In India, a girl lived with monkeys. Mowgli girl raised by monkeys found in India

Law enforcement officers from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh found an 8-year-old Mowgli girl in one of the local forests, who had lived in a society of monkeys for a long time. The baby does not know how to speak, walks on all fours and does not understand human speech. Police are trying to figure out how the child ended up in the forest, according to the Times of India.

Police in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh found a child in the forest who does not know how to speak and behave like a person. An 8-year-old girl was raised and raised by a pack of monkeys.

The girl was found by Police Inspector Suresh Yadav while on patrol. According to him, the child felt comfortable among the monkeys, and when he tried to take the girl away, they all squealed at him together. However, with the help of other police officers who came to Yadav to help, the child was separated from the pack of monkeys and taken to the hospital.

The doctors who examined her noted that the Mowgli girl does not understand human speech, does not speak, eats like animals and gets scared when people appear. They also pointed to fairly frequent manifestations of aggression in her behavior. However, after the girl spent some time in the hospital, her condition improved. She was also taught to walk on her feet, but sometimes she still moves on all fours.

Doctors, to whom the girl was taken, believe that macaques raised her almost from birth. They also added that the girl often gets angry. She has learned to walk on her feet, but the process of humanization is slow. Now the girl is in the hospital. The police find out who her parents are and how she ended up in the forest alone.

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The photo project, dedicated to the modern Mowgli - children who grew up among animals - has become one of the most high-profile and stunning projects created by London-based German-born photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten. These Staged Photos Reveal Creepy Problems modern society, in which, unfortunately, there is still a place for such anti-social phenomena as child homelessness.

The photo project is based on real stories children who were once lost, stolen or simply abandoned by their parents to their fate.

1. Lobo, the wolf girl, Mexico, 1845-1852

In 1845, this girl was seen running on all fours with a pack of wolves attacking a herd of goats. A year later, she was seen eating a goat along with the wolves. The girl was caught, but she escaped. In 1852, she was again seen - this time sucking a she-wolf, but she again managed to escape into the forest from people trying to catch her. She was never seen again.

2. Oksana Malaya, Ukraine, 1991

Oksana was found living with dogs. She was 8 years old, and from the age of 6 she lived with animals. The girl's parents were alcoholics and one day they simply forgot her on the street. A three-year-old girl, in search of warmth, made her way into the corral with animals, where she fell asleep among mongrel dogs, which then saved her life. When the girl was found, she behaved more like a dog than a human child. She ran on all fours, sticking out her tongue, grinning and barking. Of all human words, she understood only "yes" and "no." Intensive therapy helped Oksana regain social and verbal skills, but only at the level of a five-year-old child. Now she lives in a clinic in Odessa and takes care of the animals on the farm at the institution.

3. Shamdeo, India, 1972

This four-year-old boy was found playing with wolf cubs in the forests of India. He had dark skin, pointed teeth, long hooked nails, matted hair and calluses on the palms, elbows and knees. He liked to hunt chickens, he could eat earth, had a craving for blood, and wandered around with stray dogs. He managed to wean him from eating raw meat, but he never spoke, just learning to understand sign language a little. In 1978, he was given to Mother Teresa's Hospice for the Poor and the Dying in Lucknow, where he received a new name - Pascal. He died in February 1985.

4. Rights (bird boy), Russia, 2008

Rights, 7-year-old boy found in his 31-year-old mother's two-room apartment. The kid was locked in a room full of birdhouses with dozens of ornamental birds, among food and droppings. The mother treated her son like one of her pets. She never physically hurt him, never beat him, never left him hungry, but she never spoke to him like a person. The boy communicated only with birds. He couldn't speak, but he could chirp. When they did not understand him, he began to wave his arms like a bird with wings.

Prava was transferred to a psychological assistance center, where he is undergoing rehabilitation.

5. Marina Chapman, Columbia, 1959

Marina was abducted in 1954 from a remote village in South America at the age of 5 and abandoned by her captors in the jungle. She lived with a family of small capuchin monkeys for five years before being accidentally discovered by hunters. The girl ate berries, roots and bananas that the monkeys dropped; she slept in the hollows of trees and moved on all fours. One day the girl got food poisoning. The old monkey led her to a pool of water and forced her to drink until she vomited, after which the girl became better. Marina made friends with little monkeys, thanks to which she learned to climb trees and recognize what is safe to eat.

The girl had completely lost the ability to speak by the time she was found by the hunters. Unfortunately, even after that, she had a hard time, as the hunters sold her to a brothel, from where she escaped, after which she wandered the streets for a long time. Then she fell into slavery to a family that traded in dark deeds, and stayed there until a neighbor rescued her, who sent her to live with his daughter and son-in-law in Bogotá. New family adopted a girl, and she began to live with their five own children. When Marina came of age, she was offered the function of housekeeper and nanny for a family of relatives. In 1977, together with her new family, Marina moved to Bradford (UK), where she lives today. She got married and had children.

Together with her youngest daughter, Marina wrote a book about her difficult childhood spent in the wild forest, and about everything that she had to endure afterwards. The book is called The Girl with No Name.

6. Madina, Russia, 2013

Madina lived with dogs from birth until she was 3 years old. She ate with the dogs, played with them and slept with them during the cold season. When she was found by social workers in 2013, she was on all fours, completely naked, and snarling like a dog. Madina's father left the family shortly after her birth. Her 23-year-old mother began to abuse alcohol. She was always too drunk to take care of the child and often disappeared from the house. Also, often the mother drank and feasted with drinking companions, while her young daughter gnawed bones on the floor, along with the dogs.

When her mother was angry with her, the girl ran out into the street, into neighboring yards, but none of the children played with her, because she could not talk and only growled and fought with everyone. Over time, dogs became the girl's best and only friends.

According to doctors, despite all this, the girls are physically and mentally healthy. There are fairly high chances that she will be able to lead ordinary life after he learns to speak and acquires the human skills necessary for his age.

7. Jenny, USA, 1970

When Jenny was a child, her father decided that she was mentally retarded, so he constantly kept her in a children's potty chair in one of the small rooms of the house. The girl spent more than 10 years in this "solitary cell". She even had to sleep in this chair. Jenny was 13 years old when her mother came with her to social services and social workers noticed oddities in the girl's behavior. She was still not accustomed to a regular toilet and had a rather strange gait. She also could not speak or make any articulate sounds. The girl kept spitting and scratching herself.

For quite some time, Jenny has been the subject of research. Specialists taught her, and she even learned a few words, but was not able to assemble them into a single grammatical structure. Over time, the girl learned to read short texts and acquired minimal social behavior skills. She had a chance to live with her mother for a while, and then she lived in different foster families, where, unfortunately, she went through humiliation, harassment and violence.

After everything she had endured, the girl was returned to the children's hospital, where the doctors stated a clear regression in her development - she again returned to her previous silent state. In 1974, funding for Jenny's treatment and research stopped, and for quite a long time nothing was known about her or her whereabouts. Much later, a private detective managed to find her in one of the medical facilities for mentally retarded adults.

8. Leopard Boy, India, 1912

This two-year-old boy was dragged into the jungle by a female leopard. Three years later, a hunter killed her and found three cubs in the lair, one of which was a five-year-old boy. The child was returned to the Indian family in the remote abandoned village from which he had been abducted. When the boy was first caught, he could run on all fours as quickly and dexterously as an ordinary adult can run on his own two feet. The boy's knees were covered with coarse calluses, his fingers were bent almost at a right angle (for more comfortable climbing trees). He bit, growled and fought with anyone who tried to approach him.

Subsequently, the boy managed to accustom to human behavior, and he even began to walk upright. Unfortunately, a short time later, he became almost completely blind due to cataracts. The disease was hereditary in his family and had nothing to do with his "adventures" in the jungle.

9. Sujit Kumar (Chicken Boy), Fiji, 1978

The parents locked the boy in the chicken coop for the dysfunctional behavior he exhibited as a child. Kumar's mother committed suicide and his father was killed. His grandfather took responsibility for the child, but he also continued to keep the boy locked in the chicken coop. He was 8 years old when the neighbors saw him on the road, pecking at something in the dust and clucking. His fingers were twisted like chicken feet.

Social workers took the boy to a local nursing home, but there, due to aggressive behavior, he was tied to a bed and spent more than 20 years in this position. Now he is in his 30s and is cared for by Elizabeth Clayton, who once saved him from home.

10. Kamala and Amala, India, 1920

Kamala, aged 8, and Amala, 12, were found in 1920 in a wolf den. This is one of the most famous cases of "wild children". They were supposedly found by Reverend Joseph Singh, who was hiding in a tree above the cave where the girls were seen. As the wolves left the lair, the priest saw two figures emerging from the cave. The girls looked terrifying, moved on all fours and did not look like people at all.

The man managed to grab the girls while they were sleeping, curled up together. The girls tore off the clothes they put on, they scratched, fought, howled and ate nothing but raw meat. During their stay with the wolves, all their joints were deformed and the limbs looked more like paws. The girls showed no interest in interacting with people. But their sight, hearing and olfactory abilities were simply amazing!

Amala died a year after the girls began to live among people. Kamala learned to speak a few phrases and walk on two legs, but at the age of 17 she also died of kidney failure.

11. Ivan Mishukov, Russia, 1998

The boy was abused by his parents and ran away from home when he was only 4 years old. He was forced to wander the streets and beg. He befriended a pack of stray dogs and roamed the streets with them and shared his food with them. The dogs accepted the boy, began to treat him with respect, and, eventually, he even became something of their leader. For two years, Ivan lived with the dogs until he was discovered and sent to a shelter for homeless children.

The fact that the boy was among the animals for a relatively short time had a positive effect on his ability to recover and socialize. Today Ivan lives a normal life.

12. Marie Angelique Memmie Le Blanc (wild girl from Champagne), France, 1731

Apart from the childhood period, the history of this girl from the 18th century is surprisingly well documented. For 10 years of wandering, she alone walked thousands of kilometers through the forests of France, eating roots, plants, frogs and fish. Armed only with a club, she fought off wild animals, mainly wolves. When she was caught by humans (at the age of 19), the girl was completely dark-skinned, with matted hair and hard, twisted claws. When the girl got down on all fours to drink water from the river, she was constantly on alert and looked around, as if expecting a sudden attack. Mari did not know human speech and could only communicate with a growl or howl.

For many years she never touched cooked food, preferring to eat raw chicken and rabbits. Her fingers remained crooked and she used them to dig up roots or climb trees. In 1737, the Queen of Poland, the mother of the French queen, on her way to France, took Memmi with her on a hunt, where the girl showed herself still able to run like an animal - fast enough to catch and kill wild rabbits.

However, the recovery of the girl from the consequences of her ten-year stay in the wild was remarkable. She had several wealthy patrons and learned to read, write and speak French fluently. She died in Paris in 1775, at the age of 63.

13. John Ssebunya (monkey boy), Uganda, 1991

At the age of 3, the boy ran away from home after seeing his father kill his mother. The kid hid in the jungle and took root in a family of wild monkeys. In 1991, when he was 6 years old, hunters accidentally discovered the boy and sent him to an orphanage. When it was cleaned and washed of dirt there, it turned out that the body of the child was completely covered with coarse hair.

The boy's diet in the jungle consisted mainly of roots, leaves, sweet potatoes, nuts and bananas. He was also infected with dangerous intestinal worms, the length of which reached up to half a meter.

John was relatively easy to train and educate, learned to talk and even showed a talent for singing! Thanks to this, he subsequently even toured the UK with a male choir.

14. Victor (wild boy from Aveyron), France, 1797

Victor was first discovered at the end of the 18th century in the forests of St. Sernin-sur-Rance, in the south of France. He was caught by humans, but somehow managed to escape again. In January 1800, the boy was recaptured. He was about 12 years old, his body was completely scarred, and the child was unable to utter a word. It is believed that he spent about 7 years in the wild.

Testing the boy's ability to endure low temperatures, the French professor of biology sent Victor naked to walk the streets in the snow. Oddly enough, the boy was not depressed at all, and he felt surprisingly calm even in such conditions.

However, when trying to teach a guy to talk and behave as it should in society, all teachers failed. Perhaps the boy was able to hear and talk before he was in the wild, but after returning to civilization, he was never able to do so again. He died in one of the Paris research institutes at the age of 40.

The child was found by police officer Suresh Yadav in a remote reserve in Bahraich in northern India, according to the Times of India.

She has already been dubbed "Mowgli's girl" because of the similarity to the story in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. The only difference is that the girl lived with monkeys and not with wolves, like the main character of the book.

Suresh discovered the child during a routine patrol. The policeman said that the girl felt very comfortable among the monkeys around her. "Mowgli" was very frightened by meeting with other people.

When Yadav tried to take the girl away, she, along with the monkeys, squealed at him. However, with the help of other police officers who came to Yadav to help, the child was separated from the pack of monkeys and taken to the hospital.

“She looked exhausted, scared and very hungry. We gave her food and then took her away from her animals.” – Suresh Yadav

Social services are trying to find out her origin and find the girl's loved ones.

The child, who is believed to be eight years old, has been under the care of doctors for two months. She eats and moves on all fours like animals, is still frightened by the appearance of people and does not yet understand a single language.

Now doctors note that the girl's condition has improved, she even learned to walk a little on her feet, but sometimes she still gets down on all fours.

It is not yet known how much time the child spent in the wild.

"Mowgli" was most likely abandoned by the family, as the girl was dressed in dirty and torn clothes.

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In northern India, they found a girl who lived in a forest with monkeys. The child was discovered by police officer Suresh Yadav during a duty tour of the territory of the Katarniaghat reserve. The girl was emaciated, her clothes were missing. She cannot speak, eats from the floor and walks on all fours. Mowgli was taken to the hospital.

Girl who lived with monkeys found in India

Police in northern India are trying to identify a girl who lived with a pack of monkeys in the forests of Uttar Pradesh. This is reported by BBC Russian Service. According to reports, the girl is between 8 and 10 years old. She was found a few weeks ago in the woods, and she can't talk.

Mowgli girl was found in the Indian reserve, brought up by a flock of monkeys

According to the Times of India, a girl was found living in a pack of monkeys in the Katarniaghat nature reserve, located in the Indian region of Bengal in the north of the country. In the press, the foundling was called the Mowgli girl. It is noted that the Mowgli girl was found about two months ago, but it became known about her only now.

The child was found in the nature reserve "Katarniaghat", located near the city of Bahra in the Indian region of Bengal in the north of the country near the border with Nepal. The girl moves on all fours, does not know how to speak, and voices her needs with screams.

Mowgli girl, raised by monkeys found in India

In the north of India, in the forest, the police found a "mowgli girl" who lived with monkeys. When law enforcement officers took away the child, the monkeys tried to protect the “member of the pack”. The girl herself resisted. But still, in the end, she was taken to the Uttar Pradesh state hospital.

8-year-old Mowgli girl found in India who was raised by monkeys

Law enforcement officers from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh found an 8-year-old Mowgli girl in one of the local forests, who had lived in a society of monkeys for a long time. The baby does not know how to speak, walks on all fours and does not understand human speech. Police are trying to figure out how the child ended up in the forest, according to the Times of India.

Mowgli girl found in Indian jungle

Indian police officer Suresh Yadav found an 8-year-old Mowgli girl during a round in the forest of Uttar Pradesh. According to the Times of India, the girl was in a pack of monkeys. When the man tried to take the child away, the animals squealed at him. It was possible to drive away the primates from Mowgli only after other law enforcement officers came to the rescue.

Baby raised by monkeys found in India

Suresh Yadav, an Indian police officer, during an on-duty tour of the territory of the Katarniaghat nature reserve in the state of Uttar Pradesh in the north of the country, discovered an eight-year-old girl who lived in a pack of wild monkeys, reports. When a child was taken from the jungle, her "relatives" expressed their displeasure with loud cries.

In the Indian reserve Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary in the north of the country near the border with Nepal among a flock monkeys people saw wild girl. This is reported Times of India.

She was caught and taken to the hospital, where the girl is still. The child looks to be about 8 years old. The girl could not walk on two legs and only ran on all fours. She also could not speak, only squealing like a frightened monkey.

So far, no one can say exactly how long the child spent among the animals, but probably for several years. The public and the press call her "Mowgli girl" after a character in Kipling's book.

The girl was taken from the reserve to the hospital two months ago, and all this time people have been trying to establish contact with her and teach her at least simple things. However, according to doctors, the girl is often angry and very aggressive, although doctors say that she probably understands what she is told.

However, people managed to teach her to eat more or less normally, and one of the photos shows that the girl humanly holds a glass of water. When she was brought here two months ago, she was picking up food from the floor with her mouth. She also learned to walk on two legs, although she still mostly moves on all fours.

There were numerous scratches and abrasions on her skin when she was discovered, which have now healed.

The girl was found completely naked in the forest, three monkeys were sitting next to her. According to the police officer, the girl felt calm and comfortable next to the animals, and when the policeman grabbed the child, the monkeys attacked him and rushed after his car, where he put the girl and drove with her out of the forest.