From February 23 for older men. Congratulations on the day of the police to the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Board games on a military-patriotic theme

In February, the strong half of humanity celebrates the holiday - our dear men.
Of course, you need to find the warmest words and be sure to congratulate all our Defenders of the Fatherland! But do not forget those who for some reason did not serve: real men will always stand up for their loved ones and loved ones. And they will be very pleased if you once again say how much you love and appreciate them.

And, of course, this day is a holiday for all the boys who dream of becoming a reliable support for their family and country.

We have prepared congratulations in verse and prose, and we hope that among the proposed options, you will find the best words for congratulating your men. But the most expensive gift for them will be attention and sincere admiration in your eyes! Take care of your defenders!

In verse

You are the most modern man
Stylish, fashionable, simply awesome.
And you are brave and active,
You are beautiful and very promising.
I congratulate you with love.
I want you to protect me.
Guard, I ask you, you are my peace,
My man is the dearest!

Since February 23,
I hasten to congratulate myself,
Stay strong, stay strong
Be a little loving.
Be an enviable groom
So that the girls love everything
Be a healthy man
Ride by car!

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday,
Since February 23,
I want to have everything in life
Everyone in the world is having fun.
Be a cheeky boy
And in the company of the soul,
So that all things go smoothly,
And big salaries.

Be a man anywhere
Take care of your Motherland
Always protect the people
You will be recognized as a hero!
Celebrate the holiday freely
Let the wine flow like a river
Walk, frolic and rest
May happiness follow you.

February 23 - the main holiday for men,
Who is a Russian citizen
The holiday is noisily celebrated!
Protects our homeland
From envious enemies,
He boldly rides on a tank,
Has a lot of medals!
I wish you many friends
And have fun with them!
And marry a beauty
Have healthy babies!

Twenty third of February -,
red calendar day
Congratulations to all men
Don't worry for no reason!
We promise to love you
We give an honest word
We give birth to you children,
All problems are over!

Since February 23,
All defenders of the Motherland!
Can't live without men
You can be tricky with them.
Be strong guys
Protect your ladies
To a huge salary
Got it for three.

I want to conquer women
Also mountain peaks!
I want to build muscle
Watch your cholesterol.
To make your heart beat faster
Seeing our beauty
So that all desires come true
Even if your goals are not easy.
Such is this man's day -
Twenty third of February,
I wish to be a wall for everyone,
Loved all of you!

Let your loved ones
Serving dishes to order
And make a delicious cake
A ticket is given to the resort.
May February 23
Will be remembered for a very long time
To live this day not in vain,
And with a sense of accomplishment!

What is the best man?
With which - nothing is scary!
With whom - all is well,
And builds a multi-storey house!
Here I wish you
To be the best on earth
Joyfully walking through life
Be always on top!

On the Day of the Defender of the Country,
We need you like air
Like the sun to every creature!
I want to get stronger every day
And surprise with your strength!
Buy a huge bright house,
And so that harmony reigns!

Twenty third of February,
Invented not in vain -
To congratulate loved ones
Yes, wish them good health!
Be happy men
Give flowers for no reason
Let nowhere and never
Trouble won't bother you.

As a reward, I wish you happiness
On the twenty third of February
For your exploits, participation,
Because the earth is spinning.
Let there be a wad of money
And to buy a coat on them,
To be a good businessman
And only drive.

I wish that the whole district,
Silently in love with you!
I want a devoted friend
And so that the wife was faithful!
I congratulate you on the twenty-third,
Happy Men's Day February
Be always responsible for loved ones,
And you will be happy!

For courage and true courage,
I thank you friend
Because you took an oath
I adore you.
Happy Defender's Day!
Now it's not scary to live in the world, -
Because I have,
Best friend in the entire planet.

So that every day is varied,
So that every time is like the first,
So that life is always beautiful
A friend has always been faithful.
Congratulations on February 23,
Bathe like cheese in butter
And every moment to live not in vain,
And be like a strong hero!

In prose

Short SMS

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you good health and success in all your endeavors!

Since February 23! You are a real defender, strong and brave! I wish you to become only more courageous and that all your dreams come true!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! You will always be a support and protection for us, and we will protect and protect you as the greatest treasure!

Dear Defender! Congratulations on February 23! Let only joy and love go with you through life!


On this day I want to wish you
After meeting with friends, never get sick!
So that your car never breaks down
And so that you always succeed in any business!
For the family you will always be a hero
Behind which we are like behind a wall!

I wish you strength and courage
Congratulations on February 23!
Let the girls always surrender!
And more happy changes in life!

Men! On this day, women are ready to fulfill any of your desires! They will throw a feast in a mountain, and the dishes will all flow like a river! You are always heroes for us, and not only on February 23! Happy holiday!

Attention! Combat readiness for men is declared! Everyone line up to accept congratulations! On this day, your fighting friends congratulate you on February 23! We wish you dizzying success and breathtaking love! Congratulations!


Our beloved and dear protector! On this day, we want to wish you to keep your enthusiasm, your energy. You are our role model, the standard of masculinity! We love you and are proud of you! Congratulations on February 23!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! On this holiday, I would like to wish that love and happiness will always be with you, your loved ones will always support you, and all your dreams will come true! Happy holiday!

Since February 23! On this holiday, I wish you to raise glasses for your health as often as possible, so that your laughter sounds louder, and close people surround you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!


My Defender! I want to wish you to ride only in a limousine, have breakfast only with caviar pancakes, and never run out of money in your wallet! But seriously, so that you remain as courageous, strong, your health only got better, and the weather was always good in the house! Since February 23!

I would like to wish you to always remain a kind, honest and respected person. So that you open up as many opportunities as possible and always have the strength for new achievements! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

My dear mighty and glorious hero! On February 23, I hasten to congratulate you and I want to wish you unlimited health, good mood and swim in the ocean of love! May happiness always be with you! Happy Holidays!


Beloved dad! For us, you are the standard of a real man. You always take care of us and protect us. We want to wish you to remain just as wonderful, so that in any of your affairs you will be lucky, and love and trust will always reign in the family. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Daddy! For your family, you will always be a Man with a capital letter. Let the kingdom of comfort and delicious borscht always be waiting for you at home, your affairs are only going uphill, and every day brings only joy! Since February 23!

Dear Dad! Defender of the Fatherland Day is another reason to say that you are our best, kindest and beloved by us! On this day, I would like to wish that the sun always shines in your life, dear people are nearby and all your dreams come true! Happy Holidays!


Congratulations, brother, on February 23! Let your pockets be heavy only from banknotes, a cottage in the Maldives and so that the waves and mountains submit to you! So that next to you is your family, which would take care of you! Happy Holidays!

Brother, my beloved and dear! May happiness and luck always be with you! Always be inspired, inspired by love! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

The best brother in the world! I hasten to congratulate you on February 23! Let there be fewer worries in your life, good health to you and many victories! Happy Holidays!


My precious grandfather!
Be always the same cheerful!
And we all wish you
Good health!
To buy at the pharmacy
Only vitamins!
Affliction not to know
Be always active!
Congratulations on February 23!

Grandfather, our beloved!
I want to wish you
A whole baggage of joy
Always follow your dream!
So that there is a lot of health
So that you are always happy!
Never be sad
And don't forget about your family!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Grandpa, congratulations on February 23! Let there always be a place for miracles in your life, so that the pension does not fit in your pockets, so that there is always youthful enthusiasm in your eyes! Health increased every year, and the house was always full of relatives and friends! Congratulations!


My friend! I want to wish you to remain a reliable and strong man under any circumstances. Let any tasks be on your shoulder, true friends will be nearby, and your beloved surrounds you with warmth and care! Since February 23!

Buddy! May you always have good cognac for real friends, may your wife meet you with delicious borscht, and may your salary be in foreign currency! Health, happiness and success in everything! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Friend! I want to wish you that you always achieve your goals, always be self-confident, that love and mutual understanding always reign in the family. Happy February 23rd!


Dear men! Please accept congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! You always stand guard over justice and maintain order in our office! We wish that everything in your life is always in perfect order! Happy Holidays!

Men! We congratulate you on February 23! We want to wish you to remain as courageous, purposeful and take care of your family and friends! Congratulations!

Dear men! We want to wish that your strength is always enough to accomplish feats, so that the lady of your heart will always admire you, and you will always be heroes! Since February 23!

Dear and beloved defenders! We want to congratulate you on February 23! Never stop there, get better and always be a reason for the pride of your loved ones! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Dear Defenders! Always remain as solid and unshakable as a rock, as strong as good cognac and turn your loved ones' heads like sparkling champagne! Happy holiday!

Our beloved men! You make our life brighter, with you we are not afraid of anything! Therefore, we want to wish your life to be bright, eventful, and you remain as strong and reliable! Since February 23!

Dear Defenders! Let love and success always walk with you, we wish you to always be in great shape and in a good mood! Happy Holidays!

Our respected colleagues! You are not just men, you are our support and support! We want to wish you to remain as kind, reliable, so that all your dreams come true. So that your loved ones always admire you! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Important facts about the holiday on February 23

1. In 1968, an obelisk was erected near Pskov. It is made in the form of a trihedral bayonet directed to the sky. Next to it is a high relief. The figures of soldiers are poured on it. The monument stands where the very first battles of the young army of the country of the Soviets took place.

2. Lieutenant General Alexander Ivanovich Cherepanov, a Soviet military leader, a participant in the battles near Pskov, noted in his memoirs that February 23 is the day of the most intense battles in the winter of the eighteenth year and the date of the unanimous entry of workers and peasants into the ranks of the Red Army being created. It was during this period that the mobilization of funds, forces and resources of the young country began to decisively rebuff its enemies. Therefore, the day of February 23 rightfully began to be called the Birthday of the Red Army.

3. Until the forty-sixth year of the last century, this date was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. Renamed, and until 1993 it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Then the law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia" appeared. The twenty-third of February received a new name - "The Day of the Red Army's victory over the Kaiser troops of Germany - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland." In 2002, the day became non-working. After 2006, the holiday became known as "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Much has changed in the twentieth century. The name of the holiday has also changed. We changed the name of our country several times. Residents were called differently: comrades, Soviet citizens, compatriots, Russians. Each new government made from this date some kind of symbol it needed. However, no matter how they call our Motherland and us, no matter how they rename the holiday, this day will always be a holy moment of honoring all the defenders of the Fatherland.

One of the most courageous holidays is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and the congratulations presented on February 23 will come in handy. On this day, I would like to warmly and creatively congratulate all relatives and friends of men on this significant day.

How to do this in an unforgettable and memorable way, what options and ideas for celebrating and congratulating men on a celebration to choose, is described in this article.

About the holiday

This holiday did not immediately acquire its current name, and the date itself varied several times. Since 19995, it has been called the Day of the Red Army's victory over the Kaiser troops of Germany, which not only did not correspond to the spirit of the holiday, but also to the very fact.

Photo: holiday history

In 2002, the State Duma adopted the Law on renaming the name to "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Since then, it has become customary to congratulate all men on this holiday of courage and valor, first of all, military men who have served or are currently serving in the ranks of the Russian Army, as well as all other men, regardless of age. In addition, congratulations are received on this day by female soldiers.

The holiday of February 23 has become a truly masculine holiday, a day when all dads, brothers, sons, husbands, loved ones and just friends accept congratulations. Solemn events, kind words, gifts and souvenirs of military subjects are dedicated to them.

Options for festive decoration of the premises by February 23 (in the office, cafe or restaurant):

Photo: festive decoration of the room

  1. In the middle of the room is a "soldier's tent" (if the size of the room allows). This is a "strong point" or "duty unit". If it does not allow, a separate table is enough, on which there is a telephone, documents, binoculars, a model or a toy gun, a rifle, a partupee, and so on. The commander-in-chief (leader) sits there, who will then congratulate the men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. A flag or banner of the Russian Army hangs on the wall or stands in a special stand in the corner of the room. Songs of a military-patriotic theme sound in the background (optional: the Lube group, the song Batyanya, Atas!, the song White Boats! (Army), the song Mom, I’m going to the army!, Beats in a cramped stove fire!”, “Smuglyanka” and others).
  2. "Soldier's porridge". On a separate table, put pre-cooked buckwheat porridge with army-style meat. There are also soldiers' bowlers, aluminum spoons, sliced ​​bread. Here are faceted glasses with tea.
  3. "Soldier's bearing". All women in the office must be “armed” and wear military caps or helmets. Walking and movement should be close to the army. It is desirable to mint a step, salute, answer with commands: “That's right!”, “Yes!”, “No way!” and so on.
  4. There is a huge poster on the wall, aka "Greeting Card" called "Serving the Fatherland!" - 1 version dedicated to February 23, decorated in the style of a military theme (photos or drawings from army everyday life: military equipment, weapons, St. George's ribbon, the flag of the Russian Federation, and so on). You can harmoniously stick photographs of your male employees in the soldiers' formation). In the center - congratulations from female colleagues.
  5. Poster "Serving the Fatherland!" - Option 2. Make a collage of photographs of colleagues from the time of their service in the Russian Army, possibly Honorary or Thanksgiving Letters and Letters from the military leadership, and the like.

Beautiful congratulations to men on February 23

It is nice to receive as a “gift” not only something material in the form of a souvenir, or a traditional small quatrain, but also a whole dedication to a certain category of men close to you!

Photo: congratulations on the holiday from women

In prose solemn

Dear defenders of the Fatherland! On this solemn day, on behalf of all women, let me heartily congratulate you on the great and most courageous holiday - the Day of Real Men! At all times, our Fatherland has been adequately defended and continues to stand on the borders of the Motherland by real warriors: strong, courageous, ready to give their lives for our freedom and independence! How many such courageous and heroic examples have already been in the history of our country! Until now, the whole world remembers and respects the Soviet army for the courage and patriotism shown in the cruel, bloody forties! Until now, the modern Russian army is already proving a clear superiority in stamina, inflexibility, professional combat skills, and inimitable heroism! All this is due to the fact that each of you is a real man, both in the ranks and in the rear! Every day, every hour, we, the weak half of humanity, feel your care and understanding, your strength and ability to support, make the right decision, stand up for. Thank you for that! We want to sincerely wish you happiness, our dear men, prosperity, love and mutual understanding. We will always be proud of you, our dear men, love, appreciate and respect! Happy holiday to you, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Our dear men! Today we celebrate your professional holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. You, indeed, are real defenders for us, our support, our support. It has always been like this at all times: both when the country was going through terrible war years, and now, in peacetime. On this solemn day dedicated to your valor and glory, please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday! May all your dreams come true! May they know no boundaries! Victory in everything, personal and family happiness, good luck and most importantly - strength and health to achieve your goals! Always remain the same reliable, faithful, kind and courageous! Love and understanding! Confidence in the future and always a peaceful sky above your head!

Short for SMS

The best of men
My husband, beloved, sir!

On this solemn and joyful holiday,
I so want to wish
May the weather be good in life
Good luck, happiness, how much you can take!

In verse

These dedications can generally be issued in the form of a "Greeting Card". Dedicated to all men of the organization, office:

Our dear men,
Congratulating all of you today
We all women have decided this:
That you are the best in the world for us!

Well, tell me, here's what to do
Without your sure hands
Without the necessary and important advice,
Each of you is our brother and friend.

We are under your protection, care,
All became as one
A little weak at work
A little younger than ever.

It's good to be met
On the doorstep every day
Real men,
Who are not too lazy to be strong!

May today, on this holiday,
And all good things will come true for you!
Be healthy and happy
May your kindness pay off!

We are not afraid to be with you
No problems at all!
You are men, you need it
Caring and helping everyone!

Congratulations on 23
We wish you all the office
Let the doors of heaven open
They will be on the ground, well ... and there!

May the sky always be clear
May there be peace and harmony.
Plenty of spectacle and bread,
May luck not forget you!

Let gratitude be there.
For all your good deeds!
Well, we, again congratulating,
We will always be grateful to you!

Dedicated to a beloved man or husband
My love, when you are near
The clouds are all passing by!
Happy 23
I want to be always dear to you!

You are a valiant and strong defender
On this holiday of all men
Know, darling, for me you are the most stylish,
The best and in general, one!

The kindest, most precious,
And you are my support, the wall.
On this holiday, congratulations
Let them sound like my song

All words, all wishes,
Sincerity, tenderness enticing,
I congratulate men on the holiday!
Signature - "your dear"!

Photo: congratulations to dad on February 23

Dedicated to my beloved dad
On this day when the time comes
Happy holiday to all men,
Congratulate dad, sit quietly by the fireplace
And I can list thousands of reasons.

My dad is my protection!
My wall, my mountain!
Pak you are near - the doors are all open!
Every dream comes true!

Everything I want, everything I want
You will fulfill, my dear wizard.
You will do everything, you will solve everything,
I'm a little girl with you.

And the best reward will be for me,
When I go down the aisle,
With a future spouse in life,
Who will be like my father!

Today on this holiday, the 23rd,
All kind words to you, my best dad!
I'll set the table, blind your favorite dumplings,
I'll try not to cry from happiness!

Health to you, happiness and good luck,
And may your dreams always come true!
You always do the right thing in life!
And at least once do it the way you want only you!

Go fishing with your friends
Forget about three days about work and business!
And you sing songs with a guitar,
And I will do everything myself!

Dedicated to my beloved brother
My brother, on your special holiday,
I, like a sister, will say not melting,
No matter how they quarrel, no matter how they get along,
But you are my best brother!

I remember from childhood all the little pranks,
Used to fight and quarrel with you,
But it was only necessary for someone to do bad things to me,
You are right there for me!

The most kind and understanding
We have grown up already!
And the fates are already different, families, worries,
But I know my brother is with me anyway!

Thank you for being real
Man, protector in my life!
My brother, my knight, my friend and comrade,
May everything turn out for your life!

You are worthy of happiness, love, understanding,
Enthusiastic looks of beautiful girls!
There are few like you, you are not enough,
All grandmothers expect from such grandchildren!

Photo: congratulations to the guy (soldier) on February 23

Dedicated to beloved guy (Soldier)
Everyone says don't cry
Everyone says wait a little
Your soldier will return and there will be joy,
The sad rains are over!

Don't think I'm not sad
I will definitely wait for you!
But on this day, I dreamed of being there,
I dreamed of how I would cuddle up to your chest!

Today you are a soldier, you are on the defensive
And the motherland, and our small family,
Serve, dear, be faithful to the Fatherland,
And believe, please, you are in my feelings too!

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day today
Accept all congratulations from us,
All those who are under reliable protection,
We love you soldiers, we can't wait for you!

Dedicated to a good friend
What would you like to say in honor of this important date?
Be healthy, loved and rich!
Thank you that not only in February,
You save the whole world on the whole earth!
We are behind you, like behind a wall!
Happy holiday to you, my dear!

Photo: congratulations to grandfather on February 23

Dedicated to my beloved grandfather
How lucky I am that grandpa
Me and my family have it too!
He is a real man for us!
Everyone should look up to him!
Despite your age
He never grumbles at them!
And in trouble he will always help,
He can protect the weak!
Congratulations on your 23rd!
Be the same always, always!
And we wish you good health!
And success in everything and love!
When we are sick, you are at the head
Passing all your hours
Born a real man
And not defeated by problems!
You are a model, dear, for everyone!
Congratulations to you and those
Who have already become grandfathers,
And they didn't stop being men!
May all dreams come true!
And thank you for having you!

What and how to give men on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Tip: do not give a man already bored gifts in the form of shaving foam, a set of socks for a year, or perfume - this is trite.

Photo: gifts for men on February 23

You can originally congratulate a man close to you in different ways:

  1. For example, if your husband/brother/father/father-in-law or friend is fond of some kind of Internet game, like "Tanks", you can buy him (again via the Internet) a "fancy" tank, ammunition, or a hero. It will definitely be unexpected for a man to receive from a woman who, most often, does not approve of such “freezes” on the Internet.
  2. All men love to eat. Based on this, you can bake a cake for the holiday, especially close men (dad, husband, brother) will appreciate it. In extreme cases, a cake with any inscriptions, drawings or figures can be ordered, since modern technologies allow professionals to create such sweet masterpieces.
  3. You can arrange a “quest” for a loved one with various wishes in different places of the apartment, and give a gift with the last note.
  4. Gifts can be given depending on the man's hobbies. For example, a man is an avid fisherman or hunter, then a sleeping bag, a tent, a folding chair, warm boots, or a camping set of dishes can be a great gift. Of course, you should not buy hooks, fishing rods, bait or gun cartridges.

Holiday greetings from one organization to another

“Dear colleagues … (name of another organization)!
On behalf of our entire team, please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! The most precious thing for each of us is a peaceful sky above our heads, confidence in the future and hope for a brighter future for future generations, our children!
You, real men, give us all this in everyday life, and defending the Fatherland, showing courage in a peaceful life! Thanks to the real courage, the valor of you and our fathers and grandfathers, Russia, all our people live and develop, set goals and achieve them, have unshakable authority at the world level.
Dear men! May the command never sound: “In the gun!”, May the sky above us always be blue and clear! Let your power be used only for peaceful purposes. Happiness and health, good luck and love, well-being and mutual understanding!
Sincerely, … (name of your organization)”

This text can be sent by e-mail, or by courier, in case you decide to present a present to your companions. Such a gesture will further strengthen your working relationship!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day at home

It's nice if the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day turns even at home not just into a festive feast with beautiful toasts, but into a real performance, a kind of action when unusual surprises and gifts, congratulations and wishes await men!

Photo: army demobilization album

If your native men served, then photographs or a whole soldier's demobilization album have probably been preserved.

You can do it yourself, or you can turn to professional editors and shoot a real slide show or even a whole film about the times when he served in the Russian army.

Board games on a military-patriotic theme

During the festive feast, you can offer to play a game. For example, the leader (chosen collectively) takes out a card and reads the question, offering four possible answers.

Game one "The most serviceable!"

Whoever gives the correct answer the fastest gets a token. At the end of the game, the tokens are counted and the winner is determined. All questions should be on a topic that is understandable and known to the hero of the occasion. We offer you questions and answers. (correct answer highlighted in red)

Question number 1: What is the most important document in the army?

Answer options: a) Constitution; b) Law; c) Code; d) Charter.

Question number 2: Who are called grandfathers in the army?

Answer options: a) Those who are higher in rank, that is, chiefs, commanders; b) Those who were punished for bad behavior and left to continue to serve in the army; c) Those who serve in the army for the last year of their due term; d) Those who could not be caught in civilian life for a long time and were sent to serve only towards retirement.

Question number 3: What does the team of sergeants "Cramrod!" mean?

a) It is checked whether the soldier has piercing-cutting objects; b) Checking how shaved a soldier is; c) A hint that it's time to fry kebabs; d) It is checked whether the soldier has a sense of humor.

Question number 4: What are socks called in the army?

a) footcloths; b) spats; c) wrappings; d) golfs.

The winner is given a home-made medal or the Order "The Most Serviced!"

Game two "Song-combat!"

It is necessary to remember the songs with the mention of weapons or the type of transport used in the army or those who serve them, or just an allegorical expression, a hint.

For example, songs: “Three tankers” (tank), “Katyusha” (weapon), “Only a saber is my friend” and so on. If you wish, you can all sing these and other songs together.

Competition - game three "Congratulatory darts!"

Photo: game "Congratulatory darts!"

Each of the family members writes one positive quality of the man, the hero of the occasion. The note is enclosed in a balloon. All balls are attached to the board. A man throws arrows from darts, pops a balloon and reads a compliment addressed to him.

Task: Guess who wrote it. And he, in turn, must explain why he wrote these particular words, which is especially liked in the character and behavior of the man to whom the compliment was dedicated!

It is very important to note the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, both in the office and at home, in an unusual and memorable way! It is recommended to shoot the celebration on video to replenish your film library and further viewing! You can mount a movie from the event and give it to all men as a keepsake!

Video: Since February 23! Videos postcard

Video: 23 February Poems. Congratulations on February 23 in verse. Poems for February 23

February 23 is a truly masculine holiday,
It's a holiday, daddy, yours,
For many years you served the fatherland,
He valued honor and duty to the Motherland.
Accept congratulations from your daughter,
May your dreams come true
Let weekdays be a holiday for you
Good health to you, dear, prosperity and kindness.

Almost all your life you served the Fatherland,
Your uniform is hung with medals,
Duty and honor - the criterion has always been,
You gave yourself to the military cause in full.
Today is February 23, accept congratulations from your daughter,
Let the mood be great
May you be appreciated, loved, respected,
Let reliable friends surround you.

Dear dad, on the day of February 23,
With all my heart I congratulate you
May this holiday bring you good luck
And a lot of pleasant impressions to boot.
Let your life be like spring water
Let happiness be boundless, and conscience clear,
Let hope, faith and love never leave you,
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

Dear father, today is the holiday of men,
Accept congratulations from your daughter,
For grandchildren, you are an invaluable example,
You are worthy of honor and respect.
Let energy, patience be enough for a long time,
May health never fail
You are the wisest in our family,
May fate generously reward you for goodness.

Please accept my congratulations
With all my heart I want to tell you
You are the best dad on earth
Very lucky in life with you, daddy, me.
Congratulations on February 23,
I wish you happiness, joy, good luck,
May fate be kind to you
As a daughter, I'm proud of you, daddy, always.

My beloved daddy, holiday, congratulations,
Before your wisdom I bow my knees,
You are a friend, protection and support have always been in my life,
And you will, no doubt, in the remaining years you are!
On the twenty-third of February, your daughter congratulates you,
He seriously wishes you to strengthen your health,
Motherland, my dear, is always proud of you,
And now we will drink and have a lot of fun!

I want to congratulate the best dad in the world on the holiday,
This is the congratulation my daughter wants to leave,
I respect your many years of experience in life,
You are the best dad, friend and grandfather, I know for sure.
Justified, I hope, all your expectations,
We survived all the sorrows and partings,
I wish you good health,
Be the same cool you are, live without losing heart!

On the twenty-third of February, my daddy notes
And his daughter congratulates him wholeheartedly,
Support and hope in life you are always to me,
Though the lives of your year are marked with gray hair.
May the smile on your face always sparkle,
Motherland, no doubt, you know, you are proud!
Very, daddy dear, I love you,
Thank you for your patience and strength!

On the twenty-third of February, I want to wish dad
Though with gray hairs, but brightly celebrate the holiday!
Motherland, daddy, you know, because you are proud of,
May there always be a smile on your face!
Congratulations to the daughter of the defender of the family now,
You are the best man in the world, I will tell you at this hour!
You, our dear, we love, adore,
We appreciate your many years of experience!

Daughter wants to tell her beloved daddy,
You are more than worthy to celebrate a holiday,
Gray hair, the experience of that daddy, we respect very much,
We love you dearly, and we just adore you!
Our protector and sentry, support and hope,
Be always as cheerful as you were before.
Let a smile always sparkle on your face,
Let's drink a little and sing with you!

On the twenty-third of February, dad celebrates the holiday
With what his beloved daughter congratulates him,
You are always with your chest for us, you will save from bad weather,
Thanks to you, we only know happiness in life!
Dear daddy, best health to you,
And I wish you smiles on your face again and again!
There is no better dad in this wide world,
After all, you have always been and are responsible for us.

My beloved daddy, happy holiday to you!
Hug, kiss you loving daughter!
I love every wrinkle of yours,
Thank you for your patience and hard work.
On the twenty-third of February, I want to wish
Become a positive example for young people
Let your eyes only glow with happiness
Let any bad weather pass by!

Galina Panichkina
Holiday script for adults on February 23 "We remember our legendary heroes"

Presenter 1 - Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our evening dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Putting things in order on the calendar

Then he suddenly decided to stop

Long time ago was holiday set,

What can I say, the tradition is strong -

Leading together - We congratulate men again,

We wish them peace and good!

Presenter 1 - Congratulations to all men, defenders of the Motherland with holiday on February 23. This is our tribute to all generations of Russian soldiers, from ancient times to the present day, who courageously defended their native land from invaders. In this very "male" day, male representatives, from boys to elderly men, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel deserve the most sincere congratulations, because they have a very important and honorable profession - to defend the Motherland, to defend their Fatherland.

(video clip from k/mA "Officers").

Host2 - In modern Russia, in principle, as in Soviet "23 February» was always regarded by ordinary people as holiday all men without exception. And it doesn’t matter if he served or will serve in it when he grows up. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, service in the Armed Forces for our men is a duty, and the defense of the Fatherland is a duty. Therefore, in february the whole country celebrates their men.

Host 1 – 23 February- this is the day of military glory of Russia, which Russian soldiers earned for themselves on the battlefields, and Russian soldiers had to defend their native land more than once, and the Russian soldier always fulfilled his duty with honor.

Host2 - History holiday is almost 100 years old. This holiday there were several titles: Day of the Red Army, Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In the new Russia, the day of military glory has been preserved, but under a new name - Defender of the Fatherland Day. We invite you to take a virtual journey through the most famous dates of military glory in history, which once again remind that the Russian people are invincible.

Host 1 - People remembers his legendary guardian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

(slide show of Russian heroes).

Host2 - A good memory of the Russian warrior has remained for centuries and to this day, as the most courageous, fearless, honest, devoted to the Fatherland.

Fedor Fedorovich went to the admiral's flag, working hard, persistently mastering marine science and military art. Entirely and daily devoted to maritime affairs, he lived all his life as a bachelor. In his advanced years, staying on his estate, he became almost a hermit. He died at the age of 74 and was buried in the Sanaksar Monastery in the Tambov Region.

(slide show). Holy righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov, an outstanding naval commander. He was canonized among the saints of our Saransk diocese. And the temple in Saransk was consecrated in memory of the holy righteous warrior - naval commander, in honor of the Russian admiral F. Ushakov.


Host 1 - And again in 1830. In 1919, the army of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Tatar-Mongolian horde on the Kulikovo field. For high patriotism and unshakable faith, the image of D. Donskoy became a saint.

(slide show by D. Donskoy).

Host2 - Unforgettable event - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi. It was a bloody battle on the ice. A. Nevsky is also canonized.

(slide show A. Nevsky)

Host 1 - All people remember the feat of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky - the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders.

(slide show)

Presenter 2 - “Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing

Moscow burned by fire

given to the French

These lines are familiar to everyone without exception. M. Yu. Lermontov dedicated them to the great Battle of Borodino under the command of M. Kutuzov. In 1812 Napoleon's army was defeated.

(slide show by Kutuzov)

Presenter 1 - Years passed ... The courage of the Russian people and their willingness to fight for their homeland again saved Russia. On that terrible day June 22, 1941

(video "Get up, the country is huge")

Presenter 2 - Motherland called their sons and daughters to protect their frontiers. The great battle of the Russian people began. This terrible war claimed the lives of 27 ml. Human. 27 ml. dead ... And how many unborn children? And how many widows and orphans? How to measure human grief? Soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of the future in respite between battles.

(video “I can’t hear from birches, weightless”)

Presenter 1 - Peacetime has come, but the scars of that war remain in every city and village. We know at what cost the Victory was won, we will always be remember those who gave their lives for their country.

(video "Let's bow to those great years")

Presenter 2 - The war in Afghanistan continued for ten terrible years. It was officially called "fulfillment of international duty". 2956 natives of the republic did military service in Afghanistan, 68 of them died. Among the fallen are our countrymen Oleg Kornilov, Sergei Davydov, Sergei Markin, Sergei Bichurkin. Eternal memory to them!

(display of the obelisk)

Warriors-internationalists were not poster heroes they all went through fear and pain. At the same time, they did not think whether this war was necessary. They are only soldiers, and it is not for them to decide. When they lay in the line of fire or went into hand-to-hand combat, they thought about something completely different. For them, the main thing was not to retreat, not to substitute, to die, but to fulfill the order. And they did it. For the courage shown in the battles, many of them were awarded military awards.

Let's be grateful remember those who to the end fulfilled his international duty. Indeed, for all those who participated in the Afghan war, for their relatives and friends, it will forever remain a pain in the heart, a bleeding wound. We must never forget this.

Presenter 1 - The war in Afghanistan is over, but again mothers do not sleep, seeing off their sons to serve in the army. More and more hot spots flare up on the map of our country, and among them "Chechnya". With pain in our hearts and with tears in our eyes, we remember Yevgeny Rodionov.

(portrait display)

His feat is high patriotism, boundless courage, devotion to the Christian faith. Zhenya Rodionov canonized as a saint.

(show icon)

Presenter 2 - We want to live only in the world, to raise their children to see the smiles on their faces your loved ones. And always, even in peacetime, we need strong, courageous, brave, noble knights - our men.

Are there any among you?

These are the ones we invite to take part in our competitions!

Form 2 teams of 5-6 people. Jury choose (3 persons)

Selection of competitions at your discretion.

Happy Defender's Day, congratulations,
May your world be filled with goodness
I wish you all the best today
Let your home be cozy!

Let the grandchildren and children be nearby,
Let your health not fail you
Be the happiest of all
Every day, every moment, every hour!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
We heartily congratulate you.
Healthy, long, interesting life,
We wish you the care of your loved ones.

Let all adversity bypass you,
Let him meet with good every day.
And happiness remains for all the years
To live without grief, anxiety and without sadness.

Perhaps your age is not draft,
But you still have a February holiday
Very close and dear in spirit
As long as our earth is spinning.

We wish you not to forget the past.
Fasten against the times.
To be healthy and active.
This is how you have lived so far.

I wish you never get sad
And love your Motherland without measure.
And how worthy to defend it,
Always be an example for the youth.

Beautiful Defender of the Fatherland,
Hastens to congratulate mankind
And wish: always be strong,
To be young is equivalent!

Do not know: no illness, no sorrow,
So that at your leisure - do not get bored ...
Health was so excellent
And, a glint in the eyes, was - certainly!

Although you are retired, but there is strength of mind,
There is knowledge, and experience, and skill,
We cannot count all your advantages,
They deserve, right, admiration!

And on the holiday of February 23
We wish you health, happiness, strength!
The old guard is still full of fire
She never let us down!

Congratulations on the twenty-third of February!
May the holiday bring only joy
Let all your relatives be near,
And happiness will certainly find you!

Let them raise the pension, five times like that,
So that you live luxuriously and beautifully,
I wish you health, do not get sick,
So that there is more positive in life!

Even though your age is retirement,
You are the best defender ever.
May happiness look magically languid
Gives you joy, peace and laughter.

Health, of course, does not fail,
And all your dreams come true.
Don't let success take your eyes off you.
I wish you kindness.

I wish you health
Never lose heart
Find joy in the family
Don't let yourself go.

We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you not to get sick,
Happiness to you and daily
And health and wellness.

Your life path is hard
He brought you a lot of pain.
Let the bad be forgotten
And there will be no more tears.

Your support is your children,
Your grandchildren and friends.
So much joy in the world
Happy twenty-third of February!

May the day of the defender bring
A lot of joy, bright moments!
May good luck await you everywhere
I wish you only the right decisions,
A lot of strength and health of steel,
Close to people close to you,
And everything in life is only good,
Only bright and colorful days!