Announcement about the New Year's competition. Exhibition of New Year's crafts in the dow Announcement about the contest of crafts

arrange a real New Year's celebration in kindergarten? This is great, the children will be delighted, and the parents are grateful to you for helping their children in this way and giving a holiday. But to make sure everything goes well and everyone is happy. It is necessary not only to rehearse with the children, but also to invite guests. For example, here is a new invitation to New Year's party 2019 in kindergarten will help you gather a full house at the holiday and make the event even brighter and more interesting. Just hang the invitation everywhere where there is an entrance and where parents go, and then you have Christmas tree there will be no place for an apple to fall.

And so, winter! Beautiful time of the year, beautiful time. You can go sledding down the hill, you can ski in the forest, you can play hockey with friends, you can ... in general, there are plenty of activities and entertainment. The same snowballs are an interesting idea. But that's not all. Do you remember that it is in winter that your favorite holiday is - New Year. And if so, then there will be matinees, holidays and guests in the preschool educational institution. Only guests need to inform when and where the holiday will be. A bright invitation for the new year 2019 for kindergarten will help you with this. The template is decorated with Santa Claus, Christmas tree branches and a beautiful background. Admire and send to everyone, everyone, everyone - so that your holiday gathers a full house.

Working all is a very long time. That's why everyone is waiting so much New Year holidays when you can relax for almost two weeks and enjoy life to the fullest. But first, there will be a series of obligatory holidays, which are also loved by all employees of offices and companies. A bright and interesting invitation to the New Year's corporate party in 2019 will immediately appeal to colleagues. An interesting design and template will appeal to employees, and they will definitely be happy to come to the event. So download, give and wait for a full house and smiles of colleagues.

Do you already know where, with whom and how you will celebrate the new year? This is great, it remains only to notify guests and friends about this. And you can do it with the new 2018 new year invitation template. The coming year will be the year of the dog, so we couldn't help but put a picture of these cute animals on the template. They fit perfectly into the design and do not get lost in the background. New Year's decoration invitation. And it ends with a beautiful verse, which will invite everyone to the holiday.

For corporate employees, the most favorite days are: vacation days and New Year's Eve. Everything is clear about vacation, there is nothing to add here, but New Year's Eve is a hot time for holidays and corporate parties with colleagues. To make the holiday a success and all your colleagues come on time, send them such an invitation to the New Year corporate party 2018, which can take place in a cafe, restaurant or office of your favorite work. Look at the template, you can download it for free and print it out for your employees.

You won’t believe it, but they always prepare a performance first, and only in last moment they remember: how will we invite children to it ?! What didn’t happen on New Year’s Eve, we already have ideas for invitations, and we are sharing them with you. Although these are not exactly ideas, but templates for inviting children to a New Year's party in kindergarten for the new year 2018.
We have two variants of templates at once, and they differ in the arrangement of verses and the place for writing. You can choose any or both. The main thing is that the children receive their invitation and rush to the holiday, which is very soon.

2017 New Year invitation. New template

And here is new template for your holiday. This New Year 2017 invitation is the best we have made for you. Look at the template New Year's twigs, decorations and inscriptions. And to make it even better, we put a rooster on the template as a symbol of 2017, and other patterns. Having received this version of the invitation, your guests will definitely come to you and help you celebrate the new year, which will certainly bring happiness and good luck.

Invitation to the New Year's party in kindergarten 2017

What to do? The new year is coming soon, do you have an interesting program, but no guests? The guests will come. If you invite them. For example, send everyone new invitations to the New Year's party in kindergarten 2017. You can see the template for such an invitation on our website. It is bright, New Year's and is already completely ready. You need to download for free, print the template and sign for each guest. And that's it - wait for the guests and prepare places for spectators.

Exhibition of New Year's creativity in kindergarten "Santa Claus's workshop is open."

Shiriyazdanova Minziya Kagirovna, educator of the SP GBOU secondary school "OTs", Yuzhny village "Smile", Bolshegluchitsky district, Samara region.
Description of work: I bring to your attention the New Year's exhibition of crafts "Merry New Year!"
This material will be useful to educators, parents. This is an exhibition creative works made together with parents to decorate the interior.
Purpose: Interior decoration, manufacturing New Year's crafts.
Target: organization of an exhibition of applied art.
- Involving children and parents in creativity.
- Formation of children's creative abilities.
- Develop Creative skills, fine motor skills, color perception, compositional skills.
- Cultivate artistic taste, interest in making crafts with your own hands.
- involvement of parents in closer cooperation.
New Year is one of the brightest and fabulous holidays celebrated all over the world. Each of us remembers how in childhood we waited for the cherished hour when it would be possible to decorate the Christmas tree with colored balls, glass figurines, sweets. It is from childhood that we have that feeling of the magic of this New Year's Eve, we have the feeling that on this night the most cherished dream can come true, when Santa Claus comes and, having heard our desire, will certainly fulfill it. We have matured, but somewhere deep in each of us there is a feeling that New year's night- this is a night of magic, a night when it is possible to start life from scratch, leaving all your troubles and problems last year, and taking with you all the best, the brightest, the warmest in the new year.
And good, light and warm, of course, is associated with our children.
We have arranged an exhibition of New Year's crafts in our garden. Parents gladly responded to our request. And here's what we got.
The corridor was decorated with such figurines made from the hands of parents, educators and children.

Above the door hang a clock and a bell (flower pots and tinsel).

And what snowmen and Christmas trees from different material made by our parents!

Dear parents! We invite you to participate in the New Year's crafts competition.

Position about the competition of New Year's crafts andfamily creativity

"Workshop of Santa Claus"

General provisions

  1. Key points

1.1. This provision was developed as part of the implementation of the tasks of the annual work plan for the interaction of a preschool institution with a family, in the Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten general developmental type "Smile".

1.2. The regulation determines the procedure and conditions for the organization creative competition"Workshop of Santa Claus" in groups of a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the competition).

2. Goals and objectives of the competition

2.1. Development of artistic taste, fantasy, initiative, implementation

creative possibilities of all subjects of the educational process: children and parents, teachers.

2.2. To form a community of interests of pupils and their families in creative activities.

2.3. Identify and support families that are actively involved in the life of the kindergarten.

3. Participants of the competition

3.1. Families of kindergarten pupils, kindergarten employees take part in the competition.

4. The order of the competition

4.1. The competition is held in two stages:

5. Terms and procedure for the competition

To participate in the competition, it is necessary to provide works until December 20, 2017 to the group teacher.

5.2. Works in the following nominations can be submitted to the competition:

"New Year's print";

"That's the snowman";

"New Year's symbol";

6. Requirements for the design of works

6.1. Works must correspond to the theme of the competition materials for manufacturing must be safe for the health of children.

6.2. Both individual and group are accepted, incl. - family work

6.3. Sizes and formats of works:

"New Year's print" (sizes A4, A3)

“That's the snowman” (at least 15x15 cm in size and no more than 40x40 cm in size)

“Symbol of the Year” (at least 15x15 cm in size and no more than 40x40 cm in size)

Information about the author must be attached to the work: nomination, surname, name of the author, age, group.

7. The jury evaluates the works according to the following criteria:

Degree of family and child involvement.

Technical mastery of the work.

Subject fit.

The originality of the compositional solution of the work.

Non-traditionality of the materials used.

8. Competition results

7.1. The jury of the competition of creative works determines the winners in each nomination (1-3 places).

7.2. Winners are awarded with diplomas, participants with certificates.

7.3. The results of the Competition and photos of the winners' handicrafts will be posted on the kindergarten website.

Competition jury

Chairman of the jury: Sokolova L.A.

Jury members: Kazakova L.O., Yusupova Z.N., Simonova S.Yu. Batalina S.A., Ryabkova M.F., Cherepanova V.A., Nikitina S.A.

Tatiana Koshcheeva

Announcement - an invitation for parents to a New Year's party.

Holidays in preschool- this is one of the most interesting, favorite and exciting forms of organized joint leisure for adults and children. Very soon, the long-awaited holiday for everyone - the New Year!

subsides New Year's fuss: roles are approved, words and poems are distributed among the kids, groups, a music hall are decorated,

And parents looking forward to the holiday to admire and rejoice for their child. It remains to notify them of the place and time of the celebration.

On a paper basis, a composition of fir branches was outlined with a pencil.

From strips of paper green color prepared the required number of loops. With the help of glue, they were fixed along the contour of the branches in two rows.

The finished branches were decorated with cones, tinsel and paper crafts.

To make cones, we needed brown paper squares. From the squares we glued the bags. They laid the bags on the base from the bottom up, open side down.

The balls were made from circle bags. You can fold the bags with the colored side inward.

And the whole poem ends, which will invite everyone to the holiday. We printed it out.

Making it announcements - invitations, not only cheered up the children, but also aroused even greater interest in the upcoming holiday.

Related publications:

"Creative Week" Newspaper - announcement for parents and colleagues. It's a creative week in our kindergarten. Week of open doors.

New Year's party for kindergarten in the middle group "New Year's Trouble" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of the combined type "Herringbone" New Year's commotion. New Year.

LEADING: We have a holiday cheerful winter brought, the Green Christmas tree came to visit us. Good Grandfather Frost brought us the Christmas tree here, so that we can go to the New one.

New Year's party for the nursery group To the music, the children enter the hall. Leading. Here came the tree to the guys. To us for a holiday in kindergarten. Lights, how many toys - How beautiful.

New Year's party for the preparatory group New Year's party for preparatory group Vedas. Hello boys and girls, moms and dads. grandparents! Hello everyone.

Characters: Nastenka, Marfushenka, Snowflakes, Snowmen, Forest Animals - children. Stepmother, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus - adults. Standing on the stage.

New Year's party for the little ones Sounds like a Christmas song. Children enter the hall, stand around the Christmas tree. The teacher says: - Look, guys, how beautiful we have.