Scene for the new year from the cartoon Prostokvashino. Scenario of the holiday "New Year in Prostokvashino" for children of the senior and preparatory groups. General dance "New Year's Tale"

Age: for students in grades 5-7.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, postman Pechkin, Sharik, Matroskin.

Voice of the radio. Prostokvashino radio speaks: we broadcast a concert at the request of the inhabitants of our village Prostokvashino: time 23 hours 00 minutes. Listen to the announcement: All those who arrived at the New Year's Eve, please gather near the central village Christmas tree. Postman Comrade Pechkin, you are instructed to meet the guests who have arrived. Comrade Pechkin, do you hear? This is the order of the head of administration. You need to meet guests!

(includes Pechkin)

Pechkin: Are you guests? How small are you. I thought, maybe some bosses came to us, the president, whose Indian! Okay, let's get to know each other. I am a local postman, Pechkin is my last name. And you, therefore, guests? What are we to do? Play what? So I can't play. Not like all sorts of balls there. They run around the village, no "hello", no "bon appetit". Oh, look, it's easy on the face.

(Sharik runs in)

Ball: Hi guys! Have you seen Matroskin? If you see him, tell him that his milk has run out. (Runs away).

Pechkin: What did I tell you? He greeted you, but not me. It's like I'm empty.

(includes Matroskin)

Matroskin: Hello guys! Hello, comrade postman, I forgot your last name. Skameikin, in my opinion. No, not Skameikin, but Taburetkin.

Pechkin: How do you Comrade. Matroskin, aren't you ashamed?! How did you forget my last name?! Pechkin is my surname. And my dad was Pechkin and my grandfather.

Matroskin: I remembered that your grandfather fell off the stove as a child. And since then they began to call him Pechkin. Do you also regularly fall off the stove?

Pechkin: I don't fall off the stove. I sleep on the sofa.

Matroskin: So you fall off the couch?

Pechkin: I don't fall anywhere. And you, Matroskin, by the way, the milk ran away.

Matroskin: My milk never runs, I only run Sharik. Have you seen him here?

Pechkin: Still as seen! Rushed off in an unknown direction.

Matroskin: Why so?

Ball: Because everyone who dances this dance at the New Year will be lucky in the New Year. I even invited a professional: Dancer. She will dance.

Matroskin: Do you think Santa Claus will come to us?

Pechkin: Yes, what did he forget in our outback?

Matroskin: And I think it will come.

Ball: And I think so and I think that we need to prepare well for the meeting.

Pechkin: This must be understood, you will solemnly embrace him, and then you will climb to kiss.

Ball: It is possible in another way. I will meet him with flowers.

Matroskin: And where do you get them? Will you pick dandelions out from under the snow?

Ball: Why dandelions. We have a cactus growing on the window of our house.

Matroskin A: This is my cactus. I've been watering it for 4 months now. And in general, cacti and ficuses are not given at meetings.

Pechkin: It is necessary to meet your Santa Claus with bread and salt.

Matroskin: Salt is a white poison. Her knees creak.

Pechkin: Then bread with sugar.

Ball: Sugar is also a white poison. His teeth are falling out.

Matroskin: Yes...

Ball: Hooray! I figured it out. We will chant!

Pechkin: Why is it scandalous?

Ball: Do not scandal, but chant, i.e. shout out loud.

Matroskin: And what do you offer us to shout?


Happy new year, congratulations,
We wish you happiness, joy!

Guys, you agree to shout with me in honor of Santa Claus. Let's practice.

(includes Santa Claus)

Father Frost: Hello, what's going on here?

Ball: Hooray! Santa Claus has arrived. Three four. (everyone screams)

Father Frost: Thank you.

Pechkin: They almost got into a fight here without you, and generally violated public order.

Father Frost: Nothing, now you can fight. And I didn't come alone. Guess who came with me?

Sharik, Matroskin: Wolf, fox, bear, Baba Yaga.

Father Frost: No, Snow Maiden.

(includes Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys. What a beautiful tree you have!

Hello dear tree
You are visiting us again
The lights run, sparkling,
On your dense branches.

Father Frost: Come on, do me a favor. Sing a song about New Year. And you, Comrade Pechkin, don't stand still. Better yet, sing with us. (All together sing a New Year's song).

Snow Maiden: Thank you guys, you sing well.

Ball: Hooray!

Matroskin: What are you yelling at?

Ball: So the New Year is coming. Need to have fun. And you, Comrade Taburetkin, join us.

Pechkin: But I'm not Taburetkin.

Ball: What's the difference.

Snow Maiden: Right. Let's have fun.

We have a game for you.
I will start it now.
I'll start and you finish.
All the people rejoice
This is a holiday ... (New Year).
He has a ruddy nose
He is bearded
Who is this ... (Santa Claus).
That's right guys!
In the yard the frost grows stronger -
The nose blushes, the cheeks burn,
And we meet here
Merry ... (New Year).
Under the azure sky
Beautiful on a winter day
Happy New Year).
And we wish you happiness!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can you sing a song? Guys, do you like songs?

Father Frost: Well guys, I'm ready.

For me, this is very simple.
Oh, the soul is 90 years younger!

Father Frost:

I'm lying in the sun,
I keep my beard up.
I lie and lie
And I'm trembling from the sun.

Leading: What kind of song is this - “I’m lying, trembling”?

Father Frost: Yes, it's me from experiences. I'm very worried that my granddaughter might melt.

Leading: Do you know more fun songs?

Father Frost: As much as you want. At least this one.

Let pedestrians glide awkwardly through puddles,
Let the ice rink freeze on the asphalt,
The kids all ride in the puddles together
And they don't hear the bell for the lesson.
And I ride, and only in front of passers-by.
Unfortunately, the Christmas Tree Festival is only once a year.

Leading: Thank you, Santa Claus, amused the guys. Better listen to what New Year's songs our guys know. (Children sing songs)

Father Frost: Well done boys. And my granddaughter Snegurochka has prepared another game for you.

Snow Maiden:

I love to sit by the Christmas tree with the children,
I love everything, as it should be considered there.
What toys, are they bored?
Or who is not pleased with his neighbor?
What happens and what does not happen on the Christmas tree?
Don't say yes all the time
And that will be nonsense.
And if “no”, then that should be the answer.
Are there toys on the Christmas tree ...
Merry Parsley...
Large pillow...
Are there bright pictures on the Christmas tree ...
Multicolored snowflakes...
Ripped boots...
Are there chiseled balls on the Christmas tree ...
Golden fish...
Baked apples...
Sweetened pies...
Smoked sausage...

Leading: Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, and our guys also prepared a gift for you, they will perform New Year's ditties for you.

Santa Claus slept in bed
He got up, ringing icicles.
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why won't you?

I am a cheerful Snow Maiden
I'll play hide and seek with you.
But I'm afraid to drink tea -
I melt from the hot.

May any of your dreams
Come true, come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
They light up brightly.

Everyone is making a snowman
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.

Frost with a white beard,
With lush mustache
Like a young boy
Dancing with us.

The hare walks in a white fur coat,
The gray one is in stock.
What are our children to do?
We don't have any.

Although boasting is indecent,
But we must tell you
What we are good at
And learn and dance.

In our hall there is noise and laughter,
The singing does not stop
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about this.

Look Santa Claus
Festively dressed.
He brought us gifts
Gingerbread, sweets.

Children lead a round dance,
Clap your hands
Hello, hello New Year!
You are so good!

Outside the window a flock of snow
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We welcome the New Year!

Father Frost: Well done boys! Funny ditties sang. Now let's play a little. (games of Father Frost and Snow Maiden).

New Year's contests
  1. Relay-congratulation "Happy New Year!" (Competitors should, as quickly as possible in the running relay, using letter cards, make up words and wish everyone a Happy New Year.)
  2. Relay race " Christmas tree". (who will decorate the Christmas tree faster)
  3. Relay "Skiers" (with ski poles imitates skiing)
  4. Competition "Snowman" (who will correctly assemble a snowman with his eyes closed)
  5. Competition "Stupa with Baba Yaga" (participants put one foot in a bucket, leave the other in a shoe. Hold the bucket handle with one hand and a broom with the other)
  6. Competition "Winders" (who will wind the rope on a stick faster)
  7. With a sheet of cardboard on your head, you need to walk or run, you can’t hold it with your hand.
  8. Competition "Pull the rope" (a rope is placed, a bow is tied in the middle, who will pull it)
  9. Relay race "Cancer moves back" (go with your back to the skittle, go around and return back again, do not look back)
  10. Relay "Balloon" (carry a balloon on a teaspoon, pick it up from the floor)
  11. "Accurate shooter" (get cones into the bucket of the left hand, left-hander - right)
  12. Competition "Whose snowflake flies longer" (blow on a feather)
  13. Relay race (on a rocket to carry the ball around the skittles)
  14. "Overcoming the mountain ranges" (Blindfold walk along the rope).
  15. "Fishing" (Take the fishing rod with both hands behind your back, and catch the fish candy with your mouth).
  16. "Cinderella" (1 person shaves a bucket of cubes, runs and pours them out. And gives the bucket to the player. He collects them, etc.)
  17. Relay "Running in bags"
  18. "Obuvayka" (Blindfolded to find shoes)
  19. Contest "Smuggler" (Using packages from kinder surprise, put foam rubber moistened with perfume in one of them).
  20. Competition "Basket with lost things"
    • Washcloth. (Moydodyr. “And a washcloth, as if swallowed a jackdaw”)
    • Gloves (Phone. “And then the hares called. Could you send gloves?”)
    • Chocolate (Dr. Aibolit. “And he gives everyone a chocolate bar in order”)
    • Coin (Fly-Tsokotuha. “The fly went across the field, the Fly found the money”)
    • Phone ("My phone rang")
    • Balloon (Cockroach. “And behind him mosquitoes in a balloon)
    • Soap (Moydodyr "So the soap jumped...")
    • Saucer (Fedorino's grief "And behind us are saucers ...")
  21. Competition "Kuralapoy" (write a word with a felt-tip pen, tying it to your feet)
  22. Relay "Hockey players" (participants lead the puck with a stick, skittles).

Father Frost: Oh, and I got hot. It's time to head north. And then I'm afraid, together with my granddaughter, we will melt with you.

The hour comes
parting hour
Let the tree live in memory:
Let's say goodbye to each other
See you again, New Year!

(Santa Claus leaves)

Snow Maiden: And Santa Claus, guys, left you wonderful gifts under your Christmas tree. (Snow Maiden gives gifts to children.)

Views: 25990
Category: GAMES AND EXERCISES FOR TRAINING » Training exercises communicative and business

Tatyana Gerasimova

Tree off.

The presenter stands at the Christmas tree, congratulates all those present on New Year(poem). Then the presenter speaks:

HOST: And now we meet our children!

To the hall to the song of D. Bilan "New Year's" children enter, sit on chairs. Then the screen saver sounds (balalaika) from "Winter in Prostokvashino» . Against her background, the presenter speaks:

HOST: Oh, guys, hush, hush!

Something strange I hear!

Someone is talking...

What will happen now!

The host and teacher open the curtains. Matroskin the cat sits on the stove (in felt boots).

MATROSKIN: And where did this Ball go!

Sharik enters with a gun and in sneakers.

MATROSKIN: Aah, the hunter has come! Where is the prey, Sharik!

BALL: A snowstorm howls for two days! All the hunting is swept over, little animals from

the cold is gone! At the very paws stiffened!

MATROSKIN: Sharik, you dunce: I told you "buy boots!", And you

bought sneakers!

BALL: They are prettier!

MATROSKIN: Who is winter in Prostokvashino wears sneakers!

Leit motif "Winter in Prostokvashino» . A knock is heard at the door. Matroskin and Sharik ask who is there. Pechkin's voice for door:

PECHKIN: It's me, the postman Pechkin, brought a letter from your


BALL: Come in, come in, dear comrade Pechkin!

The postman Pechkin enters the hall.

PECHKIN: Here (shows letter) what does your boy:

“Hello, my dear Matroskin and Sharik! Writes to you

your uncle Fedor. Coming soon New Year and me and dad and

mother wanted to come to Prostokvashino…»

MATROSKIN: Hooray, our uncle Fedor will come!

I'm sick and I'm at home. And so you don't get bored

meet New Year, call the children from kindergarten. They

cheerful and kind. Goodbye. Your uncle Fedor. ate

snow your uncle Fyodor and now lies at home!

BALL: And we will call the guys! Matroskin, write!

MATROSKIN: I feel good here too! Write yourself!

Ball "writes" letter, gives Pechkin. Under the leitmotif "Winter in Prostokvashino» Pechkin bypasses the Christmas tree, approaches the presenter.

PECHKIN: Kindergarten?. You have a letter from the village Prostokvashino.

HOST: Thank you! (opens envelope, reads)"Hello,

dear children - preschool children! Come visit us at

Prostokvashino to celebrate the New Year. Cat Matroskin and dog

Ball." Dear comrade Pechkin, how can we get to

before Prostokvashino?

PECHKIN: Yes, it’s not far, you’ll reach it on skis! And it's time for me to write and

deliver parcels! (leaves the room)

HOST: Guys, we need to hurry up, Matroskin and Sharik are already

are waiting for us! Go!

DANCE OF SKIERS Gr. Stagecoach - "Snow and trees"

Matroskin and Sharik come out to the Christmas tree.

TOGETHER: Hooray! The boys have arrived! We will greet the new year! A

here is our beauty - a Christmas tree!

HOST: Yes, your Christmas tree is beautiful, tried - dressed up! Just how

as if something is missing ... What is missing on the Christmas tree,

CHILDREN: The lights don't burn!

HOST: It is necessary to light the Christmas tree,

Magic words to say!

Come on, children, one - two - three ...

CHILDREN: Our Christmas tree, burn!

Ringing. Christmas tree incl. Applause.

CHILD 1: That's the tree! Good!

And elegant and slim!

Thousands of lights at once

Fired up on her!

CHILD 2: And under the tree a round dance

And dancing and singing!

Cat Matroskin, Sharik - friend

Invite to the circle!

"NEW YEAR DANCE" Hizhinskaya

After the round dance, the children sit down.

HOST: Matroskin, Sharik, did you like our song? It's time and

Call Santa Claus. Let's all come together guys

let's call grandpa!

CHILDREN: Father Frost!

Under the leitmotif "Winter in Prostokvashino» instead of Santa Claus, Pechkin enters the hall with a parcel in his hands (it says "From Santa Claus").

HOST: It's you again, Comrade Pechkin! And we called Santa Claus!

PECHKIN: I came to you on business.

HOST: What business?

PECHKIN: I brought you a parcel from Santa Claus, but I didn’t give it to you

I'll give it away because you don't have any documents.

MATROSKIN: Give us our package now!

PECHKIN: What documents do you have?

MATROSKIN: Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents!

PECHKIN: There is always a seal on documents! Do you have a stamp on

tail? - There is not! And you can fake a mustache!

HOST: Come on, you get angry, better go drink tea. Ball,

Matroskin, pour hot tea - it's winter outside,

Cold! Sit down, please, comrade Pechkin! Already everything

on the table and there are even a lot of delicious sweets! Come on

candy, show yourself!

DANCE OF CANDIES Gr. "Samantha" - "We are candy"

During the Pechkin dance "drinking tea", then speaks:

PECHKIN: What beautiful and delicious sweets you have! Give me that one

candy, they are very wonderful! (pointing to a girl)

The girls run to the chairs, Pechkin follows them. (runs out of the room).

BALL: Now we'll see what the postman Pechkin brought.

Sharik opens the box, but does not have time to look - Baba Yaga appears in the hall.

BABA YAGA: All on holiday invited,

Everyone forgot about me!

Having fun here celebrating... Ooooh(notices the parcel, even

parcels are received ... Well, go away! (Sharik; reads

inscription) "From Santa Claus" (opens) yes here

a bag ... probably with sweets ... then I'll open it - I'll see!

(pulls bag out of parcel).

Well, goodbye, I'll tell you revenge:

I'll turn off the lights on the tree in no time!

Fly, toad, nonsense - go out, Christmas tree, forever!

Tree off. Baba Yaga, with a malicious laughter, with a bag in her hands, runs away from the hall.

HOST: Matroskin, Sharik, look, Baba Yaga extinguished our Christmas tree!

MATROSKIN: Let's say: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

BALL: That's right, Matroskin!

HOST: Guys, let's all together say: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

The children are talking, but the Christmas tree is not on.

HOST: Baba Yaga so bewitched our Christmas tree that we cannot

light her fire! What to do? Who will rescue us!

2 gnomes with flashlights run out.

GNOME 1: We are fabulous gnomes,

Let's light the lanterns

Frost with the Snow Maiden

On let's call a holiday!

GNOME 2: Let it be joyful and fun

Lights will be lit!

Magic lanterns -

Magic lights!


During the dance, the Christmas tree is on. The song is playing right away "Hello Dedushka Moroz" in Spanish Lizaveta. The voice of Santa Claus is heard from the corridor.

HOST: Hear! This is Grandfather Frost with his granddaughter rushing to

light of lights! Gnomes, go meet Santa Claus!

The gnomes come out and then come back with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Everyone stands at the tree.

FATHER FROST: Hello, kids - cute girls and


SNOW MAIDEN: Hello, dear guests.

Santa Claus congratulates everyone on New Year, then turns to Matroskin and Shariku:

FATHER FROST: Matroskin, Sharik, how are you in Prostokvashino in winter

Fine! How beautifully you decorated the Christmas tree! In many places I

I have never seen such a Christmas tree! And how many lights on it!

(admiring) We walked into their light with the Snow Maiden, very much

they burn bright!

HOST: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, if not for the dwarfs-wizards

with your flashlights, would you find the way to

Prostokvashino! It was they who lit the lights on the Christmas tree and

light the way for you!

FATHER FROST: Thank you, dear gnomes!

HOST: Sit down, relax!

The gnomes sit down, put away their lanterns.

HOST: Can holiday continue,

Let's sing and dance

Let's be together with Santa Claus

See off the past year!

SNOW MAIDEN: Move the circle wider,

Everyone get up in a round dance!

IN Prostokvashino we are together

Let's meet together New Year!


After the round dance, the children remain in the circle.

FATHER FROST: But I, guys, are not only gifts I distribute: I'm cold

There is a lot of frost, I hid it in my magic mittens!

Watch out, I'll freeze you now!

HOST: And you try! Nothing will work for you, grandfather!

FATHER FROST: How can that not work!


HOST: Nobody, Santa Claus, you did not freeze. Go guys to your

places ... And you, Santa Claus, sit down. Snow Maiden, help

Children sit down. A sad Pechkin enters the hall.

HOST: Comrade Pechkin! Why are you so sad?

PECHKIN: Why, why! It's frosty outside! And then I have a bird

candy stolen! She must be taken to the clinic for experiments!

FATHER FROST: Well, what are you, postman Pechkin, so worried about!

Matroskin, Sharik, did you receive a parcel from me? There after all

a lot of candies!

HOST: Grandfather Frost, they are no longer there!

FATHER FROST: Where did they go?

HOST: Guys, tell us who comes to us, stole sweets and

extinguished the tree!

Children talk about Baba Yaga.

FATHER FROST: And where is she, this Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga enters the hall.

BABA YAGA: And here I am!

FATHER FROST: Answer, Yaga, why did you extinguish the Christmas tree, sweets stole children?

PECHKIN: The parcel was not addressed to you! And you arbitrarily

Opened, the contents were dragged away!

BABA YAGA: They also ask ... they are indignant! On holidays

never call me, don't play with me, don't do anything to me

treat! So I stole your candy! Maybe me too

I wanted something sweet!

I'm tired of flying in my old mortar,

Tired of doing bad things!

I gathered for you at the Christmas tree,

Curled, dressed up!

I'm still young, I'm only 200 years old,

And what a merry one - there is no dancer equal to me!

HOST: Baba Yaga, you dance and teach the kids!

BABA YAGA: Come out to the Christmas tree, people, we will start a round dance!


BABA YAGA: Phew, tired! Haven't danced in years!

Now it's your turn, Santa Claus, to amuse the people!

FATHER FROST: And I would like to listen to the children with the Snow Maiden,

right, granddaughter? We haven't seen each other for a whole year, very much

I want to hear your poetry! I know, prepared, taught!

HOST: Of course, Grandpa, get ready! Learned a lot of verses for

FATHER FROST: Something hot became me,

I'm not used to living in the heat!

Granddaughter, I'm getting sick ... I'm melting ... I'm melting ... I'm melting ...

SNOW MAIDEN: For you I make a snowball -

Cold white lump!

Stand with us in a circle,

Play with the snow!

HOST: Guys, get up in a circle,

Pass the snow to your friends!

A GAME "SNOW" (music) "Who has a snowball in his hands"

PECHK., B. Ya.: And we will play with you,

We'll throw snowballs at you!

SNOWBALL GAME U. Karakoz - "Zimushka-winter"

FATHER FROST: Well, it's enough for you, kids, to indulge - throw snowballs!

Let's collect snowballs - we'll put things in order near the Christmas tree!

Children collect snowballs in a basket. Baba Yaga puts them under the Christmas tree. The children are standing by the tree.

HOST: Grandfather Frost, did you feel good?

FATHER FROST: Oh, nice to play snowballs!

BABA YAGA: Oh, and how good you are in Prostokvashino!

PECHKIN: And let's sing our favorite! Well, guys, sing along!


Children freely stand in front of the Christmas tree. After the song, they sit on chairs.

HOST: All this, of course, is good! But what about gifts?

Santa Claus - Baba Yaga stole all the candies in the bag

to yourself in the hut!

BABA YAGA: Oh, kids, it's nice how you are! And I'm ready right now

fly after the bag!

PECHKIN: You leave - and then look for you and our sweets!

FATHER FROST: Yes, you don’t have to go anywhere and fly, Yagusya! Have you forgotten

that I am a magician! Now I will say the magic words, and the bag

he will come!

I'll call him soon - he's probably at the door!

Hey, bag, come here and bring us gifts!


To the music hall "comes in" Bag.

FATHER FROST: You, my bag, spin around,

Dance and bow!

And then don't yawn -

Give gifts to everyone!

The bag dances and spins.

BABA YAGA Q: What's in the bag?

HOST: Oh, don't touch it - it will run away!

BABA YAGA: I'll take a look!

BAG: You can't handle the bag!

Santa Claus conjured

No one should open!

BABA YAGA: Oh, curious, I can't!

BAG: Well, then I'll run away!

The bag runs out of the room. Santa Claus for him: “Stop, bag, but what about the gifts!” Then Santa Claus enters the hall, carries exactly the same bag (with gifts) And speaks:

FATHER FROST: Here ... I caught it by force! Oh, and he's smart! Came

it's time to distribute gifts, Snow Maiden, let's go - help


Scenario New Year's party in 1st grade

"New Year in Prostokvashino"

The scene is a village courtyard: a house, a fence, a gate, several Christmas trees behind the fence, one Christmas tree stands in the yard, decorated with toys. In the direction of the sign - "Prostokvashino". Around the perimeter there are chairs for spectators.

The introduction of the song "If there was no winter" sounds. Children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Children, we have news,

I'll tell you about it now.

Cat Matroskin is calling us

Celebrate the New Year in the village.

Let's go to Prostokvashino:

Fresh air, pines, firs,

Let's sing and dance

Celebrate the New Year together!

Let's sit in the sleigh

And have fun, let's ride together!

(Children unite (10 people each, a column of two) with a colored decorated elastic band, holding it with their hands, and move in a circle while the music is playing.)

Snowman (interrupts the song):

Wait! I want to visit too!

I'm the Snowman guys.

I'm used to snow and cold.

You blinded me deftly:

Instead of a nose - here is a carrot ...

I confess I'm tired

One stands idle.

I'm not a simple snowman

Curious, mischievous.

I want to know what guys

Engaged in winter

(The host offers to take a snowman with him and “puts him into someone else's sleigh. The song continues. As soon as the song is interrupted, the host draws the attention of the children to the sign and announces that everyone has arrived safely in Prostokvashino. The children release the sleigh and sit on the chairs. )

(Cat Matroskin and Sharik run out onto the stage, run up to the Christmas tree and continue to decorate it.)

Matroskin: It's good that Uncle Fyodor sent us toys from the city! Wow, what a tree

turned out elegant!

Sharik: Very good, only I would have hung bones and sausages so that it was not only

kr-rasivo, but also delicious!

(A snowman approaches the heroes and holds out a candy.)

Snowman: Here, take it, it's very tasty!

Matroskin: Who else is this?

Snowman: I'm a snowman! I came to Prostokvashino with the guys, they are first graders, they already know a lot of things, and I'm learning from them.

Ball: Wow! We worked so hard that we didn't notice the guests. Look, Matr-roskin, the r-guys came to us from the city.

Matroskin: Excellent! Yes, how elegant! Hello guys! (children greet Matroskin and Sharik)

Matroskin: But the Snowman says that you know and can do a lot, but I want to check. Can you count to three? (Children in chorus: we can)

Matroskin: Then come to me 10 guys! Come on, snowman your candy. (The cat takes the candy, puts it on the chair, and puts the children with their backs around the chair.):

I came up with a task for you,

Well, it's kind of like a competition.

As soon as I tell you three!

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside,

Small fish were seen

Yes, not one, but as many as ... six!

Dreaming boy hardened

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don't sleep at the start

And wait for the command: one, two, ... seven!

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them for yourself

Razok, another

Or maybe ... five!

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours

Well, well, friends,

You didn't take the prize

When it was possible to take!

(if there is a winner in the game, then he gets the candy as a prize)

Snowman: Yes, now I understand how important it is to be attentive. And can I check the guys for attention?

Host: How?

Snowman:: I'll tell you a story, guys, and as soon as you notice any inconsistency, you should stamp your feet and clap your hands.

How long have we been waiting for this holiday! Prepared, prepared. And they prepared well: they hung beautiful sausages under the ceiling, put a birch tree in the corner and soiled it well. And now all the guys gathered sad, sad, all in carnival costumes. Alina dressed herself as a Green Riding Hood, with a suitcase in her hands, where her mother put food for the wolf. Rosa dressed herself in a snowflake - a pillow on her head, pedals on her feet. Alena dressed up in a fairy costume: she put on a jumpsuit, took a whisk in her hands. Children sang songs, danced and cried. But most of all, the guys were delighted when Barmaley came to visit them and presented everyone with packets of pepper and mustard.

Presenter: Well, you made us laugh Snowman! You can see a lot more words you need to learn and be able to use them, but for now, sit down, stay at a real New Year's holiday.

Sharik: And I want to check how the guys can count!

(A song sounds, Sharik invites the children to dance in pairs, then gives a command during the dance to break into threes, then fours, fives, and finally form one large circle.)

(At this time, to the music from the film "Winter in Prostokvashino", the postman Pechkin comes in and knocks loudly on the gate)

Matroskin: Who's there?

Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin, who brought a telegram from Santa Claus, but I won't give it to you.

Sharik: Why is that?

Pechkin: So you don’t have a document and you won’t be able to put your signature!

Matroskin: How is it, no documents? We will put such a signature for you now ... (the cat starts throwing snowballs at Pechkin, Sharik joins him, pours snowballs on the floor and asks the guys to help throw Pechkin.

(The song “If there was no winter” sounds, the children play snowballs. The music stops.)

Presenter: Friends, but the telegram is from Grandfather Frost, what if he is in a hurry to tell us something important, and we arranged games here.

Pechkin: That's it, brawlers, robbers! You can't see telegrams!

Presenter: Well, what are you, Pechkin, our guys are very kind and friendly.

Pechkin: Of course: all for one ... you can’t imagine friendlier!

Presenter: Do not be angry, dear Pechkin, we did not want to offend you, just snowballs are a favorite children's fun in winter!

Sharik: And more snowmen sculpt in winter!

Matroskin: Show?

Pechkin: Well, if it doesn't hurt...

Sharik: No, it doesn't hurt a bit!

(Three sets of circles are taken out: large, medium, small, two very small;, carrots, buckets. Two teams of 6 people each are called. To the cheerful music, the children run in turn to the designated place with one snowman detail. The first team to fold the snowman wins )

Presenter: You see, Pechkin, how clever our children are. They not only know how to count, but also sculpt!

Pechkin: Let's say they know how to sculpt, but they still won't receive a telegram! Sculpting is not putting a signature!

Presenter: Why is there a signature, our children can even draw a portrait!

Pechkin: I don't need any portrait! I don't care for the photo...

Presenter: If you don't want your portrait, we can draw anyone, even Santa Claus himself! (Children are divided into two teams of 8 people, 2 sheets of paper, on each of which an oval of the face is drawn. Children line up in columns, get the task to draw one of the parts of the face - nose, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, cheeks, hair, beard, hat. ) Pechkin draws on the third sheet, his Santa Claus looks like Barmaley. As soon as the drawings are ready, magic music sounds and the Snow Maiden appears in the hall. She is tired and greets the guys with a sad voice.

Snow Maiden: You know, my friends,

I was in a hurry to visit you.

The best grandpa in the world

He promised to meet me here...

Kitty, doggie, postman,

In the portraits - it's him!

But where, where is he?

I was going to visit you...

Sharik: Snow Maiden, we ourselves are really looking forward to Grandfather Frost-rose, here Pechkin sent some telegram from him, but he does not give it to us.

Pechkin: And I won’t give it back, because it’s not supposed to give telegrams to those who cannot sign.

Snow Maiden: I can sign, show me where?

Pechkin: Well, I don’t even know, it says here that the telegram is addressed to the guys celebrating the New Year ...

Snow Maiden: So here are these guys: boys and girls.

Pechkin: I don’t understand something, where are the boys, where are the girls?

Snow Maiden: Of course, the children came to celebrate the New Year in carnival costumes, so you can’t make out where anyone is. But this is easily fixable. Listen carefully!

The Snow Maiden raises the children and offers a chant:

Two claps, (children clap their hands)

Two stomp, (children stomp their feet)

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (rotational movements of the hand with fingers apart)

Anvil, anvil (knock fists against each other from top to bottom)

Scissors, scissors (transverse hand movements imitating scissors)

Running in place, running in place (imitation running)

Bunnies, bunnies (I put my hands on my head, imitate the ears of hares)

Come on together, come on together

GIRLS! (girls scream)

BOYS! (boys scream)

Pechkin: Oh, they completely stunned the postal worker! Get your telegram!

Snow Maiden (takes the telegram and reads):

Dear child!

I've been eating since morning

To bring joy -

Bring you sweets.

I swear to come to you

But it looks like I'll be late

I will bring toys

I am forest animals.

I beg you very much

Meet my granddaughter

To not get lost

And I didn't lose my way!

Matroskin: You see Pechkin, how late you are with the telegram. The guys did not have time to meet the Snow Maiden, she had to make her own way, look for a way ...

(From behind the scenes comes ge-ge-gay!)

Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, my grandfather is somewhere nearby!

The host of the holiday offers to call Santa Claus, to sing a song. Children sing the song "Russian Santa Claus". Santa Claus enters to the music.

Santa Claus: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Children: Hello Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, children

Bright life for a hundred years

And health - a hundred pounds!

New Year at the gate

Let's become a friendly round dance!

(Children hold hands and dance to the song Christmas tree-tree, together with Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Matroskin, Sharik and Snowman).

Santa Claus: I trampled my heels!

Well, I'll sit down.

I'll give you riddles:

Who is smart look. (gives riddles)

Near the Christmas tree in every house

Children lead a round dance.

What is the name of this holiday?


Children: (New Year!)

clumsy clumsy,

He loves honey, does not like cold.

Until spring, I got used to snoring.

What kind of animal is this?

Children: (Bear!)

wiggles ears,

Rides under the bushes

gray coward,

Call him….

Children: (Bunny!)

Walks in a golden coat,

The tail of the gossip is fluffy

Very sly eyes.

What is her name?

Children: (Fox!)

Here are the smart people

Granddaughter, now it's your turn.

Snow Maiden: Who are the guys for the New Year

Doesn't get tired of having fun?

Who gives gifts to children?

Who to the guys in the world

Did you bring a Christmas tree for the holidays?


Children: (Santa Claus!)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, and the guys have prepared poems, songs, dances for you. (Children recite poems, perform dances, songs. Santa Claus gives them souvenirs)

Santa Claus: Well done, they coped with all the tasks: they guessed riddles, had fun, danced.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, will there be gifts?

Santa Claus: Before we say goodbye,

I must, children, I confess:

I have a surprise for you!

Where - find out now.

Turn around: one, two, three!

(at this time a box with gifts is taken out)

Take every surprise!

(children turn and find gifts.)

Santa Claus: We are friends, we must say goodbye!

Were glad to see you

Happy new year kids!

The music from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" sounds, the characters say goodbye to the guys.

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale

"New Year in Prostokvashino"

Father Frost- search

Snow Maiden-Alina

Baba Yaga - Sasha Gordeeva

Matroskin - Lera Gritsay

Sharik - Anya Elali

Karkusha - Nastya Sineva

Horse Gavryusha-Irina Kuznetsova

Uncle Fedor - Vanya Baranov

Mother of Uncle Fyodor - Natasha Voshchechkova

Father of Uncle Fyodor - Vanya Podkolzin

Postman Pechkin- search

Carlson - Anya Kuznetsova

Kid - Lera Ryumina

Troubadour- search

Princess Veronika Zhirkova

Robbers - Dasha Kobozeva, Nastya Shumaeva

Winnie the Pooh- search

Piglet - Dasha Kruzhilko

Scene 1
Sounds like a motif from Prostokvashino. Matroskin in a red scarf and hat walks around the stage, Sharik in a sheet, a hat with earflaps and sneakers sits on the stove, Pechkin with a bag, in a hat with earflaps and a raincoat sits at the table and drinks tea.
^ Scary music sounds

Baba Yaga. (turns to the hall)

Well? Are you waiting for the New Year?

Do you think he will come?

Don't wait! I'm on guard

Don't even think about it!
Everything is very simple. New Year

Knocking on the house only one

Where everyone is friendly and cheerful,

Where there is no enmity.
Let's look out the window

From anger there is dark, dark.

(rubs hands)

There is something for Yaga to profit from here,

Here the New Year will not be born!

^ Music from the m / f "Winter in Prostokvashino" sounds.
Matroskin: Well, well ... Well, well ... What is being done! It's the end of December, and we have one pair of boots. As under King Peas!
Pechkin: And why did it happen? Are you short of funds?
Matroskin: We have enough funds ... We do not have enough mind! (He taps his finger on the head.) I said to this hunter: "Buy yourself boots!" What is he?
Pechkin: What?
Matroskin: I went and bought sneakers. "They," he says, "beautiful." He's a dunce...
Sharik: You yourself are a dumbass ... Because of you, Gavryusha left us ...
Matroskin: Because of me?
Sharik: And because of what?
Pechkin: Yes, because the atmosphere in your house is painfully strict. You fight all the time. You haven't spoken for two days.
Ball: Three.
Matroskin: It's good that you've come... We'll write him a telegram now... Sharik, urgently take my felt boots and run into the forest for the Christmas tree...
Pechkin: Mr. Sharik, a telegram has arrived for you... Will you write an answer?
Sharik: No... But I feel sorry for chopping Christmas trees! If everyone starts cutting down Christmas trees by the New Year, instead of a forest, we will have only stumps left.
^ Matroskin (offended) is leaving.
Pechkin: Without thinking about it, you say ... What is the main thing in our New Year? Tangerines, gifts and Christmas tree...
Sharik: We will not have a New Year ...
Pechkin: Why is that?!
Sharik: But I don’t want to give him gifts ... And what is the Year of the Horse without our Gavryusha?
^ Sharik leaves after Matroskin.
Pechkin: Gee! We urgently need to reconcile them, otherwise no one will have any holiday. Letters must be sent to all authorities. Look, someone will respond and help us. Nothing, let's arrange a common celebration for them. Sharing fun... it brings people together.
Baba Yaga (rubbing hands): So so so. New Year's Eve is cancelled. Everyone is bored, everyone is sad. And I feel good about it. Everyone will be without gifts and holidays!!!

^ Scary music sounds. Baba Yaga leaves on tiptoe .
Scene 2

The theme is Santa Claus. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are going on the road. They pack a bag with gifts. Dyudyuka the evildoer hangs out near their dwelling. Suddenly there is a knock. A Crow flies in with a huge envelope in its beak. She sweeps away everything in her path. Dudyuk overhears the whole conversation.
Karkusha (out of breath)

Grandfather, take the envelope as soon as possible,

Greetings from Pechkin!

(^ strikes a pose)

This is not a letter - a letter

You won't find it harder!

And that's what is characteristic, (preens)

Tea, in the whole forest, probably

It's better not to find a courier

Than me, fast Karkusha.

^ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden open a letter .
DM: Look, granddaughter, the handwriting is nervous,

Apparently it's very bad.

Read aloud, and you, Karkusha,

Stay calm and listen too.

Karkusha: (offended)

Well, they didn't say thank you

Not for the cause scolded ...

DM: There is no time to be offended.

We need to deal with the matter.

^ The Snow Maiden reads the letter.

Santa Claus, hello!

You have many years of health!

There's been trouble here

Have a dog and a cat.

The atmosphere heated up

The situation escalated.

And maybe New Years

He won't come to the children's house.

I call for help urgently.

Here is the correct address.

Through the field to the east

There will be a small bridge.

At the fork you will understand:

You will run into Prostokvashino.

DM: Well, it's time for us to go hiking,

Prostokvashino is waiting for us.

Only friendly New Year

Will bring good luck to everyone.
Snow Maiden: Only there a miracle will happen,

Where a friend will not be forgotten.

Where only good laughter sounds

In the midst of holiday delights.

DM: No time to waste

So as not to be late.

Come on, granddaughter, think

How to get there quickly!
^ The Snow Maiden takes out her skis.

Karkusha: (proudly)

I know what will help us

Wing flap, and we're already there.

DM: (shows Karkusha that he cannot take off)

Oh, you stupid crow

Just a lot of calls from you.

Where can we get wings?

Think, granddaughter, how will we go.

Snow Maiden: There are no more wonderful than these skis.

Fast, like a nimble swift.

Comfortable and practical

And very environmentally friendly.

DM: That's smart, and okay,

Let the road be foldable.

In Proskokvashino! Forward!

Where Pechkin is waiting for help!

Baba Yaga: What is this, what a brotherhood!

Will have to figure it out.

I don't want New Year's

All the people rejoiced!

They need to put shit on them

Or make a mess of them.

Block all roads!

And don't let it go!

Sounds music from the m / f "Vacation of Boniface" (the theme of the road). DM and the Snow Maiden go skiing to Prostokvashino. Dyudyuka, in order to confuse them, changes the signs on the road. The Snow Maiden and DM reach the fork.

DM: What the hell is this?

How can we get to the village?

Here, on the map - a turn,

It says: go ahead.
Snow Maiden: We stray for an hour.

Someone is leading us by the nose.

I'm tired, no urine.

Will the village soon, grandfather?

DM: Don't worry darling

Be patient, dear

We'll get there soon.

You won't die on the way!
Snow Maiden: Look! Pointer!

(points towards Prostokvashino)

A friend is waiting for help.

DM: I don’t understand: where did you get,

Or skis let us down?

Prostokvashino or not?

You keep answer for us!
Snow Maiden: Hey guys! Don't languish

And tell the whole truth!

Who are they? How to name?

Santa Claus wants to know!
Carlson: We invite you to visit us,

Very fabulous friends:

Carlson is me, and he is the Kid.

Will you play with us?

Snow Maiden: There is no time to be naughty!

We need to be in the village.

In Prostokvashino - trouble

We need to get there.

DM: Just something for an hour

Someone is leading us by the nose.

And suddenly now

We are knocking on your door.

Kid: What happened, it is not clear,

Just nice to see you...

We are also in the New Year

We are waiting for Santa Claus to come!
^ Bolt! Baba Yaga runs up to the DM, showers him with confetti, as if stuns Santa Claus with a cracker! The DM grabs his head, his ears, trying to regain his hearing.
Snow Maiden: What happened? Guard!

What is that noise?
DM: Apparently I have become old,

I completely lost my hearing.
Carlson: Hey guys, help.

And return Frost's hearing.
^ Carslon explains the conditions of the competition "We can .." Competition
DM: Ay, thank you, friends,

I began to hear again!

Snow Maiden: We managed to relax

And now it's time for us to go.

Carlson: May you have a good road

It leads to Prostokvashino.

Kid: The weather will be wonderful,

And the New Year will come!

^ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden wave their hands, leave to the music (the theme of the road).
Scene 3
Uncle Fyodor's apartment. Music from Prostokvashino sounds. Dad reads the newspaper. Mom sings in an apron and with a ladle.
DF: Oh, it's New Year's Eve,

People are waiting for us in the village...

Cat Matroskin, cute Ball

And, of course, our horse Gavrik!

Mom: In Prostokvashino again?

How long can you stay there?

No! I'm waiting for a stage, a ball,

new year carnival,

Just a round of applause

And high compliments.

Dad: Honey! God be with you!

This is your son:

And he always needs

Sun, air and water!

DF: And besides, friends are waiting there,

You can't be late for them.

Mom: As you wish, it's up to you!

For me, only the stage is more beautiful.

DF: Stay and me

My friends are always waiting.

New Year is right around the corner

And we fry sausage!

All! Bye! don't wait for me

And don't look in the forest.
Dad: Son went camping

In the winter forest on New Year's Eve!

No, you can't throw it away

Get ready quickly, mother!

Mom: Dresses! Shoes! Not worn!

I always fry meatballs for you!

I'm busy at the stove!

And I want a holiday!

Dad: You understand, it's a miracle,

What will we have in the village

New Year with a big family

Friendly, loyal, dear.

^ Mom and dad leave.

The music of Uncle Fyodor sounds.

Uncle Fyodor reached the signs.

Dyudyuka claps his hands, the lights go out in the hall.

Uncle Fedor (road theme).
Uncle Fedor: It seems that he was walking on the right path

And it comes out really bad.

Like I've lost my way

And there is no way to find.

^ The light turns on. Winnie the Pooh comes out (with a bag, there are small gifts in it) and Piglet to the music from the m / f (enter through the main door) and read poetry.
Winnie the Pooh: Who visits in the morning,

He acts wisely!

Taram-param, taram-param,

That's what morning is for!
Piglet: That's what morning is for!
Winnie the Pooh: Who came to us at an early hour?

We are not waiting for anyone right now.

We go to the rabbit ourselves:

We will eat and drink there.

Piglet: Here will be a treat:

Honey and delicious jam.

DF: (shakes hands with everyone)

My Piglet, Winnie the Pooh!

How did I get here?

I hurried to my friends.

And I got into a fairy tale to you.
Winnie the Pooh: famously wanders, know, around

Don't worry, you are our friend.

Relax...Calm down

Have fun with us.
Piglet: And now, without further ado

We will listen to the readers:

About a happy new year

And about the fabulous people,

And about the winter in the yard,

About snowflakes in January.

Winnie the Pooh: And about different toys,

New Year's crackers.

And you will see what is around

Breathe with holiday warmth.

^ Children who want to read poetry come out. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet treats readers with sweet prizes.
DF: Thank you, you made me happy,

I was filled with happiness.

Remembered how to go now.
Winnie and Piglet together: Well, have a safe trip!

^ Everyone leaves (to the music of Winnie the Pooh): Winnie the Pooh and Piglet through the main door, DF and Galchonok through the dressing room.

Scene 4

Mom and dad make their way through the Christmas trees.

Mom: Dark forest and late evening

Like it's not New Year's

Uncle Fedor! Respond!

Take care of yourself in the forest!

Dad: Don't be sad, don't be angry,

Better look at the forest!

Silence and the snow sparkles

Time to just have fun.

Baba Yaga (because of the tree):

No! Admire! Look!

Why aren't you at home?

Gotta get them out ASAP

And severe punishment.

(claps hands, robbers appear, sing a song)
Robber 1: And look at us, guests.

Do not knead, girls, bones

Distract half a hand

Tie tight!

^ The robbers dance to "Byaki-buki", tie up mom and dad.
Robber 2: And why are they needed?

Are they really that important to us?

Do they have gold

More than ourselves?

Robber 1: You, friend, are unreasonable,

If not insane...

We will always find a benefit

So let's take them with us.
(Princess and troubadour enter to the music from the Bremen Town Musicians, sing a song).
Princess: I feel that trouble has struck.

Fear in my heart like never before.

We urgently need to hurry.

Release everyone as soon as possible.

Trubodur: Ah, villains! What are you doing!

Untie! Let go!

After all, today is the New Year

Nothing will come to you!

Robber 1: Who is to teach us?

We can kill!

You go your own way!

And don't touch us!

Princess: Ah, robbers, calm down,

Better hold hands

And get up in a round dance -

Let's start the New Year!

Robber 2: You, beauty, are right.

Help us kids!

Together, let's stand in a circle,

Sing, my dear friend!
^ The robbers unleash their parents, dance with the children from the audience.
Rogue: Forgive us, friends!

It is clear to us that this is not possible!

We won't do that again!

Let's help people!
Dad: We're not mad at you at all

We know life is hard for you.

And let's make peace

Come to our village!
(They wave their hands and leave together.)

Scene 5

The ball is walking through the forest, talking to himself. Baba Yaga peeps from behind a tree.
Sharik: Pechkin speaks the truth.

What is New Year's without a tree?

Let the garland burn

And the needles will delight.
Baba Yaga: Here is luck, here is fun -

Seasoning for me for the New Year.

I'll have fun!

Let him get lost in the wilderness.

Scene 6
The theme is the road. Sharik walks around the hall, mom and dad, uncle Fyodor gradually come out. Everyone is confused.

Sharik: Uncle Fyodor! Dear friend!

How did you suddenly appear?

I chose a tree here

And then he messed around...

Uncle Fyodor: I myself, to know, got lost,

I found myself in this place.

Someone is following:

Builds evil intrigues to us.

Dad: Here's our boy, dear!
Mom: I can't keep up with you.

Uncle Fedor! Without you

The whole family fell apart.
Dad: We decided what was more valuable

New Year with friends
Mom: Near the Christmas tree, in the village ...

We've already arrived, haven't we?

(looks around frightened)
Uncle Fedor: No! The road is not visible.
Mom: How long are we to stray?
Sharik: It seems the village is close,

And I will go and hang again.
Dad: We walk with mom in a circle

And we shout "Ay" to each other.

^ Suddenly, strange music is heard. The heroes freeze. Gavryusha joins the company.
Gavryusha sings a song.

Everyone hugs Gavryusha.

Ball: Finally! Horse Gavryusha!
Gavryusha: And Karkusha found me!

Chatted with me for an hour.

Everything was told in detail.
^ Karkusha is flying in.

Karkusha: Here. I brought you a horse.

Well, I found him.

Are you freezing in the forest?

It's already a holiday.

Uncle Fyodor: We got lost in three pines.
Mom: I almost lost my mind.
Karkusha: Grandfather came to your rescue.
Dad: Who? Sorry? What grandfather?
Karkusha: Oh my God! Yes Santa Claus.


Beard...and red nose...

With his Snow Maiden

I wanted to help you ... ok?
Gavryusha: Maybe he got into trouble?

All! Our Santa Claus is gone.

^ Dudyuk appears. Her theme sounds.
Baba Yaga: Here I am, well done!

Everything was frustrated in the end.

The whole company is in the forest!

And the holiday is just around the corner!

(claps hands)

Once! Everything is frozen around!

(heroes freeze)

Two! And then the light goes out.

(lights off)

Three! And happiness is no more!

Santa Claus appears.

Baba Yaga: Where did Grandpa come from?

Santa Claus: Ah, the evil Yaga!

You will have science.

How to lead friends by the nose.

Dyudyuk: Don't swear, Santa Claus!

I was just joking.

Well, I messed up a little.

(claps hands)

Once! And friends survived.

Two! And I became good!

After all, no one on New Year's Eve

Do not call the evil aunt.

Forgive me, brothers.

I'll help you get there.

Here is the village. Tree nearby.

March behind me with a large force!

^ All the characters walk around the hall to the music. They come to the stage.

Matroskin and Pechkin meet the heroes.

Matroskin: Oh! Now everything is in the collection!

Even a Christmas tree in the yard!

Pechkin: Only something does not sparkle

Your tree is big.

Santa Claus: It's not difficult to fix it

The tree shines wonderfully.

Snow Maiden: Well, everyone tensed up.

Let's say: Christmas tree light up

(Turns to the audience)

Garlands are on.

Snow Maiden: And it will be bright holiday- beloved New Year,
And Santa Claus is a prankster, and a friendly round dance.
A cheerful horse, from the East will come to us -
And smile at children and wink at adults.
And together with us will meet a merry New Year!

Santa Claus: May your every day be bright,
Pleasant, joyful and generous!
Let it be bright, dynamic,
In everything successful and excellent!

Gavryusha: May you have a good New Year
It will bring a lot of happiness!
If there were failures, it was difficult sometimes -
Everything will be different in the new one, it always happens!
Happiness, cheerfulness, success, away from illness and trouble!
Fulfillment of all desires in the coming year!

Final song. If there was no winter.

Irina Luferenko

Holidays in Prostokvashino

Scenario puppet show for preschoolers

Compiled by Luferenko Irina Vyacheslavovna

music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 234"

the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory

Decoration of the puppet theater screen: snowflakes, Christmas trees, "snowdrifts", a house. Ice floe for bears is made of polystyrene foam.

Dolls: the cat Matroskin, the dog Sharik, the Snowman, the boy Uncle Fedor, the Mouse, the cow Murka, the calf Gavryusha, 2 polar bears. All roles are played by adults.

Treats for children- kalachi (drying).

The song “If there was no winter” sounds in the recording. The cat Matroskin comes out to lose, stretches, lies down on the edge of the screen.

Cat Matroskin. Oh oh! Something has become boring here in Prostokvashino. At least someone came to visit. And Sharik is gone, he disappeared somewhere again. He has everything to do. Meow!

Ball(runs in). Hey Matroskin! Why are you lying here, bored? Look what's going on outside: the snow is knee-deep! Beauty, white all around! Clean, white!

Cat. What beauty is there - the frost is cracking, the snow is up to my ears. No drive, no pass, swept all the way.

Ball. Are you afraid of frost, snow? I took a shovel out, cleared all the paths from the snow, immediately warmed up, it even became hot! Wow! Fine!

Cat. Well, here's another, f-fr ... shovels, paths! Only this was still not enough ... I'd rather lie on the stove, dream ...

Ball. Come on, you still have time to lie down! Let's go make a snowman! Get off the stove!

Matroskin and Sharik “roll” white balls of cotton wool, singing the song “We are making a snowman”, a snowman gradually appears.

One is a hand, two is a hand!

We're making a snowman!

Three, four, three, four -

let's draw a wider mouth!

Five - let's find carrots for the nose!

Let's find coals for the eyes!

Six - put on a hat askew!

Let him laugh with us!

Seven and eight, seven and eight

we will ask him to dance! (V. Stepanov)

The snowman is dancing to cheerful music, Matroskin and Sharik are clapping.

Ball. Wonderful snowman!

Cat. Truly, it's alive!

Ball. Look, he's really alive! Sweeping with his broom!

Cat. Great! Snowman, keep order here, sweep the paths. And Sharik and I will do household chores.

Ball. Uncle Fyodor promised to come for the holidays. It is necessary to chop wood, to heat the stove.

Cat. Bring water from the well, knead the dough, cook the rolls. Here's how many things!

The song of the snowman is playing. Everyone is busy with business: the snowman is sweeping, the cat is kneading the dough, Sharik is chopping wood, carrying water.

Cat (cooks). Now I'll roll out the balls, and into the oven, so that they are browned. They will be delicious! The dough turned out great! On sour cream! Thanks to my beloved cow! Do you know, children, what is my cow's name? Yes Murka! She gives a lot of milk!

Ball. Yes, a lot! There is even milk in the sink! It would be better if she gave lemonade or Pepsi-Cola instead of milk!

Cat. F-ffrr! Meow! What are you saying? The most delicious is milk, sour cream! Mmmm, food! Yummy! My Murka is smart! She also loves to sing songs! I'll introduce you to her now!

Ball. And meet Gavryusha!

The song of the cow by Yu. Antonov “On our cheerful in a colored meadow” sounds, a cow and a bull are walking, a cow is stroking a calf.

Cat. Oh, you are my good, my favorite! Come, I'll give you fresh hay.

humming: Oh, how I love my cow,

fresh grass I narva cow.

Eat as much as you like, my cow,

Eat your fill, my Muryonushka! (Leave)

Ball. All! Enough water! Kalachiks are baked in the oven. You can also relax. Have you guys noticed what kind of Christmas tree we have in the yard? We celebrated the New Year with her, danced, sang songs. I especially like the song about the little Christmas tree. Do you know such a song? Hey snowman friend, where are you? Come out and sing along to us!

Children and heroes sing the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree."

Cat. Sharik, our rolls are ready! I put them to cool!

Do you entertain kids?

Ball. Well, yes, here we are singing a song about the Christmas tree, about the New Year!

Cat. You better tell the guys about the hunt! You are our hunter! A well-known!

Ball. Of course, a hunter, I have such a breed, a hunting one. At the sight of the beast, the hunting instinct in me wakes up. Don't feed me honey, as they say, just let me hunt. I'm going to go bear hunting soon!

Cat. For a bear? Something very bold! In general, bears do not walk in the forest in winter. Do you guys know what they do in winter? (Children answer). Of course they sleep in a den!

Ball. Is everyone sleeping?

Cat. Of course, everyone is sleeping, sucking their paw.

Ball. But no! I watched a cartoon in which one little white bear cub did not want to sleep, and his mother, a polar bear, sang a lullaby to him.

Cat. Exactly! I also saw this cartoon. These were polar bears, they live in the north, there are eternal snows, blizzards, frosts.

Ball. Hush, hush ... here they are ... Polar bears ... She-bear and Umka ...

It sounds in the recording "Lullaby of the bear", on the ice of foam plastic "float" a bear with a bear cub. The light is dimmed, the mirror ball is spinning.

Cat. What was it? Dream?

Ball. Probably, we all had a fabulous dream that we were at the North Pole ... and white bears were swimming on an ice floe ...

Cat. Did we all fall asleep at once and see the same dream? It doesn't happen!

Ball. Happens. And that doesn't happen! Really guys?

A knock is heard.

Cat. Who's there?

Uncle Fedor. Guess who I am!

Ball. Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, a man is a steamer!

Uncle Fedor. No you!

Cat. Maybe Santa Claus?

Uncle Fedor. No, you didn't guess again!

Ball. Then the postman Pechkin! Brought a package!

Uncle Fedor(coming out). And not the postman Pechkin! And I came to you from the city. On vacation!

Cat. Hooray! My beloved uncle Fedor has arrived!

Ball. Hooray! We waited! Had arrived! On vacation! (embrace).

Uncle Fedor. Hello my good ones! Well, how are you? Do you live together? Do not quarrel?

Sharik and Matroskin. We don't quarrel! We live together!

Uncle Fedor. Well done! And I brought you presents. Here's a photo gun for you, Sharik! Modern, digital! The latest model!

Ball. Camera gun? The present! Wow! Thank you, Uncle Fedor! Well, I ran to hunt! Don't get bored here! (runs away).

Uncle Fedor. And for you, Matroskin, as you asked, a CD with cat songs! Here are songs about cats, cats, kittens. Here, for example, is the song “If the cat washes”, and here is “Chamomile cat”! And here is the “Amazing Cat”, which injured its paw, cannot step, but they gave it air balloons and she flew! And here is the song "Pussy and Sausage", and here is an interesting song - "Moon Cats"!

Cat. Thank you, Uncle Fedor! I will listen to all the songs now! I love to listen and sing along! Can you turn on the disc?

Uncle Fedor. Yes, easily! What song would you like to listen to?

Cat. I… like to sit on the window and look at the moon, to dream… What if, really, moon cats live on the Moon. And, perhaps, on the Moon, just like me, a cat is sitting ... and dreams of meeting me.

Uncle Fedor. Come on, I'll play you the song "Moon Cats"!

The song "Moon Cats" by G. Struve sounds in the recording.

Hares run to fast music, Sharik runs after them.

Ball. Oh, tired! Ugh! Well, the living creatures went stupid! I ran for half a day to photograph the hares!

Cat. Now you'll be running for half a day!

Ball. For what?

Cat. To submit a photo!

Uncle Fedor. Hush, don't make noise! Sharik, get your photo gun ready! The rabbits are dancing! Look! Photograph them slowly, don't scare them away!

Hares dance to the song of A. Ostrovsky "Hares with an accordion", then they run away.

Cat. Run away! What nimble!

Uncle Fedor. Well, Sharik, did you manage to take a picture?

Ball. Managed! Here are the photos, the bunnies turned out great!

Cat. Run now, catch up, give back the photos!

Ball. No, I'm tired, I'll give it back tomorrow! I'll rest for now.

Cat. Sharik, and Uncle Fedor gave me a CD with songs about cats. Do you want to listen?

Ball. About cats? No I do not want to. Are there songs about dogs?

Uncle Fedor. There are also dogs. Listen!

G. Struve's song "Red Dog" sounds. (Matroskin leaves).

Ball(howl). Woo! Woo! Good song, so soulful! And a little sad: who wants to sit tied? Lonely, sad! Want to howl! It's good that Uncle Fyodor took pity on me. Now I have fun with Matroskin! It's bad without friends, but good with friends! Really guys?

Uncle Fedor. Don't forget this, kids! Don't hurt animals, have pity on them!

Ball. And I saw in kindergarten The guys made bird feeders and hung them on trees.

Uncle Fedor. Here are some good fellows! Birds are cold and hungry in winter. Everything is covered with snow. Where can you get grains? Be sure to make feeders, feed the birds!

Ball. Uncle Fedor, let's make a feeder. We have nails, boards, a hammer!

Uncle Fedor. Let's do it, Sharik.

There is a roar, noise.

Cat(behind the screen). Oh you bastards! Here I'll catch you! Aha! Gotcha! (Comes out with a mouse).

Ball. What happened there?

Cat. Mouse caught! We are here, you know, we enjoy music, we listen to lyrical songs, and the mice gnaw at our rolls!

Little mouse. Pee-pee-pee! I only tasted a little kalachik, one crumb! Very tasty!

Uncle Fedor. Forgive him, Matroskin.

Ball. Forgive me. He tried a little. We have these rolls - heaps! Full plate! Enough for everyone! What are you sorry about?

Cat. It's not that it's a pity, it's just that the cat's instinct works: as soon as I see a mouse, I must immediately catch it! (Let go of the mouse).

Little mouse. Don't hate me.

Better give me a gingerbread!

And I love the bun!

And I'll sing you a song!

The mouse's song "What a wonderful day!" Sounds in the recording. The mouse "plays" the guitar, sings, then runs away.

Uncle Fedor. That's how wonderful everything is with us!

Ball. It's time for the table - tea to drink!

Cat. We treat all the guys with kalachi! Please! (Serves a basket with dryers. The children thank you).

All. Goodbye! Come visit Prostokvashino for a vacation!

To the song "If there was no winter," the heroes of the fairy tale say goodbye and leave.