Scenario for a children's New Year's performance for the Year of the Rooster. Scenario for the children's New Year's performance “Unusual New Year. Game "Merry monkeys"

CHICKEN2: But you guessed wrong! Would you like to see the test work of one of our students?

Concert number (any genre, but the performer is in a fairy tale image, best of all - a little Monkey)

MONKEY: What a wonderful Monkey (or girl, if the number was different)! I am delighted. Are we wrong to be offended by you?

CARLSON: Is that true? Do you love fairy tales and are always happy to meet fairy-tale characters?

KHOTTABYCH: And you will leave us for the holiday? But we are not laureates, and we don’t go to clubs, we just know how to play and perform magic.

CHICKEN2: Well, so what. And in our program there are still performances by very beginner artists. Stay with us. Who is in the hall and who is on stage - everyone celebrate with us.

MONKEY: Can I be the host with you? I always dreamed of being an actress.
All heroes: HURRAY!!!
CHICKEN1: Dear Old Hottabych, please return stage lighting and sound to us. And maybe, finally, the symbol of 2017 will come to us for the holiday - the Cockerel!

Hottabych tries, pulls out hair, pronounces magic words, but nothing happens.

KHOTTABYCH: I can’t do anything, I’m probably too old for such work.

MONKEY: (shouts at him) As soon as everything is turned off, it’s not the old one, but when I was invited to be the host, it became the old one. Here I am, old man, I’ll ask you now... (Fast music turns on, the Monkey runs after Hottabych around the hall. All the heroes are running around the stage, a brawl is about to break out.

SNOW WHITE: Stop it, please. You’ve barely agreed with the children to participate in their holiday - and now you’re going to ruin everything.

KHOTTABYCH: Snow White, we are very ashamed - we won’t do it anymore, but what can we do?

SNOW WHITE: Don't worry, because my dwarves have wonderful magic lanterns. I think they will be able to turn on the lights on our holiday stage.

Music sounds, gnomes dance and “light” the lights on the stage and the New Year tree. Each Dwarf has a small, brightly decorated lantern.

Applause, cheerful exclamations.

All heroes: Hurray! Bravo!

CHICKEN1: And now that all the problems have been solved, we continue our festive New Year's concert. Tell me, guys, do you know how to play New Year’s games?
Children answer

CHICKEN2: Then, I offer everyone the New Year’s game “2017 - together in the Year of the Rooster!”
The leading hens choose from the children present those who love to sing and those who love to laugh. Two teams are determined - a team of singing hens and serious cockerels. The task of the hens is to sing a song about the Christmas tree together, using the syllable “Ko-ko-ko”, and the task of the team of serious cockerels is not to laugh. Anyone who laughs is out of the game. The most serious “birds” win the competition.

FOX ALICE: Oh, what great fellows. Well, now – a new game “Symbol of the Year 2017 - Cockerel”. We all stand in a large circle and hold hands. One of you will portray the Cockerel. While the music is playing, we all dance, the Cockerel passes under the arms of the dancers. As soon as the music stops, the circle should close, and the Cockerel should be able to escape from the “cage”. If we catch Cockerel, we’ll appoint a new one!

Music plays and children play a game. Chickens and Monkey continue their concert program.
CHICKEN1: And now the solemn moment of our concert has come. Let's finally meet wonderful New Year's guests.
A New Year's melody sounds. Petya Cockerel and the main characters of the holiday - Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka - appear on stage to the applause of the program participants and spectators.

SANTA CLAUS: Hello everyone, adults and children,
Good day and good hour
Together with Cockerel we welcome you!

COCK: I flew from afar to get to your holiday.
Happy New Year 2017 I send congratulations to my friends!
SNOW Maiden: Happy holiday
We congratulate you all.
And we sincerely wish you bright smiles!

SANTA CLAUS: Just look carefully, our Cockerel is without a New Year's comb. Where did he go?

COCK: Grandfather Frost, I was so preparing for the holiday - I stood near the mirror all day, preening myself. And as soon as I turned away, someone immediately stole my New Year’s comb.
SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, it turned out badly. New Year's Cockerel - and without a comb! How to start the holiday?

MONKEY: My dear friends! I did all this, I didn’t want to give Cockerel the authority of the symbol of the year - so I came up with a nasty idea - to steal a comb. But I never thought that such wonderful guys would invite me to become the host of the New Year’s party. From now on I am the most cheerful Monkey in the world. And the kindest. Therefore, Petya, hold your New Year's comb!

Solemn music sounds. The cockerel puts a comb on his head. The final composition “New Year” is performed by all concert participants.

Children especially look forward to the New Year. After all, New Year's parties are organized for children within the framework of a kindergarten or school, as well as New Year's trees and performances with a bunch of competitions, games, gifts and quizzes are held throughout the city.

You can organize a children's party not only in kindergartens and schools, but also at home. The main thing is to prepare a script for the children's New Year tree 2019 with a pig, and the necessary details, and don’t forget about the gifts. You can already think about which ones to prepare.

Scenario for children's matinee “New Year on the Planet of Pig”

To bring this scenario to life, you should prepare the room in advance, decorating it in the style of a New Year's scene. Children should really feel like they are on another planet, the planet of Pigs! To bring this to life. The room can be decorated with palm trees, ferns, hanging edgings from the ceiling (imitation vines in the jungle), hanging bananas and coconuts. Everything around should be green, but you shouldn’t forget about the New Year’s tree either, you can also decorate the Christmas tree with fruits, sweets, and colorful lights.

The scenario for a children's New Year tree 2019 with a pig includes the following characters:
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
All the children dressed up in masks of different animals

It begins with the children running into the hall together to the New Year's song and standing around the Christmas tree. The host begins the holiday by telling the children that they are in an incredible place called the Planet of the Pig. Then the guys and the presenter meet. The presenter approaches each child with the question: “What kind of new animal have we got on the planet?” The child must say his name and the animal whose mask he is wearing. After the introduction, a song sounds, the children and the leader dance in a circle.

After this, all the guys take their seats, and the presenter says the following words: “How many new inhabitants have gathered on our planet. But it seems to me that someone is missing! Maybe this is a Chukchi?

The children answer in unison: “No!”

Presenter: “Maybe we are missing a miracle-yuda?!”

The children again answer: “No!”

Presenter: “What holiday are we celebrating on our planet?!”

Children should shout in unison that it is New Year.

Host: Ahhh, New Year! So maybe we forgot to invite Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?!
The children answer: “Yes!”

Host: “But it seems to me that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will melt on our planet of Pigs, because it’s so hot here! Let’s cool the air here so that the guests can feel good with us?!”

The game "Chill" begins. The sounds of a howling blizzard are heard, and the children begin to dance around the Christmas tree, waving their arms. Then the music fades away, the children are seated in their places and, at the command of the presenter, they begin to call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. The boys call Father Frost in unison, and the girls call the Snow Maiden.

Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus says: Hello kids! Where did my granddaughter and I end up? What an exotic place?!

Children must answer that Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden are on the planet of Pigs.

Next begins the game of getting to know Santa Claus with his partner and the kids. Children dance in a circle with the Snow Maiden, and Father Frost stands in the center; when Father Frost grabs the child by the hand, he must introduce himself. After this game, everyone takes their seats.

Next, Santa Claus begins to ask what the children have learned over the year, what new things they have learned. And the Snow Maiden asks New Year's riddles; the one who answers the question correctly receives candy. Then the Snow Maiden and the children ask Santa Claus to light the Christmas tree, using the magic words: One, two, three - Christmas tree, light up! As soon as the Christmas tree is lit, a recording with an alien voice is turned on and says: “Attention, attention, all inhabitants of the planet
Pigs! The king of the planet speaks! Today we celebrate the New Year, all inhabitants of the planet and its guests are invited to the holiday!”

After these words, Santa Claus asks: “Children, do you know how kings are greeted?”
Children answer negatively.

Santa Claus says: “Snow Maiden, we need to teach the guys etiquette so that the king does not leave his planet unattended!”

The Snow Maiden begins to teach the children to greet the king. When the king approaches the boys, they should start drumming their feet on the floor. And girls should clap their hands.

The king appears in the Hall, the children greet him.

The king says: Wow! How many unusual animals have gathered on my planet! Well, let's have fun and play with you? Grandfather Frost, help us find out which of my subjects is the most active?!

The game "Jolly Dwarves" begins. To the music, Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and the king throw red flags into the air, the children's task is to collect as many flags as possible. The winner receives an edible medal as the most active inhabitant of the planet Pig.

After the game, the king says: “Grandfather Frost, who is the most talented on our planet?”
Grandfather Frost replies: “Oh, I don’t know, I should check this! Snow Maiden, gather the children for a round dance!”

Children dance in a round dance with the Snow Maiden, the king and Father Frost are in the center. If the King grabs you by the hand, then you need to dance with him, and if Grandfather Frost, then read an expressive poem. Everyone gets prizes, because everyone tried.

After this game, the King says: “Wow, how many smart, beautiful, talented children live on my planet! Everyone deserves to celebrate the New Year! And in order to receive gifts, we all need to take a solemn oath together.

The king pronounces an oath sentence by sentence, and the children repeat in chorus:

“In the New Year of the Earth Pig, I vow not to cry!
In the New Year, I vow to share toys and sweets!
I vow to learn new things and get good grades!
I swear to always be cheerful and eat bananas!”
After the oath, sweet gifts are presented, and then the final New Year's song with a round dance around the tree. The King, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost say goodbye until we meet again!

Children's scenario

Children, like no one else, are waiting for the New Year. After all, it is always a sea of ​​gifts, joy and entertainment. On the eve of the holiday, New Year's matinees are held in all institutions. And therefore, adults prepare in advance a fun scenario for the New Year for elementary school children, as well as kindergartens.

Since the Year of the Rooster is coming, the scenario for the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Rooster, for children should include his participation. This will help children learn more about the symbol of the year and get to know it.

We have prepared for you a fun New Year's scenario with a Rooster for elementary school with riddles and games. With it, you can easily organize a real holiday for your children.

Scenario for children's New Year tree 2017 with Rooster

The room is decorated with snowflakes, tinsel, and garlands. Near the Christmas tree there is a large gift box, where the Cockerel is hidden in advance. Children sit in their seats waiting for the show to start. The lights slowly go out and the New Year's melody starts playing.

(You can hear the clatter of hooves and the grinding of skis as before braking, small disturbances, the rustling of clothes, breaths. The lights turn on, Santa Claus comes out with his back to the children. He turns around)

Father Frost: (addresses the children) Oh-ho-ho, hello, guys! Sorry that I'm here so early and without Snegurochka, but something happened. Our friend Rooster has disappeared, have you seen him?

(The children answer that they haven’t seen it, and Santa Claus, meanwhile, notices a big gift near the tree)

Father Frost: Wow! This is a gift, I don’t remember bringing one? Well, let's see what's there...

(The box opens and the Rooster appears from there. Without noticing Santa Claus, he runs up to the children and begins to jump for joy, laugh, tickle the children)

Father Frost: Ahem-ahem, that's the meeting! Well, hello, Cockerel.

(The cockerel turns around sharply in surprise)

Cockerel: (looking around) Where? Who's the Cockerel? What am I? No, I’m this... (remembering) a parrot!

Father Frost: (chuckling) Who? Children, is this what a parrot looks like? Do you know why he was hiding from me all this time? Because 2017 is the year of the Rooster, but for some reason she doesn’t want to take full responsibility.

Cockerel: Well, why don’t I want to right away? I’m just not ready yet. Let's play better! I know one very fun and New Year's game.

Father Frost: I wonder what kind of game this is?

Cockerel: I will ask questions, and you will unanimously answer “yes” or “no.” Is it coming?

(A funny song starts. The cockerel asks questions on the topic “How can you decorate the Christmas tree”)


The Christmas tree is standing, we will decorate it now.

Please answer as soon as possible

Is it possible to hang a dress?

Well, what about colored balls?

What about a garland with tinsel?

What, and even the table is big?

Well, what about Sonya, Mishka, Vanka?

What about a pillow and blanket?

Well, at least a lion and a tiger cub?

Can't even have an elephant?

(The music becomes quieter. The Snow Maiden appears)

Snow Maiden: What kind of fun are you having here? So many beautiful children! Hello guys.

Cockerel: Snow Maiden, hello! Come play with us, here we are deciding how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.

Snow Maiden: I see that you have already decorated one beautiful Christmas tree. There are so many beautiful toys and tinsel on it. (approaches the Christmas tree) But there aren’t enough lights.

(Father Frost and Cockerel approach the Snow Maiden)

Father Frost: And in fact, it’s not good to leave a Christmas tree without lights. Let's say the magic words together.

(Children say the famous words “one-two-three, Christmas tree, light up” 2 times and the lights turn on)

Snow Maiden: Now she is a real beauty. (notices a big snowflake on the Christmas tree) Look how big the snowflake is. (touches a snowflake and at that moment thunder is heard. The Snow Maiden freezes)

Cockerel: Oh, mommies, what's wrong with her?

Father Frost: (touching the Snow Maiden) She is completely cold, as if frozen. Granddaughter, open your eyes.

Cockerel: (walks back and forth in anger) Again the machinations of the villains. Every year they try to ruin the New Year for us, but this time they crossed the line. Freeze the Snow Maiden, the only and beloved granddaughter of Father Frost. It would be better if they took the gifts...

Father Frost: What we shall do? What would New Year be without the Snow Maiden? Will the holiday have to be cancelled?

Cockerel: What does cancel mean? Don't listen to this old man, there will be a New Year! I have an idea!

Father Frost: Which?

Cockerel: (reasoning) The Snow Maiden is frozen, right? This means that her heart has turned into a piece of ice, and any ice is okay? (asks the children) That’s right, melt it.

Father Frost: How can you melt a heart if it’s inside?

Cockerel: Oh, Grandpa, what would you do without me? Remember how the Snow Maiden rejoiced at children's songs, round dances and rhymes! We need to give her joy and then her heart will thaw! Guys, will you help us save the Snow Maiden?

(The children agree, and the Cockerel invites everyone to dance in a round dance around the Snow Maiden to a cheerful song)

Father Frost: For some reason my granddaughter doesn’t wake up...

Cockerel: So we need to sing a song! Give her favorite “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

(The music turns on, the children dance in a circle together with Grandfather and Cockerel, and sing a song. The Snow Maiden moved a little)

Cockerel: (joyfully) Look, it works!

(Santa Claus touches Snow Maiden again)

Father Frost: But she's still cold...

Cockerel: (thinks about something for a few seconds) Bingo! I know what will wake her up! More songs and dances The Snow Maiden loves winter games! We need snowballs!

Father Frost: We're at school, where are the snowballs coming from?

Cockerel: And you are Santa Claus - a great wizard, lord of snow and frost. And you don't have any snowballs?

Father Frost: (grabs his forehead) Here I am, an old eccentric. Now, I will instantly!

(Santa Claus leaves for snowballs and quickly returns. It’s best to hide them somewhere nearby)

Cockerel: Now it's a different matter! Let's split into two teams.

(While the children are divided into teams, a “fortress” is placed in the middle and the children begin to play snowballs. One of the snowballs hits the Snow Maiden, after which she wakes up and begins to laugh merrily)

Snow Maiden: Oh, you pranksters, you started playing without me. (throws several snowballs at the children)

Cockerel: (joyfully) Hurray, it worked!

Father Frost: You woke up, granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: Was I asleep?

Cockerel: You didn’t just sleep, someone enchanted a snowflake on the Christmas tree that you liked and you froze.

Snow Maiden: Did you save me? You are my heroes! Grandfather Frost, it seems to me that it’s time to give the guys gifts.

Father Frost: You're right, granddaughter! Thank you very much, my little friends! You saved my beloved granddaughter and the New Year! And thank you, Rooster! Now I see how responsible you are and I believe that 2017 will be a very good year, because it is in good hands.

Cockerel: Let it be to you, Grandfather, you completely embarrassed me. I couldn’t have done it without the guys, so enough talk. Time for gifts! Come on!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden give gifts to everyone. Later you can arrange a photo session with the characters and a sweet table)

The script for the New Year's party with the Cockerel in elementary school will help you create a real fairy tale for children and give them a lot of positive emotions. And at the sweet table you can have a fun time.

New Year is a holiday that all children look forward to. They rejoice and play, receive gifts and meet Santa Claus. This holiday is the most favorite among children, and they look forward to it more than anything else. A new scenario for the New Year 2017 for children for the year of the rooster includes interesting tasks, funny competitions, riddles and much more. Watch and play with your children.

Hello children!
Do you know what holiday we are celebrating today? Yes - New Year. Do you know who will be the symbol of the new year 2017? Yes - this is a colorful cockerel! And he came to us for a holiday. Let's welcome him.

The cockerel comes out.

Ku-ka-re-ku! Hurray - I'm with you again! I was gone for twelve years, and I missed you, I missed your happy faces and smiles. Did you miss me?

Of course we missed you. Cockerel, have you prepared gifts for us?

I prepared them, but I didn’t just give them away. I'll play with the children. Now I will ask riddles, and you will guess them. Whoever guesses correctly receives a sweet gift from me.

Well done! All the riddles have been solved! Now let's sing a New Year's song together with the cockerel.

Children sing a New Year's song.

Do you want to play more? Then listen to the rules of the game. I have a painting - my portrait. But it so happened that the artist forgot to draw my tail! Can you help me attach it?

A game.
Attach a drawing of a rooster without a tail to a stand or wall. And the tail is separately on adhesive tape. One by one, we blindfold all the children, give them a tail in their hands, and they must walk to the stand and attach the tail.
Those who can do it receive a gift.

Don't you think that someone is missing? Whom?

Wheat? And I love wheat so much!

No, what's missing is the one the children are looking forward to the most.

And who is it?

Children, tell the cockerel who it is.

Children shout Santa Claus.

Yes, it's Santa Claus! Let's call him all together!

The children shout in unison - Santa Claus!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:
Hello boys and girls! The new year has finally arrived! I was so looking forward to this! Have you been waiting? Then quickly approach Santa Claus and tell him New Year's poems.

Children tell Santa Claus New Year's poems.

Father Frost:
What beautiful poems! I liked it very much.

Do you want to play with the children? Then let's.

Game with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden each take a hoop. Decorate the hoops in a New Year's style - hang tinsel and New Year's rain on them. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden put these hoops on themselves and move away in different directions.
Children are divided into two teams. Each team has paper snowballs. At the leader’s command, the children take turns throwing snowballs at the hoops. The assistants, the presenter and the cockerel, count how many paper snowballs each team got into their hoop.

Father Frost:
What clever children! Are you as dexterous and fast? Shall we play a game?

A game of skill.
Children move away from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each child receives a basket, you can do without them. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden take paper snowflakes and scatter them on the floor. Then, on command, the children begin to collect snowflakes in their basket. When all the snowflakes are collected, they count who collected how many.

We played great. Santa Claus - look how smart the children are today! They all tried to take a photo with you. So let's have a photo shoot.

Children take photos with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.


What are you, a cockerel?

This means that it’s time for us - other children are waiting for us in another place.

Father Frost:
Yes, kids, it’s time for us to get together with the other boys and girls who are waiting for us. But we will return to you in the next one - will you wait for us?

Snow Maiden:
We will miss you! And finally, let's sing a song with me.

Snow Maiden and children sing a song.

Middle group NEW YEAR 2016

Adults – Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Fox, Cockerel
Children - chickens, snowflakes, wolves, bears

A festively decorated hall.
Music is playing.

Children run into the hall and perform a festive formation.


And, guys, the Christmas tree came to our kindergarten for the holiday.

There are so many lights, so many toys, how beautiful her outfit is.

1 child:

There is no better gift for us than a forest Christmas tree,

Why don't the lights on it sparkle brightly?

2 children:

(you can add more poems)



Christmas tree, Christmas tree light up!

The Christmas tree lights up.

The Christmas tree goes out

The Christmas tree lights up

Round dance ________________


MAGIC BELLS (musical sketch with bells)

The Snow Maiden comes out

I hurried to you guys
She rushed through the forest without looking back,
I wanted to see you so much
What, like a bird, flew to you,
I drove my horse quickly,
Children, were you waiting for me?
Or maybe they didn’t wait?

We waited, waited, really waited!

I'm happy, that's it,
Today it just blossomed
And with me to your holiday
I brought the cockerel!
Where are you, Petya? Answer me!
Show up in front of the Christmas tree!

The Cockerel appears

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I call myself!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very light
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way
To make it all right
The chickens will help me too!

Shouts: - Crow!

Children run out in chicken costumes "Chicken Dance"


Snowflakes are spinning in white dresses!


Music, the Fox comes out from behind the tree!

The news spread across the earth,
What symbol do you have here?
Don't keep it a secret
Where is he? Come on, show me!

Spurs, beak and comb,
Here it is, the symbol - the Cockerel,
Bypass all prejudices
He will rule all year!

What a symbol! That's it!
Jump into my bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

SNOW MAIDEN , addressing FOX:
You're nothing but trouble!
Why did you come here?
We will protect the cockerel
And we won’t give it to you!
If the Cockerel is not there,
Who will rule the year?
We are without a symbol, friends,
Well, no way in a year!

Well, I'll tell you all:
- I’ll eat Petya anyway!
Where are you, wolves and bears!

Hey, hurry up you and you
Everyone come to me, I need you!

Children in costumes run up to Fox.

The cockerel stands in the middle, he is pretended to be pulled towards himself with varying success on one side by the Fox and the Wolf and the Bear, on the other side by the Snow Maiden and the chickens. The Fox and company begin to gradually pull the Cockerel over to their side. The Fox throws a bag over Cockerel and takes him behind the tree.

Cockerel's life is a threat,
You need to call Santa Claus,
Let's shout for the trouble to go away:
- Santa Claus, come here!

The children all shout together:
- Santa Claus, come here!

Santa Claus enters with a magic staff and bag!

I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

Help us quickly, Grandfather,
So that the Rooster does not become dinner!
So that his Fox and wolves
They didn't eat it on the sly!

FATHER FROST knocks with a magic staff: (The fox peeks out from behind the tree)
- Oh, scoundrel! Ah, Lisa!
Run away quickly into the forests,
Don't joke with me
And bring all your friends!
I won’t forgive you any harm today,
I'll turn everyone into icicles!

The Fox lets go of the Cockerel, they crouch and squint, shaking with fear:

Addressing Cockerel,
- Forgive me, my friend Petya,
Us for all these actions,
We won't be evil anymore -
I swear to you and the people!

Well, let’s believe it, children,
Are we making these promises?
We will get even with them,
Or should we let you stay?
Your word, kids!
Shall we allow it?

Yes, we will!

COCK: Crow! Kids! It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Well, since we have peace, people,
So, let's do a round dance!
Get together in a circle,
From now on everyone here is a friend!



“There is nothing better in the world”

Senior group 2016





Christmas trees and snowmen


Children enter the hall to the song “A snowstorm has swept my city” to the music, walk with clapping, dance, stand near the Christmas tree =

Leading. It's snowing outside the window,
Fluffy snow, New Year's.
Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone,
Congratulations today!
1 child. How beautiful it is in our hall,
And elegant and light,
It's like being in a winter forest,
Everything around is white - white!
2 child. At the top of the Christmas tree
In a silver fringe,
And the frost on the birch trees,
Like holiday sparkles
There is fringe on the branches of snow
And she brought it...
Children. Winter!
3 child. Hello Christmas tree, furry friend,
There is silvery frost in the branches!
Hello music and laughter.
All: Today's holiday is the best!

ROUND DANCE_____________________

Children sit down

The soundtrack of the song “There is nothing better in the world” plays.

The hall includes:

Troubadour: Greetings, dear audience!

What an elegant, wonderful room...
Where have we ended up?

Donkey: I think it's a carnival here
Did we get it right?

Troubadour: Great! So we made it on time
And some people have been waiting for us for a long time!

Cat: Did you recognize us? Certainly!

All: We are great talents.
We are singers and musicians.

ROOSTER: Today we came here
To your place
holiday noble.

New Year for the crow - the Year of the Rooster is coming!!!

Dog: We've walked a lot of roads,
And Glory was everywhere for us!

And now, surprisingly, the show begins!


Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I call myself!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,
This means that the whole year will be bright!

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very light
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way


You're not cold, Cockerel,

Golden comb?

COCK: I’m not afraid of winter, I really like it!

Let's sing loudly, have fun and play!


Children sit down

Leading: Can you hear the music, guys? In the palace of the King, the Beautiful Princess is preparing for the New Year's ball!


After the dance, the children sit down, the Atamansha and the robbers appear


1.They say today is a holiday

New Year's Eve for the guys

The tree is full of different toys,

Her outfit suits her.

Together: Oh, lyu-lyu (2 times)

And I love holidays (2 times)

2. There will be a lot of gifts there,

Santa Claus is already in the forest

Covers all roads

And I love sweets.

Together: Oh, lyu-lyu (2 times)

And I love sweets (2 times)

Chieftain: Hello, little ones!

Have you already gathered for the holiday, are you waiting for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, gifts?

You won't get any holiday, you won't get any gifts!

(children argue)

That's it, chick! Hey robbers! What year is it now?

Robbers: Rooster!

Chieftain: So we’ll catch this Rooster, roast it, eat it and that’s it, bye bye, not New Year!

(The robbers laugh and leave)


After the dance the Cockerel appears

COCK: I got lost in the forest, I wouldn’t see the Fox!

I’ll sit on the stump and wait for the musicians!

(Robbers appear)

ATAMANSH: Oh look what I see! Petya petya cockerel, golden comb!

What a symbol! That's it!
Jump into our bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

The cockerel screams KUKUREKU! HELP!

(chase, around the Christmas tree, robbers grab the Rooster, put him in a bag and take him away)

HOST: There is a threat to the life of the COCK, you need to call Santa Claus!

The name is Santa Claus

Exit of Santa Claus, greeting

I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

(children tell)


(magic music, Atamansha appears with robbers and a sack with Cockerel)

FATHER FROST: I won’t forgive you any harm today,
I'll turn everyone into icicles!

(magical music sounds)





New Year's party

preparatory group


Dadon, Tsar Cockerel -

Shchut - Shamakhan queen, retinue

Christmas trees-


Children's entry - Dance-Song NEW YEAR

Poems for children: (add)

Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you

May there be good people for you,

Not afraid of worries

It won't just be new,

And happy New Year!

ALL Happy New Year

All who come to this hall!

Let's start, let's start

New Year's Carnival!

(music plays, children sit down)

King Dodon comes out with his retinue

DADON: I am the great King Dodon,

I send my regards to the audience.


The holiday is coming soon,

New Year is approaching.

I will greet guests

Celebrate this holiday.

(sits on the throne)


Jester: Listen people to an honest order,

The king issued the following decree:

“The people of the fairyland should be at that ball!”

DADON : Listen, jester, you invited everyone to our carnival holiday,

Yes, I forgot to decorate the Christmas tree with an emerald needle!

Jester: Oh forgive me, I forgot

I decorated three Christmas trees!



DADON Young guest from the forest -

Our Russian princess!

The green of the dress delights,

Everything sparkles with lights!

Beads, balls, firecrackers,

Curls made of paper.

golden crown

Above the thick fluffy crown

The whole outfit is brand new!

Hello, miracle Christmas tree!

Herringbone1 Herringbone fluffy

fragrant Christmas tree,

The Christmas tree is elegant - I’m so fine!

Herringbone 2 On furry prickly paws

The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:

The smell of heated pine needles,

The smell of freshness and wind!

Herringbone 3 The Christmas tree has stretched out its branches, it smells of forest and winter,

Toys and fringed firecrackers hung from the Christmas tree,

We clapped our hands, stood together in a round dance,

Such a good and cheerful New Year has come


The children sit down, the sage appears with a bag, bows

Sage: Hello formidable King Dadon,

I send you a prostration,

From me, accept the bird into your royal room

(COCKER appears from the bag)

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I call myself!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,
This means that the whole year will be bright!

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very light
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way

SAGE: Take care of the Cockerel, the golden comb,

If he sits quietly,

The New Year will come peacefully,

Well, if you expect trouble,

My cockerel will perk up,

(The cockerel crows)

DADON : Thank you, I served you,

For such a favor,

Your first will,

I'll do it like mine

SAGE: Show me the girl - the Shamakhan queen!

DADON claps his hands three times

EAST DANCE ___________________

DADON I announce a ball for everyone, a New Year's carnival!


(after the polka the children sit down)

The robbers appear, the robbers' DANCE

ROBBER 1 The news spread across the earth,
What symbol do you have here?
Don't keep it a secret
Where is he? Come on, show me!

ROBBER 2 That's a symbol! That's it!
Jump into our bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

The COCKER crows loudly

Tsar Dadon the jester comes out, his retinue

DADON: Why did you come here? Did they make so much noise?
We will protect the cockerel
We won't give it to you!
If the Cockerel is not there,
Who will rule the year?
We are without a symbol, friends,
Well, no way in a year!

They pull Cockerel in different directions, the robbers grab Cockerel, put him in a bag, and run away.

Jester, DADON, FIR-trees (in chorus)

Cockerel's life is a threat,
You need to call Santa Claus,
Let's shout for the trouble to go away:
- Santa Claus, come here!

The children all shout together:
- Santa Claus, come here!



I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

(children tell)

I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

(children tell)

FATHER FROST : I’ll wave my staff and call the hooligans!

(magical music, robbers appear with a bag)

FATHER FROST: I won’t forgive you any harm today,
I'll turn everyone into icicles!

(magical music sounds)

BRIGERS: No need, no need to get into icicles! What are we? We caught the Cockerel so that no one would hurt him, and here he is, safe and sound!

Forgive us guys, we felt offended - everyone was having fun, but we weren’t invited!

SNOW MAIDEN: Guys, will we forgive the robbers? Shall we leave it at the party?




Adults – Snow Maiden, Fox, Cockerel

A festively decorated hall.
Music is playing.

Children enter the hall


A wonderful day is coming, the New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and creativity, a holiday of happiness for children!

What kind of Christmas tree did good Grandfather Frost bring us!

This is not an ordinary tree, you just have to say a word to it,

And it will shine with a magical, wonderful light for us.

(looking at the Christmas tree)

Our forest Christmas tree, light up with lights!

Let’s all say together, guys: Christmas tree, light up the Christmas tree!

All kids:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree light up!

The Christmas tree lights up.

Come on, Christmas tree, perk up, come on, Christmas tree, smile!

And the heels will stamp and the lights will go out!

The Christmas tree goes out

And their hands will clap - the tree will come to life again, light up with lights!

The Christmas tree lights up

Song “Our kids have a big Christmas tree”


I know one secret, should I tell you or not?

Clap your hands together, repeat the count in chorus,

And one of the old fairy tales will come to life in this hall!

Let’s say together: “One, two, three – a fairy tale, come visit us!”

Hurry up to see us and help the guys

Dance "Clock"

Music The Snow Maiden Comes Out

I hurried to you guys
She rushed through the forest without looking back,
I wanted to see you so much
What, like a bird, flew to you,
I drove my horse quickly,
Children, were you waiting for me?
Or maybe they didn’t wait?

We waited, waited, really waited!


Get up closer to the Christmas tree

Let's dance together!

Rhythm “Pencil Kids”

I'm happy, that's it,
Today it just blossomed
And with me to your holiday
I brought the cockerel!
Where are you, Petya? Answer me!
Show up in front of the Christmas tree!

Music, Cockerel appears

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I call myself!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,
This means that the whole year will be bright!

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very light
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way

Shouts: - Crow!


Snow lies everywhere on lush fir trees.

And in the clearings you can’t hear the wind,

And in the dance, like light feathers,

White snowflakes are spinning!

Snowflakes spinning

(Children sit down)

Music, Fox comes out

The news spread across the earth,
What symbol do you have here?
Don't keep it a secret
Where is he? Come on, show me!

FOX , turning to Cockerel and opening the empty bag that she brought with her:
What a symbol! That's it!
Jump into my bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

The fox carries away the COCK


Oh, guys, oh the trouble!

We can't live without Cockerel!

We'll quickly go into the forest, we'll save the Cockerel as soon as possible!

(They're coming)

I see bunnies in the clearing
Bunnies jumping and jumping


(music, Fox appears)

Well, I'll tell you all:
- I’ll eat Petya anyway!


Don’t eat Foxy Cockerel, we’ll play with you and invite you to the Christmas tree, and Grandfather Frost will give you gifts.


I want gifts, I want New Year. If I correct myself, I will return Cockerel, just play with me.

Game "Bunnies and Fox"

FOX: Well played

Take the Cockerel - the golden comb,

(Cockerel emerges from the bag)

SNOWGIRL: The cockerel has returned to us!

Come on, guys, join together in a round dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

ROUND DANCE “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

SNOW MAIDEN: Look, guys, the bag is not simple, but magical! In it, Santa Claus sent us gifts.