Crochet chicken. Easter gift - chicken with a surprise. Easter chickens: video master class

For knitting you will need white Coco VitaCotton yarn, hook 1.5 and finishing yarn.

We knit in a spiral 6 rows:
1 row - 6 st b / n;
2 row - 12 st b / n increase in each loop;
3 row - 18 st b / n increase in every second loop;
4 row - 24 st b / n increase in every third loop;
5 row - 30 st b / n increase in each quadruple loop;
6 row - 36 st b / n increase in every fifth loop;
7 row - 36 st b / n.

We make 2 identical blanks.

Knitting pattern:

We connect the parts with connecting posts.
We leave 6 loops on each part not knitted.

We use 12 unknitted loops (6 on each debele of the head) as the base for the torso.
1 row - 24 st b / n in each loop, 2 st;
2 row - 30 st b / n increase in each quadruple loop;
3 row - 36 st b / n increase in every fifth loop;
4 row - 42 st b / n increase in every sixth loop;
5 row - 48 st b / n increase in every seventh loop;
6 row - 54 st b / n increase in every eighth loop;
7-11 row - 54 st. No extras.

We find approximately the middle of the side of the body. We will knit the front part of the bird with decreases with single crochets, the back with increases with double crochets (tail)
According to the scheme.

Knitting pattern 11-16 rows of the body.

Larger diagram of the tail.
From the edge we knit half-columns, a double crochet, 2 double crochets with a single base. Next, alternate 2 double crochet and 2 double crochet with a single base.

Note that in the center of the tail:
- in 1 row (in red) in a row 3 columns from capes;
- in the 2nd row, st s / n, 2 st s / n with a single base, st s / n;
- in the 3rd row 2 st s / n, 2 st s / n with a single base, 2 st s / n with a single base, 2 st s, n;
- in the 4th row 6 sts s / n in a row;

Having knitted according to the scheme to the end, we knit 2 ch. and connect with the middle of the other side.

We tie the resulting figure. With a thread of a different color we make a tail harness.

We knit a scallop:

Glue on the eyes and the chicken is ready!

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Such a crocheted Easter chicken can be a beautiful gift and a great decoration for the festive table on Easter.

The knitting technique is quite simple, but requires constant attention, since you have to count the loops all the time. The product is knitted in the round without joining the end of the row.

How to crochet an Easter chicken

Knitting technique

Work sequence:

1st row: make a loop, ch 2, knit 6 sts in the second (photo 1).

2 row: in each loop we knit 2 stbn, you get 12 loops (photo 2).

3 row: we make 4 increases, knitting 2 sc every 2 loops, now there are 16 loops in a circle (photo 3).

4 row: knit in a circle 96 stbn (photo 4).

5 row: in each loop we make 2 stbn, in total we get 32 ​​columns (photo 5-1). We mark with a thread or a pin the beginning of the circular row and the position of the tail, for which we fold the resulting pipe in half, at the opposite end from the current loop there will be the position of the middle of the tail. Each half of this tube will have 16 loops (Pic 5-2).

6 row: we knit 14 stbn, in the last 2 loops to the middle of the tail we knit 2 stbn each. In this half, you will already have 18 loops. In the next two loops, already in the second half from the tail, we also knit 2 stbn each, and we knit the remaining 14 loops with single crochets. As a result, after 4 increases in a circle there will be 36 loops (photo 6).

7 row: we knit 14 stbn, then in four loops to the middle of the tail we make 2 increases, i.e. we knit a column, then an increase, then a column, an increase. We also do it on the other side of the center of the ponytail. We will already have 40 stbn in a circle (photo 7). In the last column, through 2 loops, we already pull out the yellow thread to knit the next row.

8 row: we knit 40 stbn in a circle (photo 8), at the end we again pull the white thread into the last loop.

9 row: we knit 12 stbn with white yarn (photo 9-1), in the last eight columns we crochet 2 sts in each (photo 9-2). Likewise on the second side. There will be 28 loops on each half, for a total of 56 in a circle (Pic 9-3). Let's move on to yellow.

10 row: over single crochets we knit single crochets, over double crochets - double crochets. The number of columns remains also 56 (photo 10). Change to white.

11th row: we crochet 12 stbn, and in each column with a crochet we make 2 stn, then again 12 stbn. In a circle, you get 24 stbn and 64 stn (photo 11). Let's move on to yellow.

12 row: with yellow yarn we make 12 stbn, then we knit 2 in each column with a crochet, at the end of 12 stbn. There are already 128 double crochet stitches, 24 single crochet stitches (photo 12). We pass to the white thread.

13 row: 12 stbn, then we pass all the columns with a crochet with rapport * 2 together, 1 ch *, 12 stbn (photo 13). Let's move on to yellow.

14 row: to tighten the base of the body of the Easter chicken, we knit all the single crochet stitches 2 together. We had 12 of them from the center of the body, there are 6 left each (photo 14-2). Above the rest of the columns we make a border with rapport * 3 ch, 1 stbn * (photo 14-1, 14-3).

  1. We make the chicken eyes, beak and scallop. All this can be done with a needle and thick thread (photo 16).

As you can see, the Easter chicken is crocheted quite simply, if desired, anyone can do it.

Designations: vp - air loop, stn - double crochet, stbn - single crochet.

Note: to keep the hen standing, put her on top of an egg (Pic 15), or replace it with something else.

The most family and brightest spring holiday is, of course, Easter. Both children and adults adore Easter cakes, krashanka, wicker baskets and clean white towels with candles. And what else do we get used to seeing as a symbol of Easter? Of course, chickens and hens! That is why offers to knit very beautiful openwork chickens. Their peculiarity is that they are not filled with synthetic winterizer or other filler. They put a real or decorative egg. So these chickens and cockerels are the real keepers of Easter eggs. Presenting such a surprise to mom, grandparents or children for Easter is the best solution to the annual gift problem. Inexpensive, useful and tasteful!

To create it, you will need thin cotton and hook number 1 (I used Madame Tricote Almina). The wings and tail can be trimmed with iris in different colors. Fantasy when creating such Easter decorations is only welcome! Happy knitting!


1 row: we collect 3 ch, and in the third from the hook we knit 16 dc. Try to make sure that the hole after knitting the loops of the first row is not visible. But at the same time, the SSN should not lie on top of each other. Everything should be as accurate as possible, because this is the top of our chicken. Connect the sl-st row, and make sure that the loops are exactly 16.

2-4 rows: sc in a circle. Please note that only the first row we knit ss, then - sb.

5 row: 9 increments, 7 sc. When you knit 4 increments, on the 5th stretch a small piece of thread of a different color (marker) - this is how we mark the middle of the back of the head. It will come in handy for us when we knit the scallop, wings and tail, because the chicken should not be crooked.

6-7 rows: sc in a circle. We finish the 7th row with ss.

8 row: 3 ch lifts, 1 dc in the next loop, (1 dc, increase dc) x 2 times, 11 increases dc, (dc, increase dc) x 4 times, 1 dc. Finish this row with ss.

9 row: we make 14 arches of 3 ch (3 ch, sc in the third loop of the previous row).

10 row: we knit 7 motives - we knit sbn in the first arch, 5 ss2n in the second.

11 row: 7 motifs - on the motif of the previous row from the middle (third) loop we knit sc, and in the sc of the previous row - 6 s2n. Those. at the top of the motive - sbn, and in the hole from sbn - motive. Thus, a beautiful alternation will turn out. It will give the frill to the chicken.

12 row: in the same way, 7 motifs on the sc of the previous row, 7 s2n each and sc on the motif of the previous row.

We try on a chicken on a standard egg. Adjust its size - if not enough, then in the 13th row, knit 7 motifs with 8 ss2n.

13 row: repeat the pattern of the 12th row.

14 row: repeat the 11th row.

15 row: again 7 motifs, but now we knit 7 dc on each of the 7 sbn of the previous row. We fix the thread and hide.


1st row: cast on 3 ch, and in the third from the hook we knit 16 dc. Connect the sl-st row, and make sure that the loops are exactly 16.

2-5 rows: sc in a circle.

6 row: 9 increments, 7 sc. When you knit 4 increments, on the 5th stretch a small piece of thread of a different color (marker) - this is how we mark the middle of the back of the head. It will come in handy when we knit the scallop, wings and tail, because the cockerel should not be crooked.

7-9 rows: sc in a circle. We finish the 7th row with ss.


Fold the chicken in half, guided by the marker that you set at the very beginning of knitting. Determine the center of the head so that the comb is knitted evenly.

The scallop can be made in several ways. I joined with a red thread to the back of the ss in the place where the scallop begins, and then ch 2, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 2. For the cockerel, the scallop was made taller and thicker - ch 2, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 2.

You can knit a ch chain equal to the length of the scallop, and knit 2-3 ch on it, in the next sc, then again 3-4 ch, again sc. And so along the entire length. Then sew on.

Can be cut from fabric or a piece of leather and glued.


Again, we determine the middle of the chicken.

The tail can be made of any shape, splendor and density. I made chains from ch through the barrel to the middle and down to another barrel, joining the body of the ss. For hens, she knitted (4 ch, sb) x 6 times, for a cockerel (5 ch, sb) x 6 times + the second tail lower - (4 ch, sb) x 4 times.

It is very important that the front side is always visible when you hold the product facing you. Therefore, when knitting chains from ch, make sure that you do not need to break the thread and start on the other side, otherwise the appearance will not be as neat as it should be.

Pattern for the tail of the chicken: in the middle of the arch we knit - sc, psn, dc, ss2n, ss, psn, sb.

We tie sbn with iris (preferably in a different color).

Pattern for the cockerel's tail: in the middle of the arch - sbn, psn, 2 dc, ss2n, 2 dc, psn, sb.

We tie sbn with iris (immediately with one color, and then with the second, when knitting the second row with iris, it is better to knit psn with increments at the top of the pattern).


Mark for yourself the location of the wings. It must be symmetrical.

For the chicken, we make a chain of 8 ch, joining directly to the body of the sl-st, turn the knitting, make 4 mini-arches (3 ch, sbn into a large arch), make sl-st into the body, turn and knit sbn, psn, 2sn, psn, sbn. Tie with iris.

For the cockerel, we knit a chain of 10 ch, joining directly to the body of the sl-st, unfold the knitting, make 4 mini-arches (3 ch, sb in a large arch), make sl-st into the body, turn and knit sb, psn, 3sn, psn, sb. We tie with iris in 2 rows in different colors.

Design of the work: we embroider the beak (with a few stitches of iris or other thin thread so that the beak is small, but convex enough), sew or embroider the eyes. After embroidering the beak, we make a “beard” for the cockerel - two long stitches, we fix them. All the threads that remain after attaching the scallop, tail and wings must be properly fixed, hidden in the middle of the chicken and cut off. We do not stuff the head, it should keep its shape well anyway. The chicken is ready!

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Easter is probably the brightest of all holidays. He is loved by people of all ages. The egg is a symbol of new life, its rebirth. That is why on this day every family prepares a variety of eggs. They can be made from anything. It can be boiled and painted eggs, various crafts, or maybe a well-embodied knitted idea.

Easter openwork chicken crochet

Along with the eggs on the Easter table, there must be a chicken, as the keeper of the hearth. An openwork chicken and an egg can be a great decoration for a bright Easter holiday. Hen and egg will embody home comfort and well-being.

Every needlewoman can crochet a festive openwork chicken. If you follow the instructions step by step, it's easy to do. The main thing is not to deviate from the instructions, and the openwork chicken will bring a piece of happiness on this bright Easter holiday.

In addition, not much needs to be prepared for crocheting a chicken.. Description of materials:

  1. Cotton threads. Three colors are required.
    1. The main color will be white.
    2. You can choose any second one - this is the color of the future tail of the chicken - it can be blue, blue or other.
    3. The third color - red or pink - for the beak and comb.
  2. Two black beads for the eyes.
  3. Hook No 1.25-1.5.

To understand the principle of knitting, you must enter the conditional values:

You should start with the head of the crochet Easter chicken. Scheme:

  1. To do this, you need to dial a chain of 3 VPs, and then close it into a ring.
  2. Tie stbn.
  3. RLS, knitting to the end of the circle, add one StBN.
  4. Fits like the previous one, add more StBN.

Thus, you need to knit 2 more rows, add StBN to each. Get a disk. It must be even. The diameter of the disk should be about 3 cm. In the same way, tie a similar disk, this will be the second half of the chicken head. When both halves are ready, tie them together with a simple Stbn, leaving 1.5 cm unknitted - this is the hole for the beak.

Easter openwork chicken is almost ready. Now you need to tie the beak and head in red. To do this, fasten the red thread in the place where the beak will be, and knit 2 CCH, closing both columns with one loop, the beak should appear. It must be sharp. Next, the red thread must be stretched to the place where the chicken scallop will be fixed, and then RLS, 3 CCH, StBN, 3 CCH, 1 RLS, 3 CCH, 1 RLS and fasten the red thread from the inside. Sew or glue PVA eyes on the chicken.

You can put a boiled egg in the finished chicken, this will be an original decoration for Easter. If you take woolen threads, you will get a fluffy chicken, but in this case you should use a hook size No. 1. In addition to the openwork chicken, holiday eggs must be on the table. You can also decorate them yourself by crocheting a decoration for them.

Easter egg with a crochet hook

To knit an Easter egg, you need to prepare:

  • threads, the desired weight of the threads in a skein is 50 g, the length of the threads in a skein is 175 cm, the color is at your discretion;
  • hook No. 1.25.

Start knitting a testicle from a ring that needs to be made from a thread, then cast on 6 loops without a crochet, then continue according to the pattern:

The Easter egg is almost ready. It remains to fill it with filler. You can use a synthetic winterizer. You need to stuff the testicle as tightly as possible, then it will acquire the correct shape. After the testicle is completely filled, it is necessary to finish knitting:

  1. 6SBN knit all the columns through one.
  2. Close knitting and tighten the loop.
  3. Hide the thread.

The egg is ready, it should take about 4 g of yarn. It should turn out to be 4 cm wide, 5 cm long.

The testicle can be knitted in different sizes and different colors. Different testicles together will look fun and delight both adults and children.

The finished product can always be decorated

There are many ways to decorate Easter eggs. Here you can let your imagination run wild. For example, if you knit a testicle from melange yarn, it will look fun in itself. Instead of a plain egg, you get a colorful one . Some decorations:

There are many ways to decorate Easter eggs. You can experiment with decorations endlessly. Various stands and pouches can be made for the testicles. They can be crocheted or made from a variety of materials. On a stand, the testicle will look much more solid. In addition to chickens and testicles, you can crochet any animals, berries, fruits, Easter cakes and many other interesting decorations for the festive table. A do-it-yourself openwork chicken and egg will surely bring happiness and prosperity to your home this year.

Attention, only TODAY!

Crochet needlewomen love amigurumi because this technique allows you to create soft, textured toys. As a rule, these are favorite characters, animals, household items and even food. Toys dedicated to various holidays, for example, New Year's toys, are also very popular.

But this master class is dedicated to the upcoming great Easter holiday. Bright and cheerful Easter chicken is sure to become your baby's favorite toy. In addition, the chicken will decorate the kitchen of any hostess. If you have not tried knitting amigurumi yet, then the Janine Holmes pattern is perfect for the first job.

Crocheted Easter Hen

Detailed diagram and description of the toy

The knitting pattern for the chicken was translated into Russian by Handcraft Studio.

You will need: yarn of different colors, filler, safety eyes for toys size 9 mm, tapestry needle.

Chicken size: height 8 cm, length 20 cm.
Socket size: 15 cm.
Egg size: 3 cm x 4 cm.

Hen body
Take light green threads and crochet No. 5 to knit 6sc into the amigurumi ring (6 p.)
Row 1: 2 sc in each loop (12p.)
When knitting, alternate colors - two rows of green, two rows of yellow.

Row 3: (2 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (24 p.)
Row 4: (3 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (30 p.)
Row 5: (4 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (36 p.)
Row 6: (5 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (42 p.)
Rows 7-9: 1 sc in each st (42 sts)
Row 10: (5 sbn, 2 sbn together) repeat until the end of the row (36 p.)
Rows 11-25: 1 sc in each st (36 sts)
Row 26: (4 sbn, 2 sbn together) repeat until the end of the row (30 p.)
Row 27: (3 sbn, 2 sbn together) repeat until the end of the row (24 p.)
Row 28: (2 sbn, 2 sbn together) repeat until the end of the row (18 p.)
Fill the knitted chicken with stuffing.
Row 29: (1 sc, 2 sc tog) repeat to end of row (12 sts)
Then knit with yellow thread.
Row 30: 2 sb together to the end of the row (6 p.)
Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Using a needle, sew the open end of the hen's body, fasten the thread.

Take red-orange threads and crochet No. 5 to knit 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6 p.).
Row 1: 2sc in each loop (12 p.)
Rows 2-3: knit in the same way as rows 2-3 in the body of the hen (24 p.)
Rows 4-7: 1 sc in each st (24 sts)
Row 8: (3 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (30 p.)
Rows 9-13: 1 sc in each st (30 sts)
Row 14: (4 sc, 2 sc in one st) repeat to end of row (36 sts)
Row 15: 1 sc in each st (36 sts)
Row 16: *(1 sc, 1 half double crochet, 1 double crochet, 1 half double crochet, 1 sc)-in one stitch, 1 half stitch in the next stitch*, repeat from * to * until the end of the row. It turned out 18 festoons. Fasten the thread.

Take the yellow threads and crochet No. 5 to knit 3 sc in the amigurumi ring (3 p.)
Row 1: 2 sc in each loop (6 p.)
Row 2: (1 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (9 p.)
Rows 3-4: 1 sc in each st (9 sts)
Row 5: (2 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (12 p.)
Row 6: 1 sc in each st (12 sts)
Fasten the thread.


Row 2: (1 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (18 p.)
Fold the scallop in half.
Row 3: Ch 1 to lift, join both halves of comb with 9 sc, turn (9 sts)
Row 4: 1 ch, (1 half-column, 4 ch, 1 half-column)-in one loop, * 1 half-column, (1 half-column, 4 ch, 1 half-column)-in one loop * - repeat from * to * until the end of the row. There are 5 cloves in total. Fasten the thread.

Take raspberry-colored threads and crochet No. 5 to knit 6 sc into the amigurumi ring (6 p.)
Fold the beard in half.
Row 1: Ch 1 to lift, connect both halves of the beard with 3 sc, turn (3 p.)
Row 2: 1 ch, 1 half-column, *4 ch, 1 sc in the second chain from the hook, 1 sc in the remaining two chains, 1 half-column in the same loop *, repeat from * to * once, 1 half-column. Fasten the thread.

Wing (2 pcs.)
Take a raspberry thread and crochet No. 5 to knit 6 sc into the amigurumi ring (6 p.)
Row 1: 2 sc in each loop (12 p.)
Rows 2-5: Work in the same way as Rows 2-5 of the body of the hen (36 sts)
Fold the wing in half and fill with filler.
Row 6: Ch 1 to rise, connect both halves of the wing with 18 sc, turn knitting (18 p.).
Row 7: Ch 1 to rise, *(1 sc, 1 half double crochet, 1 sc) in one st, 1 half double crochet*, repeat from * to *. You should get 9 festoons.
Fasten the thread.

Take the yellow threads and crochet No. 5 to knit 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6 p.)

Row 2: (2 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (12 p.)
Row 3: (3 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (15 p.)
Row 4: (4 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (18 p.)
Row 5: (5 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (21 p.)
Row 6: (6 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (24 p.)
Rows 7-8: 1 sc in each st (24 sts)
Fasten the thread.

Legs (2 pcs.)
Take a red-orange thread and crochet No. 5 to knit 6sc into the amigurumi ring (6 p.)
Row 1: 2 sc in each loop (12 p.)
Row 2: Knit behind the front wall of the loop * (1 sc, 1 half double crochet, 1 sc, 1 half double crochet, 1 sc) -in one loop *, repeat from * to * 3 times; knit for the back wall of the loop 1 half-column, 2 sc together three times. Fasten the thread.

Take a light pink thread and crochet No. 5 to knit 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (6 p.)
Knit with alternating colors: one row in pink, one row in white - 8 times, then in white.
Row 1: 2 sc in each loop (12 p.)
Rows 2-6: Knit as rows 2-6 in the body of the hen (42 p.)
Row 7: (6 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (48 p.)
Row 8: (7 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (54 p.)
Row 9: Knit behind the front wall of the loop (7 sc, 2 sc tog) repeat to the end of the row (48 p.)
Row 10: elongated loop in each sc

Tip (stretched loops)
To make elongated loops, you need to insert the hook into the sc, form a loop around the thumb, stretch it about 4 cm. With a hook, drag both threads of the elongated loop through the sc of the warp - you will get three loops on the hook. Pull yarn through all three loops on hook.

Row 11: 1 sc in each st.
Rows 12-15: Repeat rows 10-11 twice.
Rows 16-17: Repeat row 11 twice.
Fasten the thread.

Take threads of any color and crochet No. 5 to knit 6 sc into the amigurumi ring (6 p.).
Row 1: (1 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (9 p.)
Row 2: 1 sc in each loop (9 p.)
Row 3: (2 sbn, 2 sbn in one loop) repeat to the end of the row (12 p.)
Rows 4-6: 1 sc in each st (12 sts)
Stuff the egg with filler.
Row 7: 2 sc together to the end of the row (6 p.)
Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. Using a needle, sew the open end of the egg, fasten the thread.
Insert the eyes for toys (on the thread) into the head of the knitted chicken between rows 5 and 6, the distance between the eyes is 6 columns. Stuff the head with filler and sew to the body. Sew a beak to the head, also filling it with filler. Sew the scallop to the top of the head, sew the beard under the beak. Stuff the wings with filler and sew to the body of the Easter knitted hen on both sides, on the rounded part, place the stitches between the main part of the wing and the scallops. Fill the tail with filler and sew to the back of the body. Sew the legs from below, a little closer to the front of the body. The distance between the legs is about 4 bars. Tuck the top three rows of the nest, sew on the chicken.