How do American women dress? American style in clothes. black and black

It was a blog visitor who asked me this question - please tell me how American women dress and what hairstyles they wear? Well, I decided that the topic is big and decided to write a separate article on this topic.

Immediately make a reservation that we are talking about American Americans. Because Americans of Chinese, Indian or Ukrainian origin dress and comb their hair according to their traditions.

At work, Americans have a so-called dress code. For each company, it may be slightly different, but the general meaning is clear. As in Russia, however, there is a white top, a black bottom on the head with a minimum of intricacies.

True, on Fridays and before holidays, many firms allow you to come in ordinary clothes, such as jeans. They relax their employees a little in advance before the upcoming vacation.

Otherwise, those whom I meet on the street wear T-shirts, shorts and flip-flops on their bare feet almost all year round. In Russia, such slippers are called frogs.

Only in winter, Americans have to wear jeans, and from March to November - shorts and flip-flops. Since the cars have air conditioners, it is not far from the parking lot to get into the building, and all buildings also have air conditioners.

Interestingly, children also jump in shorts almost all year round. It's mid-December now, and the kids are playing outside in shorts. True, winter is not really coming. however, it is around zero degrees outside.

I think American women harden their children this way. Getting sick in America is expensive. And the truth is, as long as I live, I have never seen children who are snotty or sneezing or coughing. However, I don't interact much with children.

By the way, I have often seen very young children dressed in strict suits. It looks very touching, although I am not predisposed to lisping.

In the villages, especially in the agricultural states regular clothes It's a shirt and jeans. For both men and women. Convenient, practical - what else does a person need?

Hairstyles on the heads are simple. I mean white men and women. In Russia, women take better care of their heads. And here you can easily meet a kind of lahudra. But everyone's heads are clear. In general, Americans in terms of hygiene are great. Never felt any bad smell even from beggars. Which, by the way, live in shelters with a shower and washed linen.

And now I will dwell a little on black Americans. They are, in fact, very different in appearance. And not only because with black skin. Those cases when a black man or woman works in the office, I do not take, because they adhere to the dress code.

But on the street and in shops it's something. I'm not saying that black American women are simply of immense size. Although this is not related to the topic of the article, but guys ... I saw fat women in Russia. And these heels together - this will be a black American. I think, kilograms under 150-180. And at the same time quite mobile. True, as they get into the car, the car creaks ... 🙂

Black Americans are terribly fond of wearing something bright, mostly red or yellow - jackets, sweaters, ties, pants ... Something the size of a steam locomotive flies at you somewhere in the store, and everything is in red. At first I even shuddered, then I got used to it.

Here, I note that no one pays attention to anyone. Even if someone is dressed completely unusual. And yet - I often saw that people wear clothes without removing store price tags. This is so that you can then return this thing to the store if it does not fit.

And yet - before the holiday, many go to carnival costumes right down the streets. And in stores you can meet sellers, and buyers, for example, in costumes of bears or skeletons. This is especially true for Halloween and Christmas.

Well, tasty for the third, as V. Vysotsky used to say. On a tasty today will be the hairstyles of black African American women. Many have Monet, Picasso and Dali combined on their heads. Such hairstyles are made for more than one hour, though they last for more than one month.

They are terribly uncomfortable to sleep in, but beauty requires sacrifice. Honestly, I never cease to admire this kind of structures. Just because it's beautiful, what do you think?

I found these photos on the Internet, but such hairstyles and even cooler ones can be seen any day somewhere on the street or in a store. Watch and admire:

Lenadra Medin, founder of the cult portal Man Repeller. An example of the style of a modern American woman, an innovator and a favorite of photographers. Modern American women value comfort above all else. During the day you will not meet them in heels, but in the evening they like to dress up.

Comfort plays a very important role in large cities. Sneakers, flat shoes, sandals in summer and spring, almost no heels are what you will find in the daytime. Jeans are the staple of every American woman's wardrobe. They are worn with boots, stilettos, t-shirts and coats. Seriously, you will have to spend a lot of effort to find a woman who does not have at least one pair. This piece of clothing is very versatile and has an important place in American fashion.

I live in Boston, this city is located next to New York. There are a lot of young people here, students from Boston University. Local style - tight jackets, windbreakers, sweatshirts, jeans (of course), handbags from the Coach brand, and if a woman has a little more money, then from Goyard. In the cold season, women wear high jockey boots tucked into skinny jeans. Personally, I love leather jackets and soft-fabric crew-neck T-shirts the most, but I think it's all French influence: I go to Paris a few times a year because it's hometown my husband.

Leather Jacket, jeans and flat boots are the favorite things of many girls in America. In the state of California, American women dress up brightly, but at ease, so that no one reproached them for trying too hard.

In Los Angeles, most girls wear ripped loose jeans, T-shirts and pumps. All this is complemented by the “I just woke up” hairstyle.

The whole image should scream: “I didn’t try to look cool and sexy at all, I’m already so gorgeous that I just can’t be more attractive.”

Megan Perelman

This narcissism certainly accompanies the love of sports, healthy lifestyle life. In Los Angeles, almost no one smokes, drinks or throws noisy parties until the morning, as in New York. Everyone is very kind to their appearance, they run, go to the gym.

In general, the fashionable map of America is great: San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Austin, Portland, Seattle. Each city has its own unique style that deserves to be told. The capital of fashion is New York, few people will disagree with this.

American women love European style, and especially the "style" of Parisians

American women adore European designers, the style of French women. Many sincerely believe that Louis Vuitton, Prada and other European brands are ten times cheaper in their homeland than in America.

Few Americans go to Europe on vacation. This is not a cheap pleasure, in addition, many are sure that within the homeland there is everything necessary for recreation: the sea, ski resorts, hiking, beautiful parks, vineyards, and so on. In the States, you can do anything. Meanwhile, many girls gravitate towards European designers and brands, they believe that buying Chanel and Louis Vuitton is cheaper in France. best gift an American woman will get a box of Ladurée pasta (although this pastry shop is represented in America) and a bracelet from Hermès.

Most American women are sure that Paris is the most stylish city in the world, they think that all Parisians wear vests, berets, puffy skirts a la Brigitte Bardot, ballet flats. I travel to Europe often and don't want to disappoint my compatriots if I'm asked about the famous French style.

In general, I must admit that every time I look at someone on the street, I note nice clothes, shoes, hair and make a compliment, it turns out that the person is a foreigner.

Megan Perelman

Stylish American women are rarer than we would like.

Style icon

Fashion icons in America are a very fickle concept. The stars on which everyone prays appear, then go out. For example, Kim Kardashian, despite all the popularity, has a very negative image. She and her whole family are interesting to twelve-year-old girls within Snapchat, and that's where the army of fans ends. For the rest, she is cited as an example of bad taste. Taylor Swift is a better example, but many believe that she is trying too hard: red lipstick, blonde hair, Monroe style copy. In general, they sympathize with her, but a lot of hairpins fly at her address.

American women most often mention Rihanna when it comes to an example of good taste. Her bright and bold style appeals to almost everyone.

I think I can only single out Rihanna. Almost everyone admires her, but this applies to her stage images. They are really bold, bright, of course, very individual.

We are sure that there is an American style, and that it is the best suited for those who prefer concise, but stylish images on every day. Read about the six main secrets of the style of real American women!

American style: main features


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While British fashionistas indulge in sometimes completely enchanting experiments with style, American women appreciate simple and understandable images that are suitable for life and allow you not to spend too much time on morning fees. If this approach is close to you, start the "Americanization" of your style with a thorough study of the basic wardrobe - it is he who saves most American women.

Men's clothing


American women have lost a lot of things men's wardrobe— jeans, bomber jackets, white t-shirts, classic trouser suits. "Male" things are enough to complement women's accessories and shoes to look stylish and harmonious.


In the United States, women love practical looks - such that they can go to work, and to a parent-teacher meeting, and to meet with friends, and even drop into the store. Therefore, they often choose universal sets with a touch of slight negligence, and they have a special love for comfortable shoes - you can meet an American in heels on weekdays only if the need to wear them is dictated by a strict work dress code.

naturalness and relevance

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In America, no one appreciates graphic arrows and red lipstick during the day - almost all local fashionistas choose naturalness. In the American style, flowering is most appreciated. appearance- healthy hair (most often natural shades), good skin, perfect teeth will always work much better than two kilograms of cosmetics. And to emphasize grooming and natural beauty, just add a little mascara, blush and lip gloss.

Essential denim

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The birthplace of jeans is America, so do not be surprised that here denim has long acquired the status of a "sacred cow". And this, it is worth noting, is fair - there is hardly another such universal material. Jeans serve as the best option for American women to enter both the feast and the world - you just need to competently beat them according to the occasion.

America. The first thing that is associated with this word is New York (Manhattan), Hollywood, the film industry and so on. Anything but fashion. At first glance, this is as it should be. After all, Paris is considered the fashion capital of the world. It was France that brought up many of the most famous couturiers, such as Jean-Paul Gaultier, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Pierre Cardin, etc.

On the other hand, one of the first things we pay attention to when watching American films or TV shows is a special style of clothing that everyone wants to copy literally from the first minutes.

The modern American style of dress was formed for a long time and difficult. One of the first prerequisites was the era of the 20s. The era of Gabrielle Chanel, who created the image of a simple American worker. Then, there were the 40s - the time of Dior and his new feminine images. In the 60s, the movements of feminists and pacifists developed, the air "smells" of freedom, the removal of canons, the blurring of boundaries between the sexes. And, finally, the 80s give birth to a new grotesque style - neoclassical.

All this mixture of styles, their gradual development, acquired the character of chaos, spontaneity.

As J. Goebbels said: "everything ingenious is simple." The style of modern Americans is not in beauty and grace, but, above all, in convenience and comfort. How easier clothes, all the better. Here it is - freedom.

Now every second person dreams of visiting this unusual, multinational and very free country.

Distinctive style features

To feel at home among strangers, a guy should buy a couple of three extremely simple, but unrealistically comfortable cool things:

  • Sweatpants (in addition to designer sneakers);
  • A pair of oversized hoodies in a geometric or cartoon print;
  • As many T-shirts as possible that fit the body a little;
  • Jeans, jeans and more jeans. Denim is one of the most popular fabrics in America, especially among teenagers and young adults;
  • Jacket in suede or khaki wool in cowboy style;
  • Leather Jacket;
  • Plaid shirt, preferably large.

On your feet, you should wear the most comfortable shoes, preferably from genuine leather, suede, possibly moccasins. Americans have special respect for shoes.

When creating an image, you can pay attention to the headdress. A suede jacket with jeans is the perfect complement to a cowboy hat. And in the US, it will not look out of place. And for sweatpants and sweatshirts the best option becomes a baseball cap.

The dressing room of an American teenager should “break” from the number of old forgotten, not worn things for a long time. Whether it's a grandmother's dress or a 30-year-old mother's jacket. Everything will come in handy. Not being able to buy branded items for themselves, teenagers, without noticing it, introduced the fashion for worn jeans, patched T-shirts, voluminous sweatshirts inherited from ex boyfriend or older brother. Girls' favorite clothes are denim shorts, wear them in any weather. All these styles look very natural and surprisingly harmonious.

Shoes - exclusively sports.

A minimum of makeup, a maximum of jewelry (a lot of bracelets, earrings - rings, pendants on chains).

The clothes are layered, a combination of the incongruous.

In order to become an American girl and understand their style, you need to take life easier, be always on the move.

For girls in America, long fees are typical for the usual trip to the store or taking out the trash. Americans prefer speed and convenience. They choose functional outfits for all occasions.

The blurring of gender boundaries has borne fruit. Women in the US are increasingly dressing like men. No one will be surprised by a girl walking down the street in a classic suit and men's boots or in a jacket 2 sizes larger. TO men's clothing they add women's accessories, then the image will look more harmonious.

Everything should be appropriate and natural. From makeup to shoes. By the way, about her. A woman in America is rarely seen in heels, especially in everyday life. They prefer flat soles: ballet shoes, espadrilles, sandals with thin straps or wedges. All this should be from natural materials.

Hi all. Today I will try to tell you how Americans prefer to dress in 2018, and give examples of the strangest combinations.

By the way, this fashion seems strange only to us. For them, any options for combinations in everyday clothes come in fine. Nobody cares how you dress. No one pays attention to, to put it mildly, incompatible combinations. No one will ever point a finger (as we do).

The main thing is simplicity. The simpler and more convenient, the better.

1. Underpants

Especially the dark-skinned part of the population likes to pull down his pants so that his underpants show up as they should. At first it's shocking, then you get used to it.

Why are they doing this? There is hardly a reasonable explanation, they just think it's cool.

They can also put on shorts under their pants, and this is considered absolutely normal.

2. Flip flops + high socks

For the summer, this is the most convenient alignment. Young people love this option.

And not a certain “segment”, but everything and everywhere. Both girls and boys and adults.

3. Timberlands in hot summer + warm pants often with them

Imagine, the temperature is 20+, and people are wearing Uggs or Timberlands.

4. A suit with shorts instead of pants

Tie, strict style, all such a white collar on top. And below are shorts, and not sports, but business.

5. Socks tucked in over pants

A couple of times, walking down the street, I noticed how people refuel sports trousers in socks. Here's what it looks like.

In general, dress as you like, no one will catch up with you and wave your fists. You can dress up even as a snow maiden, as you like, no one cares. And there are more than enough shops for the strangest bows here.

I met African Americans in the city center in a dressing gown, with a toothbrush in their hair.

The principle is this - the main thing is comfort. Walk in anything.

That's probably all. Each country has its own culture and customs, perhaps for them our fashion will also seem rather strange and unusual. It doesn't matter how someone dresses, the main thing is that the person is good.