Occupation who is good with us who is handsome with us. Round dance games and round dances. Lesson "Consideration of the plot picture "Near the Big Stump"

Tasks: Raising interest in musical and artistic activities, improving skills in this type of activity. Continue to form the ability to perceive and reproduce the movements shown by adults (clap, stamp your foot, half-squat, turn your hands, etc.).



Entertainment with singing in the first junior group

"Who's good with us?"

Tasks: Raising interest in musical and artistic activities, improving skills in this type of activity. Continue to form the ability to perceive and reproduce the movements shown by adults (clap, stamp your foot, half-squat, turn your hands, etc.).

(Children are sitting on chairs. Knock on the door. Mishka came to visit the children).

Bring up : Oh, guys, look who came to us?

(children's answers)

Yes, this is a bear, let's say hello to him.(hello).

What kind of bear do we have?(soft, good, beautiful, etc.)

Bring up : And let's tell our guest a nursery rhyme about a bear.

"Bear clubfoot"

What good fellows you are! Mishka really liked your nursery rhyme. And now the bear wants to play with you.

The game "Who is good with us?"

(first round dance with Mishka, and then with several children)

Bring up : The bear has prepared another surprise for you, he wants you to listen to the song.

The song "Bear with a doll" M. Kachurbina

(then the song is played again, the children dance with the teacher).

Will bring up: The bear really liked to play with you, but it's time for him to go home to the forest.

Did you enjoy playing with the bear?

(children's answers)

Let's say goodbye to him!

Children: Goodbye, Mishka!

(Bear leaves)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of game entertainment for the development of speech and modeling ...

Summary of the lesson (construct) "We were born kittens" 2 junior group

summary of the integrated lesson (construct) on the world around, in the second junior group, "Kittens were born with us"!...

Scenario of sports entertainment "Visiting Lesovichka" in the first junior group.

Program content: 1. Cause an emotional response in children and a desire to participate in entertainment. 2. Teach children to perform basic movements (walking along a narrow path, maintaining balance, moving ...


directly educational activities with elements of folklore

“Who is good with us, who is handsome with us?”

in the early age group for children from 1 to 2 years old

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of citizenship of children and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere through various genres of Russian folklore creativity

Software content.

Learning tasks:

To form children's knowledge about small folklore forms (rhymes, songs, jokes);

Expand children's vocabulary;

Exercise children in the adequate application of the works of Russian folk art in practice;

Development tasks:

To expand and enrich the socio-moral and emotional horizons of children;

Develop the ability to navigate on a given plane;

Stimulate emotional responsiveness;

To create an atmosphere of passion and interest between adults and children.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate love for your people;

To attach to the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people;

Awaken interest in Russian folklore.

Preliminary work: acquaintance and learning nursery rhymes, songs, jokes with children.

Lesson progress

The teacher greets the children:

Hello my kids

Kids are babies!

Come on don't be shy

Get comfortable,

Can everyone see, can everyone hear,

Is there enough space for everyone?

I have a lot of guys and for everyone

There is a sweet word!

Our kids at home

What pancakes in honey

What pancakes in honey

Sweet apples in the garden.

Educator: I'm glad to see you and invite all the guys for a walk

little kids,

Detonki udalenki.

Walk along the path

Children stomp their feet.

Top-top, top-top (They follow the teacher, stomp their feet. They approach the doll. The doll is “crying.”)

Educator: Oh, guys, our doll Katya is crying. She probably wants to sleep. Let's put her to bed and sing her a lullaby. (Children sit on the floor and listen to a lullaby).

The teacher sings:

Bye bye, bye bye

Kate, close your eyes!

The cat went to the market,

I bought Katya a pie.

The cat went under the bridge,

Caught a fish by the tail.

The cat will come to Katya,

Tells Katya to sleep.

Educator: (Quietly) Guys, do you hear what kind of song this is,

affectionate, tender. Let Katya sleep .. In the meantime, Katya will sleep, we will go on walking.

(I hear a dog barking)

Educator: Shh... do you hear? Who is that screaming?

Children: Doggy

Educator: Yes, the dog barked. She can wake up Katya. Let's,

children, let's ask the dog not to wake Katenka, we'll sing a song about the dog. (I sing with the children).

Bye bye, bye bye

Doggy don't bark

Whitepaw don't whine

Don't wake our baby

Educator: Well done, guys, they didn’t let the dog wake Katya’s doll.

Educator: Look, guys, what a beautiful cat we met. (They examine the cat, the teacher offers to stroke)

Like our cat

The coat is very good.

Like a cat mustache

Amazing beauty.

Bold eyes, white teeth.

Educator: Kids, do you like the cat?

Educator: Guys, who is this?

Children: This is a cockerel.

Educator: And how does the cockerel sing?

(children's answers)

Educator: Let's sing a song about a cockerel.

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

Silk beard.

That you get up early

Don't let Katya sleep.


Educator: Children, the sun is walking in the sky, but not in our window

peeks. Let's call the sun.


Look out the window

Children are waiting for you

The kids are waiting.

Educator: Children, look, now the sun has peeped through the window. And Katya woke up. Let's come closer and say hello to Katya, show how we love her (children come to the crib, stroke Katya, say hello).

Educator: Katya loves you too. (The teacher strokes the children with Katya's hand).

Educator: Children, let's feed the Katya doll with porridge. (They feed the doll, the teacher reads a nursery rhyme)

Clever, Katenka,

Eat sweet porridge

Delicious, fluffy

Soft, fragrant.

The teacher praises the children and offers to play the game “Who is good with us” together with the doll Katya, the dog, the cat and the cockerel

Children walk in a circle holding hands. The teacher says “Who is good with us? Who is handsome? Vanya is good, Vanya is handsome, ”and so on, calls the names of all the children and strokes their heads.


Played, played

Everyone was amused.

smart kids,

Smart kids!

Target. Arouse in children sympathy for peers with the help of the teacher's story (game); help kids to believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love them.

First option Lesson progress

This activity option is suitable for a group with many new children or most toddlers under 3 years 6 months.

The teacher arranges the chairs in a semicircle and begins the lesson:

Who is good for us?
Who is handsome?

The teacher brings the child to the center.

Petenka (Vasenka, etc.) is good,
Petenka is handsome.

The teacher talks about the child, emphasizing his dignity, for example: “Petya is really handsome. Black-haired, with beautiful dark eyes.

A good child, smart, already counts up to six, does not go astray. Is it true? Then count.

And he folds animals from cubes very quickly. And he is friends with girls, does not offend them.

And for a long time, he hasn't cried over trifles.

And how he tenderly says goodbye to his mother in the morning! Nice to see!”

The teacher again pronounces rhymed lines and brings out another child: “Katya is handsome. Pretty, fair-haired (about girls with blond hair they say - blondes), with a bright blush on her cheeks.

Katyusha is a wonderful girl. Doesn't quarrel with anyone. Plays with dolls - a feast for the eyes! Her daughters are fed. She sings songs to them, speaks affectionate words.

Katyushka knows a lot of poems. Read the poem “They dropped the bear on the floor ...”, I really, really like it.

The teacher asks the children who else they want to hear about. Be sure to tell about the newcomer, draws the attention of preschoolers to how important it is to be friends with this child now, so that he quickly gets used to it and understands what wonderful children are in the group.

The teacher promises that every day he will definitely talk about one of the children.

Such stories children should hear throughout the year. It is advisable to pay special attention to "problem" children (nervous, fighters, crybabies, etc.), each time emphasizing how successfully they cope with their problems, how they grow up.

If the educator notices that the children are beginning to get tired of stories about good and handsome peers, he invites them to listen to S. Cherny's poem "The Hanger".

- Why does mommy
Are there two dimples on your cheeks?
- Why does the cat
Legs instead of arms?
Why chocolates
Do not grow on the crib?
- Why did the nanny
Creamy hair?
Why do birds
No mittens?
- Why frogs
Sleep without a pillow?

- Because my son
Mouth without lock.

The teacher is interested in who is called the "hooker". Listens to the children's answers and offers to verify the correctness of the assumptions.

Note. In the following days, especially during the hours when the children are dressing for a walk and some of them have an increased need for communication (to the detriment of the main domestic process), it is appropriate to read the poem "The Harper".

Second option Lesson progress

This version of the lesson is more suitable for groups where most children are older than 3 years 6 months.

Having seated the children and thanking them for the ability to hear the teacher's request and quickly switch from games to classes, the teacher says that he will talk about how smart, kind, funny they are. For example: “I will tell you about a wonderful boy. Today he is wearing blue shorts and a gray T-shirt. And on the T-shirt is a serious gnome who built himself a beautiful house. Who do you think I'm going to talk about?

Many children and I call this boy affectionately: Sasha, Sasha, Sasha. So, Sashenka's shorts are ... blue, and the T-shirt ... is gray, on the T-shirt ... a gnome near his house.

Sasha has blond hair and cheerful dark eyes. Sasha is our assistant, he is on duty wonderfully, and gets along well with the kids, does not offend them. True, he often forgets his handkerchief at home, but he promised to improve. I believe him. Sasha loves to draw and sculpt, and sings well. Sing, Sashenka, your favorite song, and we will sing along to you.

I will also tell you about a girl who today is wearing a beautiful checkered dress with lace frills. And her name is ... (children call the name of the girl). Olenka recently came to us, she has not quite settled down yet. She is a very sweet funny person. Yesterday Olya forgot to hide her shoes in the closet, and they got lost, ended up under the bench. We consoled Olenka and wiped her tears, like this ... Then we found the shoes, helped her to put them on.

Olya wonderfully depicts a horned goat, it scares us. Want to see how she does it? Aren't you scared? (The girl pretends to be a goat.)

Now I will tell you about a boy with big dark eyes. This is a wonderful boy, but he does not like, he does not know how to sit quietly on a chair. It immediately starts spinning. It was just spinning, but now it's quiet. He must be afraid that the chair would get angry with him and drop him on the floor.

But on the other hand, our Vasenka (he recognized himself) runs the fastest. And Zainka the Long Ear told me in a big secret that this morning Vasya wanted to take away the car from Yura, he already stretched out his hands, but then hid it behind his back. Didn't hurt my friend. Here's a good guy. Strength of will brings up at itself. Becomes an adult. I'll kiss him for it." And so on.

At the end of the lesson, you can read to the children S. Cherny's poem "The Hanger" or the English song "The Braves" (translated by S. Marshak). When reading a song, one should find out from children who tailors are, correlate the height of an adult man and the size of a snail, from which 25 tailors fled in fear.

Current page: 3 (total book has 9 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]


Lesson 1. Who is good with us, who is handsome with us. Reading a poem by S. Cherny "Pusher"

Target. Arouse in children sympathy for peers with the help of the teacher's story (game); help kids to believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love them.

First option
Lesson progress

This activity option is suitable for a group with many new children or most toddlers under 3 years 6 months.

The teacher arranges the chairs in a semicircle and begins the lesson:

Who is good for us?
Who is handsome?

The teacher brings the child to the center.

Petenka (Vasenka, etc.) is good,
Petenka is handsome.

The teacher talks about the child, emphasizing his dignity, for example: “Petya is really handsome. Black-haired, with beautiful dark eyes.

A good child, smart, already counts up to six, does not go astray. Is it true? Then count.

And he folds animals from cubes very quickly. And he is friends with girls, does not offend them.

And for a long time, he hasn't cried over trifles.

And how he tenderly says goodbye to his mother in the morning! Nice to see!”

The teacher again pronounces rhymed lines and brings out another child: “Katya is handsome. Pretty, fair-haired (about girls with blond hair they say - blondes), with a bright blush on her cheeks.

Katyusha is a wonderful girl. Doesn't quarrel with anyone. Plays with dolls - a feast for the eyes! Her daughters are fed. She sings songs to them, speaks affectionate words.

Katyushka knows a lot of poems. Read the poem “They dropped the bear on the floor ...”, I really, really like it.

The teacher asks the children who else they want to hear about. Be sure to tell about the newcomer, draws the attention of preschoolers to how important it is to be friends with this child now, so that he quickly gets used to it and understands what wonderful children are in the group.

The teacher promises that every day he will definitely talk about one of the children.

Such stories children should hear throughout the year. It is advisable to pay special attention to "problem" children (nervous, fighters, crybabies, etc.), each time emphasizing how successfully they cope with their problems, how they grow up.

If the educator notices that the children are beginning to get tired of stories about good and handsome peers, he invites them to listen to S. Cherny's poem "The Hanger".

- Why does mommy
Are there two dimples on your cheeks?
- Why does the cat
Legs instead of arms?
Why chocolates
Do not grow on the crib?
- Why did the nanny
Creamy hair?
Why do birds
No mittens?
- Why frogs
Sleep without a pillow?

- Because my son
Mouth without lock.

The teacher is interested in who is called the "hooker". Listens to the children's answers and offers to verify the correctness of the assumptions.

Note. In the following days, especially during the hours when the children are dressing for a walk and some of them have an increased need for communication (to the detriment of the main domestic process), it is appropriate to read the poem "The Harper".

Second option
Lesson progress

This version of the lesson is more suitable for groups where most children are older than 3 years 6 months.

Having seated the children and thanking them for the ability to hear the teacher's request and quickly switch from games to classes, the teacher says that he will talk about how smart, kind, funny they are. For example: “I will tell you about a wonderful boy. Today he is wearing blue shorts and a gray T-shirt. And on the T-shirt is a serious gnome who built himself a beautiful house. Who do you think I'm going to talk about?

Many children and I call this boy affectionately: Sasha, Sasha, Sasha. So, Sashenka's shorts are ... blue, and the T-shirt ... is gray, on the T-shirt ... a gnome near his house.

Sasha has blond hair and cheerful dark eyes. Sasha is our assistant, he is on duty wonderfully, and gets along well with the kids, does not offend them. True, he often forgets his handkerchief at home, but he promised to improve. I believe him. Sasha loves to draw and sculpt, and sings well. Sing, Sashenka, your favorite song, and we will sing along to you.

I will also tell you about a girl who today is wearing a beautiful checkered dress with lace frills. And her name is ... (children call the name of the girl). Olenka recently came to us, she has not quite settled down yet. She is a very sweet funny person. Yesterday Olya forgot to hide her shoes in the closet, and they got lost, ended up under the bench. We consoled Olenka and wiped her tears, like this ... Then we found the shoes, helped her to put them on.

Olya wonderfully depicts a horned goat, it scares us. Want to see how she does it? Aren't you scared? (The girl pretends to be a goat.)

Now I will tell you about a boy with big dark eyes. This is a wonderful boy, but he does not like, he does not know how to sit quietly on a chair. It immediately starts spinning. It was just spinning, but now it's quiet. He must be afraid that the chair would get angry with him and drop him on the floor.

But on the other hand, our Vasenka (he recognized himself) runs the fastest. And Zainka the Long Ear told me in a big secret that this morning Vasya wanted to take away the car from Yura, he already stretched out his hands, but then hid it behind his back. Didn't hurt my friend. Here's a good guy. Strength of will brings up at itself. Becomes an adult. I'll kiss him for it." And so on.

At the end of the lesson, you can read to the children S. Cherny's poem "The Hanger" or the English song "The Braves" (translated by S. Marshak). When reading a song, one should find out from children who tailors are, correlate the height of an adult man and the size of a snail, from which 25 tailors fled in fear.

Lesson 2. Reading the Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Target. Introduce children to the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox" (processed by M. Bogolyubskaya).

Lesson progress

The teacher reads the fairy tale in such a way that the children worry about the simple-minded cockerel and rejoice at the successful end of his adventures. Then he asks if the children were worried about the cockerel, which the fox was deceiving all the time.

“And I was very, very worried about him. After all, the fox could eat the cockerel on the way. And then it would be a scary tale. And we probably wouldn't like it, would we?" - the teacher ends the lesson.

Note. At the right moment (in a group, at a site, at a music lesson), the teacher invites willing children to play a fairy tale, helping the performers of the roles of a fox, a cockerel and a cat musician to sing songs and pronounce a simple text (in abbreviated form).

W o c p u t a t e l (speaking softly). The cat will go hunting, and the cockerel will clean everything in the hut, sweep the floor clean (cockerel depicts appropriate actions), sings songs.

P e t u s o k. Ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku.

Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden comb.
Look out the window
I'll give you peas.

The cockerel pretends not to hear the fox (the child covers his ears).

Look out the window
I'll give you peas.

P e t u sh o k (“Looks out”, the fox “takes him away” (drags by the hand)). The forests carry me beyond the dark forests. Brother cat, help.

The fox "takes away" the cockerel to his house.

Cat (puts on a hat, boots (imaginary situation), goes to the fox's house. Plays the harp and sings.)

Stren, nonsense, guselki,
Golden strings.
Is the fox at home?
Come out, fox!

Fox (bakes pancakes). Go, Petya, see who is calling me, but come back soon!

The cockerel comes out, sees the cat, they hug and run away.

Lesson 3. Sound culture of speech: sounds a, u. Didactic game "Do not make a mistake"

Target. Exercise children in the correct and distinct pronunciation of sounds (isolated, in sound combinations, words). Activate generalizing words in children's speech.

Lesson progress

The teacher seats the children, combining kids with fuzzy speech, so that they are more likely to offer tasks for the pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations (whoa, whoa)

The teacher tells the children a fairy tale about the Merry Tongue: “There lived a Merry Tongue in the world. He lived in his house. And this house is a mouth. The house opens and closes. Like this! (Shows.) The tongue either runs out of the house (shows), then hides. Runs out again and hides again.

The teacher invites the children to let the Tongue out of the house and hide it (3-4 times). Then he continues: “And the Tongue also likes to sing different songs. He especially likes the song of little Alyonushka (shows the children a doll in sliders).

"A-a-a-a", - the Tongue sings to Alyonushka.

And the little girl opens her mouth wide, like that, and begins to sing, "Ah-ah," too. She is happy to be spoken to. How does Alyonushka sing?

The teacher offers to sing Alyonushka's song to 3-4 children in turn.

“And now,” the teacher says, “we will sing a song and pull a long, long thread. Like this…"

Stretching his arms forward at chest level and tightly closing the fingers of both hands (as if holding a thread), the teacher says: “Aaaa” (2–3 seconds). The exercise is repeated 3-4 times. The teacher makes sure that, “pulling the thread”, the children do not lower their heads.

“While we were pulling the strings,” the teacher continues, “Alenka was tired, because she is still small, and she cried:“ Wa-wa-wa. How do babies cry? (Choral and individual repetitions.)

Let's console, calm the baby: “Don't cry, Alyonushka! Don’t cry, little one! ”(Choral and individual repetitions. Children should be told that these phrases should be pronounced softly and affectionately.) And we will sing a lullaby to her: “Bayu-bayu-bayu, I rock my daughter, bayu-bayu-bayu”. (Children sing along with the teacher.)

Alyonushka fell asleep. Will sleep for a long time. And we can play. We will go to the forest for mushrooms, for berries. But in the forest you can get lost, get lost, so I will call you: “Children, ay-y-y, Olya, ay-y-y-y…” (Kids respond to the call.)

Then the teacher calls the children to him, informs them that the lesson is over, but those who wish can play ball with him.

Children form a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “You need to catch the ball and answer the question. Drop the ball, miss the move. If you don't answer the question, you also skip the move. The game is not easy. It's called Make No Mistake.

The teacher names the objects, for example: “Apple, plum, lemon? ..”, and the child, having caught the ball, calls the general word: “Fruit”, etc.

It is advisable to play the game on a walk with a subgroup of children (3-5 people).

Note. Outside of class to consolidate the sound A in the words, the teacher invites the children to “bake pancakes”:

almonds, almonds,
Let's bake pancakes.

Children treat the teacher and each other with pancakes. They report on what is better to eat pancakes with: sour cream, butter, honey, jam, fish, caviar.

The teacher asks the children who are nearby:

almonds, almonds,
Where were you?
By Grandma!
What did they eat?
What did they drink?

Russian folk song

Lesson 4. Sound culture of speech: sound at

Target. Exercise children in clear articulation of sound (isolated, in sound combinations); work out a smooth exhalation; encourage to pronounce a sound in a different key with different volume (by imitation).

Lesson progress

The teacher recalls how Tongue loves to look out of his house and hide: “Show me how he does it? He looked out and hid... Again he looked out and hid... He leaned out strongly... and hid.

One day, Tongue heard a steam locomotive (electric train) buzzing: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh How does a steam locomotive hum?

Tongue liked this song very much. And he decided to learn it. At first, the tongue sang quietly: “U-oo”. How did he sing? Then he sang louder...

In order for you to get the song of a steam locomotive, you need to stretch your lips with a tube (shows) and pronounce drawlingly: “Uuu“. (Choral and several individual repetitions.)

“You must have seen a real steam locomotive that pulls wagons with passengers or a train with goods,” the teacher continues. - Such a locomotive hums loudly and lingeringly. Something like this: "Whoa." How does a steam locomotive hum? And the toy clockwork engine is buzzing quieter, his voice is thin: “Oooo.” I will now ask one of you to hum, and you will determine whether a real steam locomotive is driving or a toy one. Let's start with Andryusha ... Let's listen to Olya ... "(5-6 answers)

The teacher shows a toy duck (duckling). He explains that if you call a duck: “Duck-duck-duck”, then it will respond to the call and come closer. Then you have to feed the bird with bread. call duck? (5-6 answers)

Then the teacher reads to the children the Chuvash song "Conversations" (translated by L. Yakhnin).

The cuckoo is chirping:
- Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
Dove cooing:
- Gu-gu! Gu-gu!
The rooster crows:
- Ku-ka-re-ku!
Eagle owl screams
In the night:
- Yes!
And the fish is silent -
No hoo.

Before re-reading the song, the teacher asks the children:

- The cuckoo is cuckooing, and the dove? .. (Crows.)

- The rooster is roaring. When does he sing: during the day, at night, at dawn? (Dawn - dawn - dawns.)

The teacher reads the song again and invites the children to pronounce onomatopoeic words.

Note. At this lesson or later, exercising children in expressive reading of dialogues, the teacher introduces them to the poem "Bull" by V. Berestov.

little bull,
yellow barrel,
He steps with his feet,
Shakes his head.
- Where is the herd? Moo!
Boring alone!

October November

IN October it is advisable to remember with the children (outside of class) the fairy tale “How a goat built a hut” (arr. M. Bulatov), ​​and in the next 2–3 days to introduce the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Goats” (arr. A. N. Tolstoy). It is advisable to find out from the children who liked which fairy tale and why.

The music director can be asked to sing A. Maikov's "Lullaby" to the children and let them listen to it in the recording.

IN november outside of class, children should read the Russian folk tale "Teremok" (arr. M. Bulatov, repetition of the material), and a few days later - the Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten" (arr. E. Blaginina). Then you can ask the kids which animal that is in the "Mitten" is not in the fairy tale "Teremok"; Which end of the story did they like best? (In the "Mitten" animals were left without a home, and in the fairy tale "Teremok" they "built a tower better than before".)

In November, children should continue to read already familiar poems by K. Chukovsky, as well as introduce them to the work “The Stolen Sun”; the English fairy tale "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond" (L. Muur, translated by O. Obraztsova) and the fairy tale by A. Milne "Three Chanterelles" (translated from English by N. Slepakova).

Windy weather is the best time to remind the kids of A. Koltsov's poem "Winds are blowing, violent winds ...". This poem is easy to remember, and the children willingly help the teacher to read it.

The group should continue the game “Make no mistake” (see September, lesson 3); play the word game (or “Give me a word”) at the site (see October, session 2).

Lesson 1. Didactic game "Whose thing?". Examining plot pictures

(at the teacher's choice)

Target. Exercise in agreeing possessive pronouns with nouns and adjectives. Help children understand the plot of the picture, characterize the relationship between the characters.

First option
Lesson progress

Part I Before the start of the lesson, the teacher lays out pictures or small toys on the tables (one for each child), including buckets, molds and scoops. Gives children the opportunity to look at objects and share their impressions.

The teacher asks the children to close their eyes (children should not be allowed to close their eyes with their hands) and takes 5-6 objects (or pictures). Then he asks to open his eyes and asks: “Whose thing? If it's a draw, I'll keep it." The teacher tells you how to answer the question: “This is my red bucket. This is my yellow owl."

The teacher invites the children to exchange objects. Then he finds out who has changed with whom and what. Suggests the best way to talk about it.

The children close their eyes again and the game is repeated.

Part II. The teacher asks the children to take chairs and, without pushing, put them near the easel.

The teacher offers the attention of the children to the plot picture "Do not leave us, cat".

“Do you think dolls and animals get upset if children stop playing with them,” the teacher begins the lesson. - I know a cat who was offended by the children and decided to leave them for other kids. Do you want to see this bold, determined Fluffy

The teacher brings the picture to the attention of the children. Gives an opportunity to consider it and exchange impressions. Then he continues the conversation: “Do you like the cat? Describe it. He… (very pretty, eyed, striped, looks like a tiger cub ...). The cat turned away from the children, he does not want to look at them. But they don't want Fluffy to leave them for other kids either. kids suck up to him. Who does it how? Girl in a red dress kneels before Fluffy, going to his caress, caress. She says something to him. What do you think?

Boy in a blue jumpsuit ... (holds a bow on a string). He knows that kittens love to play with papers. He also says something to the cat.

Boy in a green overalls ... (brought a sausage). He asks for a cat... (don't be mad at us. Eat some sausages. It's delicious...).

Why do you think the boys are in overalls, and one even in a cap? (Gathered for a walk.) And why did they prepare the ball and the plane?

I wonder if the kids will be able to persuade Fluffy to stay?

I advise you to look at our dolls and animals immediately after the lesson, caress, snuggle their".

In this case, a sample description of the picture is not required, since the kids go to the play corner and demonstrate to the teacher how they “communicate” with toys.

Second option
Lesson progress

Part I The same as in the first version of the lesson.

Part II. The teacher invites the children to consider the picture “The ball flew away” and asks them to think about what happened in the picture, and how, in the opinion of the kids, the story depicted by the artist will end.

Children take their places (at tables or sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle, in a checkerboard pattern, etc.).

"Have you looked at the picture? - the teacher starts the lesson. – Guess what happened? (A blue balloon flew away from a girl in a smart dress.)

And the boys... What can you say about them?

How did you guess the boy shorts And vest give your ball to the girl? He gives yellow Or a blue ball? (Listen and clarify children's answers.)

Do you approve act this cute baby?

No need condemn a boy in a cap who has three ball. He will still learn to be kind And help others.

Look at the doggy. Who do you think she is? And what is she?

Is it beautiful where children walk? It's probably part of the park.

Do you like the picture called “The balloon has flown away”?”

This can complete the lesson. Or you can end it with the teacher's story: “It was a holiday. The children were walking in the park. It is beautiful there: clean sandy tracks, elegant house for games.

Children received balloons as a gift, one, two, and three.

At the girl in a beautiful red dress walking with charming little doggy, ball escaped out of hand and flew away. But the kid in short pants hurried to her aid. Now he will come up to the girl and say: Take my ball. If you want, take the yellow one. If you want, take the blue one."

Lesson 2. Reading the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man". Didactic exercise "Playing with words"

Target. Introduce the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (processed by K. Ushinsky). Exercise children in the formation of words by analogy.

Lesson progress

Part I Many children read a fairy tale at home, many watched a cartoon based on a fairy tale. Therefore, at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher finds out from them who the bun is. He listens to the answers and reads out an excerpt, summarizing the statements of the children: “I kneaded the dough with sour cream, rolled up a bun (children show how you can roll a bun), fried it in oil.”

The teacher reads the fairy tale so that the children rejoice when the bun safely escapes from the animals, and are upset, realizing that the fox will outwit him.

The teacher gives the children time to share their impressions. Clarifies what the hare, wolf and bear said to the kolobok when they met him. ("Kolobok, kolobok! I'll eat you!")

“And what did the sly fox say when he saw the bun? the teacher is interested. - "Hello, bun! What a handsome, ruddy little one you are! ”- the fox praised the bun, and he was delighted, but did not feel the fox's cunning. His journey ended sadly. How did it end? ("And his fox - am!and ate!“)

Part II.“Let’s play word games,” the teacher suggests. - I will say words for large objects, and you will say words for smaller or very small objects. For example, house - house, pot - pot, book - little book ... "

Example words: scoop, bucket, ribbon, flower, button, dress, wheel, branch, bush, etc.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher informs the children that many famous artists made drawings for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (Yu. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev, A. Savchenko, L. Tokmakov, V. Gildyaev, A. Eliseev, etc.). Shows the children books about the kolobok, asks them to carefully examine them, show the drawing that they liked the most and tell why.

How to ensure that your baby from the first days of life grows up healthy, strong, cheerful, how to build communication with him, who still cannot speak or walk, establish and maintain trusting relationships, teach him to perceive the world around him, in a word, how to achieve so that between you and your child the only true dialogue is preserved - the dialogue of love?

A newborn baby still does not know how to rejoice at the appearance of a mother, his gaze only briefly captures her face, his cry is addressed to everyone and no one in particular.

The first smile of a baby appears, as a rule, at the end of the first, beginning of the second month of life. Physical contact with an adult - stroking, kissing, gently pressing to the chest, swaying; a bright toy, the mother's voice, her singing, an affectionate conversation with the child set him up for the first emotionally positive responses. Therefore, he needs the constant presence of an adult, his attention and love.

Surrounding the baby with love and tenderness, creating an “atmosphere” of emotional communication, you further stimulate the baby’s cognitive activity, aimed at surrounding objects and.

Watch your baby to choose the most suitable for him.

From the first days of life to 3 months

Games for maintaining trusting relationships, stimulating a smile, a “complex of revitalization”.

The game "Our bird". While changing or bathing your baby, say:

Like our bird

Dark eyelashes.

Like our baby

Warm feet.

Like our paw

Scratchy nails.


Easily touch the baby's legs, stroke his feet, hands, finger fingers, touching each child's nails.

The game "Who is good with us?" Place one hand under the neck and head of the baby, with the other hold his buttocks. The child will be in a position called "on weight". Taking the baby in your arms and saying a rhyme, kiss his arms, legs, tummy and neck:

Who is good for us?

Who is handsome?

The car is good!

The car is pretty!

The game "Following the bow" You will need multi-colored (red, purple, orange, green) bows on ribbons 40-50 cm long.

Draw the baby's attention to a bright bow, bringing it closer to a distance of 20-30 cm and removing it to an arm's length. Be sure to briefly fix your eyes on the toy. After that, slowly move the bow to the right and then to the left.

Game "Where's Mom?" Draw your baby's attention to your face by sticking out your tongue, puffing out your cheeks, and rounding your lips. Take the child's hand, clasping it by the elbow, and run it over your face, touching the lips, cheeks, nose and chin. Don't forget to talk to him and caress him.

After making sure that the baby is looking at you, deviate to the right and left, humming something.

The game "You, ring, spin!"

Prepare rings from, put on a stick 40-60 cm long.

Attracting the baby's attention to, rotate it, shake it. Move the toy slowly and smoothly enough so that the baby has time to follow it, and say:

You, little ring, spin, spin,

Show our baby, show yourself.

Spin this way and that,

Don't catch you!

The game "Jingle Bells" Here you will need bells (or a tambourine, a flute, rattles, wooden spoons, a tumbler, etc.)

Ring the bells to the right or left of the child at a distance of 60-70 cm so that the baby can also see the toy. Let the sound fade. Call behind your back. Look at the child - whether he listens to the sound of bells, slowing down his movements. Ring again and after the baby calms down and the sound fades, show the toy to the child. Track the jingling bells. After 3-4 days, the toy can be changed.

The game "High and low sounds"

Place your baby on your tummy so that your faces are opposite each other. Slowly move your hand from the child's neck to his hips, pressing on the muscles on both sides of the spine. This technique will help the baby raise his head. Say the baby's name in a high voice. Now say the same gentle words. But in a low voice. Change the tone of your voice several times.

By playing this game, your baby will begin to listen for a longer time to the high and low sounds of your voice.

Game "Fun" (Stimulation cooing) Draw attention to your face. Stick out your tongue, make it a "talker". Open your mouth. Singing the sounds “A-A”, “O-O”, sing “U-U-U”. Stretching lips with a tube. Puff out your cheeks and snort. Kid, seeing your funny actions. Be sure to imitate you after a while.

It is very important to teach the baby to move correctly while he is still small. In order to avoid one-sidedness, take the baby alternately with the left, then with the right hand.

Exercise "On the hands" The baby is in the hands of an adult "on weight", face down: with one hand support the baby, and with the other - the opposite thigh of the child. If you swing it, alternately raising and lowering either the head or the pelvis, then at the moment of lowering the head, the baby will strive to hold it:

Oh. swing, swing, swing,

Traders will come to us.

Will buy a baby

We will not sell.

We will not give up the baby (name of the child),

Baby (child's name) we need ourselves.

ball exercise. The child is placed on a large ball. One adult fixes the baby's pelvis, and the other holds the arms extended forward in the area of ​​​​the hands, while the child is rocked back and forth.

Exercise "Kicking". Rest your baby's feet in your stomach, stroke his legs, and then push your stomach with them, reading the rhyme:

Top-top, Topotushki!

Dancing paws, dancing ears,

Dancing horns and tails!

What are you lying? Swim and you!

Games and exercises that develop finger and hand movements.

The game "Hello, palm." Play with the baby's fingers by pressing the pads of your fingers against the baby's fingertips, stroking and kneading the baby's fingers, kissing them:

Morning has come. The sun has risen.

Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors!

Get up, Bolshak! Get up Pointer!

Get up, Middle! Get up, Orphan!

And Little Mitroshka! Hello Ladoshka!

Game "Tickle". Tickle the child's fist and fingers with a feather, a piece of cotton or a brush, reciting the rhyme:

Our baby is at home

What pancakes in honey

What pancakes in honey

Sweet apple in the garden!

Together with the baby, take out objects from the bucket, naming them, feeling them, shifting them from hand to hand.

The game "Where are you, nose?" Sit with your baby in front of a mirror. Show the child in the mirror his reflection, touching his nose, cheeks, mouth, ears, reading the rhyme:

Nose, nose!

Where are you, nose?

Roth, mouth!

Where are you. mouth?

Puppy, Puppy!

Where are you, little one?...

(G. Lagzdyn)

Games that promote the development of auditory perception.

The game "Under the handkerchief". Put the baby on the sofa or large bed, and lie down opposite him. You will need a colored scarf or diaper. Close with a handkerchief, calling the baby by name, and then show yourself, saying: "Here's mommy!". Hide again, call the baby, say kind words to him, encouraging him to listen to your voice, to look for you. Take off your handkerchief, repeating to the baby everything that you just told him. Play this game and your baby will learn to recognize you by your voice.

The game "We are calling the baby." Play this game with three people, putting the baby on the sofa or large bed. Take turns calling the baby by name, in a singsong voice, gently pronouncing his name. When the baby turns his head in your direction, ask: “Where is our baby (child's name)? Here is the baby (name of the child). Pat him on the chest with your palm. By playing this game, you will teach your baby to emotionally respond to his name.

The game "Tambourine with ribbons". Prepare a tambourine with colored ribbons. Sit on the floor with your back well supported and your legs bent. Place the baby on your knees facing you. Ring the tambourine on one side of the child. Watch him carefully. If the baby only listens to the sound of the tambourine, and does not try to find it, turn his head. Give the child the opportunity to see the tambourine and once again its sound. Repeat the game 2-3 times in a row. After 3-4 days, take another sounding toy.

The game "Crushing paper". You will need different papers: foil, wrapping paper, compress paper, writing paper. Rustle the paper on one side of the child. Watch him carefully. If the baby is only listening for the sound, and not trying to find it, turn his head. Give the child the opportunity to see this paper and hear it rustle again. Repeat the game 2-3 times in a row, changing the paper.

Game "Wooden spoons". Prepare for wooden spoons. Lay the baby on your stomach. Tap the spoons to the right or left of him. If the baby does not try to turn his head, help him. Turn his head to the sound of the spoons, let him see them.

The game "Who is calling the baby?". Play this game with three people. Put the baby on the sofa or a large bed, and lie down next to him, but so that he does not see you. First, let the mother call the baby, gently and affectionately, singing his name in a singsong voice. When the baby turns his head, say: "Here's mommy." Give the child the opportunity to rejoice and once again hear how you affectionately and gently call him. Then let dad call the baby, and when the baby turns his head to him, he will say: "Here is daddy." And call the baby again.

Reading jokes. Read the rhyme to the baby, changing the intonation of the voice in accordance with the meaning. Teach your baby to emotionally respond to the "strict" and "affectionate" intonation of your voice. But in no case do not scare the child! Repeat the game 2-3 times as long as it shows interest. On the 4th - 5th day it is advisable to change the nursery rhyme. Use the following rhymes and jokes:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end.

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off!

Oh, you, gray cat,

Don't go to the cellar

For sour cream, for cottage cheese,

Our son-in-law is coming soon

And there is nowhere to get sour cream!

Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

Here Vaska the cat wakes up,

Will break the whole dance!

The game "Here is our baby" . This game is good to play with three people. Take the baby in your arms. Let the second adult, hiding behind your back, call the baby, saying: “Where is our baby?”, Appear from behind the other shoulder of the adult: “Here is our baby (child's name)”. And hide again. So, hiding and appearing, chanting, pronouncing the name of the baby with different intonations, you will teach him to rejoice at the fact that his name is pronounced.

Games and exercises that develop physical activity.

As the baby acquires the skills of sitting, crawling, standing and walking, more and more attention should be paid to training balance reactions.

Exercise "Based on the hands". If the baby already knows how to lie well, leaning on the forearms of the hands and raising his head high, he is taught to lean on the palms of straightened arms. Put the baby on his stomach, fix his arms in the area of ​​​​the elbow joints, fully unbending them. First, the baby is held in this position, and then the control of the hands is reduced.

In children with a predominant lesion of one hand, reliance on the palm of a weaker hand is trained.

The game "Chiki-chiki-chikalochki ..."(Balance training) Lay the baby along the inflatable log. While supporting the child, rock him from side to side, prompting him to shift his body weight from one side to the other. Playing with the baby, read him a rhyme:


Vanya rides on a stick

And Dunya is in the cart,

Cracks nuts.

The game "Bracelet". (You can use a variety of children's hair ties with wooden or plastic decorations) Put the bracelet on the baby's arm. Push or lift your child's elbow so that they can see the bracelet. Give him the opportunity to follow his hand. When you make sure that the baby is not trying to grab the bracelet with the other handle, help him. Push his handle towards the toy, help him grab his opposite handle and pull on the bracelet.

Game "Pet fingers". The baby is on the couch, on the rug in the “on the back” position. Ask him: “Where are your legs?”, help him grab his leg with your hand and pull it towards you. Tickle his toes on the leg, show how you can touch and feel the fingers with your hands. To encourage the baby to take action, you can first gently rub his toes, singing:

We'll stroke our fingers

So-so and so-so

We rub our fingers

Yes, yes, and yes!

The game "In the field behind the hillock ...". Put the baby on the back, take the child's legs in your hands, singing a cheerful song, move the child's legs back and forth:

In a field behind a hillock

A fly dances with a mosquito.

Oh yes, over the hill

A fly dances with a mosquito.

The head is spinning

The fly is dancing a little alive:

"Oh, oh, there is no power,

Let me go, my light!"

The game "Neglyadnenky". Leaning towards the child and moving away from him, shake and tickle him.

Smiling, sing:

Oh my little one


My pretty

My handsome.

Addressing the boy:

Oh you my son

wheat ear,

azure flower,

Lilac bush

Addressing the girl:

Oh you my girl

golden squirrel,

sweet candy,

Purple branch!

Look the baby in the eyes, sing a nursery rhyme with a gentle smile, calling the child by name. In the second part, be silently present in the child's field of vision. Your friendly and affectionate facial expression will help activate all the components of the "revitalization complex".

The game "I wanted to baby ...". Put the baby on yourself. Your faces will be opposite each other. Performing various actions with the child's hands, sing them. "It occurred to the baby to touch the ears, touch the ears. Here's how, here's how, touch the ears." Touch the baby's hand to your ears. "It occurred to the baby to touch the cheeks, touch the cheeks. Here's how, here's how, touch the cheeks." Puff out your cheeks, when the child's hands touch them, blow noisily. Etc.

Jump-jump game Take the baby in your arms so that one of your hands supports his neck and head, and the other - the buttocks. Raising the baby up on outstretched arms, bringing his face closer to yours, playing "bodashki", sing a song:

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

The bird sat on an oak tree.

Sat on an oak tree

Rested in the cold

Called the little kids

I brought the worms.

Quadrille game. The baby is on your outstretched arms - one hand holds him, and the other - the pelvis. Bring the child to one of the family members, ask him to communicate with the child, tickle, shake. drawing attention to him. And then dance "Quadrille". Singing a cheerful song, lightly toss the baby, bringing his face closer to the face of an adult and moving away from him:

On the bridge by the ravine

Two sheep met.

Tup-tup-tup! Tup-tup-tup!

Two lambs!

Oh you, brother with strong horns,

What are you standing on the road?

Tup-tup-tup! Tup-tup-tup!

On road?!

At the last words, tickle the baby. Stroke the face of a close adult with the hands of a child.

Sweeties, sweeties!

We have boots on our feet

Sweeties, sweeties!

When the baby again fixes his eyes on the toy, deflect it to the right, then to the left.

Game "Butterfly, fly to the cloud." You will need a gymnastic ball made of thick rubber and a butterfly made of colored paper, tied in the middle with a ribbon. Put the baby on the ball with his tummy, insuring his legs with your hand. Rock it forward - back a few times. Draw his attention to a bright butterfly, lower it to the very floor, then slowly raise it higher and higher, and then slowly lower it back to the floor, saying:

Butterfly - butterfly,

Fly to the cloud

There are your children

On a birch branch!

Butterfly - butterfly,

Wind or rain?

You will fly - like a wind,

Fall down like rain!

When the toy moves down, tilt the child lying on the ball slowly down, and when the butterfly moves up, return to its original position.

The game "Who is handsome?" (game with a mirror). Take the baby so that one of your hands supports his neck, and the other - the buttocks. Pick it up and turn it around to face you. Play "bodashki" with him, blow lightly on his neck, chest, reading a rhyme:

Who is handsome?

Who is handsome?

Baby - beautiful,

The baby is pretty.

Repeat the game actions several times, make sure that they give the baby pleasure. Then put him on your arm so that his head rests on your shoulder and is directed forward. In such a "cradle" the baby feels safe and at the same time can look at everything around. Bring the baby to the mirror, affectionately saying a nursery rhyme. Give him the opportunity to fix his reflection in the mirror, put his handles on the mirror, tap your finger on the mirror, drawing the baby's attention to your reflection.

The game "This is such a baby" (a game with a mirror). Put a headband with a bow on your baby's head. Bring it to the mirror, gently asking him: "Who's there?", Exclaiming: "That's it baby!" Give the baby the opportunity to fix his reflection in the mirror, put his hands on the mirror. Draw the baby's attention to your reflection by touching his bow or hoop. Put the child on the rug in front of the mirror. Let him watch his reflection for a while.

Game "Funny sock". Prepare a bright sock by first sewing a bell to it.

Lay the baby on your knees on the back. Spread your child's hips and bend his legs so that his soles are in front of him, touching each other. The heels and outer edges of the feet should be in contact during this exercise. Now the baby can see his legs. And to make it more interesting, put a sock on the leg. Push the opposite handle towards the toe. Help your baby grab the tip of the sock and pull it up. Like this! Do the same with the other leg and the opposite handle.

Game "Pet fingers". Ask the baby: “Where are your legs?”, Help him grab his leg with his hand and pull it towards you. Tickle his toes on the leg, show how you can touch and feel the fingers with your hands. Perhaps in order to encourage the baby to action, you will first have to gently rub his toes, singing:

We'll stroke our fingers

So-so and so-so

We'll rub our fingers

Yes, yes, and yes!

Game "Hare in the garden" . Place a roll or pillow under your head before you lie down on the mat. Place your baby on your tummy so that your faces are opposite each other. Sing a lullaby to your baby:

Lyuli, lyuli, bainki,

There are hares in the garden.

Bunnies eat grass

They tell the baby to be told.

Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli-bye,

Sleep soon.

I'll go on the water

I'll drink some tea!

Game "Fun with a mirror" . Bring the baby to the mirror, gently asking him: "Who is there?", And exclaiming: "Here is our baby!" Give your child the opportunity to fix their reflection in the mirror. Take the child's hand by the elbow, raise it to the level of the head, making sure that the palm touches the head. Swipe it all over the baby's face. The cam will open and the baby will feel his face. And then, holding the child's hand "opened", run it over your face. Stroke your baby's palm on your cheeks, touch your nose and mouth. Make sure the child is watching his actions in the mirror! Touch your mouth again with the baby’s hand, sing the sounds: “А___________О”, stretching your lips with a “tube”, sing: “U _____________ y ​​___________ y ​​______________”. If the baby has stopped following you in the mirror, tap on the mirror and again run the child's hand over your face, singing vowel sounds.

The game "We went to the meadow ..." . Lay your baby on the changing table on their back. While singing a song, do the following: shaking, spread the children's arms to the sides, and then press them to the chest (2-3 times); shaking, bend and unbend children's legs; stroke the baby's arms and legs, lean over the baby, tickle him, push him by the breast.

We went to the meadow

They led a round dance,

Like this in the meadow

They led a round dance.

Yes Yes Yes Yes

They led a round dance.

Dozed off on the couch

Bunny in the cold

That's how I fell asleep

Bunny in the cold.

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Bunny in the cold.

Bunny, wake up

Come on, get up!

That's it, don't be lazy

Come on, get up!

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Come on, get up!

Let's play with the baby's lips. Sit with your back supported by something and your legs bent. Place the child on your lap. Play with the child's lips: pressing the chin, lower the baby's lower jaw and return it to its original position so that when the lips close, a light pop is obtained, sing the following syllables: "MA - MA - MA - MA, PA - PA - PA, BA - BA - BA.

REMEMBER: When starting to play with the hands and fingers of the baby, before you begin to develop and correct these movements, you must teach the baby to master the movements of the head and torso.

Accompany all your actions with an emotionally rich speech.

Remember, your baby needs your approval and support. Praise him for every success or effort.

At the age of 6 to 9 months.

In the second half of the child's life, it acquires a different character, becoming m about actions with objects. The child no longer agrees to simply exchange caresses with an adult. He now needs an adult to "cooperate with him in the game." The main interests of the baby are now focused on the objects and toys around him. Now the baby observes with great pleasure and tries to imitate how an adult acts with a particular object.

The game "The train is racing at full speed!" Lay the baby on the blanket on the tummy. Pull the duvet by grasping the two ends. Your baby will ride on the floor on a blanket. Moving the baby in this way, say:

Choo-choo, choo-choo,

The train is running at full speed!

Game "It's all in the hat" You will need a hat and a toy (bunny, cat, etc.). Hide the toy under the hat so that the tail or paw is visible. Ask the child to find the toy by lifting his hat. Move the hat to another place, again hiding the toy under it. Encourage the baby to move in search.

Games that develop visual perception.

Considering, feeling, the child gets acquainted with the properties of objects, his visual-motor coordination becomes more complicated. Under the control of vision, differentiated grips of objects with fingers are formed - two and three, a pointing gesture appears.

Game "Cockerel" Make a screen: cover the back of the bed with a scarf or diaper. Hide behind the screen. Let your cockerel show and hide all the time at one end of the screen. When the cockerel appears, read the rhyme:

early in the morning

The cockerel sings: ku-ka-re-ku!

After hiding the cockerel, pause and show it again.

Your baby will learn to wait for the appearance by looking at the same place on the screen.

The game "Where are you, nose?" Sit with your baby in front of a mirror. Show the child in the mirror his reflection, touch his nose, cheeks, mouth, ears, reading the rhyme:

Nose, nose!

Where are you, nose?

Roth, mouth!

Where are you, mouth?

Cheek, cheek!

Where are you, little one?

(G. Lagzdyn)

Games that promote the development of auditory perception.

In the second half of the year, the perception of adult speech develops intensively. By 9 months, the child can repeat, in order to imitate an adult, the babble syllables that are already in his active speech.

Game "Merry tambourine" Clap the tambourine with your palm, put the tambourine under the baby's hand, expecting that he will pat it too. If the baby does not try to clap, grab his elbow with your hand and lightly pat his hand on the tambourine, singing to the rhythm:

Tambourine, tambourine, long nose.

How much is oats in the city?

Two kopecks with a nickel!

Move the tambourine to the other hand of the baby, pat on the tambourine, inviting the child to repeat these actions after you:

I rode a tambourine with a cap,

Oats tambourine did not buy,

Just killed the horse!

Over time, playing this game, your baby will learn to beat the tambourine by himself.

The game "Sounding bucket" Sit down and seat the baby so that his back rests on yours.

You will need a galvanized bucket. Show the child a bucket, tilt it towards you, singing a phrase with syllables of babbling. The bucket will amplify your voice, give it an unusual timbre. Encourage your baby to repeat the sounds after you by singing them into the bucket. The kid will learn to imitate you. Repeating those syllables that he has in babbling.

Games and exercises that develop physical activity.

Usually by 7 months the baby crawls well. He becomes more active and independent, his muscles of the legs, arms, back, abdominals, neck are strengthened, the correct posture is formed.

Development Place a row of objects on the floor so that the baby can crawl around them, crawl under them, crawl on them. It can be pillows, a ball with a back made of crossbars. Tilt the back of the bull so that the baby can grab onto the bar. Lightly pull the ychik and place it on the floor. The baby will get on all fours, and you will only hold the baby's legs.

Don't forget to rejoice with your child in his success!

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The game "The mice lived in the apartment." Hold the baby's palm open and move your finger along it, saying:

One two three four!

The mice lived in the apartment;

They drank tea, broke cups,

Three money paid!

Game "Collect the berries". Lay the baby on his stomach on the floor.

Make voluminous berries from foam rubber, and flat ones from carpet. Scatter voluminous and flat objects, encouraging the child to take them out, shift them from hand to hand, feel them, give them to an adult. Encourage your baby to take bulky objects with a handful, and flat ones with their fingertips.

Handkerchief game. You will need a plastic jar with a lid and a handkerchief. Make a hole in the lid of the jar. Hide a handkerchief or piece of cloth in a jar, and pass its edge into the hole in the lid. Show your baby how to grab the tip of the handkerchief with two or three fingers and pull it towards you, taking it out of the jar. Play with the handkerchief by covering yourself and then the child by tossing the handkerchief in the air. And again hide it in a jar, inviting the baby to get a handkerchief.

Starting with the kid the exciting development of the first actions with objects, REMEMBER:

It is necessary to move on to objective actions only when your baby has learned to grab, suspended or extended to him by an adult over his hand and y.

Encourage your baby to imitate you in actions with toys and objects.

Every time you play with your baby, do not forget to name the actions that you perform with objects or toys.

Encourage your baby to perform actions learned with you, focusing on your words.

At the age of 9 to 12 months

In the final article on the book by Yu.A. RAZENKOVA “Playing with Infants” will focus on the age of about a year, when communication is expressed in the child’s desire to act together with an adult. Surrounding the baby with love and tenderness, creating an “atmosphere” of emotional communication, you further stimulate the baby’s cognitive activity, aimed at surrounding objects and.

Games that promote the development of interaction between a child and an adult.

Game "Humpty Dumpty". Sit on the floor, facing each other. Put your feet on the baby's legs. Take the baby by the hands, swing back and forth in the rhythm of the rhyme:

Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall.


Fell off in a dream.

All royal cavalry

All the king's men

Can't Humpty

Can't Chatter

Humpty Dumpty,

Humpty Dumpty,

Humpty Dumpty collect?

(Translated by S.Marshak)

At the last words, fall to the floor with the baby. Take a break and start the game again.

The game "Sleepy red cat." Play with the baby at the table. You will need a cat toy, a bowl and a cup.

Stroke the cat while reading the rhyme:

couch potato red cat

He took care of his stomach.

I want to eat

Too lazy to turn around.

Here it is waiting

Ginger cat -

Maybe the bowl will crawl!

Have your child feed the cat from a bowl and let her drink from a cup. If the baby cannot do this, help him by showing all these game actions.

Games that develop visual perception.

By the end of the first year of life, visual differentiation becomes more subtle. Children distinguish contrasting in appearance (for example, a cube and a brick), recognize a loved one in a photograph, begin to look at pictures and small books.

The game "Big and small cubes". Prepare two buckets - small and large, and two sets of cubes - small and large.

Show the baby a large bucket, invite him to get large cubes and examine them. Then take out a small bucket and examine its contents, taking out cube by cube.

At the end, collect all the cubes in buckets, first put the big ones in a large bucket, and then put the small cubes. Do all the activities with your baby. The kid will be more willing to collect small cubes, because. they are easier to take. Therefore, collect large cubes together with the baby, and let the baby act with small cubes on his own.

The game "Meet the green cucumber!". You will need plastic vegetables and fruits, different in color, a box and a basket.

Bring a box that contains plastic fruits and vegetables. Move them together with the baby from the box to the basket, examining and feeling. Be sure to name the baby everything that he picks up. This game will acquaint the baby not only with the color of vegetables and fruits, but also with their names.

Mirror game. Stroking the child's face, say:

Mirror loves

clean faces,

The mirror will say:

Gotta wash up!

The mirror even darkens with fear

If a slut looks at him!


Games that promote the development of auditory perception.

By the end of the first year of life, the baby can easily repeat a variety of sounds after an adult, pronounces 6-10 facilitated words, naming them or familiar actions. Adequately responds to the word "no", stopping their actions.

REMEMBER: All babies react differently to sounds. Some people like loud noises, others are afraid of them. Watch your child carefully to understand what he likes and what he doesn't like.

The game "Rattle, rattle!". Sit your baby on the mat. Rattle each other with rattles, humming:

Rattle, rattle,

Let's play, let's play, rattle!

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and so on.

Rattle, rattle, rattle!

Give the baby rattles, singing a song, perform all the movements with the rattles with him. Each time you play this game, introduce elements of new movements: tap with one toy on your palm, on your knee, or leave one rattle with you, and give the other to the child and tap them.

The game "We dance ourselves." Place your baby on the back of the crib. Turn on the dance tune. Dance in front of the baby, bending your knees, clapping your hands, turning your hands left and right ("Flashlights").

Encourage your child to dance to the music as well. This game will bring great pleasure to you and your baby.

Knock knock game. Knock the tambourine with the baby, knock on the bowl, on the floor, with a spoon on a spoon, saying: “Knock-knock, knock-knock”. By tapping on different surfaces and saying the words “knock-knock”, the baby will begin to repeat the first light words after you.

Games that develop motor activity.

The game "Oh, Dybok ...". Place the child on its feet on the floor.

First hold the baby, and then lower it, saying: "It's worth the buck!" While the baby is standing on his own, sing:

Ah, dybok, dybok, dybok,

Soon baby is a year old!

Rejoice in his success and repeat the game again.

Exercise "Let's go down the ladder." It is better to carry out this exercise on the playground. Put the baby on the 3-4 step. Go down with him, alternately lowering your leg and rearranging the handle. To make the baby have fun, say:

We go down the stairs,

Let's not fall for anything!

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Warm dough game. Make the simplest dough out of warm water and flour. Find a small plastic ball and show it to your baby. Then hide the ball in the dough and ask your child to find it. Look for the ball together, knead the dough, slap on it with your hands, squeeze and unclench your fists. This game will give your kid a lot of fun.

The game "Throw the clothespin." The baby can sit at a table or between the legs of an adult, or he can lie on his tummy on the floor. You will need a plastic jar and colorful clothespins. Attach clothespins to the edges of the jar. Show your child how to remove the clothespin with two fingers and throw it into the jar, saying loudly: “Bang! Has fallen!

Finger puppet play. Make two finger puppets - use old knitted gloves. Sew hairs from threads to the fingers, and make eyes from beads.

Let your doll appear from under the table, say hello to the baby, walk around and hide. Place the doll on the child's index finger. Show how she can say hello, dance, hide and reappear. Come up with new movements and fun with the doll every time, and your baby will learn to better control not only the index, but also all the fingers of the hand.

REMEMBER: Provide the baby with a variety of items that can be dropped, thrown away, poured out, shifted, pulled out, etc. Let him tap, press, shake, drum.

Don't forget: in the game it's not what you do that matters, but how you do it. The game should be fun and fun.

P.S. Of course, developing will benefit any child with developmental problems. The system of games offered to you is based on the understanding that all babies in infancy and early childhood must master the same “stages of development”, in the same sequence, only the pace of their development, the features of development and those techniques that can help your child will be different.