Hipster girls are all about them. Fashion trend: how to dress in hipster style

The color scheme of a hipster girl's wardrobe should not be monochromatic, it's just boring. But to use several colors in the image is correct. The combination of vintage elements with fashion brands is welcome, sometimes it can look ridiculous, but this does not bother the hipster girl at all. Remember that this subculture is dominated by unisex.

every hipster girl should have at least a pair of leggings, colorful tights or skinny jeans. Leggings can be either plain or with a floral, zebra or leopard print. You can safely wear knee-highs, if any.

  • men's shirt, always in a cage.
  • long knitted sweaters, with the image of deer, wolves or owls.
  • cardigans.
  • jackets.
  • The T-shirt has a special place. It can depict a cartoon character, various inscriptions, flags
  • vintage short dresses.
  • skirts with different prints or floor length.

In footwear, first of all, tribute is paid to sneakers of the famous Converse brand. No others are allowed anymore. Also popular:

  • shoes with massive heels or platform.
  • over the knee boots.
  • slip-ons.
  • oxfords.
  • loafers.
  • topsiders.

We figured out how hipster girls dress, now let's move on to accessories.

Hipster girls accessories

The main and almost mandatory attribute of all hipster girls are glasses, if sunglasses, then only plastic and with a thick frame from Ray Ban or Wayfarer. You can also add to your image:

  • bright belts.
  • oversized scarves.
  • plastic jewelry, unusual bracelets, earrings and rings can be in the form of animals, fruits, sweets.
  • knitted caps or hats.
  • if a bag, then only a baggy look, so that it is roomy. The image can be varied - a view of old Moscow, a cartoon character or a London flag.
  • - an integral part is the Moleskin notebook. Why it is needed, no one knows. And few people saw a hipster girl write something in it. Apparently, the notepad function is just decorative.

hipster girls haircuts

If you have chosen the hipster style, you don’t really need to bother with haircuts and hairstyles. A classic haircut with long bangs or just a careless bun at the back of the head will do. The effect of negligence is done on purpose, do not think that the comb is lost.

The hipster subculture originated relatively recently in England. Quite quickly, this trend spread to other countries. Today this direction is fashionable in Russia. Not everyone is familiar with the features of this style, however, even an unenlightened person can easily distinguish a real hipster, since he stands out from the crowd with his brightness and originality. All hipsters use certain principles when choosing items of clothing, and in doing so, each of them retains his own unique personality.

Style Features

To understand how hipster girls dress, you can take a closer look at fashionable students of creative specialties. The first feature of the direction is that only young girls of 16 - 26 years old are fond of it. Most often among them there are children of wealthy parents who can afford to purchase expensive branded items. However, the creative and free nature of the hipster does not allow him to blindly follow fashion trends. These girls know how to harmoniously combine the incongruous. They can wear old thing, found in a grandmother's chest, and at the same time she will organically merge into a common bow.

In addition to the fact that elements of clothing and accessories from different times are combined in the hipster style, there is also an extremely thin line between women's and men's things. In particular, there are many accessories, trousers, jackets and shirts that can be seen on both sexes.

Every hipster is a bright extraordinary personality. Most often this creative people who do not hide their talents. The appearance of a hipster girl is always bright and unique. In particular, original prints almost always adorn a T-shirt or sweatshirt, which are worn with tight trousers or miniskirts.

The image of a hipster girl in most cases is complemented by a classic hat and thick-rimmed glasses. These elements have now become quite popular among the younger generation. At the same time, they can be seen even on girls who are not related to the hipster culture.

Another one distinguishing feature inherent in this style lies in rolled up sleeves and legs. In this case, this phenomenon has more decorative than practical meaning. It gives the whole image a certain touch of negligence.

In general, hipster girls dress very stylishly. They subtly feel harmony and beauty. At the same time, a characteristic feature is their addiction to social networks. In particular, girls of this subculture never miss the opportunity to be photographed in a new outfit and demonstrate it on their page.

To characterize the way hipster girls dress in a nutshell, you can say that they combine convenience with style. Their image always looks original. They know how to add a little celebration to everyday life.

T-shirt with appliqué, denim shorts and baseball cap

uggs and long jacket

oversized jumper and shorts

leggings with voluminous jumper

platform sneakers and tassel t-shirt

leggings and tunic

Hipster girl wardrobe

Pants and leggings

What things are in the wardrobe of almost every hipster girl? First of all, these are tight trousers, often with folded short legs and bright leggings. The latter are often complemented by denim shorts or short plain skirts. Often, girls also wear straight-cut jeans, sometimes the so-called "varenki" are used, originally from the 80s.

Sweaters and T-shirts

How do hipster girls dress in everyday life? Almost always, voluminous T-shirts, sweaters or sweatshirts become an integral part of the outfit. A special element is a bright print or appliqué that expresses the individuality of the girl. In this case, there is complete freedom of choice - you can wear both a trendy new thing and an old stretched T-shirt. Sometimes the whole ensemble looks so harmonious that it is difficult to understand which elements were artificially aged and which ones were actually made more than a dozen years ago.


Men's plaid shirts are an integral part of hipster culture. It is noteworthy that they are mostly worn by girls. A vest or unisex jacket can be worn on top.


In the cold season, hipsters prefer to wear a coat or down jacket. middle length straight cut. In general, such things can be called unremarkable and modest. But as a rule, additional elements and bright colors do not allow the look to fade.


Preference is given bright sneakers or low boots with flat soles. If shoes are used, then they have a wide, stable heel or platform and rounded toes. Color solution in this case, it is chosen depending on the general trend. Both calm and bright shades can be used.


As for accessories, sometimes they set the main mood of the whole image. All kinds of hippie-inspired jewelry in rich colors are welcome, oversized glasses with thick frames and classic hats are a win-win option. In winter and autumn, hipster girls prefer to wear large-knit pom-pom hats and voluminous scarves. As for the bag, it should be comfortable and roomy. A backpack is often used. In general, the choice falls on large bags in the form of a bag.

tractor-soled boots

voluminous T-shirt and big rings

skinny jeans and pointed boots


khaki jacket

even torn tights will look appropriate

If you decide to try on the image of a hipster, then you must first give free rein to your creative imagination. With the help of this direction, young girls show their individuality and show good taste. This style is suitable only for those who are confident in themselves and are not afraid to look bright and extraordinary. After all, hipsters certainly attract everyone's attention.

26.07.2014 / 672

Clothing is an important part of the hipster subculture, so representatives of the fashionable trend now approach the selection of wardrobe very carefully. Hipsters' bows are formed according to certain rules, the main of which are deliberate external negligence that hides the thoughtfulness of all details, eclectic styles, the combination of things unacceptable to ordinary people, a non-trivial selection of prints and accessories. All this allows indie kids to show the world their disdain, inner freedom and disobedience to the canons.

There is a list of things that no hipster can do without (you can read more about the essence of this subculture in. Here is this must have any self-respecting disparaging mod:

Pants or jeans that fit the body like a second skin will take root in the wardrobe of a hipster of any age and gender. Preference is given to skinny jeans, although products can be made not only from denim, but also from other materials. This also includes leggings. top models those that are decorated with intricate designs or made in expressive shades are considered. The female half of hipsters usually prefer trousers with a high waistline. In the everyday life of this youth group, such designations as jeggings and treggings are used, which are understood as tight leggings that look like skinny jeans or trousers, respectively. They are also an attribute of this subculture.

Hipsters love the irony embodied in clothes, and nowhere does it come through as brightly as in humorous inscriptions on T-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweatshirts. Of course, the scope of such gizmos is somewhat limited, for example, they are unlikely to be appropriate in the office, but this does not make them less attractive.
A variety of prints that carry a certain semantic load or reveal the personality of their owner are welcome. The plot of the picture can be photographs of cult personalities, frames of animated and feature films, books or any achievement of individual fantasy. Often the theme is connected with the pop culture of the nineties.

Concerning women's dresses they are full of vintage spirit. Such outfits can be taken out of a grandmother's chest, customized and flaunted in them, shocking the audience with bright floral patterns in combination with trendy accessories or knitted woolen stockings. According to hipsters, sneakers or sports sandals will be the perfect complement to the outfit.

Mandatory accessories, without which it is impossible to imagine hipster bows, are voluminous scarves that can coexist with any basic ensembles, from T-shirts to raincoats. The massive horn-rimmed glasses not only serve to improve vision, they eloquently indicate that at heart every hipster is a bit of a nerd. And this image is preserved in sun protection products. Extraordinarily designed belts help to place the right accents and emphasize the stylistic direction of the image.

The favorite shoes of the youth group members are classic sneakers, moccasins, slip-ons, and boots. Hipsters love to wear vintage pieces.

If everything is clear with the components for creating the perfect hipster bow, then the question arises, where to buy the right things? Detractors claim that indie kids dress exclusively in second-hand stores. If this is not so, then we are not talking about high fashion boutiques. Hipsters' favorite brands are middle-priced youth brands: Bershka, American Apparel, Pull&Bear, Urban Outfitters, Zara, Timberland, Cheap Monday and others. Favorite among creators sports shoes- Convers, and Ray Ban is the leader in a series of eyewear brands.

Cheap Monday

This rapidly growing Swedish brand fits perfectly into the hipster subculture. For them, Cheap Monday can offer excellent skinny jeans that, in addition to High Quality, accessibility and variety of design, they can boast of a shocking symbol - a grinning skull with an inverted cross on its forehead.


The famous Spanish brand offers hipsters not only jeans and stylish trousers, but also bright, extraordinary T-shirts, cardigans, dresses, scarves, sweaters of different styles that will help create unique daily looks. The clothes of this brand are distinguished by bright colors, youth orientation, unique cut and materials. All this makes Bershka one of the most attractive brands for hipsters.

American Apparel

The infamous American brand attracts representatives of this youth movement not only with an interesting model range, an original approach to promoting their products and outrageous catalogs, but also with a desire to protect the environment by all means available to the brand, from safe production to issuing loans to employees for the purchase of bicycles. The activity of the company is aimed at the emancipation of society.


The philosophy of the Spanish brand, whose name translates as “pull and wear”, is consonant with the main idea of ​​hipsters that freedom of choice is expressed in thoughtful carelessness. In the products of this brand, like nowhere else, an urban spirit close to the youth trend can be traced. Interest for trendy hipsters represents not only the main products of the company, but also its original accessories, especially eyeglasses and bags of suitable style.

Urban Outfitters

Every day, hipsters create unique individual looks that they rush to demonstrate online to the whole world. For their new looks, they often choose the products of one of the most successful brands in America - Outfitters, because they value freedom of expression, comfort and originality. The range of the brand includes scarves, cardigans, plaid shirts, t-shirts, jeans and many other things that attract the eye with deliciously bright colors, interesting combinations and a sense of celebration, which are essential for every hipster.

The lineup of the Spanish youth brand contains many high-quality and inexpensive items that will be the pride of any hipster's wardrobe. This brand is known for reflecting the trends of high fashion, is always in trend, and this makes it related to the youth subculture, whose name comes from the expression "to be in the subject." Things from Zara can become that very modern component that perfectly emphasizes the vintage spirit of the rest of the components of the image.


To add a bit of brutality and masculinity to the image of a nerd, the products of the world-famous American brand will help. Checked shirts, t-shirts, sweaters and outerwear await on the shelves of his stores to keep the urban dandy warm in any weather. And the legendary shoes of this brand will provide the necessary solidity and comfort.

This brand is known throughout the world for focusing not so much on fashion trends how much it takes into account the needs of its buyer and modern realities. Hipsters appreciate this attitude and often become visitors to the company's extensive network of stores. Brand designers do not let them regret it, they create things that later become the pride of their owner, because they fit him perfectly and reflect his tastes.


Hipsters are known to have a soft spot for all things English, and clothes are no exception. The brand from the country that laid the foundation for this subculture is especially loved by its representatives. And this sympathy is supported by the fact that TopShop fully meets the expectations of its young customers. Bright clothes, stylish accessories, original design from this brand becomes a real gift of fate for every hipster.

Ray Ban

Without sunglasses or corrective glasses, the hipster look will not be complete. And Ray Ban models are recognized as the best. Stylish, impressive, spectacular glasses with a massive dark frame of this brand will completely transform the face and make the whole bow play in a new way. Products for protection from the sun with iridescent opaque glasses will look stylish in any set.


The brand, which for many years was chosen by representatives of the most advanced subcultures, could not be left unattended by hipsters. They took over the baton of love for sports shoes of this brand from their predecessors and remain unfailingly faithful to it. Legendary sneakers of various colors always fit into the trendy looks of urban youth with brilliance.

Hipster style - an opportunity to demonstrate your own individuality through the created fashion bow. And for this, it is absolutely not required to spend time analyzing catwalk trends and trends of the current season. A feature of the hipster style is the ability to combine mass-market items with vintage options, skillfully use a variety of accessories and not be lazy to show imagination in decor and combinatorics.

When did hipsters appear?

If you try to figure out what style of clothing hipsters prefer, you will have to plunge a little into the past. It was the first wave of the fashion trend that laid the foundation for the style that we are seeing today.

For the first time, they started talking about hipsters in the middle of the last century, when a fashionable bohemian layer emerged, living under the motto "to be hip", which means "to be in the subject." Developing as a cultural and philosophical trend, this subculture gradually began to express its worldview through clothes - bright, unusual, stylish and comfortable.

The second wave of fashion trends began at the beginning of this century. It also covered all creative youth - from 15 to about 30 years old, whose priority is the development of personal and spiritual, rather than material wealth. Today, speaking about a fashionable subculture, it is not enough to figure out how hipsters dress, it is worth paying attention to their preferences, hobbies, specifics of communication, hairstyles and even food. After all, a hipster is not a podium creation of fashion designers, but a real lifestyle and worldview!

Hipster style: layered look

Hipsters are distinguished by a rather bright original style - a little ridiculous, but always recognizable. Expressed through the unisex direction, it is distinguished by the versatility of the selection of products for both sexes, and the hipster style for girls often looks more organic and attractive.

In the wardrobe, a combination of vintage elements, flashy colors, prints, applications, accessories and accents in the image is allowed. But there are things without which you will never become a real hipster! These include:

  1. Men's checkered shirt. Classic hipster bow element. Today you can see the hipster style in the photo without it, but in perfect image"cell" must be present.
  2. Skinny jeans or leggings. A super-skinny version that perfectly harmonizes with voluminous top models. An alternative could be colored tight tights or products with animal prints.
  3. Loose jumpers with funny designs. Deer, owls, wolves in a clear or sketchy image add a little childish spontaneity and charm to the image.

  1. Short vintage dresses. A spectacular, but infrequent option, as hipster girls dress mainly in trouser solutions.
  2. T-shirt. A hit with any hipster outfit. By no means monotonous! Prints, funny perky inscriptions, cartoon characters, flags are welcome. Often, a pattern is applied to T-shirts on their own with special paints or an order is made in the atelier. The task of a hipster is to be different from others.
  3. Jacket and cardigans. To create a complex multi-layered image, these products are most suitable.
  4. Skirts. Free models to the floor, with applied decor, embroideries, appliqués.

Hipster style for girls - photos show this moment very clearly - it's always a lot of "highlights" and "chips". The hand-made decor confirms the main hipster idea - the personality and its opinion always come first, everything else only reflects the deep world of a person.

Hipster is not only clothes

Assessing how hipsters dress in photos, you pay attention to the constant presence of bulky bags and backpacks, spectacular jewelry and hats, comfortable, stable shoes and gadgets. The latter are simply a must for a true hipster.

And these are not just some phones, smartphones or tablets - the priority is the products of a particular manufacturer! The cult preference among hipsters is APPLE. Young people need gadgets to go online and communicate there. It seems to be a banality, but for hipsters it is very, very important.

On the World Wide Web, young people choose social platforms for communication - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. There is a demonstration and discussion of invented bows, uploading photographs, discussions about creativity, cinema, paintings, books.

Hipster clothing style for girls is found on Instagram as often as photos of nature, people, surroundings. Self-expression through unusual and not always clear shots is another feature of the youth subculture.

Hipsters in the crowd - accessories and hairstyles

So, an outfit from a grandmother's sweater and comfortable leggings is selected, an iPhone is purchased, a large backpack is also ... Hipster style ready? Not yet! To complete the image, you will need to work a little more.

  1. Hairstyle. A hipster dress does not go well with simple haircuts. Hairstyles require the indispensable presence of bangs, while the rest of the hair is cut in a comfortable manner or collected in a ponytail. Hair can be dyed in an extraordinary bright color or use a contrasting color.
  2. Glasses. Large, in a plastic thick frame, sun-protection, mirrored, less often classic. Options are selected from two brands - Wayfarer or Ray-Ban.
  3. Hats. Bandanas, headbands, hats, caps - the more interesting the solution, the better it fits into the image.
  4. Accessories and decorations. All options for inexpensive and voluminous jewelry! Plastic bracelets, ear cuffs, voluminous chains - the number of products is unlimited. Separately, it is worth mentioning socks as an element of hipster style. They can be bright, colorful, striped and funny.

2 If you look at Hipsters and admire the way they look, then you can try to become one of them. Try to join the ranks of these trendy people from Instagram and join the subculture that fights against the mainstream culture.

Hipster is a person who listens to bands you've probably never listened to like "Still Corners" or "Bear Mountain", have flashy looks and trendy clothes. The main feature of a hipster man is beard. As a rule, people who consider themselves hipsters are engaged in photography, music, design

Become a hipster step 1

You cannot turn into a hipster overnight, for this a certain time must pass. Buying hipster clothes will immediately cost you a pretty penny, and you will look like a show-off and a poseur. Gradually make changes to your wardrobe, be patient, and you will understand how become a real beatnik.

Looking like a real beatnik is hard enough, because your main goal is to stand out from the crowd.

However, any beatnik will always be different from the rest. It's funny how you end up being just like the rest of the hipsters who go out of their way to be different.

Become a hipster step 2

Wear clothes in neutral tones. Black should be your favorite color. It goes with everything, with it you look more slender. So that you do not look like goth, paired with black, you need to add bright colors or a mixture of olive, dark blue and khaki.

Dress up every time various colors so that they don't fit together. You need to make a smorgasbord of shades instead of the same thing over and over again.

You should mix not only models, but also styles. Two various types The stripes on your jacket and pants can work together in a simple t-shirt.

Become a hipster step 3

Pair clothes with unique accessories. Your main goal is to look different and stand out among all the people who wear mass-produced clothes. You will need several items in your wardrobe:

A jacket made of old leather or denim;

V-neck t-shirt in plain colors for overlay;

Baggy sweaters, sweatshirts, or flannel shirts

An old hat or cap;

Skinny jeans;

Any kind of leather boots, vintage sneakers or moccasins;

Become a hipster step 4

Design your pants to match the style of your boots. Your trousers are very important asset in the hipster's wardrobe. Your trousers should be tight fitting like a juggler or baggy like a 70s hippie (flared). In fact, the best option for every day is skinny jeans.

Become a hipster step 5

Buy branded glasses. For a real beatnik, only a black, square frame is suitable for both guys and girls. For a change, you can purchase bright, colored glasses, this will allow you to stand out even more. If you do not wear glasses with diopters, or prefer contact lenses, then you can buy sunglasses that will have the same square shape and look very mysterious and unusual.

Become a hipster step 6

Accessories for hat, bag and scarf. It's not just girls who wear accessories, hipster guys also defy the norm. Excellent will complement the outfit messenger bag for cycling in which you will keep all your essentials. Scarves can be worn around the neck with a deep V-shaped neckline or as an armband.

Pay attention to other hipsters to see how they wear scarves with leather and metal inserts to make this accessory more durable and reliable.

Common elements for a hipster hat include: beanies, classical felt hats , and for the most daring bowlers.

Become a hipster step 7

Be sure to grow your hair and beard. Facial hair is one of the staples of beatnik fashion. This will make you look more brutal. In addition, you can grow your hair to your shoulders, and then drag it through a bondana, a hat, or just tie in a ponytail. The more hair you have, the more you look like a beatnik.

Try to groom your beard in barbershops to make it look well-groomed and attractive. Not less important trim the ends occasionally. The choice is yours, although, right now, it looks very fashionable.

Don't worry if your hair doesn't want to grow out of your face, it's just an addition to your hipster look and not a requirement.

Become a hipster step 8

To look like real hipster, you should not replenish your wardrobe in popular shopping centers. In order to stand out from the crowd, you will need unique clothing that can be found in small boutiques or Second hand to purchase a pair of worn boots or previously owned leather jackets.

Your main rule in relation to clothing should be: the older the better.

Saving on these items of clothing will help save a significant portion of the amount from your budget, since worn clothes much cheaper than in branded stores.

Act like a hipster!

Become a hipster step 9

Decide what you like and what you can't stand. Like a beatnik you should be picky because you don't have the time or the money to do everything you need to know and focus on. Find out what kind of music you like, or which cafe in your city has the most delicious food, or why that director is better than another.

Is always there is a reason why you like or dislike something. You will need to explain to people why one musician is superior to another.

Be careful in expressing your opinion, because many will not like your addictions.

Become a hipster step 10

Link to old movies video games and books that no one has heard. Quote lyrics from little-known bands and from indie films. It's great that you can impress people knowing they've never heard of it.

Watch classic 80s movies or play vintage game consoles like nintendo 64 to impress people with your knowledge of the old culture.

Generally old nostalgic things are a big part of beatnik culture. All the TV shows from your parents' youth are a must-see.

Stilyagam like to "revive" things from the past.

Become a hipster step 11

Become a hipster step 12

To be ironic, this is the most difficult part of the beatnik image to master. To be ironic is to become intentional controversial than people expect from you. For example, wearing a T-shirt with the name of a classic rock band on it will be ironic if you can't stand classic rock and instead you love techno music.

Sarcasm is another form of irony, so you can use that too.

If you need to react to some event, do it in a different order than people expect. For example, if your favorite band is playing in your city, keep a low profile and don't act like it doesn't matter to you. This is what people don't expect you to see.

Become a hipster step 13

Pretend that you don't care on the state of your things. Of course you love and care for them, but as a beatnik, you shouldn't show it. You need to react to things perfectly indifferently like they don't interest you at all.

Become a hipster step 14

Buy food on the market, from different grandmothers who trade from their garden, instead of buying from the supermarket. As a hipster you must be tempted support small businesses, and various start-up companies, and not huge power-hungry corporations that rule the whole world.

Become a hipster step 15

go to local musical hangouts, regular or underground, this is a great way to find new bands to listen to, because very few people know such bands. In general, any indie music is one of the main genres in any hipster's music library.

Usually, flyers are posted on poles and other prominent places, which say where certain groups will perform.

In addition to indie music, you should like any vintage or really old music.

You must show others that your musical tastes are quite extensive and that you are constantly looking for something new. You should know that classical and indie music has several sub-genres, so you will no doubt find some new favorites.

Become a hipster step 16