until the end of work. When creating a round tablecloth, be careful that the circle remains the correct shape, without deformation. A round tablecloth should neither take on the shape of a cone, nor "fake", i.e. go in waves. Carefully follow the pattern and, if necessary, adjust the knitting immediately.

Knitting a square or rectangular tablecloth

A square tablecloth can be knitted both from the center and from the edge, depending on the pattern you have chosen. Rectangular tablecloth is knitted from the edge. The technique for making a square tablecloth is similar to knitting a round one: the rows go round from the center. Knitting ends with tying the edge of the product.

When choosing a border pattern for a square or rectangular tablecloth, keep in mind that it must contain a description of the corner binding so that the knitting is continuous.

Knitting a tablecloth from fragments

Tablecloths connected from separate elements interconnected look spectacular. The advantage of this method is that you can control the size and shape of the knitted canvas as you complete and attach motifs. The downside is that it will be much more difficult to dissolve such work, and the resulting threads will be problematic to use for knitting another product.

Knitting from elements is always the freedom of creativity. You can independently choose the shape of motifs, their size, the way they are connected to each other. Connecting elements is easiest in the process of creating them - this will help to avoid unnecessary work, and the product will look neater.

You can also use the technique of continuous knitting - in this case, the tablecloth will be tied in a single fabric, and you will be able to avoid the disadvantages described above.

A tablecloth often defines the style of a home interior. Ready-made store products can not always make it elegant and cozy. But a do-it-yourself crocheted openwork tablecloth will surely decorate your home. For beginner knitters, it is better to choose simple patterns from motives.

In this case, the work will go faster, and it’s not scary to make a mistake. After all, correcting a mistake on a fragment is much easier than bandaging the entire tablecloth. This article will help you to knit a beautiful tablecloth with a selection of different options with diagrams and descriptions.

Knitted tablecloth "Two hearts"

Size: 131.5cm by 131.5cm.

We will need:

  • thin cotton threads - 360g;
  • hook No1.

Description for beginners

To crochet this tablecloth, just study the attached patterns.

For beginner knitters, we give additional explanations.

Main canvas

First we knit the required number of motives. The recommended sizes are 4 pcs.

For each of them, we collect 261 VP with our own hands and for 65r. we knit a fillet pattern according to the image of the diagram. Tie the motif in a circular arch of 7 VPs. At corner turns, we increase the number of VPs in the arch to 9 pieces.

Already knitting the 2nd motive, we connect it with the 1st. At the same time, we replace, as indicated in the diagram, the middle VP with a connecting column in the central loop of the reciprocal arch.


For strapping, a border of 12 circular rows is used. In every r. we knit the arches according to the scheme, and in the 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th rows of the strapping we perform lush columns.

For the edge of the border (see diagram), we alternate a lush column, an arch, a group of columns with a pico.

Crochet tablecloth: video MK

Motive tablecloth

This do-it-yourself openwork tablecloth can also be used as a bedspread on the sofa.
Tablecloth dimensions- bedspreads: 91cm by 182cm (the border was not taken into account).

We will need:

  • threads, 100% cotton, 50g per 230m - 700g;
  • hook No2.


For a tablecloth - bedspreads, you need to knit 98 square motifs according to the image of scheme 1. The dimensions of each are 13cm by 13cm. Knitting the last row, we connect the fragments to each other - see Fig. 1. Motif connection points are marked with red arrows in cx. Having finished work on the main canvas of the tablecloth - bedspreads, tie the edges around. The border is performed according to cx.2. Rapport from 1r. by 8r. repeat to desired height.

At your request, the border of the bedspread can be knitted either as a separate piece and then sewn on, or knitted and attached to the tablecloth during the knitting process. We knit the corner wedges of the strapping according to cx.3, repeating the height of the border. Then the border is stitched together completely.

Crocheting a tablecloth in Patchwork style: video master class

Knitted tablecloth from large motifs

The tablecloth has the shape of a hexagon, dimensions 134cm by 102cm.

We will need:

  • threads, cotton - 800g;
  • hook No1.5.


Knitted tablecloth consists of 24 fragments, each of which measures 20cm by 22cm.
We knit the fragments according to the instructions of the scheme with 1p. for 16 rubles.

For beginners, we give a decoding of the notation.

We start knitting each fragment with a ring of 8 VPs. Then we do rapports. On cx. one of them is depicted, in total you need to complete 8 rapports. Rows on cx. are indicated by numbers, the number of VPs in them is signed under the arches. Knitting each river. we finish with a closing connecting column. Ascent to the new river we execute the VP, replacing the stlb.

When knitting the last p. fragment, we connect it with those already knitted. The connection points are indicated by arrows in the diagram. We assemble the main canvas according to the scheme.

Tie the edge around. Border on skh. marked in brown - from the 17th p. along the 22nd r. Pico knit from 7 VP.

Ready thing to wash and starch. Stretch on a horizontal surface, fasten to the desired dimensions, dry. Can be ironed while wet from the inside out.

Crocheted tablecloth from motifs: video MK

Tablecloth from combined fragments

The dimensions of this tablecloth are determined according to your desire and depend on the number of knitted motifs.

We will need:

  • white threads;
  • hook according to the thickness of the yarn.


We knit each motive separately with our own hands. When knitting the edge, in the last row we connect the motifs to each other. Connection points are marked on cx. arrows.

Tablecloth “Dimensionless” crochet: video master class

Thick tablecloth made of colored motifs

Dimensions: 76cm by 84cm.

We will need:

  • threads, 100% cotton, 50g by 85m, white - 300g;
  • the same gray threads - 150g;
  • the same threads of pink color - 100g;
  • the same blue threads - 50g;
  • hook No6.


We knit motifs with our own hands according to the scheme.

Density: along the edges of the hexagon is 12 cm, along the tops - 13 cm.


When knitting fragments, consider how many elements you need to get with a blue center, and how many with a pink one. In total there should be 25 with a pink center, 12 with a blue one.

We start with a chain of% VP. We close it in the SST ring. Next, we perform circular knitting according to cx. Each r. we start with the VP and complete the SST to the extreme initial VP or to the 1st p. circle. R.

Once we knit with 1r. 5r., while the 1st and 2nd rows we knit blue (pink), 3rd p. - gray yarn, 4th and 5th rows - white yarn. Connecting a new thread we do 1 connection. stlb.


We lay out the fragments inside out according to the scheme and sew them together with white threads. When sewing, we introduce the hook only behind the front walls of the edge loops.

Tablecloth from motifs “Knitted snowflakes”: video MK

Melange yarn tablecloth

Density: large motif has Ø12cm, small motif has Ø2cm, border height is 7cm.


Large fragments

We start a large element with a chain of 12 VPs. We close it in a ring, we knit 3 lifting VPs and then we perform circular knitting according to cx. 1. Starting a row with 3 lifting VPs (replacing 1 StSN), we finish it with st in the 3rd lifting VP. And if the beginning of the series is completed with 1 lifting VP (= 1 StBN), then its completion of the SST should be in this VP. The diagram shows all rows, we perform further knitting of fragments by analogy.

We connect the fragments to each other when knitting the edge, in the last row.

Connection points are indicated for beginners by arrows in cx. We knit 36 ​​fragments with melange threads with our own hands, connect them to each other. Next, knit with your own hands 28 fragments with white threads. We place them in a circle, connecting them together and attaching them to melange fragments.

small fragments

You need to complete 32 parts. We start knitting with a chain of 12 VP, we close it in a ring. We knit 3 lifting VPs and knit in the round according to cx.2. Starting a row with 3 lifting VPs (replacing 1 StSN), we finish its SST in the 3rd lifting VP. And if the beginning of the series is completed with 1 lifting VP (= 1 StBN), then its completion of the SST should be in this VP. The diagram shows all rows, we perform further knitting of fragments by analogy.

When knitting the last p. we attach small fragments to large ones, placing them in the places indicated in cx. Connection points are marked for beginners in cx. arrows.


We carry out the binding of the edge of the product with our own hands according to cx. 3. We knit once with 1p. by 8r.
The finished tablecloth must be washed, laid out on a horizontal surface and dried. There is no need to iron the tablecloth.

Lilac tablecloth in the technique of fillet knitting: video master class